Internet DRAFT - draft-pinkas-gnap-core-protocol


                                                              D. Pinkas
Internet-Draft                                   DP Security Consulting
Intended status: Standards Track                                       
Expires: 20 February 2022                                19 August 2021

              Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol


   This protocol enables an Authorization Server (AS) to issue access 
   tokens to permit an end-user using a client software to perform 
   operations on a protected resource hosted by a Resource Server (RS).
   These access tokens allow to support capabilities and/or user 

   The protocol includes means of specifying how the end-user can 
   potentially be involved in an interactive fashion during the 
   process.  The client and/or the RS will use these interaction 
   mechanisms to involve the end-user, as necessary, to take decisions.

   The protocol uses HTTPS for all communications between the client 
   and the AS, as well as between the client and the RS.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as 
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 20 February 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol August 2021

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your 
   rights and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code 
   Components extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD 
   License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal 
   Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the 
   Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     1.1.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
     1.2.  Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     1.3.  Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
     1.4.  Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
     1.5.  Trust relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
     1.6.  Prior arrangements before the protocols can be used . . . .8
     1.7.  Short term and long term user accounts . . . . . . . . . . 8
     1.8.  Structure of an access token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
       1.8.1.  Signed part of an access token . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
       1.8.2.  Unsigned part of an access token . . . . . . . . . .  10
     1.9.  Mandatory checks to be done by a RS on an access token . .11
   2.  An overview of the protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
     2.1.  RS and AS Discovery APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
       2.1.1.  RS Discovery API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
       2.1.2.  AS Discovery API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
     2.2.  Queries from an end-user to an AS . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     2.3.  Creation a long-term user account on a RS . . . . . . . . 15
       2.3.1.  The RS already "knows" the end-user . . . . . . . . . 15
       2.3.2.  The RS does not already "know" the user . . . . . . . 18
     2.4.  Creation a short-term user account on a RS . . . . . . . .19
     2.5.  Operation on a resource hosted by a RS . . . . . . . . . .20
       2.5.1.  Operation on a resource without an access token . . . 20
       2.5.2.  Operation on a resource using an access token . . . . 22  Dialogue between the end-user and his client . . .22  Dialogue between the end-user and the RS . . . .  23  The access token request . . . . . . . . . . . . .24  The access token response . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     2.6.  Flow of operations for one access . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
   3.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   5.  Privacy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
     5.1.  Privacy Considerations for both ABAC and CABC . . . . . . 29
       5.1.1.  Privacy Considerations for ABAC . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       5.1.2.  Privacy Considerations for CBAC . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     5.2.  Privacy Considerations between RSs . . . . . . . . . . . .31
     5.3.  Privacy Considerations between the end-user and the AS . .31
     5.3.1.  Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
     5.3.2.  Hiding to the AS the URL of the RS and its use . . . . .31
   6.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
     6.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
     6.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

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1.  Introduction

   This protocol allows end-users to interact with a piece of software,
   the client instance, to request access tokens to Authorization  
   Servers (ASs) to perform operations either on protected resources  
   hosted by a Resource Server (RS) or on the RS itself to create a 
   user account.

   The protocol also allows end-users to collect from an AS information
   about themselves.  

   When an end-user is willing to perform an operation on a protected
   resource hosted by a RS or on the RS itself to create a user 
   account, the end-user operating the client interacts with the RS to 
   assert his consent, authenticates to the AS and then requests an  
   access token from the AS.

   The protocol allows to support Attribute Based Access Control
   (ABAC), as well as Capability Based Access Control (CBAC), where a  
   capability is an authorization to perform an operation on a  

   This specification also discusses discovery mechanisms for the 
   client instance to discover the access token formats supported by a 
   RS or an AS and whether attributes (for ABAC) and/or capabilities 
   (for CBAC) are needed in order to perform a given operation on a 
   resource or a registration on a RS.

   The focus of this protocol is to provide interoperability between 
   the different parties acting in each role, but is not to specify
   implementation details of each.  However the structure of access 
   tokens is detailed, but the syntax of the access tokens is left 
   open.  The security of the protocol relies on the presence and on 
   the verification by the RS of some of the fields that must be  
   present in an access token.

   The protocol takes into consideration the ease of use for the 
   end-user: an end-user can use any number of clients without the  
   burden to manage them (as long as he can trust the client instance).
   The protocol also take into consideration some privacy laws and 
   recent regulations (e.g. the EU General Data Protection Regulation)
   [GDPR] in order to allow the RSs to comply with the legislation.

   Direct communications between an AS and a RS are not necessary for 
   the execution of this protocol.  The means for an AS and a RS to 
   interoperate directly are not discussed in this document.  

1.1.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

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1.2.  Vocabulary

   attribute : characteristics related to an end-user

   right : ability given to an end-user to perform a given operation on 
           a protected resource under the control of a RS

           Note: a "right" is denoted as a "capability" in the security 

   access token : data artifact representing a set of rights and/or

   grant  (verb) : to permit an instance of client software to receive
           some attributes at a specific time and valid for a specific
           duration and/or to exercise some set of delegated rights to
           access a protected resource 

   grant  (noun) : the act of granting

   privilege : right or attribute associated with an end-user

   protected resource : API (Application Programming Interface) served
           by an RS and that can be accessed by a client, if and only
           if a valid access token is provided.

1.3.  Abbreviations

   ABAC  Attribute Based Access Control

   CBAC  Capability Based Access Control

1.4.  Roles

   The parties in GNAP perform actions under different roles.  
   Roles are defined by the actions taken and the expectations  
   leveraged on the role by the overall protocol.

   Resource Server (RS) : server that provides operations on resources, 
   where operations on resources protected by GNAP require a valid 
   access token issued by an Authorization Server (AS)

   Authorization Server (AS) : server that grants delegated privileges 
      to a particular instance of client software in the form of access

   Client : application operated by an end-user that consumes resources
      from one or several RSs, possibly requiring access tokens from
      one or several ASs

   End-user : natural person that operates a client instance

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      Example: a client can be a mobile application, a web application,

   Resource Owner (RO)  entity that may grant or deny operations
      on resources it has authority upon

      Note: the act of granting or denying an operation may be manual
      (i.e. through an interaction with a physical person) or automatic
      (i.e. through predefined rules). 

   The following Figure 1 illustrates the relationships between the 
   different roles

                                     |               |
                                     | Authorization |
                         +---------->|    Server     |
                         |           |               |
                         |           +---------------+
                         |                   ~
                         |                   ~ When CBAC is supported
                         |                   ~
                    +----------+     +---------------+
   +----------+     |          |     |               |
   | End-user |+ + +|  Client  |     |   Resource    |
   +----------+     | Instance |     |     Owner     |
                    |          |     |               |
                    +----------+     +---------------+
                         |                   ~
                         |                   ~ When ABAC is supported
                         |                   ~
                         |           +---------------+
                         |           |               |
                         +---------> |   Resource    |
                                     |    Server     |
                                     |               |


   + + + indicates an interaction between a human and computer
   ----- indicates an interaction between two pieces of software
   ~ ~ ~ indicates a possible interaction between two roles

          Figure 1: Relationships between the different roles

   When a resource hosted by the RS is access control protected using
   attributes (ABAC), then the RO interfaces with the RS.

   When a resource hosted by the RS is access control protected using 
   capabilities (CBAC), then the RO interfaces with the AS.

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   A RS may host protected resources where some of them are access
   control protected using attributes and while some others are access 
   control protected using capabilities.  A same resource can even be 
   protected using attributes and capabilities.

1.5. Trust relationships

   All the exchanges between a Client and a RS SHALL be protected using
   HTTPS, i.e. HTTP [RFC7231] over TLS [RFC8446].  The verification of 
   the identity of the RS shall be done according to RFC 6125 

   All the exchanges between a Client and an AS SHALL be protected 
   using HTTPS, i.e. HTTP [RFC7231] over TLS [RFC8446].  This includes 
   the authentication exchange between an end-user and an AS.  The 
   verification of the identity of the AS shall be done according to 
   RFC 6125 [RFC6125].

   In order to trust an AS public key certificate or a RS public key 
   certificate, a client SHALL install and use a trust anchor that 
   allows to verify each AS or RS public key certificate.  The overall 
   certification scheme SHALL allow each client to test the revocation 
   status of each AS or RS public key certificate using CRLs [RFC5280] 
   or OCSP [RFC6960].

   In order to trust an AS public key certificate, a RS SHALL install 
   and use a trust anchor that allows to verify each AS public key 
   certificate.  The overall certification scheme SHALL allow each RS 
   to test the revocation status of each AS public key certificate.

   In order to allow for the revocation of the public key certificate 
   of an AS or a RS, the public key that allows to verify that public 
   certificate SHALL itself be certified using a public key certificate 
   issued by an upper CA.

   The end-user is trusting his client to manage the interactions with 
   the AS and with the RS, whether these interactions are performed 
   using APIs or using a User Interface (UI).

   The end-user is trusting the AS to manage his attributes and, upon 
   request, to disclose them to his client.

   In order to allow the checking of the integrity and the authenticity 
   of the content of an access token, each AS SHALL sign its access 
   tokens using a private key certified by a CA (Certification 

   For the delivery of either rights or attributes in an access token, 
   a RS may trust one or more ASs.

   The remaining trust conditions are different whether rights or 
   attributes are supported by the RS to allow performing operations on
   a given resource under the control of an RS.

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   An access control scheme where rights are supported by the RS to 
   perform operations on a resource is usually known in the security 
   literature as a system using capabilities.  When rights are 
   supported by a RS to allow performing operations on a resource under
   the control access token. 

   In such a case, an of the RS, the RS may trust one or more ASs for 
   the delivery of rights in arrangement needs to be established 
   between each AS/RS pair: the RS MUST designate to the AS a RO that 
   will be responsible to deliver rights which will be placed into 
   access tokens.

   For each resource protected using capabilities and for each 
   authenticated user, the responsible RO is able to indicate to the AS
   which operations may be permitted on the resource by an 
   authenticated end-user. 

   A RS may decide to accept from a given RO only a reduced set of 
   operations on some resources.

   By default and in order to allow interoperability tests, all the 
   resources placed under the control of one RS SHOULD be managed by a
   single RO.  Using private arrangements between the RS and the AS, 
   finer or coarser granularities may override the default behavior. 


   An access control scheme where attributes are supported by the RS to
   perform operations on a resource is usually known in the security 
   literature under the acronym of ABAC (Attribute Based Access 
   Control).  When attributes are supported by a RS to allow performing
   operations on a resource under the control of a RS, the RS may trust
   one or more ASs for the delivery of attribute types and/or attribute
   values in access tokens. 

   For each resource protected using attributes, the responsible RO is 
   able to indicate to the RS which operations may be permitted on the 
   resource, when a proper set of attribute types and attribute values 
   are present in an access token.

   In such a case, the RS may globally indicate which attribute types 
   and/or attribute values in access token will be accepted from a 
   given AS.

   Note: It should be observed that when attributes are being used the
   AS does not need to perform any kind of pre-arrangement with the 

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1.6.  Prior arrangements before the protocols can be used

   The following arrangements are supported using out-of-bands means 
   that are outside the scope of the protocol.

   Every end-user MUST have an account opened with at least one AS. 
   When the account is settled between the end-user and the AS, a user
   identifier and an authentication method SHALL be agreed.  The end-
   user MUST receive information that allows him to perform a first 
   authentication exchange with success.

   When capabilities are supported by a RS, that RS SHALL designate a 
   RO that will interface with at least one AS. 

1.7.  Short term and long term user accounts

   Two types of accesses may be proposed by a RS to allow an end-user 
   to use:
     - short-term user accounts, or
     - long-term user accounts.

   In the first case, the user may be willing to remain anonymous 
   towards the RS by either using a capability or disclosing a set of 
   attributes that will be insufficient to identify him unambiguously.
   Once the session will be closed, the RS will not maintain 
   information about the session, except in his audit trail.

   In the second case, the user may be willing to retrieve some data, 
   to deposit some data or to modify some data that will be saved by 
   the RS.  A typical example, is an access to a bank account.

1.8.  Structure of an access token

   This section describes the structure of an access token by 
   enumerating both required and optional fields.

   For each field, it prescribes both its semantics and the processing
   that SHALL be done on it, but it does not prescribe its syntax.  In 
   the future, additional documents may define detailed access token 
   formats including their encoding.

   An access token is composed of two parts: a signed part and an 
   unsigned part which is optional.

   Before accepting an access token, a RS SHALL check the mandatory 
   fields of the access token.

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1.8.1.  Signed part of an access token

   This part contains: 

      - a required field (called "valid") that indicates the validity 
        period of the access token using the UTC time.  The start of 
        the validity period is the time at which the access token was 

      - a required field (called "as_pkc") that allows to identify the 
        issuer of the access token, i.e. the AS.  Either the PKC 
        (Public Key Certificate) [RFC5280] of the AS SHALL be included 
        or, if the corresponding certificate is placed in the unsigned 
        part of the access token, a hash value of that certificate 
        SHALL be included.

      - an optional field (called "hash_algo") that indicates the 
        identifier of the hash algorithm used to compute the digital 
        signature of the access token.

      - one of the two following optional fields, i.e. "rs_url" or 
        "hidden_url", SHALL be present:

          - an optional field (called "rs_url") that allows a RS to 
            make sure that the access token is indeed intended for 
            itself.  That field SHALL contain at least one URL of a RS.

          - an optional field (called "hidden_url") that allows a RS 
            to make sure that the access token is intended for itself. 
            That field SHALL contain at least one value that MUST be 
            combined with a field ("reveal_url") from the unsigned part
            of the access token to recover the real value of the target 
            URL of a RS.

      - a required field (called "buid") which is a "binding user 
        identifier" that allows a RS to verify that the access token is 
        associated with the right (short-term or long-term) user 
        account.  This field allows to detect the inappropriate use of 
        an access token by a malicious user, including in the case of 
        a collusion between users.  This field is composed of a type 
        chosen by the client and of a value chosen by the AS.  Five 
        different types may be requested by the client :

   The first four types are used in the context of long-term user 
   accounts managed by the RS, while the last type is used in the 
   context of short-term user accounts managed by the RS.

   The four types used in the context of long-term user accounts 
   managed by a RS are:

         (1) a unique user identifier used to identify a user for each 
             User/ RS pair, or 

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             Note: this option cannot be implemented in the context of 
             a "software-only" solution.  It requires the use, by the 
             end-user, of a secure element with specific security 
             properties.  [This option is not detailed any further at 
             the moment].

         (2) a unique user identifier used to identify a user for each 
             AS / RS pair, or 

         (3) a locally unique user identifier used to identify a user 
             whatever RS is being involved, or

         (4) a globally unique user identifier.

   The last type used in the context of short-term user accounts 
   managed by a RS is:

         (5) a short-term user unique identifier.

   Note: The four first types are used when a long-term user account is
         being used on a RS.  The last and fifth type is used when a 
         short-term user account is being used on a RS.

      - at least one of the two following optional fields, i.e. "attrs"
        or "rights", SHALL be present (both may be present):

        - an optional field (called "attrs") that contains one or more 
          attributes that are associated with the end-user.  This field
          is an array where each element of the array is composed of 
          the identifier of an attribute type and of the associated 
          attribute value.

        - an optional field (called "rights") that contains one or more 
          rights (i.e. capabilities) that have been granted to the user
          by a RO hosted by the AS and which is associated with the RS 
          protecting the resource.  This field is an array where each 
          element of the array is composed of one or more methods and 
          of the URL of a resource.

      - an optional field (called "at_uid") that contains a unique 
        identifier for the access token.  The identifier value MUST be 
        assigned by the AS in a manner that ensures that there is a 
        negligible probability that the same value will be accidentally
        assigned twice.  This field may be useful for audit purposes.

1.8.2.  Unsigned part of an access token

   This part contains: 

    - the signature value (called "sign") of the access token.

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    - an optional field (called "path") that contains a certification 
      path [RFC5280], starting with the PKC of the AS.

    - an optional field (called "reveal_url") that allows to retrieve 
      the true value(s) of the URL(s) of RS(s) that has (have) been 
      hidden to the AS.  

      This field is an array where each element of the array is 
      composed of a random value called "rnd_value" and a method 
      identifier.  If the field "hidden_url" is present in the signed 
      part of the access token, then the field "reveal_url" MUST be 
      present.  This field MUST be used by the RS to combine the 
      "hidden_url" value with the appropriate "rnd_value" to verify 
      that the end result matches with its own URL value. 

      A one way hash function (OWHF) SHALL be used by the client to 
      compute the "hidden_url" to be placed into the access token, by 
      first choosing a large random number for the "reveal_url" value 
      and combining it with the base URL of the RS using the following 
      formula: "hidden_url" = OWHF ("reveal_url", RS_URL).  When the 
      client receives the access token from the AS and before 
      communicating it to the RS, the "reveal_url" value SHALL be 
      inserted by the client into the unsigned part of the access 

1.9.  Mandatory checks to be done by a RS on an access token 

   When a resource is protected using GNAP, several checks need to be 

   The ordering of the following checks is not mandated as long as all 
   the checks are performed.

   However, the following list has been established taking into 
   consideration that an invalid access token should be rejected as 
   soon as possible which means that the fastest checks should be done 

   When receiving an access token, the RS SHALL check that:

   - it is well-formed,

   - it contains an "attrs" field if the RS supports attributes and it 
     contains a "rights" field if the server supports capabilities.  
     If a RS supports both, one of these two fields SHALL be present.

   - the access token is currently within its validity period by using 
     the "valid" field and the UTC time.  The start of the validity 
     period cannot be sooner than the current time expressed using the 
     UTC time.  A time skew of a dozen of seconds SHOULD be allowed.  
     The validity period of the access token SHOULD NOT exceed 25 

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   - that the access token is indeed targeted to itself by using either 
     the "rs_url" field or the "hidden_url" field, and in the later 
     case also the "reveal_url" field.

   When the RS receives an access token that contains both an 
   "hidden_url" and a "reveal_url" field, it SHALL verify that the 
   access token is targeted to itself, by using its RS_URL and then 
   computing the value: OWHF (reveal_url, RS_URL) and finally verify 
   that it matches with the value contained in the "hidden_url" field.

   - that the access token is apparently coming from one of the ASs 
     trusted by the RS using the DN (Distinguished Name) of the AS that
      is present in the AS's PKC.  

     In order to perform that check, the AS's PKC SHALL be retrieved 
     either directly from the "as_pkc" field or using the hash value 
     of that PKC if present in the "as_pkc" field to retrieve it from 
     the "path" field.  The validity period of that PKC [RFC5280] SHALL
     be verified.

   - that the signature of the access token is valid.  In order to 
     perform this verification, the RS SHALL first construct a 
     certification path between an appropriate trust anchor and the 
     RS's PKC [RFC5280].  If present, the field "path" SHOULD be used 
     to construct that certification path.  Once the certification path
     has been verified as being valid (taking in consideration the 
     revocation status of each PKC from the certification path) the 
     certified key SHALL be extracted from the PKC and used to verify 
     the field "sign" of the access token [RFC5280].  Depending upon 
     the public key algorithm being used, the field "hash_algo", if 
     present, SHALL also be used.

     Note: additional checks depend whether the resource is protected 
           using attributes or capabilities.

2.  An overview of the protocols

   Different protocols can be used for different purposes:

      (1) to discover the main features supported either by a RS or  
          an AS;

      (2) to allow an end-user to query which of his attributes are 
          known by an AS;

      (3) to create a long-term user account on a RS (that will last  
          between different sessions) using an access token;

      (4) to create a short-term user account on a RS (that will last 
          during the duration of a single session) using an access  

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      (5) to perform an operation on a resource hosted by a RS.

2.1. RS and AS Discovery APIs

2.1.1.  RS Discovery API

   A GNAP RS can publish its features on a well-known discovery 
   document using the URL ".well-known/gnap-rs" appended to the 
   base URL of the RS.

   The discovery response is a JSON document [RFC8259] consisting of a
   single JSON object with the following fields:

   trusted_AS (array) : REQUIRED:  A list of the ASs trusted by the RS.

   The array contains an enumeration of ASs and for each AS, the 
   following information SHALL be present : 

        - the base URL of the AS, and
        - one AS PKC.

      It is RECOMMENDED to include an image within the AS certificate 
      according to RFC 6170 (Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
      Certificate Image).  The purpose of the certificate image is to 
      aid human interpretation of a certificate by providing meaningful 
      visual information to a user interface (UI).

      In addition it is RECOMMENDED to publish the next AS PKC, when it  
      has already been issued by the responsible CA.

      Note: the ordering of these ASs is important.  See section 5.1. 

   user_interaction_endpoint (string): REQUIRED.  The location of 
      the RS's user interaction endpoint, used by the client to conduct 
      a dialogue between the end-user and the RS.

      The goal of this dialogue is to present one or more options to 
      the end-user,  so that, after being informed of the consequences 
      of these options, he may provide its consent to the RS.

      The location MUST be a URL [RFC3986] with a scheme component 
      that MUST be https, a host component, and optionally, port, path 
      query components and no fragment components.  

   RS_token_formats_&_syntaxes_supported (array of strings) OPTIONAL:  
      A list of token formats and syntaxes supported by the RS.   

   long_term_user_account (Boolean) OPTIONAL:  indicates whether 
      long-term user accounts are supported by the RS.

   short_term_user_account (Boolean) OPTIONAL:  indicates whether 
      short-term user accounts are supported by the RS.

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      Note : either the long_term_user_account flag or the
      short_term_user_account flag MUST be present and set to TRUE.

   user_registration_endpoint (string):  OPTIONAL.  The RS's user 
      registration endpoint, used by the client to create either a 
      short-term user account or a long-term user account.

   rs_cert_path (array):  OPTIONAL.  A set of CA certificates that may 
      help a client to built a certification path between a RS 
      certificate and a trust anchor.

2.1.2.  AS Discovery API

   A GNAP AS can publish its features on a well-known discovery 
   document using the URL ".well-known/gnap-as" appended to the 
   base URL of the AS.

   The discovery response is a JSON document [RFC8259] consisting of a
   single JSON object with the following fields:

   attributes_supported (Boolean) OPTIONAL:  indicates whether 
      attributes requested by the end-user may be included into 
      an access token.

   capabilities_supported (Boolean) OPTIONAL:  indicates whether 
      capabilities requested by the end-user may be included into 
      an access token.

      Note : either the attributes_supported Boolean or the
      capabilities_supported Boolean MUST be present and set to TRUE.

   AS_token_formats_&_syntaxes_supported (array of strings) OPTIONAL: 
      A list of token formats and syntaxes supported by the AS.

   grant_request_endpoint (string):  REQUIRED.  The location of the 
      AS's grant request endpoint, used by the client to request access
      tokens.  The location MUST be a URL [RFC3986] with a scheme 
      component that MUST be https, a host component, and optionally, 
      port, path query components and no fragment components.  

   as_cert_path (array):  OPTIONAL. A set of CA certificates that may 
      help a client to built a certification path between an AS 
      certificate and a trust anchor.

2.2  Queries from an end-user to an AS

   Before making this query, the client SHALL establish an HTTPS 
   connection with the AS.  The client SHOULD be able to communicate 
   to the AS the preferred language(s) of the end-user.  The end-user 
   SHALL successfully authenticate with the AS.  

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   Any kind of authentication method can be used, e.g. using asymmetric 
   cryptography, symmetric cryptography or even using end-user 
   identifiers associated with (long) passwords, since the connection 
   is both integrity and confidentiality protected using HTTPS. 

   Since the AS knows some attributes that belong to the end-user, they 
   will be returned in the response to this query.  Each attribute has 
   a type and a value.  These attributes are considered as personal 
   data and, as such, the end-user SHALL be able to have access to 
   them.  In some cases, it may be allowed to correct some of them or 
   to propose corrections to them.

   Note: In this case, no access token will be returned.

2.3.  Creation a long-term user account on a RS

   Two different cases needs to be considered, whether the RS already 
   "knows" the end-user or not. The client SHOULD first make sure that 
   the RS has set the long_term_user_account flag, otherwise no long-
   term user account can be created.

2.3.1.  The RS already "knows" the end-user

   The RS may already "know" the end-user because it already holds some
   information about him and the end-user is already identified by the 
   RS under a user account number.

   The user would like now to like to get on on-line access to perform 
   some operations on some information associated with his user 

   The client performs a RS Discovery operation to know which ASs are 
   trusted by the RS.  If the user has an account on one of these ASs, 
   the end-user (or the client) may select one of these ASs.

   The RS asks the client to provide some user attributes types already
   known by the AS that has been selected by the client.  The dialogue 
   with the end-user SHALL be handled using the 

   The RS allows the user to know the reason(s) why such attribute 
   types are being requested (User Notice).  The user may agree or deny
   to provide them (User choice and User Consent) and, if he agrees, 
   the client will request to the AS an access token that should 
   contain these attribute types.

   For example, the attribute types may be: first name, family name, 
   birth date and birth location.

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   In order to detect a possible replay or use of a delivered access 
   token by an AS for a given RS by another client, the client 
   indicates that the access token should be protected under, e.g. :

      (1) a unique user identifier used to identify a user for each  
          User/ RS pair;

      (2) a unique user identifier issued by the AS to identify the 
          end-user for each AS / RS pair (e.g. a different pseudonym 
          for each AS / RS pair), or

      (3) a locally unique user identifier used by the AS to identify 
          the user, whatever server is involved (e.g. a single 
          pseudonym used for all the servers), or

      (4) a globally unique user identifier (e.g. a personal email 
          address, a social security number including the issuing 
          country, a passport number including the issuing country, 
          a driving license including the issuing state or country).

   In order to detect the replay of the access token by a RS towards 
   another RS, the client indicates the identifier of the intended RS.
   The fields "rs_url" or "hidden_url" of the access token may be used 
   to allow such a detection.

   The returned access token will include some attributes.  These 
   attributes are placed in the "attrs" field of the access token.

   The returned access token will then include in the "binding user 
   identifier" field ("buid") of the access token, the type of the 
   binding unique user identifier requested and a value assigned by 
   the AS.

   If the attribute types and values contained in the access token 
   match with the already known attribute types and values, the 
   operation will be granted.

   It should be observed that, when using the choice (2), it is not 
   possible to hide to the AS the URL of the RS, since this value is 
   needed to generate a different pseudonym for each AS / RS pair.  

   It may be observed that, when using the choice (3), it is possible 
   to hide to the AS the URL of the RS, since this value is not needed 
   to generate a single pseudonym used for all the servers.  However, 
   in this case, all the RSs receiving access tokens from the same AS 
   are able to link their user accounts.

   It may be observed that, when using the choice (4), it is possible 
   to hide to the AS the URL of the RS, since this value is not needed 
   to generate a globally unique user identifier.  However, in this 
   case, not only all the RSs receiving access tokens from the same AS 
   will be able to link their user accounts, but also other servers 
   using the same globally unique user identifier.

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   The choice (4) should be avoided, unless all the RSs issuing 
   attributes or rights are managed by the same organization that is 
   managing the AS and that organization is purposely willing to link 
   all the user accounts of its RSs.  At the moment, the "best" choices
   in the Internet environment are be restricted between the choices 
   (2) and (3) and will be a compromise between two privacy properties, 
   where each of these two choices has an advantage and a drawback :

      - the choice (2) does not allow to hide to the AS the URL of the 
        RS, but prevents the RSs receiving access tokens from the same 
        AS to link their user accounts, while

      - the choice (3) allows to hide to the AS the URL of the RS, but 
        allows the RSs receiving access tokens from the same AS to link
        their user accounts.

   That choice will be left to the end-user (or to the client).

      Note: the choice (1) would allow both to hide to the AS the URL 
      of the RS and to prevent the RSs to perform a linkage between 
      their user accounts.

   Later on, if the client requests another access token, the client 
   or the end-user should remember its original choice, e.g. (2) 
   or (3), for the same RS, otherwise the access token will be rejected 
   by the RS. 

   It is recommended that each client locally manages for each end-user
   a "privacy preference profile" to associate a choice value with the 
   base URL of each RS. 

   In order to detect the replay of the access token by a RS towards 
   another RS, the client indicates the identifier of the intended RS 
   using either the "rs_url" field for the choice (2) or the 
   "hidden_url" field for the choice (3) of the access token.

   The returned access token will then include some attributes in the 
   field "attrs" of the access token and the binding user identifier 
   issued by the AS in the field "buid" of the access token.

   Before presenting this access token to the RS, the end-user SHALL 
   establish an HTTPS connection with the RS.  Then after, the access 
   token SHALL be send to the user_registration_endpoint of the RS. 
   Once the RS has verified that the access token is valid, it 
   memorizes the "binding user identifier" field ("buid") of the access
   token.  All subsequent access tokens issued by that AS SHALL contain
   the same value, otherwise they will be rejected.

   It is recommended that each client locally manages for each end-user
   a "privacy preference profile" to associate a choice value with the
   base URL of each RS. 

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2.3.2. The RS does not already "know" the user

   The RS does not yet "know" the user: he has no user account for the 
   end-user on that RS.  The end-user wants to create a user account.

   The client performs a RS Discovery operation to know which ASs are 
   trusted by the RS.  If the user has an account on one of these ASs,
   the end-user (or the client) may select one of these ASs.

   In order to create a RS user account, a RS will likely ask for both 
   claimed attributes and certified attributes (i.e. attributes 
   contained in an access token delivered by an AS trusted by the RS).
   Claimed attributes are simply attributes declared by the user.

   The user_interaction_endpoint of the RS will be used to conduct a 
   dialogue between the RS and the end-user in order to request both 
   claimed attributes and certified attributes.  During that dialogue, 
   the end-user has the ability to know the reason(s) an/or the 
   rational for the collection of each attribute type and which kind of
   treatment will be made of it.

   Once the end-user has agreed to request some attributes types to the
   selected AS, the client requests to that AS an access token that 
   contains some attribute types known by that AS.

   As in the previous case, in order to detect a possible replay or use 
   of a delivered access token by an AS for a given RS by another 
   client, the client indicates that the access token should be 
   protected under, e.g. :

         (1) a unique user identifier used to identify a user for each 
             User/ RS pair;

             Note: this option is only possible when the end-user is 
                   using a specific secure element. 

         (2) a unique user identifier issued by the AS to identify the 
             user for each AS / RS pair (e.g. a different pseudonym for 
             each AS / RS pair), or

         (3) a locally unique user identifier used by the AS to 
             identify the user, whatever server is involved (e.g. a 
             single pseudonym used for all the servers), or

         (4) a globally unique user identifier (e.g. a personal email 
             address, a social security number including the issuing 
             country, a passport number including the issuing country,
             a driving license including the issuing state or country).

   The choice (4) should be avoided.  At the moment, the "best" choices 
   will be restricted between the choices (2) and (3) and will be a 
   compromise between two privacy properties, since each of these two 
   choices has an advantage and a drawback :

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       - the choice (2) does not allow to hide to the AS the URL of the
         RS, but prevents the RSs receiving access tokens from the same 
         AS to link their user accounts, while

       - the choice (3) allows to hide to the AS the URL of the RS, but
         allows the RSs receiving access tokens from the same AS to 
         link their user accounts.

   If the attribute types and values contained in the access token 
   match with the expected attribute types and if the requested claimed
   attributes are also received, some verifications will be done by the
   RS.  Such verifications introduce some delay.

   This is why the final response about the creation of the user 
   account on the RS is asynchronous.

   Later on, if the client requests another access token, the client 
   or the end-user should remember its original choice, e.g. (2) or 
   (3), for the same RS, otherwise the access token will be rejected by
   the RS. 

   It is recommended that each client locally manages for each end-user
   a "privacy preference profile" to associate a choice value with the 
   base URL of each RS. 

   In order to detect the replay of the access token by a RS towards 
   another RS, the client indicates the identifier of the intended RS 
   using either the "rs_url" field for the choice (2) or the 
   "hidden_url" field for the choice (3) of the access token.

   The returned access token will then include some attributes in the 
   field "attrs" of the access token and the binding user identifier 
   issued by the AS.

   Before presenting this access token to the RS, the end-user SHALL 
   establish an HTTPS connection with the RS.  Then after, the access 
   token SHALL be send to the user_registration_endpoint of the RS.  
   Once the RS has verified that the access token is valid, it 
   memorizes the "binding user identifier" field ("buid") of the access
   token.  All subsequent access tokens issued by that AS SHALL contain
   the same value, otherwise they will be rejected.

2.4.  Creation a short-term user account on a RS

   The client performs a RS Discovery operation to make sure that the 
   RS has set the short_term_user_account flag, otherwise no short-term
   user account can be created.

   The client performs a RS Discovery operation to know which ASs are 
   trusted by the RS.  If the user has an account on one of these ASs,
   the end-user (or the client) may select one of these ASs.

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   In order to detect a possible replay or use of a delivered access 
   token by an AS for a given RS by another client, the client 
   indicates that the access token SHALL be protected using a short-
   term user unique identifier.

   The client (or the end-user) has then two options: either to hide or
   to reveal the URL of the RS.  If it wants to hide the URL of the RS,
   it can only use one session.  For this purpose, it SHALL use the 
   "hidden_url" field of the access token.  In order to connect with 
   another RS, it SHALL explicitly release that session.  If it agrees 
   to reveal the URL of the RS, it SHALL use the "rs_url" field of the 
   access token.  It can then use multiple short-term sessions with 
   different RSs in parallel.  The two choices are exclusive.

   The returned access token will then include in the "binding user 
   identifier" field ("buid") of the access token, the type of the 
   binding user identifier requested and a value assigned by the AS.  
   This value assigned by the AS SHOULD be a large pseudo-random 

   In order to detect the replay of the access token by a RS towards 
   another RS, the client indicates the identifier of the target RS.  
   The fields "rs_url" or "hidden_url" of the access token may be used 
   to allow such detection.

     Note: none of the two optional fields "attrs" and "rights" needs 
           to be present in this access token.

   Before presenting this access token to the RS, the end-user SHALL 
   establish an HTTPS connection with the RS.  Then after, the access 
   token SHALL be send to the user_registration_endpoint of the RS.  
   Once the RS has verified that the access token is valid, it 
   memorizes the "binding user identifier" field ("buid") of the access

   All subsequent access tokens issued by that AS SHALL contain the 
   same value, otherwise they will be rejected.

2.5.  Operation on a resource hosted by a RS

2.5.1.  Operation on a resource without an access token 

   The client does not necessarily know in advance, whether the 
   resource is or is not protected.  If the resource is unprotected and 
   if the API is well formed, then the access will be granted. 

   When a client instance calls an RS without an access token, or with 
   an invalid access token, if the resource is protected and if the API
   is well formed, then different HTTP errors types may be returned, in 

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   401 "Unauthorized" which indicates an authentication error.  It 
   always includes a WWW-Authenticate header that describes how to 

   In this particular case, the RS SHALL respond with a header field 
   that contains one challenge for the "GNAPv1" scheme and two 
   additional parameters "attrs" and "rights" to indicate whether the 
   RS supports attributes and/or rights for that resource. 

   After each parameter (i.e. "attrs" and "rights") follows a pointer 
   to the AS(s) trusted by the RS as enumerated in the "trusted_AS" 
   field from the RS Discovery API.

   For example: WWW-Authenticate: GNAPv1 attrs= 1,3,4 rights= 2,3

   In this example, both attributes and rights are supported.  AS 1 
   and AS 4 support attributes only, AS 3 supports both attributes and
   capabilities (i.e. rights) while AS 2 supports capabilities (i.e. 
   rights) only.

   If either attributes or rights are not supported, the following 
   values SHALL be used respectively: "attrs= 0" or "rights= 0".

  The client SHOULD then use the "RS Discovery API" to find out which 
  are the ASs trusted by the RS.

   403 "Forbidden" which indicates that the server understood the 
   request but that the client instance does not have permission to 
   access this resource, even if it has been authenticated.  A server 
   that wishes to make public why the request has been forbidden can 
   describe that reason in the response payload (if any).

   When the request is recognized by the server but sent "without an 
   access token or with an invalid access token", the HTTP status 403 
   Forbidden SHOULD be used.  If the server wants to make known why a 
   request is forbidden, it can provide the reason in the payload.

      Note 1: 403 "Forbidden" is dedicated to authorization errors, 
      whereas 401 "Unauthorized" is dedicated to authentication errors.

      Note 2: A server that wishes to hide the existence of a forbidden 
      target resource MAY instead respond with a status code of 404 
      (Not Found).

   404 "Not Found" which indicates either that the server did not find 
   a current representation for the target resource or that the server 
   is not willing to disclose that one exists.

   405 "Method not allowed" which indicates that the method received in
   the request-line is known by the server but not supported by the 
   target resource.  In that case, the server MUST generate an Allow 
   header field containing a list of the target resource's currently 
   supported methods.

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      Note: If the method is incorrect, 405 "Method not allowed" SHALL 
            have precedence over 403 "Forbidden".

      Note: These error codes are defined in RFC 7231 [RFC7231]and 
            RFC 7235 [RFC7235] as follows:

           - 400 Bad Request . . . . . .  Section 6.5.1 of RFC 7231
           - 401 Unauthorized . . . . . . Section 3.1 of RFC 7235
           - 403 Forbidden . . . . . . .  Section 6.5.3 of RFC 7231
           - 404 Not Found . . . . . . .  Section 6.5.4 of RFC 7231
           - 405 Method Not Allowed . . . Section 6.5.5 of RFC 7231
           - 406 Not Acceptable . . . . . Section 6.5.6 of RFC 7231

2.5.2.  Operation on a resource using an access token

   The client instance determines which operation on a resource is 
   needed and which RS to approach for access.

   Unless the client already knows from a previous experience what kind 
   of additional data needs to be presented, the client has the 
   possibility to query the RS to know which kind of protection is 
   being used by the RS for that resource.

   It requests on operation on the intended resource and voluntarily 
   omits to send any access token. It will then get an 401 
   "Unauthorized" error that indicates that GNAPv1 is supported and 
   whether attributes and/or rights should be presented in an access 

   It will also know which ASs, if any, are trusted by the RS to 
   deliver attributes in an access token and which ASs, if any, are 
   trusted by the RS to deliver capabilities in an access token.

   The client instance determines that the RS supports GNAP and the 
   process may continue.  Dialogue between the end-user and his client

   The client may be configured by the end-user with the URLs of the 
   ASs where he has an AS user account.  It may then propose to select 
   one or more ASs showing at the same time, if capabilities or 
   attributes may be requested on these ASs to be included into an 
   access token.

   If some choices remain, then the client SHOULD ask the end-user to 
   make these choices.  The client then knows which AS has been chosen 
   and whether attributes (ABAC) or capabilities (CBAC) will later on 
   be requested to that AS.

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   The client SHALL determine whether the end-user is willing to make 
   an access to the RS using a short-term user account or a long-term 
   user account.  Usually, it should know it from the context of the 
   operation.  However, if it doesn't know, it SHALL ask the end-user 
   to make that choice.

   If the client used by the end-user has recently opened a short-term
   user account, it SHOULD be usable if it has not been closed, 
   otherwise a new short-term user account SHOULD be created.

   If the access to the RS should be done using a long-term user 
   account, the same choice as originally made by the end-user for the
   binding user identifier when opening his user account on the RS 
   should be done.  If the client locally manages for each end-user a 
   "privacy preference profile" that associates a choice value with the
   base URL of each RS, it should re-use the same choice.  Otherwise, 
   the question should be raised again to the end-user. Dialogue between the end-user and the RS 

   When using ABAC, a dialogue needs to be established between the end-
   user and the RS.  Such dialogue needs to be supported using a port 
   able to support a User Interface (UI).  The address of this port 
   SHALL be published by the RS and made available using the RS 
   Discovery API.  It SHALL be a URL hosted by the RS.

   When initiating the dialogue on the UI port of the RS, the client 
   communicates to the RS which AS has been selected by the end-user.

   The RS indicates to the end-user which attribute types and 
   optionally attribute values should be present in an access token 
   issued by that AS.

   Before making a call to that AS, the end-user may wish to be 
   informed of the treatments or usages that will be done by the RS 
   with each requested attribute type, including a possible disclosure
   to other third parties.  Such information is usually present in a 
   User Notice.  A simple click or a selection of an attribute type 
   should be sufficient to disclose the terms of this User Notice.

   The UI SHALL clearly ask the end-user whether it accepts to request 
   these attribute types and SHALL require an action or a gesture from 
   the end-user to indicate its acceptance. 

   At this point of time, the choice made by the end-user SHOULD be 
    memorized by the RS and also by the client.

   The memorization done by the RS is not for technical reasons, but 
   to comply with some laws or regulations.  

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   As an example, the General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] from 
   the EU indicates in Article 7(1) :

       "Where processing is based on consent, the controller SHALL 
        be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented 
        to processing of his or her personal data. "

   The memorization done by the client is for technical reasons: the 
   client SHALL use the choice made by the end-user to request an 
   access token to the AS that SHOULD include the attribute types 
   selected by the end-user. 

   A markup language such as XML needs to be used in order to delineate 
   the meaning of each field and its value, when present.

   Note: when the RS supports CBAC for a protected resource, no 
         dialogue is needed between the end-user and the RS.  The access token request

   The client knows whether the access token will be used for a short-
   term RS user account or a long-term RS user account.  

   If a long-term user account is being used, the client SHOULD already
   know the privacy preference of the user since they have been chosen 
   when creating the long-term user account (see section 3).  If the 
   user is using a new client (i.e. device), then the new client SHOULD 
   inquire it again.

   The client already knows whether the resource is protected using 
   attributes and/or rights (see section 5.1).  If it is protected 
   using attributes, it already knows which types of attributes should
   be requested to the AS, and optionally which attribute values.

   The request MUST be sent as a JSON object in the body of the HTTP 
   POST request with Content-Type "application/json".

   Each field placed in the body of the HTTP POST request is described 

   at_format : REQUIRED.  The format of the access token.

   at_crypto : REQUIRED.  The asymmetric crypto algorithm and the one 
       way hash function to be used for computing the digital signature 
       of the access token.

   val_period (string) OPTIONAL.  It is the desired validity period of 
      the access token expressed in hours and minutes.  The AS may 
      override this value.

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   buid_type (integer) : REQUIRED.  The binding user identifier type 
      to be used with the RS.  The allowed values are 1 to 5.

   target_rs (string) : either a "rs_url" value or a  
      "hidden_url" value that SHALL be placed into the access token.

       Note : if the buid_type is set to 2, then a "hidden_url" value 
              SHALL NOT be accepted.

   operations (array of string) : REQUIRED when capabilities are 
      requested. It is a list of capabilities, where each capability 
      consists of :
         - one or more methods and
         - the URL of the protected resource.

   attrs_types (array of string) : REQUIRED when attributes are 
      requested.  It is a list of attribute types.  These attributes 
      may be static or computed from a static attribute. As an example,
      an age categorization attribute would be a computed attribute 
      composed of one or two values, like "over 12" and "under 18" 
     (see min-age and max-age).

      The naming and the definitions used in Table 1 (Registered Member
      Definitions) from the "OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification" 
      [OIDC_1.0] are re-used in this document.

      See : 

      As a consequence, the following attributes types are defined:

      name, given_name, family_name, middle_name, nickname, 
      preferred_username, profile, picture, website, email, 
      email_verified, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, 
      phone_number, phone_number_verified, address.

      In addition, subsets of the previous fields may be returned. 
      For example, for an address, the country and region only may  
      be requested.  This leads to recognize the following attribute 
      types: street_address, locality, region, postal_code, country.

      In addition, the following attribute types may also be useful:
      shipping_address, payment_info, eye_color, max_age, min_age.

      In order to support group memberships, the two following 
      attribute types are also defined: hierarchical_group and 

      Since a user may belong to more than one functional group, the 
      value(s) that should be placed into the access token should be 
      indicated in the request, otherwise all the functional groups 
      will be returned.  

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      The end-user is able to know which values have been affected to 
      this attribute type by sending a query to the AS (see section 
      2.2).  As a consequence, the client is able to specify which 
      attribute value(s) should be returned for the functional_group 
      attribute type.  The access token response

   The response MUST be sent as a JSON object in the body of the HTTP 
   POST request with Content-Type "application/json".  It is an access 
   token.  Its semantics and structure are described in section 1.7.

2.6.  Flow of operations for one access

   Once either a short-term user account or a long-term user account 
   has been created on a RS, the flow of operations is illustrated 

                         +------------->|               |
                         |(5)           | Authorization |
                         |              |    Server     |
                         |      +-------|               |
                         |      |(6)    +---------------+
                         |      |                ~
                         |      |                ~
                       +----------+     +---------------+
                       |          |     |               |
      +----------+ (3) |  Client  |     |    Resource   |
      | End-user |+ + +| Instance |     |     Owner     |
      +----------+     |          |     |               |
           ^           +----------+     +---------------+
           |            ^   ^   |               ~
           |            |   |   |               ~
           |            |   |   |(7)    +---------------+
           |            |   |   +------>|               |
           |            |   |(2)        |               |
           |            |   +---------->|    Resource   |
           |            |(1)            |     Server    |
           |(4 Opt.)    +-------------->|               |
           +--------------------------->|               |
                  User Interface        +---------------+

           Figure 2: Flow of operations for one access

    (1)  RS Discovery
    (2)  Operation on a resource hosted by a RS without an access token
    (3)  Dialogue between the end-user and the client
    (4)  Optional dialogue between the end-user and RS  
         when the RS requests attributes
    (5)  Access Token request to AS
    (6)  Access Token response from AS
    (7)  Access Token presentation to RS

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    Note: The creation of RS user accounts is not illustrated  
          on Figure 2.

3.  IANA Considerations

   This specification will require the registration of the various 
   attributes types defined in section 5.2.3:

         name, given_name, family_name, middle_name, nickname, 
         preferred_username, profile, picture, website, email,
         email_verified, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, 
         phone_number, phone_number_verified, address,

         street_address, locality, region, postal_code, country,

         shipping_address, payment_info, eye_color, max_age, min_age.

4.  Security Considerations

   Since HTTPS is used between the client and the RS and between the 
   client and the AS, the client can be confident that the information 
   it receives is indeed coming from the intended RS and from the 
   intended AS.

   Since the authentication exchange between the end-user and the AS is 
   protected by HTTPS, the AS can be confident that the end-user is 
   using the unknown connected client.  Any kind of authentication 
   exchange can be used, including the simple "id and password" scheme,
   since the password is both integrity and confidentiality protected 
   during its transfer.

   The appropriate version (or versions) of TLS will vary over time, 
   based on the widespread deployment and known security 
   vulnerabilities.  Refer to [BCP195] for up to date recommendations 
   on transport layer security.

   The transmission of an access token obtained by one end-user to 
   another end-user cannot be prevented, but can be detected by the RS.

   In order to detect the transmission of the access token by one 
   client towards another client, the AS includes in every access token
   a binding user identifier ("buid").

   Every access token is bound to a RS user account (either a short-
   term user account or a long-term user account).  This is done by 
   including a binding user identifier ("buid") in every access token.
   A binding user identifier is composed of a type and of a value.  The
   client can choose the type of the binding user identifier but not 
   its value which is only assigned by the AS.

   All access tokens that are presented to a RS in the context of a 
   given RS user account must contain the same binding user identifier.

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   If an end-user obtains an access token from a collaborative end-
   user, he cannot use it on his own user account since it will not 
   contain the same binding user identifier ("buid").

   Let us use an example to illustrate the topic.

   Some goods or activities with some preferred rates are only 
   disclosed by a town to its residents and if there are over 21.  
   In such a case, two attribute types and values will be requested 
   by the RS, e.g. :

       Town of residence: Nashville - Tennessee - 840
       Age categorization: over 21

   Let us assume that Alice has the two following attributes:
       Town of residence: Nashville - Tennessee - 840
       Age categorization: over 16

   while Bob has the two following attributes:
       Town of residence: San Francisco - California - 840
       Age categorization: over 21

   If Alice asks for an access token that only contains:
       Town of residence: Nashville - Tennessee - 840

   and Bob asks for an access token that only contains:
       Age categorization: over 21

   if they agree to collaborate, they will not be able to combine their  
   attributes to perform an operation on the server managed by the town
   of Nashville, since they will not contain the same binding user 
   identifier ("buid").

   It is proposed to use to the wording "binded token" to designate  
   an access token that contains a binding user identifier.

      Note: It should be noted that access tokens do not need to be 
            "protected" by a private key known by the client.  Such a 
            protection would be illusory, since a collaborative client 
            could perform all the cryptographic computations that 
            another collaborative client would need to claim to be the 
            "owner" of the access token.  This can be done even these 
            private keys are protected using an hardware security 
            module (HSM).

5.  Privacy Considerations

   ISO/IEC 29100 (Privacy framework) [ISO29100] lists eleven privacy 
   principles that are valid in a system with two entities which 
   correspond in this document to the relationships between one 
   end-user and one RS. 

   Note: ISO/IEC 29100 is available from ISO for free.

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   Among the privacy principles from ISO/IEC 29100 enumerated on page 
   14 in Table 3, the following privacy principles are particularly 

           - Individual participation 
           - Purpose legitimacy and specification,
           - Consent and choice,
           - Collection limitation,
           - Data minimization,
           - Use, retention and disclosure limitation,
           - Openness, transparency and notice.

   Since this document considers two access control schemes: Attribute 
   Based Access Control (ABAC) and Capability Access Control (CBAC), 
   the privacy considerations for both of them are first addressed 
   (section 5.1) followed by the privacy considerations for each of 
   them (sections 5.2 and 5.3).

   However, the current document considers a more complex system with 
   at least three entities: the end-user, the RS and the AS, where each
   of them may exists more than once.

   In this environment, some additional privacy properties also need to 
   be considered, in particular those that apply between RSs (section 
   5.4) and privacy properties that apply between the end-user and the 
   AS (section 5.5).

5.1.  Privacy Considerations for both ABAC and CABC

   Since the AS knows some attributes from the end-user, applying the 
   "individual participation" principle from ISO/IEC 29100, means 
   giving to the end-users the ability to access and review their 
   attributes, provided their identity is first authenticated with an 
   appropriate level of assurance and using a language which is both 
   clear and appropriately adapted to the circumstances. 

   This principle is reached using queries from an end-user to an AS 
   (see section 2.2) since such a query is performed once the client 
   has established an HTTPS connection with the AS and the end-user has
   successfully authenticated with the AS.

   For both ABAC and CABC a user account SHALL be created on the RS. 
   This account may be either short-term or long-term.  For a long-term
   user account, at the moment, the end-user needs to choose between 
   hiding to the AS the URL of the RS or allowing RSs to link their 
   user accounts.

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5.1.1.  Privacy Considerations for ABAC

   In this access control scheme, end-user attributes need to be 
   presented to the RS.  The end-user SHALL be able to :

       - select the AS that will be contacted to deliver attributes,

       - know which attribute types and attribute possibly values are 
         requested by the RS, 

       - know the reasons and/or the rational for providing these 
         attribute types and possibly values, 

       - consent or disagree with the provision of these attributes 
         from an AS that he has selected.

   The previous functionalities are supported by a local dialogue 
   between the end-user and the client and by another dialogue between
   the end-user and the RS.

   This allows adhering to the purpose of legitimacy principle: 
   communicating the purpose(s) to the end-user before the time the 
   information is collected or used for the first time for a new 

   It is possible for the client to hide to the AS the URL of the RS.  
   However, at this time, until a secure element is being used, the 
   price to pay for that feature is to allow RSs to link their user 
   accounts.  So the end-user will have to make a choice between these 
   two features.

      Note: The core principles of ABAC permit to the client to hide 
            to the AS the method that will be performed on a resource 
            as well as the URL of that resource.

5.1.2.  Privacy Considerations for CBAC

   In this access control scheme, capabilities need to be presented to 
   the RS.  The end-user SHALL be able to :

       - select the AS that will be contacted to deliver capabilities,

       - consent or disagree with the provision of these capabilities 
         from an AS that he has selected.

   The above functionalities are supported by using a local dialogue 
   between the end-user and the client.

   The core principles of CBAC do not permit the end-user to hide to 
   the AS the URL of the RS, nor to hide to the AS the URL of the 
   resource, nor to hide to the AS the method that will be performed 
   on the resource.

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5.2. Privacy Considerations between RSs

   Two RSs should not be able to link their user accounts, by using the
   content of the access tokens they receive from the same AS or from 
   different ASs.  This property may be referred as: Unlinkeability 
   between RS user accounts.  For short-term user accounts, it is 
   always achieved.  However, for long-term user accounts, it may only 
   be achieved, for the moment, if the client/end-user accepts to 
   disclose to the AS the URL of the RS.

5.3.  Privacy Considerations between the end-user and the AS

5.3.1.  Transparency

   When a client receives an access token from an AS, it should be able
   to verify that the access token contains the requested privileges, 
   i.e. no more or not less, and, if not, it should be able to prevent 
   the transmission of the access token to the RS.  

   This property can be achieved as long as "Token introspection", as 
   currently described in OAuth, is not being used.  It should be 
   noticed that Token introspection may allow an AS to deliver to the 
   client more privileges than the ones inserted into an access token.

   These two properties are directly related to the "Transparency" of 
   the system since they allow the end-users to be confident in the 
   system they are using.

   For these reasons, access tokens are not considered to be opaque 
   to the clients but may be considered to be opaque for the end-users.

5.3.2.  Hiding to the AS the URL of the RS and its use

   The AS should not be able to know when an issued access token will 
   be indeed consumed by a RS.  This property can be achieved by using 
   the "hidden_url" field and as long as "Token introspection" is not 
   being used. 

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   6.  References

   6.1.  Normative References

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation 
              List(CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, 
              May 2008. <>.

   [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
              Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
              within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
              (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, DOI 10.17487/RFC6125, March
              2011, <>.

   [RFC6960]  Santesson, S., Myers, M., Ankney, R., Malpani,  
              A., Galperin, S., and C. Adams, "X.509 Internet Public 
              Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - 
              OCSP", RFC 6960, DOI 10.17487/RFC6960, June 2013, 

   [RFC7231]  Fielding, R., Ed. and J. Reschke, Ed., "Hypertext 
              Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content", 
              RFC 7231, DOI 10.17487/RFC7231, June 2014,

   [RFC7235]  R. Fielding, J. Reschke, Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
              (HTTP/1.1): Authentication, June 2014,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>

   [RFC8259]  Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 
              Data Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259, DOI 
              10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017, 

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) 
              Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446,
              August 2018, <>.

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   6.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [BCP195]   Sheffer, Y., Holz, R., and P. Saint-Andre, 
              "Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer 
              Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security 
              (DTLS)", BCP 195, RFC 7525, May 2015. 

   [OIDC_1.0] OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification

   [ISO29100] Information technology - Security techniques - Privacy
              framework. 2011. ISO/IEC 29100 is available for free at: 

   [GDPR]     Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and 
              of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of 
              natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
              data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing
              Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Authors' Address

   Denis Pinkas 
   DP Security Consulting


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