Internet DRAFT - draft-poidt-ccamp-actn-poi-pluggable


Common Control and Measurement Plane                  G. Galimberti, Ed.
Intended status: Informational                          J. Bouquier, Ed.
Expires: 15 August 2024                                         Vodafone
                                                         O. Gerstel, Ed.
                                                          B. Foster, Ed.
                                                      D. Ceccarelli, Ed.
                                                         S. Belotti, Ed.
                                                     O. G. de. Dios, Ed.
                                                        12 February 2024

                Applicability of Abstraction and Control


   This document extends the I-D.draft-ietf-teas-actn-poi-applicability
   to the use case where the DWDM optical coherent interface is equipped
   on the Packet device.  The document analyzes several control
   architectures and identifies the YANG data models being defined by
   the IETF to support this deployment architectures and specific
   scenarios relevant for Service Providers.  Existing IETF protocols
   and data models are identified for each multi-layer (packet over
   optical) scenario with a specific focus on the MPI (Multi-Domain
   Service Coordinator to Provisioning Network Controllers Interface)in
   the ACTN architecture.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 15 August 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  New coherent pluggable optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Reference architecture and network scenario . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  Option 1 - Dual SBI management of IPoWDM routers  . . . .   5
     2.2.  Option 2 - Single SBI management of IPoWDM routers  . . .   7
   3.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.1.  Inter Domain Link discovery and provisioning  . . . . . .  14
     3.2.  Network topology discovery and provisioning . . . . . . .  14
     3.3.  End to End service provisioning / deletion  . . . . . . .  15
     3.4.  Optical Circuit provisioning / deletion . . . . . . . . .  18
     3.5.  LAG extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     3.6.  Optical Restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     3.7.  Network Maintenance Operations  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   4.  Optical Interface for external transponder in a WDM
           network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   5.  Structure of the Yang Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

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1.  Introduction

   The full automation of the multilayer/multidomain network is a topic
   of high importance in the industry and the service providers
   community.  Typically, the layers composing such network are the IP/
   MPLS packet domain (with Segment Routing) and the Optical domain
   providing DWDM transmission and photonic switching.  The requirements
   of high bandwidth availability and dynamic control of the networks
   are of capital importance too.  The
   [I-D.draft-ietf-teas-actn-poi-applicability] specifies very well how
   to control and manage multilayer/multidomain networks using the
   Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN) architecture, see also
   Figure 1.

1.1.  New coherent pluggable optics

   Coherent pluggable digital coherent optics, such as ZR
   [OIF-400ZR-01-0] and ZR+ [Open_ZR-Plus_MSA], are enabling new
   multilayer network use cases where the DWDM optical transmission
   function is located within the packet domain equipment instead of
   being part of the Optical domain Figure 2.  This means that an IP/
   MPLS capable device becomes a multi-technology IP/MPLS/Optical
   device, as the optical connections (OTSi service and media channels)
   start and end at such devices.

   The coherent pluggable interface deployment in routers has already
   started and are expanding significantly.  The way the pluggables are
   in general managed is not yet completely specified and defined by any
   standard and it is becoming an urgent matter to cover for Service
   Providers.  A full end-to-end management solution of these pluggable
   digital coherent optics, leveraging on ACTN hierarchical
   architecture, is becoming critical to allow a wider deployment beyond
   simple point-to-point high-capacity link scenarios between two IP/
   MPLS routers.

   The ACTN architecture, defined in [RFC8453] and depicted in Figure 1
   , is used to control the multi-layer and multi-domain network shown
   in Figure 2, where each Packet PNC (P-PNC) is responsible for
   controlling its IP/MPLS domain, which can be either an Autonomous
   System (AS), [RFC1930], or an IGP area within the same operator
   network.  Each Optical PNC (O-PNC) in the below topology is
   responsible for controlling its own Optical Domain.

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                               |   MDSC   |
                                 | |  | |
                  +--------------+ |  | +--------------+
      MPI interf. |           +----+  +----+           |
                  |           |            |           |
             +----+----+ +----+----+  +----+----+ +----+----+
             | P-PNC 1 | | O-PNC 1 |  | O-PNC 2 | | P-PNC 2 |
             +----+----+ +----+----+  +----+----+ +----+----+
                  |           |            |           |
                  |           \            /           |
        +-------------------+  \          /  +-------------------+
   CE1 / P.N.1         P.N.2 \  |        /  / P.N.3         P.N.4 \ CE2
   o--/---o               o---\-|-------|--/---o               o---\--o
      \   :               :   / |       |  \   :               :   /
       \  : PKT Domain 1  :  /  |       |   \  : PKT Domain 2  :  /
        +-:---------------:-+   |       |    +-:---------------:-+
          :               :     |       |      :               :
          :               :     |       |      :               :
        +-:---------------:------+     +-------:---------------:--+
       /  :               :       \   /        :               :   \
      /   o...............o  O.N.  \ /    O.N. o...............o    \
      \     Optical Domain 1       / \       Optical Domain 2       /
       \                          /   \                            /
        +------------------------+     +--------------------------+

            Figure 1: Reference multilayer/multidomain Scenario

   Figure 2 shows how the Packet Node DWDM coherent Ports are connected
   to the ROADM ports.

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      +------+       +------+  _________  +------+       +------+
      |P.N.1 |       | O.N. | /        /\ | O.N. |       |P.N.2 |
      |    P1| ----- |      ||        |  ||      | ----- |P1    |
    ==|    P2| ----- |      ||Optical |  ||      | ----- |P2    |==
    ==|    P3| ----- |      ||Network |  ||      | ----- |P3    |==
      |    P4| ----- |      ||        |  ||      | ----- |P4    |
      |      |       |ROADM | \________\/ |ROADM |       |      |
      +------+       +------+             +------+       +------+
   Packet+Optical              Optical               Packet+Optical
       Layer                   Layer                      Layer

   P.N. = Packet/Optical Node (IPoDWDM router)
   O.N. = Optical Switching DWDM Node (ROADM)
   ROADM = Lambda/Spectrum switch
   Px = DWDM (coherent pluggable) Router ports

                   Figure 2: Cross layer interconnection

2.  Reference architecture and network scenario

   As described in Figure 1 and according to the Packet Optical
   Integration (POI) draft [I-D.draft-ietf-teas-actn-poi-applicability]
   in which ACTN hierarchy is deployed [RFC8453], the PNCs are in charge
   of controlling a single domain (e.g.  Packet or Optical) while the
   MDSC is responsible to coordinate the operations across the different
   domains having the visibility of the whole multi-domain and multi-
   layer network topology.

   An architecture analysis has already been carried out by the MANTRA
   sub-group in the OOPT – (Open Optical & Packet Transport)a Telecom
   Infra Project (TIP) group Project Group in the MANTRA whitepaper

   Two different architectural options have been identified, namely:

    - Option 1: Dual SBI management of IPoDWDM routers
    - Option 2: Single SBI management of IPoDWDM routers

   Both the options foresee that the packet and the optical domain are
   kept separate from a management perspective.

2.1.  Option 1 - Dual SBI management of IPoWDM routers

   The figure Figure 3 describes the architecture of option 1.

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                           |   MDSC   |
                              |    |
     MPI interface    +-------+    +-------+
                      |                    |
                 +----+----+          +----+----+
                 |  P-PNC  |          |  O-PNC  |
                 +--+---+--+          +----+----+
                    ^   ^               ^  ^  ^
                    |   |               |  |  |
            +-------+   +---------------|--|--|------+
            |                           |  |  |      |
            |   +-----------------------+  |  +--+   |
            |   |               +----------+     |   |
            |   |               |                |   |
            |   |               v                |   |
            v   |        +--------------+        |   v
           +-----+      /                \      +-----+
          / P.N.1 \..../..O.N--------O.N..\..../ P.N.2 \
          \       /    \  Optical Domain  /    \       /
           +-----+      \                /      +-----+

      P.N. = Packet/Optical Node (IPoWDM router)
      O.N. = Optical Switching DWDM Node (ROADM)
      ROADM = Lambda/Spectrum switch

                   Figure 3: Dual SBI management Scenario

   The peculiarity of this option consists of the fact that both the
   packet SDN controller (P-PNC) and the optical SDN controller (O-PNC)
   have access to the coherent pluggable optics on the routers.  The
   P-PNC is the only entity allowed to configure them, while the O-PNC
   is granted with read-only permissions to avoid database inconsistency
   between them.  Data write access permissions are expected to be
   implemented on the routers to only grant configuration rights to the

   The read-only capabilities of the O-PNC consist in the following

    - Device discovery, poll or stream configuration, state and
      static capabilities.
    - Performance monitoring, periodically poll or stream performance
    - Fault notification, received asynchronous alarm notifications.

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   The consequence of this split of roles is that the P-PNC exposes the
   coherent pluggables configuration APIs, while the O-PNC only the APIs
   needed for path computation (for OTSi services planning) and service
   provisioning for OLS media channel services.

2.2.  Option 2 - Single SBI management of IPoWDM routers

   The architecture related to option 2 is more meeting a canonical ACTN
   approach, i.e. any PNCs only manage resources related to his own
   administrative domain, like in [RFC8453] and
   [I-D.draft-ietf-teas-actn-poi-applicability] is described in figure
   Figure 4.

                           |   MDSC   |
                              |    |
     MPI interface    +-------+    +-------+
                      |                    |
                 +----+----+          +----+----+
                 |  P-PNC  |          |  O-PNC  |
                 +--+---+--+          +----+----+
                    ^   ^                  ^
                    |   |                  |
            +-------+   +------------------|---------+
            |                              |         |
            |                              |         |
            |                   +----------+         |
            |                   |                    |
            |                   v                    |
            v            +--------------+            v
           +-----+      /                \      +-----+
          / P.N.1 \..../..O.N--------O.N..\..../ P.N.2 \
          \       /    \  Optical Domain  /    \       /
           +-----+      \                /      +-----+

      P.N. = Packet/Optical Node (IPoWDM router)
      O.N. = Optical Switching DWDM Node (ROADM)
      ROADM = Lambda/Spectrum switch

                  Figure 4: Single SBI management Scenario

   In option 2 the P-PNC is the only component which has access to the
   routers and implements all the management capabilities.  In this case
   the P-PNC not only needs to expose to the MDSC all the needed info
   for the management of the multi-layer network, but also physical
   impairment data needed for the computation and validation of the

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   optical channel.  In addition, also performance data need to be
   exported, as well as the API needed for the configuration of the

   In other words, the P-PNC is in charge of discovering the devices
   (both the routers and the pluggables), configuring them, monitoring
   the performances and managing the faults via the asynchronous
   notifications coming for the devices.  The information collected
   needs to be exposed on the controller NBI and made available to the
   MDSCs, OSS systems or other applications.  The pluggables
   characteristics can be exposed using
   [I-D.draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang] and

   The role of the MDSC can be summarized into the following functions:
   discovery of the pluggables capabilities, consolidation of topology
   and services at all layers from L0 to L3, provisioning of multi-layer
   services including the OTSi service (whose path computation can be
   done by the MDSC itself or requested to the O-PNC), monitoring the
   performances and managing the faults/alarms of the services at all

   As the path computation for the optical layer is performed by the
   O-PNC, it needs to expose path computation APIs to the MDSC in order
   to accept the path characteristics or return the effective patameters
   of the computed path.

   # Updates to the ACTN MPI interface

   A specific standard interface (i.e.  ACTN MPI - MDSC-PNC interface)
   allows the MDSC to interact with the different O/P-PNCs.  Although
   the MPI interface should present an abstracted topology to the MDSC
   (hiding technology-specific aspects of the network and hiding
   topology details depending on the policy chosen) in the case of DWDM
   coherent pluggable located in the router some information related to
   the physical component must be shared on MPI.  The above statement is
   assumed as the Domain PNC (e.g.  O-PNC) may not be able to get
   information from a node belonging to a different domain (e.g.  P-PNC)
   or to set parameters.

   To better explain the reason of this change, there are two phases
   before setting an optical circuit:

   O-PNC routing and wavelength assignment and Optical Circuit

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      During the first phase the MDSC can ask the O-PNC to set an
      optical circuit between two ROADM ports (A and Z).  The O-PNC
      having the full Optical Topology network knowledge can calculate
      the Optical Path, the wavelength assignment (RWA), etc.
      K-circuits may be calculated and sorted based on some parameters
      (e.g. number of hops, path length, OSNR, etc.)

   Optical Circuit Feasibility

      During the optical circuit feasibility, the O-PNC can calculate
      the estimated OSNR for the A to Z circuits and sort them from the
      best to the worst performance or select the most suitable one from
      a optical performance standpoint.  To verify the circuit
      feasibility the O-PNC needs to know the Transceiver optical
      characteristics, e.g.  OSNR Robustness, DC capability, supported
      PDL, FEC, etc.  For more details refer to
      [I-D.draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang] and
      [I-D.draft-ietf-ccamp-optical-impairment-topology-yang].  The
      above parameters may not be directly retrieved from Packet Node by
      the O-PNC, (e.g. because the Packet Node supports only proprietary
      models or the Packet Nodes is not able to support dual writing
      operation or the Packet Node belongs to a different IP AS nor
      reachable by O-PNC), then they must be read by the P-PNC, shared
      to MDSC via MPI and finally to O-PNC.  Other parameters like
      central frequency and transmit power are calculated by the O-PNC
      and must be provisioned to the Pluggable optics when the circuit
      is set-up.

   ## Transceiver optical parameters capabilities

   We can summarize here the list of parameters needed for O-PNC to
   compute optical circuit feasibility and spectrum allocation.  The
   parameters are read by the P-PNC from the DWDM pluggable and shared
   with MDSC to give the visibility of the pluggable characteristics.

   Nominal Central frequency

      After having verified the Circuit Optical feasibility the O-PNC
      shares the channel central frequency to MDSC so that the MDSC can
      ask P-PNC to provision the Lambda to Router Pluggable.

   FEC Coding

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      This parameter indicates what Forward Error Correction (FEC) code
      is used at Ss and Rs (R/W) (not mentioned in G.698.2), it is used
      by the O-PNC to calculate the optical feasibility.  The FEC coding
      list (FEC can be many) supported by the pluggable is an input for
      O-PNC, one coding is selected for a specific circuit and is shared
      (as output) to MDSC for pluggable provisioning.

   Modulation format

      This parameter indicates the list of supported Modulation Formats
      and the provisioned Modulation Format.  It is an input for O-PNC

   Transmitter Output power

      This parameter provisions the Transceiver Output power.

   Receiver input power range

      This parameter is the Min and Max input power supported by the
      Transceiver, i.e. Receiver Sensitivity.  It is an input for O-PNC
      to properly calculate the optical power to set at ROADM port

   Receiver input power

      This parameter is the measured input power at the receiver.  It is
      an input for O-PNC to properly check the patchcord (between
      transceiver and ROADM) loss comparing it with the ROADM port
      received power.


      In order to make the MPI communication more efficient and improve
      the abstraction, the above (and more) parameters can be summarized
      by the operational-mode parameter.  The operational mode is
      described in section 2.5.2 of

   The above optical parameters are related to the Edge Node Transceiver
   and are used by the Optical Network controller in order to calculate
   the optical feasibility and the spectrum allocation.  The parameters
   are read by the P-PNC from the DWDM pluggable and shared with MDSC to
   give the visibility of the pluggable characteristics.  MDSC can use
   the info to understand the pluggable capability and, again, share the
   same info to O-PNC for the impairment verification.

   ## Pluggables provisioning

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   On the opposite direction O-PNC can send to MDSC the values (e.g.
   operational mode, lambda, TX power) to provision the Client (Packet)
   DWDM Pluggable.  The pluggable provisioning will be done by the
   P-PNC.  For more details on the optical interface parameters see:

   In summary the pluggable parameters exchanged from O-PNC to MDSC to
   P-PNC for end to end service provisioning are:

    - Pluggable Service source port-ID
    - Pluggable Service destination port-ID
    - Central Frequency (Lambda) (common to source and destination)
    - TX Output power (source port-ID)
    - TX Output power (destination port-ID)
    - Operational-mode (compatible)
    - Vendor OUI
    - Pluggable part number (if the operational mode in not standard)
    - Admin-state (common ?)

3.  Use Cases

   The different services supported by the network are shown in
   Figure 5.  This draft is focused on the inter-domain link, the
   coherent pluggable interfaces setting through the MC-links setting
   although the POI first goal is to set an IP service.

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   +-------------+                                   +-------------+
   |     IP      |                                   |     IP      |
   |             |              IP-link              |             |
   |   <------------------------------------------------------->   |
   |             |                                   |             |
   |             |                                   |             |
   |  +-------+  |              Eth-link             |  +-------+  |
   |  |  <--------------------------------------------------->  |  |
   |  |       |  |                                   |  |       |  |
   |  |       |  |              OTSi-link            |  |       |  |
   |  |  CPI <-------------------------------------------> CPI  |  |
   +--+-------+--+                                   +--+-------+--+
          ^                                                 ^
          |       +-------+                 +-------+       |
          |       |  OLS  |                 |  OLS  |       |
          |       |       |                 |       |       |
          +-----> | <-----------------------------> |<------+
     inter-domain |       |    MC-link      |       | inter-domain
        link      |       |                 |       |    link
                  +-------+                 +-------+

   IP-link = IP service, out of this document scope
   Eth-link = Ethernet connection
   CPI = Coherent Pluggable Interface
   OTSi-link = Pluggable connection (OTSi connection)
   MC-link = Media Channel link (MC optical circuit)

                   Figure 5: Cross layer interconnection

   The use cases supported by the models are:

   Inter Layer (or domain) Link discovery and provisioning

      The inter-domain links (or inter-domain links) are the
      interconnections (fiber) between the pluggable ports (in the
      Packet Layer) and the ROADM ports (in the Optical Layer).  They
      are set in the Packet and DWDM nodes either manually (e.g.  CLI)
      or via PNCs.  The values identifying the inter layer links may be
      defined by MDSC which has the visibility of both IP and Optical
      layers.  The "plug-id" [RFC8795] could be used for this purpose.

   Network topology discovery and provisioning

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      MDSC retrieves the packet network topology from the P-PNC and the
      optical network topology from the O-PNC.  MDSC collects and
      rebuilds the service topology based on the services information
      coming from P-PNC and O-PNC as described in

   End to End Packet service provisioning / deletion

      MDSC is asked to set a Packet service between two Routers
      requiring additional connectivity bandwidth.

   Optical Circuit provisioning / deletion

      MDSC is asked to set an Optical Circuit between two router ports
      (O-PNC will receive the same request from MDSC).  This is
      specially needed during the network installation to provide
      Connectivity between two Routers, the IP link will be set up later
      using this optical tunnel.

   LAG extension

      MDSC is asked to extend a service bandwidth.  This may require
      more Router optical connectivity.

   Optical Restoration

      O-PNC detects an optical network failure and reroutes the optical
      circuits to a different path (and lambda).

   Network Maintenance Operations

      MDSC is asked to isolate part of the optical network for
      maintenance and coordinate the O-PNC and P-PNC to preserve the
      traffic during the maintenance operation.

   In the following sub-sections a workflow for each use case is
   described.  Each workflow is analyzed consider a scenario like the
   one described in option 2.  In those cases when the workflow differs
   between option 1 and option 2, a note describing the differences is

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3.1.  Inter Domain Link discovery and provisioning

   The inter-domain links are set in the Packet and DWDM nodes either
   manually (e.g. via CLI or NMS) during the installation phase when the
   operator connects the Pluggable Transceiver to the ROADM port via
   fiber patchcord or is defined by the MDSC controller and provisioned
   via the PNCs.  One method and model to define the Inter Layer Link
   is, for example, to assign a value to the patchcord (for Tx and RX
   directions) and store those values in the Pluggable and ROADM port
   provisioning when the fiber is connected between the two ports.  This
   allows the PNCs to retrieve the values and share them with the MDSC
   for the correlation and check.  Other smarter and automatic methods
   of patchcord discovery may be defined but are outside of this draft

   The inter-domain link must be set (or clear) any time a new pluggable
   module is installed (or removed) and it is connected to the ROADM
   port with the fiber patchcord.  When a new coherent pluggable
   interface is installed an inventory notification must be reported to
   the PNCs and MDSC, the reported info are:

   - Pluggable port-ID (e.g. rack/shelf/slot/port or UUID)
   - Supported Operational-modes (standard,organizational and explicit)
   - Supported Application codes
   - Pluggable part number (if the op-mode in not standard)
   - Manufacturing data

   It would be also possible to auto-discover the inter-domain links
   between DWDM coherent pluggables and ROADM ports by checking the
   input/output power levels (and probably switching on/off the lasers
   of the pluggables).  This would require the help of MDSC, O-PNC and
   P-PNC.  The same method could be used to verify the provisioned
   connectivity.  For further study in this draft.

   In this use case no difference between option 1 and 2 is foreseen,
   the MDSC can discover the inter-domain links correlating the
   information received by the P-PNC and O-PNC.

3.2.  Network topology discovery and provisioning

   The first operation executed by the P-PNC and O-PNC is to discover
   the network topology and share it with the MDSC via the MPI.  The
   PNCs will discover and share also the inter-domain links so that the
   MDSC can rebuild the full network topology associating the DWDM
   Router ports to the ROADM ports.  Once the association is discovered
   the P-PNC must share the characteristics of Pluggable module with the
   MDSC and then MDSC with the O-PNC.  At this point the Hierarchical
   controller (MDSC) and the domain controllers have all the information

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   to commit and honor any service request coming from the OSS/
   orchestrator.  The details of the general operations are described in
   [I-D.draft-ietf-teas-actn-poi-applicability], while this draft
   describes how to operate the Pluggable module during the optical
   circuit set-up operation.  As the Pluggable can be inserted or remove
   at any time it is relevant to have admin and operational state
   notification from the network to the PNC and MDSC.

   Also in this case the MDSC can retrieve all the needed info in
   collaboration with the P-PNC and O-PNC.

3.3.  End to End service provisioning / deletion

   The End to End service provisioning is a multilayer provisioning
   involving both the packet layer and the optical layer.  The MDSC
   plays a key role as it has the full network visibility and can co-
   ordinate the different domain controllers operations.  The service
   request can be driven by the operator using the MDSC UI or the MDSC
   receives the service request from the operator OSS/Orchestrator.

   The workflow for the creation of an end to end service is composed by
   the following steps:

   Option 1

     1. MDSC receives a end to end service request from OSS/Orchestrator
     2. MDSC starts computing the different operations to implement the
     3. First MDSC starts to compute the routing, the bandwidth, the
        constrains of the packet service.
     4. If the Packet network can support the service without additional
        connections among the Routers
        4.1. then the packet service is commissioned through the P-PNC
        4.2. a notification with all the service info is sent to OSS.
     5. If more optical connectivity is needed
        5.1. MDSC notifies the operator about the extra bandwidth need
        5.2. optionally, automatically identifies the spare router ports
             to be used for the connection extension (e.g. A and Z).
        5.3. The Router ports (pluggable) must be connected to A' and Z'
             ROADM ports and must be compatible (in terms of optical
             parameters, etc.).
     6. MDSC (autonomously / under operator demand) asks to O-PNC to set
        an optical circuit between ROADM ports A' and Z' assuming that
        the information on the pluggable supported parameters (A and Z):
               - Pluggable Service source port-ID
               - Pluggable Service destination port-ID
               - Operational-mode or standard mode (compatible)
               - Vendor OUI (if the operational mode in not standard)

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               - Pluggable part number (if the op-mode in not standard)
               - Admin-state
             are already known by the O-PNC
        6.2. the bandwidth (e.g. 100G or 400G, etc.)
        6.3. the routing constraints (e.g. SRLG XRO, etc)
     7. O-PNC, potentially with the help of a planning tool in charge
        for planning for mixed optical channels (both usual optical
        transponders and optical pluggable), calculates the optical
        route, selects the Lambda, verifies the optical feasibility,
        calculates the pluggable TX power.
        7.1.  If all is OK, provisions the optical circuit in ROADM.
        7.2.  If anything went wrong the O-PNC rejects the MDSC request.
     8. O-PNC updates the MDSC of successful circuit provisioning
        including the path, the nominal central frequency, the
        operational mode (or the explicit optical parameters - see
        draft-ietf-ccamp-optical-impairment-topology-yang for
        more details), the TX power, SRLG etc.
        The optical circuit at this point is provisioned but
        not yet operational (no optical power coming from the
        transceivers yet).
     9. The MDSC updates the service DB and forward the pluggable
        provisioning parameters to P-PNC to complete the optical set-up.
     10. MDSC is ready to commission the packet service through P-PNC
         10.1. has the visibility of end to end optical circuit (active)
         10.2. the packet service is commissioned
         10.3. MDSC service DB is updated
     11. MDSC notifies the OSS of successful end to end service set-up
     12. The service assurance can then start, through the O-PNC for the
         optical circuit (including Pluggable Alarms and PM),
         through the P-PNC for the IP/MPLS service.

   NOTE: the Optical service may not be feasible due to optical
   impairments calculation failure.  In this case the O-PNC will reject
   the optical circuit creation request to MDSC.  It is up to the
   operator (through MDSC) to scale down (e.g.  propose a 300Gb/s
   instead of a 400Gb/s service) the request or plan a network upgrade.

   Another point to note is the information about the pluggable are
   directly collected by O-PNC.  In reality this info should be known by
   the O-PNC at network commissioning time when the Inter Domain Link is
   set or discovered.  The pluggable information may have multiple
   instances when the pluggable support multiple bit rate (e.g.  ZR+).
   In case of multiple bit rate (and multiple operational mode) the
   O-PNC can decide to propose to MDSC a different bit rate (higher or
   lower) calculated in base of the optical validation algorithms.  That
   is: MDSC ask for a 400Gb/s bit rate while O-PNC proposer a 300Gb/s
   bit rate, instead of rejecting the circuit request.

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    Option 2

     1. MDSC receives a end to end service request from OSS/Orchestrator
     2. MDSC starts computing the different operations to implement the
     3. First MDSC starts to compute the routing, the bandwidth, the
        constrains of the packet service.
     4. If the Packet network can support the service without additional
        connections among the Routers.
        4.1. then the packet service is commissioned through the P-PNC
        4.2. a notification with all the service info is sent to OSS.
     5. If more optical connectivity is needed
        5.1. MDSC notifies the operator about the extra bandwidth need
        5.2. optionally, automatically identifies the spare router ports
             to be used for the connection extension (e.g. A and Z).
        5.3. The Router ports (pluggable) must be connected to A' and Z'
             ROADM ports and must be compatible (in terms of optical
             parameters, etc.).
     6. MDSC (autonomously / under operator demand) asks to O-PNC to set
        an optical circuit between ROADM ports A' and Z' providing
        information on:
        6.1. the pluggable supported parameters (A and Z)
               - Pluggable Service source port-ID
               - Pluggable Service destination port-ID
               - Operational-mode or standard mode (compatible)
               - Vendor OUI (if the operational mode in not standard)
               - Pluggable part number (if the op-mode in not standard)
               - Admin-state (common ?)
        6.2. the bandwidth (e.g. 100G or 400G, etc.)
        6.3. the routing constraints (e.g. SRLG XRO, etc)
     7. O-PNC calculates the optical route, selects the nominal
        central frequency, verifies the optical feasibility, calculates
        the pluggable TX power.
        7.1.  If all is OK, provisions the optical circuit in ROADM.
        7.2.  If anything went wrong the O-PNC rejects the MDSC request.
     8. O-PNC updates the MDSC of successful circuit provisioning
        including the path, the nominal central frequency, the
        operational mode (or the explicit optical parameters - see
        draft-ietf-ccamp-optical-impairment-topology-yang for more
        details), the TX power, SRLG, etc. The optical circuit at
        this point is provisioned but not yet operational
        (no optical power coming from the transceivers yet).
     9. The MDSC updates the service DB and forward the pluggable
        provisioning parameters to P-PNC to complete the optical set-up.
     10. MDSC is ready to commission the packet service through P-PNC
         10.1. has the visibility of end to end optical circuit (active)
         10.2. the packet service is commissioned
         10.3. MDSC service DB is updated

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     11. MDSC notifies the OSS of successful end to end service set-up
     12. The service assurance can then start, through the O-PNC for the
          optical circuit, through the P-PNC for the pluggable and the
          IP/MPLS service.

   NOTE: the Optical service may not be feasible due to optical
   impairments calculation failure.  In this case the O-PNC will reject
   the optical circuit creation request to MDSC.  It is up to the
   operator (through MDSC) to scale down (e.g.  propose a 300Gb/s
   instead of a 400Gb/s service) the request or plan a network upgrade.
   Another point to note is the information sent by MDSC to O-PNC about
   the pluggable characteristics.  In reality this info should be known
   by the O-PNC at network commissioning time when the Inter Domain Link
   is set or discovered.  The pluggable information may have multiple
   instances when the pluggable support multiple bit rate (e.g.  ZR+).
   In case of multiple bit rate (and multiple operational mode) the
   O-PNC can decide to propose to MDSC a different bit rate (higher or
   lower) calculated in base of the optical validation algorithms.  That
   is: MDSC ask for a 400Gb/s bit rate while O-PNC proposer a 300Gb/s
   bit rate, instead of rejecting the circuit request.

3.4.  Optical Circuit provisioning / deletion

   Upon receiving an optical service request from the OSS/Orchestrator,
   the MDSC starts performing the different operations to implement the
   optical service (e.g. from A to Z).  As an alternative the service
   request can be driven by the operator using the MDSC UI.

   The steps of the workflow are:

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     1. MDSC receives a end to end service request from the OSS/Orchestr
     2. MDSC starts computing the different operations to implement the
     3. to check whether the optical connectivity is feasible
        3.1. automatically identifies the router ports to be
             used for the optical connection (e.g. A and Z).
        3.2. The Router ports (pluggable) must be connected to A' and Z'
             ROADM ports and must be compatible (in terms of optical
             parameters, etc.).
     4. MDSC asks to O-PNC to set the optical circuit between ROADM
        ports A' and Z' providing information on:
        4.1. the pluggable supported parameters (A and Z)
               - Pluggable Service source port-ID
               - Pluggable Service destination port-ID
               - Operational-mode or standard mode (compatible)
               - Vendor OUI (if the operational mode in not standard)
               - Pluggable part number (if the op-mode in not standard)
               - Admin-state (common ?)
        4.2. the bandwidth (e.g. 100G or 400G, etc.)
        4.3. the routing constraints (e.g. SRLG XRO, etc)
     5. O-PNC calculates the optical route, selects the Lambda, verifies
        the optical feasibility, the pluggable TX power.
        5.1.  If all is OK, provisions the optical circuit
     6. O-PNC updates the MDSC of successful circuit provisioning
        including the path, the Lambda, the operational mode (or the
        explicit optical parameters), the TX power, etc.
     7. The MDSC updates the service DB and forward the pluggable
         provisioning parameters to P-PNC to complete the optical set-up
     8. MDSC verifies the end to end optical circuits (active)
     9. The MDSC notifies the OSS of successful optical circuit set-up.
     10.The assurance operational can start, fully driven by O-PNC in
        option 1 or coordinated by MDSC in option 2.

   NOTE: the Optical service may not be feasible due to optical
   impairments calculation failure.  In this case the O-PNC will reject
   the optical circuit creation request to MDSC.  It is up to the
   operator (through MDSC) to scale down the request or plan a network

   The same consideration done in the previus use case are applicable

3.5.  LAG extension

   Upon receiving a LAG service request from OSS/Orchestrator, the MDSC
   start computing the different operations to implement the request.

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   The MDSC would determine if an existing multi-layer connection exists
   between the routers participating in the LAG.  If so, the MDSC would
   request the P-PNC to configure and add the new LAG bundle member link

   using this existing connection, and notify the OSS confirmation of
   the additional link.  If more optical connectivity is needed, then
   the procedures defined in Section 3.3 would be followed.

3.6.  Optical Restoration

   For this use case the trigger for the Domain controller and MDSC to
   take actions is coming from the optical data plane when the O-PNC
   detects or is notified about an optical network failure (e.g. a fiber
   cut or a node failure).  This kind of events affect the traffic and a
   number of optical circuits are lost.

     1. First action is taken by the O-PNC to identify what are the
        affected circuits enabled to restoration
     2. For the circuits enabled to restoration O-PNC starts to compute
        2.1. the restore paths
        2.2. their feasibility and any optical parameter change (e.g.
             lambda retuning, TX power, etc.)
     3. If the restore path and all parameters are OK for the optical
        3.1. the restore path is provisioned
        3.2. nodifications to MDSC are sent to notify the circuits data
               - circuit path + SRLG
               - Pluggable Service source port-ID
               - Pluggable Service destination port-ID
               - Operational-mode or standard mode (compatible)
               - Admin-state (common ?)
     4. The MDSC updates the circuit DB and forward any pluggable
        provisioning change to P-PNC
     5. P-PNC will take care to apply the new provisioning data to the
        pluggables (e.g. lambda, operational data, TX power, etc.)
     6. The Restoration process is then completed and the IP connection
        between the routers is recovered.

   NOTE: the restoration may not be feasible due to optical impairments
   calculation failure.  In this case the O-PNC will notify the optical
   circuit restoration failure to MDSC.  It is up to the operator,
   through MDSC, to take actions and/or plan a network upgrade.

   In case the optical circuit restoration is revertible, is again O-PNC
   responsibility to monitor the failure after the fix and start the
   revert procedure to bring the restore path to the original route.

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3.7.  Network Maintenance Operations

   The maintenance operation is requested by the OSS when a part of the
   network needs a maintenance activity.  There could be Packet network
   maintenance or Optical network Maintenance.  As an alternative the
   maintenance request can be driven by the operator using the MDSC UI.

   The Packet network maintenance is simple and is addressed by the MDSC
   in cooperation with the P-PNC.

   The optical network maintenance is more complex and needs the MDSC
   coordination to ask the P-PNC to move away the traffic from the
   resources under maintenance in the optical network.  That means MDSC
   has to search in the service DB whether a service is using a definite
   optical link and re-route the service to a part of the optical
   network not affected by the maintenance operation.  Upon maintenance
   completion the MDSC will bring all the traffic back to the original

4.  Optical Interface for external transponder in a WDM network

   This document proposes an augmentation to the ietf-interface module
   called ietf-ext-xponder-wdm-if.  The ietf-ext-xponder-wdm-if, author
   note: define the model, is an augment to the ietf-interface.  It
   allows the user to set the operating mode of transceivers as well as
   other operational parameters.  The module also provides threshold
   settings and notifications to supervise measured parameters and
   notify the client.

5.  Structure of the Yang Module

   ietf-ext-xponder-wdm-if is a top-level model for the support of this

   Editor's note: This chapter is to be completed.

6.  Security Considerations

   This document does not introduce any new interfaces or protocols in
   addition to the ACTN architecture defined in [RFC8453], hence the
   same considerations apply.  In addition, IPsec and HMAC- MD5
   authentication are common examples of existing mechanisms.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document registers a URI in the IETF XML registry [RFC3688].
   Following the format in [RFC3688], the following registration is
   requested to be made:

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   URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces:ietf-ext-xponder-

   Registrant Contact: The IESG.

   XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace.

   This document registers a YANG module in the YANG Module Names
   registry [RFC6020].

   This document registers a YANG module in the YANG Module Names
   registry [RFC6020].

   prefix: [I-D.draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang]

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

              Galimberti, G., Hiremagalur, D., Grammel, G., Manzotti,
              R., and D. Breuer, "A YANG model to manage the optical
              interface parameters for an external transponder in a WDM
              network", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              ccamp-dwdm-if-param-yang-10, 23 October 2023,

              Beller, D., Le Rouzic, E., Belotti, S., Galimberti, G.,
              and I. Busi, "A YANG Data Model for Optical Impairment-
              aware Topology", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-ccamp-optical-impairment-topology-yang-14, 23 October
              2023, <

              Peruzzini, F., Bouquier, J., Busi, I., King, D., and D.
              Ceccarelli, "Applicability of Abstraction and Control of
              Traffic Engineered Networks (ACTN) to Packet Optical
              Integration (POI)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-teas-actn-poi-applicability-10, 19 January
              2024, <

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Internet-Draft  Applicability of Abstraction and Control   February 2024

              International Telecommunications Union, "Spectral grids
              for WDM applications: DWDM frequency grid", ITU-T
              Recommendation G.698.2 , February 2012.

              International Telecommunications Union, "Amplified
              multichannel dense wavelength division multiplexing
              applications with single channel optical interfaces",
              ITU-T Recommendation G.698.2 , November 2009.

   [ITU.G872] International Telecommunications Union, "Architecture of
              optical transport networks", ITU-T Recommendation G.872 ,
              January 2017.

              Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), "Implementation
              Agreement 400ZR", OIF OIF-400ZR-01-0 , March 2020.

              OpenZR+ Multi-Source Agreement, "400ZR+ Multi-Source
              Agreement", OpenZR+ Open ZR+ MSA , September 2020.

   [RFC1930]  Hawkinson, J. and T. Bates, "Guidelines for creation,
              selection, and registration of an Autonomous System (AS)",
              BCP 6, RFC 1930, DOI 10.17487/RFC1930, March 1996,

   [RFC3688]  Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004,

   [RFC6020]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for
              the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, October 2010,

   [RFC8453]  Ceccarelli, D., Ed. and Y. Lee, Ed., "Framework for
              Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN)", RFC 8453,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8453, August 2018,

   [RFC8795]  Liu, X., Bryskin, I., Beeram, V., Saad, T., Shah, H., and
              O. Gonzalez de Dios, "YANG Data Model for Traffic
              Engineering (TE) Topologies", RFC 8795,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8795, August 2020,

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8.2.  Informative References

              "MANTRA whitepaper IPoWDM convergent SDN architecture",
              August 2022, <


   Many Thanks to Italo Busi for the several comments, suggestion and
   support in GitHub process management.  Part of this work has been
   supported by the EU SEASON Project.


   Phil Bedard

   Rana El Desouky Kazamel

   Gert Grammel

   Prasenjit Manna

   Jose-Angel Perez

   Manuel-Julian Lopez

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Authors' Addresses

   Gabriele Galimberti (editor)
   Phone: +393357481947

   Jean-Francois Bouquier (editor)

   Ori Gerstel (editor)
   AMOT ATRIUM Tower 19th floor

   Brent Foster (editor)
   Research Triangle Park
   North Carolina,
   United States

   Daniele Ceccarelli (editor)

   Sergio Belotti (editor)

   Oscar Gonzalez de Dios (editor)

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