Internet DRAFT - draft-pradeep-kumar-xplorer-posvm


Network Working Group                                        Pradeep Kumar Xplorer
Intended status: Standards Track                                  	Individual
Expires: Jun 22, 2017                          		      Dec 22, 2016

                 Proposal for protocol and operating systems Virtual machines


   This document describes need for protocol and operating systems Virtual machines
Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on Jun 22,2017.

Pradeep Kumar Xplorer     Expires Jun 22, 2017             [Page 1]
Internet-Draft    Proposal for protocol and operating systems virtual machines  Dec 22, 2016

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents
   1. Introduction ............................................... 2
   2. Background ..................................................2
   3. General Information of the service ..........................2
   4. Authors Addresses ...........................................3
   5. Acknowledgements ............................................3

1. Introduction

    To implement a protocol and operating system virtual machine in addition to a 
    desktop virtual machine like java virtual machine

2. Background
     Right now as a user i am stuck with my operating system and a browser that uses
     HTTP protocol. There can be more the user can control, how a browser and other
     clients like emailer behaves.
3. General Information of the service

      Right now i am stuck with an HTTP protocol and a browser and some applications
      that behaves in a certain way and an operating system that behaves in a certain
      I would want little more user configurability. For this i propose a Operating system
      virtual machine and a protocol virtual machine in addition to a desktop virtual
      machine like java virtual machine.

      So my computer or mobile phone has three virtual machines. Desktop virtual machines
      that interprets commands to render on desktop/browser like java virtual machine
      and operating system virtual machine and a protocol virtual machine. I should be able to
      Configure a particular operating system for my desktop and share it with all those 
      who like it - similar to a Content management system theme or a blogging skin.
      I should be able to configure protocol for network communication, theres data and protocol
      and share it with all others. So i can configure a beer:// protocol or my own email protocol.
      Lets say there are 100 computers authorised to upload and view certain kind of video files
      like fitness yoga videos. These 100 computers are on the internet and can transmit data
      with millions of computers but only these 100 computers know how to interact with each
      other to view and upload such files. SO i have an operating system that i configured using
      my desktop that has the three virtual machines. It has only three actions. View videos
      Search videos and Upload Videos. I switch on the machine, i dont see microsoft windows
      or android but just a screen with three possible actions. So i should be able to download
      this operating system from the network and use it. Similarily the communication protocol
      can be configured for browser.I should be able to configure a chat protocol for my browser
      and have 1000 download it or a beer:// protocol. 

Pradeep Kumar Xplorer     Expires Jun 22, 2017                [Page 2]
Internet-Draft    Proposal for protocol and operating systems virtual machines           Dec 22, 2016

4.Authors' Addresses

    Pradeep Kumar Xplorer



Pradeep Kumar Xplorer     Expires Jun 22, 2017               [Page 3]
Internet-Draft    Proposal for protocol and Operating systems Virtual machines        Dec 22, 2016