Internet DRAFT - draft-pradeepkumarxplorer-iwall


Network Working Group                                           Pradeep Kumar Xplorer
Internet-Draft                                                    Google
Intended status: Standards Track                                 May 11, 2023
Expires: Nov 11,2023

                   		Internet Wall


   To have an and a way to implement it using http
some datagram with destination IP/display name message. To change
command line utility wall to included location ipaddress and ipaddress

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on Nov 11, 2023.

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                        Expires Nov 11, 2023               [Page 1]
Internet-Draft              Internet Wall                May 2023

   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

1.  Introduction
Proposal for internet wall . By Pradeep kumar Xplorer ex
sun .com engineer currently victim of cybercrime using california resident unable to return there
and his mother murdered. If you like this proposal or design
please email and request some
financial aid to expand the design and have the project
I propose the internet wall . Wall is old unix command line
utility where a user can message all
users logged in with some wall message. Like the system
administrator in the evening giving half an hour more time
to finish work and log off, or informing of some meeting to
discuss some projects.The internet wall is where you see the
internet as a giant computer.
Once you are online you are one user of the internet which
can have several million to billion users online at the same
time. The internet wall is a suite of applications cross
platform cross domain that would be in your desktop or
smart fone screen that you can invoke and wall everyone
online or some subset of those who are online.
I propose a website internetwall .com or or any other domain
This is cross platform cross domain messaging application .
The collection of users that can receive the message can be 
seen as a Virtual computer.
So All online in Canggu beach area can be seen as logged into
Canggu beach Virtual computer and a wall
message “dont go to beach today” should be seen by all
internet users online whether they use iphone ,
android , microsoft windows, macintosh etc.
I propose a iwall suite of applications that would be
available for walling text messages and videos
audios etc. after the completion of the project each and every
desktop or smartfone screen would have the iwall suite of
Virtual computer can also be defined by using a GPS
mapping tool . SO I should be able to use
a iwall application that use a map and I should be able to
zoom in and zoom out and draw a circle or square or a
rectangle or select a park or highway or all eateries or fitness
clubs or gas stations etc.
and wall everyone online in that location . I should be able
to say wall everyone five miles around me that are online.
I should be able to wall everyone in california that I am a
past resident that should be enjoying california but stuck
overseas stranded because of cybercrime using my domain and it ended up in murder of my mother. 
I should be able to wall everyone online that I have a unique
yoga guidance book and technique of meowing and parallels
to arms of safyra can be used by all word speaking that has
an innerspace
I should be able to see the wall of Bangkok sukumvit and see
whats on the wall of nigeria or sacramento or what wall
messages are being posted in the wall of any location .
Applications that are at a higher level should have a plugin
to have wall messages tunnel and popup.
These are common wall messages
I should be able to wall everyone online using or
icann .org or some message. Thats walling
based on subnetwork domains
I propose internetwall .com or any other domain extensions.
The intenetwall .com should also support a global universal
username password server. So I have to be able to Create
username pxplorer and password 12345678
and thats my single signon username password. So when I
create a hotmail .com account, it should have an option and
ask me do you want to use your internetwall .com
singlesignon identity. And if click yes, I do not have to create
profile and everything repeatedly. If I create a bank account 
in I should be able to see the same in
their website as well .
Once I have a single signon identity I should be able to create
a profile with keywords and whatever else.

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I propose a Wall App that can be downloaded from repositories like
Google play. 

This is the man of wall from a Linux box in bluehost.

NAME         top
       wall - write a message to all users
SYNOPSIS         top
       wall [-n] [-t timeout] [-g group] [message | file]
DESCRIPTION         top
       wall displays a message, or the contents of a file, or otherwise
       its standard input, on the terminals of all currently logged in
       users.  The command will wrap lines that are longer than 79
       characters.  Short lines are whitespace padded to have 79
       characters.  The command will always put a carriage return and
       new line at the end of each line.

       Only the superuser can write on the terminals of users who have
       chosen to deny messages or are using a program which
       automatically denies messages.

       Reading from a file is refused when the invoker is not superuser
       and the program is set-user-ID or set-group-ID.
OPTIONS         top
       -n, --nobanner
              Suppress the banner.

       -t, --timeout timeout
              Abandon the write attempt to the terminals after timeout
              seconds.  This timeout must be a positive integer.  The
              default value is 300 seconds, which is a legacy from the
              time when people ran terminals over modem lines.

       -g, --group group
              Limit printing message to members of group defined as a
              group argument.  The argument can be group name or GID.

       -V, --version
              Display version information and exit.

       -h, --help
              Display help text and exit.
NOTES         top
       Some sessions, such as wdm, that have in the beginning of utmp(5)
       ut_type data a ':' character will not get the message from wall.
       This is done to avoid write errors.
HISTORY         top
       A wall command appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.
SEE ALSO         top
       mesg(1), talk(1), write(1), shutdown(8)
AVAILABILITY         top

This has to be modified to have

wall location message

wall ipaddress message
wall ipaddressrange message

RPC can be used to use wall at the remote IPlocation by UDP or some protocol

Author's Address

   Pradeep Kumar Xplorer


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Internet-Draft              Internet Wall		May 2023