Internet DRAFT - draft-pradeepkumarxplorer-pdirsd


Network Working Group                                           Pradeep Kumar Xplorer
Internet-Draft                                                    google
Intended status: Standards Track                                 Mar 29, 2021
Expires: Sept 29,2021

			Parallel distributed information retrieval services

    Have a way to know worldwide http accesses and bird eyes view of http traffic and topurls
of the day and have distributed indexing 

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 22, 2021.

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Freed                  Expires September 26, 2021               [Page 1]
Internet-Draft              topurls               March 2021

   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
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1.  Introduction

Parellel Distributed Information retrieval services
Rudimentary idea first phase

I propose Parallel Dsitributed Information retrieval services where the index is
not with just one company like google or yahoo.
Each access of something results in being indexed or upgraded in rank to be
So if someone access it would be
automatically indexed.
Right now if i am the author of the file i have to manually use some indexing
software given by google or yahoo. I have not done it. Most websites are not providing easy indexers as well.
So each Webserver would have a PDIRSD daemon or software in the website
If i access
then my webserver indexes it.
Each PDIRSD webserver would have also a indexer in the website
So if my website is it would have an indexer
So i am in Dalung and accessing a URL in camada it might be a transient file,
so dalung would have some list of PDIRSD webservers, the nearest to my client
browser would index the file or information in Canada that i accessed
So the WWW would have many PDISRD servers and a search invokation from
your desktop or smart fone screen would use some algorithm to search for
some PDISRD servers in the WWW
and give you the result.
I also propose a file database in root zone server where toplevel domain names
are stored accessstats or some name.
If i access then access stats would have 1, if another browser accesses
accessstats would have walkonyourtoes 2 so at the end of the day accessstats
would have all urls accessed during the day and the count and a
website can show the top accessed urls and also some display can be used to
show birds eye view of http traffic of the day
There has to be another database accesspaths which shows the clientIP
and accessed URL.. using which a birds eye view of the http accesses
of the day can be seen on a display. It can be categorised all
http accesses of pornography or related to pilates can be also 

The same computers that keep root zone database of TLDs should have some
file that has all http url accesses in WWW and count.

If i access the file or database would have an 
entry 1
if someone else accesses the count would increase


Freed                  Expires September 29, 2021               [Page 2]
Internet-Draft              topurls		March 2021

Author's Address

   Pradeep Kumar Xplorer


Freed                  Expires September 16, 2021