Internet DRAFT - draft-prodrigues-extar


Network Working Group                                       P. Rodrigues
Internet-Draft                                              10 July 2023
Intended status: Informational                                          
Expires: 11 January 2024



   The shift to multi-cloud environments brought data leakage prevention
   challenges for organisations.  The current Cross-Tenant Access
   Restriction (XTAR) mechanisms do not cover critical scenarios where
   users can connect to multiple tenants (organisational and personal),
   facilitating data exfiltration.  The goal, similar to previously
   proposed, reviewed and accepted protocols that have been published as
   RFC standards and are now widely adopted, is to help organisations
   keep their data under control when using one or more Cloud Service
   Providers (CSPs).  This can be done by incentivising CSPs to adopt
   the proposed protocol, Extended-Cross-Tenant Access Restriction
   (E-XTAR), consisting of a globally readable header specifying the
   allowed <CSP, tenantID> combinations allowed by the home
   organisation.  The work gathers scenarios contributing to the
   importance of a cloud-agnostic, universally embraced protocol.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Proposed protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Single CSP organisation with no controls  . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Single-cloud organisation, network restrictions
           applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  Single-cloud organisation, CSP XTAR & network restrictions
           applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.4.  Single-cloud organisation, CSP XTAR . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.5.  Multi-cloud organisation, CSP XTAR & network restrictions
           applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.6.  Edge Case: Multi-cloud organisation, identity federation,
           CSP XTAR & network restrictions applied . . . . . . . . .   9
     3.7.  Multi-cloud organisation, E-XTAR  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.1.  Identity federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.2.  Proposed protocol adoption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.3.  BYOD policies and authentication traffic  . . . . . . . .  13
     4.4.  Verifying E-XTAR implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.5.  Alternative attack vector: Upload portals . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

1.  Introduction

   Organisations' dynamic has evolved into a hybrid, multi-cloud setting
   (1).  A subset of those will have granted their colleagues company-
   owned devices, the assumption often being, to access cloud tenants
   associated with their work in the said company (2).  Segregation of
   business and personal environments, being a direct consequence of
   this, improves the level of Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) policies.
   Additionally, the dynamics within a single organisation, or even
   inter-organisations, have contributed to the adoption of multi-cloud
   environments, that is, organisations instantiating organisational

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   tenants in multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) (3).  The keyword
   there is "tenant".  Employees/colleagues can, rightfully, instantiate
   their tenants in those CSPs.

   An approach that can be taken (and it indeed works in specific
   scenarios) is inserting a header in the authentication-related
   network traffic originating from the company-owned devices (2).  The
   device itself, or a network proxy, injects custom CSP-specific
   headers either directly containing a list of allowed, uniquely
   identified, tenants or providing an indirect mechanism (look-up) to
   get such a list.  The CSP, capable of interpreting its custom header,
   decides whether to emit or not, a valid authentication token.  Looks
   at which tenant the user is trying to access and only issues a valid
   token if such a tenant is present in the list of allowed tenants.

   The catch: This is not something that all CSPs have adopted.  In
   fact, to my knowledge, only a couple have such mechanisms, and, it,
   itself, has scope for improvement.  This Internet-Draft exposes the
   need for the standardisation of a cross-tenant access restriction
   protocol and consequent adoption by CSPs.

   Take the widely adopted Sender Policy Framework (SPF - [rfc7208]),
   Domain-Keys Identified Mail (DKIM - [rfc6376]) and Domain-based
   Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance (DMARC - [rfc7489])
   protocols that, together with the Domain Name Server (DNS
   ( protocol, help ensure the authenticity and
   integrity of electronic mail - related to yet another RFC-defined
   protocol: SMTP - [rfc5321].  A noteworthy characteristic of these,
   and other, protocols defined in standards is: They are optional.
   There is no central body enforcing the adoption of the standards.
   What has happened, and still is, is that the community itself is
   pressured to adopt certain standards to guarantee reliable Internet
   communication between services.

   We can follow a similar strategy for data protection, to secure
   organisational (potentially sensitive) data from exfiltration, this
   document suggests a cloud-agnostic protocol that consists of having a
   single header, interpretable by any CSP's Identity Provider, to
   verify if the authentication request is coming from a company-owned
   device and, if it is, only to emit an authentication token if the
   tenant being reached in that CSP is allowed by the home organisation,
   owner of the company-owned device.

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   Because we cannot guarantee every existing and new CSP will implement
   this sort of mechanism, the standardisation process incentivises it,
   and, if adopted by the CSPs and organisations, it restricts the
   attack vector where colleagues, intentionally or not, exfiltrate data
   from an organisational tenant into an external tenant (personal or

2.  Background

   Organisations deal with sensitive data and therefore follow strict
   data governance rules.  Many introduce data leakage prevention
   policies, which are eased or not fully effective on organisationally-
   owned devices (work devices), as these are usually within a corporate
   network and are trusted.

   As we will see from the Section 3, a multi-cloud organisation cannot
   block access to a whole CSP.  And even in a single cloud environment,
   except for specific CSPs that allow/understand an XTAR mechanism to
   restrict access to specific tenants within that CSP, there is no
   widely adopted protocol to restrict access to specific tenants across
   CSPs.  This appears to be essential when organisations are looking to
   have clear isolation between organisational and personal tenants.

2.1.  Proposed protocol

   In Section 3, the Section 3.7 protocol accommodates scenarios of
   single- and multi-cloud organisations with the need to restrict
   access to organisational tenants within them.  These organisations
   are assumed to have provided their colleagues with a corporate device
   that should only access organisational tenants.

   This approach is an extension of the approach taken by one specific
   CSP, which includes allowing an organisation to inject an optional
   header ("allowed-tenants-list") in the authentication-related network
   traffic destined for that CSP, which will then be read and
   interpreted by the CSP itself.  This header will contain a list of
   organisationally allowed tenants (within that CSP).  Once the traffic
   reaches the CSP's Identity Provider (the service granting the
   authentication token), the token will only be emitted if the tenant
   being accessed is present in the "allowed-tenants-list" network

   Limitations of this "legacy" protocol:

   *  Adopted by a single CSP, hence not apt for multi-cloud

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   *  Allow list of tenants must be fully declared on the header,
      rendering management and configuration difficulties.

   The proposed protocol (E-XTAR) extends the legacy protocol as

   *  Instead of having a vendor-specific header, readable only by that
      specific CSP, introduce a new vendor-agnostic header "global-

   *  The new header can either (1) explicitly list all allowed <CSP,
      tenantID> pairs (similar to the legacy protocol's header) or (2)
      specify an endpoint for the target CSP to retrieve the allowed
      list of <CSP, tenantID> pairs;

   *  The effectiveness of this proposed protocol is dependent on the
      wide adoption by CSPs;

   *  This header would still be optional both for the organisation
      injecting it and for the CSPs that interpret it (organisational
      choice whether to fully restrict access to CSPs that do not
      implement the proposed E-XTAR verification based on the "global-
      allowed-tenants-list" header).

   *  Taking the organisational choice to fully restrict access to CSPs
      that do not implement the proposed E-XTAR verification, diminishes
      the need to implement network restrictions.

3.  Use Cases

   For the following use cases, letters are used to identify
   organisations and colleagues, numbers are used to identify CSPs and a
   combination of <letter, number> specified the tenant owned by the
   letter entity in the numbered CSP.

   Across the use cases, assume the base scenario:

   *  The organisation has fully or partially migrated data and
      processes to the cloud (to a CSP);

   *  The organisation has a Mobile Device Management (MDM) program to
      manage the company-owned devices given to each employee;

   *  Due to data sensitivity, colleagues are restricted to access some
      of these data and processes through their company-owned devices.

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3.1.  Single CSP organisation with no controls

   Perhaps the most common, in this scenario the organisation's (lack
   of) controls allow an employee to connect from the work device both
   to the organisational tenant (using work credentials) and to personal

   *  Organisation A has a single cloud environment on CSP 1, with
      tenant A1;

   *  Employee B has personal tenants B1, also hosted in CSP 1, and B2,
      hosted in an alternative CSP, CSP 2;

   *  Employee B can access tenant A1 with its organisational account;

   *  Organisation A has no cross-tenant restriction (XTAR) mechanism in

   Because organisation A has no XTARs, employee B can access the
   organisational tenant A1 from the work device (expected) but it can
   also access both personal tenants B1 and B2 (malicious).

   Employee B can effectively download data into its work device from
   organisational tenant A1 and subsequently upload it to personal
   tenants B1 (hosted in the same CSP as the organisational tenant A1)
   and B2 (hosted in a different CSP).


   1.  Colleagues have personal tenants in CSP 1 and CSP 2 and conduct
       data exfiltration to both.

3.2.  Single-cloud organisation, network restrictions applied

   Following the previous use case, now consider that, because
   organisation A has a single cloud environment within CSP 1, it
   implements a network restriction that aids with XTAR:

   *  Organisation A blocks any traffic going to CSPs other than CSP 1.

   In this scenario, employee B can still access tenant A1 from CSP 1,
   using its work device.  Employee B will not be able to access its
   tenant B2 from CSP 2, as network traffic is blocked when trying to
   access CSP 2.  However, employee B is still able to connect to
   personal tenant B1 (hosted in the same CSP as the organisational
   tenant A1).

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   The organisation cannot fully restrict network access to CSPs itself
   uses.  So, if organisation A is using CSP 1, traffic to it will have
   to be allowed, at a network level.


   1.  Colleagues cannot access personal tenants blocked by network
       traffic restrictions (these exclude organisational tenants'

   2.  Governance and configuration effort to keep the network access
       restrictions up to date is required;

   3.  Colleagues that have personal tenants in the same CSP used by the
       organisation, can conduct data exfiltration to it.

3.3.  Single-cloud organisation, CSP XTAR & network restrictions applied

   Further building on top of the second use case, consider that CSP 1
   (used by organisation A and employee B), allows the organisation to
   insert metadata in the network traffic, specifying the list of
   allowed tenants within such CSP 1.

   *  Organisation A blocks any traffic going to CSPs other than CSP 1;

   *  Organisation A now inserts a header into the network traffic with
      destination to CSP 1, specifying the allowed tenant - tenant A1.

   Employee B can still access tenant A1 from CSP 1, using its work
   device.  Employee B will not be able to access either personal
   tenants, B1 (XTAR implemented by injecting the network header) or B2
   (network traffic is still blocked when trying to access CSP 2).

   Shortcomings of this approach include:

   *  XTAR mechanism of including a list of allowed tenants is not
      widely adopted and can be improved according to the proposed
      protocol (in fact, only a single CSP seems to have such a
      mechanism, and the header is vendor-specific - as in, it is only
      understandable by that vendor);

   *  Organisation A will not be able to collaborate or have a multi-
      cloud environment, or, if it does, it will not be able to
      introduce the same XTAR mechanism as CSP 1.


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   1.  Colleagues cannot access personal tenants blocked by network
       restrictions (these exclude the organisational tenant's CSP);

   2.  Governance and configuration effort to keep the network access
       restrictions up to date is required;

   3.  Colleagues cannot access personal tenants in CSPs where XTARs are

   4.  Governance and configuration effort to keep these XTARs up to
       date is required;

   5.  Organisation A is not multi-cloud ready.

3.4.  Single-cloud organisation, CSP XTAR

   Consider the scenario where organisation A is still single-cloud and
   decides to drop the network traffic to other CSPs restrictions, but
   implements its tenant's CSP's XTARs.  This results in less strict
   access than the previous one but does reduce the Governance required.


   1.  Colleagues can access any personal tenants hosted outside the
       organisation's own tenant's CSP;

   2.  Colleagues cannot access personal tenants where XTARs are being
       applied (organisation's own tenant's CSP);

   3.  Governance and configuration effort to keep these XTARs up to
       date is required;

   4.  Organisation A is not multi-cloud ready.

3.5.  Multi-cloud organisation, CSP XTAR & network restrictions applied

   Changing the scenario to illustrate one of the shortcomings of the
   third use case:

   *  Organisation A has a multi-cloud environment, using both CSP 1 and
      CSP 2, with tenants A1 and A2, respectively;

   *  Organisation A blocks any traffic going to CSPs other than CSP 1
      or CSP 2;

   *  Only CSP 1 understands the XTAR mechanism where organisation A
      inserts a header into the network traffic with destination to CSP
      1, specifying the allowed tenant - tenant A1.

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   Employee B can still access tenant A1 from CSP 1, using its work
   device.  Employee B will not be able to access personal tenant B1
   (XTAR implemented by injecting the network header).  But because
   there is no XTAR mechanism understood by CSP 2 and organisation A
   cannot block network traffic to it (since it hosts an organisational
   tenant A2 in CSP 2).  Employee B will be able to access
   organisational tenants A1 and A2, but it will also be able to
   exfiltrate data through its tenant B2, hosted in CSP 2.

   Even if CSP 2 had yet another vendor-specific XTAR mechanism, which
   is a plausible scenario in the current times, this would add to the
   governance and implementation effort.


   1.  Colleagues cannot access personal tenants blocked by network
       restrictions (these exclude organisational tenants' CSPs);

   2.  Governance and configuration effort to keep the network access
       restrictions up to date is required;

   3.  Colleagues cannot access personal tenants in CSPs where XTARs are

   4.  Governance and configuration effort to keep these XTARs up to
       date is required;

   5.  Being multi-cloud, and unable to apply XTARs to all the CSPs
       presents gaps: Employee B can access and exfiltrate data to any
       personal tenant that is both not network traffic restricted and
       has no XTARs applied;

   6.  Even if we can configure XTARs in all CSPs we use, there is an
       edge case emerging from identity federation.

3.6.  Edge Case: Multi-cloud organisation, identity federation, CSP XTAR
      & network restrictions applied

   It's worth defining the below edge case to highlight a potential
   misperception of the tenant restriction's scope: Tenant restrictions
   are applied on the IdP' side.

   *  Organisation A has a multi-cloud environment, using both CSP 1 and
      CSP 2, with tenants A1 and A2, respectively;

   *  CSP 1 understands the XTAR mechanism XTAR 1 where organisation A
      inserts a header into the network traffic with destination to CSP
      1, specifying the allowed tenant - tenant A1.

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   *  Organisation A has configured identity federation, nominating CSP
      1, tenant A1, to be the Identity Provider (IdP).  To access both
      CSP 1 and CSP 2, the IdP is CSP 1, tenant A1.

   *  Organisation A has only configured XTAR mechanism XTAR 1
      (understood by the IdP tenant A1).

   Employee B can still access tenant A1 from CSP 1, using its work
   device.  Employee B will not be able to access personal tenant B1
   (XTAR implemented by injecting the network header).  But we shall
   consider, which Identity Provider is employee B using for its own
   tenant?  Consider the following cases following the scenario
   described above:

   1.  Employee B could have CSP 1 tenant B1 as its central IdP to
       manage access to tenant B2 on CSP 2;

   2.  Employee B could have CSP 1 tenant B1 as its IdP to manage access
       to tenant B1 on CSP 1 and CSP 2 tenant B2 as its IdP to manage
       access to tenant B2 on CSP 2;

   3.  Employee B could have IAM Service Provider 3 as its central IdP
       to manage access to tenants B1 and B2.

   Case 1, assuming Organisation A has configured mechanism XTAR 1
   (understood by the IdP tenant A1), when employee B tries to
   authenticate to its tenant B2, using CSP 1 as the central IdP, the
   authentication flow will not go through and the token won't be issued
   (this is the expected, correct, behaviour).

   Case 2, assuming Organisation A has configured mechanism XTAR 1
   (understood by the IdP tenant A1), when employee B tries to
   authenticate to its tenant B1, using CSP 1 as the IdP, the
   authentication flow will not go through and the token won't be
   issued.  Issuance of the authentication token by CSP2 to employee B
   when accessing tenant B2, using CSP 2 as the IdP, depends if CSP 2,
   itself, supports a mechanism equivalent to CSP 1's XTAR 1.  If not, B
   authenticating to personal tenant B2 goes through.

   Case 3, regardless of Organisation A having configured any kind of
   XTAR mechanism (understood by the CSPs 1 or CSP 2), when employee B
   tries to authenticate to its personal tenants, using any external IAM
   Service Provider 3, the authentication flow will go through and the
   token will be issued.  B authenticating to any personal tenant using
   an external IdP that is out of the CSP's tenant restrictions' scope
   is successful.

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   This amplifies the need for a mechanism that is widely adopted, as
   the restrictions should be applied closer to the system performing
   the authentication and issuing the token.

3.7.  Multi-cloud organisation, E-XTAR

   Now consider the implementation of the proposed Section 2.1,
   extended-XTAR (E-XTAR), following the scenario:

   *  Organisation A has a multi-cloud environment on CSP 1 and CSP 2,
      with tenants A1 and A2, respectively;

   *  Organisation A blocks any traffic going to CSPs that do not
      implement an E-XTAR verification based on the "global-allowed-
      tenants-list" header;

   *  The "global-allowed-tenants-list" contains either (a) the explicit
      list of <CSP, tenantID> pairs that are allowed by the organisation
      or (b) the endpoint that should allow the destiny CSP to retrieve
      the (centrally managed) allowed tenant list.

   Employee B can access tenants any tenants, as long as these are
   specified either on (a) the "global-allowed-tenants-list" header
   explicitly or (b) on the allowed tenants list returned by the
   endpoint specified in the header.


   1.  Network restrictions not required ("traffic only to CSPs that
       implement the E-XTAR mechanism, allowing header-based

   2.  Governance and configuration effort associated not required;

   3.  Colleagues cannot access tenants not allowed in the E-XTARs

   4.  Governance and configuration level of effort to keep E-XTARs
       valid is low-medium: Having to either (1) keep the "global-
       allowed-tenants-list" updated or (2) specify an endpoint that
       allows the target CSP to retrieve the allowed list of <CSP,
       tenantID> pairs;

   5.  Organisation is multi-cloud ready.

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4.  Security Considerations

   The proposed mechanism aims to prevent data exfiltration via the
   attack vectors specified.  Current implementations (and non-
   implementations) of XTAR are exploitable.  E-XTAR aims to make it
   harder to exploit but requires us to consider factors, such as
   identity federation, E-XTAR adoption, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
   policies, authentication mechanisms and alternative attack vectors.

4.1.  Identity federation

   The restriction must be applied at the identity provider (IdP) level.
   Whichever vendor/CSP is being accessed, the authentication can happen
   against a range of external identity providers that include other
   CSPs and identity platforms' IAM products.  When applying a tenant
   restriction mechanism, it shall be applied close to the IdP, where
   the authentication is happening and the token is being issued.

   An example of this scenario is depicted in Section 3.6.

4.2.  Proposed protocol adoption

   A CSP/CSP-like service might not adopt the protocol here proposed.
   To make sure E-XTARs configurations are validated, the organisation

   *  Deny traffic to CSPs that do not implement the proposed protocol
      (via network restrictions);

   *  Or (preferably) have a verification step in the protocol.  As the
      authentication request into a CSP is made with the proposed,
      globally readable optional header, the complete authentication
      process is only completed if we know for sure that the target CSP
      has adopted the protocol.

   Elaborating on the latter the organisation would have a choice of
   only allowing traffic to CSPs that have adopted E-XTAR.

   This could be done by (i) having a central authority maintaining a
   list of CSPs that adopt the proposed protocol (verification process
   and management overhead needed) or (ii) implementing a mechanism that
   verifies if the CSP is adopting and implementing E-XTAR, independent
   of a central authority.

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4.3.  BYOD policies and authentication traffic

   All mechanisms presented here mostly rely on intercepting devices'
   modern authentication traffic, in some cases, even accessing the
   device's admin configuration itself.  They, therefore, cannot be
   applied to personal devices, most of the time.

4.4.  Verifying E-XTAR implementation

   To achieve a mechanism that thoroughly verifies if the CSP is
   adopting and implementing E-XTAR, without relying on a central
   authority, perhaps a challenge-response mechanism, through which the
   target CSP can prove that it is implementing the proposed protocol,
   is worth considering.

4.5.  Alternative attack vector: Upload portals

   One can consider an actor to create an internet-accessible upload
   portal (not recognised by typical website classification tools),
   where it can upload data from its corporate device into it,
   effectively exfiltrating data from an organisation.  This is an
   attack vector achievable now and not covered by the protocol.

   To tackle this, we always rely on Data Leakage Prevention mechanisms.
   Alternatively, would need a per-website allow-list, which may be hard
   to achieve in very dynamic organisations.  Plus it includes
   management overhead.

5.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

6.  Informative References

   [rfc5321]  Klensin, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 5321,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5321, October 2008,

   [rfc6376]  Crocker, D., Ed., Hansen, T., Ed., and M. Kucherawy, Ed.,
              "DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures", STD 76,
              RFC 6376, DOI 10.17487/RFC6376, September 2011,

   [rfc7208]  Kitterman, S., "Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for
              Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version 1", RFC 7208,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7208, April 2014,

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   [rfc7489]  Kucherawy, M., Ed. and E. Zwicky, Ed., "Domain-based
              Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
              (DMARC)", RFC 7489, DOI 10.17487/RFC7489, March 2015,


   Thanks to the people who helped in the learning and exploring of
   tenant restrictions.

Author's Address

   Patricia Rodrigues

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