Internet DRAFT - draft-qin-savnet-incentive


Network Working Group                                             L. Qin
Internet-Draft                                                     D. Li
Intended status: Informational                                     J. Wu
Expires: 3 June 2023                                 Tsinghua University
                                                                 L. Chen
                                                                  F. Gao
                                                 Zhongguancun Laboratory
                                                        30 November 2022

   The Incentive Consideration for Defense Against Reflection Attacks


   Source address spoofing remains a significant challenge in today's
   Internet.  Although source address validation (SAV) mechanisms, such
   as ingress filtering [RFC2827], unicast Reverse Path Forwarding
   (uRPF) [RFC3704], and the Enhanced Feasible-Path Unicast Reverse Path
   Forwarding (EFP-uRPF) [RFC8704], have been proposed for a long time,
   some ASes have not deployed SAV due to the problems of existing SAV
   mechanism, such as inaccurate validation, misaligned incentive, or
   other overhead concerns.  This document specifically explains the
   misaligned incentive problem of existing SAV mechanisms and clarifies
   the direct incentive that a new SAV mechanism should achieve.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119][RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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Internet-Draft           Incentive Consideration           November 2022

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 3 June 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  The Importance of Direct Incentive for SAV Deployment . . . .   4
   4.  The Demand for Defense Against Reflection Attack  . . . . . .   4
   5.  Incentive Comparison Between EFP-uRPF and the New SAV
           Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     5.1.  Scenario 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       5.1.1.  Case 1: only AS3 deploys SAV  . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       5.1.2.  Case 2: AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       5.1.3.  Case 3: AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       5.1.4.  Case 4: AS1, AS2, and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  Scenario 2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       5.2.1.  Case 1: only AS3 deploys SAV  . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.2.2.  Case 2: AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       5.2.3.  Case 3: AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       5.2.4.  Case 4: AS1, AS2, and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . .  11
     5.3.  Scenario 3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.3.1.  Case 1: only AS3 deploys SAV  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       5.3.2.  Case 2: AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       5.3.3.  Case 3: AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.3.4.  Case 4: AS1, AS2, and AS3 deploy SAV  . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   7.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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1.  Introduction

   Source address spoofing is one of the most important security threats
   in the Internet.  By using forged source IP addresses, attackers can
   well hide their real identities and carry out various malicious
   attacks [RFC6959], among which reflection attack is the most common
   and harmful.  In the reflection attack, the attacker spoofs the
   victim's source IP address and sends requests to servers with
   reflection and amplification functions, such as DNS or NTP servers.
   Upon receiving the requests, these servers will reply a large number
   of responses to the victim, resulting in a large-scale Distributed
   Denial of Service (DDoS) attack to the victim.

   To mitigate source address spoofing, several source address
   validation (SAV) mechanisms (e.g., ingress filtering [RFC2827],
   unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) [RFC3704], and the Enhanced
   Feasible-Path Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (EFP-uRPF) [RFC8704])
   have been proposed to identify and reject traffic with forged source
   IP addresses.  However, some ASes have not deployed SAV due to the
   problems of existing SAV mechanism.  Source address spoofing remains
   a significant challenge in today's Internet.

   To help narrow the gap of existing SAV mechanisms,
   [draft-li-savnet-intra-domain-problem-statement] and
   [draft-wu-savnet-inter-domain-problem-statement] summarize the
   fundamental problems of existing SAV mechanisms and define the
   requirements for new SAV mechanisms.  This document further explains
   the misaligned incentive problem of existing SAV mechanisms and
   specifies the direct incentive that a new SAV mechanism should
   achieve.  The direct incentive refers to a network deploying SAV can
   protect itself from being the victim of source address spoofing
   attacks, especially the most important reflection attacks.

2.  Terminology

   SAV: Source Address Validation, i.e. validating the authenticity of a
   packet's source IP address.

   Three roles in a reflection attack:

   *  Attacker.  A malicious host that spoofs the victim's source IP
      address when sending a request to the reflector.

   *  Reflector.  A reflective server (e.g., DNS or NTP server) that
      receives the forged request and responds to the victim.

   *  Victim.  An innocent host that receives a lot of responses from
      the reflector, resulting in a DoS attack.

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   Two results in the incentive comparison between EFP-uRPF and the new
   SAV mechanism:

   *  "FAIL" means the victim network cannot help itself prevent the
      reflection attack by deploying SAV (EFP-uRPF or the new SAV

   *  "WORK" means the victim network can help itself prevent the
      reflection attack by deploying SAV (EFP-uRPF or the new SAV

3.  The Importance of Direct Incentive for SAV Deployment

   Ingress filtering, or BCP38 [RFC2827] requires the network to
   implement SAV filtering on its outgoing traffic.  If all networks
   deploy BCP38 and only allow outgoing traffic with legitimate source
   addresses, source address spoofing can be effectively prevented.
   However, although BCP38 has been proposed for more than 20 years and
   is highly recommended by the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing
   Security (MANRS), some ASes still do not deploy BCP38.  One main
   reason is that operators lack incentive to deploy BCP38 in their
   networks.  Specifically, BCP38 only prevents the AS who deploys SAV
   from originating spoofed traffic but does not protect the AS from
   receiving spoofed traffic or being the victim of an attack.  The
   benefits from deploying BCP38 do not flow to the deployed network,
   but to the rest of the Internet.  As a result, some ASes are
   reluctant to deploy BCP38 and prefer to wait for others to deploy.

   The deployment problem faced by BCP38 tells us that a good SAV
   mechanism must provide direct incentive/benefits to the deployed
   network.  If a network deploys SAV but finds that it only helps other
   networks, the network will not be motivated to deploy SAV.  If a
   network deploys SAV and finds that sometimes it can help itself
   (compared with not deploying), the network will be more motivated to
   deploy SAV.

4.  The Demand for Defense Against Reflection Attack

   Nowadays, reflection attack has become one of the most common attacks
   based on source address spoofing.  However, the victim network in a
   reflection attack may not receive the spoofed request.  If an
   intermediate network deploys SAV to protect itself from receiving
   spoofed-source traffic, it can help prevent the reflection attack
   when receiving the spoofed request.  Therefore, to mitigate
   reflection attacks, customer or user networks are increasingly asking
   their upstreaming providers to deploy SAV as close to the source as
   possible and to protect their source addresses from being forged.

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   Considering the market demand from customer or user networks, network
   operators would be willing to improve their competitiveness by
   providing defense against reflection attacks, so they would attract
   more users and gain more profits.

   However, BCP38 is not aligned with the demand for defense against
   reflection attacks.  The operator who deploys BCP38 neither protects
   itself from receiving spoofed traffic nor protects its customer or
   user networks from reflection attacks.  More recently, RFC8704 or
   BCP84 [RFC8704] proposes the Enhanced Feasible-Path Unicast Reverse
   Path Forwarding (EFP-uRPF) and recommends operators to apply EFP-uRPF
   at customer interfaces in most inter-domain scenarios.  Different
   from BCP38, EFP-uRPF provides some direct incentive, as it aims to
   protect the AS who deploys SAV from receiving spoofed traffic from
   customer interfaces.  Nonetheless, EFP-uRPF is essentially performing
   ingress filtering at a higher aggregation point (i.e., the top AS of
   a customer cone).  It only validates traffic from customer interfaces
   but does not validate traffic from provider and peer interfaces.  The
   operator who deploys EFP-uRPF only prevents its customer cone from
   originating spoofed traffic, but does not protect itself and its
   customer cone from receiving spoofed traffic or being the victim of a
   reflection attack from ASes outside the customer cone.  Moreover, the
   victim network will not gain additional protection against reflection
   attack even if it also deploys EFP-uRPF.  Therefore, EFP-uRPF cannot
   perfectly meet the demand for defense against reflection attacks.  If
   the new SAV mechanism could be well-aligned with the demand for
   defense against reflection attacks, networks would be more willing to
   deploy the new SAV mechanism.

5.  Incentive Comparison Between EFP-uRPF and the New SAV Mechanism

   In the following, we use reflection attack as an example to measure
   the incentive that EFP-uRPF or the new SAV mechanism can provide to
   the victim network in the reflection attack.  Since there is no
   mature new SAV mechanism yet, we assume the new SAV mechanism could
   meet the following requirements proposed in

   *  Validate traffic from all directions.

   *  Match the real data-plane forwarding path originated from each
      deployed AS.

   We particularly focus on the partial deployment cases, since it is
   not practical to require all ASes in the Internet to deploy SAV
   simultaneously.  We first simplify the participants in a reflection
   attack into three roles (attacker network, reflector network, and
   victim network) and enumerate different attack scenarios by changing

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   the relative positions of the three roles.  In each attack scenario,
   we suppose the victim network always deploys SAV mechanism (EFP-uRPF
   or new SAV), because only the victim can get benefit from the defense
   against reflection attacks.  Then, for any deployment case of the
   other two networks (i.e., attacker network and reflector network), we
   make the theoretical analysis to check whether the reflection attack
   can be prevented.  If so, the victim network would have strong
   motivation to deploy SAV; if not, the victim network would have weak
   motivation to deploy SAV.

5.1.  Scenario 1

   Figure 1 shows the first reflection attack scenario where the
   reflector network is located between the attacker network and the
   victim network.  The attacker spoofs the source address of the victim
   and sends a forged request to the reflector.  After receiving the
   request from attacker, the reflector responds to the victim.

                                |   AS2   +-+Reflector
                                  /     \
                         request /       \ response
                                /         \
                               /           \
                       +---------+      +-+\/+----+
             Attacker+-+   AS1   |      |   AS3   +-+ Victim
                       +---------+      +---------+

                           AS1: Attacker network
                           AS2: Reflector network
                           AS3: Victim network

              Figure 1: The first reflection attack scenario.

5.1.1.  Case 1: only AS3 deploys SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS2  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS2             | and AS3      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |

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   | C2P                 | C2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |

     Table 1: All SAV mechanisms would fail if only AS3 deploys SAV in
                                 scenario 1

   Table 1 shows the effectiveness of EFP-uRPF and new SAV mechanism
   against the reflection attack under different relationships among
   AS1, AS2, and AS3.  We omit combinations of AS commercial
   relationships that violate valley-free principle.  If only the victim
   network deploys SAV, both EFP-uRPF and new SAV mechanism would fail
   to prevent the reflection attack in scenario 1, because the victim
   network does not receive the forged request at all.

5.1.2.  Case 2: AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS2  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS2             | and AS3      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |

      Table 2: New SAV mechanism could work best if AS1 and AS3 deploy
                             SAV in scenario 1

   Table 2 shows that new SAV mechanism works best when victim network
   and attacker network deploy SAV.  If AS1 and AS3 deploy new SAV
   mechanism, AS1 could learn that traffic with victim's source address
   must come from outside the AS, not inside the AS.  Therefore, the new
   SAV mechanism in AS1 could successfully detect the forged request and
   prevent the reflection attack.  However, since EFP-uRPF in AS1 does
   not verify outgoing traffic, EFP-uRPF would fail in this deployment

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5.1.3.  Case 3: AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS2  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS2             | and AS3      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | WORK      | FAIL      | WORK |

      Table 3: New SAV mechanism could work best if AS2 and AS3 deploy
                             SAV in scenario 1

   As shown in Table 3, new SAV mechanism works best when victim network
   and reflector network deploy SAV.  If AS2 and AS3 deploy new SAV
   mechanism, AS2 could learn that traffic with victim's source address
   must come from AS3, so it would block the forged request from AS1.
   If AS2 and AS3 deploy EFP-uRPF, since EFP-uRPF only work for traffic
   from customer interfaces, EFP-uRPF algorithm A and algorithm B both
   fail when AS1 is the provider/peer of AS2.  EFP-uRPF algorithm A
   works well when AS1 is the customer of AS2, but EFP-uRPF algorithm B
   still fails when AS1 and AS3 are both in the customer cone of AS2,
   because EFP-uRPF algorithm B cannot identify source address spoofing
   between ASes in the same customer cone.

5.1.4.  Case 4: AS1, AS2, and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS2  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS2             | and AS3      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |

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   | C2P                 | P2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | WORK      | FAIL      | WORK |

      Table 4: New SAV mechanism could work best if AS1, AS2, and AS3
                          deploy SAV in scenario 1

   In scenario 1, the new SAV mechanism would still work best when all
   three roles deploy SAV.  When they deploy the new SAV mechanism, both
   AS1 and AS2 could effectively identify and block the forged request.
   When they deploy EFP-uRPF, only AS2 sometimes could prevent the
   reflection attack, with the same results as Section 4.1.3.

5.2.  Scenario 2

   Figure 2 shows the second reflection attack scenario.  In scenario 2,
   the victim network is located between the attack network and the
   reflector network.  When attacker sends a forged request to the
   reflector, the request first arrives at the victim network and then
   be forwarded to the reflector network.  Subsequently, the reflector
   responds to the victim.

                               |   AS3   +-+Victim
                                 /    \ \
                                /      \ \
                               /request \ \ response
                              /          \ \
                       +---------+     + \/+-----+
             Attacker+-+   AS1   |     |   AS2   +-+Reflector
                       +---------+     +---------+

                           AS1: Attacker network
                           AS2: Reflector network
                           AS3: Victim network

              Figure 2: The second reflection attack scenario.

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5.2.1.  Case 1: only AS3 deploys SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS3  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS3             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |

       Table 5: New SAV mechanism could work best if only AS3 deploys
                             SAV in scenario 2

   Table 5 shows the effectiveness of EFP-uRPF and new SAV mechanism
   when only AS3 in scenario 2 deploys SAV.  If AS3 deploys the new SAV
   mechanism, it could reject the forged request when it receives the
   forged request.  If AS3 deploys EFP-uRPF, it only works when AS1 is
   the customer of AS3 because EFP-uRPF only implements SAV filtering at
   customer interfaces.

   We also compare EFP-uRPF and the new SAV mechanism in the following
   three deployment cases.  We find that if the SAV mechanism is EFP-
   uRPF algorithm A or EFP-uRPF algorithm B, only the victim network in
   scenario 2 would have the possibility to reject the forged request by
   implementing SAV.  Even if attacker network or reflector network also
   deploys EFP-uRPF, it could not provide additional assistance to
   victim network.  Therefore, on the basis that the victim network has
   deployed SAV, new SAV mechanism would always work best in different
   deployment cases.

5.2.2.  Case 2: AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS3  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS3             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |

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   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |

      Table 6: New SAV mechanism could work best if AS1 and AS3 deploy
                             SAV in scenario 2

5.2.3.  Case 3: AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS3  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS3             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |

      Table 7: New SAV mechanism could work best if AS2 and AS3 deploy
                             SAV in scenario 2

5.2.4.  Case 4: AS1, AS2, and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS1         | between AS3  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS3             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |

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   | C2P                 | P2P          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | WORK      | WORK      | WORK |

      Table 8: New SAV mechanism could work best if AS1, AS2, and AS3
                          deploy SAV in scenario 2

5.3.  Scenario 3

   Figure 3 shows the third reflection attack scenario.  The attacker
   network is located between the victim network and the reflector
   network.  Attacker spoofs victim's source address in the request sent
   to reflector.  Reflector receives the request from the attacker
   network and sends a response to the victim network via the attacker

   Below we make the incentive comparison between EFP-uRPF and the new
   SAV mechanism in scenario 3.  By varying SAV deployment status of
   attacker network and reflector network, we find all SAV mechanisms
   would fail in preventing the reflection attack in this scenario.  For
   victim network, it does not receive the forged request.  For attacker
   network and reflector network, SAV in their networks could not
   identify this spoofing because the forged source address (i.e.,
   victim's source address) shares the same valid incoming interface
   with the actual one (i.e., attacker's source address) in the SAV

                             |   AS1   +-+Attacker
                               /    \ \
                              /      \ \
                             /response\ \request
                            /          \ \
                     +----+\/+-+     +--+\/+---+
             Victim+-+   AS3   |     |   AS2   +-+Reflector
                     +---------+     +---------+

                          AS1: Attacker network
                          AS2: Reflector network
                          AS3: Victim network

              Figure 3: The third reflection attack scenario.

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5.3.1.  Case 1: only AS3 deploys SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS3         | between AS1  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS1             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |

     Table 9: All SAV mechanisms would fail if only AS3 deploys SAV in
                                 scenario 3

5.3.2.  Case 2: AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS3         | between AS1  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS1             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |

     Table 10: All SAV mechanisms would fail if AS1 and AS3 deploy SAV
                               in scenario 3

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5.3.3.  Case 3: AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS3         | between AS1  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS1             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |

     Table 11: All SAV mechanisms would fail if AS2 and AS3 deploy SAV
                               in scenario 3

5.3.4.  Case 4: AS1, AS2, and AS3 deploy SAV

   | Relationship        | Relationship | EFP-uRPF  | EFP-uRPF  | New  |
   | between AS3         | between AS1  | algorithm | algorithm | SAV  |
   | and AS1             | and AS2      | A         | B         |      |
   | P2C                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | P2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | C2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2P          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |
   | C2P                 | P2C          | FAIL      | FAIL      | FAIL |

        Table 12: All SAV mechanisms would fail if AS1, AS2, and AS3
                          deploy SAV in scenario 3

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6.  Summary

   Overall, neither the new SAV mechanism nor EFP-uRPF could completely
   prevent the reflection attack.  But for any attack scenario or
   deployment case, we find that the new SAV mechanism could work better
   or not worse than EFP-uRPF.  It is worth noting that AS1 and AS2 in
   above scenarios can also be targets of reflection attacks from other
   networks.  Therefore, a network could have more incentive to deploy
   the new SAV mechanism, because it would have high probability of
   defending against reflection attacks

7.  Acknowledgments


8.  Normative References

              Li, D., Wu, J., Qin, L., Huang, M., and N. Geng, "Source
              Address Validation in Intra-domain Networks (Intra-domain
              SAVNET) Gap Analysis, Problem Statement and Requirements",
              30 November 2022.

              Wu, J., Li, D., Qin, L., Huang, M., and N. Geng, "Source
              Address Validation in Inter-domain Networks (Inter-domain
              SAVNET) Gap Analysis, Problem Statement and Requirements",
              30 November 2022.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2827]  Ferguson, P. and D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering:
              Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source
              Address Spoofing", BCP 38, RFC 2827, DOI 10.17487/RFC2827,
              May 2000, <>.

   [RFC3704]  Baker, F. and P. Savola, "Ingress Filtering for Multihomed
              Networks", BCP 84, RFC 3704, DOI 10.17487/RFC3704, March
              2004, <>.

   [RFC6959]  McPherson, D., Baker, F., and J. Halpern, "Source Address
              Validation Improvement (SAVI) Threat Scope", RFC 6959,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6959, May 2013,

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   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8704]  Sriram, K., Montgomery, D., and J. Haas, "Enhanced
              Feasible-Path Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding", BCP 84,
              RFC 8704, DOI 10.17487/RFC8704, February 2020,

Authors' Addresses

   Lancheng Qin
   Tsinghua University

   Dan Li
   Tsinghua University

   Jianping Wu
   Tsinghua University

   Li Chen
   Zhongguancun Laboratory

   Fang Gao
   Zhongguancun Laboratory

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