Internet DRAFT - draft-qu-identifier-sm3-for-tsig


Internet Engineering Task Force                              P.Qu
Internet Draft                                               Z.Li
Intended status: Experimental                                J.Chen
Expires: August 27 2023                                         X.Fan
         China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
                                                    February 26, 2023
     ShangMi (SM) cryptographic algorithms for DNS Zone Transfers (TSIG)


   This document describes how to use a newly added message digest
   algorithm "SM3" in the TSIG protocol. It can be used to calculate
   the digest for the TSIG key by using a hash function. This document
   details the supplementation of the SM3 algorithm in TSIG.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on August 27, 2023.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction..................................................2
      1.1. The SM3 Algorithm........................................2
      1.2. Terminology..............................................2
   2. Algorithm Identifiers.........................................3
   3. SM3 Algorithm application.....................................3
      3.1. Secret Key in TSIG.......................................3
      3.2. TSIG Calculation.........................................3
      3.3. Algorithm Process........................................3
   4. IANA Consideration............................................4
   5. Security Considerations.......................................4
   6. References....................................................4
      6.1. Normative References.....................................4
      6.2. Informative References...................................5
   7. Acknowledgments ........................................... ..5

1. Introduction

   This document describes a newly added message digest algorithm "SM3"
   in the SecretKey Transaction Authentication for DNS(TSIG) protocol.
   It can be used to calculate the digest for the TSIG key by using a
   hash function. This document details the supplementation of the SM3
   algorithm in TSIG.

1.1. The SM3 Algorithm

   This document describes the SM3 algorithm for supplementing the
   existing TSIG protocol by generating output through a hash function
   to compute digests on TSIG keys. SM3 has already been accepted by
   ISO in ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018 [ISO-SM3] and has also been described in

   The SM3 cryptographic digest algorithm,  as the commercial
   cryptographic hash algorithm standard announced by the State
   Cryptography Administration of China in 2010, is capable of digital
   signature and verification in commercial cryptographic applications.
   It is an improved algorithm based on SHA-256.

1.2. Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",

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   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   [RFC2119] and [ISO-SM3] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals,as shown here.

2.Algorithm Identifiers

   The algorithm defined here has the following identifiers:

3. SM3 Algorithm application
   The following is a description of how to use the SM3 algorithm in

3.1. Secret Key in TSIG

   The authentication mechanism proposed in TSIG [RFC8945] uses shared
   secret keys to establish a trust relationship between two entities.
   Such keys must be protected in a fashion similar to private keys,
   lest a third party masquerade as one of the intended parties (forge

3.2. TSIG Calculation

   The only message digest algorithm specified in TSIG [RFC8945] is
   "HMAC-MD5" (see [RFC1321], [RFC2104]). The "HMAC-MD5" algorithm

   Other algorithms, such as SM3, can be specified. Names and 
   definitions of new algorithms MUST be registered with IANA. 
   All multioctet integers in the TSIG record are sent in network 
   byte order(see[RFC10352.3.2]).

3.3. Algorithm Process

   The SM3 algorithm is improved on the basis of SHA-256. The essence
   of the algorithm is to generate a fixed-length hash value after
   filling and iteratively compressing the data of any length. The
   length of the message group is 512 bits, and the length of the

   1.Padding: Add a 1 to the end of the given message and fill with
      several 0 s, so that the length of the filled message is an

   2.Grouping:The filled message is grouped into groups of 512 bits.

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   3.Iterative compression: Message extension is performed on each
      group, and the final hash value is obtained with the help of

4. IANA Consideration

   As mentioned in TSIG[RFC8945], IANA is expected to create and
   maintain a registry of algorithm names to be used as "Algorithm
   Names" as defined in Section 2.3. Algorithm names are text strings
   encoded using the syntax of a domain name. There is no structure
   required other than names for different algorithms that must be
   unique when compared as DNS names, i.e., comparison is case 

   Assign the name "TSIG_SM3" to the "TSIG Cipher Suites" registry;

   Assign the value 0x0708 with the name "TSIG_sm3" to the "TLS

          Value        Description     Recommended     Reference

          0x0708         TSIG_sm3          No            RFC

5. Security Considerations

   At the time of writing, there are no known weak keys to the SM
   family of encryption algorithms such as SM2, SM3, and SM4, and no
   security issues have been identified with these algorithms.

   Thus far,the security of the SM3 algorithm is relatively reliable.

6. References

6.1. Normative References

   [ISO-SM3]  International Organization for Standardization, "IT
              Security techniques -- Hash-functions -- Part 3: Dedicated
              hash-functions", ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018, October 2018,

   [RFC1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", 
             RFC 1321, DOI 10.17487/RFC1321, April 1992, 

   [RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: 
             Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104,
             DOI 10.17487/RFC2104, February 1997, 

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   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
            Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119,
             March 1997, <>.

   [RFC8945]  Dupont, F., Morris, S., Vixie, P., Eastlake 3rd, D.,
              Gudmundsson, O., and B. Wellington, "Secret Key
              Transaction Authentication for DNS (TSIG)", STD 93,
              RFC 8945, DOI 10.17487/RFC8945, November 2020,

6.2.Informative References

              Standardization Administration of China, "Information
              security technology --- SM3 cryptographic hash algorithm",
              GB/T 32905-2016, March 2017, <

7. Acknowledgments

   Would like to thank X. Fan, J. Chen, Z. Li who provided special
   important suggestions and invaluable comments. This document was
   prepared using

Authors' Addresses

   Peng Qu
   No.52 Huayuan North Road, Haidian District
   Beijing, Beijing, 100191
   Phone: +86 186 2913 9201

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   Jian Chen
   No.52 Huayuan North Road, Haidian District
   Beijing, Beijing, 100191
   Phone: +86 138 1103 3332

   Xiaotian Fan
   No.52 Huayuan North Road, Haidian District
   Beijing, Beijing, 100191
   Phone: +86 134 0108 6945

   Zhiping Li
   No.52 Huayuan North Road, Haidian District
   Beijing, Beijing, 100191
   Phone: +86 185 1107 1386

   Jiagui Xie
   No.52 Huayuan North Road, Haidian District
   Beijing, Beijing, 100191
   Phone: +86 150 0138 5070

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