Internet DRAFT - draft-quigley-nfsv4-labeled


NFSv4                                                         D. Quiqley
Internet-Draft                                                Consultant
Intended status: Standards Track                               J. Morris
Expires: April 28, 2012                                          Red Hat
                                                                   J. Lu
                                                          T. Haynes, Ed.
                                                              S. Smalley
                                                        October 26, 2011

                              Labeled NFS


   This Internet-Draft describes additions to NFSv4 to support Mandatory
   Access Control systems.  The current draft describes the mechanism
   for transporting a MAC security label using the NFSv4 protocol and
   the semantics required for that label.  In addition to this it
   describes an example system of using this label in a fully MAC aware

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [1].

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 28, 2012.

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   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   3.  MAC Security Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.1.  Interpreting FATTR4_SEC_LABEL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     3.2.  Delegations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.3.  Permission Checking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.4.  Object Creation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.5.  Existing Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.6.  Label Changes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   4.  Procedure 16: CB_ATTR_CHANGED - Notify Client that the
       File's Attributes Changed  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   5.  pNFS Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   6.  Discovery of Server LNFS Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   7.  LNFS Areas of Functionality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     7.1.  Client Object Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     7.2.  Client Subject Labeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.3.  Client Policy Enforcement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.4.  Server Object Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.5.  Server Subject Labeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.6.  Server Policy Enforcement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   8.  Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     8.1.  Full MAC labeling support for remotely mounted
           filesystems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     8.2.  MAC labeling of virtual machine images stored on the
           network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     8.3.  International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) . . . . . 13
     8.4.  Legal Hold/eDiscovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     8.5.  Simple security label storage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     8.6.  Diskless Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     8.7.  Multi-Level Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
       8.7.1.  Policy-Enforcing Client and Server . . . . . . . . . . 16
       8.7.2.  Policy-Enforcing Client  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       8.7.3.  Policy-Enforcing Server  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   9.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   10. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     11.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     11.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   Appendix B.  RFC Editor Notes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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1.  Introduction

   Mandatory Access Control (MAC) systems have been mainstreamed in
   modern operating systems such as Linux (R), FreeBSD (R), Solaris
   (TM), and Windows Vista (R).  MAC systems bind security attributes to
   subjects (processes) and objects within a system.  These attributes
   are used with other information in the system to make access control

   Access control models such as Unix permissions or Access Control
   Lists are commonly referred to as Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
   models.  These systems base their access decisions on user identity
   and resource ownership.  In contrast MAC models base their access
   control decisions on the label on the subject (usually a process) and
   the object it wishes to access.  These labels may contain user
   identity information but usually contain additional information.  In
   DAC systems users are free to specify the access rules for resources
   that they own.  MAC models base their security decisions on a system
   wide policy established by an administrator or organization which the
   users do not have the ability to override.  DAC systems offer no real
   protection against malicious or flawed software due to each program
   running with the full permissions of the user executing it.
   Inversely MAC models can confine malicious or flawed software and
   usually act at a finer granularity than their DAC counterparts.

   People desire to use NFSv4 with these systems.  A mechanism is
   required to provide security attribute information to NFSv4 clients
   and servers.  This mechanism has the following requirements:

   (1)  Clients must be able to convey to the server the security
        attribute of the subject making the access request.  The server
        may provide a mechanism to enforce MAC policy based on the
        requesting subject's security attribute.

   (2)  Server must be able to store and retrieve the security attribute
        of exported files as requested by the client.

   (3)  Server must provide a mechanism for notifying clients of
        attribute changes of files on the server.

   (4)  Clients and Servers must be able to negotiate Label Formats and
        provide a mechanism to translate between them as needed.

   These four requirements are key to the system with only requirements
   (2) and (3) requiring changes to NFSv4.  The ability to convey the
   security attribute of the subject as described in requirement (1)
   falls upon the RPC layer to implement (see [2]).  Requirement (4)
   allows communication between different MAC implementations.  The

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   management of label formats and the translation between them does not
   require any support from NFSv4 on a protocol level and is out of the
   scope of this document.

   The first change necessary is to devise a method for transporting and
   storing security label data on NFSv4 file objects.  Security labels
   have several semantics that are met by NFSv4 recommended attributes
   such as the ability to set the label value upon object creation.
   Access control on these attributes are done through a combination of
   two mechanisms.  As with other recommended attributes on file objects
   the usual DAC checks (ACLs and permission bits) will be performed to
   ensure that proper file ownership is enforced.  In addition a MAC
   system MAY be employed on the client, server, or both to enforce
   additional policy on what subjects may modify security label

   The second change is to provide a method for the server to notify the
   client that the attribute changed on an open file on the server.  If
   the file is closed, then during the open attempt, the client will
   gather the new attribute value.  The server MUST not communicate the
   new value of the attribute, the client MUST query it.  This
   requirement stems from the need for the client to provide sufficient
   access rights to the attribute.

   The final change necessary is a modification to the RPC layer used in
   NFSv4 in the form of a new version of the RPCSEC_GSS [3] framework.
   In order for an NFSv4 server to apply MAC checks it must obtain
   additional information from the client.  Several methods were
   explored for performing this and it was decided that the best
   approach was to incorporate the ability to make security attribute
   assertions through the RPC mechanism.  RPCSECGSSv3 [2] outlines a
   method to assert additional security information such as security
   labels on gss context creation and have that data bound to all RPC
   requests that make use of that context.

2.  Definitions

   Label Format Specifier (LFS):  is an identifier used by the client to
      establish the syntactic format of the security label and the
      semantic meaning of its components.  These specifiers exist in a
      registry associated with documents describing the format and
      semantics of the label.

   Label Format Registry:  is the IANA registry containing all
      registered LFS along with references to the documents that
      describe the syntactic format and semantics of the security label.

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   Policy Identifier (PI):  is an optional part of the definition of a
      Label Format Specifier which allows for clients and server to
      identify specific security policies.

   Object:  is a passive resource within the system that we wish to be
      protected.  Objects can be entities such as files, directories,
      pipes, sockets, and many other system resources relevant to the
      protection of the system state.

   Subject:  A subject is an active entity usually a process which is
      requesting access to an object.

   Multi-Level Security (MLS):  is a traditional model where objects are
      given a sensitivity level (Unclassified, Secret, Top Secret, etc)
      and a category set [8].

3.  MAC Security Attribute

   MAC models base access decisions on security attributes bound to
   subjects and objects.  This information can range from a user
   identity for an identity based MAC model, sensitivity levels for
   Multi-level security, or a type for Type Enforcement.  These models
   base their decisions on different criteria but the semantics of the
   security attribute remain the same.  The semantics required by the
   security attributes are listed below:

   o  Must provide flexibility with respect to MAC model.

   o  Must provide the ability to atomically set security information
      upon object creation

   o  Must provide the ability to enforce access control decisions both
      on the client and the server

   o  Must not expose an object to either the client or server name
      space before its security information has been bound to it.

   NFSv4 provides several options for implementing the security
   attribute.  The first option is to implement the security attribute
   as a named attribute.  Named attributes provide flexibility since
   they are treated as an opaque field but lack a way to atomically set
   the attribute on creation.  In addition, named attributes themselves
   are file system objects which need to be assigned a security
   attribute.  This raises the question of how to assign security
   attributes to the file and directories used to hold the security
   attribute for the file in question.  The inability to atomically
   assign the security attribute on file creation and the necessity to

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   assign security attributes to its sub-components makes named
   attributes unacceptable as a method for storing security attributes.

   The second option is to implement the security attribute as a
   recommended attribute.  These attributes have a fixed format and
   semantics, which conflicts with the flexible nature of the security
   attribute.  To resolve this the security attribute consists of two
   components.  The first component is a LFS as defined in [4] to allow
   for interoperability between MAC mechanisms.  The second component is
   an opaque field which is the actual security attribute data.  To
   allow for various MAC models NFSv4 should be used solely as a
   transport mechanism for the security attribute.  It is the
   responsibility of the endpoints to consume the security attribute and
   make access decisions based on their respective models.  In addition,
   creation of objects through OPEN and CREATE allows for the security
   attribute to be specified upon creation.  By providing an atomic
   create and set operation for the security attribute it is possible to
   enforce the second and fourth requirements.  The recommended
   attribute FATTR4_SEC_LABEL will be used to satisfy this requirement.

3.1.  Interpreting FATTR4_SEC_LABEL

   The XDR [5] necessary to implement Labeled NFSv4 is presented in
   Figure 1:

       const FATTR4_SEC_LABEL   = 81;

       typedef uint32_t  policy4;
       struct labelformat_spec4 {
         policy4   lfs_lfs;
         policy4   lfs_pi;

       struct sec_label_attr_info {
         labelformat_spec4   slai_lfs;
         opaque              slai_data<>;

                                 Figure 1

   The FATTR4_SEC_LABEL contains an array of two components with the
   first component being an LFS.  It serves to provide the receiving end
   with the information necessary to translate the security attribute
   into a form that is usable by the endpoint.  Label Formats assigned
   an LFS may optionally choose to include a Policy Identifier field to
   allow for complex policy deployments.  The LFS and Label Format
   Registry are described in detail in [4].  The translation used to
   interpret the security attribute is not specified as part of the

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   protocol as it may depend on various factors.  The second component
   is an opaque section which contains the data of the attribute.  This
   component is dependent on the MAC model to interpret and enforce.

   In particular, it is the responsibility of the LFS specification to
   define a maximum size for the opaque section, slai_data<>.  When
   creating or modifying a label for an object, the client needs to be
   guaranteed that the server will accept a label that is sized
   correctly.  By both client and server being part of a specific MAC
   model, the client will be aware of the size.

3.2.  Delegations

   In the event that a security attribute is changed on the server while
   a client holds a delegation on the file, the client should follow the
   existing protocol with respect to attribute changes.  It should flush
   all changes back to the server and relinquish the delegation.

3.3.  Permission Checking

   It is not feasible to enumerate all possible MAC models and even
   levels of protection within a subset of these models.  This means
   that the NFSv4 client and servers cannot be expected to directly make
   access control decisions based on the security attribute.  Instead
   NFSv4 should defer permission checking on this attribute to the host
   system.  These checks are performed in addition to existing DAC and
   ACL checks outlined in the NFSv4 protocol.  Section 8 gives a
   specific example of how the security attribute is handled under a
   particular MAC model.

3.4.  Object Creation

   When creating files in NFSv4 the OPEN and CREATE operations are used.
   One of the parameters to these operations is an fattr4 structure
   containing the attributes the file is to be created with.  This
   allows NFSv4 to atomically set the security attribute of files upon
   creation.  When a client is MAC aware it must always provide the
   initial security attribute upon file creation.  In the event that the
   server is the only MAC aware entity in the system it should ignore
   the security attribute specified by the client and instead make the
   determination itself.

3.5.  Existing Objects

   Note that under the MAC model, all objects must have labels.
   Therefore, if an existing server is upgraded to include LNFS support,
   then it is the responsibility of the security system to define the
   behavior for existing objects.  For example, if the security system

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   is LFS 0, which means the server just stores and returns labels, then
   existing files should return labels which are set to an empty value.

3.6.  Label Changes

   As per the requirements, when a file's security label is modified,
   the server must notify all clients which have the file opened of the
   change in label.  It does so with CB_ATTR_CHANGED.  There are
   preconditions to making an attribute change imposed by NFSv4 and the
   security system might want to impose others.  In the process of
   meeting these preconditions, the server may chose to either serve the
   request in whole or return NFS4ERR_DELAY to the SETATTR operation.

   If there are open delegations on the file belonging to client other
   than the one making the label change, then the process described in
   Section 3.2 must be followed.

   As the server is always presented with the subject label from the
   client, it does not necessarily need to communicate the fact that the
   label has changed to the client.  In the cases where the change
   outright denies the client access, the client will be able to quickly
   determine that there is a new label in effect.  It is in cases where
   the client may share the same object between multiple subjects or a
   security system which is not strictly hierarchical that the
   CB_ATTR_CHANGED callback is very useful.  It allows the server to
   inform the clients that the cached security attribute is now stale.

   In the scenario presented in Section 8.5, the clients provide policy
   enforcement functionality and the server only provides object
   labeling functionality.  In order to ensure that policy is enforced
   upon a label change in this situation, if client A changes a security
   label on a file, then the server MUST inform all clients that have
   the file opened that the label has changed via CB_ATTR_CHANGED.  Then
   the clients MUST retrieve the new label and MUST enforce access via
   the new attribute values.

   [[Comment.1: Describe a LFS of 0, which will be the means to indicate
   such a deployment.  In the current LFR, 0 is marked as reserved.  If
   we use it, then we define the default LFS to be used by a LNFS aware
   server.  I.e., it enables policy-enforcing clients to work together
   in the face of a server that only supports object labeling.  Note
   that while supporting this system is optional, it will make for a
   very good debugging mode during development.  I.e., even if a server
   does not deploy with another security system, this mode gets your
   foot in the door. --TH]]

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4.  Procedure 16: CB_ATTR_CHANGED - Notify Client that the File's
    Attributes Changed


      struct CB_ATTR_CHANGED4args {
              nfs_fh4         acca_fh;
              bitmap4         acca_critical;
              bitmap4         acca_info;


      struct CB_ATTR_CHANGED4res {
              nfsstat4        accr_status;


   The CB_ATTR_CHANGED callback operation is used by the server to
   indicate to the client that the file's attributes have been modified
   on the server.  The server does not convey how the attributes have
   changed, just that they have been modified.  The server can inform
   the client about both critical and informational attribute changes in
   the bitmask arguments.  The client SHOULD query the server about all
   attributes set in acca_critical.  For all changes reflected in
   acca_info, the client can decide whether or not it wants to poll the

   The CB_ATTR_CHANGED callback operation with the FATTR4_SEC_LABEL set
   in acca_critical is the method used by the server to indicate that
   the MAC label for the file referenced by acca_fh has changed.  In
   many ways, the server does not care about the result returned by the

5.  pNFS Considerations

   This section examines the issues in deploying LNFS in a pNFS
   community of servers.

5.1.  MAC Label Checks

   The new FATTR4_SEC_LABEL attribute is metadata information and as
   such the DS is not aware of the value contained on the MDS.
   Fortunately, the NFSv4.1 protocol [6] already has provisions for
   doing access level checks from the DS to the MDS.  In order for the
   DS to validate the subject label presented by the client, it SHOULD

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   utilize this mechanism.

   If a file's FATTR4_SEC_LABEL is changed, then the MDS should utilize
   CB_ATTR_CHANGED to inform the client of that fact.  If the MDS is

6.  Discovery of Server LNFS Support

   The server can easily determine that a client supports LNFS when it
   queries for the FATTR4_SEC_LABEL label for an object.  Note that it
   cannot assume that the presence of RPCSEC_GSSv3 indicates LNFS
   support.  The client might need to discover which LFS the server

   A server which supports LNFS MUST allow a client with any subject
   label to retrieve the FATTR4_SEC_LABEL attribute for the root
   filehandle, ROOTFH.  The following compound must always succeed as
   far as a MAC label check is concerned:


   Note that the server might have imposed a security flavor on the root
   that precludes such access.  I.e., if the server requires kerberized
   access and the client presents a compound with AUTH_SYS, then the
   server is allowed to return NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC in this case.  But if
   the client presents a correct security flavor, then the server MUST
   return the FATTR4_SEC_LABEL attribute with the supported LFS filled

7.  LNFS Areas of Functionality

   LNFS functionality falls into three areas for both clients and
   servers: object label functionality, subject label functionality, and
   policy enforcement.  The three areas of functionality are independent
   in the protocol specification, but in practice, clients or servers
   that support subject label functionality will typically also support
   object label functionality, and servers that support policy
   enforcement will typically also support subject and object label

7.1.  Client Object Labeling

   Client object label functionality falls into two areas:

      Specifying the MAC security attribute for file creation requests
      as described in Section 3.4.

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      Handling label change callbacks from the server as described in
      Section 3.6.

7.2.  Client Subject Labeling

   Client subject label functionality consists of asserting the subject
   label for the requesting process on the client to the server.  The
   security attribute of the subject making the request is transported
   at the RPC layer using the mechanism described in RPCSECGSSv3 [2].

7.3.  Client Policy Enforcement

   Client policy enforcement functionality consists of applying MAC
   policy checks based on the subject label of the requesting process on
   the client and the object label of the file.  If object labeling is
   supported by the server, then the client will use the object label
   provided by the server for the access decision.  If not, then the
   client may infer an object label for the file based on other criteria
   at its disposal, e.g. based on the server identity, the particular
   mount, or a local mapping.

7.4.  Server Object Labeling

   Server object label functionality falls into two areas:

      Storing and returning file labels.

      Sending label change callbacks when a label change is performed.

7.5.  Server Subject Labeling

   Server subject label functionality consists of accepting RPCSEC_GSSv3
   label assertions.

7.6.  Server Policy Enforcement

   Server policy enforcement functionality consists of applying MAC
   policy checks based on the subject label of the requesting process on
   the client and the object label of the file.  If the client and the
   server both support subject label functionality, then the subject
   label provided by the client will be used for the access decision.
   If either the client or the server do not support subject label
   functionality, then the server may infer a subject label based on
   other criteria at its disposal, e.g. based on the client identity.
   If the server supports object label functionality, then the object
   label that is stored with the file will be used for the access
   decision.  If not, then an object label may be inferred from other
   criteria at its disposal, e.g. based on the exported filesystem or

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   some local mapping.

8.  Use Cases

   MAC labeling is meant to allow NFSv4 to be deployed in site
   configurable security schemes.  The LFS and opaque data scheme allows
   for flexibility to meet these different implementations.  In this
   section, we provide some examples of how NFSv4 could be deployed to
   meet existing needs.  This is not an exhaustive listing.

8.1.  Full MAC labeling support for remotely mounted filesystems

   In this case, we assume a local networked environment where the
   servers and clients are under common administrative control.  All
   systems in this network have the same MAC implementation and
   semantically identical MAC security labels for objects (i.e. labels
   mean the same thing on different systems, even if the policies on
   each system may differ to some extent).  Clients will be able to
   apply fine-grained MAC policy to objects accessed via NFS mounts, and
   thus improve the overall consistency of MAC policy application within
   this environment.

   An example of this case would be where user home directories are
   remotely mounted, and fine-grained MAC policy is implemented to
   protect, for example, private user data from being read by malicious
   web scripts running in the user's browser.  With Labeled NFS, fine-
   grained MAC labeling of the user's files will allow the local MAC
   policy to be implemented and provide the desired protection.

8.2.  MAC labeling of virtual machine images stored on the network

   Virtualization is now a commonly implemented feature of modern
   operating systems, and there is a need to ensure that MAC security
   policy is able to to protect virtualized resources.  A common
   implementation scheme involves storing virtualized guest filesystems
   on a networked server, which are then mounted remotely by guests upon
   instantiation.  In this case, there is a need to ensure that the
   local guest kernel is able to access fine-grained MAC labels on the
   remotely mounted filesystem so that its MAC security policy can be

8.3.  International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

   The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is put forth by
   the United States Department of State, Directorate of Defense and
   Trade Controls.  ITAR places strict requirements on the export and
   thus access of defense articles and defense services.  Organizations

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   that manage projects with articles and services deemed as within the
   scope of ITAR must ensure the regulations are met.  The regulations
   require an assurance that ITAR information is accessed on a need-to-
   know basis, thus requiring strict, centrally managed access controls
   on items labeled as ITAR.  Additionally, organizations must be able
   to prove that the controls were adequately maintained and that
   foreign nationals were not permitted access to these defense articles
   or service.  ITAR control applicability may be dynamic; information
   may become subject to ITAR after creation (e.g., when the defense
   implications of technology are recognized).

8.4.  Legal Hold/eDiscovery

   Increased cases of legal holds on electronic sources of information
   (ESI) have resulted in organizations taking a pro-active approach to
   reduce the scope and thus costs associated with these activities.
   ESI Data Maps are increasing in use and require support in operating
   systems to strictly manage access controls in the case of a legal
   hold.  The sizeable quantity of information involved in a legal
   discovery request may preclude making a copy of the information to a
   separate system that manages the legal hold on the copies; this
   results in a need to enforce the legal hold on the original

   Organizations are taking steps to map out the sources of information
   that are most likely to be placed under a legal hold, these efforts
   result in ESI Data Maps.  ESI Data Maps specify the Electronic Source
   of Information and the requirements for sensitivity and criticality.
   In the case of a legal hold, the ESI data map and labels can be used
   to ensure the legal hold is properly enforced on the predetermined
   set of information.  An ESI data map narrows the scope of a legal
   hold to the predetermined ESI.  The information must then be
   protected at a level of security of which the weight and
   admissibility of that evidence may be proved in a court of law.
   Current systems use application level controls and do not adequately
   meet the requirements.  Labels may be used in advance when an ESI
   data map exercise is conducted with controls being applied at the
   time of a hold or labels may be applied to data sets during an
   eDiscovery exercise to ensure the data protections are adequate
   during the legal hold period.

   Note that this use case requires multi-attribute labels, as both
   information sensitivity (e.g., to disclosure) and information
   criticality (e.g., to continued business operations) need to be

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8.5.  Simple security label storage

   In this case, a mixed and loosely administered network is assumed,
   where nodes may be running a variety of operating systems with
   different security mechanisms and security policies.  It is desired
   that network file servers be simply capable of storing and retrieving
   MAC security labels for clients which use such labels.  The Labeled
   NFS protocol would be implemented here solely to enable transport of
   MAC security labels across the network.  It should be noted that in
   such an environment, overall security cannot be as strongly enforced
   as in case (a), and that this scheme is aimed at allowing MAC-capable
   clients to function with local MAC security policy enabled rather
   than perhaps disabling it entirely.

8.6.  Diskless Linux

   A number of popular operating system distributions depend on a
   mandatory access control (MAC) model to implement a kernel-enforced
   security policy.  Typically, such models assign particular roles to
   individual processes, which limit or permit performing certain
   operations on a set of files, directories, sockets, or other objects.
   While the enforcing of the policy is typically a matter for the
   diskless NFS client itself, the filesystem objects in such models
   will typically carry MAC labels that are used to define policy on
   access.  These policies may, for instance, describe privilege
   transitions that cannot be replicated using standard NFS ACL based

   For instance on a SYSV compatible system, if the 'init' process
   spawns a process that attempts to start the 'NetworkManager'
   executable, there may be a policy that sets up a role transition if
   the 'init' process and 'NetworkManager' file labels match a
   particular rule.  Without this role transition, the process may find
   itself having insufficient privileges to perform its primary job of
   configuring network interfaces.

   In setups of this type, a lot of the policy targets (such as sockets
   or privileged system calls) are entirely local to the client.  The
   use of RPCSEC_GSSv3 for enforcing compliance at the server level is
   therefore of limited value.  The ability to permanently label files
   and have those labels read back by the client is, however, crucial to
   the ability to enforce that policy.

8.7.  Multi-Level Security

   In a MLS system objects are generally assigned a sensitivity level
   and a set of compartments.  The sensitivity levels within the system
   are given an order ranging from lowest to highest classification

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   level.  Read access to an object is allowed when the sensitivity
   level of the subject "dominates" the object it wants to access.  This
   means that the sensitivity level of the subject is higher than that
   of the object it wishes to access and that its set of compartments is
   a super-set of the compartments on the object.

   The rest of the section will just use sensitivity levels.  In general
   the example is a client that wishes to list the contents of a
   directory.  The system defines the sensitivity levels as Unclassified
   (U), Secret (S), and Top Secret (TS).  The directory to be searched
   is labeled Top Secret which means access to read the directory will
   only be granted if the subject making the request is also labeled Top

8.7.1.  Policy-Enforcing Client and Server

   In the first part of this example a process on the client is running
   at the Secret level.  The process issues a readdir system call which
   enters the kernel.  Before translating the readdir system call into a
   request to the NFSv4 server the host operating system will consult
   the MAC module to see if the operation is allowed.  Since the process
   is operating at Secret and the directory to be accessed is labeled
   Top Secret the MAC module will deny the request and an error code is
   returned to user space.

   Consider a second case where instead of running at Secret the process
   is running at Top Secret.  In this case the sensitivity of the
   process is equal to or greater than that of the directory so the MAC
   module will allow the request.  Now the readdir is translated into
   the necessary NFSv4 call to the server.  For the RPC request the
   client is using the proper credential to assert to the server that
   the process is running at Top Secret.

   When the server receives the request it extracts the security label
   from the RPC session and retrieves the label on the directory.  The
   server then checks with its MAC module if a Top Secret process is
   allowed to read the contents of the Top Secret directory.  Since this
   is allowed by the policy then the server will return the appropriate
   information back to the client.

   In this example the policy on the client and server were both the
   same.  In the event that they were running different policies a
   translation of the labels might be needed.  In this case it could be
   possible for a check to pass on the client and fail on the server.
   The server may consider additional information when making its policy
   decisions.  For example the server could determine that a certain
   subnet is only cleared for data up to Secret classification.  If that
   constraint was in place for the example above the client would still

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   succeed, but the server would fail since the client is asserting a
   label that it is not able to use (Top Secret on a Secret network).

8.7.2.  Policy-Enforcing Client

   With a policy-enforcing client and a label-unaware server, this
   example is identical to the first part of the previous example.  A
   process on the client labeled Secret wishes to access a Top Secret
   directory.  As in the previous example, this is denied since Secret
   does not dominate Top Secret.  If the process were operating at Top
   Secret it would pass the local access control check and the NFSv4
   operation would proceed as in a normal NFSv4 environment.

8.7.3.  Policy-Enforcing Server

   With a policy-enforcing server and a label-unaware client, the client
   behaves as if it were in a normal NFSv4 environment.  Since the
   process on the client does not provide a security attribute the
   server must define a mechanism for labeling all requests from a
   client.  Assume that the server is using the same criteria used in
   the first example.  The server sees the request as coming from a
   subnet that is a Secret network.  The server determines that all
   clients on that subnet will have their requests labeled with Secret.
   Since the directory on the server is labeled Top Secret and Secret
   does not dominate Top Secret the server would fail the request with

9.  Security Considerations

   This entire document deals with security issues.

   Depending on the level of protection the MAC system offers there may
   be a requirement to tightly bind the security attribute to the data.

   When either the client or the server is label-unaware, it is
   important to realize that the other side is not enforcing MAC
   protections.  Alternate methods might be in use to handle the lack of
   MAC support and care should be taken to identify and mitigate threats
   from possible tampering outside of these methods.

   An example of this is that a policy-enforcing server that modifies
   READDIR or LOOKUP results based on the client's subject label might
   want to always construct the same subject label for a client which
   does not present one.  This will prevent a non-LNFS client from
   mixing entries in the directory cache.

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10.  IANA Considerations

   This section uses terms that are defined in [7].

   The LFS and Label Format Registry are described in detail in [4].

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [1]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
        Levels", March 1997.

   [2]  Haynes, T. and N. Williams, "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
        Security Version 3", draft-williams-rpcsecgssv3 (work in
        progress), 2011.

   [3]  Eisler, M., Chiu, A., and L. Ling, "RPCSEC_GSS Protocol
        Specification", RFC 2203, September 1997.

   [4]  Quigley, D. and J. Lu, "Registry Specification for MAC Security
        Label Formats", draft-quigley-label-format-registry (work in
        progress), 2011.

   [5]  Eisler, M., "XDR: External Data Representation Standard",
        RFC 4506, May 2006.

   [6]  Shepler, S., Eisler, M., and D. Noveck, "Network File System
        (NFS) Version 4 Minor Version 1 Protocol", RFC 5661,
        January 2010.

   [7]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA
        Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226, May 2008.

11.2.  Informative References

   [8]  "Section 46.6. Multi-Level Security (MLS) of Deployment Guide:
        Deployment, configuration and administration of Red Hat
        Enterprise Linux 5, Edition 6", 2011.

Appendix A.  Acknowledgments

   Kathleen Moriarty provided the use cases for ITAR and Legal Hold/

   Dan Walsh provided use cases for Secure Virtualization, Sandboxing,

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   and NFS homedir labeling to handle process separation.

   Trond Myklebust provided use cases for secure diskless NFS clients.

Appendix B.  RFC Editor Notes

   [RFC Editor: please remove this section prior to publishing this
   document as an RFC]

   [RFC Editor: prior to publishing this document as an RFC, please
   replace all occurrences of RFCTBD10 with RFCxxxx where xxxx is the
   RFC number of this document]

Authors' Addresses

   David Quigley


   James Morris
   Red Hat, Inc.


   Jarrett Lu


   Thomas Haynes (editor)
   9110 E 66th St
   Tulsa, OK  74133

   Phone: +1 918 307 1415

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   Stephen Smalley
   National Security Agency


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