Internet DRAFT - draft-rabnag-bess-evpn-anycast-aliasing


BESS Workgroup                                           J. Rabadan, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                K. Nagaraj
Intended status: Standards Track                                   Nokia
Expires: 10 August 2024                                        A. Nichol
                                                               N. Morris
                                                         7 February 2024

                 EVPN Anycast Aliasing For Multi-Homing


   The current Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) all-active multi-
   homing procedures in Network Virtualization Over Layer-3 (NVO3)
   networks provide the required Split Horizon filtering, Designated
   Forwarder Election and Aliasing functions that the network needs in
   order to handle the traffic to and from the multi-homed CE in an
   efficient way.  In particular, the Aliasing function addresses the
   load balancing of unicast packets from remote Network Virtualization
   Edge (NVE) devices to the NVEs that are multi-homed to the same CE,
   irrespective of the learning of the CE's MAC/IP information on the
   NVEs.  This document describes an optional optimization of the EVPN
   multi-homing Aliasing function - EVPN Anycast Aliasing - that is
   specific to the use of EVPN with NVO3 tunnels (i.e., IP tunnels) and,
   in typical Data Center designs, may provide savings in terms of data
   plane and control plane resources in the routers.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 10 August 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Terminology and Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.3.  Solution Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   2.  BGP EVPN Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   3.  Anycast Aliasing Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.1.  Anycast Aliasing Example  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.2.  Underlay Scale Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   4.  Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing Solution  . . . . . .  17
     4.1.  Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing Example . . . . .  18
     4.2.  Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing Alternative
           Option  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   5.  EVPN Fast Reroute Extensions For Anycast Aliasing . . . . . .  19
   6.  Applicability of Anycast Aliasing to IP Aliasing  . . . . . .  20
   7.  Applicability of Anycast Aliasing to SRv6 tunnels . . . . . .  20
   8.  Operational Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   11. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   12. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   13. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     13.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     13.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

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1.  Introduction

   Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) is the de-facto standard
   control plane in Network Virtualization Over Layer-3 (NVO3) networks
   deployed in multi-tenant Data Centers [RFC8365][RFC9469].  EVPN
   provides Network Virtualization Edge (NVE) auto-discovery, tenant
   MAC/IP dissemination and advanced features required by Network
   Virtualization Over Layer-3 (NVO3) networks, such as all-active
   multi-homing.  The current EVPN all-active multi-homing procedures in
   NVO3 networks provide the required Split Horizon filtering,
   Designated Forwarder Election and Aliasing functions that the network
   needs in order to handle the traffic to and from the multi-homed CE
   in an efficient way.  In particular, the Aliasing function addresses
   the load balancing of unicast packets from remote NVEs to the NVEs
   that are multi-homed to the same CE, irrespective of the learning of
   the CE's MAC/IP information on the NVEs.  This document describes an
   optional optimization of the EVPN multi-homing Aliasing function -
   EVPN Anycast Aliasing - that is specific to the use of EVPN with NVO3
   tunnels (i.e., IP tunnels) and, in typical Data Center designs, may
   provide some savings in terms of data plane and control plane
   resources in the routers.

1.1.  Terminology and Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   *  A-D per EVI route: EVPN route type 1, Auto-Discovery per EVPN
      Instance route.  Route used for aliasing or backup signaling in
      EVPN multi-homing procedures [RFC7432].

   *  A-D per ES route: EVPN route type 1, Auto-Discovery per Ethernet
      Segment route.  Route used for mass withdraw in EVPN multi-homing
      procedures [RFC7432].

   *  BUM traffic: Broadcast, Unknown unicast and Multicast traffic.

   *  CE: Customer Edge, e.g., a host, router, or switch.

   *  Clos: a multistage network topology described in [CLOS1953], where
      all the edge nodes (or Leaf routers) are connected to all the core
      nodes (or Spines).  Typically used in Data Centers.

   *  ECMP: Equal Cost Multi-Path.

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   *  ES: Ethernet Segment.  When a Tenant System (TS) is connected to
      one or more NVEs via a set of Ethernet links, then that set of
      links is referred to as an 'Ethernet segment'.  Each ES is
      represented by a unique Ethernet Segment Identifier (ESI) in the
      NVO3 network and the ESI is used in EVPN routes that are specific
      to that ES.

   *  EVI: or EVPN Instance.  It is a Layer-2 Virtual Network that uses
      an EVPN control-plane to exchange reachability information among
      the member NVEs.  It corresponds to a set of MAC-VRFs of the same
      tenant.  See MAC-VRF in this section.

   *  GENEVE: Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation, an NVO3
      encapsulation defined in [RFC8926].

   *  IP-VRF: an IP Virtual Routing and Forwarding table, as defined in
      [RFC4364].  It stores IP Prefixes that are part of the tenant's IP
      space, and are distributed among NVEs of the same tenant by EVPN.
      Route Distinguisher (RD) and Route Target(s) (RTs) are required
      properties of an IP-VRF.  An IP-VRF is instantiated in an NVE for
      a given tenant, if the NVE is attached to multiple subnets of the
      tenant and local inter-subnet-forwarding is required across those

   *  IRB: Integrated Routing and Bridging interface.  It refers to the
      logical interface that connects a Broadcast Domain instance (or a
      BT) to an IP-VRF and allows to forward packets with destination in
      a different subnet.

   *  MAC-VRF: a MAC Virtual Routing and Forwarding table, as defined in
      [RFC7432].  The instantiation of an EVI (EVPN Instance) in an NVE.
      Route Distinguisher (RD) and Route Target(s) (RTs) are required
      properties of a MAC-VRF and they are normally different from the
      ones defined in the associated IP-VRF (if the MAC-VRF has an IRB

   *  MPLS and non-MPLS NVO3 tunnels: refer to Multi-Protocol Label
      Switching (or the absence of it) Network Virtualization Overlay
      tunnels.  Network Virtualization Overlay tunnels use an IP
      encapsulation for overlay frames, where the source IP address
      identifies the ingress NVE and the destination IP address the
      egress NVE.

   *  NLRI: BGP Network Layer Reachability Information.

   *  NVE: Network Virtualization Edge device, a network entity that
      sits at the edge of an underlay network and implements Layer-2
      and/or Layer-3 network virtualization functions.  The network-

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      facing side of the NVE uses the underlying Layer-3 network to
      tunnel tenant frames to and from other NVEs.  The tenant-facing
      side of the NVE sends and receives Ethernet frames to and from
      individual Tenant Systems.  In this document, an NVE could be
      implemented as a virtual switch within a hypervisor, a switch or a
      router, and runs EVPN in the control-plane.  This document uses
      the terms NVE and "Leaf router" interchangeably.

   *  NVO3 tunnels: Network Virtualization Over Layer-3 tunnels.  In
      this document, NVO3 tunnels refer to a way to encapsulate tenant
      frames or packets into IP packets whose IP Source Addresses (SA)
      or Destination Addresses (DA) belong to the underlay IP address
      space, and identify NVEs connected to the same underlay network.
      Examples of NVO3 tunnel encapsulations are VXLAN [RFC7348], GENEVE
      [RFC8926] or MPLSoUDP [RFC7510].

   *  SRv6: Segment routing with an IPv6 data plane, [RFC8986].

   *  TS: Tenant System.  A physical or virtual system that can play the
      role of a host or a forwarding element such as a router, switch,
      firewall, etc.  It belongs to a single tenant and connects to one
      or more Broadcast Domains of that tenant.

   *  VNI: Virtual Network Identifier.  Irrespective of the NVO3
      encapsulation, the tunnel header always includes a VNI that is
      added at the ingress NVE (based on the mapping table lookup) and
      identifies the BT at the egress NVE.  This VNI is called VNI in
      VXLAN or GENEVE, VSID in nvGRE or Label in MPLSoGRE or MPLSoUDP.
      This document will refer to VNI as a generic Virtual Network
      Identifier for any NVO3 encapsulation.

   *  VTEP: VXLAN Termination End Point.  A loopback IP address of the
      destination NVE that is used in the outer destination IP address
      of VXLAN packets directed to that NVE.

   *  VXLAN: Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network, an NVO3
      encapsulation defined in [RFC7348].

1.2.  Problem Statement

   Figure 1 depicts the typical Clos topology in multi-tenant Data
   Centers, only simplified to show three Leaf routers and two Spines,
   forming a 3-stage Clos topology as . The NVEs or Leaf routers run
   EVPN for NVO3 tunnels, as in [RFC8365].  We assume VXLAN is used as
   the NVO3 tunnel, given that VXLAN is highly prevalent in multi-tenant
   Data Centers.  This diagram is used as a reference throught this
   document.  In very large scale Data Centers though, the number of
   Tenant Systems, Leaf routers and Spines (in multiple layers) may be

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             +-------+   +-------+
             |Spine-1|   |Spine-2|
             |       |   |       |
             +-------+   +-------+
              |  |  |     |  |  |
          +---+  |  |     |  |  +---+
          |      |  |     |  |      |
          |  +------------+  |      |
          |  |   |  |        |      |
          |  |   |  +------------+  |
          |  |   |           |   |  |
          |  |   +---+  +----+   |  |
      L1  |  |    L2 |  |     L3 |  |
       +-------+   +-------+   +-------+
       | +---+ |   | +---+ |   | +---+ |
       | |BD1| |   | |BD1| |   | |BD1| |
       | +---+ |   | +---+ |   | +---+ |
       +-------+   +-------+   +-------+
          | |         | |          |
          | +---+ +---+ |          |
          |     | |     |          |
          |    +---+    |        +---+
          |    |TS1|    |        |TS3|
          |    +---+    |        +---+
          |    ES-1     |
          +-----+ +-----+
                | |

             Figure 1: Simplified Clos topology in Data Centers

   In the example of Figure 1 the Tenant Systems TS1 and TS2 are multi-
   homed to Leaf routers L1 and L2, and Ethernet Segments Identifiers
   ESI-1 and ESI-2 are the representation of TS1 and TS2 Ethernet
   Segments in the EVPN control plane for the Split Horizon filtering,
   Designated Forwarder and Aliasing functions [RFC8365].

   Taking Tenant Systems TS1 and TS3 as an example, the EVPN all-active
   multi-homing procedures guarantee that, when TS3 sends unicast
   traffic to TS1, Leaf L3 does per-flow load balancing towards Leaf
   routers L1 and L2.  As explained in [RFC7432] and [RFC8365] this is
   possible due to L1 and/or L2 Leaf routers advertising TS1's MAC
   address in an EVPN MAC/IP Advertisement route that includes ESI-1 in

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   the Ethernet Segment Identifier field.  When the route is imported in
   Leaf L3, TS1's MAC address is programmed with a destination
   associated to ESI-1 next hop list.  This ESI-1 next hop list is
   created based on the reception of the EVPN A-D per ES and A-D per EVI
   routes for ESI-1 received from Leaf routers L1 and L2.  Assuming
   Ethernet Segment ES-1 links are operationally active, Leaf routers L1
   and L2 advertise the EVPN A-D per ES/EVI routes for ESI-1 and Leaf L3
   adds L1 and L2 to its next hop list for ESI-1.  Unicast flows from
   TS3 to TS1 are therefore load balanced to Leaf routers L1 and L2, and
   L3's ESI-1 next hop list is what we refer to as the "overlay ECMP-
   set" for ESI-1 in Leaf L3.  In addition, once Leaf L3 selects one of
   the next hops in the overlay ECMP-set, e.g.  L1, Leaf L3 does a route
   lookup of the L1 address in the Base router route table.  The lookup
   yields a list of two next hops, Spine-1 and Spine-2, which we refer
   to as the "underlay ECMP-set".  Therefore, for a given unicast flow
   to TS1, Leaf L3 does per flow load balancing at two levels: a next
   hop in the overlay ECMP-set is selected first, e.g., L1, and then a
   next hop in the underlay ECMP-set is selected, e.g., Spine-1.

   While aliasing [RFC7432] provides an efficient method to load balance
   unicast traffic to the Leaf routers attached to the same all-active
   Ethernet Segment, there are some challenges in very large Data
   Centers where the number of Ethernet Segments and Leaf routers is

   a.  Control Plane Scale: In a large Data Center environment, the
       number of multi-homed compute nodes can grow significantly to the
       1000s range, where each compute node requires a unique ES and
       hosts 10s of EVIs per ES.  In the aliasing model defined within
       [RFC7432], there is a requirement to advertise EVPN A-D per EVI
       routes for each active EVI on each ethernet segment.  The
       resultant EVPN state that Route Reflectors, Data Center Gateways
       and a Leaf routers need to process becomes significant and will
       only grow as the number of Ethernet Segments, Broadcast Domains
       and Leaf routers are added.  Removing the need to advertise the
       EVPN A-D per EVI routes would therefore offer a considerable
       advantage to the overall route scale and processing overhead.

   b.  Convergence and Processing overhead: In accordance with [RFC8365]
       each node of an Ethernet Segment acts as an independent VTEP and
       therefore EVPN next hop.  In a typical Data Center leaf-spine
       topology this results in ECMP being performed in both the
       underlay ECMP-set and also the overlay ECMP-set.  Consequently,
       convergence at scale during a failure can be slow and CPU
       intensive as all leaf routers are required to process the overlay
       state change caused by the EVPN route(s) being withdrawn at the
       point of failure and update their overlay ECMP-set accordingly.
       Performing the load-balancing with just the underlay ECMP-set,

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       offers the potential to dramatically reduce this network wide
       state-churn and processing overhead, while providing faster
       convergence at scale by limiting the scope of the re-convergence
       to just the intermediate Spine nodes.

   c.  Hardware Resource consumption: As described in "b", the use of
       EVPN Aliasing procedures on the Leaf routers, requires the
       creation of both overlay and underlay ECMP-sets which typically
       utilize the same hardware resources.  If the number of remote
       Leaf routers and Ethernet Segments grow significantly, the
       capacity to support both overlay and underlay ECMP-set in
       hardware can become a restricting factor.

   d.  Inefficient forwarding during a failure: A further consequence of
       ECMP being performed in the overlay ECMP-set is the potential for
       in-flight packets sent by remote Leaf routers being rerouted in
       an inefficient way.  Some examples follow:

       *  Suppose the link L1-to-Spine-1 in Figure 1 fails.  In-flight
          VXLAN packets already sent from L3 with destination VTEP equal
          L1 arrive at Spine-1 and are rerouted via e.g., L2->Spine-
          2->L1->TS1, while they could go directly via L2->TS1, since
          TS1 is also connected to Leaf L2.  After the underlay routing
          protocol converges, all VXLAN packets with destination VTEP L1
          are correctly sent to Spine-2 and Leaf L3 removes Spine-1 from
          the underlay ECMP-set for Leaf L1.

       *  In a different example for the same diagram, suppose the link
          TS1-to-L1 fails.  In-flight VXLAN packets already sent from L3
          with destination VTEP equal L1 arrive at Leaf L1, and if the
          inner destination MAC address is TS1, the frame has to be
          encapsulated in a VXLAN packet again and rerouted to VTEP
          equal to L2.  Eventually, the MP_UNREACH_NLRI messages for the
          ES-1 A-D routes make it to Leaf L3 and Leaf L3 starts sending
          the VXLAN packets to Leaf L2.  The rerouting of in-flight
          packets following the path L3->Spine-1->L1->Spine-2->L2->TS1
          is what we know as "Fast-Reroute" and procedures to avoid
          micro loops are described in

   There are existing proprietary multi-chassis Link Aggregation Group
   implementations, collectively and commonly known as MC-LAG, that
   attempt to work around the above challenges by using the concept of
   "Anycast VTEPs", or the use of a shared loopback IP address that the
   Leaf routers attached to the same multi-homed Tenant System can use
   to terminate VXLAN packets.  As an example in Figure 1, if Leaf
   routers L1 and L2 used an Anycast VTEP address "anycast-IP1" to
   identify VXLAN packets to Tenant System TS1:

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   *  Leaf L3 would not need to create an overlay ECMP-set for packets
      to TS1, since the use of anycast-IP1 in the underlay ECMP-set
      would gurantee the per-flow load balancing to the two Leaf

   *  In the same failure example as above for link L1-to-Spine-1
      failure, Spine-1 would reroute VXLAN packets directly to Leaf L2,
      since L2 also advertises the anycast-IP1 address that is used from
      Leaf L3 to send packets to TS1.

   *  In the same example as above for a TS1-to-L1 failure, Leaf L1
      could withdraw the anycast-IP1 address and Spine-1 would quickly
      reroute VXLAN packets directly to Leaf L2 without the need for

   *  In addition, if Leaf routers L1 and L2 used proprietary MC-LAG
      techniques, no EVPN A-D per EVI routes would be needed, hence the
      number of EVPN routes would be significantly decreased in a large
      scale Data Center.

   However, the use of proprietary MC-LAG technologies in EVPN NVO3
   networks is being abandoned due to the superior functionality of EVPN
   Multi-Homing, including mass withdraw [RFC7432], advanced Designated
   Forwarding election [RFC8584] or weighted load balancing
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb], to name a few features.

1.3.  Solution Overview

   This document specifies an EVPN Anycast Aliasing extension that can
   be used as an alternative to EVPN Aliasing [RFC7432].  EVPN Anycast
   Aliasing replaces the per-flow overlay ECMP load-balancing with a
   simplified per-flow underlay ECMP load balancing, in a similar way to
   how proprietary MC-LAG solutions do it, but in a standard way and
   keeping the superior advantages of EVPN Multi-Homing, such as the
   Designated Forwarder Election, Split Horizon filtering or the mass
   withdraw function, all of them described in [RFC8365] and [RFC7432].
   The solution uses the A-D per ES routes to advertise the Anycast VTEP
   address to be used when sending traffic to the Ethernet Segment and
   suppresses the use of A-D per EVI routes for the Ethernet Segments
   configured in this mode.  This solution addresses the challenges
   outlined in Section 1.2.

   The solution is valid for all NVO3 tunnels, or even for IP tunnels in
   general.  Sometimes the description uses VXLAN as an example, given
   that VXLAN is highly prevalent in multi-tenant Data Centers.
   However, the examples and procedures are valid for any NVO3 tunnel

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2.  BGP EVPN Extensions

   This specification makes use of two BGP extensions that are used
   along with the A-D per ES routes [RFC7432].

   The first extension is the flag "A" or "Anycast Aliasing mode" and it
   is requested to IANA to be allocated in bit 2 of the EVPN ESI
   Multihoming Attributes registry for the 1-octect Flags field in the
   ESI Label Extended Community, as follows:

      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      | Type=0x06     | Sub-Type=0x01 | Flags(1 octet)|  Reserved=0   |
      |  Reserved=0   |          ESI Label                            |

   Flags field:

           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
          |SHT|A|     |RED|

              Figure 2: ESI Label Extended Community and Flags

   Where the following Flags are defined:

    | Name | Meaning         | Reference                             |
    | RED  | Multihomed site | [I-D.ietf-bess-rfc7432bis]            |
    |      | redundancy mode |                                       |
    | SHT  | Split Horizon   | [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-mh-split-horizon] |
    |      | type            |                                       |
    | A    | Anycast         | This document                         |
    |      | Aliasing mode   |                                       |

                           Table 1: Flags Field

   When the NVE advertises an A-D per ES route with the A flag set, it
   indicates the Ethernet Segment is working in Anycast Aliasing mode.
   The A flag is set only if the RED = 00 (All-Active redundancy mode),
   and MUST NOT be set if RED is different from 00.

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   The second extension that this document introduces is the encoding of
   the "Anycast VTEP" address in the BGP Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute,
   Tunnel Egress Endpoint Sub-TLV (code point 6) [RFC9012].  NOTE from
   the authors: a new Sub-TLV may also be considered in future versions
   of this document, depending on the feedback of the Working Group.

3.  Anycast Aliasing Solution

   This document proposes an OPTIONAL "EVPN Anycast Aliasing" procedure
   that provides a solution to optimize the behavior in case the
   challenges described in Section 1.2 become a problem.  The
   description makes use of the terms "Ingress NVE" and "Egress NVE".
   In this document, Egress NVE refers to an NVE that is attached to an
   Ethernet Segment working in Anycast Aliasing mode, whereas Ingress
   NVE refers to the NVE that transmits unicast traffic to a MAC address
   that is associated to a remote Ethernet Segment that works in Anycast
   Aliasing mode.  In addition, the concepts of Unicast VTEP and Anycast
   VTEP are used.  A Unicast VTEP is a loopback IP address that is
   unique in the Data Center fabric and it is owned by a single NVE
   terminating VXLAN (or NVO3) traffic.  An Anycast VTEP is a loopback
   IP address that is shared among the NVEs attached to the same
   Ethernet Segment and it is used to terminate VXLAN (or NVO3) traffic
   on those NVEs.  An Anycast VTEP in this document MUST NOT be used as
   BGP next hop of any EVPN route NLRI.  This is due to the need for the
   Multi-Homing procedures to uniquely identify the originator of the
   EVPN routes via their NLRI next hops.

   The solution consists of the following alternative modifications of
   the [RFC7432] EVPN Aliasing function:

   1.  The [RFC8365] Designated Forwarder and Split Horizon filtering
       procedures remain unmodified.  Only the Aliasing procedure is
       modified in this Anycast Aliasing mode.

   2.  The forwarding of BUM traffic and related procedures are not
       modified by this document.  Only the procedures related to the
       forwarding of unicast traffic to a remote Ethernet Segment are

   3.  Any two Egress NVEs attached to the same Ethernet Segment working
       in Anycast Aliasing mode MUST use the same VNI or label to
       identify the Broadcast Domain that makes use of the Ethernet
       Segment.  For non-MPLS NVO3 tunnels, using the same VNI is
       implicit if global VNIs are used ([RFC8365] section 5.1.1).  If
       locally significant values are used for the VNIs, at least all
       the Egress NVEs sharing Ethernet Segments MUST use the same VNI
       for the Broadcast Domain.  For MPLS NVO3 tunnels, the Egress NVEs
       sharing Anycast Aliasing Ethernet Segments MUST use Domain-wide

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       Common Block labels [I-D.ietf-bess-mvpn-evpn-aggregation-label]
       so that all can be configured with the same unicast label for the
       same Broadcast Domain.  Note that this rule only affects unicast
       labels or the labels advertised with the EVPN MAC/IP
       Advertisement routes and not the Ingress Replication labels for
       BUM traffic advertised in the EVPN Inclusive Multicast Ethernet
       Tag routes.

   4.  The default behavior for an Egress NVE attached to an Ethernet
       Segment follows [RFC8365].  The Anycast Aliasing mode MUST be
       explicitly configured for a given all-active Ethernet Segment.
       When the Egress NVE Ethernet Segment is configured to follow the
       Anycast Aliasing behavior, the egress NVE:

       a.  Allocates an Anycast VTEP for the Ethernet Segment, that is
           shared by all egress NVEs attached to the Ethernet Segment.
           The egress NVE is assumed to advertise reachability for the
           Anycast VTEP in the underlay routing protocol, via an
           advertisement of an exact match route for the Anycast VTEP
           (mask /32 for IPv4 and /128 for IPv6) or a prefix of shorter
           length that covers the Anycast VTEP IP address.

       b.  Advertises EVPN A-D per ES routes for the Ethernet Segment

           *  an "Anycast Aliasing" flag that indicates to the remote
              NVEs that the EVPN MAC/IP Advertisement routes with
              matching Ethernet Segment Identifier are resolved by only
              A-D per ES routes for the Ethernet Segment.  In other
              words, this flag indicates to the ingress NVE that no A-D
              per EVI routes are advertised for the Ethernet Segment.

           *  an Anycast VTEP that identifies the Ethernet Segment and
              is encoded in a BGP tunnel encapsulation attribute
              [RFC9012] attached to the route.

       c.  Does not modify the procedures for the EVPN MAC/IP
           Advertisement routes.

       d.  Suppresses the advertisement of the A-D per EVI routes for
           the Ethernet Segment configured in Anycast Aliasing mode.

       e.  In case of a failure on the Ethernet Segment link, the Egress
           NVE withdraws the A-D per ES route(s), as well as the ES
           route for the Ethernet Segment.  In addition, the Egress NVE
           withdraws the Anycast VTEP from the underlay routing protocol
           to avoid attracting traffic for the Ethernet Segment.

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       f.  In case of only a subset of Broadcast Domains on the Ethernet
           Segment fails (due to a mis-configuration), the Ingress NVE
           continues sending traffic for the failed Broadcast Domains,
           only to be dropped at the Egress NVE.  This is due to the
           Egress NVE only withdrawing the Anycast VTEP underlay route
           on a complete Ethernet Segment link failure.

   5.  The Ingress NVE that supports this document:

       a.  Follows the regular [RFC8365] Aliasing procedures for the
           Ethernet Segments of the received in A-D per ES routes
           without the Anycast Aliasing Flag.

       b.  Identifies the imported EVPN A-D per ES routes with the
           Anycast Aliasing flag and process them for Anycast Aliasing.

       c.  Upon receiving and importing (on a Broadcast Domain) an EVPN
           MAC/IP Advertisement route for MAC-1 with a non-zero Ethernet
           Segment Identifier ESI-1, the NVE looks for an A-D per ES
           route with the same Ethernet Segment Identifier ESI-1
           imported in the same Broadcast Domain.  If there is at least
           one A-D per ES route for ESI-1, the NVE checks if the Anycast
           Aliasing flag is set.  If not, the ingress NVE follows the
           procedures in [RFC8365].  If the Anycast Aliasing flag is
           set, the ingress NVE programs MAC-1 associated to destination
           ESI-1.  The ESI-1 destination is resolved to the Ethernet
           Segment Anycast VTEP that is extracted from the A-D per ES
           routes, and the VNI, e.g, VNI-1, that was received in the
           MAC/IP Advertisement route.

       d.  When the Ingress NVE receives a frame with destination MAC
           address MAC-1 on any of the Attachment Circuits of the
           Broadcast Domain, the destination MAC lookup yields ESI-1 as
           destination.  The frame is then encapsulated into a VXLAN (or
           NVO3) packet where the destination VTEP is the Anycast VTEP
           and the VNI is VNI-1.  Since all the Egress NVEs attached to
           the Ethernet Segment previously announced reachability to the
           Anycast VTEP, the ingress NVE has an underlay ECMP-set
           created for the Anycast VTEP and per flow load balancing is

       e.  The Ingress NVE MUST NOT use an Anycast VTEP as the outer
           source IP address of the VXLAN (or NVO3) tunnel, unless the
           Ingress NVE is also an Egress NVE that re-encapsulates the
           traffic into a tunnel for the purpose of Fast Reroute
           (Section 5).

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       f.  The reception of one or more MP_UNREACH_NLRI messages for the
           A-D per ES routes for Ethernet Segment Identifier ESI-1 does
           not change the programming of the MAC addresses associated to
           ESI-1 as long as there is at least one valid A-D per ES route
           for ESI-1 in the Bridge Domain.  The reception of the
           MP_UNREACH_NLRI message for the last A-D per ES route for
           ESI-1 triggers the mass withdraw procedures for all MACs
           pointing at ESI-1.

   6.  The procedures on the Ingress NVE for Anycast Aliasing assume
       that all the Egress NVEs attached to the same Ethernet Segment
       advertise the same Anycast Aliasing flag value and Anycast VTEP
       in their A-D per ES routes for the Ethernet Segment.
       Inconsistency in any of those two received values makes the
       Ingress NVE fall back to the [RFC8365] behavior, which means that
       the MAC address will be programmed with the Unicast VTEP derived
       from the MAC/IP Advertisement route next hop.

   Non-upgraded NVEs ignore the Anycast Aliasing flag value and the BGP
   tunnel encapsulation attribute.

3.1.  Anycast Aliasing Example

   Consider the example of Figure 3 where three Leaf routers run EVPN
   over VXLAN tunnels.  Suppose Leaf routers L1, L2 and L3 support
   Anycast Aliasing as per Section 3 and Ethernet Segment ES-1 is
   configured as an Anycast Aliasing Ethernet Segment, all-active mode,
   with Anycast VTEP IP12.  The three Leaf routers use VNI-1 to identify
   the Broadcast Domain BD1.  Leaf routers L1 and L2 both advertise an
   A-D per ES route for ESI-1 with the Anycast Aliasing flag set and
   Anycast VTEP IP12.  Suppose only Leaf L1 learns TS1 MAC address,
   hence only L1 advertises a MAC/IP Advertisement route for TS1 MAC
   with ESI-1.

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             +-------+   +-------+
             |Spine-1|   |Spine-2|
             |       |   |       |
             +-------+   +-------+
              |  |  |     |  |  |
          +---+  |  |     |  |  +---+
          |      |  |     |  |      |
          |  +------------+  |      |
          |  |   |  |        |      |
          |  |   |  +------------+  |
          |  |   |           |   |  |
          |  |   +---+  +----+   |  |
      L1  |  |    L2 |  |     L3 |  |
       +-------+   +-------+   +-------+
       | +---+ |   | +---+ |   | +---+ |
       | |BD1| |   | |BD1| |   | |BD1| |
       | +---+ |   | +---+ |   | +---+ |
       +-------+   +-------+   +-------+
            | Anycast |            |
            |  IP12   |            |
            +---+ +---+            |
                | |                |
               +---+             +---+
               |TS1|             |TS3|
               +---+             +---+

                     Figure 3: Anycast Aliasing Example

   In this example:

   *  Leaf L3 has Anycast VTEP IP12 programmed in its route table
      against an underlay ECMP-set composed of Spine-1 and Spine-2.
      Tenant System TS1 MAC address is programmed with a destination
      ESI-1, which is resolved to Anycast VTEP IP12.

   *  When Tenant System TS3 sends unicast traffic to Tenant System TS1,
      Leaf L3 encapsulates the frames into VXLAN packets with
      destination VTEP being the Anycast VTEP IP12.  Leaf L3 can perform
      per-flow load balancing just by using the ECMP resources in the
      underlay, and without the need to create an overlay ECMP-set.  All
      the A-D per EVI routes for ES-1 are also suppressed.

   *  Spine-1 and Spine-2 also create underlay ECMP-sets for Anycast
      VTEP IP12 with next hops L1 and L2.  Therefore, in case of:

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      -  A failure on the link L1-to-Spine-1, Spine-1 immediately
         removes L1 from the ECMP-set for IP12 and packets are rerouted
         faster than in the case regular Aliasing is used.

      -  A failure on the Ethernet Segment link TS1-to-L1, Leaf L1
         immediately withdraws its reachability to the Anycast VTEP IP12
         from the underlay routing protocol, and Spine-1 and Spine-2 can
         remove L1 from their ECMP-sets to Anycast VTEP IP12.  This
         results in much faster convergence compared to having to wait
         for the ingress Leaf L3 to remove Leaf L1 from the overlay
         ECMP-set for ESI-1 (which would be the required event in case
         of regular EVPN Aliasing).

3.2.  Underlay Scale Impact

   While the solution described in Section 3 suppresses the
   advertisement of an A-D per EVI route per Ethernet Segment per
   Broadcast Domain, it also requires the underlay routing protocol to
   advertise an additional Anycast VTEP IP address per Ethernet Segment.
   In very large scale Data Centers, the injection of as many /32 or
   /128 prefixes as Ethernet Segments may have a significant impact in
   the Forwarding Information Base tables of the Leaf and Spine routers.
   Therefore the use of Anycast Aliasing becomes a trade-off between the
   number of A-D per EVI routes in regular EVPN Aliasing and the number
   of additional Anycast VTEP loopback addresses injected in the
   underlay routing protocol in the case of Anycast Aliasing.  As an
   example, suppose two Leaf routers L1 and L2 are attached to the same
   128 Ethernet Segments and each Ethernet Segment has four Attachment
   Circuits (in four different Broadcast Domains).  In this case:

   *  If all the Ethernet Segments work in Anycast Aliasing mode, no A-D
      per EVI routes are advertised by Leaf routers L1 and L2. 128
      additional loopback addresses are advertised from L1/L2 into the
      underlay routing protocol.

   *  If all the Ethernet Segments work in regular Aliasing mode, 512
      A-D per EVI routes are advertised by each Leaf, L1 and L2, 1024 in
      total.  However no additional loopback addresses are advertised
      into the underlay routing protocol.

   Section 4 discusses solutions to minimize the impact of Anycast
   Aliasing into the underlay Forwarding tables.  We refer to those
   solutions as Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast (MESA) Aliasing.

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4.  Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing Solution

   The procedures described in this section minimize the impact of
   Anycast Aliasing into the underlay, while preserving the benefits of
   the solution.  The additional extensions build upon the procedure
   described in Section 3, with some modifications as follows:

   1.  On the Egress NVEs:

       a.  Instead of allocating an Anycast VTEP address per Ethernet
           Segment as in Section 3, a single Anycast VTEP address is
           allocated for all the Anycast Aliasing Ethernet Segments
           shared among the same group of Egress NVEs.  That is the only
           additional address for which reachability needs to be
           announced in the underlay routing protocol.

       b.  If "m" Egress NVEs are attached to the same "n Ethernet
           Segments, all the "m" Egress NVEs advertise the same Anycast
           VTEP address in the A-D per ES routes for the "n" Ethernet

       c.  Upon a link failure on one of the Ethernet Segments, the
           Egress NVE cannot withdraw the Anycast VTEP address from the
           underlay routing protocol, as long as there is at least one
           Ethernet Segment left that makes use of the Anycast VTEP.
           Only in case of a failure on the entire Egress NVE (or all
           the Ethernet Segments sharing the Anycast VTEP) will the
           Anycast VTEP be withdrawn from the Egress NVE.

       d.  Unicast traffic for a failed local Ethernet Segment may still
           be attracted by the Egress NVE, given that the Anycast VTEP
           address is still advertised in the underlay routing protocol.
           In this case, the Egress NVE SHOULD support the procedures in
           Section 5 so that unicast traffic can be rerouted to another
           Egress NVE attached to the Ethernet Segment.

   2.  On the Ingress NVEs:

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       a.  An "anycast-aliasing-threshold" and a "collect-timer" are
           configured.  The "anycast-aliasing-threshold" represents the
           number of active Egress NVEs per Ethernet Segment under which
           the ingress PE no longer uses the Anycast VTEP address to
           resolve the Ethernet Segment destination (and uses the
           Unicast VTEP instead, derived from the MAC/IP Advertisement
           route next hop).  The "collect-timer" is triggered upon the
           creation of the Ethernet Segment destination, and it is
           needed to settle on the number of Egress NVEs for the
           Ethernet Segment against which the "anycast-aliasing-
           threshold" is compared.

       b.  Upon expiration of the "collect-timer", the Ingress NVE
           computes the number of Egress NVEs for the Ethernet Segment
           based on the next hop count of the received A-D per ES
           routes.  If the number of Egress NVEs for the Ethernet
           Segment is greater than or equal to the "anycast-aliasing-
           threshold" integer, the Ethernet Destination is resolved to
           the Anycast VTEP address.  If lower than the threshold, the
           Ethernet Destination is resolved to the unicast VTEP address.

   In most of the use cases in multi-tenant Data Centers, there are two
   Leaf routers per rack that share all the Ethernet Segments of Tenant
   Systems in the rack.  In this case, a single Anycast VTEP address per
   rack is injected in the underlay routing protocol, making the
   solution highly scalable.  In addition, in this common use case the
   "anycast-aliasing-threshold" is set to 2.  In case of link failure on
   the Ethernet Segment, this limits the amount of "fast-rerouted"
   traffic to only the in-flight packets.

4.1.  Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing Example

   Consider the example of Figure 1.  Suppose Leaf routers L1, L2 and L3
   support Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing as per Section 4.
   Leaf routers L1 and L2 both advertise an A-D per ES route for ESI-1,
   and an A-D per ES route for ESI-2.  Both routes will carry the
   Anycast Aliasing flag set and the same Anycast VTEP IP12.  Following
   the described procedure, Leaf L3 is configured with anycast-aliasing-
   threshold = 2 and collect-timer = t.  Upon receiving MAC/IP
   Advertisement routes for the two Ethernet Segments and the expiration
   of "t" seconds, Leaf L3 determines that the number of NVEs for ESI-1
   and ESI-2 is equal to the threshold.  Therefore, when sending unicast
   packets to Tenant Systems TS1 or TS2, L3 uses the Anycast VTEP
   address as outer IP address.

   Suppose now that the link TS1-L1 fails.  Leaf L1 then sends an
   MP_UNREACH_NLRI for the A-D per ES route for ESI-1.  Upon reception
   of the message, Leaf L3 changes the resolution of the ESI-1

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   destination from the Anycast VTEP to the Unicast VTEP derived from
   the MAC/IP Advertisement route next hop.  Packets sent to Tenant
   System TS2 (on ES-2) still use the Anycast VTEP.  In-flight packets
   sent to TS1 but still arriving at Leaf L1 are "fast-rerouted" to Leaf
   L2 as per Section 5.

4.2.  Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing Alternative Option

   The proposal in Section 4 uses a shared VTEP for all the Ethernet
   Segments in a common Egress NVE group.  In case the number of Egress
   NVEs sharing the group of Ethernet Segments is limited to two, an
   alternative proposal is to still use a different Anycast VTEP per
   Ethernet Segment, however allocate all those Anycast VTEP addresses
   from the same subnet.  A single IP Prefix for such subnet is
   announced in the underlay routing protocol by the Egress NVEs.  The
   benefit of this proposal is that, in case of link failure in one
   individual Ethernet Segment, e.g., link TS1-L1 in Figure 1, Leaf L2
   detects the failure (based on the withdraw of the A-D per ES and ES
   routes) and can immediately announce the specific Anycast VTEP
   address (/32 or /128) into the underlay.  Based on a Longest Prefix
   Match when routing NVO3 packets, Spines can immediately reroute
   packets (with destination the Anycast VTEP for ESI-1) to Leaf L2.
   This may reduce the amount of fast-rerouted VXLAN packets and spares
   the Ingress NVE from having to change the resolution of the Ethernet
   Segment destination from the Anycast VTEP to the Unicast VTEP.

5.  EVPN Fast Reroute Extensions For Anycast Aliasing

   The procedures in Section 3 and Section 4 may lead to some temporary
   situations in which traffic destined to an Anycast VTEP for an
   Ethernet Segment arrives at an Egress NVE where the Ethernet Segment
   link is in a failed state.  In that case, the Egress NVE SHOULD re-
   encapsulate the traffic into a NVO3 tunnel following the procedures
   described in [I-D.burdet-bess-evpn-fast-reroute], section 7.1, with
   the following modifications:

   1.  The Egress NVEs in this document do not advertise A-D per EVI
       routes, therefore there is no signaling of specific redirect
       labels or VNIs.  The Egress NVE uses the global VNI or Domain-
       wide Common Block label of the Ethernet Segment NVEs when re-
       encapsulates the traffic into an NVO3 tunnel (Section 3, point

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   2.  In addition, when rerouting traffic, the Egress NVE uses the
       Anycast VTEP of the Ethernet Segment as outer source IP address
       of the NVO3 tunnel.  Note this is the only case in this document
       where the use of the Anycast VTEP as source IP address is
       allowed.  When an Egress NVE receives NVO3-encapsulated packets
       where the source VTEP matches a local Anycast VTEP, there are two
       implicit behaviors on the Egress NVE:

       a.  The packets pass the Local Bias Split Horizon filtering
           (which is based on the Unicast VTEP of the Ethernet Segment
           peers, and not the Anycast VTEP).

       b.  Receiving NVO3-encapsulated packets with a local Anycast VTEP
           is an indication for the NVE that those packets have been
           "fast-rerouted", hence they MUST not be forwarded to another

6.  Applicability of Anycast Aliasing to IP Aliasing

   The procedures described in this document are applicable also to IP
   Aliasing use cases in [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ip-aliasing].  Details will
   be added in future versions of this document.

7.  Applicability of Anycast Aliasing to SRv6 tunnels

   To be added.

8.  Operational Considerations

   "Underlay convergence", or network convergence processed by the
   underlay routing protocol in case of a failure, is normally
   considered to be faster than "overlay convergence" (or network
   convergence processed by EVPN in case of failures).  The use of
   Anycast Aliasing is extremely valuable in cases where the operator
   wants to optimize the convergence, since a failure on an Ethernet
   Segment Egress NVE simply means that the underlay routing protocol
   reroutes the traffic to another Egress NVE that uses the same Anycast
   VTEP.  This underlay rerouting to a different owner of the Anycast
   VTEP is extremely fast and efficient, especially when used in Data
   Center designs that make use of BGP in the underlay and the
   Autonomous System allocation recommended in [RFC7938] for loop
   protection.  To illustrate this statement, suppose a link failure on
   the link L1-Spine-1 Figure 1, while Spine-1 and Spine-2 are assigned
   the same Autonomous System Number for their underlay BGP peering
   sessions, and no "Allowas-in" is configured [RFC7938].  If packets
   with destination Anycast VTEP IP12 are received on Spine-1, and the
   link L1-Spine-1 fails, the packets are immediately rerouted to L2.
   In the same example, if unicast VTEPs are used (as in regular all-

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   active Ethernet Segments) and in-flight packets with destination
   unicast VTEP L1 get to Spine-1, packets would be dropped if link
   L1-Spine-1 is not available.  This translates into a much faster
   convergence in the case of Anycast Aliasing.

   Another benefit of Anycast Aliasing is the reduction of EVPN control
   plane pressure (due to the suppression of the A-D per EVI routes).

   However, an operator must take into account the following operational
   considerations before deploying this solution:

   1.  Troubleshooting Anycast Aliasing Ethernet Segments is different
       from troubleshooting regular all-active Ethernet Segments.
       Operators use an A-D per EVI route withdrawal as an indication
       that the Ethernet Segment has failed in a particular Broadcast
       Domain associated with that A-D per EVI route.  The suppression
       of the A-D per EVI routes for the Anycast Aliasing Ethernet
       Segment means that logical failures on a subset of Broadcast
       Domains of the Ethernet Segment (while other Broadcast Domains
       are still operational) are more challenging to detect.

   2.  Anycast Aliasing Ethernet Segments MUST NOT be used in in the
       following cases:

       a.  If the Ethernet Segment multi-homing redundancy mode is
           different from All-Active mode.

       b.  If the Ethernet Segment is used on EVPN VPWS Attachment
           Circuits [RFC8214].

       c.  If the Attachment Circuit Influenced Designated Forwarded
           capability is needed in the Ethernet Segment [RFC8584].

       d.  If advanced multi-homing features that make use of the
           signaling in EVPN A-D per EVI routes are needed.  An example
           would be per EVI mass withdraw.

       e.  If unequal load balancing is needed

       f.  If the tunnels used by EVPN in the Broadcast Domains that use
           the Ethernet Segment are not IP tunnels, i.e., not NVO3

       g.  If the NVEs attached to the Ethernet Segment do not use the
           same VNI or label to identify the same Broadcast Domain.

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   3.  The use of Multi Ethernet Segment Anycast Aliasing on Ethernet
       Segments (Section 4) attached to more than two Egress NVEs has to
       be carefully analyzed.  Using this procedure when more than two
       Egress NVEs are multi-homed to the same set of CEs may mean that
       packets are permanently fast rerouted in case of a failure.  To
       illustrate this, suppose three Egress NVEs attached to ES-1: L1,
       L2 and L3.  Suppose that the ingress NVE is configured with
       "anycast-aliasing-threshold"=2.  In this case, a failure on ES-1
       on L1 does not prevent the network from sending packets to L1
       with destination the Anycast VTEP.  Upon receiving those packets,
       L1 re-encapsulates the packets and sends them to e.g., L2.  This
       rerouting persists as long as ES-1 on L1 is in failed state.  In
       these cases, the operator may consider direct inter node links on
       the egress NVEs to optimize the fast rerouting forwarding.  That
       is, in the previous example, packets are more efficiently
       rerouted if L1, L2 and L3 are directly connected.  It is
       important to understand that this inefficient rerouting (in case
       of a failing state) does not occur in case an Anycast VTEP per
       Ethernet Segment is allocated (Section 3), or in case there are
       only two Egress NVEs attached to the Ethernet Segment and the
       procedures of Section 4 are applied.

9.  Security Considerations

   To be added.

10.  IANA Considerations

   IANA is requested to allocate the flag "A" or "Anycast Aliasing mode"
   in bit 2 of the EVPN ESI Multihoming Attributes registry for the
   1-octect Flags field in the ESI Label Extended Community.

11.  Contributors

12.  Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank Jeff Tantsura for his comments.

13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

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   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A.,
              Uttaro, J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based
              Ethernet VPN", RFC 7432, DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February
              2015, <>.

   [RFC8365]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Drake, J., Ed., Bitar, N., Shekhar, R.,
              Uttaro, J., and W. Henderickx, "A Network Virtualization
              Overlay Solution Using Ethernet VPN (EVPN)", RFC 8365,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8365, March 2018,

              Sajassi, A., Burdet, L. A., Drake, J., and J. Rabadan,
              "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis-07, 13 March 2023,

              Zhang, Z. J., Rosen, E. C., Lin, W., Li, Z., and I.
              Wijnands, "MVPN/EVPN Tunnel Aggregation with Common
              Labels", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              bess-mvpn-evpn-aggregation-label-14, 4 October 2023,

   [RFC8584]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Mohanty, S., Ed., Sajassi, A., Drake,
              J., Nagaraj, K., and S. Sathappan, "Framework for Ethernet
              VPN Designated Forwarder Election Extensibility",
              RFC 8584, DOI 10.17487/RFC8584, April 2019,

   [RFC9012]  Patel, K., Van de Velde, G., Sangli, S., and J. Scudder,
              "The BGP Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute", RFC 9012,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9012, April 2021,

13.2.  Informative References

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   [RFC7348]  Mahalingam, M., Dutt, D., Duda, K., Agarwal, P., Kreeger,
              L., Sridhar, T., Bursell, M., and C. Wright, "Virtual
              eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN): A Framework for
              Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3
              Networks", RFC 7348, DOI 10.17487/RFC7348, August 2014,

   [RFC8926]  Gross, J., Ed., Ganga, I., Ed., and T. Sridhar, Ed.,
              "Geneve: Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation",
              RFC 8926, DOI 10.17487/RFC8926, November 2020,

   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February
              2006, <>.

   [RFC7510]  Xu, X., Sheth, N., Yong, L., Callon, R., and D. Black,
              "Encapsulating MPLS in UDP", RFC 7510,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7510, April 2015,

   [RFC8986]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Camarillo, P., Ed., Leddy, J., Voyer,
              D., Matsushima, S., and Z. Li, "Segment Routing over IPv6
              (SRv6) Network Programming", RFC 8986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8986, February 2021,

   [RFC8214]  Boutros, S., Sajassi, A., Salam, S., Drake, J., and J.
              Rabadan, "Virtual Private Wire Service Support in Ethernet
              VPN", RFC 8214, DOI 10.17487/RFC8214, August 2017,

   [RFC7938]  Lapukhov, P., Premji, A., and J. Mitchell, Ed., "Use of
              BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers", RFC 7938,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7938, August 2016,

   [RFC9469]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Bocci, M., Boutros, S., and A. Sajassi,
              "Applicability of Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN)
              to Network Virtualization over Layer 3 (NVO3) Networks",
              RFC 9469, DOI 10.17487/RFC9469, September 2023,

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              Sajassi, A., Rabadan, J., Pasupula, S., Krattiger, L., and
              J. Drake, "EVPN Support for L3 Fast Convergence and
              Aliasing/Backup Path", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ip-aliasing-00, 1 December 2023,

              Malhotra, N., Sajassi, A., Rabadan, J., Drake, J.,
              Lingala, A. R., and S. Thoria, "Weighted Multi-Path
              Procedures for EVPN Multi-Homing", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bess-evpn-unequal-lb-21, 7
              December 2023, <

              Burdet, L. A., Brissette, P., Miyasaka, T., and J.
              Rabadan, "EVPN Fast Reroute", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-burdet-bess-evpn-fast-reroute-06, 21
              September 2023, <

              Rabadan, J., Nagaraj, K., Lin, W., and A. Sajassi, "EVPN
              Multi-Homing Extensions for Split Horizon Filtering", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bess-evpn-mh-
              split-horizon-08, 4 December 2023,

   [CLOS1953] Clos, C., "A Study of Non-Blocking Switching Networks",
              March 1953.

Authors' Addresses

   Jorge Rabadan (editor)
   520 Almanor Avenue
   Sunnyvale, CA 94085
   United States of America

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Internet-Draft            EVPN Anycast Aliasing            February 2024

   Kiran Nagaraj
   520 Almanor Avenue
   Sunnyvale, CA 94085
   United States of America

   Alex Nichol

   Nick Morris

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