Internet DRAFT - draft-rabnic-bess-evpn-mcast-eeg


Network Working Group                                    J. Rabadan, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                 O. Dornon
Intended status: Standards Track                               V. Prabhu
Expires: 5 September 2024                                          Nokia
                                                               A. Nichol
                                                                Z. Zhang
                                                                  W. Lin
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                            4 March 2024

          EVPN Multicast Forwarding for EVPN to EVPN Gateways


   This document proposes an EVPN (Ethernet Virtual Private Network)
   extension to allow IP multicast forwarding on Service Gateways that
   interconnect two or more EVPN domains.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Terminology and Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Multicast Layer-2 Interconnect on EVPN to EVPN Gateways
           (EEG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.3.  Multicast Layer-3 Interconnect on EVPN to EVPN Gateways
           (EEG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   2.  Layer-2 EVPN to EVPN Gateway Procedures . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   3.  Layer-3 EVPN to EVPN Gateway Procedures . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   6.  Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   7.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

1.  Introduction

   This document proposes an EVPN extension to allow IP multicast
   forwarding on Service Gateways that interconnect two or more EVPN
   domains.  The extensions are applied in two separate scenarios:

   *  EVPN Layer-2 Interconnect

   *  EVPN Layer-3 Interconnect

   In Layer-2 Interconnect scenarios, this document extends the
   procedures in [RFC9251] so that IP Multicast can be forwarded
   efficiently in Service Gateways that Interconnect two or more EVPN
   domains.  Note that [RFC9014], in sections 4.4 and 4.6, specifies the
   Service Gateway solution for EVPN layer-2 multi-point services,
   including the procedures for layer-2 unicast and Broadcast, Unknown
   unicast and Multicast (BUM) traffic, however, it does not specify
   procedures to optimize the forwarding of IP Multicast on the Service
   Gateways that interconnect domains that use EVPN IGMP or MLD proxy

   In Layer-3 Interconnect scenarios, this document extends the
   procedures in [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast], so that Service
   Gateways that interconnect two or more EVPN layer-3 domains as in
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking] for IP unicast traffic can

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   forward Inter-Subnet Multicast traffic efficiently across EVPN
   layer-3 domains.  [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] defines procedures
   to support efficient Inter-Subnet Multicast forwarding on Service
   Gateways that interconnect EVPN domains to MVPN [RFC6513] [RFC6514]
   or PIM domains [RFC7761].  This document completes the procedures to
   support efficient Inter-Subnet Multicast forwarding on Service
   Gateways that interconnect EVPN domains to other EVPN domains.

   In both scenarios, we refer to the Service Gateway that implements
   this specification as an EVPN to EVPN Gateway (EEG).

1.1.  Terminology and Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   *  All-Active Redundancy Mode: When all PEs attached to an Ethernet
      segment are allowed to forward known unicast traffic to/from that
      Ethernet segment for a given BD, then the Ethernet segment is
      defined to be operating in All-Active redundancy mode.

   *  BD: Broadcast Domain.  An EVI may be comprised of one BD (VLAN-
      based or VLAN Bundle services) or multiple BDs (VLAN-aware Bundle
      services).  This document makes use of the term "BD" as described
      in [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] section 1.1.4.

   *  BUM traffic: Broadcast, Unknown unicast and Multicast traffic.

   *  CE: Customer Edge device, e.g., a host, router, or switch.

   *  DF and non-DF: Designated Forwarder and non Designated Forwarder.
      In an Ethernet Segment, the Designated Forwarder PE or Service
      Gateway forwards unicast and BUM traffic.  The non-Designated
      Forwarder PE or Service Gateway blocks BUM traffic (if working in
      All-Active redundancy mode) or unicast and BUM (if working in
      Single-Active redundancy mode).

   *  EEG: EVPN to EVPN Gateway, or a Service Gateway that interconnects
      two or more EVPN domains for the purpose of forwarding IP
      Multicast traffic.

   *  ES: Ethernet Segment.  When a customer site (device or network) is
      connected to one or more PEs via a set of Ethernet links, then
      that set of links is referred to as an 'Ethernet segment'.

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   *  ESI: Ethernet Segment Identifier.  A unique non-zero identifier
      that identifies an Ethernet segment is called an 'Ethernet Segment

   *  EVI: An EVPN instance spanning the Provider Edge (PE) devices
      participating in that EVPN.

   *  EVPN domain: two PEs are in the same EVPN domain if they are
      attached to the same service and the packets between them do not
      require a data path lookup of the inner frame (e.g., in the BD of
      a MAC-VRF) in any intermediate router.  An Service Gateway in this
      document interconnects two or more EVPN domains and is configured
      with a domain identifier per EVPN domain (referred to as EVPN
      domain-ID).  The EVPN domain-ID is encoded in the D-PATH attribute
      as specified in [] for Layer-2 interconnect
      scenarios and in [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking] for
      Layer-3 interconnect scenarios.

   *  I-ES: Interconnect Ethernet Segment or a especial Ethernet Segment
      used to provide multi-homing on Service Gateways that follow the
      procedures in [RFC9014].

   *  IRB: Integrated Routing and Bridging

   *  IRB Interface: Integrated Bridging and Routing Interface.  A
      virtual interface that connects the Bridge Table and the IP-VRF on
      an NVE.

   *  IIF: Incoming Interface.  Refers to the Layer-3 interface in the
      IP-VRF that is identified as the one receiving a particular IP
      Multicast flow.

   *  IP-VRF: A VPN Routing and Forwarding table for IP routes on an
      NVE/PE.  The IP routes could be populated by any routing protocol,
      E.g., EVPN, IP-VPN and BGP PE-CE IP address families.  An IP-VRF
      is also an instantiation of a layer 3 VPN in a PE.

   *  MAC-VRF: A Virtual Routing and Forwarding table for Media Access
      Control (MAC) addresses on a PE.  In VLAN-based or VLAN Bundle
      modes [I-D.ietf-bess-rfc7432bis] a BD is equivalent to a MAC-VRF.

   *  OIF list and OIF entry: Outgoing Interface list or entry.  Refers
      to the list of interfaces or interface entry in the IP-VRF
      (Layer-3 OIF) or BD (Layer-2 OIF) that are identified as output
      interfaces for a given multicast group.

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   *  PE: Provider Edge device.  In this document a PE can be a Leaf
      node in a Data Center or a traditional Provider Edge router in an
      MPLS network.

   *  SBD: Supplementary Broadcast Domain, a especial BD that has an IRB
      interface to an IP-VRF and it is used in the Optimized Inter-
      Subnet Multicast model, as described in

   *  SMET route: Selective Multicast Ethernet Tag route, as defined in

   *  Single-Active Redundancy Mode: When only a single PE, among all
      the PEs attached to an Ethernet segment, is allowed to forward
      traffic to/from that Ethernet segment for a given BD, then the
      Ethernet segment is defined to be operating in Single-Active
      redundancy mode.

1.2.  Multicast Layer-2 Interconnect on EVPN to EVPN Gateways (EEG)

   This section describes an example of the first use-case for which
   this document specifies extensions.

   Consider a pair of multi-homing Service Gateways (EEG1 and EEG2) that
   interconnect EVPN domain 1:1 and domain 2:2, as illustrated in
   Figure 1 (with 1:1 and 2:2 being the respective domain-IDs
   []).  In addition to EEG1 and EEG2, PE1 and PE2
   are also attached to EVPN domain 1:1 (with 1:1 being the EVPN domain-
   ID), and PE3, PE4 and PE5 are also attached to domain 2:2.  Source
   S1, Receiver-1, Receiver-2 and Receiver-3 are all connected to the
   same IP subnet and EVPN Broadcast Domain BD1.  For unicast traffic,
   EEG1 and EEG2 follow the procedures in [RFC9014] sections 4.4 and
   4.6.  In particular, the Interconnect Ethernet Segment I-ES1 is
   instantiated in EEG1 and EEG2 and determines the redundancy and
   forwarding of the traffic between the two domains.  In this example,
   EEG1 is the Designated Forwarder and EEG2 the non-Designated
   Forwarder router in I-ES1.  'Encap1' and 'encap2' in Figure 1 refer
   to any possible encapsulation that is supported by EVPN and BD1 uses
   to transmit or receive packets; for instance: MPLS, Segment Routing
   MPLS (SR-MPLS), VXLAN or SRv6.  The procedures in this document apply
   irrespective of the combination of encapsulations being used in the
   EVPN domains that the EEG routers are interconnecting.  In this
   scenario, IP Multicast sources and receivers can be attached to
   either domain and the EEG routers must be able to forward IP
   Multicast traffic efficiently across domains.  PE1, PE2, PE3, PE4 and
   PE5 follow the procedures of [RFC9251], and they are not aware of the
   fact that the may be attached to different EVPN domains.

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            +--+                            Receiver-1
             |S1,G2                             ^ | join
        PE1  |                             PE2  | | *,G2
         +---v---+                          +---|-v-+
   +-----| +---+ |--------------------------| +---+ |----+
   |     | |BD1| |                          | |BD1| |    |
   |     | +---+ |-------+----------------> | +---+ |    |
   |     +-------+       |                  +-------+    |
   |           ^         |         <---                  |
   |           |         |         SMET        EVPN      |
   |          SMET       |         *,G2      IGMP/MLD proxy
   |          *,G2       |         PE2       domain 1:1  |
   |          EEG1       v                               |
   |         +-------------+    +-------------+          |
   |    EEG1 | +- - - - -+ |    | +- - - - -+ | EEG2     |
   +---------+ | encap-1 | |    | | encap-1 | +----------+
     I-ES1   | +-+-----+-+ |    | +-+-----+-+ | I-ES1
     - - - - |   |     |   |- - |   |     |   | - - - -
      DF     |   | BD1 |   |    |   | BD1 |   | non-DF
   +---------+   |     |   |    |   |     |   +----------+
   |         | +-+-----+-+ |    | +-+-----+-+ |          |
   |         | | encap-2 | |    | | encap-2 | |          |
   |         | +- - - - -+ |    | +- - - - -+ |          |
   |         +-------------+    +-------------+          |
   |    ^        |           ^                           |
   |    |        |           |                 EVPN      |
   |   SMET      +--------+ SMET             IGMP/MLD proxy
   |   *,G2      |        | S1,G2            domain 2:2  |
   |   PE3       |        | PE4                          |
   |             |        |                              |
   |             |        |                              |
   |       PE3   v        v  PE4        PE5              |
   |       +-------+     +-------+      +-------+        |
   |       | +---+ |     | +---+ |      | +---+ |        |
   +-------| |BD1| |-----| |BD1| |------| |BD1| |--------+
           | +---+ |     | +---+ |      | +---+ |
           +-------+     +-------+      +-------+
        join  ^ |      join ^ |
        *,G2  | |     S1,G2 | |
              | v           | v
         Receiver-2      Receiver-3

                           Figure 1: Layer-2 EEGs

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   Suppose S1 (with source IP address S1) sends IP multicast traffic to
   group G2, and Receiver-1 and Receiver-2 issue an IGMP (or MLD) join
   (*,G2).  Receiver-3 sends an IGMP (or MLD) join (S1,G2).  With the
   extensions in this document:

   *  The EEG routers import the EVPN Selective Multicast Ethernet Tag
      (SMET) routes issued by the PE routers in the domains that they

   *  They apply a proxy function for the multicast groups that they
      received in the imported SMET routes for a domain, and advertise
      the result of the proxy membership in SMET routes to the other
      domains, using their own IP address as Originator IP of the SMET
      route.  As an example in Figure 1, EEG1 and EEG2 import the SMET
      routes for (*,G2) and (S1,G2) that they receive from PE3 and PE4,
      respectively.  EEG1 and EEG2 create state for the two groups and
      the I-ES1 Designated Forwarder, i.e., EEG1, advertises an SMET
      route for (*,G2) using its own network parameters for the
      destination domain (EEG1's Originator IP, Route Distinguisher and
      Route Target of domain 1:1).  Although not represented in
      Figure 1, the EEG routers also import the SMET route for (*,G2)
      issued by PE2 in domain 1:1.  Upon the OIF creation for PE2, EEG1
      triggers the advertisement of an SMET route for (*,G2) into domain
      2:2 with its own network parameters in domain 2:2.

   *  The EEG routers send the minimum set of SMET routes to attract the
      traffic for a given multicast group.  As an example, in spite of
      the EEG routers receiving SMETs routes for (*,G2) and (S1,G2),
      EEG1 only advertises an SMET route for (*,G2) since that is the
      minimum set required to attract the traffic for any flow to G2.

   *  The EEG routers do not require the use of Multicast Membership
      Report Synch or Multicast Leave Synch routes [RFC9251] to
      synchronize the multicast states received via SMET routes from
      each domain.  This is due to all the EEG routers in a domain
      importing the same SMET routes.

   *  The EEG routers forward IP multicast traffic between domains in
      the same way BUM traffic is forwarded in an Interconnect Ethernet
      Segment in [RFC9014], that is, only the Designated Forwarder EEG
      forwards IP multicast traffic from sources in one domain to the
      other domains.

1.3.  Multicast Layer-3 Interconnect on EVPN to EVPN Gateways (EEG)

   This section describes an example of the second use-case for which
   this document specifies extensions.

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   Similar to Figure 1 consider a pair of multi-homing Service Gateways
   (EEG1 and EEG2) that interconnect EVPN domain 1:1 and domain 2:2 that
   are now EVPN OISM domains [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] for the same
   tenant, as illustrated in Figure 2.  Note that Figure 2 is an
   example, the procedures in this document apply irrespective of the
   PEs being attached to the same or different Broadcast Domains, and
   sources and receivers can be connected to any PE or Broadcast Domain
   in the network, and also be in the same or different subnets.  The
   IP-VRF of the EEG routers imports EVPN IP Prefix routes [RFC9136]
   from one domain, install the routes in the IP-VRF and export the
   routes into EVPN IP Prefix routes into the other domains.  In order
   to do that, the EEG nodes follow the gateway procedures in
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking].  The unicast routes in the
   IP-VRF of the EEG routers are used to create IIF entries in the
   layer-3 multicast states.  In case the same IP prefix is received in
   two different EVPN IP Prefix routes, one from each EVPN domain,
   regular best path selection determines what EVPN IP Prefix route is
   selected and therefore what route is installed and exported into the
   other domain.

   The encapsulations used in the EVPN domains can be any possible
   encapsulation that is supported by EVPN, for instance, MPLS, Segment
   Routing MPLS (SR-MPLS), VXLAN or SRv6.  The procedures in this
   document apply irrespective of the combinations of encapsulations
   being used in the EVPN domains that the EEG routers are
   interconnecting.  In this scenario, IP Multicast sources and
   receivers can be attached to either domain and the EEG routers must
   be able to forward IP Multicast traffic efficiently across domains.
   PE1, PE2, PE3, PE4 and PE5 follow the procedures of
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast].  We assume PE1 and PE2 are attached
   to the Supplementary Broadcast Domain SBD1, whereas PE3, PE4 and PE5
   are attached to the Supplementary Broadcast Domain SBD2.  In this
   model, existing EVPN OISM PEs are unaware that certain sources or
   receivers are part of a different EVPN OISM Domain.  The existing
   EVPN OISM nodes run only their standard
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] procedures and are entirely unaware of
   the remote EVPN OISM domains.  Interworking is achieved by having
   some of the EVPN OISM PEs function as EVPN to EVPN Gateways (EEGs)
   running OISM procedures in all the domains they interconnect, as
   detailed in this document.

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                    |S1|                         Receiver-1
                    +--+                             ^ |
                     |S1,G2                          | | join
                     |      PE1             PE2      | v *,G2
                  +--v-----------+         +-------------+
                  |+---+------------+      |        +---+|
                  ||BD1|----+    |  |      | +------|BD2||
                  |+---+    |    |  |      | |IP-VRF+---+|
              +---| |IP-VRF+----+|  |      |+----+   |   |---+
              |   | +------|SBD1||  +------>|SBD1|---+   |   |
              |   |        +----+|  |      |+----+       |   |
              |   +--------------+  |      +-------------+   |
              |     ^               |                        |
              |     |               |            EVPN OISM   |
              |    SMET      +------+            domain 1:1  |
              |    *,G2      |                               |
              |    EEG1      |                               |
              |          +---v----+   +--------+             |
              |     EEG1 | +----+ |   | +----+ | EEG2        |
              |     DR   | |SBD1| |   | |SBD1| | non-DR      |
              +----------++------++   ++------++-------------+
                         ||IP-VRF||   ||IP-VRF||
       +-----------------++------++   ++------++-------------------+
       |                 | |SBD2| |   | |SBD2| |                   |
       |                 | +----+ |   | +----+ |                   |
       |                 +----|---+   +--------+        ^  EVPN OISM
       |                      |                         |  domain 2:2
       |                      +-----------+--------+  SMET         |
       |                                  |        |  S1,G2        |
       |    PE3                      ^    |        |  PE5   PE5    |
       |   +--------------+          |    |     +--v-----------+   |
       +---+        +----+|        SMET   |     |+----+        |   |
           | +------|SBD2||        *,G2   |     ||SBD2|----+   |---+
           | |IP-VRF+----+|    PE4  PE4   |     |+----+    |   |
   +--+    |+---+    |    |   +-----------v--+  |  |IP-VRF+---+|
   |S2|--->||BD3|----+    |   |        +----+|  |  +------|BD4||
   +--+    |+---+         |   | +------|SBD2||  |         +---+|
     S2,G3 +--------------+   | |IP-VRF+----+|  +--------------+
                              |+---+    |    |       join ^ |
                              ||BD3|----+    |      S1,G2 | v
                              |+---+         |            | Receiver-3
                              +--------------+            |
                          join ^ |
                          *,G2 | v
                               | Receiver-2

                           Figure 2: Layer-3 EEGs

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   In the example of Figure 2, suppose S1 (with source IP address S1)
   sends IP multicast traffic for group G2, and Receiver-1 and
   Receiver-2 issue an IGMP (or MLD) join (*,G2).  Receiver-3 sends an
   IGMP (or MLD) join (S1,G2).  With the extensions in this document:

   *  The EEG routers import the SMET routes issued by the PE routers in
      the domains that they interconnect.  Since the PEs on both domains
      follow [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] and are attached to the
      Supplementary Broadcast Domain of their respective OISM domain
      (SBD1 and SBD2), the EEG routers must be attached to the
      Supplementary Broadcast Domains of both domains that they
      interconnect, SBD1 and SBD2.

   *  Out of the received SMET routes in one domain, the EEG routers
      create layer-2 OIF entries in the Supplementary Broadcast Domain
      of that domain, in addition to layer-3 IIF and OIF entries in the
      IP-VRF.  The procedures to create layer-2 and layer-3 state in the
      Supplementary Broadcast Domain and IP-VRF of the EEG routers out
      of SMET routes follow the same procedures as in
      [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] for MVPN to EVPN Gateways (MEGs),
      only that the EEGs do not generate MVPN C-multicast routes, but
      SMET routes to attract the traffic for the group from the other
      EVPN OISM domain.

   *  In case of EEG redundancy, that is, more than one EEG are attached
      to the same two EVPN OISM domains as in Figure 2, the EEG routers
      need to select the Supplementary Broadcast Domain Designated
      Router (SBD-DR) in each of the SBDs.  The procedures to select an
      SBD-DR are described in Section 3.  The selected SBD-DR has the
      First Hop Router function in the Supplementary Broadcast Domain
      where it is selected.  In the example of Figure 2, if EEG1 is the
      SBD-DR for SBD2, EEG advertises an SMET route for (*,G2) in order
      to attract the multicast flow to G2 and forward it to domain 2:2.
      EEG2 is a non-Designated Router in SBD2, therefore EEG2 does not
      issue an SMET route for (*,G2) and it does not forward multicast
      traffic for G2 into domain 2:2 (EEG2 does not add the SBD2 IRB
      interface to the layer-3 OIF list).

   *  The EEG routers distribute the minimum set of SMET routes between
      domains to attract the traffic for a given multicast group.  As an
      example, in spite of the EEG routers receiving SMETs routes for
      (*,G2) and (S1,G2), EEG1 (the SBD2 Designated Router) only
      advertises an SMET route for (*,G2) since that is the minimum set
      required to attract the traffic for any flow to G2.

   *  In [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] the Supplementary Broadcast
      Domain IRB interface is used in the OIF list only for traffic from
      external sources.  This document extends the procedures so that an

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      EEG router can be attached to multiple SBDs of the same IP-VRF and
      the Supplementary Broadcast Domain IRB can be added in the OIF
      list for a group, when the IIF for the group is the IRB of another
      SBD attached to the same IP-VRF.  In the example of Figure 2, EEG1
      adds SBD2 IRB in the layer-3 OIF list for (S1,G2) and SBD1 IRB is
      the IIF for the same group.

2.  Layer-2 EVPN to EVPN Gateway Procedures

   This section provides the specification for EVPN to EVPN Gateways
   (EEGs) when configured for layer-2 interconnect, as in the use case
   of Section 1.2.

   1.  An EEG configured for layer-2 interconnect of two or more domains
       MUST support the procedures in [RFC9014] in sections 4.4 or 4.6
       for unicast and BUM traffic forwarding.  In addition, this
       specification uses the concept of the EVPN domain in

       a.  An EGG interconnecting two EVPN domains of the same BD
           "redistributes" EVPN MAC/IP routes and carries out a proxy
           function for EVPN SMET routes between the domains.

       b.  This EEG "proxy" of SMET routes in this document means that
           the SMET routes are imported in one domain of the BD, create
           OIF entries on that domain and are exported into the other
           domain(s) of the BD as long as there is no other SMET route
           for the same multicast group already exported.

   2.  An EEG MUST import SMET routes received for the BD to which the
       EEG is attached.

       a.  An "SMET route received for" a BD in this context means that
           the SMET route has the route target that matches the BD
           import route target in one of the EVPN domains and it is a
           valid route based on the SMET definition in [RFC9251].

       b.  The imported SMET routes create layer-2 OIF entries for a
           given multicast group in the EVPN domain, and received
           multicast traffic for that group in a different EVPN domain
           of the BD will be forwarded using the multicast tree created
           by the imported EVPN Inclusive Multicast Ethernet Tag routes
           as in [RFC9251], or the multicast tree created by the EVPN
           Selective Provider Multicast Service Interface Auto Discovery
           routes (S-PMSI A-D routes as in

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   3.  Upon receiving and importing an SMET route in a domain, an EEG
       that is not part of an Interconnect Ethernet Segment MUST perform
       the proxy function for that SMET route into the other domain(s)
       of the Broadcast Domains, as follows:

       a.  When doing proxy of SMET routes, the EEG MUST set its own IP
           address in the Originator IP field of the NLRI and MUST use
           its own route distinguisher for the domain.

       b.  An EEG with two domains in the same BD SHOULD use different
           route distinguishers when exporting routes into different
           domains and MAY use different route targets for different

       c.  The proxy SMET route MUST preserve the Ethernet Tag ID,
           Multicast Source and Group information as well as the Flags
           of the SMET routes for which it provides the proxy function.

       d.  The proxy function on the EEG also includes "aggregation" of
           (S,G) and (*,G) states of the same IGMP/MLD version.  That
           is, when at least one (*,G) for a group G has been imported
           via SMET route in one domain, only an SMET route for (*,G) is
           exported to the other domain and the (S,G) SMET routes for
           the same group G (but with specific sources) SHOULD NOT be
           exported to the other domain.  In other words, the minimum
           set of SMET routes for a group and version is distributed
           between domains.

   4.  Two or more EEG routers attached to the same two EVPN domains of
       a BD SHOULD use an Interconnect Ethernet Segment (I-ES) [RFC9014]
       to handle the redundancy and avoid multicast duplication, as

       a.  Upon receiving and importing SMET routes in a domain, the
           I-ES Designated Forwarder MUST proxy the SMET routes to the
           other domain, and forward the multicast traffic between
           domains, assuming that it has OIF entries for the group in
           the domain of destination.

       b.  The non-Designated Forwarder MAY do proxy of the SMET routes
           but MUST NOT forward multicast traffic between domains as per
           [RFC9014], irrespective of the existence of OIF entries
           created by the received SMET routes.  The operator can
           decide, by configuration, whether the non-Designated
           Forwarder exports SMET routes, depending on the trade-off
           between additional traffic and faster convergence in case of
           failure of the Designated Forwarder EEG.

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   5.  In case of two or more EEG routers are attached to the same two
       EVPN domains of a BD, a control plane loop may be produced if the
       non-Designated Forwarder does proxy of the received SMET routes
       from the peer EEG into the other domain.  In order to avoid that,
       the D-PATH [] attribute SHOULD be used as

       a.  An EEG doing proxy of SMET routes between domains SHOULD add
           or modify the D-PATH BGP attribute []
           in the exported SMET route, by prepending the domain-ID of
           the source domain (domain in which the route is imported).

       b.  If the EEG is doing proxy of multiple received SMET routes
           which (some or all) already contain the D-PATH attribute, the
           resulting proxy SMET route MUST contain the best D-PATH of
           all the contributing SMET routes.  The "best" D-PATH is the
           shortest D-PATH in terms of number of domain-IDs, where no
           D-PATH means a length of zero.  In case two routes with the
           same number of domain-IDs are left in the selection, a route
           with the numerically lowest left-most Domain-ID is preferred.
           In addition, the EEG prepends the domain-ID indicated in
           point 'a'.  As an example, if EEG1 in Figure 1 receives three
           SMET routes, route 1 with no D-PATH, route 2 with D-PATH
           (3:3) and route 3 with D-PATH (4:4,3:3), when doing proxy,
           EEG1 selects the best D-PATH, i.e., zero length D-PATH, and
           when exporting into domain 1:1, EEG1 adds the D-PATH with
           domain 2:2 (as per point 'a').

       c.  Upon importing an SMET route, an EEG SHOULD NOT proxy an SMET
           route into another domain if the route contains a D-PATH with
           at least one domain-ID that is locally configured in any of
           the domains of the BD.

   6.  EVPN Multicast Membership Report Synch or Multicast Leave Synch
       routes [RFC9251] for the Interconnect Ethernet Segment MUST NOT
       be generated or imported.

   7.  An EEG router MAY support local sources and receivers attached to
       the BD.  Local sources/receivers are considered to be part of a
       "local" domain in the BD, as described in
       [] for local Attachment Circuits on the
       Service Gateways.

       a.  Local receivers sending IGMP/MLD membership reports create
           OIF entries on the connected EEG, and the EGG MUST do proxy
           of the state into all the EVPN domains for which the EEG is
           Designated Forwarder.  The EEG MAY do also proxy of the SMET
           routes into the EVPN domains for which the EEG is non-

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           Designated Forwarder.  That is, consider two EEG routers
           attached to the same two EVPN domains of the same BD as in
           Figure 1, and EEG1 being the Designated Forwarder router of
           the Interconnect Ethernet Segment in the domain 2:2, and a
           local receiver is attached to EEG2.  Assuming EGG2 did not
           export an SMET for a group G earlier, upon receiving a
           membership report from the local receiver, EEG2 MUST export
           an SMET route for G into domain 1:1.  EEG2 MAY optionally
           export an SMET route into domain 2:2.  SMET routes exported
           for local receivers SHOULD include the D-PATH attribute with
           the domain-ID associated with the local domain.

       b.  Consider a local source for group G connected to an
           Interconnect Ethernet Segment non-Designated Forwarder EEG,
           and a receiver on one of the domains the EEG is
           interconnecting, e.g., domain 1:1.  In this case, the EGG
           receives an SMET route from domain 1:1 and also from the
           Designated Forwarder EEG in a different domain.  Even if the
           EEG has OIF entries for domain 1:1, the EEG MUST NOT send
           multicast traffic to domain 1:1 due to its non-Designated
           Forwarder state.  This prevents the EGG from sending
           duplicate traffic to the receiver on domain 1:1.

       c.  Local sources and receivers MAY be attached to Ethernet
           Segments.  In this case, the EGG follows the procedures in
           [RFC9251] for synchronizing multicast state and other

   8.  This specification is compatible with
       [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source] section 4 (Warm
       Standby solution) irrespective of the sources being attached to
       the same or different EVPN domains.

3.  Layer-3 EVPN to EVPN Gateway Procedures

   This section provides the specification for EVPN to EVPN Gateways
   (EEGs) when configured for layer-3 interconnect, as in the use case
   of Section 1.2.  It is important to note that this specification uses
   a Supplementary Broadcast Domain (SBD) per domain that the EEG is
   interconnecting as a way to explain the procedures as simplified as
   possible, however, any implementation that uses a single SBD per
   tenant, and produces the same control plane and data plane behavior
   from an external standpoint, is considered compliant with this

   1.  An EEG configured for layer-3 interconnect of two or more domains
       MUST support the gateway procedures in
       [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking] section 8, for IP unicast

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       forwarding between two EVPN domains.  To differentiate an EVPN
       domain in Section 2 from an EVPN domain in a layer-3 interconnect
       context, this section refers to EVPN domains "of an IP-VRF" on
       the EEG, as opposed to EVPN domains "of a BD" in Section 2.

       a.  An EEG interconnecting two EVPN domains of the same IP-VRF
           "redistributes" EVPN IP Prefix (and/or MAC/IP) routes and
           EVPN SMET routes between the domains.  "Redistribution" of
           SMET routes between domains of the same IP-VRF, in this
           document, refers to the procedures related to importing the
           SMET route, programing the associated multicast state in the
           SBD and exporting the SMET route into a different domain.

       b.  When performing this redistribution of SMET routes, the EEG
           exports the minimum set of SMET routes to attract the traffic
           for a given multicast group.  That is, when at least one
           (*,G) for a group G has been imported via SMET route in one
           domain, only an SMET route for (*,G) is exported to the other
           domain and the (S,G) SMET routes for the same group G (but
           with specific sources) SHOULD NOT be exported to the other

   2.  An EEG creates one SBD instance per domain the IP-VRF is
       interconnecting.  The SBD concept is specified in
       [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast], only that this specification
       allows more than one SBD per IP-VRF on the EEG routers.

       a.  Each SBD attached to the same IP-VRF SHOULD use different
           route distinguisher and MAY use a different set of route
           targets when exporting SMET routes.

       b.  An SBD imports and exports SMET routes as per the procedures
           in [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast].

       c.  Also this document extends [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] so
           that the SBD IRB can be added to the IP-VRF layer-3 OIF list
           for a group, when the IIF for the group is the IRB of another
           SBD attached to the same IP-VRF.

   3.  An EEG originates an EVPN Inclusive Multicast Ethernet Tag route
       for each SBD to which the IP-VRF is attached.  We refer to these
       routes as SBD-IMET routes and they carry a Multicast Flags
       Extended Community with the EEG Flag set.  In addition, the SBD-
       IMET routes SHOULD also carry a Designated Election Extended
       Community, as described in [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] for the
       SBD-IMET routes on MVPN to EVPN Gateways (MEGs).  After
       collecting all the SBD-IMET routes with the EEG flag set
       (including the local one), the EEG MUST perform a Designated

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       Router election.  This election MUST follow the procedures of
       [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] section  The winner of
       the election is referred to as the SBD-DR (Supplementary
       Broadcast Domain Designated Router).  Upon programming a
       multicast group G, the SBD-DR in one SBD is responsible for
       resdistributing the SMET route for G into the other SBDs of the
       same IP-VRF.

   4.  A non-Designated Router for the SBD (non-SBD-DR) MAY redistribute
       SMET routes between domains but it MUST NOT add the SBD IRB for
       which it is non-SBD-DR as layer-3 OIF entry.  The operator can
       decide via configuration whether the non-SBD-DR router
       redistributes SMET routes to other domains.  This is a trade-off
       between attracting unnecessary traffic and speeding up
       convergence in case of a failure on the SBD-DR.

   5.  An SBD-DR MUST be selected for each SBD to which the EEG is
       attached, however, the SBD-DR election MAY be run into only one
       of the SBDs of the IP-VRF, and the same SBD-DR EEG derived for
       all SBDs of the IP-VRF.

       a.  For example, if SBD1 and SBD2 are SBDs of the same IP-VRF in
           EEG1 and EEG2, an implementation MAY run the SBD-DR election
           only in the context of SBD1 and extrapolate the result to
           SBD2.  That is, if EEG1 is the SBD-DR for SBD1, EEG1 will be
           the SBD-DR for SBD2 as well.

       b.  An implementation that runs the SBD-DR election in only one
           of the SBDs of the IP-VRF MUST set the EEG Flag and carry the
           Designated Election Extended Community only in the IMET
           routes for the SBD(s) that run SBD-DR election.  On
           reception, if an EEG is attached to two (or more) SBDs of the
           same IP-VRF and receives an IMET per SBD from the redundant
           EEG, but only one IMET route has the EEG Flag set, the EEG
           MUST apply the SBD-DR election result to all the SBDs of the

   6.  An EEG router MAY support local sources and receivers, that are
       attached to Broadcast Domains (BDs) that have IRB interfaces into
       the IP-VRF of the EEG.  Procedures for local sources and
       receivers follow [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast].

   7.  The MEG (MVPN to EVPN Gateway), PEG (PIM to EVPN Gateway)
       [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast] and EEG (EVPN to EVPN Gateway)
       procedures MAY be used for the same tenant on the same Service

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   8.  This specification is compatible with
       [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source] section 4 (Warm
       Standby solution) irrespective of the sources being attached to
       the same or different EVPN domains.

4.  Security Considerations

   This document extends the procedures of [RFC9251] and
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast], in the scenarios described by
   [RFC9014] and [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking].  Therefore it
   inherits all the Security Considerations described in all those
   specifications.  In addition, this document now allows the
   distribution of SMET routes across EVPN domains, and therefore
   provides a new tool for an attacker to be able to leak SMET routes
   into a remote EVPN domain that could not receive SMET routes from a
   remote domain prior to this specification.  An attacker that manages
   to leak SMET routes into remote domains, may attract multicast
   traffic that may not be leaked otherwise into the local domain.

5.  IANA Considerations

   This document requests a new Flag in the subregistry called
   "Multicast Flags Extended Community", under the "Border Gateway
   Protocol (BGP) Extended Communities" registry, to indicate EEG
   support along with the IMET routes.

   Bit         Name                           Reference
   TBD         EVPN to EVPN Gateway (EEG)     This document

                                  Figure 3

6.  Contributors

7.  Acknowledgments

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

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   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC9136]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Henderickx, W., Drake, J., Lin, W., and
              A. Sajassi, "IP Prefix Advertisement in Ethernet VPN
              (EVPN)", RFC 9136, DOI 10.17487/RFC9136, October 2021,

              Sajassi, A., Burdet, L. A., Drake, J., and J. Rabadan,
              "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis-08, 13 February 2024,

   [RFC9251]  Sajassi, A., Thoria, S., Mishra, M., Patel, K., Drake, J.,
              and W. Lin, "Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and
              Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Proxies for Ethernet
              VPN (EVPN)", RFC 9251, DOI 10.17487/RFC9251, June 2022,

   [RFC9014]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Sathappan, S., Henderickx, W., Sajassi,
              A., and J. Drake, "Interconnect Solution for Ethernet VPN
              (EVPN) Overlay Networks", RFC 9014, DOI 10.17487/RFC9014,
              May 2021, <>.

              Lin, W., Zhang, Z. J., Drake, J., Rosen, E. C., Rabadan,
              J., and A. Sajassi, "EVPN Optimized Inter-Subnet Multicast
              (OISM) Forwarding", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast-10, 27 February 2024,

              Rabadan, J., Sajassi, A., Rosen, E. C., Drake, J., Lin,
              W., Uttaro, J., and A. Simpson, "EVPN Interworking with
              IPVPN", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bess-
              evpn-ipvpn-interworking-09, 9 October 2023,

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              Rabadan, J., Sathappan, S., Gautam, M., Brissette, P.,
              Lin, W., and B. Wen, "Domain Path (D-PATH) for Ethernet
              VPN (EVPN) Interconnect Networks", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-sr-bess-evpn-dpath-04, 23 October
              2023, <

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC6513]  Rosen, E., Ed. and R. Aggarwal, Ed., "Multicast in MPLS/
              BGP IP VPNs", RFC 6513, DOI 10.17487/RFC6513, February
              2012, <>.

   [RFC6514]  Aggarwal, R., Rosen, E., Morin, T., and Y. Rekhter, "BGP
              Encodings and Procedures for Multicast in MPLS/BGP IP
              VPNs", RFC 6514, DOI 10.17487/RFC6514, February 2012,

   [RFC7761]  Fenner, B., Handley, M., Holbrook, H., Kouvelas, I.,
              Parekh, R., Zhang, Z., and L. Zheng, "Protocol Independent
              Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification
              (Revised)", STD 83, RFC 7761, DOI 10.17487/RFC7761, March
              2016, <>.

              Zhang, Z. J., Lin, W., Rabadan, J., Patel, K., and A.
              Sajassi, "Updates on EVPN BUM Procedures", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bess-evpn-bum-
              procedure-updates-14, 18 November 2021,

              Rabadan, J., Kotalwar, J., Sathappan, S., Zhang, Z. J.,
              and W. Lin, "Multicast Source Redundancy in EVPN
              Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source-09, 22 January 2024,

Authors' Addresses

   Jorge Rabadan (editor)
   520 Almanor Avenue
   Sunnyvale, CA 94085
   United States of America

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   Olivier Dornon

   Vinod Prabhu

   Alex Nichol

   Zhaohui Zhang
   Juniper Networks

   Wen Lin
   Juniper Networks

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