Internet DRAFT - draft-ralston-mimi-matrix-framework


More Instant Messaging Interoperability                       T. Ralston
Internet-Draft                          The Foundation C.I.C.
Intended status: Standards Track                           13 March 2023
Expires: 14 September 2023

                    Matrix as a Messaging Framework


   This document describes how Matrix, an existing openly specified
   decentralized protocol for secure interoperable communications, works
   to create a framework for messaging.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   mimi-matrix-framework.html.  Status information for this document may
   be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the More Instant Messaging
   Interoperability Working Group mailing list (,
   which is archived at
   Subscribe at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 14 September 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Overall model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Eventual Consistency  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Rooms and Events  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  State Events  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Room Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  Mapping Features to Events  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Users and Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Room Version I.1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Federation API  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Identity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   8.  End-to-end Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

1.  Introduction

   Matrix is an existing open standard suitable for Instant Messaging
   (IM), Voice over IP (VoIP) signaling, Internet of Things (IoT)
   communication, and bridging other existing communication platforms
   together.  In this document we focus largely on the IM use case,
   however the concepts can be applied to other forms of communication
   as well.

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   The existing Matrix specification [MxSpec] is quite large, yet
   modular.  Here, we can focus on the reusable portions that cover
   messaging, and leave the rest out of scope, leading to more effective

   This document assumes some prior knowledge of federated or
   decentralized systems, such as the principles of email.  This
   document additionally references concepts from
   [I-D.rosenberg-mimi-taxonomy] to build common understanding.

2.  Overall model

   At a high level, Matrix consists of 4 primary concepts:

   *  Homeservers (also called "servers" for simplicity) contain user
      accounts and handle the algorithms needed to support Rooms.

   *  Users produce Events which are sent into Rooms through their

   *  Rooms are a defined set of algorithms which govern how all servers
      in that room behave and treat Events.  They are similar to
      channels, group chats, etc from other protocols.

   *  Events are pieces of information that make up a room.  They can be
      "state events" which track details such as membership, room name,
      and encryption algorithm or "timeline events" which are most
      commonly messages between users.

   Homeservers replicate events created by their users to all other
   participating homeservers in the room (any server with at least 1
   joined user).  Similarly, events are retrieved on-demand from those
   same participating homeservers.  The details regarding how this is
   done specifically, and how a server becomes joined to a room, are
   discussed later in this document.

   A 2 homeserver federation might look as follows:

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                           |   |
                           |     |
                           |   |
                               |                  |
                               |  Homeserver 1    |
                               | |
                               |                  |
                                       |  |
                                       |  |
                                       |  |
                               |                  |
                               |  Homeserver 2    |
                               | |
                               |                  |
                           |     |
                           |    |

              Figure 1: Simple Network Architecture of Matrix

   In this Figure, Alice, Bob, and Carol are on "hs1", with Dan and Erin
   being on "hs2".  Despite both having the root domain "",
   they are considered two completely different homeservers.  Typically,
   a homeserver would use a domain which was closer to the root (ie:
   just ""), however for illustrative purposes and having two
   homeservers to work with, they have been "improperly" named here.

   If Alice creates a room and invites Bob, Alice and Bob can
   communicate without hs2.  If Bob invites Dan or Erin, hs2 joins the
   room when either accepts the invite.  During the join process hs1
   replicates the current state of the room (membership, room name, etc)
   to hs2.  After this initial replication, both homeservers replicate
   new events from their side to the other.  This replication includes
   validation of the events on the receiving side.

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2.1.  Eventual Consistency

   In federated environments it is extremely likely that a remote server
   will be offline or unreachable for a variety of reasons, and a
   protocol generally needs to handle this network fault without causing
   undue inconvenience to others involved.  In Matrix, homeservers can
   go completely offline without affecting other homeservers (and
   therefore users) in the room - only users on that offline homeserver
   would be affected.

   During a network fault, homeservers can continue to send events to
   the room without the involvement of the remaining homeservers.  This
   applies to both sides of the fault: the "offline" server might have
   had an issue where it could not send or receive from the federation
   side, but users are still able to send events internally - the server
   can continue to queue these events until full connectivity is
   restored.  When network is restored between affected parties, they
   simply send any traffic the remote side missed and the room's history
   is merged together.  This is eventual consistency: over time, all
   homeservers involved will reach a consistent state, even through
   network issues.

3.  Rooms and Events

   Rooms are a conceptual place where users can send and receive events.
   Events are sent into the room, and all participants with sufficient
   access will receive the event.  Rooms have a unique identifier of
   !, with the server name in the ID
   providing no meaning beyond a measure to ensure global uniqueness of
   the room.  It is not possible to create rooms with another server's
   name in the ID.

   Rooms are not "created on" any particular server because the room is
   replicated to all participating homeservers equally.  Though, at time
   of creation, the room might only exist on a single server until other
   participants are invited and joined (as is typical with creating a
   new room).

   Rooms are not limited in number of participants, and a "direct
   message" (DM, 1:1) room is simply a room with two users in it.  Rooms
   can additionally have a "type" to clearly communicate their intended
   purpose, however this type does not fundamentally change that events
   are sent into the room for receipt by other users.  The type
   typically only changes client-side rendering/handling of the room.

   Events are how data is exchanged over Matrix.  Each client action
   (eg: "send a message") correlates with exactly one event.  Each event
   has a type to differentiate different kinds of data, and each type

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   SHOULD serve exactly one purpose.  For example, an event for an image
   might contain a "caption" (alt text), but should not contain a text
   message to go along with the image - instead, the client would send
   two events and use a structured relationship to represent the text
   referencing the image.

   Through the use of namespaces, events can represent any piece of
   information.  Clients looking to send text messages would use
   m.message, for example, while an IoT device might send
   org.example.temperature into the room.  The namespace for event types
   is the same as the Java package naming conventions (reverse domain
   with purpose).

3.1.  State Events

   Within a room, some events are used to store key/value information:
   these are known as state events.  Alongside all the normal fields for
   an event, they also contain a "state key" which is used to store
   similar information of the same type in the room.

   Such an example of a state event is membership: each member, once
   involved in the room in some way, has a dedicated state
   event to describe their membership state (join, leave, ban, etc) and
   a state key of their user ID.  This allows their membership to change
   and for other clients (or servers) to easily look up current
   membership information using the event type and predictable state

   Other examples of state events are the room name, topic, permissions,
   history visibility, join constraints, and creation information itself
   (all with empty/blank state keys, as there's only one useful version
   of each).  Custom state events are additionally possible, just like
   with custom events.

3.2.  Room Versions

   Rooms have strict rules for what is allowed to be contained within
   them, and have various algorithms which handle different aspects of
   the protocol, such as conflict resolution and acceptance of events.
   To allow rooms to be improved upon through new algorithms or rules,
   "room versions" are employed to manage a set of expectations for each
   room.  New room versions would be created and assigned as needed.

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   Room versions do not have implicit ordering or hierarchy to them, and
   once in place their principles are immutable (preventing all existing
   rooms from breaking).  This allows for breaking changes to be
   implemented without actually breaking existing rooms: rooms would
   "upgrade" to the new room version, putting their old copy behind

   Upgrading a room is done by creating a new room with the new version
   specified, and adding some referential information in both rooms.
   This is to allow clients and servers to treat the set of rooms as a
   single logical room, with history being available for clients which
   might wish to combine the timelines of the rooms to hide the
   mechanics of the room upgrade itself.

   Rooms can be upgraded any number of times, and because there's no
   implicit ordering for room versions it's possible to "upgrade" from,
   for example, version 2 to 1, or even 2 to 2.

   Later in this document is a description of a room version suitable
   for MIMI.

3.3.  Mapping Features to Events

   To achieve proper interoperability it is important to consider which
   features the other clients (and sometimes servers) in the domain
   support, and how to represent them using a common format
   [I-D.ralston-mimi-messaging-requirements].  Matrix represents
   everything either as Events, per earlier in this section, or as
   Ephemeral Data Units (EDUs) [MxEDU] when the data doesn't need to be
   persisted to the room.

   This structure of having everything being a genericised event or EDU
   allows Matrix to represent nearly every messaging feature as a
   content format problem.  Servers additionally do not generally need
   to do much processing of events in order for the clients to operate,
   and can even be purely store & forward-like nodes for clients.  The
   interface between client and server (also called the Client-Server
   API) is out of scope for this document.  The Matrix Client-Server API
   [MxClientServerApi] may be a good reference for building a Matrix-
   native client or server implementation.

   In Matrix, the following is how some common features would be

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      | Feature             | Representation                       |
      | Direct/Private      | A room with 2 users in it            |
      | Messages, 1:1 chats |                                      |
      | Message history     | Natural consequence of Matrix's room |
      |                     | algorithms.  Stored on the server.   |
      | Text messages       | Timeline events                      |
      | Multimedia (images, | Timeline events                      |
      | video, etc)         |                                      |
      | Message edits       | Timeline events                      |
      | Redaction/Removal   | Timeline events                      |
      | Reactions           | Timeline events                      |
      | Replies & rich      | Timeline events                      |
      | markup              |                                      |
      | VoIP                | Timeline events & WebRTC             |
      | Threads             | Timeline events                      |
      | Encryption          | Timeline events containing an        |
      |                     | encrypted plaintext event payload    |
      | Typing              | EDUs                                 |
      | notifications       |                                      |
      | Read receipts       | EDUs                                 |
      | Presence/online     | EDUs                                 |
      | status              |                                      |
      | Invites/membership  | State events                         |
      | Room name, topic,   | State events                         |
      | etc                 |                                      |

            Table 1: Examples of IM features mapped to Matrix

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   Note: some features have not been included for brevity.  The features
   in the table above should represent enough of a baseline to determine
   whether another feature would be a timeline event, state event, EDU,
   or something else.

   In Matrix's content format, updated and defined by MSC1767 [MSC1767],
   fallbacks to rich text are common to ensure clients can particpate as
   best as realistically possible when encountering features they don't
   support.  For example, a client which doesn't support polls might
   represent that poll simply as a text message and users can react to
   it (or simply reply with more text) to "vote".

4.  Users and Devices

   Each user, identified by, can have any number
   of "devices" associated with them.  Typically linked to a logged-in
   session, a device has an opaque ID to identify it and usually holds
   applicable encryption keys for end-to-end encryption.

   Multiple algorithms for encryption are supported, though the Matrix
   specification currently uses its own Olm and Megolm algorithms for
   encryption.  For increased interoperability, Matrix would adopt MLS
   [I-D.ietf-mls-protocol] instead, likely with minor changes to support
   decentralized environments [DMLS].

5.  Room Version I.1

   The room version grammar [MxRoomVersionGrammar] reserves versions
   consisting solely of 0-9 and . for the Matrix protocol itself.  For
   purposes of MIMI, a reservation of versions starting with I. and
   consisting otherwise of 0-9 and . is introduced.

   The first version under this reservation would be I.1, described as

   I.1 is based upon Matrix's Room Version 10 [MxRoomVersion10], and
   MSC1767 [MSC1767] is incorporated to provide better content format
   primitives.  Note that while the Matrix specification references
   clients and HTTP/JSON APIs, neither of these details are strictly
   relevant for this document.

6.  Federation API

   In order to replicate a room across other homeservers, an API must
   exist to federate accordingly.  This document defines a transport-
   agnostic API for federation in Matrix.

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   Matrix aims for a "Multilateral" federation described by
   [I-D.rosenberg-mimi-taxonomy], where servers can implement their own
   non-standard checks on requests to ensure their server is operating
   safely.  For example, while this document describes an "invite API",
   a server might choose to block invites from a particular server or
   user for any reason it feels is reasonable (preventing the receiving
   server from participating in the room).

   The major APIs needed for federation are as follows.  Note that where
   Matrix specification already exists, transport details in that
   specification are out of scope of this document.

   *  A way to invite users to a room (when their server isn't already
      participating in the room).  This is specified by Matrix already

   *  A way to join a room the server doesn't yet already participate
      in.  This is specified by Matrix already [MxJoinApi].

   *  A way to knock or request an invite to a room (when the server
      isn't already participating in the room).  This is specified by
      Matrix already [MxKnockApi].

   *  A way to reject invites when the server isn't already
      participating in the room.  This is specified by Matrix already

   *  A way to retrieve individual and missing events from other
      participating servers, subject to history visbility and
      authorization.  This is specified by Matrix already [MxEventsApi]

   *  A way to send events to another server.  Matrix currently
      describes this as a transport-level detail in the form of
      transactions [MxTransactionApi].

   Note that the membership APIs above only apply when the server isn't
   already participating in the room.  If the server is already
   participating, the server can simply generate an appropriate
   membership event for the user and send it to the other participating
   servers directly - it does not need to handshake a valid event with a
   resident server.

   Matrix defines many more federation APIs such as to-device messaging,
   ephemeral event handling (typing notifications, presence, etc), and
   encryption-specific APIs, however these are out of scope of this

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7.  Identity

   Matrix relies on identifiers being user IDs (,
   however in the wider scope of MIMI it is expected that a user might
   be trying to message a phone number instead of knowing the user ID.
   This document does not define how an identifier like a phone number
   is resolved to a user ID, but expects that a process exists to do so.

   Such a service might resolve +1 555 123 4567 to, for example.

8.  End-to-end Encryption

   Encryption of events generally happens at the Content Format level,
   with key exchange happening over a transport-level concern.  Matrix
   currently uses a dedicated set of APIs for key exchange, though with
   the adoption of MLS by MIMI there are expected changes [MxDevicesApi]
   [MxEncryptionApi] [MxToDeviceApi].

9.  Security Considerations

   Not formally specified in this version of the document, Matrix has
   several threat model considerations to ensure feature development
   does not make these threats easier to achieve.  They are currently
   specified in v1.6 of the Matrix specification under Section 6 of the
   Appendices.  [MxSecurityThreatModel]

10.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

              Ralston, T., "Requirements of Interoperable Messaging",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ralston-mimi-
              messaging-requirements-00, 13 March 2023,

              Rosenberg, J., "A Taxonomy for More Messaging Interop
              (MIMI)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              rosenberg-mimi-taxonomy-00, 24 October 2022,

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   [MSC1767]  Hodgson, M. and T. Ralston, "Extensible event types &
              fallback in Matrix (v2)", 2023, <

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Backfill", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Event Retrieval", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Invites", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Joins", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Knocks", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Leaves and Rejected Invites",
              2023, <

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Room Version 10", 2023,

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              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Room Versions | Room Version Grammar", 2023,

11.2.  Informative References

   [DMLS]     Chathi, H., "Decentralised MLS", Web 
    , 2021, <

              Barnes, R., Beurdouche, B., Robert, R., Millican, J.,
              Omara, E., and K. Cohn-Gordon, "The Messaging Layer
              Security (MLS) Protocol", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-mls-protocol-18, 13 March 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Client-Server API", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Device Management", 2023,

   [MxEDU]    The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | EDUs", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | End-to-End Encryption", 2023,

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              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Appendices | Security Threat Model", 2023,

   [MxSpec]   The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6", 2023, <>.

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Send-to-device Messaging", 2023,

              The Foundation C.I.C., "Matrix Specification |
              v1.6 | Federation API | Transactions", 2023,

Author's Address

   Travis Ralston
   The Foundation C.I.C.

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