Internet DRAFT - draft-ramos-schc-zero-energy-devices


SCHC Working Group                                              E. Ramos
Internet-Draft                                                 L. Corneo
Intended status: Informational                                  Ericsson
Expires: 25 April 2024                                       A. Minaburo
                                                         23 October 2023

  Static Context Header Compression and Fragmentation for Zero Energy


   This document describes the use of SCHC for very constraint devices.
   The use of SCHC will bring connectivity to devices with restrained
   use of battery and long delays.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Zero Energy Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Cellular Based ZE-Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     4.1.  3GPP device classification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     4.2.  3GPP ZE IoT topologies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       4.2.1.  Topology 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       4.2.2.  Topology 2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       4.2.3.  Topology 3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       4.2.4.  Topology 4  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.3.  User plane characteristics for a Cellular ZE-devices  . .   6
       4.3.1.  End-to-end view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.4.  SCHC as a size and delay-optimized transmission
           mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.4.1.  General architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.4.2.  Device-initiated transmissions  . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.4.3.  Network initiated transmission  . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.5.  SCHC context configuration and additional parameters for ZE
           transmission  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.5.1.  Context provisioning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.5.2.  Context updating  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.5.3.  Payload compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.5.4.  Fragmentation parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  IANA considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Appendix A.  Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Appendix B.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

1.  Introduction

   Zero Energy (ZE) devices are wireless host used in an IoT
   applications using harvesting energy.  These devices can be connected
   in different topologies and will require a new infrastructure that
   maintains the connection alive during the long delays these hosts use
   for communicate.  This document explains the different topologies and
   how SCHC can improve the communication in an 3GPP network.  ToDo,

   This document normatively references [RFC5234] and has more
   information in 3GPPdocA and 3GPPdocB.  (REPLACE)

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2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Zero Energy Devices

   Zero Energy (ZE) devices are ultra-low-power small electronic
   circuits that can be used in Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
   Typically, a ZE device solely relies on the energy that is harvested
   from the surrounding environment through an energy harvester, e.g., a
   small solar panel or Radio Frequencies (RF).  The harvested energy is
   often stored in small rechargeable batteries or super-capacitors.
   However, the most constrained ZE devices are completely passive and
   could lack energy storage.  ZE energy devices typically contain
   sensors, e.g., temperature, as well as a radio interface to offload
   sensor readings.

   ZE devices do not require any battery replacement, or manual
   charging, as they harvest energy from their surrounding environment.
   ZE devices might be small, and come in the form of sensors (which
   report on data from readings and measurements), trackers (which
   report on the location of an object or a living being), or actuators
   (which prompt other machines to operate).

   The widespread adoption of ZE devices will lead to a massive
   reduction in both the cost and power needed to run and maintain IoT
   systems, making them more scalable.  Gathering data from these
   devices also has the potential to drive higher productivity,
   pollution reduction, and enriched lifestyles, without requiring any
   additional energy.  Furthermore, battery-less devices are better for
   the environment and can be managed with simple processes, from
   manufacturing to disposal.

4.  Cellular Based ZE-Devices

4.1.  3GPP device classification

   At the time of writing, the 3GPP TR 38.848 collects decisions
   regarding "Ambient IoT", which is another name for ZE IoT used
   throughout this draft.  In that document, three different types of ZE
   devices are specified based on their energy storage capacity and
   their RF transmission capabilities.

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   *  Device type A: Fully passive devices, without any energy storage
      capability.  The peak power consumption is expected to be less
      than 10 uW.  The wireless communication technology used is
      backscatter communication.

   *  Device type B.  Semi-passive devices with limited energy storage,
      e.g., super-capacitor or coin-cell battery.  The peak power
      consumption is expected to be in the order of few hundreds of uW.
      The wireless communication technology used is backscatter
      communication with the stored energy possible to be used for
      amplification of the backscattered signal.

   *  Device type C.  Active devices with energy storage.  The peak
      power consumption is expected to be less than 10 mW.  The wireless
      communication technology used is active communication and
      independent signal generation.

   The type of devices A, B, and C are able to demodulate control, data,
   etc from the relevant entity in RAN according to connectivity

4.2.  3GPP ZE IoT topologies

   3GPP currently discusses four topologies to enable communication
   between ZE devices and the cellular network.  Most capable ZE devices
   may be able to communicate directly with a base station (BS).  On the
   other hand, more constrained ZE devices may need the assistance of
   intermediary nodes, for example, to provide carrier signals or energy
   to excite and power up the device.  We would focus so far on the
   topology 1 in this document.

4.2.1.  Topology 1

   In Topology 1, see Figure 1, the ZE device directly and
   bidirectionally communicates with a base station (BS).  The
   communication between the BS and the ZE device includes device data
   and/or signaling.

   +----+       +----+
   | BS | <---> | ZE |
   +----+       +----+

         Figure 1: Topology 1.  The base station (BS) and ZE device
                           communicate directly.

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4.2.2.  Topology 2

   In Topology 2, see Figure 2, the ZE device communicates
   bidirectionally with an intermediate node (IN) between the device and
   BS.  In this topology, the intermediate node can be a ZE-enabled
   relay, such as a user equipment (UE), meaning other mobile device or
   equipment, or a repeater.  The IN transfers ZE data and/or signaling
   between BS and the ZE device.

   +----+   Uu  +----+       +----+
   | BS | <---> | IN | <---> | ZE |
   +----+       +----+       +----+

         Figure 2: Topology 2.  The base station (BS) and ZE device
               communicate through an intermediary node (IN).

4.2.3.  Topology 3

   In Topology 3, see Figure 3 and Figure 4, the ZE device transmits
   data/signalling to a BS, and receives data/signalling from the
   assisting node (AN).  Alternatively, the ZE device receives data/
   signaling from a BS and transmits data/signaling to the AN.  In this
   topology, the AN can be a ZE-enabled relay, for example, another UE.

   +----+    Uu    +----+
   | BS |--------->| AN |
   +----+          +----+
      ^               |
      |    +----+     |
      +----| ZE |<----+

       Figure 3: Topology 3 (downlink assistance).  The base station
      (BS) utilizes an assisting node (AN) to transmit data to the ZE

   +----+    Uu    +----+
   | BS |<---------| AN |
   +----+          +----+
      |               ^
      |    +----+     |
      +--->| ZE |-----+

     Figure 4: Topology 3 (uplink assistance).  An assisting node (AN)
          relays to the base station (BS) the ZE UL transmission.

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4.2.4.  Topology 4

   In Topology 4, see Figure 5, the ZE device communicates
   bidirectionally with a UE.  The communication between UE and the ZE
   device includes ZE data and/or signaling.

   +----+       +----+
   | UE | <---> | ZE |
   +----+       +----+

         Figure 5: Topology 4.  A user equipment (UE) and ZE device
                           communicate directly.

4.3.  User plane characteristics for a Cellular ZE-devices

   The nature of the ZE devices requires some changes in the
   architecture of the radio network protocol stack to minimize the
   power consumption on the transmissions and simplify operations.  The
   reception of data, even control signaling, also requires energy.

   In a design for ZE devices design, the energy that is harvested is
   preferred to be used for the device's transmissions.  Since the ZE
   devices are expected to have highly uplink-dominated traffic, and
   therefore the minimization of downlink transmissions (including
   feedback) can be anticipated.

   Also, the transmission opportunities and characteristics require that
   the handling of the packets is tolerant to delays in the reception
   and reassembling due to the inherent unreliability of the source of
   power for such transmissions.  Even so, these devices coexist with
   legacy and the more capable devices that will be utilizing the same
   mobile networks, and the changes should be compatible with the type
   of equipment that is typically utilized for cellular networks to
   favor adoption and economy of scale.

   Due to the restricted power on ZE devices, the user plane is expected
   to be simplified and optimized to reduce the overhead and the need
   for handling multiple levels of feedback.  The power restriction
   itself and the possible lack of link adaptation and reduction of the
   feedback might increase the probability of packet loss and in some
   scenarios also the probability of interference.  This is due to the
   deployment of many devices in close vicinity that are power-charged
   by the same type of energy source and therefore possibly activated
   simultaneously, which may cause access collision to the network as
   well as interference to other cells.

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   The mentioned restrictions make the design of the user plane for
   these kinds of devices is challenging and requires compromises on the
   current design.  This would imply an iterative approach on what
   components and procedures are kept and which ones are new with
   respect to the regular cellular devices' operation.

   For example, to increase the efficiency, the transmissions may be
   done at the same time as accessing the network, meaning the
   utilization of the RACH (Random Access Channel) to reduce the control
   signaling.  Transmissions using RACH are susceptible to collision
   since they are mostly multiplexed by preambles and timing chosen
   randomly by the device and currently are not scheduled as the
   traditional user plane transmission are.  The minimization of
   downlink signaling may have an impact on the possibility of having
   scheduled traffic, in addition to the impossibility of the network of
   knowing if a device has enough energy to monitor a particular
   downlink signaling channel.

   The need to reduce overhead and optimize the number of bits over the
   air to reduce the power required to transmit is a clear requirement
   of the ZE devices.  Consequently, the use of SCHC (Static Context
   Header Compression) [RFC8724] has a great potential to reduce the
   quantity of data needed to be sent over the air, as well as provide
   elements that can be used to increase reliability, support for
   fragmentation, and potentially manage the problem of the long delays
   between transmissions.  The delays may happen when a device has just
   enough energy for transmitting certain packets but not enough to
   empty the buffer.  Part of the energy might be needed for the
   reception of packets from the network.

   The network is capable of managing the possibility that a full object
   might not be received soon after a transmission is started.  This
   increases the requirement of how long the fragments and packet might
   need to be kept in buffers, so it is avoided to lose the energy that
   the devices have used in the initial transmission(s).  This enables
   that the device can continue with the rest of the packets once the
   power for a new transmission has been harvested.  Of course, the
   buffers should be stored as long as it makes sense for the use case
   of the device, and therefore it might require certain degree of
   configuration, in some cases at the devices and in others at the
   network, or both.

   The possibility of collisions between transmissions and the lack of
   power control and link adaptation may affect the reliability of the
   delivery of packets.  But still, the restriction of power for
   transmitting and reception and the delays make challenging the
   support for reliability based on retransmissions.  In this respect,
   we could think that there is a tradeoff between the reliability and

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   additional delay in receiving the data.  In some scenarios, these
   delays could make sense and in others, the delay could make the
   packets irrelevant to their use case.  In that sense equally to the
   previous point, the configuration of the delays targeting for
   reliability is important.

   From the required characteristics outlined for the user plane, the
   use of SCHC becomes relevant to fulfill them.  SCHC offers fragmented
   packet corruption detection, and delivery reliability window-based
   mechanisms, such as ACK-always (Each fragment delivery is explicitly
   acknowledged) and ACK-on Error (only detected losses trigger delivery
   reports outlining the fragment loss).

   The requirements can be addressed with some additional complements to
   support the deployment of SCHC into the cellular Zero Energy device
   scenarios.  For example, adding support for object transport in
   contrast to only IP packet support, and providing better management
   of long delays.  In addition, a solution to enable the set up of the
   contexts and rules that make sure there is alignment between the
   network and the devices on the management of packets.  Part of this
   can be accomplished by imagining that a complete object fits an
   imaginary jumbo IP package and SCHC would then fragment such packet
   into pieces that can be fitted in the radio transport block.

   In this way, a great part of the overhead is removed and the SCHC
   services would take care of the reliability and delay-friendly
   transmission of packets.  In addition, there is the possibility of
   integrating even further SCHC to the cellular lower protocol layers,
   for example by not relying on feedback from MAC for the reliability
   of transmission of packets but instead using the fragment bitmap from
   SCHC.  This also may improve the power efficiency of each
   transmission since the device does not need to monitor the feedback
   channel after each transmission.

   The big challenge in using SCHC in this fashion is how to configure
   the SCHC fragmentation and reassembly entities.  A Dev using SCHC and
   the endpoint where SCHC is terminated in the network with the
   relevant context information so the transmitter and the receiver have
   an understanding of what are the parameters of operation for this
   particular case, which would depend on the network load and devices
   power availability for transmission and the maximum allowed delay

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4.3.1.  End-to-end view

   The traffic characteristics of ZE devices and their use case might
   drive the development of the end-to-end interactions and protocol
   stack.  In mostly uplink-dominated cases, the device would produce
   information that needs to be collected due to the potential delays by
   a platform instead of being transmitted to a particular application
   due to the requirement of availability.  In the case of applications
   using the generated data, would in most cases fetch the data from
   such platforms, and therefore the connectivity towards the final
   application might not be direct.  Therefore, it is highly probable
   that the direct communication stack can in most cases be assumed to
   be mediated by a data collection platform.

   One option is that such a platform is provided by operators.  In that
   case, it makes sense to incorporate SCHC as part of the protocol
   stack between the network and the terminal.  This option would
   require some knowledge of the application protocol stack by the
   mobile network so that effective compression can be realized.  This
   type of deployment would maximize the energy efficiency by optimizing
   the compression up to the transport block level reducing additional
   overhead from padding and lower layers headers.  In this scenario the
   application would only receive the payload whenever a packet or an
   object is fully assembled, reducing the need for additional
   implementation to application logic.  When transmitting a complete
   object in full, SCHC could be utilized in a similar way to a
   transport protocol due to its fragmentation features.  They enable
   transmissions over long periods of time and reconstruct the full
   object after receiving all fragments and also provide some
   reliability control on the fragments transmitted.

   Another option is the enabling of configurable data collection
   platforms, which would imply providing SCHC support over the top in
   the application layer.  For this option, the SCHC packets would look
   like non-IP traffic for the network, and the reliability of the
   packets, delay management, and reassembling of fragments need to be
   handled by the application.  Therefore, the delays in transmissions
   and changes in network connection points need to be handled and
   accounted for.

4.4.  SCHC as a size and delay-optimized transmission mechanism

   SCHC mechanisms can be used to provide reliability and segmentation
   and then extended to provide delay-tolerant transmissions of large
   objects.  This can be done by using the SCHC Fragmentation/Reassembly
   mechanism Ack on Error [RFC8724] which divides the object into
   smaller chunks called tiles that are transmitted according to a
   network's scheduled occasions considering the device power saving and

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   state configuration.  The configuration and setup of SCHC object
   transfer session considering the network and terminal states
   according to the needs of each ZE device matching to their use case
   becomes a critical functionality to address.

4.4.1.  General architecture

   The Figure 6 shows a high configuration of the network communication
   between a ZE Device and an Application Server (App).  ZE Dev have
   short-live intermittent connections and need a middle host called
   proxy that will maintain the connection state even the communication
   is discontinued with the ZE Dev and a continue communication with the
   Application Server.  The proxy may answer to some request instead of
   the ZE Dev.

   +-------+        +-------+       +--------+
   |       | <--->  |       | <---> |        |
   |  ZE   |  ...   | Proxy | <---> | App.   |
   | Dev.  |(delay) | (SCHC)| <---> | Server |
   |(SCHC) | <--->  |       | <---> | (SCHC) |
   |       |  ...   |       | <---> |        |
   +-------+        +-------+       +--------+

              Figure 6: High Level Communication Architecture

4.4.2.  Device-initiated transmissions

   Once a device is onboarded into a network, or during the network
   connection procedure, it must be configured with a new threshold
   value MAX_OBJECT_SIZE, measured in bytes).  This configuration could
   be also pre-defined and notified to the network using out-of-band
   methods.  This is used to compare with the object size to be
   transmitted.  If the object size exceeds such threshold, it means
   that it is required to operate with a delay-friendly transmission
   configuration and it will use the most adequate SCHC delay values
   that are capable of handling the object size to be transmitted by the
   device.  The most adequate configuration is such that can handle
   (bigger or equal) the size of the object to be transmitted according
   to the MAX_OBJECT_SIZE associated configuration.

   To avoid collisions and help with the network management of multiple
   devices accessing the network simultaneously, the configuration could
   include a Best Effort Transfer Interval (BETI).  A BETI configuration
   is meant to provide pacing information to the SCHC device.  After
   each BETI the device attempts to transfer number of SCHC tiles.  The
   value of BETI could be based on a timer (send new fragment every X
   second), transmission occasions (send every X occasion), or radio
   events (paging, DRX/DTX cycle, etc.).  Also, the values of BETI can

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   be also determined by a random timer given by a configured range.
   The number of tiles to send in each BETI, a Tile Count (TC)
   parameter, is by default 1 but can be configured by the network to be
   higher number.

   The SCHC Rule for these devices may be a well-known rule that will
   not need to be updated.  If the Proxy has several devices attached,
   it must recognize which one is sending.

4.4.3.  Network initiated transmission

   If there is a need for the network to transmit data to a device in
   some cases may require transmitting to a large number of devices and
   potentially even the same network delivery points (e.g., radio base
   stations).  To accomplish this in a scenario where the compressor
   entity is in the cellular network, it will need to have a copy of the
   object to be delivered to the device to transmit it to the device
   according to a suitable scheduling and agreed configuration.  As
   mentioned before, this would require the network to provide APIs to
   Applications Servers (AS) that either provide an interface to upload
   to the network the object to be transferred beforehand or a proxy IP
   address for large object transfers that would buffer the object for
   further transmission if the data were from the application layer.
   The delivery may reuse the same mechanisms used to provide IP
   tunneling transmissions or non-IP transmissions already specified in
   the cellular standards.

4.5.  SCHC context configuration and additional parameters for ZE

4.5.1.  Context provisioning

   SCHC successful header compression happens only when a common context
   is shared between sender and receiver.  Typically, context
   provisioning is outside the scope of SCHC RFC documents, mainly
   because there may be several ways to implement it.  However, the most
   constrained ZE devices, e.g., 3GPP ZE type 0, may not be able to
   receive packets from the network, thus dramatically restricting
   context provisioning possibilities.  Hence, this document also
   discusses how a SCHC context may be provisioned to ZE devices with no
   reception capabilities.

   Discussion of the possibilities:

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   *  Standardized set of rules that ZE device manufacturers include in
      their firmware.  Viable solution but may lead to even more
      heterogeneity in the IoT ecosystem.  In fact, different vendors
      may support different non-overlapping subsets of SCHC contexts or
      none at all.

   *  Third-party entities or device owners upload and maintain the SCHC
      contexts, for example flashing the MCU.  Manual process and not
      really scalable.

   *  NFC or equivalent interfaces for SCHC context provisioning.  Add
      costs for the interface, it is a non-scalable manual process.

   *  Use of a well-known rules, provisioned at device configuration.

4.5.2.  Context updating

   Since SCHC works with static context information, it is not likely
   (or desired) to update the SCHC delay tolerant configurations very
   often (e.g., more than once a week -- what exactly is "often" depends
   on the device capabilities and typical communication frequency), so
   the most feasible options are that the network would produce a set of
   pre-configured configurations that are addressed individually with a
   configuration ID.  This means that the network could configure, for
   example, rules for one device for maximum SCHC packet size large,
   medium, and small and use three context groups where it applies this
   parameter setting.  In turn, the SCHC MAX_PACKET_SIZE will be set to
   such values.

   In the case of SCHC being utilized as a transport protocol to
   transmit an object, the size of the tiles used to fragment the object
   could be set to the MTU of the bearer where the transmission will be
   realized, for example, if the data is transmitted using regular
   transmission channels, the MTU would be 1358 bytes in most of the
   cases.  The SCHC standard fragmentation inactivity timers and
   fragmentation retransmission timers can be also set according to the
   scheduling calculation and the expected time of delivery (based on
   the schedule) for the large packets.  Those timers are applied to the
   fragments that are transmitted and their acknowledgments.

   The network can use the expected scheduling time for one of the rule
   groups and set several parameters according to multiple scheduling
   situations, for example, extra-long delay, long delay, medium delay,
   sort delay, and no delay.  In a situation with a delay configuration,
   the retransmission timer and the inactivity timer would be set to a
   reasonable value (e.g., 24 hours), meanwhile, in no delay settings,
   the timers would be set to significantly smaller values (e.g., 10
   minutes).  The values of the timers would be also correlated to the

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   SCHC window (i.e., successive tiles in a group) size selected which
   translates to how many transmissions of the tiles are expected to
   check the correct reception of the tiles belonging to one window.
   Shorter timers would correspond to shorter window sizes (i.e., a
   smaller number of tiles would be sent, and hence shorter
   retransmission/inactivity time is appropriate), meanwhile, larger
   timer values would correspond to larger window sizes.  The window
   size would also depend on how many tiles the object is fragmented

   The profile also would have information in reference to the maximum
   number of Attempts, meaning how many retransmissions of one packet
   (after the retransmission timer has expired) should be attempted
   before aborting the transmission.  In cases of devices with a history
   of bad coverage (known from, e.g., connectivity logs for that
   device), this setting could be set to a higher number (for example
   10), and in more common cases for a cellular network where
   reliability is high, to just one retransmission.  Similarly, if the
   uplink seems to be the problem, then the adjustment could be done in
   the MAX_ACK_REQUESTS, where the sender would poll the receiver to
   transmit a bitmap with the received packets if needed and retransmit
   the request if the retransmit timer expires the number of times that
   MAX_ACK_REQUESTS is configured to.

4.5.3.  Payload compression


4.5.4.  Fragmentation parameters


5.  IANA considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

6.  Security considerations

   This document does not add any security considerations and follows
   the [RFC8724].

7.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

Ramos, et al.             Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 13]
Internet-Draft        SCHC for Zero Energy Devices          October 2023

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8724]  Minaburo, A., Toutain, L., Gomez, C., Barthel, D., and JC.
              Zuniga, "SCHC: Generic Framework for Static Context Header
              Compression and Fragmentation", RFC 8724,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8724, April 2020,

Appendix A.  Appendix A

   This becomes an Appendix (REPLACE)

Appendix B.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank (in alphabetic order): ToDo

Authors' Addresses

   Edgar Ramos
   Hirsalantie 11
   FI- 02420 Jorvas, Kirkkonummi

   Lorenzo Corneo
   Hirsalantie 11
   FI- 02420 Jorvas, Kirkkonummi

   Ana Minaburo
   rue Rennes
   35510 Cesson-Sevigne

Ramos, et al.             Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 14]