Internet DRAFT - draft-reschke-webdav-locking


Network Working Group                                         J. Reschke
Internet-Draft                                                greenbytes
Updates: 2518 (if approved)                              October 5, 2005
Expires: April 8, 2006

   Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Locking Protocol

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
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   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 8, 2006.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   This document specifies a set of methods and headers ancillary to
   HTTP/1.1 (RFC2616) and Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV,
   RFC2518) for the management of resource locking (collision
   avoidance).  It updates those sections from RFC2518 that specify
   WebDAV's locking features.

Editorial Note (to be removed by RFC Editor before publication)

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   [[docstate: Note that this document is not a product of the WebDAV
   working group.  It is just an experiment to study the feasability of
   extracing the locking feature into a separate specification.

   Distribution of this document is unlimited.  Please send comments to
   the WebDAV working group at <>, which may
   be joined by sending a message with subject "subscribe" to
   <>.  Discussions of the WEBDAV
   working group are archived at

   An issues list and XML and HTML versions of this draft are available

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     1.1   Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     1.2   Method Preconditions and Postconditions  . . . . . . . . .  6
     1.3   Document Organization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   2.  Overview of Locking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     2.1   Exclusive Vs. Shared Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.1.1   Lock Compatibility Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     2.2   Required Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     2.3   Lock Tokens  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     2.4   Lock Capability Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     2.5   Status of a lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       2.5.1   Lock Access Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       2.5.2   Lock Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       2.5.3   Lock Root  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       2.5.4   Lock Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       2.5.5   Client-supplied Lock Owner Information (optional)  . . 11
       2.5.6   Lock Creator (optional)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       2.5.7   Lock Timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     2.6   Active Lock Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     2.7   Usage Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   3.  Write Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     3.1   Methods Restricted by Write Locks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     3.2   Write Locks and Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     3.3   Write Locks and Collections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     3.4   Write Locks and the If Request Header  . . . . . . . . . . 15
       3.4.1   Example - Write Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     3.5   Write Locks and COPY/MOVE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   4.  Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     4.1   Common XML elements used in property values  . . . . . . . 16
       4.1.1   Lock Scopes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       4.1.2   Lock Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     4.2   DAV:lockdiscovery property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       4.2.1   Examples for the DAV:lockdiscovery . . . . . . . . . . 18
     4.3   DAV:supportedlock property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       4.3.1   Examples for the DAV:supportedlock property  . . . . . 19
   5.  LOCK Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.1   Creating Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
       5.1.1   Marshalling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
       5.1.2   Postconditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       5.1.3   Example - Simple Lock Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
       5.1.4   Example - Multi-Resource Lock Request  . . . . . . . . 23
     5.2   Refreshing Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       5.2.1   Marshalling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       5.2.2   Preconditions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       5.2.3   Postconditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       5.2.4   Example - Refreshing a Write Lock  . . . . . . . . . . 25

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   6.  UNLOCK Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     6.1   Marshalling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     6.2   Preconditions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
       6.2.1   DAV:lock-token-matches precondition  . . . . . . . . . 26
       6.2.2   DAV:lock-removal-allowed precondition  . . . . . . . . 26
     6.3   Postconditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
       6.3.1   DAV:lock-removed postcondition . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     6.4   Example - UNLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   7.  Additional status codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     7.1   423 Locked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   8.  Additional marshalling and method semantics for other
       methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     8.1   Additional marshalling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       8.1.1   DAV:name-allowed precondition  . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       8.1.2   DAV:parent-resource-must-be-non-null precondition  . . 28
     8.2   Additional method semantics (preconditions)  . . . . . . . 28
       8.2.1   DAV:lock-token-submission-allowed precondition . . . . 28
       8.2.2   DAV:need-lock-token precondition . . . . . . . . . . . 28
     8.3   Additional method semantics (postconditions) . . . . . . . 29
       8.3.1   DAV:lock-removed postcondition . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
   9.  Headers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     9.1   Lock-Token request/response header . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     9.2   Timeout request header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
   10.   Capability discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
     10.1  OPTIONS method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
   11.   Security considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
     11.1  Privacy Issues Connected to Locks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
   12.   Internationalization Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   13.   IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   14.   Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   15.   References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     15.1  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     15.2  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
       Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
   A.  Collected Locking Semantics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     A.1   Directly vs Indirectly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     A.2   Creating Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     A.3   Lock Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     A.4   Removing Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     A.5   Submitting Lock Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     A.6   Locked State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     A.7   URL protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
     A.8   Exclusive vs Shared  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
   B.  Changes to RFC2518 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
     B.1   Removed/Deprecated features  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
       B.1.1   Implicit lock refresh  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
       B.1.2   Lock-null resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
     B.2   Additional features  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

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       B.2.1   DAV:lockroot element in DAV:activelock . . . . . . . . 36
       B.2.2   Error Marshalling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
   C.  Text to be integrated from RFC2518 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
     C.1   HTTP Methods for Distributed Authoring . . . . . . . . . . 36
       C.1.1   LOCK Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
     C.2   HTTP Headers for Distributed Authoring . . . . . . . . . . 36
       C.2.1   If Header  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
   D.  'opaquelocktoken' URI Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
   E.  Change Log (to be removed by RFC Editor before publication)  . 37
     E.1   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-00  . . . . . . . . . . 37
     E.2   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-01  . . . . . . . . . . 37
     E.3   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-02  . . . . . . . . . . 37
     E.4   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-03  . . . . . . . . . . 38
     E.5   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-04  . . . . . . . . . . 38
     E.6   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-05  . . . . . . . . . . 38
     E.7   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-06  . . . . . . . . . . 38
     E.8   Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-07  . . . . . . . . . . 38
   F.  Resolved issues (to be removed by RFC Editor before
       publication) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     F.1   import-gulp  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
   G.  Open issues (to be removed by RFC Editor prior to
       publication) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
     G.1   edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
     G.2   safeness_and_idempotence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
     G.4   100_COPYMOVE_LOCKED_STATUS_DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . 39
     G.5   066_MUST_AN_IF_HEADER_CHECK_THE_ROOT_OF_URL  . . . . . . . 40
       Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
       Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . 43

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1.  Introduction

   This document describes the "locking" extension to the Web
   Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol that allows to
   keep more than one person from working on a document at the same
   time.  This helps preventing the "lost update problem," in which
   modifications are lost as first one author then another writes
   changes without merging the other author's changes.

1.1  Terminology

   The terminology used here follows and extends that in the WebDAV
   Distributed Authoring Protocol specification [RFC2518].

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   Since this document describes a set of extensions to the WebDAV
   Distributed Authoring Protocol [RFC2518], itself an extension to the
   HTTP/1.1 protocol, the augmented BNF used here to describe protocol
   elements is exactly the same as described in Section 2.1 of
   [RFC2616].  Since this augmented BNF uses the basic production rules
   provided in Section 2.2 of [RFC2616], these rules apply to this
   document as well.

   This document uses XML DTD fragments ([XML]) as a purely notational
   convention.  WebDAV request and response bodies cannot be validated
   due to the specific extensibility rules defined in section 23 of
   [RFC2518] and due to the fact that all XML elements defined by this
   specification use the XML namespace name "DAV:".  In particular:

   o  Element names use the "DAV:" namespace.

   o  Element ordering is irrelevant.

   o  Extension elements/attributes (elements/attributes not already
      defined as valid child elements) may be added anywhere, except
      when explicitly stated otherwise.

1.2  Method Preconditions and Postconditions

   A "precondition" of a method describes the state on the server that
   must be true for that method to be performed.  A "postcondition" of a
   method describes the state on the server that must be true after that
   method has completed.  If a method precondition or postcondition for
   a request is not satisfied and unless a more specific HTTP status

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   code applies, the response status of the request MUST be either 403
   (Forbidden) if the request should not be repeated because it will
   always fail, or 409 (Conflict) if it is expected that the user might
   be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request.

   In order to allow better client handling of error responses, a
   distinct XML element type is associated with each method precondition
   and postcondition of a request.  When a particular precondition is
   not satisfied or a particular postcondition cannot be achieved, the
   appropriate XML element MUST be returned as the child of a top-level
   DAV:error element in the response body, unless otherwise negotiated
   by the request.  In a 207 Multi-Status response, the DAV:error
   element would appear in the appropriate DAV:responsedescription

1.3  Document Organization

   Sections 2 and 3 provide an overview of the locking feature in
   general and write locks in particular.  Additional new live
   properties for feature discovery and lock discovery are defined in
   Section 4.  Sections 5 and 6 discuss the LOCK and UNLOCK method.
   HTTP headers, status codes and additional marshalling for existing
   WebDAV methods are defined in Sections 7 through 9.

   Appendix A gives a complete summary of the locking semantics defined
   by this document.  Subsequent appendices discuss changes from
   RFC2518, and the "opaquelocktoken" URI scheme.

2.  Overview of Locking

   The ability to lock a resource provides a mechanism for serializing
   access to that resource.  Using a lock, an authoring client can
   provide a reasonable guarantee that another principal will not modify
   a resource while it is being edited.  In this way, a client can
   prevent the "lost update" problem.

   This specification allows locks to vary over two client-specified
   parameters, the number of principals involved (exclusive vs. shared)
   and the type of access to be granted.  This document defines locking
   for only one access type, write.  However, the syntax is extensible,
   and permits the eventual specification of locking for other access

2.1  Exclusive Vs. Shared Locks

   The most basic form of lock is an exclusive lock.  This is a lock
   where the access right in question is only granted to a single
   principal.  The need for this arbitration results from a desire to

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   avoid having to merge results.

   However, there are times when the goal of a lock is not to exclude
   others from exercising an access right but rather to provide a
   mechanism for principals to indicate that they intend to exercise
   their access rights.  Shared locks are provided for this case.  A
   shared lock allows multiple principals to receive a lock.  Hence any
   principal with appropriate access can get the lock.

   With shared locks there are two trust sets that affect a resource.
   The first trust set is created by access permissions.  Principals who
   are trusted, for example, may have permission to write to the
   resource.  Among those who have access permission to write to the
   resource, the set of principals who have taken out a shared lock also
   must trust each other, creating a (typically) smaller trust set
   within the access permission write set.

   Starting with every possible principal on the Internet, in most
   situations the vast majority of these principals will not have write
   access to a given resource.  Of the small number who do have write
   access, some principals may decide to guarantee their edits are free
   from overwrite conflicts by using exclusive write locks.  Others may
   decide they trust their collaborators will not overwrite their work
   (the potential set of collaborators being the set of principals who
   have write permission) and use a shared lock, which informs their
   collaborators that a principal may be working on the resource.

   This specification does not need to provide all of the communications
   paths necessary for principals to coordinate their activities.  When
   using shared locks, principals may use any out of band communication
   channel to coordinate their work (e.g., face-to-face interaction,
   written notes, post-it notes on the screen, telephone conversation,
   Email, etc.)  The intent of a shared lock is to let collaborators
   know who else may be working on a resource.

   Shared locks are included because experience from web distributed
   authoring systems has indicated that exclusive locks are often too
   rigid.  An exclusive lock is used to enforce a particular editing
   process: take out an exclusive lock, read the resource, perform
   edits, write the resource, release the lock.  This editing process
   has the problem that locks are not always properly released, for
   example when a program crashes, or when a lock owner leaves without
   unlocking a resource.  While both timeouts and administrative action
   can be used to remove an offending lock, neither mechanism may be
   available when needed; the timeout may be long or the administrator
   may not be available.  With a shared lock, another user can at least
   take out another shared lock and start modifying the resource.

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2.1.1  Lock Compatibility Table

   The table below describes the behavior that occurs when a lock
   request is made on a resource.

   | Current lock state /    | Shared Lock        | Exclusive Lock     |
   | Lock request            |                    |                    |
   | None                    | True               | True               |
   | Shared Lock             | True               | False              |
   | Exclusive Lock          | False              | False*             |

   Legend: True = lock may be granted.  False = lock MUST NOT be
   granted. *=It is illegal for a principal to request the same lock

   The current lock state of a resource is given in the leftmost column,
   and lock requests are listed in the first row.  The intersection of a
   row and column gives the result of a lock request.  For example, if a
   shared lock is held on a resource, and an exclusive lock is
   requested, the table entry is "false", indicating the lock must not
   be granted.

2.2  Required Support

   A WebDAV compliant server is not required to support locking in any
   form.  If the server does support locking it may choose to support
   any combination of exclusive and shared locks for any access types.

   The reason for this flexibility is that locking policy strikes to the
   very heart of the resource management and versioning systems employed
   by various storage repositories.  These repositories require control
   over what sort of locking will be made available.  For example, some
   repositories only support shared write locks while others only
   provide support for exclusive write locks while yet others use no
   locking at all.  As each system is sufficiently different to merit
   exclusion of certain locking features, this specification leaves
   locking as the sole axis of negotiation within WebDAV.

2.3  Lock Tokens

   A lock token is a type of state token, represented as a URI, which
   identifies a particular lock (see [RFC2518], section 9.4, for a
   definition of state tokens).  A lock token is returned by every
   successful LOCK operation in the Lock-Token response header.  The
   lock token also appears in the value of the DAV:lockdiscovery

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   property, the value of which is returned in the body of the response
   to a successful LOCK operation (note that this property also includes
   the tokens of other current locks on the resource).

   Lock token URIs MUST be unique across all resources for all time.
   This uniqueness constraint allows lock tokens to be submitted across
   resources and servers without fear of confusion.

   This specification provides a lock token URI scheme called
   "opaquelocktoken" that meets the uniqueness requirements.  However
   servers are free to use any URI scheme so long as it meets the
   uniqueness requirements (for example, the "urn:uuid" URN namespace
   defined in [RFC4122]).  Note that only URI schemes registered by the
   IETF can ensure uniqueness.

   Submitting a lock token provides no special access rights.  Anyone
   can find out anyone else's lock token by performing lock discovery.
   Locks MUST be enforced based upon whatever authentication mechanism
   is used by the server, not based on the secrecy of the token values.

2.4  Lock Capability Discovery

   Since server lock support is optional, a client trying to lock a
   resource on a server can either try the lock and hope for the best,
   or perform some form of discovery to determine what lock capabilities
   the server supports.  This is known as lock capability discovery.
   Lock capability discovery differs from discovery of supported access
   control types, since there may be access control types without
   corresponding lock types.  A client can determine what lock types the
   server supports by retrieving the DAV:supportedlock property defined
   in Section 4.3.

2.5  Status of a lock

   A lock is identified by a URI (the lock token URI) but in general, it
   does not have a HTTP URL, and thus can not be directly manipulated
   using HTTP methods.  Instead, this specification defines the new
   methods LOCK (creating and refreshing locks, see Section 5) and
   UNLOCK (removing locks, see Section 6) that act indirectly on locks.

   A lock has state that can be indirectly observed by using the DAV:
   lockdiscovery property defined in Section 4.2.  At a minimum, the
   state of a lock consists of the items defined in the sections below.
   After lock creation, all parts of the state with the exception of the
   timeout value are immutable.

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2.5.1  Lock Access Type

   At present, this specification only defines one lock access type, the
   "write" lock defined in Section 3.

2.5.2  Lock Scope

   A lock has either exclusive or shared scope (see Section 2.1).

2.5.3  Lock Root

   A lock is created as effect of a LOCK (creation) method request.  The
   lock root is the URL to which this request was adressed.

2.5.4  Lock Depth

   A "depth 0" lock only affects the resource to which the LOCK request
   was adressed to (the lock root).  This resource is said to be
   "directly locked" by the lock.

   On the other hand, a "depth infinity" lock on a collection
   additionally affects all members of that collection.  These resources
   are said to be "indirectly locked" by the lock.  A "depth infinity"
   lock on a non-collection resource behaves exactly the same way as a
   "depth 0" lock.

2.5.5  Client-supplied Lock Owner Information (optional)

   Clients can submit information about the lock owner when creating a
   lock.  This information should be sufficient for either directly
   contacting a principal (such as a telephone number or email URI), or
   for discovering the principal (such as the URL of a homepage).

   Owner information is kept with the lock so that it can be returned in
   the DAV:lockdiscovery property upon request.  Note that this
   information is entirely client-controlled, thus a server MUST store
   the information faithfully just like if it appeared in a WebDAV dead
   property (see [RFC2518], section 4).

2.5.6  Lock Creator (optional)

   When a lock has been created by an authenticated principal, the
   server SHOULD keep information about that principal with the lock.
   This enables the server to subsequently check whether a lock
   identified by a lock token submitted in a request belongs to the same
   principal on whose behalf the lock was initially created (see
   Section 8.2.1 below).

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2.5.7  Lock Timeout

   In general, a lock expires after a certain amount of time.  This time
   can be specified in the LOCK creation request (however servers are
   not required to honor this request).

   If the timeout expires then the lock may be lost.  Specifically, if
   the server wishes to harvest the lock upon time-out, the server
   SHOULD act as if an UNLOCK method was executed by the server on the
   resource using the lock token of the timed-out lock, performed with
   its override authority.  Thus logs should be updated with the
   disposition of the lock, notifications should be sent, etc., just as
   they would be for an UNLOCK request.

   The timers used for timeout expiry can be reset by the client by
   submitting a LOCK refresh request.

   Servers are advised to pay close attention to the values submitted by
   clients, as they will be indicative of the type of activity the
   client intends to perform.  For example, an applet running in a
   browser may need to lock a resource, but because of the instability
   of the environment within which the applet is running, the applet may
   be turned off without warning.  As a result, the applet is likely to
   ask for a relatively small timeout value so that if the applet dies,
   the lock can be quickly harvested.  However, a document management
   system is likely to ask for an extremely long timeout because its
   user may be planning on going off-line.

   A client MUST NOT assume that just because the time-out has expired
   the lock has been lost.  Clients MUST assume that locks may
   arbitrarily disappear at any time, regardless of the value given in
   the Timeout header.  The Timeout header only indicates the behavior
   of the server if "extraordinary" circumstances do not occur.  For
   example, an administrator may remove a lock at any time or the system
   may crash in such a way that it loses the record of the lock's

2.6  Active Lock Discovery

   If another principal locks a resource that a principal wishes to
   access, it is useful for the second principal to be able to find out
   who the first principal is.  For this purpose the DAV:lockdiscovery
   property is provided.  This property lists all outstanding locks,
   describes their type, and where available, provides their lock token.

2.7  Usage Considerations

   Although the locking mechanisms specified here provide some help in

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   preventing lost updates, they cannot guarantee that updates will
   never be lost.  Consider the following scenario:

   o  Two clients A and B are interested in editing the resource
      'index.html'.  Client A is an HTTP client rather than a WebDAV
      client, and so does not know how to perform locking.

   o  Client A doesn't lock the document, but does a GET and begins

   o  Client B does LOCK, performs a GET and begins editing.

   o  Client B finishes editing, performs a PUT, then an UNLOCK.

   o  Client A performs a PUT, overwriting and losing all of B's

   There are several reasons why the WebDAV protocol itself cannot
   prevent this situation.  First, it cannot force all clients to use
   locking because it must be compatible with HTTP clients that do not
   comprehend locking.  Second, it cannot require servers to support
   locking because of the variety of repository implementations, some of
   which rely on reservations and merging rather than on locking.
   Finally, being stateless, it cannot enforce a sequence of operations
   like LOCK / GET / PUT / UNLOCK.

   WebDAV servers that support locking can reduce the likelihood that
   clients will accidentally overwrite each other's changes by requiring
   clients to lock resources before modifying them.  Such servers would
   effectively prevent HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1 clients from modifying

   WebDAV clients can be good citizens by using a lock / retrieve /
   write /unlock sequence of operations (at least by default) whenever
   they interact with a WebDAV server that supports locking.

   HTTP 1.1 clients can be good citizens, avoiding overwriting other
   clients' changes, by using entity tags in If-Match headers with any
   requests that would modify resources.

   Information managers may attempt to prevent overwrites by
   implementing client-side procedures requiring locking before
   modifying WebDAV resources.

3.  Write Lock

   This section describes the semantics specific to the write lock type.
   The write lock is a specific instance of a lock type, and is the only

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   lock type described in this specification.

3.1  Methods Restricted by Write Locks

   If a request would modify the content for a locked resource, a dead
   property of a locked resource, a live property that is defined to be
   lockable for a locked resource, or an internal member URI of a locked
   collection, the request MUST fail unless the lock-token for that lock
   is submitted in the request.  An internal member URI of a collection
   is considered to be modified if it is added, removed, or identifies a
   different resource

3.2  Write Locks and Properties

   While those without a write lock may not alter a property on a
   resource it is still possible for the values of live properties to
   change, even while locked, due to the requirements of their schemas.
   Only dead properties and live properties defined to respect locks are
   guaranteed not to change while write locked.

3.3  Write Locks and Collections

   A write lock on a collection, whether created by a "Depth: 0" or
   "Depth: infinity" lock request, prevents the addition or removal of
   member URIs of the collection by non-lock owners.  As a consequence,
   when a principal issues a PUT or POST request to create a new
   resource under a URI which needs to be an internal member of a write
   locked collection to maintain HTTP namespace consistency, or issues a
   DELETE to remove an internal member URI of a write locked collection,
   this request MUST fail if the principal does not have a write lock on
   the collection.

   However, if a write lock request is issued to a collection containing
   member URIs identifying resources that are currently locked in a
   manner which conflicts with the write lock, the request MUST fail
   with a 423 (Locked) status code (Note that this can only occur for a
   request of a "Depth: infinity" write lock).

   If a lock owner causes the URI of a resource to be added as an
   internal member URI of a "Depth: infinity"  locked collection then
   the new resource MUST be automatically added to the lock.  This is
   the only mechanism that allows a resource to be added to a write
   lock.  Thus, for example, if the collection /a/b/ is write locked and
   the resource /c is moved to /a/b/c then resource /a/b/c will be added
   to the write lock.

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3.4  Write Locks and the If Request Header

   If a user agent is not required to have knowledge about a lock when
   requesting an operation on a locked resource, the following scenario
   might occur.  Program A, run by User A, takes out a write lock on a
   resource.  Program B, also run by User A, has no knowledge of the
   lock taken out by Program A, yet performs a PUT to the locked
   resource.  In this scenario, the PUT succeeds because locks are
   associated with a principal, not a program, and thus program B,
   because it is acting with principal A's credential, is allowed to
   perform the PUT.  However, had program B known about the lock, it
   would not have overwritten the resource, preferring instead to
   present a dialog box describing the conflict to the user.  Due to
   this scenario, a mechanism is needed to prevent different programs
   from accidentally ignoring locks taken out by other programs with the
   same authorization.

   In order to prevent these collisions a lock token MUST be submitted
   in the If header for all locked resources that a method may interact
   with or the method MUST fail.  For example, if a resource is to be
   moved and both the source and destination are locked then two lock
   tokens must be submitted, one for the source and the other for the

   Servers SHOULD restrict usage of the lock token to exactly the
   authenticated principal who created the lock.

3.4.1  Example - Write Lock


      COPY /~fielding/index.html HTTP/1.1
      If: <>


      HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

   In this example, even though both the source and destination are
   locked, only one lock token must be submitted, for the lock on the
   destination.  This is because the source resource is not modified by
   a COPY, and hence unaffected by the write lock.  In this example,
   user agent authentication has previously occurred via a mechanism
   outside the scope of the HTTP protocol, in the underlying transport

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3.5  Write Locks and COPY/MOVE

   A COPY method invocation MUST NOT duplicate any write locks active on
   the source.  However, as previously noted, if the COPY copies the
   resource into a collection that is locked with "Depth: infinity",
   then the resource will be added to the lock.

   A successful MOVE request on a write locked resource MUST NOT move
   the write lock with the resource.  However, the resource is subject
   to being added to an existing lock at the destination, as specified
   in Section 3.3.  For example, if the MOVE makes the resource a child
   of a collection that is locked with "Depth: infinity", then the
   resource will be added to that collection's lock.  Additionally, if a
   resource locked with "Depth: infinity" is moved to a destination that
   is within the scope of the same lock (e.g., within the namespace tree
   covered by the lock), the moved resource will again be a added to the
   lock.  In both these examples, as specified in Section 3.4, an If
   header must be submitted containing a lock token for both the source
   and destination.

4.  Properties

   Any DAV compliant resource that supports the LOCK method MUST support
   the DAV:activelock and DAV:lockdiscovery properties defined below.

4.1  Common XML elements used in property values

4.1.1  Lock Scopes

      <!ELEMENT lockscope (exclusive | shared) >
      <!ELEMENT exclusive EMPTY >
      <!ELEMENT shared EMPTY >

4.1.2  Lock Types

      <!ELEMENT locktype (write) >
      <!ELEMENT write EMPTY >

4.2  DAV:lockdiscovery property

   The DAV:lockdiscovery property returns a listing of who has a lock,
   what type of lock he has, the timeout type, the time remaining on the
   timeout, the associated lock token and the root of the lock.  The
   server is free to withhold any or all of this information if the
   requesting principal does not have sufficient access rights to see
   the requested data.

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      <!ELEMENT lockdiscovery (activelock)* >

      <!ELEMENT activelock (lockscope, locktype, depth, owner?,
                            timeout?, locktoken?, lockroot) >

   depth: the value of the Depth header (see Section 2.5.4; takes the
   values "0" or "infinity").

      <!ELEMENT depth (#PCDATA) >

   owner: provides information about the principal taking out a lock
   (see Section 2.5.5).

      <!ELEMENT owner ANY>

   timeout: the time remaining until timeout of a lock (see
   Section 2.5.7).

      <!ELEMENT timeout (#PCDATA) >

   locktoken: the lock token associated with a lock; the href element
   contains the lock token.

      <!ELEMENT locktoken (href) >
      <!-- href: defined in [RFC2518], Section 12.3 -->

   lockroot: the URL that was specified as Request-URI in the LOCK
   creation request; the href element contains the URL (see
   Section 2.5.3).

      <!ELEMENT lockroot (href) >
      <!-- href: defined in [RFC2518], Section 12.3 -->

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4.2.1  Examples for the DAV:lockdiscovery

   DAV:lockdiscovery property for a resource that has two shared write
   locks on it, with infinite timeouts:

      <D:lockdiscovery xmlns:D="DAV:">
          <D:owner>Jane Smith</D:owner>
          <D:owner>John Doe</D:owner>

   DAV:lockdiscovery property for a resource with no locks on it:

      <D:lockdiscovery xmlns:D="DAV:"/>

4.3  DAV:supportedlock property

   The DAV:supportedlock property of a resource returns a listing of the
   combinations of scope and access types which may be specified in a
   lock request on the resource.  Note that the actual contents are

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   themselves controlled by access controls so a server is not required
   to provide information the client is not authorized to see.

      <!ELEMENT supportedlock (lockentry)* >
      <!ELEMENT lockentry (lockscope, locktype) >

4.3.1  Examples for the DAV:supportedlock property

   DAV:supportedlock property for a resource that supports both
   exclusive and shares write locks:

      <D:supportedlock xmlns:D="DAV:">

   DAV:supportedlock property for a resource that doesn't support any
   locks at all:

      <D:supportedlock xmlns:D="DAV:"/>

5.  LOCK Method

   The following sections describe the LOCK method, which is used to
   take out a lock of any access type or to refresh an existing lock.

5.1  Creating Locks

   A LOCK method invocation with non-empty request body creates the lock
   specified by the lockinfo XML element on the resource identified by
   the Request-URI.

   If the Request-URI identifies a null resource, the invocation MUST
   create a new resource with empty content.

5.1.1  Marshalling

   The request MAY include a "Timeout" header to be used as the timeout
   value for the lock to be created (see Section 9.2).  However, the
   server is not required to honor or even consider this request.

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   The request MAY include a "Depth" header specifying either "0" or
   "infinity" (see [RFC2518], section 9.2).  If no "Depth" header is
   submitted then the request MUST act as if a "Depth:infinity" had been

   The request body MUST be a DAV:lockinfo element:

     <!ELEMENT lockinfo (lockscope, locktype, owner?) >

   DAV:lockscope, DAV:locktype and DAV:owner are defined in Section 4.

   The response body for a successful request MUST be a DAV:prop XML
   element, containing the new value for the DAV:lockdiscovery property
   defined in Section 4.2.  The lock token URI for the new lock MUST be
   returned in the "Lock-Token" response header (see Section 9.1).

   If a "Depth: infinity" lock request fails because the lock could not
   be granted to all resource, a 207 (Multistatus) status code MUST be
   returned with a response entity body containing a multistatus XML
   element describing which resource(s) prevented the lock from being
   granted.  Hence, partial success is not an option.

5.1.2  Postconditions  DAV:create-lock postcondition

   The request MUST have created a new lock on the resource identified
   by the Request-URI, having all the lock properties specified in the
   request (with the exception of the Timeout request header).  The
   request MUST have allocated a distinct new lock token URI for the new
   lock, and that URI MUST NOT ever identify anything other than that
   lock.  DAV:create-resource postcondition

   If the Request-URI identified a null resource, the method MUST have
   created a new resource with empty content.

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5.1.3  Example - Simple Lock Request


      LOCK /workspace/webdav/proposal.doc HTTP/1.1
      Timeout: Infinite, Second-4100000000
      Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
      Content-Length: xxxx
      Authorization: Digest username="ejw",
         realm="", nonce="...",
         response="...", opaque="..."

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>

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      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Lock-Token: <opaquelocktoken:e71d4fae-5dec-22d6-fea5-00a0c91e6be4>
      Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
      Content-Length: xxxx

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <D:prop xmlns:D="DAV:">

   This example shows the successful creation of an exclusive write lock
   on resource  The
   resource http:/ contains contact
   information for the owner of the lock.  The server has an activity-
   based timeout policy in place on this resource, which causes the lock
   to automatically be removed after 1 week (604800 seconds).

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5.1.4  Example - Multi-Resource Lock Request


      LOCK /webdav/ HTTP/1.1
      Timeout: Infinite, Second-4100000000
      Depth: infinity
      Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
      Content-Length: xxxx
      Authorization: Digest username="ejw",
         realm="", nonce="...",
         response="...", opaque="..."

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <D:lockinfo xmlns:D="DAV:">


      HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
      Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
      Content-Length: xxxx

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:">
           <D:status>HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</D:status>
           <D:status>HTTP/1.1 424 Failed Dependency</D:status>

   This example shows a request for an exclusive write lock on a
   collection and all its children.  In this request, the client has
   specified that it desires an infinite length lock, if available,
   otherwise a timeout of 4.1 billion seconds, if available.  The
   request entity body contains the contact information for the
   principal taking out the lock, in this case a web page URL.

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   The error is a 403 (Forbidden) response on the resource  Because this resource could not be
   locked, none of the resources were locked.

5.2  Refreshing Locks

   A LOCK request with no request body is a "LOCK refresh" request.
   It's purpose is to restart all timers associated with a lock.

5.2.1  Marshalling

   The request MUST include an "If" header that contains the lock tokens
   of the locks to be refreshed (note there may be multiple in the case
   of shared locks).

   The request MAY include a "Timeout" header to be used as the new
   timeout value for the lock(s) to be refreshed (see Section 9.2).

   The request MAY include a "Depth" header specifying either "0" or
   "infinity" (see [RFC2518], section 9.2) which MUST be ignored when

   The response to a successful lock refresh request MUST contain the
   value of the current DAV:lockdiscovery property in a prop XML

5.2.2  Preconditions  DAV:lock-submission-allowed precondition

   See Section 8.2.1.

5.2.3  Postconditions  DAV:locks-refreshed postcondition

   Timers associated with the those locks submitted in the "If" request
   header whose lock root is the resource identified by the Request-URI
   MUST be reset to their original value (or alternatively to the new
   value given in the "Timeout" request header).

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5.2.4  Example - Refreshing a Write Lock


      LOCK /workspace/webdav/proposal.doc HTTP/1.1
      Timeout: Infinite, Second-4100000000
      If: (<opaquelocktoken:e71d4fae-5dec-22d6-fea5-00a0c91e6be4>)
      Authorization: Digest username="ejw",
         realm="", nonce="...",
         response="...", opaque="..."


      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
      Content-Length: xxxx

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <D:prop xmlns:D="DAV:">

   This request would refresh the lock, resetting any time outs.  Notice
   that the client asked for an infinite time out but the server choose
   to ignore the request.

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6.  UNLOCK Method

   The UNLOCK method removes the lock identified by the lock token in
   the Lock-Token request header from the resource identified by the
   Request-URI, and all other resources included in the lock.  Note that
   the UNLOCK request may be submitted to any resource locked by that
   lock (even those that are locked indirectly).

   If all resources which have been locked under the submitted lock
   token can not be unlocked then the UNLOCK request MUST fail.

   Any DAV compliant resource which supports the LOCK method MUST
   support the UNLOCK method.

   A server MAY allow principals other than a lock owner to unlock a
   resource.  In this case, this capability SHOULD be under access
   control (see [RFC3744], section 3.5).  Note that there is a tradeoff
   in allowing non-owners of a lock to unlock a resource.  It can be
   beneficial to allow non-lock owners to perform UNLOCK requests
   because it allows the adminstrator of the server to configure the
   server to grant longer lock timeouts because the administrator knows
   that there is a process in place to allow users to deal with
   forgotten locks left by other users.  On the other hand, a
   disadvantage of unlocking someone else's lock is that can create a
   situation where two users are working on modifications to the same
   resource at the same time which can result in a client having to
   perform an merge that wasn't previously planned.

6.1  Marshalling

   The request MUST include a "Lock-Token" header (see Section 9.1) that
   identifies the lock to be removed.

6.2  Preconditions

6.2.1  DAV:lock-token-matches precondition

   The lock identified by the "Lock-Token" request header exists, and
   the resource identified by the Request-URI indeed is directly locked
   by the specified lock.

6.2.2  DAV:lock-removal-allowed precondition

   As dicussed above, the principal authenticated for the UNLOCK request
   MUST be allowed to remove the identified lock (note that servers that
   support the "WebDAV Access Control Protocol" should use the DAV:need-
   privileges precondition defined in section 7.1.1 of [RFC3744]).

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6.3  Postconditions

6.3.1  DAV:lock-removed postcondition

   The lock MUST have been removed from all resources included in the

6.4  Example - UNLOCK


      UNLOCK /workspace/webdav/info.doc HTTP/1.1
      Lock-Token: <opaquelocktoken:a515cfa4-5da4-22e1-f5b5-00a0451e6bf7>
      Authorization: Digest username="ejw",
         realm="", nonce="...",
         response="...", opaque="..."


      HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

   In this example, the lock identified by the lock token
   "opaquelocktoken:a515cfa4-5da4-22e1-f5b5-00a0451e6bf7" is
   successfully removed from the resource  If this lock included
   more than just one resource, the lock is removed from all resources
   included in the lock.  Note that clients MUST interpret any of the
   success status codes defined in [RFC2616], section 10.2 as success
   codes. 204 (No Content) was used here merely for consistency with the
   example in [RFC2518], section 8.11.1).  The remainder of the document
   discusses Capability Discovery, Security Considerations,
   Internationalization Considerations and IANA Considerations.
   Appendices discuss changes from RFC2518 (Appendix B) and the
   "opaquelocktoken" URI scheme (Appendix D).

7.  Additional status codes

7.1  423 Locked

   The 423 (Locked) status code means the source or destination resource
   of a method is locked.

8.  Additional marshalling and method semantics for other methods

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8.1  Additional marshalling

   This section defines additional condition names (see Section 1.2)
   that apply to all methods.

8.1.1  DAV:name-allowed precondition

   If a request such as COPY, LOCK, MOVE, PUT or MKCOL is going to
   create a new internal member URI inside a collection resource, the
   last path segment of that URI must specify a name that is available
   as a resource name (for instance, servers may disallow path segments
   that -- after being URI-unescaped -- aren't valid UTF-8 octet
   sequences). [[anchor41: Copied from
   draft-ietf-webdav-redirectref-protocol. --reschke]]

8.1.2  DAV:parent-resource-must-be-non-null precondition

   If a request such as COPY, LOCK, MOVE, PUT or MKCOL is going to
   create a new internal member URI inside a collection resource, that
   collection resource must be non-null. [[anchor43: Copied from
   draft-ietf-webdav-redirectref-protocol. --reschke]]

8.2  Additional method semantics (preconditions)

   This section defines names (see Section 1.2) for new conditions
   introduced by locking semantics.  Otherwise noted otherwise, they
   apply to all methods.

8.2.1  DAV:lock-token-submission-allowed precondition

   If the server restricts usage of the lock token inside an "If"
   request header to specific principals, the authenticated principal
   for this request MUST be one of them.

8.2.2  DAV:need-lock-token precondition

   If a request would modify the content for a locked resource, a dead
   property of a locked resource, a live property that is defined to be
   lockable for a locked resource, or an internal member URI of a locked
   collection, the request MUST fail unless the lock-token for that lock
   is submitted in the request.  An internal member URI of a collection
   is considered to be modified if it is added, removed, or identifies a
   different resource.

      <!ELEMENT need-lock-token (href)* >

   Servers SHOULD insert DAV:href elements for the URLs of each root of
   a lock for which a lock token was needed, unless that URL identies

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   the same resource to that the request was sent.  Example

   In the example below, a client unaware of a "Depth: infinity" lock on
   the parent collection "/workspace/webdav/" attempts to modify the
   collection member "/workspace/webdav/proposal.doc".


      PUT /workspace/webdav/proposal.doc HTTP/1.1


      HTTP/1.1 423 Locked
      Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
      Content-Length: xxxx

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <D:error xmlns:D="DAV:">

8.3  Additional method semantics (postconditions)

8.3.1  DAV:lock-removed postcondition

   If an operation (such as a MOVE or a DELETE request) causes a
   directly locked resource to no longer be mapped to the lock-root of
   that lock, that lock MUST have been deleted by that request.  Example

   In this example, a client renames a collection "/workspace/webdav"
   containing the locked member "/workspace/webdav/proposal.doc" (with
   lock token "urn:uuid:FC28D97C-569E-411e-86BC-D30A233DD8A2").


      MOVE /workspace/webdav/ HTTP/1.1
      If: </workspace/webdav/proposal.doc>

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      HTTP/1.1 201 Created

   After executing the MOVE request, the member resource will now be
   mapped to "/workspace/deltav/proposal.doc", but not to "/workspace/
   webdav/proposal.doc" anymore.  Therefore, the lock will be removed.

9.  Headers

9.1  Lock-Token request/response header

      Lock-Token = "Lock-Token" ":" Coded-URL
      ; Coded-URL: see [RFC2518], Section 9.4.

   The Lock-Token request header is used with the UNLOCK method to
   identify the lock to be removed.  The lock token in the Lock-Token
   request header MUST identify a lock that contains the resource
   identified by Request-URI as a member.

   The Lock-Token response header is used with the LOCK method to
   indicate the lock token created as a result of a successful LOCK
   request to create a new lock.

   Note that the "Lock-Token" request header does not contribute to the
   precondition checks defined for the HTTP status 412 (see [RFC2616],
   section 10.4.13).

9.2  Timeout request header

      TimeOut       = "Timeout" ":" 1#TimeType
      TimeType      = (TimeTypeSec | "Infinite" | Other)
      TypeTypeSec   = "Second-" 1*digit
      Other         = "Extend" field-value
      ; field-value: see [RFC2616], Section 4.2

   (Linear white space (LWS) MUST NOT be used inside "TimeTypeSec".)

   Clients MUST NOT submit a Timeout request header with any method
   other than a LOCK method.

   A Timeout request header MUST contain at least one TimeType and may
   contain multiple TimeType entries.  The purpose of listing multiple
   TimeType entries is to indicate multiple different values and value
   types that are acceptable to the client.  The client lists the
   TimeType entries in order of preference.

   Timeout response values MUST use a Second value, Infinite, or a

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   TimeType the client has indicated familiarity with.  The server may
   assume a client is familiar with any TimeType submitted in a Timeout

   The "Second" TimeType specifies the number of seconds that will
   elapse between granting of the lock at the server, and the automatic
   removal of the lock.  The timeout value for TimeType "Second" MUST
   NOT be greater than 2^32-1.

10.  Capability discovery

10.1  OPTIONS method

   If the server supports locking, it MUST return both the compliance
   class names "2" and "locking" as fields in the "DAV" response header
   (see [RFC2518], section 9.1) from an OPTIONS request on any resource
   implemented by that server.  A value of "2" or "locking" in the "DAV"
   response header MUST indicate that the server meets all class "1"
   requirements defined in [RFC2518] and supports all MUST level
   requirements and REQUIRED features specified in this document,

   o  LOCK and UNLOCK methods,

   o  DAV:lockdiscovery and DAV:supportedlock properties,

   o  "Time-Out" request header, "Lock-Token" request and response

   Note that for servers implementing this specification, the compliance
   classes "2" and "locking" are synonymous.  However, new clients can
   take advantage of the new "locking" compliance class to detect server
   support for changes introduced by this specification (see
   Appendix B).

11.  Security considerations

   All security considerations mentioned in [RFC2518] also apply to this
   document.  Additionally, lock tokens introduce new privacy issues
   discussed below.

11.1  Privacy Issues Connected to Locks

   When submitting a lock request a user agent may also submit an owner
   XML field giving contact information for the person taking out the
   lock (for those cases where a person, rather than a robot, is taking
   out the lock).  This contact information is stored in a DAV:
   lockdiscovery property on the resource, and can be used by other

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   collaborators to begin negotiation over access to the resource.
   However, in many cases this contact information can be very private,
   and should not be widely disseminated.  Servers SHOULD limit read
   access to the DAV:lockdiscovery property as appropriate.
   Furthermore, user agents SHOULD provide control over whether contact
   information is sent at all, and if contact information is sent,
   control over exactly what information is sent.

12.  Internationalization Considerations

   All internationalization considerations mentioned in [RFC2518] also
   apply to this document.

13.  IANA Considerations

   This specification updates the definition of the "opaquelocktoken"
   URI scheme described in Appendix D, registered my means of [RFC2518],
   section 6.4.  There are no additional IANA considerations.

14.  Acknowledgements

   This document is the collaborative product of

   o  the authors,

   o  the maintainers of  RFC2518bis - Jason Crawford and Lisa Dusseault
      - and

   o  the original authors of RFC2518 - Steve Carter, Asad Faizi, Yaron
      Goland, Del Jensen and Jim Whitehead.

   This document has also benefited from thoughtful discussion by Mark
   Anderson, Dan Brotksy, Geoff Clemm, Jim Davis, Stefan Eissing,
   Rickard Falk, Eric Glass, Stanley Guan, Larry Masinter, Joe Orton,
   Juergen Pill, Elias Sinderson, Greg Stein, Kevin Wiggen, and other
   members of the WebDAV working group.

15.  References

15.1  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2518]  Goland, Y., Whitehead, E., Faizi, A., Carter, S., and D.
              Jensen, "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring --
              WEBDAV", RFC 2518, February 1999.

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   [RFC2616]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
              Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
              Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, January 2005.

   [RFC4122]  Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A UUID URN
              Namespace", RFC 4122, July 2005.

   [XML]      Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, C., Maler, E., and
              F. Yergeau, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third
              Edition)", W3C REC-xml-20040204, February 2004,

15.2  Informative References

   [RFC3744]  Clemm, G., Reschke, J., Sedlar, E., and J. Whitehead, "Web
              Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Access
              Control Protocol", RFC 3744, May 2004.

Author's Address

   Julian F. Reschke
   greenbytes GmbH
   Salzmannstrasse 152
   Muenster, NW  48159

   Phone: +49 251 2807760
   Fax:   +49 251 2807761

Appendix A.  Collected Locking Semantics

   This section provides a complete summary of the semantics for (write)

A.1  Directly vs Indirectly

   A lock either directly or indirectly locks a resource.  (See
   Section 2.5.4)

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A.2  Creating Locks

   A LOCK request with a non-empty body creates a new lock, and the
   resource identified by the Request-URI is directly locked by that
   lock.  The "lock-root" of the new lock is the Request-URI.  If at the
   time of the request, the Request-URI is not mapped to a resource, a
   new resource with empty content MUST be created by the request.  (See
   Section 5.1)

A.3  Lock Inheritance

   If a collection is directly locked by a depth:infinity lock, all
   members of that collection (other than the collection itself) are
   indirectly locked by that lock.  In particular, if an internal member
   resource is added to a collection that is locked by a depth:infinity
   lock, and if the resource is not locked by that lock, then the
   resource becomes indirectly locked by that lock.  Conversely, if a
   resource is indirectly locked with a depth:infinity lock, and if the
   result of deleting an internal member URI is that the resource is no
   longer a member of the collection that is directly locked by that
   lock, then the resource is no longer locked by that lock.  (See 2.5.4
   and 3.5).

A.4  Removing Locks

   An UNLOCK request deletes the lock with the specified lock token.
   The Request-URI of the request MUST identify a resource that is
   either directly or indirectly locked by that lock.  After a lock is
   deleted, no resource is locked by that lock.  (See Section 6)

A.5  Submitting Lock Tokens

   A lock token is "submitted" in a request when it appears in an "If"
   request header.  (See Section 3.4)

A.6  Locked State

   If a request would modify the content for a locked resource, a dead
   property of a locked resource, a live property that is defined to be
   lockable for a locked resource, or an internal member URI of a locked
   collection, the request MUST fail unless the lock-token for that lock
   is submitted in the request.  An internal member URI of a collection
   is considered to be modified if it is added, removed, or identifies a
   different resource.  (See 3.1 and 8.2.2).

A.7  URL protection

   If a request causes a directly locked resource to no longer be mapped

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   to the lock-root of that lock, then the request MUST fail unless the
   lock-token for that lock is submitted in the request.  If the request
   succeeds, then that lock MUST have been deleted by that request.
   (See 3.5, 8.2.2 and 8.3.1)

A.8  Exclusive vs Shared

   If a request would cause a resource to be locked by two different
   exclusive locks, the request MUST fail.  (See Section 2.1)

Appendix B.  Changes to RFC2518

   See Section 10 for a description about how clients can discover
   support for this version of the WebDAV Locking protocol.

B.1  Removed/Deprecated features

B.1.1  Implicit lock refresh

   In section 9.8, [RFC2518] specifies that locks should be refreshed
   implicitly every time "...any time an owner of the lock sends a
   method to any member of the lock, including unsupported methods, or
   methods which are unsuccessful."  This features has been removed
   (locks need to be refreshed explicitly using the LOCK method).

   Compatibility consideration: clients historically have never relied
   on this feature as it was never implemented in widely deployed WebDAV

B.1.2  Lock-null resources

   In section 7.4, [RFC2518] specifies a special resource type called
   "lock-null resource" that's being created when a LOCK method request
   is applied to a null resource.  In practice, no real interoperability
   was achieved because many servers failed to implement this feature
   properly and few clients (if any) ever relied on that particular

   Removing this feature also means that there is no atomic way to
   create a collection in locked state, but in practice, this doesn't
   seem to be a problem.

   Compatibility consideration: there do not seem to be any widely
   deployed clients that actually relied on "lock-null resources".

B.2  Additional features

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B.2.1  DAV:lockroot element in DAV:activelock

   Clients can take advantage of the new DAV:lockroot element to
   discover the URL to which the LOCK request (that created the lock)
   was applied.

   Compatibility consideration: clients will have to fail gracefully
   when communicating with older servers that do not support the new

B.2.2  Error Marshalling

   Clients can take advantage of additional, detailed error information
   using the DAV:error element defined in Section 1.2.

   Compatibility consideration: old clients should not even notice the
   additional informations.  New clients SHOULD handle absence of
   additional error information gracefully.

Appendix C.  Text to be integrated from RFC2518

C.1  HTTP Methods for Distributed Authoring

C.1.1  LOCK Method

C.1.1.1  Locking Replicated Resources

   A resource may be made available through more than one URI.  However
   locks apply to resources, not URIs.  Therefore a LOCK request on a
   resource MUST NOT succeed if can not be honored by all the URIs
   through which the resource is addressable.

C.2  HTTP Headers for Distributed Authoring

C.2.1  If Header

   [[anchor61: Add "If" header considerations: --reschke]]

Appendix D.  'opaquelocktoken' URI Scheme

   The opaquelocktoken URI scheme is designed to be unique across all
   resources for all time.  Due to this uniqueness quality, a client may
   submit an opaque lock token in an If header on a resource other than
   the one that returned it.

   All resources MUST recognize the opaquelocktoken scheme and, at
   minimum, recognize that the lock token does not refer to an
   outstanding lock on the resource.

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   In order to guarantee uniqueness across all resources for all time
   the opaquelocktoken requires the use of the Universal Unique
   Identifier (UUID) mechanism, as described in Section 4 of [RFC4122].

     OpaqueLockToken-URI = "opaquelocktoken:" UUID [path]
     ; UUID: see [RFC4122], Section 3.
     ; path: see [RFC3986], Section 3.3.

Appendix E.  Change Log (to be removed by RFC Editor before publication)

E.1  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-00

   Add and resolve issue "rfc2606-compliance".  Resolve issues "extract-
   locking", "updated-rfc2068", "022_COPY_OVERWRITE_LOCK_NULL",
   "039_MISSING_LOCK_TOKEN", "040_LOCK_ISSUES_01", "040_LOCK_ISSUES_02",
   "111_MULTIPLE_TOKENS_PER_LOCK".  Add issue "import-gulp".  Start work
   on moving text from RFC2518 excerpts into new sections.  Define new
   compliance class "locking" (similar to "bis" in RFC2518bis, but only
   relevant to locking).  Reformatted "GULP" into separate subsections
   for easier reference.

E.2  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-01

   Update "008_URI_URL", "040_LOCK_ISSUES_06",
   opened "065_UNLOCK_WHAT_URL".  Close
   refresh method descriptions.  Fix page title (TXT version).  Close
   resolve "8.10.1_lockdiscovery_on_failure".  Started attempt to
   clarify status code.

E.3  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-02

   Resolve issues "040_LOCK_ISSUES_03", "040_LOCK_ISSUES_04",
   Resolve issue "065_UNLOCK_WHAT_URL"; update to new GULP version

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   (5.7).  Add and resolve new issue "7.5_DELETE_vs_URIs".  Start work
   on "additional marshalling" and "introduction".  Update issues

E.4  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-03

   Close issues "import-rfc3253-stuff", "008_URI_URL",
   Reformat condition name descriptions.  Add mention of condition
   failure signalling to "Changes" appendix.  Start edit of header
   descriptions (Depth, Timeout) and LOCK creation description.  Open
   and close issue "3.2_lockdiscovery_depth".  Start work on intro.

E.5  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-04

   Add description of the lock as a resource and it's state (merging in
   Timeout semantics from old headers section).  Close issues
   "088_DAVOWNER_FIELD_IS_CLIENT_CONTROLED".  Move edited version of
   "Write Lock" chapter.

E.6  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-05

   Add and close issues "rfc2396bis" and "5.2.1-
   depth_header_vs_lock_refresh".  Fixed DAV:lockdiscovery example.

E.7  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-06

   Add and resolve issues "uri_draft_ref", "abnf",
   "D_delegate_UUID_definition" and "lock_state_auth_principal".

E.8  Since draft-reschke-webdav-locking-07

   Editorial fixes (whitespace, duplicate DTD fragment, Document
   Organization section).  Resolve issue "import_gulp": keep the
   semantics summary as normative appendix, also make it the first one
   (no change tracking for the move).  Add "lock-removed" postcondition.
   Update urn:uuid reference.

Appendix F.  Resolved issues (to be removed by RFC Editor before

   Issues that were either rejected or resolved in this version of this

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F.1  import-gulp

   Type: change (2004-05-25): Make specification text
   compatible with GULP where it isn't.  Integrate GULP as normative
   specification of the locking behaviour.

   Resolution (2005-05-16): Integrate GULP as is, let remaining text
   refer to it where appropriate.  Also add pointers from GULP back into
   the main document.  Rename section to "Collected Method Semantics.

Appendix G.  Open issues (to be removed by RFC Editor prior to

G.1  edit

   Type: edit (2004-05-25): Umbrella issue for
   editorial fixes/enhancements.

G.2  safeness_and_idempotence

   Type: edit (2005-03-02): Specify safeness and
   idempotence of LOCK and UNLOCK methods.


   Type: change

   0079.html> (): What resource should be flagged in the
   multistatus response to locking issues in COPY/MOVE requests?

   Resolution: Resolved to flag the locking errors at the source
   resource that was affected by the problem.  The details of how to
   describe the error was deferred to a subsequent version of WebDAV. -
   6/15/02 - 2518bis does not reflect this.


   Type: change

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   (): The method of describing the details of (beyond what resolved by
   various locking and ACL  COPY/MOVE problems is deferred.  Two
   proposals were outlined in the discussion, but interest was not great
   and we clearly don't have interoperability to take these proposals


   Type: change

   (): Right now the server uses the IF: header to verify that a client
   knows what locks it has that are affected by an operation before it
   allows the operation.  Must the client provide the root URL of a
   lock, any URL for a pertainent loc, or some specific URL  in the IF:
   header. (): It is felt by the group that it's important
   that the client not just own and hold the lock token, but that it
   also know where the lock is rooted before it does tasks related to
   that lock.  This is just a point of info.  The issue itself still
   needs to be brought up and answered.still (): Summary: current implementations do
   not seem to care (see
   w3c-dist-auth/2004AprJun/0190.html).  Suggestion to require clients
   to specify the lock root anyway, because this is what the WG agreed
   upon earlier.

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      423 Locked (status code)  27

      Condition Names
         DAV:create-lock (post)  20
         DAV:create-resource (post)  20
         DAV:lock-removal-allowed (pre)  26
         DAV:lock-removed (post)  27, 29
         DAV:lock-submission-allowed (pre)  24
         DAV:lock-token-matches (pre)  26
         DAV:lock-token-submission-allowed (pre)  28
         DAV:locks-refreshed (post)  24
         DAV:name-allowed (pre)  28
         DAV:need-lock-token (pre)  28
         DAV:parent-resource-must-be-non-null (pre)  28

      DAV header
         compliance class '2'  31
         compliance class 'locking'  31
      DAV:create-lock postcondition  20
      DAV:create-resource postcondition  20
      DAV:lock-removal-allowed precondition  26
      DAV:lock-removed postcondition  27, 29
      DAV:lock-submission-allowed precondition  24
      DAV:lock-token-matches precondition  26
      DAV:lock-token-submission-allowed precondition  28
      DAV:lockdiscovery property  16
      DAV:locks-refreshed postcondition  24
      DAV:name-allowed precondition  28
      DAV:need-lock-token precondition  28
      DAV:parent-resource-must-be-non-null precondition  28
      DAV:supportedlock property  18

         Lock-Token  30
         Timeout  30

      LOCK method  19
         lock creation  19
         lock refresh  24
      Lock-Token header  30

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         LOCK (lock creation)  19
         LOCK (lock refresh)  24
         LOCK  19
         UNLOCK  26

      opaquelocktoken (URI scheme)  36

         DAV:lockdiscovery  16
         DAV:supportedlock  18

      Status Codes
         423 Locked  27

      Timeout header  30

      UNLOCK method  26
      URI schemes
         opaquelocktoken  36

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Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at

Disclaimer of Validity

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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