Internet DRAFT - draft-rieckers-emu-eap-ute


Internet Engineering Task Force                           J.-F. Rieckers
Internet-Draft                                                       DFN
Intended status: Standards Track                       22 September 2022
Expires: 26 March 2023

              User-assisted Trust Establishment (EAP-UTE)


   The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) provides support for
   multiple authentication methods.  This document defines the EAP-UTE
   authentication method for a User-assisted Trust Establishment between
   the peer and the server.  The EAP method is intended for
   bootstrapping Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices without preconfigured
   authentication credentials.  The trust establishment is achieved by
   transmitting a one-directional out-of-band (OOB) message between the
   peer and the server to authenticate the in-band exchange.  The peer
   must have a secondary input or output interface, such as a display,
   camera, microphone, speaker, blinking light, or light sensor, so that
   dynamically generated messages with tens of bytes in length can be
   transmitted or received.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the EAP Method Update
   (emu) Working Group mailing list (, which is
   archived at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 26 March 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  EAP-UTE protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Protocol Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.1.  General Message format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.2.  Server greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.2.3.  Client greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.2.4.  Server Keyshare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.2.5.  Client Finished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.2.6.  Client Completion Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.2.7.  Server Completion Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.2.8.  Client Keyshare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.3.  Protocol Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.3.1.  Initial Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.3.2.  User-assisted out-of-band step  . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       3.3.3.  Waiting Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       3.3.4.  Completion Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       3.3.5.  Reconnect Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       3.3.6.  Upgrade Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     3.4.  MAC and OOB calculation and Key derivation  . . . . . . .  19
       3.4.1.  MAC Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       3.4.2.  Key derivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       3.4.3.  Updating of keying materials  . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     3.5.  Error handling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

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   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     4.1.  EAP Security Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   6.  Implementation Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     6.1.  Server Implementation of EAP-UTE  . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     6.2.  Client Implementation in ESP-IDF  . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   7.  Differences to RFC 9140 (EAP-NOOB)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.1.  Different encoding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.2.  Implicit transmission of peer state . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.3.  Extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

1.  Introduction

   This document describes a method for registration, authentication,
   and key derivation for network-connected devices, especially with low
   computational power and small or no interaction interfaces, such as
   devices that are part of the Internet of Things (IoT).  These devices
   may come without preconfigured trust anchors or have no possibility
   to receive a network configuration that enables them to connect
   securely to a network.

   This document uses the basic design principle behind the EAP-NOOB
   method described in [RFC9140] and aims to improve some key elements
   of the protocol to better address the needs for IoT devices.  This is
   mainly achieved by using CBOR with numeric keys instead of JSON to
   encode the exchanged messages and by modifying the message flow.

   TODO: The EAP-UTE protocol also allows extensions, they are still
   TBD.  Basically, the messages can just include additional fields with
   newly defined meanings.

   The possible problems of EAP-NOOB are discussed in
   [I-D.draft-rieckers-emu-eap-noob-observations].  This document
   provides a specification which aims to address these concerns.

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

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   TODO frequently used terms




3.  EAP-UTE protocol

   This section defines the EAP-UTE method.

3.1.  Protocol Overview

   TODO: The introduction text is basically copied from RFC9140.  Should
   be reworded.

   The EAP-UTE method execution spans two or more EAP conversations,
   called Exchanges in this specification.  Each Exchange consists of
   several EAP request-response pairs.  In order to give the user time
   to deliver the OOB message between the peer and the server, at least
   two separate EAP conversations are needed.

   The overall protocol starts with a version and cryptosuite
   negotiation and peer detection.  Depending on the current state of
   the peer and server, different exchanges are selected.

   If the server or the peer are in the unregistered state, peer and
   server exchange nonces and keys for the Ephemeral Elliptic Curve
   Diffie-Hellman.  This is called the Initial Exchange.  The Initial
   Exchange results in an EAP-Failure, since neither the server nor the
   peer are authenticated.

   After the Initial Exchange, the user-assisted step of trust
   establishment takes place.  The user delivers one OOB message either
   from the peer to the server or from the server to the peer.

   While peer and server are waiting for completion of the OOB Step, the
   peer MAY probe the server by reconnecting, to check for successful
   transmission of the OOB message.  This probe request will result in a
   Waiting Exchange and EAP-Failure, if the server has not yet received
   the OOB message.

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   If either the server or the peer have received the OOB message, the
   probe request will result in a Completion Exchange.  In the
   Completion Exchange, peer and server exchange message authentication
   codes over the previous in-band messages and the OOB message.  The
   Completion Exchange may result in EAP-Success.  Once the peer and
   server have performed a successful Completion Exchange, both
   endpoints store the created association in persistent storage.

   After a successful Completion Exchange, the peer and server can use
   the Reconnect Exchange, to create a new association with new
   cryptographic bindings.  The user-assisted OOB step is not necessary,
   since the peer and server can infer the mutual authentication by
   using the persistent data stored after the Completion Exchange.

                                         |      V
      +------------------+         +---------------------+
   .->| Unregistered (0) | Initial | Waiting for OOB (1) |
   |  |   (ephemeral)    |-------->|    (ephemeral)      |
   |  +------------------+         +---------------------+
   |                                 |    |
   | User Reset    .-----------------'    | OOB Input
   |               | Completion           |
   |               |                      |
   |               V                      V
   | +----------------+            +------------------+
   '-| Registered (3) | Completion | OOB Received (2) |
     |  (persistent)  |<-----------|                  |
     +----------------+            +------------------+

          Figure 1: EAP-UTE Server-Peer Association State Machine

3.2.  Messages

3.2.1.  General Message format

   All EAP-UTE messages consist of a CBOR Sequence with the following

   type:  integer to indicate the type of the message

   payload:  a byte-string containing a CBOR encoded map

   additional:  an optional byte-string containing additional
      information, e.g. a message authentication code, encoded as CBOR

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   Remark from the author:
   This format is just a first draft.  It allows a very simple MAC
   calculation, since the MACs can just consist of the concatenated
   previous messages.  This also allows an easy addition of extensions,
   since the extension payloads are automatically included in the MAC
   calculation, if they are part of the CBOR payload.  Additionally, the
   additional section allows for extensions that do not need integrity
   protection, e.g. for referal to a different server in the background.

   The message payloads are encoded in CBOR [RFC8949] as maps.  In
   Table 1 the different message fields, their assigned mapkey and the
   type are listed.

   | Mapkey |Type      | Label                |Description             |
   | 1      |Array of  | Versions             |The versions supported  |
   |        |Integers  |                      |by the server.  For this|
   |        |          |                      |document the version is |
   |        |          |                      |1                       |
   | 2      |Integer   | Version              |The version selected by |
   |        |          |                      |the peer                |
   | 3      |Array     | Ciphers*             |The ECDHE curves and    |
   |        |          |                      |Hash algorithms         |
   |        |          |                      |supported by the server.|
   | 4      |Array     | Cipher*              |The ECHDE curve and Hash|
   |        |          |                      |algorithm selected by   |
   |        |          |                      |the peer                |
   | 5      |Integer   | Directions           |The OOB-Directions      |
   |        |          |                      |supported by the server.|
   |        |          |                      |0x01 for peer-to-server,|
   |        |          |                      |0x02 for server-to-peer,|
   |        |          |                      |0x03 for both           |
   | 6      |Integer   | Direction            |The OOB-Direction       |
   |        |          |                      |selected by the peer.   |
   |        |          |                      |SHOULD be either 0x01 or|
   |        |          |                      |0x02, but MAY be 0x03   |
   |        |          |                      |for both directions     |
   | 7      |Map       | ServerInfo           |Information about the   |
   |        |          |                      |server, e.g. a URL for  |
   |        |          |                      |OOB-message-submission  |

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   | 8      |Map       | PeerInfo             |Information about the   |
   |        |          |                      |peer, e.g. manufacturer/|
   |        |          |                      |serial number           |
   | 9      |bytes     | Nonce_P              |Peer Nonce              |
   | 10     |bytes     | Nonce_S              |Server Nonce            |
   | 11     |Map       | Key_P**              |Peer's ECDHE key        |
   |        |          |                      |according to the chosen |
   |        |          |                      |cipher                  |
   | 12     |Map       | Key_S**              |Server's ECDHE key      |
   | 13     |null/bytes| MAC_S***             |Indication that Server  |
   |        |          |                      |MAC is included (null   |
   |        |          |                      |value) and byte string  |
   |        |          |                      |in additional section   |
   | 14     |null/bytes| MAC_P***             |Indication that Peer MAC|
   |        |          |                      |is included (null value)|
   |        |          |                      |and byte string in      |
   |        |          |                      |additional section      |
   | 15     |text      | PeerId               |Peer Identifier         |
   | 16     |bytes     | OOB-Id               |Identifier of the OOB   |
   |        |          |                      |message                 |
   | 17     |int       | RetryInterval        |Number of seconds to    |
   |        |          |                      |wait after a failed     |
   |        |          |                      |Completion Exchange     |
   | 18     |Map       | AdditionalServerInfo |Additional information  |
   |        |          |                      |about the server.  TODO:|
   |        |          |                      |not sure about this yet.|

                     Table 1: Mapkeys for CBOR encoding

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   *: The Ciphers field consists of an array of two arrays.  The first
   array contains all supported ECDHE curves using the identifiers from
   the COSE Elliptic Curves registry.  The server MUST NOT offer and the
   peer MUST NOT accept curves not suited for ECDH.  The second array
   contains all supported Hash algorithms using the indentifiers from
   the COSE Algorithms registry.  The server MUST only offer and the
   peer MUST only accept Hash algorithms.  The Cipher field consists of
   an array of two items, first the selected ECDHE curve, second the
   selected Hash algorithm.

   **: The peer and server Key are encoded as COSE key [RFC8152].

   ***: The inclusion of MAC_S or MAC_P map keys with a NULL map value
   indicate that the MAC value is included in the additional field of
   the CBOR sequence.  The MAC field is encoded with the same map key as
   byte string, its length is determined by the used cryptosuite.

   A message MUST NOT contain both MAC_S and MAC_P, only one of these
   values can be present in a message.  Thoughts about the message format

   EAP-NOOB [RFC9140] uses JSON as encoding.  Problems of using JSON are
   discussed in section 2.1 of

   For this specification, the following encodings have been considered:

   *  Static encoding
      This allows a minimal number of bytes and requires a minimal
      amount of parsing, since the format and order of the message
      fields is specified exactly.  However, this encoding severely
      affects the extensibility, unless a specific extension format is
      used.  The specification of this protocol also has optional fields
      in some message types, so this would also have to be addressed.

   *  CBOR with static fields (e.g.  Array)
      This approach has a slightly higher number of bytes than the
      static encoding, but allows an easier extensibility.  The required
      fields can be specified, so the order of the protocol field is
      static and a parser has minimal effort to parse the protocol
      fields.  However, this might be problematic in future protocol
      versions, when new fields are introduced.  Like with static
      encoding, this also requires a mechanism for optional fields in
      the different message types.

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   *  CBOR map with numeric keys
      To mitigate the problems of optional fields while keeping the
      parsing effort low, CBOR maps with numeric keys can be used.  All
      protocol fields are identified by a unique identifier, specified
      in this document.  A parser can simply loop through the CBOR map.
      Since CBOR maps have a canonical order, minimal implementations
      may rely on this fact to parse the information needed.

   On the basis of this discussion, this draft will use a CBOR map as
   message encoding.  However, this is just a first draft and
   suggestions for other message formats are highly welcome.

3.2.2.  Server greeting

   *  Message Type: 1

   *  Required Attributes:

      -  Versions

      -  Ciphers

      -  Directions

   *  Optional Attributes:

      -  ServerInfo

      -  RetryInterval?

3.2.3.  Client greeting

   *  Message Type: 2

   *  Required Attributes:

      -  Version

      -  Cipher

      -  Nonce_P

      -  Key_P

   *  Optional Attributes:

      -  PeerId

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      -  PeerInfo

      -  Direction

3.2.4.  Server Keyshare

   *  Message Type: 3

   *  Required Attributes:

      -  Key_S

      -  Nonce_S

   *  Optional Attributes:

      -  MAC_S

      -  PeerId

      -  AdditionalServerInfo?

      -  RetryInterval?

3.2.5.  Client Finished

   *  Message Type: 4

   *  Optional Attributes:

      -  MAC_P

3.2.6.  Client Completion Request

   *  Message Type: 5

   *  Required Attributes:

      -  Nonce_P

      -  PeerId

   *  Optional Attributes:

      -  OOB-Id

3.2.7.  Server Completion Response

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   *  Message Type: 6

   *  Required Attributes:

      -  Nonce_S

      -  MAC_S

   *  Optional Attributes:

      -  OOB-Id

3.2.8.  Client Keyshare

   *  Message Type: 7

   *  Required Attributes:

      -  PeerId

      -  Nonce_P

      -  Key_P

3.3.  Protocol Sequence

   After reception of the EAP-Response/Identity packet, the server
   always answers with a Server Greeting packet (Type 1).  This Server
   Greeting contains the supported protocol versions, ciphers and OOB
   directions along with the ServerInfo.

   Depending on the peer state, the peer chooses the next packet.  If
   the peer is in the unregistered state and thus does not yet have an
   ephemeral or persistent state, it chooses the Client Greeting, which
   starts the Initial Handshake.

   If the peer is in the Waiting for OOB or OOB Received state, the
   Initial Exchange has completed and the OOB step needs to take place.
   If the negotiated direction is from server to peer, the peer SHOULD
   NOT try to reconnect until the peer received an OOB message.  If the
   negotiated direction is from peer to server, the peer can probe the
   server at regular intervals to check if the OOB message to the server
   has been delivered.  The peer will send a Client Completion Request
   to initiate the Waiting/Completion Exchange.

   If the peer is in the Registered state, it may choose between three
   different Reconnect Exchanges.  If the peer wants a reconnect without
   new key exchanges, it will send a Client Completion Request, starting

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   the Reconnect Exchange without ECDHE.  If the peer wants to reconnect
   with new key exchanges, it will send a Client Key Share packet, which
   starts the Reconnect Exchange with new ECDHE exchange.  If the peer
   wants to upgrade to a new protocol version or change the used cipher
   suites, it will send a Client Greeting, starting the Upgrade

3.3.1.  Initial Exchange

   The Initial Exchange comprises of the following packets:

   After the Server Greeting common to all exchanges, the peer sends a
   Client Greeting packet.  The Client Greeting contains the peer's
   chosen protocol version, cipher and direction of the OOB message.
   The peer MUST only choose values for these fields offered by the
   server in it's Server Greeting.  For Direction the peer SHOULD choose
   either 0x01 (peer-to-server) or 0x02 (server-to-peer) if the server
   offered 0x03 (both directions).  Additionally, the Client Greeting
   contains PeerInfo, a nonce and the peer's ECDHE public key.

   The server will then answer with a Server Keyshare packet.  The
   packet contains a newly allocated PeerId, the server's nonce and the
   ECDHE public key.

   The peer then answers with a Client Finished packet without any

   Since no authentication has yet been achieved, the server then
   answers with an EAP-Failure.

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   EAP Peer            Authenticator   EAP Server
     |                         |             |
     |<- EAP-Request/Identity -|             |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/Identity ------------->|
     |    (             |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER GREETING (1)                 |
     |   Versions, Ciphers, ServerInfo,      |
     |   Directions                          |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT GREETING (2)                 |
     |   Version, Cipher, PeerInfo,          |
     |   Direction, Nonce_P, Key_P           |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER KEYSHARE (3)                 |
     |   PeerId, Key_S, Nonce_S              |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT FINISHED (4)                 |
     |                                       |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Failure ------------------------|
     |                                       |

                         Figure 2: Initial Exchange

3.3.2.  User-assisted out-of-band step

   After the completed Initial Exchange, the peer or the server,
   depending on the negotiated direction, will generate an OOB message.

   This message consists of a 16-byte freshly generated nonce (OOB-
   Nonce), the authentication value OOB-Auth and the PeerId.  The
   calculation of the OOB-Auth field is described in Section 3.4.

   The devices MAY also include the OOB-Id field, if size of the OOB
   message is not important.

   Devices SHOULD export the message as a CBOR sequence of byte strings
   in the order PeerId, OOB-Nonce, OOB-Auth (, optionally OOB-Id).  The
   format of the OOB message MAY be altered by the application,
   depending on the available interfaces.

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3.3.3.  Waiting Exchange

   The Waiting Exchange is performed if neither the server nor the peer
   have received an OOB message yet.

   The peer probes the server with a Client Completion Request.  In this
   packet the peer omits the optional OOB-Id field.  If the OOB message
   is delivered from the peer to the server, the server may have
   received an OOB message already.  To allow the server to complete the
   association, the peer includes a nonce, along with the allocated
   PeerId.  The nonce MAY be repeated for all Client Completion Requests
   while waiting for the completion, but MUST be recalculated if a new
   initial handshake is performed.

   If the server did not receive an OOB message, it answers with an EAP-

   EAP Peer            Authenticator   EAP Server
     |                         |             |
     |<- EAP-Request/Identity -|             |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/Identity ------------->|
     |    (         |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER GREETING (1)                 |
     |   Versions, Ciphers, Server Info,     |
     |   Directions                          |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT COMPLETION REQUEST (5)       |
     |   PeerId, Nonce_P                     |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Failure ------------------------|
     |                                       |

                         Figure 3: Waiting Exchange

3.3.4.  Completion Exchange

   The Completion Exchange is performed to finish the mutual trust

   As in the Waiting Exchange, the peer probes the server with a Client
   Completion Request.  The nonce of the previous Client Completion
   Requests which did not lead to a completion MAY be repeated.  If the
   peer has received an OOB message, the peer will include the OOB-Id in
   the Completion Request.  If the peer did not include an OOB-Id, the

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   server will include the OOB-Id of its received OOB message.  In the
   unlikely case that both directions are negotiated and an OOB message
   is delivered from the peer to the server and from the server to the
   peer at the same time, as a tiebreaker, the OOB message from the
   server to the peer is chosen.

   The server generates a new nonce, calculates MAC_S according to
   Section 3.4 and sends a Server Completion Response to the peer.

   The peer will then calculate the MAC_P value and send a Client
   Finished message to the server.

   After checking the MAC_P value, the server then answers with an EAP-

   EAP Peer            Authenticator   EAP Server
     |                         |             |
     |<- EAP-Request/Identity -|             |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/Identity ------------->|
     |    (         |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER GREETING (1)                 |
     |   Versions, Ciphers, Server Info,     |
     |   Directions                          |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT COMPLETION REQUEST (5)       |
     |   PeerId, Nonce_P, [OOB-Id]           |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   [OOB-Id], Nonce_S, MAC_S            |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT FINISHED (4)                 |
     |   MAC_P                               |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Success ------------------------|
     |                                       |

                       Figure 4: Completion Exchange

3.3.5.  Reconnect Exchange

   The Reconnect Exchange is performed if both the peer and the server
   are in the registered state.

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   For a reconnect without new exchanging of ECDHE keys, the peer will
   answer to the Server Greeting with a Client Completion Request,
   including the PeerId and a nonce.

   To distinguish a Reconnect Exchange from a Waiting/Completion
   Exchange, the server will look up the saved states for the
   transmitted PeerId.  If the server has a persistent state saved, it
   will choose the Reconnect Exchange, otherwise it will choose the
   Waiting Exchange.

   The server will then generate a nonce and the MAC_S value according
   to Section 3.4 and send a Server Completion Response with the nonce
   and MAC_S value.

   The peer then sends a Client Finished message, containing the
   computed MAC_P value.

   The server then answers with an EAP-Success.

   EAP Peer            Authenticator   EAP Server
     |                         |             |
     |<- EAP-Request/Identity -|             |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/Identity ------------->|
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER GREETING (1)                 |
     |   Versions, Ciphers, Server Info,     |
     |   Directions                          |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT COMPLETION REQUEST (5)       |
     |   PeerId, Nonce_P                     |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   Nonce_S, MAC_S                      |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT FINISHED (4)                 |
     |   MAC_P                               |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Success ------------------------|
     |                                       |

          Figure 5: Reconnect Exchange without new ECDHE exchange

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   For a Reconnect Exchange with new ECDHE exchange, the peer will send
   a Client Keyshare in response to the Server Greeting.  The Client
   Keyshare will include the PeerId, a nonce and a new ECDHE key.

   The server will also generate a new ECDHE key, a nonce and compute
   MAC_S according to Section 3.4.

   The peer will then calculate the MACs and keying material according
   to Section 3.4.3 and send a Client Finished message to the server,
   including its MAC_P value.

   The server checks the MAC_P value and answers with an EAP-Success.

   EAP Peer            Authenticator   EAP Server
     |                         |             |
     |<- EAP-Request/Identity -|             |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/Identity ------------->|
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER GREETING (1)                 |
     |   Versions, Ciphers, Server Info,     |
     |   Directions                          |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT KEYSHARE (7)                 |
     |   PeerId, Nonce_P, Key_P              |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER KEYSHARE (3)                 |
     |   Nonce_S, Key_S, MAC_S               |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT FINISHED (4)                 |
     |   MAC_P                               |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Success ------------------------|
     |                                       |

            Figure 6: Reconnect Exchange with new ECDHE exchange

3.3.6.  Upgrade Exchange

   The Upgrade Exchange is performed to upgrade either the EAP-UTE
   version or the used cipher suite, or refresh the cryptographic keying

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   A client may choose to perform this exchange instead of a reconnect
   exchange.  The client SHOULD only choose this if the server offers a
   better version or cipher suite in its Server Greeting or if the
   current set of cryptographic keys has been used for an application
   specific amount of reconnect exchanges or time.

   If the client cooses the Upgrade Exchange, it answers to the Server
   Greeting with a Client Greeting and includes the PeerId field.  To
   distinguish the Upgrade Exchange from the Intial Exchange, the server
   will look up the PeerId and, if a persistent association is found,
   answer with its Server Keyshare, including the optional MAC_S field,
   calculated according to Section 3.4.

   The peer will then calculate the MACs and keying material according
   to Section 3.4.3 and send a Client Finished message to the server,
   including its MAC_P value.

   The server checks the MAC_P value of the client and answers with an
   EAP-Success.  Afterwards the server updates the association stored
   for the client.

   EAP Peer            Authenticator   EAP Server
     |                         |             |
     |<- EAP-Request/Identity -|             |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/Identity ------------->|
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER GREETING (1)                 |
     |   Versions, Ciphers, ServerInfo,      |
     |   Directions                          |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT GREETING (2)                 |
     |   Version, Cipher, PeerInfo,          |
     |   PeerId, Nonce_P, Key_P              |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Request/EAP-UTE ----------------|
     |   SERVER KEYSHARE (3)                 |
     |   Key_S, Nonce_S, MAC_S               |
     |                                       |
     |-- EAP-Response/EAP-UTE -------------->|
     |   CLIENT FINISHED (4)                 |
     |   MAC_P                               |
     |                                       |
     |<- EAP-Failure ------------------------|
     |                                       |

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                         Figure 7: Upgrade Exchange

3.4.  MAC and OOB calculation and Key derivation

3.4.1.  MAC Calculation

   For the MAC calculation, the exchanged messages up to the current
   message are concatenated into the "Messages" field.  This field
   consists for each message of the CBOR sequence of the message type
   and the CBOR encoded message payload as byte-string.  The optional
   MAC value at the end of the message is omitted.

   For the following definition || denotes a concatenation.

   Messages = Type_1 || Length_1 || Payload_1 || ... || Type_n ||
   Length_n || Payload_n

   The Messages field is calculated separately for each exchange, i.e.
   the Messages field for the Initial Exchange will include the Server
   Greeting, Client Greeting, Server Keyshare and Client Finished

   The OOB-Auth field is calculated as hash over the concatenation of
   the Messages field of the Initial Exchange, the generated OOB-Nonce
   and the direction of the Out-of-band message.  The length of the OOB-
   Auth field is determined by the used hash algorithm.

   OOB-Auth = H( Messages || OOB-Nonce || Direction)

   The OOB-Id, used to identify the used OOB message, is calculated over
   the string "OOB-Id" concatenated with the OOB-Auth field.  The hash
   result is truncated to 16 bytes.

   OOB-Id = H( "OOB-Id" || OOB-Auth )[0..15]

   For the calculation of the MAC_S and MAC_P value, the Messages field
   will only include the messages sent up to the point of the MAC
   calculation.  For MAC_S this also includes the Server Keyshare/Server
   Completion Response message.  For MAC_P the Client Finished message
   is omitted from the Messages field, so both MAC_P and MAC_S have the
   same input for the Messages field.

   Depending on the performed Exchange, the MAC calculation differs.
   For the Completion Exchange, the MAC calculation includes the
   direction (0x01 for peer to server, 0x02 for server to peer), a Hash
   of the Messages field of the Initial Exchange, a hash of the Messages
   of the Completion exchange and the OOB-Nonce.

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   MAC_P = HMAC(K_p, 0x01 || H(Messages (Initial Exchange)) ||
   H(Messages) || OOB-Nonce)

   MAC_S = HMAC(K_s, 0x02 || H(Messages (Initial Exchange)) ||
   H(Messages) || OOB-Nonce)

   For the reconnect exchanges the MAC calculation will include only the
   direction and a hash of the Messages field of the Reconnect Exchange.

   MAC_P = HMAC(K_p, 0x01 || H(Messages) )

   MAC_S = HMAC(K_s, 0x02 || H(Messages) )

3.4.2.  Key derivation

   The key derivation is performed differently depending on the
   performed Exchange.

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    | Performed Exchange | KDF input    | Value           | Length   |
    |                    | field        |                 | (bytes)  |
    | Completion         | Z            | ECDHE shared    | variable |
    | Exchange           |              | secret from     |          |
    |                    |              | Key_P and Key_S |          |
    |                    | AlgorithmId  | "EAP-UTE"       | 7        |
    |                    | PartyUInfo   | Nonce_P         | 32       |
    |                    | PartyVInfo   | Nonce_S         | 32       |
    |                    | SuppPrivInfo | OOB-Nonce       | 32       |
    | Reconnect Exchange | Z            | Association_Key | 32       |
    | without ECDHE      |              |                 |          |
    |                    | AlgorithmId  | "EAP-UTE"       | 7        |
    |                    | PartyUInfo   | Nonce_P         | 32       |
    |                    | PartyVInfo   | Nonce_S         | 32       |
    |                    | SuppPrivInfo | (null)          | 0        |
    | Reconnect Exchange | Z            | ECDHE shared    | variable |
    | with new ECHDE     |              | secret from     |          |
    | exchange or        |              | Key_P and Key_S |          |
    | cryptosuite change |              |                 |          |
    |                    | AlgorithmId  | "EAP-UTE"       | 7        |
    |                    | PartyUInfo   | Nonce_P         | 32       |
    |                    | PartyVInfo   | Nonce_S         | 32       |
    |                    | SuppPrivInfo | Association_Key | 32       |

                                 Table 2

   The output of the key derivation also depends on the used exchange

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     | Performed Exchange  | KDF output | Used as         | Length  |
     |                     | bytes      |                 | (bytes) |
     | Completion Exchange | 0..63      | MSK             | 64      |
     | or Upgrade Exchange |            |                 |         |
     |                     | 64..127    | EMSK            | 64      |
     |                     | 128..191   | AMSK            | 64      |
     |                     | 192..223   | MethodId        | 32      |
     |                     | 224..255   | K_s             | 32      |
     |                     | 256..287   | K_p             | 32      |
     |                     | 288..319   | Association_Key | 32      |
     | Reconect exchanges  | 0..63      | MSK             | 64      |
     |                     | 64..127    | EMSK            | 64      |
     |                     | 128..191   | AMSK            | 64      |
     |                     | 192..223   | MethodId        | 32      |
     |                     | 224..255   | K_s             | 32      |
     |                     | 256..287   | K_p             | 32      |

                                 Table 3

3.4.3.  Updating of keying materials

   The client and server commit to new keying material at different
   positions in the protocol.  If the final Client Finished message is
   lost, this leads to the client committing to the change and the
   server keeping the old state.

   To circumvent this issue, the client will save the previous keying
   material until the change is authenticated by a following reconnect

   Upon Reception of the MAC_S value from the server in a Reconnect or
   Upgrade Exchange, the client will perform the following steps:

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   *  The client will execute the key derivation using the current
      Association_Key and calculate the MAC_S value.  If the received
      MAC_S value matches the locally computed one, the client purges
      the Prev_Association_Key, Prev_Cipher and Prev_Version values, if
      they are present.  The previous values can be purged since this
      authentication proves that the server committed to the state
      change in a previous Upgrade Exchange.  Afterwards the client
      calculates the MAC_P value and sends the Client Finished message.

   *  If the MAC_S value does not match, and the Prev_* values are
      empty, the client sends an error message and aborts the key

   *  The client will execute the key derivation using the
      Prev_Association_Key and calculate the MAC_S value.  If the
      received MAC_S value matches the new locally computed MAC_S, this
      indicates that the server has not commited to a previous update of
      cryptographic keys in the last Upgrade Exchange.  As a result, the
      client will move the values of Prev_Association_Key, Prev_Cipher
      and Prev_Version values to Association_Key, Cipher and Version and
      pures the Prev_* values.  Afterwards the client calculates the
      MAC_P value and sends the Client Finished message.

   *  If the second MAC_S value did not match either, the client sends
      an error message and aborts the key derivation.

   *  Finally, if the current exchange is an Upgrade Exchange, the
      client will save the newly generated Association_Key along with
      the current cipher and version into the persistent storage.  The
      previous values of these fields are moved to the Prev_* slots.

3.5.  Error handling


4.  Security Considerations

   This document has a lot of security considerations, however they
   remain TBD

4.1.  EAP Security Claims

   TODO.  See [RFC3748], section 7.2.1

5.  IANA Considerations

   This document has IANA actions, if approved.  What they are exactly
   needs to be defined in detail.

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   The EAP Method Type number for EAP-UTE needs to be assigned.  The
   reference implementation will use 255 (Experimental) for now.

   Like EAP-NOOB, this draft will probably use a .arpa domain, in this
   case probably, as default NAI realm.

   Additionally, the IANA should create registries for the message types
   and the message field mapkeys.

6.  Implementation Status

   Note to RFC Editor: Please remove this entire section before

   As of now, only a partial implementation exists.

6.1.  Server Implementation of EAP-UTE

   *  Responsible Organization: DFN-Verein/University of Bremen

   *  Location:

   *  Coverage: Only Initial and Completion Exchange implemented

   *  Level of Maturity: research

   *  Version Compatibility: Version 01 of the individual draft
      partially implemented

   *  Licensing: MIT / Apache 2.0

   *  Contact Information: Jan-Frederik Rieckers,

6.2.  Client Implementation in ESP-IDF

   *  Responsible Organization: DFN-Verein/University of Bremen

   *  Location:

   *  Coverage: Only Initial and Completion Exchange implemented

   *  Level of Maturity: research

   *  Version Compatibility: Version 01 of the individual draft
      partially implemented

   *  Licensing: Apache 2.0

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   *  Contact Information: Jan-Frederik Rieckers,

7.  Differences to RFC 9140 (EAP-NOOB)

   In this section the main differences between EAP-NOOB and EAP-UTE are
   discussed.  Some problems of [RFC9140] are discussed in

7.1.  Different encoding

   EAP-UTE uses CBOR instead of JSON.  More text TBD.

7.2.  Implicit transmission of peer state

   In EAP-NOOB all EAP exchanges start with the same common handshake,
   which mainly serves the purpose of detecting the current peer state.

   The server initiates the EAP conversation by sending a Type 1 message
   without any further content, to which the peer responds by sending
   its PeerId, if it was assigned, and its PeerState.

   In EAP-UTE, this peer state transmission is done implicitly by the
   peer's choice of response to the Server Greeting.

   This adds probably unnecessary bytes in the first packet from the
   server to the peer, since the peer already knows the server's
   supported versions, ciphers and the ServerInfo in the later
   exchanges, especially in the Waiting/Completion Exchange.  However,
   this increased number of bytes is negligible in comparison to the
   elevated expense of an additional roundtrip, since this would
   significantly increase the authentication time, especially if the EAP
   packets are routed through a number of proxies.

7.3.  Extensibility

   The EAP-NOOB standard does not specify how to deal with unexpected
   labels in the message, which could be used to extend the protocol.
   This specification will explicitly allow extensions.  They are still

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

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   [RFC3748]  Aboba, B., Blunk, L., Vollbrecht, J., Carlson, J., and H.
              Levkowetz, Ed., "Extensible Authentication Protocol
              (EAP)", RFC 3748, DOI 10.17487/RFC3748, June 2004,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8949]  Bormann, C. and P. Hoffman, "Concise Binary Object
              Representation (CBOR)", STD 94, RFC 8949,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8949, December 2020,

8.2.  Informative References

              Rieckers, J., "Observations about EAP-NOOB (RFC 9140)",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-rieckers-emu-eap-
              noob-observations-00, 7 March 2022,

   [RFC8152]  Schaad, J., "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)",
              RFC 8152, DOI 10.17487/RFC8152, July 2017,

   [RFC9140]  Aura, T., Sethi, M., and A. Peltonen, "Nimble Out-of-Band
              Authentication for EAP (EAP-NOOB)", RFC 9140,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9140, December 2021,



Author's Address

   Jan-Frederik Rieckers
   Deutsches Forschungsnetz | German National Research and Education Network
   Alexanderplatz 1
   10178 Berlin

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