Internet DRAFT - draft-robert-mimi-delivery-service


Network Working Group                                          R. Robert
Internet-Draft                                                K. Kohbrok
Intended status: Informational                               Phoenix R&D
Expires: 9 May 2024                                      6 November 2023

                         MIMI Delivery Service


   This document describes the MIMI Delivery Service.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 May 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Interfaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Architecture and protocol overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Client to server and server to server protocol  . . . . .   5
     4.2.  Transport for the MIMI DS protocol  . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.3.  Flow  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.4.  Serialization format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.5.  KeyPackages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.6.  Enqueue authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.7.  Version agility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.8.  Group lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Security properties overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.1.  MLS-based security properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Framing and processing overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.1.  Client to server requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.2.  Server to server requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  DS assisted joining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   8.  Proposals and DS-initiated operations . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  Client-initiated operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     9.1.  Delete group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     9.2.  Propose group state changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     9.3.  Commit group state changes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     9.4.  Send application messages to a group  . . . . . . . . . .  19
     9.5.  Fetch KeyPackages of one or more clients  . . . . . . . .  19
     9.6.  Fetch group information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   10. DSFanoutRequests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   11. Rate-limiting and spam prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   12. Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     12.1.  Transport Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   13. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

1.  Introduction

   The MLS protocol document specifies a protocol between two or more
   clients.  The MLS architecture document introduces an abstract
   concept of a "Delivery Service" (DS) that is specifically responsible
   for ordering handshake messages and more generally for delivering
   messages to the intended recipients.

   This document describes a Delivery Service that performs the mandated
   ordering of handshake messages and uses MLS to implement a variety of
   other features:

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   *  A protocol between clients and the Delivery Service that allows
      clients to interact with the Delivery Service, including the
      specific wire format of the messages.  The protocol is
      specifically designed to be operated in a decentralized, federated
      architecture but can be used in single instances as well.

   *  Assistance for new joiners of a group: The Delivery Service can
      keep and update state such as the public ratchet tree, group
      extensions, etc.

   *  Message validation: The Delivery Service can inspect and validate
      handshake messages and reject malformed, invalid or malicious

   *  Built-in authentication of group members and policy enforcement:
      The Delivery Service can authenticate group members and reject
      messages from non-members.  Additionally, the Delivery Service can
      be linked to the Authentication Service to enforce more policies
      and validation rules.

   *  Scalability: The protocol makes no assumption about whether the
      Delivery Service runs as a single instance or as a cluster of

   *  Network fluid: While the Delivery Service would typically run as a
      server-side component, the only requirement is that it is
      accessible by all clients.

   *  Transport agnostic: Messages between clients and the Delivery
      Service can be sent via an arbitrary transport protocol.
      Additionally, in the federated case, client messages to a guest
      Delivery Service can be forwarded by a client's local instance of
      this service.

   TODO: Make use of MUST/SHOULD, etc. throughout.

2.  Terminology

   This document uses the terminology defined in [RFC9420] with the
   following additions:

   *  DS Domain: Fully qualified domain name as defined in [RFC2181]
      that represents the DS.  This does not necessarily have to be the
      domain under which the DS is reachable on the network.
      Discovering that domain is the responsibility of the transport
      protocol over which the MIMI DS protocol runs.  TODO: client
      identifiers definitions are preliminary.

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   *  Client: An MLS client with a unique client identifier.

   *  Client identifier: An octet string that uniquely identifies the
      client and that maps to the DS domain of the client's DS.

3.  Interfaces

   The MIMI DS protocol inherits the proposal-commit logic from MLS.
   Any party that is either a group member, or that was added as an
   external sender can propose changes to the group such as the
   addition, removal, or update of clients.  Group members can then
   change the group state in a commit operation.  A commit MUST include
   all valid previously received proposals, as well as any valid
   proposals that the committing client wants to add to the commit.

   The MIMI DS tracks the state of individual MLS groups on a hub by
   storing proposals and processing commits.

   Any party (including group members and external senders) can send
   requests for the current group information (an MLS GroupInfo,
   required for clients to join the group without the help of a group
   member) or request key material (MLS KeyPackages, required by group
   members to add new group members) of the DS' clients.

   Group members and external senders can send proposals to the group.
   The MIMI DS protocol supports any MLS proposal supported by the
   specific group in question.  The proposals specified in [RFC9420]
   provide the baseline operations:

   *  Add proposals (to add new group members)

   *  Remove proposals (to remove existing group members)

   *  Update proposals (to update a group members's key material)

   *  PSK proposals (to inject additional key material into the group)

   *  Re-Init proposals (to re-initialize the group, e.g. with a new

   *  Group Context Extensions (to modify data in GroupContext
      Extensions, e.g. to add/remove/update external senders)

   TODO: We might want to allow non-group members to propose adding
   themselves (NewMemberProposal).

   Additional proposals may be added via MLS' extension mechanism.

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   Group members can send commits (which can include any of the
   proposals listed above), as well as application messages.

   Clients that are not group members can send an (external) commit to
   add themselves to a group.

   Group members can send an external commit to re-join the group (e.g.
   if they have previously lost state, or their group state was

   The DS will verify all proposals, commits and application messages as
   described in [RFC9420] and fan them out to the rest of the group.

4.  Architecture and protocol overview

   The MIMI DS protocol allows interoperability between a hub which
   hosts a group conversation and one or more guest DSs which are home
   to one or more of the conversation's group members.  Underlying each
   group conversation is an MLS group that facilitates end-to-end
   encryption and authentication between group members.

   The main purpose of the MIMI DS protocol thus is to ensure that guest
   clients can participate in the group.  With MLS as the underlying
   protocol, this means that the MIMI DS protocol is primarily concerned
   with the fan-out of MLS messages (both from and to guest clients), as
   well the assistance of guest clients in joining MLS groups.

   The MIMI DS protocol requires clients to send MLS messages as
   PublicMessages (with the exception of messages with content type
   application).  This allows the hub to track the MLS group state in
   the same way as a client would, enabling it to keep an up-to-date and
   fully authenticated list of members, as well as provide the full MLS
   group state to joining group members, even for those joining via
   external commit.  In addition, the DS can verify messages and enforce
   access control policies on group operations.

4.1.  Client to server and server to server protocol

   MLS being a protocol for end-to-end encryption, the MLS protocol
   messages that many of the MIMI DS protocol messages have to originate
   from the clients rather than the interoperating delivery services.

   The MIMI DS protocol consists of two parts: A client-to-server part
   that allows guest clients to interact with the hub of one of their
   groups and a server-to-server protocol that allows a hub to fan out
   messages to guest DSs, which can subsequently store and forward
   messages to their respective clients.

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   Note that the client-to-server part of the protocol can optionally be
   proxied via the guest DS of the sending client.

4.2.  Transport for the MIMI DS protocol

   The MIMI DS protocol requires a transport protocol that provides
   confidentiality of messages and that allows the discovery of a DS
   based on the DS domain in a client identifier.

   The client-to-server part of the MIMI DS protocol provide sender
   authentication.  Recipient authentication, as well as mutual server-
   to-server authentication is left to the MIMI transport protocol.

4.3.  Flow

   +-------------+              +--------------+
   |             +------------->+              |
   | Sending     | (proprietary | Guest DS     |
   | Client      |   protocol)  |              |
   |             +<-------------+              |
   +-------------+              +--+--------+--+
                                   |        ^
                         DSRequest |        | DSResponse
                                   v        |
                                |              |
                                | Hub          |
                                |              |
                                |              |
                                   |        ^
                   DSFanoutRequest |        | DSFanoutResponse
                                   v        |
                                |              |
                                | Guest DS     |
                                |              |
                                |              |

                      Figure 1: Architecture overview

   Figure 1 shows an example protocol flow, where a client sends a
   request to its own guest DS, which in turn makes a request to the
   hub.  The hub then fans out a message to another guest DS.

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   Both the message sending and the fanout parts of the protocol are
   designed in a request/response pattern.  In the first protocol part,
   the client sends a DSRequest message to the Delivery Service and the
   Delivery Service responds with a DSResponse message.  This pattern
   can easily be used over e.g.  RESTful APIs.

   Client           Hub
   |                |
   | DSRequest      |
   |                |
   | DSResponse     |
   |                |

             Figure 2: Delivery Service Request/Response scheme

   For the second part of the protocol the Delivery Service sends a
   DSFanoutRequest to each guest DS.  This happens whenever a message
   needs to be fanned out to all other members of a group as a result of
   an incoming DSRequest.  The guest DS in turn responds with a

Client           Hub                               Guest Delivery Service
|                |                                 |
| DSRequest      |                                 |
+--------------->|                                 |
|                |                                 |
| DSResponse     |                                 |
|<---------------+                                 |
|                | DSFanoutRequest                 |
|                +-------------------------------->|
|                |                                 |
|                | DSFanoutResponse                |
|                |<--------------------------------+
|                |                                 |

     Figure 3: Client/Delivery Service communication with fanout

4.4.  Serialization format

   MLS messages use the presentation language and encoding format
   defined in [RFC8446] with the extensions defined in the MLS protocol
   specification.  The MIMI DS protocol uses the same serialization
   format, as both clients and DS already have to support it to process
   MLS messages.

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   Octet strings resulting from serialization in this format are
   unambiguous and require no further canonicalization.

4.5.  KeyPackages

   Clients have to upload KeyPackages such that others can add them to
   groups.  In the context of interoperability, this means that clients
   have to be able to download KeyPackages of clients belonging to other

   The MIMI DS protocol allows clients to download the KeyPackages of
   other clients.  Uploading KeyPackages is outside of the scope of this
   protocol, as it is not relevant for interoperability.

   TODO: KeyPackages of last resort should be marked.  Ideally by using
   a KeyPackage extension.

4.6.  Enqueue authorization

   TODO: This section sketches an authorization mechanism based on a
   KeyPackage extension.  That extension would have to be defined in the
   context of the MLS WG.

   Each KeyPackage that a client publishes also carries a
   FanoutAuthToken inside a FanoutAuth KeyPackage extension.

   struct {
     opaque token<V>;
   } FanoutAuthToken

   Whenever a client is added to a group (or when a new group is
   created), the DS checks that the KeyPackages of all joiners contain a
   FanoutAuth extension and stores the contained token alongside the
   group state.

   The FanoutAuthToken is included in DSFanoutRequests and allows the
   receiving DS to check whether the sender is authorized to enqueue
   messages for the recipient.

   Clients can change their FanoutAuthToken by sending a new token with
   an update operation.

   TODO: Details on the cryptographic scheme underlying the token.

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4.7.  Version agility

   MLS provides version, ciphersuite and extension agility.  The
   versions, ciphersuites and extensions a client supports are
   advertised in its LeafNodes, both in all of the client's groups, as
   well as in its KeyPackages through the Capabilities field
   (Section 7.2 of [I-D.ietf-mls-protocol]).

   MLS DS protocol clients MUST make use of a LeafNode extension to
   advertise the MIMI DS protocol versions they support.

   TODO: Such an extension would have to be specified in the context of
   the MLS WG.

4.8.  Group lifecycle

   Upon creation MLS groups are parameterized by a GroupID, an MLS
   version number, as well as a ciphersuite.  All three parameters are
   fixed and cannot be changed throughout the lifetime of a group.

   Groups capable of interoperability with the MIMI DS protocol MUST use
   a GroupContext extension that indicates the MIMI DS protocol version
   with which it was created.  This extension MUST NOT be changed
   throughout the lifetime of the group.

   While all these parameters cannot be changed throughout a group's
   lifetime, the group can be re-initialized as described in
   Section 11.2. of [RFC9420] to create a new group with a new set of

   The MIMI DS protocol supports re-initializations of groups using the
   corresponding ReInitialization operation under the condition that all
   MLS parameters are compatible with the MIMI DS protocol version.

   If a group is no longer used, it can be deleted either by a client or
   the DS itself.

   TODO: Each MIMI DS protocol version should probably fix a set of
   ciphersuites, MLS protocol versions and maybe even extensions it
   supports.  New ones can be added with protocol version upgrades.

5.  Security properties overview

   The MIMI DS protocol provides a number of security guarantees.

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5.1.  MLS-based security properties

   The MLS protocol underlying the MIMI DS protocol provides a number of
   security guarantees that primarily affect end-to-end communication
   between clients such as authentication and confidentiality with
   forward- as well as post-compromise security (although the latter
   only holds for application messages).  While the MIMI DS protocol
   acts as a layer around the MLS protocol it inherits some of MLSs
   security guarantees.

   More concretely, the DS can verify client signatures on MLS messages
   and thus ensure that end-to-end authentication holds.  Since the DS
   uses MLS messages to track the group state (including group
   membership), it is guaranteed to have the same view of that state as
   the group members.

6.  Framing and processing overview

6.1.  Client to server requests

   All client to server requests consist of a MIMI DS specific protocol
   wrapper called DSRequst.  DSRequest contains the MIMI DS protocol
   version, a body with operation-specific data, as well as
   authentication information.

   enum {
   } DSRequestType;

   struct {
     DSRequestType request_type;
     select (DSRequestBody.request_type) {
       case ds_delete_group:
         DeleteGroupRequest delete_group_request;
   } DSRequestBody;

   struct {
     DSProtocolVersion version;
     DSRequestBody request_body;
     DSAuthData authentication_data;
   } DSRequest;

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   A DS supports a variety of operations.  For presentational reasons,
   we only define DSRequestType and the corresponding case statement in
   DSRequestBody partially here.  The full definition with all
   operations relevant for the normal DS operating mode can be found in
   Section 9.

   The authentication_data field of a DSRequest depends on the request
   type and contains the data necessary for the DS to authenticate the

   enum {
   } DSAuthType;

   struct {
     DSAuthType auth_type;
     select (DSAuthData.auth_type) {
       case Unauthenticated:
         struct {};
       case ClientSignature:
         uint32 sender_index;
         opaque signature<0..255>;
   } DSAuthData;

   Before the DS performs the requested operation, it performs an
   authentication operation depending on the DSAuthType.

   *  Anonymous: No authentication required

   *  ClientSignature: The DS uses the public signature key of the MLS
      client in leaf with the leaf index sender_index to verify the
      signature over the following struct:

   struct {
     DSProtocolVersion protocol_version;
     DSRequestBody request_body;
     u32 sender_index
   } ClientSignatureTBS

   Note that all group operations additionally contain an MLSMessage the
   content of which mirrors the request type, e.g., an AddClients
   request wraps an MLS commit that in turn contains the Add proposals
   for the clients to be added.  In that case, the DS uses the GroupID
   inside the MLSMessage to determine which group the request refers to
   and verifies the MLSMessage in the same way an MLS client would
   (including the signature).

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   Depending on the nature of the request, clients can also include data
   in the AAD field of the MLSMessage, where it can be read and
   authenticated by both DS and all other group members.

   After performing the desired operation using the data in
   DSRequestBody the DS responds to the client (or the proxying guest
   DS) with a DSResponse.

   struct {
     DSProtocolVersion protocol_version;
     DSResponseBody response_body;
   } DSResponse

   enum DSResponseType {

   struct DSResponseBody {
     DSResponseType response_type;
     select (DSResponseBody.response_type) {
       case Ok:
         struct {};
       case Error:
         DSError error;
       case WelcomeInfo:
         optional<Node> ratchet_tree<V>;
       case ExternalCommit:
         MLSMessage: group_info;
         optional<Node> ratchet_tree<V>;
       case KeyPackages:
         KeyPackage key_packages<V>;

   struct {
     TODO: Operation specific errors.
   } DSError

6.2.  Server to server requests

   After sending the response, and depending on the operation the DS
   might fan out messages to one or more guest DSs.

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   To that end, it wraps the MLSMessage to be fanned out into a
   DSFanoutRequest.  In addition to the MLSMessage, the DSFanoutRequest
   contains the protocol version, a list of client ids representing the
   clients for which the payload is meant, a FanoutAuthToken (see
   Section 4.6) for each of the clients, as well as the payload to be
   fanned out.

   struct {
     DSProtocolVersion protocol_version;
     opaque recipient_ids<V>;
     FanoutAuthToken fanout_auth_tokens<V>;
     MLSMessage mls_message;
   } DSFanoutRequest

   The receiving DS first verifies the signature using the sending DS'
   public signature key and then further validates the message by
   performing the following checks:

   *  That the protocol version is compatible with its configuration

   *  That the recipient_ids are all clients of this DS

   *  The the fanout_auth_tokens are all valid tokens for the individual

   The recieving DS can then store and forward the contained MLS message
   to the clients indicated in the recipient_ids field and send a

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   enum {
   } DSFanoutResponseType

   struct {
     TODO: Fanout error types
   } DSFanoutError

   struct DSFanoutResponseBody {
     DSFanoutResponseType response_type;
     select (DSFanoutResponseBody.response_type) {
       case Ok:
         struct {};
       case Error:
         DSFanoutError error;

   struct {
     DSProtocolVersion protocol_version;
     DSResponseBody response_body;
   } DSFanoutResponse

7.  DS assisted joining

   To verify and deliver messages, authenticate clients as members of a
   group and to assist clients that want to join a group, the DS keeps
   track of the state of each group for which it is the hub.  More
   specifically, it keeps track of the group's ratchet tree, the group's
   GroupContext and other information required to produce a valid
   GroupInfo for the current group epoch.  It does this by processing
   incoming MLS messages in the same way a member of that group would,
   except of course that the DS doesn't hold any private key material.

   While MLS messages are sufficient to keep track of most of the group
   information, it is not quite enough to create a GroupInfo.  To allow
   the DS to provide a valid GroupInfo to externally joining clients, it
   additionally requires clients to provide the remaining required
   information.  Concretely, it requires clients to upload the Signature
   and the GroupInfo extensions.  Clients need to send this information
   whenever they send an MLS message (i.e. an MLSMessage struct) that
   contains a commit.

   struct {
     Extension group_info_extensions<V>;
     opaque Signature<V>;
   } PartialGroupInfo

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   The combination of a commit and a partial group info is called an

   struct {
     MLSMessage commit;
     PartialGroupInfo partial_group_info;
   } MLSGroupUpdate

   Whenever the DS receives an MLSGroupUpdate, it must verify that the
   MLSMessage contains a PublicMessage with a commit and that commit and
   partial group info are valid relative to the existing group state
   according to the MLS specification.

   TODO: For now there is no distinct endpoint to obtain authentication
   material that allows the DS to authenticate clients.  This would be
   part of the AS design.

   By tracking the group information in this way, the DS can help
   clients that join via external commit by providing them with a
   ratchet tree and a group into.

   Similary, clients that wish to join a group via a regular invite
   (i.e. a Welcome message) have already received a GroupInfo and can
   obtain a ratchet tree from the DS.

   In the time between a client being added to a group by a commit and
   the client wanting to join the group, the group state can have
   progressed by one or more epochs.  As a consequence, the DS MUST keep
   track of epochs in which clients are added and store the
   corresponding group states until each client has successfully joined.

8.  Proposals and DS-initiated operations

   MLS relies on a proposal-commit logic, where the proposals encode the
   specific action the sending client intends to take and the commit
   then performs the actions of a set of commits.

   The advantage of this approach is that the sender of the proposal
   does not have to be the committer, which allows, for example, the DS
   to propose the removal of a client, or a client to propose that it be
   removed from the group.  Note that the latter example is the only way
   that a client can remove itself (i.e. leave) from a group.

   Such proposals, where the original sender differs from the sender of
   the commit are called "proposal by reference", or "proposal by value"
   if the proposal is sent by the committer as part of the commit

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   The following sections detail operations that can be performed by
   clients, so each operation that entails a change to the group state
   (with the exception of the self remove operation) require the sender
   to perform a commit, where the semantics of the operation are
   reflected as proposals by value.  For example, the commit in the
   AddClientsRequest must only contain Add proposals.

   If a client receives a valid standalone proposal, it MUST store it
   and verify that the next commit includes said proposal.

   TODO: Be more specific about proposal validation.  Also, we might
   want to allow the server to rescind a proposal.

   Whenever a client sends a commit as part of an operation, it MUST
   include all stored proposals by reference, such as server-initiated
   Remove proposals, or proposals sent as part of a self-remove

   TODO: Proposals by reference pose a problem in the context of
   external commits, as, even if the external committer had access to
   all proposals in an epoch, it wouldn't be able to verify them, thus
   potentially leading to an invalid external commit.  A solution could
   be introduced either as part of the MIMI DS protocol, or as an MLS
   extension.  The latter would be preferable, as other users of MLS are
   likely going to encounter the same problem.

   To allow the DS to send proposals, all groups MUST contain an
   external_senders extension as defined in Section of
   [RFC9420] that includes the DS' credential and its signature public

   TODO: We might also want to mandate that the group includes
   credentials of guest DSs involved in the group.  However, for them to
   be able to send proposals, we'd need an additional operation/endpoint
   that the DS exposes.

   TODO: Details of the DS credential, distribution, etc.  A
   BasicCredential with the FQDN of the DS would probably be sufficient.

   The DS can simply create such proposals itself based on the group
   information and distribute it to all group members via regular

9.  Client-initiated operations

   The DS supports a number of operations, each of which is represented
   by a variant of the DSRequestType enum and has its own request body.

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   enum {
   } DSRequestType;

   struct {
     DSRequestType request_type;
     select (DSRequestBody.request_type) {
       case ds_delete_group:
         DeleteGroupRequest delete_group_request;
       case ds_proposals:
         ProposalRequest proposal_request;
       case ds_commits:
         CommitRequest commit_request;
       case ds_send_message:
         SendMessageRequest send_message_request;
       case ds_key_packages:
         KeyPackagesRequest key_packages_request;
       case ds_key_packages:
         GroupInfoRequest group_info_request;
   } DSRequestBody;

9.1.  Delete group

   A request from the client to delete a group from the Delivery
   Service.  This operation allows clients to delete a group from the
   DS.  Clients can of course keep a copy of the group state locally for
   archival purposes.

   struct {
     MLSGroupUpdate group_update;
   } DeleteGroupRequest;


   The Delivery Service validates the request as follows:

   *  The MLSGroupUpdate MUST contain a PublicMessage with a commit that
      contains Remove proposals for every member of the group except the

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9.2.  Propose group state changes

   A request from a client or an external sender to propose one ore more
   changes to the group state.  Each change is encoded as an MLS

   struct {
     MLSMessage proposals<V>;
   } AddClientsRequest;


   *  The MLSMessages MUST contain PublicMessages with proposals.

   *  All proposals MUST be valid according to [RFC9420].

9.3.  Commit group state changes

   A request from a client to change the group state via one or more
   commits as proposed by previously sent proposals, or proposals
   included in the commits.  Note that this operation cannot be used by
   a group member to remove itself from the group.  Group members can
   only propose their own removal and wait for another group member to
   commit the change.

   Clients that are not yet group members can use a commit to add
   themselves to a group.

   Group members can re-add themselves to a group via a commit (e.g. in
   case of lost group state).

   struct {
     MLSGroupUpdate group_updates<V>;
     MLSMessage welcome_messages<V>;
   } RemoveClientsRequest;


   *  The MLSGroupUpdates MUST contain PublicMessages that contain

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9.4.  Send application messages to a group

   A request from a client to fan out one or more application messages
   to a group.  This operation is meant to send arbitrary data to the
   rest of the group.  Since the application message is a
   PrivateMessage, the DS can not verify its content or authenticate its
   sender (even though it does authenticate the sender of the
   surrounding DSRequest).

   struct {
     MLSMessage application_message<V>;
   } SendMessageRequest;


   *  The MLSMessages MUST contain PrivateMessages with ContentType

9.5.  Fetch KeyPackages of one or more clients

   A request from a client to retrieve the KeyPackage(s) of one or more
   clients of this DS.  KeyPackages are required to add other clients
   (and thus other users) to a group.

   struct {
     ClientID client_identifiers<V>;
   } KeyPackagesRequest;

   The DS responds with the KeyPackages of all clients listed in the


   *  All client identifiers MUST refer to clients native to this DS.

   *  The DS SHOULD verify that the sender of the request is authorized
      to retrieve the DSKeyPackages of the clients in question.

9.6.  Fetch group information

   A request from a client to retrieve the group's GroupInfo.
   KeyPackages are required for clients to add themselves to a group via
   a commit and for group members to re-add themselves to a group.

   struct {} GroupInfoRequest;

   The DS responds with the group's current GroupInfo.

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   *  The DS MUST verify that the sender of the request is authorized to
      retrieve the group's GroupInfo.

10.  DSFanoutRequests

   After the DS has processed an incoming MLSMessage, it prepares a
   DSFanoutRequest as described in Section 6.

   For DS to DS communication, the MIMI DS protocol relies on the
   underlying transport protocol to provide mutual authentication.

11.  Rate-limiting and spam prevention

   All requests (with the exception of the VerificationKeyRequest) can
   be explicitly authenticated by the recipient through the verification
   of a signature.  This means that recipients can follow a rate-
   limiting strategy of their choice based on the sender's identity.

   For DSRequests, the DS can rate-limit on a per group-level, per-DS
   level (reducing the messages from all clients belonging to a single
   DS), or even based on individual clients.

   For DSFanoutRequests, rate-limiting or blocking can happen based on
   the identity of the sending DS, or it can happen on a per-group
   basis, where the recipient only blocks messages from a particular

   Such rate-limiting can happen by decision of the DS itself, or on the
   request of its local clients.  For example, a client might wish to
   block connection requests from one specific other client without
   blocking connection requests from all other clients of that DS.

12.  Security considerations

   TODO: There is currently no consensus in the MIMI w.r.t. the security
   goals we want to reach.

   The underlying MLS protocol provides end-to-end encryption and
   authentication for all MLSMessages, as well as group state agreement.

12.1.  Transport Security

   Transport of DSFanoutRequests, as well as their responses MUST use a
   recipient authenticated transport.  This is to ensure that these
   messages are mutually authenticated.

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   To protect the metadata in all request-response flows, requests and
   responses SHOULD be secured using an encrypted transport channel.

13.  Normative References

              Barnes, R., Beurdouche, B., Robert, R., Millican, J.,
              Omara, E., and K. Cohn-Gordon, "The Messaging Layer
              Security (MLS) Protocol", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-mls-protocol-20, 27 March 2023,

   [RFC2181]  Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Clarifications to the DNS
              Specification", RFC 2181, DOI 10.17487/RFC2181, July 1997,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC9420]  Barnes, R., Beurdouche, B., Robert, R., Millican, J.,
              Omara, E., and K. Cohn-Gordon, "The Messaging Layer
              Security (MLS) Protocol", RFC 9420, DOI 10.17487/RFC9420,
              July 2023, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Raphael Robert
   Phoenix R&D

   Konrad Kohbrok
   Phoenix R&D

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