Internet DRAFT - draft-roome-interop-ietf93


Internet Engineering Task Force                            W. Roome, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                        Bell Laboratories,
Intended status: Informational                            Alcatel-Lucent
Expires: December 6, 2015                                   June 4, 2015

             Interoperability testing of the ALTO Protocol


   The Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol is
   designed to allow entities with knowledge about the network
   infrastructure to export such information to applications that need
   to choose one or more endpoints to connect to among large sets of
   logically equivalent ones.  This document defines a data set that may
   be used to test the functionality and interoperability of ALTO
   clients and servers.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 6, 2015.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Server Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.1.  Default Network Map And Cost Maps  . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.2.  Alternate Network Map And Cost Maps  . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     2.3.  Endpoint Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   3.  Server Resources and Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   4.  Client Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     4.1.  Filtered Network Map Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     4.2.  Filtered Cost Map Tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     4.3.  Endpoint Property Service Tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     4.4.  Endpoint Cost Service Tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   5.  Error Tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   6.  Security considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   7.  IANA considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   8.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   Appendix A.  Appendix: JSON Network And Cost Maps  . . . . . . . . 13
     A.1.  Default Network Map  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     A.2.  Default "routingcost" Cost Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     A.3.  Default "hopcount" Cost Map  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     A.4.  Alternate Network Map  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     A.5.  Alternate "routingcost" Cost Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     A.6.  Alternate "hopcount" Cost Map  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   Appendix B.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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1.  Overview

   The Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol is
   designed to allow entities with knowledge about the network
   infrastructure to export such information to applications that need
   to choose one or more endpoints to connect to among large sets of
   logically equivalent ones.

   This document defines procedures to test the functionality and
   interoperability of ALTO clients and servers.

   This document is informational and is NOT NORMATIVE on any aspects of
   the ALTO protocol.  The normative behavior of ALTO entities is
   prescribed in [RFC7285].

   Section 2 defines the network maps, cost maps and other data
   necessary to provision an ALTO server.  This ensures that all tested
   servers will return the same results, so a client may verify that a
   server is operating correctly.  Section 3 defines the required and
   optional resources for an ALTO server to provide.  Section 4
   describes the actions expected from a client.  Section 5 describes a
   set of invalid client requests, to verify that a server can respond
   correctly to client errors.

   While every effort has been made to catalogue representative test
   cases, this document does not attempt to codify every test case that
   arises in ALTO.  The aim of the document is to focus on areas that
   highlight the key offerings of the ALTO protocol.

2.  Server Data

   This section defines the data necessary to provision a tested ALTO
   server in a uniform manner.  First it defines a default network map,
   and associated cost maps for the "routingcost" and "hopcount"
   metrics.  Next it defines an optional alternate network map, along
   with "routingcost" and "hopcount" costs for that map.  Finally it
   defines a set of optional endpoint properties.

   Appendix A gives network and cost map data defined in this section
   formatted in JSON.

2.1.  Default Network Map And Cost Maps

   Every tested ALTO server MUST provide a default network map with the
   PIDs defined below:

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       PID         IP Address Block

       peer1,, 2001:DB8:0000::/33
       peer2,, 2001:DB8:8000::/33


       default, ::0/0
       loopback, ::1/128
       linklocal, ff80::/10
         , fc00::/7

                       Figure 1: Default Network Map

   Each ALTO server MUST provide a cost map for the "routingcost"
   metric.  The following table presents the numerical values for those
   costs.  If a server provides a numerical-mode cost map, it MUST use
   these values.  If a server provides an ordinal-mode cost map, the
   server may use whatever values it wants, provided the ordinal values
   preserve the order of the numerical values.

           default mine mine1 mine1a mine2 mine3 peer1 peer2 tran1 tran2
   default     1.0 75.0  75.0   75.0  75.0  75.0     -     -     -     -
      mine    75.0  1.0  15.0   15.0  15.0  15.0  30.0  30.0  50.0  50.0
     mine1    75.0 15.0   1.0    2.5   5.0   7.0  20.0  25.0  40.0  45.0
    mine1a    75.0 15.0   2.0    1.0   7.0   9.0  22.0  24.0  42.0  48.0
     mine2    75.0 15.0   5.5    7.0   1.0   6.0  23.0  25.0  43.0  46.0
     mine3    75.0 15.0   7.0    9.0   6.0   1.0  25.0  28.0  45.0  49.0
     peer1       - 30.0  20.0   22.0  23.0  25.0   1.0     -     -     -
     peer2       - 30.0  25.0   24.0  25.0  28.0     -   1.0     -     -
     tran1       - 50.0  40.0   42.0  43.0  45.0     -     -   1.0     -
     tran2       - 50.0  45.0   48.0  46.0  49.0     -     -     -   1.0

                Figure 2: "routingcost" Numerical Cost Map

   Note that this is a partial cost map, in that it does not define a
   cost for every source and destination PID.

   Each ALTO server MAY provide a cost map for the "hopcount" metric.
   The following table gives the numerical values.  As with

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   "routingcost", a numerical-mode cost map MUST use these values, and
   an ordinal-mode cost map may use any values consistent with this

           default mine mine1 mine1a mine2 mine3 peer1 peer2 tran1 tran2
   default     1.0 10.0  10.0   10.0  10.0  10.0     -     -     -     -
      mine    10.0  1.0   3.0    3.0   3.0   3.0   5.0   6.0   8.0   8.0
     mine1    10.0  3.0   1.0    2.0   2.0   2.0   4.0   5.0   6.0   7.0
    mine1a    10.0  3.0   2.0    1.0   2.0   3.0   5.0   6.0   7.0   8.0
     mine2    10.0  3.0   2.0    2.0   1.0   2.0   4.0   5.0   6.0   7.0
     mine3    10.0  3.0   2.0    3.0   2.0   1.0   4.0   5.0   6.0   7.0
     peer1       -  5.0   4.0    5.0   4.0   4.0   1.0     -     -     -
     peer2       -  6.0   5.0    6.0   5.0   5.0     -   1.0     -     -
     tran1       -  8.0   6.0    7.0   6.0   6.0     -     -   1.0     -
     tran2       -  8.0   7.0    8.0   7.0   7.0     -     -     -   1.0

                  Figure 3: "hopcount" Numerical Cost Map

2.2.  Alternate Network Map And Cost Maps

   Every tested ALTO server MAY provide an alternate, or secondary,
   network map with the PIDs defined below:

       PID         IP Address Block


       default, ::0/0
       loopback, ::1/128
       linklocal, ff80::/10
         , fc00::/7

                      Figure 4: Alternate Network Map

   Each ALTO server MAY provide a cost map for the "routingcost" metric
   for the alternate network map.  The following table presents the
   numerical values for those costs.  If a server provides a numerical-
   mode cost map, it MUST use these values.  If a server provides an
   ordinal-mode cost map, the server may use whatever values it wants,

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   provided the ordinal values preserve the order of the numerical

            dc1  dc2  dc3  dc4 default user1 user2 user3 user4
       dc1  0.0  5.0  5.0  5.0    50.0  10.0  20.0  30.0  40.0
       dc2  5.0  0.0  5.0  5.0    50.0  20.0  10.0  20.0  30.0
       dc3  5.0  5.0  0.0  5.0    50.0  30.0  20.0  10.0  20.0
       dc4  5.0  5.0  5.0  0.0    50.0  40.0  30.0  20.0  10.0
   default 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0     0.0     -     -     -     -
     user1 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0       -   0.0     -     -     -
     user2 20.0 10.0 20.0 30.0       -     -   0.0     -     -
     user3 30.0 20.0 10.0 20.0       -     -     -   0.0     -
     user4 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0       -     -     -     -   0.0

                Figure 5: "routingcost" Numerical Cost Map

   Note that this is a partial cost map, in that it does not define a
   cost for every source and destination PID.

   Each ALTO server MAY provide a cost map for the "hopcount" metric.
   The following table gives the numerical values.  As with
   "routingcost", a numerical-mode cost map MUST use these values, and
   an ordinal-mode cost map may use any values consistent with this

           dc1 dc2 dc3 dc4 default user1 user2 user3 user4
       dc1 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0     8.0   3.0   4.0   5.0   6.0
       dc2 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0     8.0   4.0   3.0   4.0   5.0
       dc3 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0     8.0   5.0   4.0   3.0   4.0
       dc4 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0     8.0   6.0   5.0   4.0   3.0
   default 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0     0.0     -     -     -     -
     user1 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0       -   0.0     -     -     -
     user2 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0       -     -   0.0     -     -
     user3 5.0 4.0 3.0 4.0       -     -     -   0.0     -
     user4 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0       -     -     -     -   0.0

                  Figure 6: "hopcount" Numerical Cost Map

2.3.  Endpoint Properties

   An ALTO server may provide the private endpoint property "priv:ietf-
   type" with the following values for endpoints in the indicated
   address blocks:

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       Value       IP Address Block
       peer, 2001:DB8::/32

          Figure 7: Values for "priv:ietf-type" endpoint property

3.  Server Resources and Configuration

   An ALTO server MUST provide the following resources, as required by

   o  An Information Resource Directory (IRD) which describes all of the
      server's resources.

   o  A Network Map resource for the default network defined above.

   o  A Cost Map resource for the "routingcost" metric for the default
      network map.  The mode may be either "numerical" or "ordinal".  If
      "numerical", the values MUST be identical to those defined above.
      If "ordinal", the server can use whatever values it wants, but the
      ordering MUST be consistent with the ordering of the "numerical"

   o  An Endpoint Property Service for the "pid" property for the
      default network map.

   A server MAY provide whatever additional resources it desires, as
   long as they are consistent with the network maps, cost maps and
   endpoint properties defined in Section 2.  In particular, a server
   may provide:

   o  An additional Network Map resource, using the PIDs and address
      prefixes for the alternate network map defined above.

   o  Cost Map resources for the "routingcost" and/or "hopcount"
      metrics, in either "numerical" or "ordinal" modes, using the
      values defined above.

   o  Filtered Network Map resources for either or both network maps.

   o  Filtered Cost Map resources for any combination of "routingcost"
      and "hopcount" metrics, in either "numerical" and "ordinal" modes,
      for either or both network maps.  The resources may or may not
      accept constraint tests.

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   o  Endpoint Cost Service(s) or any combination of "routingcost" and
      "hopcount" metrics, in either "numerical" and "ordinal" modes.
      The cost values MUST be consistent with those for the default
      network map.  The resources may or may not accept constraint

   o  Endpoint Property Service(s) for the custom endpoint properties
      defined above.

   However, a server MUST NOT provide more than the two network maps
   defined in this document.  This restriction simplifies testing,
   because it allows a client to automatically identify the alternate
   network map (e.g., any network map which is not the default must be
   the alternate network).  If servers could offer three or more network
   maps, a client would have to be provisioned with the resource id of
   the alternate network map.

   Note that if a server provides a Network Map resource for the
   alternate network map, [RFC7285] requires the server to also provide
   a Cost Map resource for the "routingcost" metric, in either
   "numerical" or "ordinal" mode, and an Endpoint Property Service for
   that network map's "pid" property.

   A server MAY structure the IRD however it wants.  In particular, a
   server may

   o  Use secondary IRDs which the root IRD references.

   o  Use arbitrary resource IDs and cost type names.

   o  Use arbitrary URIs, in any recognized URI format.

   o  Provide multiple versions of POST-mode resources.  For example, if
      a server provides the secondary network map, it must provide an
      Endpoint Property Service for the "pid" properties for both maps.
      A server may provide one EPS for both properties, or a separate
      EPS for each property.

4.  Client Actions

   When given the URI for an ALTO server's IRD, an ALTO client should
   read the IRD, and for each resource that it recognizes, verify that
   the server returns the correct response.  Note that most of the data
   the server returns is determined by the network maps, cost maps and
   property values specified in Section 2, and hence can be verified by
   a client.  Some data cannot be determined a priori (e.g., resource id
   and tag of a network map), but a client can verify their consistency

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   (e.g., a cost map's dependent-vtag field should match the vtag field
   of the associated network map).

   It is expected that not every client will be able recognize and
   verify every possible resource.  However, each client MUST be able to
   verify the default network map and the associated "routingcost" cost
   map.  In particular, although clients are not required to recognize
   the alternate network map, if presented with an IRD with two network
   maps, every client MUST be able to distinguish the default network
   map, and its associated cost map, from the alternate network map.

   Ideally clients should be scripted.  That is, when given the URI for
   a server, an ideal client would verify the server automatically,
   without further operator intervention.  A client should log the
   resources it tested, and clearly highlight any response the client
   considered incorrect.

   The HTTP GET-mode resources (Network Map and Cost Map) do not require
   client input, and hence testing is straight-forward: the client sends
   the appropriate HTTP GET request, and verifies the response.

   However, POST-mode resources, such as Filtered Cost Maps and Endpoint
   Property Services, require client input.  The following sections
   present recommended input parameters for various resources, and
   clients SHOULD implement as many of these tests as possible.  Clients
   MAY add additional tests, and are encouraged to do so.

4.1.  Filtered Network Map Tests

   o  Empty "pid" array, omitted or empty "address-types" array.  The
      server should return the entire network map.

   o  Empty "pid" array, "address-types" array containing just "ipv6".
      The server should return PIDs with ipv6 addresses, and only those

   o  "pid" array with one or more non-existent PID names, such as "not-
      a-pid".  The server should return an empty network map.

   o  "pid" array with a set of valid PID names (client's choice), plus
      one or more non-existent PID names.  The server should return the
      valid PIDs and ignore the invalid ones.

4.2.  Filtered Cost Map Tests

   All tests require an appropriate "cost-type" parameter.  At a
   minimum, clients should run these tests for the "routingcost" metric
   for the default network map.  If possible, clients should also run

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   these tests for the "hopcount" metric and the alternate network map.

   Clients should remember that when testing "ordinal" costs, any values
   are acceptable as long as they are consistent with the order of the
   "numerical" costs defined in Section 2.  Clients are also reminded
   that ordinal values are only comparable to other values in the same
   request, and a server may recalculate ordinal values for each
   request.  Hence the same cost point may have ordinal value "6" in a
   full cost map, but have value "1" in a filtered cost map.

   o  Empty "srcs" and "dsts" arrays.  The server should return the
      entire cost map.

   o  Empty "srcs" array, "dsts" array with one or more valid PIDs.  The
      server should return costs from all PIDs to the specified
      destination PIDs.

   o  Empty "dsts" array, "srcs" array with one or more valid PIDs.  The
      server should return costs from the specified source PIDs to all
      destination PIDs.

   o  "srcs" and "dsts" arrays with only non-existent PID names.  The
      server should return an empty cost map.

   o  "srcs" and "dsts" arrays with a set of valid PID names (client's
      choice), plus one or more non-existent PID names in one or the
      arrays.  The server should return costs for the valid PIDs and
      ignore the non-existent ones.

   o  The two-element constraint test "ge 20", "le 30" for the numerical
      "routingcost" for the default network map, with empty "srcs" and
      "dsts" arrays (assuming that resource allows constraints, of
      course).  The server should return the all costs in the range,

             mine mine1 mine1a mine2 mine3 peer1 peer2
        mine    -     -      -     -     -  30.0  30.0
       mine1    -     -      -     -     -  20.0  25.0
      mine1a    -     -      -     -     -  22.0  24.0
       mine2    -     -      -     -     -  23.0  25.0
       mine3    -     -      -     -     -  25.0  28.0
       peer1 30.0  20.0   22.0  23.0  25.0     -     -
       peer2 30.0  25.0   24.0  25.0  28.0     -     -

                 Figure 8: Filtered Cost Map Constraint Test

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4.3.  Endpoint Property Service Tests

   Every client should verify that the server's EPS resource for the
   default network's "pid" property returns the correct PID name for a
   representative set of endpoint addresses.  If possible, clients
   should also verify the alternate network's "pid" property and the
   "priv:ietf-type" property.

   The table below gives the expected values for a set of addresses.
   Clients are encouraged to test other addresses as well.

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        Address         priv:ietf-type
      ----------------        -------    -------    --------------
      ipv4:            default    default    -
      ipv4:           private    private    -
      ipv4:          mine1      default    mine
      ipv4:          mine1a     default    mine
      ipv4:        mine1a     default    mine
      ipv4:         mine1a     default    mine
      ipv4:        mine3      default    mine
      ipv4:        mine       default    mine
      ipv4:         mine2      default    mine
      ipv4:          default    dc1        -
      ipv4:          default    default    -
      ipv4:          default    dc2        -
      ipv4:          default    dc3        -
      ipv4:          default    dc4        -
      ipv4:          loopback   loopback   -
      ipv4:    loopback   loopback   -
      ipv4:          peer1      default    peer
      ipv4:          peer2      default    peer
      ipv4:          peer1      default    peer
      ipv4:          peer2      default    peer
      ipv4:          tran1      default    transit
      ipv4:          tran2      default    transit
      ipv4:        linklocal  linklocal  -
      ipv4:          default    user1      -
      ipv4:          default    default    -
      ipv4:          default    user2      -
      ipv4:          default    user3      -
      ipv4:          default    user4      -
      ipv4:           default    default    -
      ipv6:::1                loopback   loopback   -
      ipv6:::2                default    default    -
      ipv6:2001:db8::         peer1      default    peer
      ipv6:2001:db8:8000::1   peer2      default    peer
      ipv6:fc00:1::           private    private    -
      ipv6:ff80:1:2::         linklocal  linklocal  -

             Figure 9: EPS Test Addresses And Property Values

4.4.  Endpoint Cost Service Tests


5.  Error Tests


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6.  Security considerations

   This document does not present any new security considerations above
   and beyond what is documented in the ALTO protocol [RFC7285].

7.  IANA considerations

   This document does not require any action from IANA.

8.  Normative References

   [RFC7159]  Bray, T., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
              Interchange Format", RFC 7159, March 2014.

   [RFC7285]  Almi, R., Penno, R., Yang, Y., Kiesel, S., Previdi, S.,
              Roome, W., Shalunov, S., and R. Woundy, "Application-Layer
              Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol", RFC 7285,
              September 2014.

Appendix A.  Appendix: JSON Network And Cost Maps

   This section presents the network and cost maps defined in Section 2
   formatted as JSON ([RFC7159]) objects.

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A.1.  Default Network Map

   "network-map": {
      "default": {
         "ipv4": [""],
         "ipv6": ["::/0"] },
      "linklocal": {
         "ipv4": [""],
         "ipv6": ["FF80::/10"] },
      "loopback": {
         "ipv4": [""],
         "ipv6": ["::1/128"] },
      "mine": {
         "ipv4": [""] },
      "mine1": {
         "ipv4": [""] },
      "mine1a": {
         "ipv4": ["", "", ""] },
      "mine2": {
         "ipv4": [""] },
      "mine3": {
         "ipv4": [""] },
      "peer1": {
         "ipv4": ["", ""],
         "ipv6": ["2001:DB8::/33"] },
      "peer2": {
         "ipv4": ["", ""],
         "ipv6": ["2001:DB8:8000::/33"] },
      "private": {
         "ipv4": ["", "", ""],
         "ipv6": ["FC00::/7"] },
      "tran1": {
         "ipv4": [""] },
      "tran2": {
         "ipv4": [""] }

                  Figure 10: Default Network Map, in JSON

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A.2.  Default "routingcost" Cost Map

   "cost-map": {
      "default": {
         "default": 1.0,  "mine": 75.0,  "mine1": 75.0,  "mine1a": 75.0,
         "mine2": 75.0,  "mine3": 75.0 },
      "mine": {
         "default": 75.0,  "mine": 1.0,  "mine1": 15.0,  "mine1a": 15.0,
         "mine2": 15.0,  "mine3": 15.0,  "peer1": 30.0,  "peer2": 30.0,
         "tran1": 50.0,  "tran2": 50.0 },
      "mine1": {
         "default": 75.0,  "mine": 15.0,  "mine1": 1.0,  "mine1a": 2.5,
         "mine2": 5.0,  "mine3": 7.0,  "peer1": 20.0,  "peer2": 25.0,
         "tran1": 40.0,  "tran2": 45.0 },
      "mine1a": {
         "default": 75.0,  "mine": 15.0,  "mine1": 2.0,  "mine1a": 1.0,
         "mine2": 7.0,  "mine3": 9.0,  "peer1": 22.0,  "peer2": 24.0,
         "tran1": 42.0,  "tran2": 48.0 },
      "mine2": {
         "default": 75.0,  "mine": 15.0,  "mine1": 5.5,  "mine1a": 7.0,
         "mine2": 1.0,  "mine3": 6.0,  "peer1": 23.0,  "peer2": 25.0,
         "tran1": 43.0,  "tran2": 46.0 },
      "mine3": {
         "default": 75.0,  "mine": 15.0,  "mine1": 7.0,  "mine1a": 9.0,
         "mine2": 6.0,  "mine3": 1.0,  "peer1": 25.0,  "peer2": 28.0,
         "tran1": 45.0,  "tran2": 49.0 },
      "peer1": {
         "mine": 30.0,  "mine1": 20.0,  "mine1a": 22.0,  "mine2": 23.0,
         "mine3": 25.0,  "peer1": 1.0 },
      "peer2": {
         "mine": 30.0,  "mine1": 25.0,  "mine1a": 24.0,  "mine2": 25.0,
         "mine3": 28.0,  "peer2": 1.0 },
      "tran1": {
         "mine": 50.0,  "mine1": 40.0,  "mine1a": 42.0,  "mine2": 43.0,
         "mine3": 45.0,  "tran1": 1.0 },
      "tran2": {
         "mine": 50.0,  "mine1": 45.0,  "mine1a": 48.0,  "mine2": 46.0,
         "mine3": 49.0,  "tran2": 1.0 }

            Figure 11: Default "routingcost" Cost Map, in JSON

Roome                   Expires December 6, 2015               [Page 15]
Internet-Draft                ALTO Interop                     June 2015

A.3.  Default "hopcount" Cost Map

   "cost-map": {
      "default": {
         "default": 1.0,  "mine": 10.0,  "mine1": 10.0,  "mine1a": 10.0,
         "mine2": 10.0,  "mine3": 10.0 },
      "mine": {
         "default": 10.0,  "mine": 1.0,  "mine1": 3.0,  "mine1a": 3.0,
         "mine2": 3.0,  "mine3": 3.0,  "peer1": 5.0,  "peer2": 6.0,
         "tran1": 8.0,  "tran2": 8.0 },
      "mine1": {
         "default": 10.0,  "mine": 3.0,  "mine1": 1.0,  "mine1a": 2.0,
         "mine2": 2.0,  "mine3": 2.0,  "peer1": 4.0,  "peer2": 5.0,
         "tran1": 6.0,  "tran2": 7.0 },
      "mine1a": {
         "default": 10.0,  "mine": 3.0,  "mine1": 2.0,  "mine1a": 1.0,
         "mine2": 2.0,  "mine3": 3.0,  "peer1": 5.0,  "peer2": 6.0,
         "tran1": 7.0,  "tran2": 8.0 },
      "mine2": {
         "default": 10.0,  "mine": 3.0,  "mine1": 2.0,  "mine1a": 2.0,
         "mine2": 1.0,  "mine3": 2.0,  "peer1": 4.0,  "peer2": 5.0,
         "tran1": 6.0,  "tran2": 7.0 },
      "mine3": {
         "default": 10.0,  "mine": 3.0,  "mine1": 2.0,  "mine1a": 3.0,
         "mine2": 2.0,  "mine3": 1.0,  "peer1": 4.0,  "peer2": 5.0,
         "tran1": 6.0,  "tran2": 7.0 },
      "peer1": {
         "mine": 5.0,  "mine1": 4.0,  "mine1a": 5.0,  "mine2": 4.0,
         "mine3": 4.0,  "peer1": 1.0 },
      "peer2": {
         "mine": 6.0,  "mine1": 5.0,  "mine1a": 6.0,  "mine2": 5.0,
         "mine3": 5.0,  "peer2": 1.0 },
      "tran1": {
         "mine": 8.0,  "mine1": 6.0,  "mine1a": 7.0,  "mine2": 6.0,
         "mine3": 6.0,  "tran1": 1.0 },
      "tran2": {
         "mine": 8.0,  "mine1": 7.0,  "mine1a": 8.0,  "mine2": 7.0,
         "mine3": 7.0,  "tran2": 1.0 }

              Figure 12: Default "hopcount" Cost Map, in JSON

Roome                   Expires December 6, 2015               [Page 16]
Internet-Draft                ALTO Interop                     June 2015

A.4.  Alternate Network Map

    "network-map": {
       "dc1": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "dc2": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "dc3": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "dc4": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "default": {
          "ipv4": [""],
          "ipv6": ["::/0"] },
       "linklocal": {
          "ipv4": [""],
          "ipv6": ["FF80::/10"] },
       "loopback": {
          "ipv4": [""],
          "ipv6": ["::1/128"] },
       "private": {
          "ipv4": ["", "", ""],
          "ipv6": ["FC00::/7"] },
       "user1": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "user2": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "user3": {
          "ipv4": [""] },
       "user4": {
          "ipv4": [""] }

                 Figure 13: Alternate Network Map, in JSON

Roome                   Expires December 6, 2015               [Page 17]
Internet-Draft                ALTO Interop                     June 2015

A.5.  Alternate "routingcost" Cost Map

  "cost-map": {
     "dc1": {
        "dc1": 0.0,  "dc2": 5.0,  "dc3": 5.0,  "dc4": 5.0,
        "default": 50.0,  "user1": 10.0,  "user2": 20.0,  "user3": 30.0,
        "user4": 40.0 },
     "dc2": {
        "dc1": 5.0,  "dc2": 0.0,  "dc3": 5.0,  "dc4": 5.0,
        "default": 50.0,  "user1": 20.0,  "user2": 10.0,  "user3": 20.0,
        "user4": 30.0 },
     "dc3": {
        "dc1": 5.0,  "dc2": 5.0,  "dc3": 0.0,  "dc4": 5.0,
        "default": 50.0,  "user1": 30.0,  "user2": 20.0,  "user3": 10.0,
        "user4": 20.0 },
     "dc4": {
        "dc1": 5.0,  "dc2": 5.0,  "dc3": 5.0,  "dc4": 0.0,
        "default": 50.0,  "user1": 40.0,  "user2": 30.0,  "user3": 20.0,
        "user4": 10.0 },
     "default": {
        "dc1": 50.0,  "dc2": 50.0,  "dc3": 50.0,  "dc4": 50.0,
        "default": 0.0 },
     "user1": {
        "dc1": 10.0,  "dc2": 20.0,  "dc3": 30.0,  "dc4": 40.0,
        "user1": 0.0 },
     "user2": {
        "dc1": 20.0,  "dc2": 10.0,  "dc3": 20.0,  "dc4": 30.0,
        "user2": 0.0 },
     "user3": {
        "dc1": 30.0,  "dc2": 20.0,  "dc3": 10.0,  "dc4": 20.0,
        "user3": 0.0 },
     "user4": {
        "dc1": 40.0,  "dc2": 30.0,  "dc3": 20.0,  "dc4": 10.0,
        "user4": 0.0 }

           Figure 14: Alternate "routingcost" Cost Map, in JSON

Roome                   Expires December 6, 2015               [Page 18]
Internet-Draft                ALTO Interop                     June 2015

A.6.  Alternate "hopcount" Cost Map

    "cost-map": {
       "dc1": {
          "dc1": 0.0,  "dc2": 1.0,  "dc3": 1.0,  "dc4": 1.0,
          "default": 8.0,  "user1": 3.0,  "user2": 4.0,  "user3": 5.0,
          "user4": 6.0 },
       "dc2": {
          "dc1": 1.0,  "dc2": 0.0,  "dc3": 1.0,  "dc4": 1.0,
          "default": 8.0,  "user1": 4.0,  "user2": 3.0,  "user3": 4.0,
          "user4": 5.0 },
       "dc3": {
          "dc1": 1.0,  "dc2": 1.0,  "dc3": 0.0,  "dc4": 1.0,
          "default": 8.0,  "user1": 5.0,  "user2": 4.0,  "user3": 3.0,
          "user4": 4.0 },
       "dc4": {
          "dc1": 1.0,  "dc2": 1.0,  "dc3": 1.0,  "dc4": 0.0,
          "default": 8.0,  "user1": 6.0,  "user2": 5.0,  "user3": 4.0,
          "user4": 3.0 },
       "default": {
          "dc1": 8.0,  "dc2": 8.0,  "dc3": 8.0,  "dc4": 8.0,
          "default": 0.0 },
       "user1": {
          "dc1": 3.0,  "dc2": 4.0,  "dc3": 5.0,  "dc4": 6.0,
          "user1": 0.0 },
       "user2": {
          "dc1": 4.0,  "dc2": 3.0,  "dc3": 4.0,  "dc4": 5.0,
          "user2": 0.0 },
       "user3": {
          "dc1": 5.0,  "dc2": 4.0,  "dc3": 3.0,  "dc4": 4.0,
          "user3": 0.0 },
       "user4": {
          "dc1": 6.0,  "dc2": 5.0,  "dc3": 4.0,  "dc4": 3.0,
          "user4": 0.0 }

             Figure 15: Alternate "hopcount" Cost Map, in JSON

Appendix B.  Acknowledgements

   The editors will like to thank the ALTO working group participants
   for reviewing test cases.  Richard Alimi and Mikio Hara contributed
   review cycles to the contents of this document.

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Internet-Draft                ALTO Interop                     June 2015

Author's Address

   Wendy Roome (editor)
   Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent


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