Internet DRAFT - draft-rosenberg-mimi-discovery-reqs


Network Working Group                                       J. Rosenberg
Internet-Draft                                                     Five9
Intended status: Informational                               J. Peterson
Expires: 5 September 2024                                     TrasnUnion
                                                            4 March 2024

             MIMI Discovery Requirements and Considerations


   This document defines requirements and use cases for the discovery
   problem in the More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) working
   group.  The discovery problem refers to the process by which a
   message sender can identify the provider(s) associated with a desired
   messaging recipient, who is normally identified by an email address
   or phone number.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Prior Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Reference Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  App Provider Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  Consumer OTT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.2.  Consumer Operator Aligned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.3.  Enterprise Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.4.  Enterprise On-Prem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.5.  Consumer On-Prem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Core Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  Identifier Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   8.  Provider Cardinalities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   9.  Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   10. Number Portability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   11. SII Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   12. SII Claim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   13. Organizational Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   14. Blackhole Prevention  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   15. Spam Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   16. DP Social Graph Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   17. Encryption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   18. AuthN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   19. Hard Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   20. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

1.  Introduction

   The More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) working group is
   chartered to enable federated messaging, voice, and video service
   between application providers, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger,
   and other vendors.  The MIMI protocols cover the exchange of
   encrypted content [I-D.ietf-mimi-content] through transfer protocols
   [I-D.ralston-mimi-linearized-matrix].  These protocols allow a user
   in one provider to initiate 1-1 and group messaging with a user in a
   second provider.  The protocol requires that the originator of the

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   communication know two things about the target user - their messaging
   provider, and a unique identifier for that user within that provider.
   The specifications recognize that the originator will not always know
   the provider for the target user, or the service-specific identifier
   for that user on that provider.  The problem is further complicated
   by the fact that a users often make use of multiple messaging
   applications, in which case the preferences of the target user need
   to be taken into account as well.  These preferences are even less
   likely to be known by the originator of communications.

   Rather, in many cases one user will have an email address or phone
   number for the target user, obtained from their address book on their
   mobile device.  Neither the phone number or email address identify
   the messaging provider that the target user is using.  Unlike email
   service, the domain portion of a user's email address has no bearing
   on what messaging provider they use.  A user might be
   using WhatsApp or iMessage, neither of which are Gmail.  Thus - the
   core problem is - how to take one of these service independent
   identifiers and learn the messaging service that user is using, and
   how to send messages to them on that messaging service.

   The MIMI framework hypothesizes the existence of a discovery or
   directory service to solve this problem.  The discovery service would
   allow the originator to take a servide independent identifier for a
   target - such as a mobile phone number or email address - and perform
   a lookup to determine the preferred service(s) of the target user,
   along with enough information to reach them on that service.

   This document describes requirements and use cases for solutions to
   the discovery problem.

2.  Definitions

   *  Service Independent Identifier (SII): A type of identifier for a
      user that is unique (such that an SII is associated to only a
      single user), and independent of any specific communications
      service.  There are two specific identifiers in this case - a
      phone number (landline or mobile), or an email address.

   *  Service Specific Identifier (SSI): A type of identifier for a user
      that is unique (such that an SSI is associated to only a single
      user), and achieves its uniqueness by being composed of two parts
      - a user part, scoped to a provider of communication services, and
      a unique identifier for the communication service provider.  In
      some services, the user part is not globally unique across
      services.  Examples of this case are Wire, Twitter and Skype,
      where user handles are flat - @jdrosen2 on Twitter, for example.
      In other services, the user part is globally unique, and

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      corresponds to the email address or mobile phone number (SII) for
      the recipient.  Examples of this case are WhatsApp, iMessage, and

   *  Personally Identifying Information (PII): Information about a
      target user that is not unique, but can be used to facilitate a
      search for the target user.  Typically this would be the first
      name and/or last name of the recipient.  The search would provide
      a list of possible matches, along with additional information,
      such as display names and avatars, which help the initiator find
      the specific person to which communications is desired.

   *  Application Provider (AP): A provider of messaging, voice, video
      and communications services to end users.  An application provider
      is the entity that would implement the MIMI protocols.  Examples
      of application providers are WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger,
      iMessage, Wire, Matrix, and so on.

   *  Discovery Provider (DP): A provider of discovery services, capable
      of mapping an SII to an SSI.  This entity does not yet exist, and
      this document defines requirements for the protocols and processes
      behind it.

   *  Telephone Number Service Provider (TNSP): An entity which has
      authoritative ownership of the phone number used by a user.  In
      the case of a mobile phone number, this would be their mobile
      operator (e.g., Verizon or AT&T in the United States).  For a
      landline number, in would be their landline voice provider, which
      can include incumbent landline providers, but may also include
      non-traditional providers of voice and SMS services, like CPaaS
      (Communications Platform as a Service), such as Twilio or Nexmo,
      CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service), such as Five9 and NICE/
      InContact, and UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service)
      providers, such as RingCentral, Webex and Zoom.  We use Number
      Provider (TNSP) and not "operator" to keep this general purpose
      and to emphasize the fact that the key consideration for the
      discovery service is the assignment of the number to the user, not
      the provision of communications services against that number.

   *  Email Provider (EP): An entity which has authoritative ownership
      of the domain name portion of the email address used by a user.
      This would be Google for, or Verion/AOL for as
      two examples.  The EP for an email address can also be an
      enterprise, such as Cisco for email addresses.  As with
      telephone numbers, the EP is simply the provider of the address,
      and may not also be the provider of all communications services
      against that address.

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   *  Cloud Provider (CP): An entity providing services to enterprises
      for voice, video and messaging services, acting as the Application
      Provider for employees of its enterprise customers.  The CP is the
      TNSP for some numbers used by the enterprise, but not always.

3.  Prior Efforts

   Discovery services are far from new on the Internet.

   The whois protocol, originally specified in [RFC0954] and later
   revised by [RFC3912], was largely focused on the mapping of domain
   names, to services associated with those domain names, and was one of
   the first discovery services deployed on the Internet.  The DNS SRV
   record was specified in [RFC2782] and allows a similar discovery
   process - given a domain name, allows a querier to learn the set of
   services, such as VOIP based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
   [RFC3261] [RFC3263].  The SRV record was adapted to messaging in
   particular [RFC3861].  Whois and DNS SRV records both assumed that
   the lookup was keyed by a domain name, and thus they were not that
   useful for looking up an identifier that is not domain scoped, such
   as a mobile phone number.

   This was first addressed through the specification of ENUM [RFC3761]
   in 2004.  ENUM defined the usage of DNS to lookup phone numbers, by
   convering a phone number to a DNS name by reversing the digits and
   adding the suffix "".  This allowed portions of the
   namespace to be delegated to telco providers that owned the number
   prefix in question.  Though technically simple to define, its public
   deployment was hampered by the challenges of establishing authority
   for the prefixes.  Private ENUM [RFC6116] services however have
   become relatively common, facilitating routing for many functions,
   including MMS routing in the messaging space.

   Another attempt was made with ViPR (Verification Involving PSTN
   Reahability) [I-D.rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-overview]
   [I-D.petithuguenin-vipr-pvp].  VIPR made used of a peer-to-peer
   network based on RELOAD (Resource Location and Discovery) [RFC6940],
   running between enterprises.  It solved the problem of authority
   problem by authorizing records based on proof of forward routability.
   However, it had the same network effects problem as ENUM.  It also
   addressed the incentive problem, by focusing on enterprises for which
   bypassing the phone network would provide cost savings.  However, the
   network effects problem proved insurmountable (amongst other
   challenges unrelated to the protocol), and it was never widely

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   Discovery and lookup services are now common place on the Internet
   but are scoped entirely within large providers, such as Facebook,
   Twitter, WhatsApp and other providers.

   The MIMI discovery service requires a solution that spans across

4.  Reference Architecture

   The reference architecture is shown below.

           +------+        +------+
           | Disc |        | Disc |
           | Prov |--------| Prov |
           |  1   |        |  2   |
           +------+        +------+
               |               |
               |               |
         +-----+----+          |
         |          |          |
    +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
    |  App   | |  App   | |  App   |
    |Provider| |Provider| |Provider|
    |   1    | |   2    | |   3    |
    +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
     |      |        |     |      |
     |      |        |     |      |
   +----+ +----+  +----+  +----+ +----+
   |User| |User|  |User|  |User| |User|
   |  1 | | 2  |  | 3  |  | 4  | | 5  |
   +----+ +----+  +----+  +----+ +----+

                      Figure 1: Discovery Architecture

   There are many users in the system, with each user making use of zero
   or more communication applications, each provided by an Application
   Protocol (AP).  Those application providers, in turn, connect to a
   Discovery Provider (DP) which is capable of mapping the SII to an
   SSI.  In some cases, APs may themselves act as DPs.  As shown in the
   diagram, one of the requirements is that there can be more than one
   DP, in which case there will be a need for some kind of inter-DP
   communication or federation.

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5.  App Provider Variations

   There are many variations on who the app provider is, and what their
   relationship is with the user of the messaging service and the number
   and email providers for the identities.  We can invision the
   following variants, all of which should be supported by both MIMI and
   the discovery service.

   The variations are discussed below in order of decreasing
   commonality.  For each one, we also discuss their cardinality (how
   many of them there are), how large of a population of users they
   serve, and how likely they are to participate in MIMI and the
   discovery service.

5.1.  Consumer OTT

   In this case, the App Provider offers services to consumers.  The
   consumer has an email address and/or phone number, but the EP and
   TNSP for those identifiers have no relationship whatsoever with the
   AP.  Examples include Apple's iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Wire and
   so on.  However it does not include Google Messaging (RCS) which is
   the next category.

   A very small number of these providers dominate messaging today.
   Many, but not all, are gatekeepers.  Most are extremely large,
   supporting millions or more consumers.  It is reasonable to expect
   the smaller, non-gatekeeper ones, to directly request interop with
   the gatekeepers as it is core to their business.

   The smaller consumer OTT providers will be highly incented to
   participate in MIMI.  They may, or may not, be incented to
   participate in the discovery service.  Some of them do not make use
   of SII's in their services.  For those providers, they would require
   that their users be reached because users in other APs know the SSI
   instead.  Similarly, for their own users to communicate with other
   consumer OTT providers, they may require their users to know their

   If we were to only consider the consumer OTTs, we might conclude that
   SII to SSI mapping (discovery) is not needed - users can just use a
   drop-down menu of providers when reaching out to another user (this
   is sometimes called a nascar menu).  However, it becomes untenable
   when you consider the additional use cases below.

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5.2.  Consumer Operator Aligned

   In this case, the app provider offering services to its consumers is
   affiliated to the Telephone Number Service Provider (TNSP) for its
   users, and therefore has authoritative knowledge of the ownership of
   phone numbers for its users.  The primary use case here is Google
   Messaging, provided through the Rich Communications Service (RCS)
   providers, which are the mobile operators, or Google who can operate
   it on their behalf.  It may also include residential triple-play
   providers (MSOs and so on) that enable messaging for landline

   There are many operators globally, numbering in the hundreds.  Today,
   the only ones offering consumer messaging are the mobile operators.

5.3.  Enterprise Cloud

   In this case, another entity - the Cloud Provider (CP) is involved -
   which is a CCaaS, UCaaS or CPaaS provider offering communications
   services.  The enterprise contracts with the Cloud Provider, which
   acts as the Application Provider (AP).  The Cloud Provider is often
   also the Number Provider for the enterprise numbers used by
   enterprise employees.  However, the Cloud Provider will often instead
   themselves contract with TNSPs to obtain numbers for its enterprise
   customers, which can then route to it over private SIP trunks for
   voice, and usually some non-SIP APIs for messaging.  Examples of
   enterprise cloud APs are Five9, Cisco Webex, RingCentral, Microsoft
   Teams, Zoom, and so on.

   The enterprise use case brings an additional consideration as well -
   in that many numbers (and email addresses) represent a service rather
   than a user.  THink of the 1-800 number for a business, or an email
   address for customer support, or a phone number for an enterprise
   helpdesk.  These are all services, behind which one or more users may

   There are a relatively small number of larger enterprise cloud
   players, perhaps numbering the few dozen.  They tend to each have a
   smaller number of users than the consumer OTT providers (typically in
   the hundreds of thousands to millions of users).  They also have
   economic incentive to request interop with the gatekeepers, since it
   reduces their direct costs for routing messages, voice and video
   calls.  It would also likely increase the appeal of their products,
   which could offer consumer interconnection as part of their
   offerings, along with b2b federation between cloud providers.

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   For enterprise clouds to participate in MIMI, the discovery solution
   is much more important.  This is because these companies are often
   not brands that are not consumer recognizable, there are too many of
   them to fit in a selector UI, and it is often impossible for a sender
   of a message to figure out what provider the recipient is on.  This
   is especially problematic for the case where the SII represents a
   service and not a user.

5.4.  Enterprise On-Prem

   In this case, the app provider offering messaging services is an
   enterprise, who is doing so through on-premise messaging software
   they deploy and operate.  The enterprise will always be the Email
   Provider (EP), but they are not the Telephone Number Service Provider
   (TNSP).  That said, the enterprise connects to the TNSP via SIP
   trunks to enable calls to/from those numbers to reach it.  One can
   think of this as the case where the enterprise is its own cloud
   provider.  These cases are less common these days, but still exist.
   Examples are any enterprises running Cisco Jabber on-prem or
   Microsoft OCS or LCS on prem.

   There are of course a large number of enterprises in the world which
   have historically had some kind of on-prem software, numbering in
   perhaps the hundreds of thousands.  The ones which still do so is
   much smaller, but still a much larger number than the number of
   enterprise cloud providers.  These enterprises are less likely to
   request interop with gatekeepers, just because they each serve a much
   smaller number of users and their incentives for doing so are less.

   For enterprise on-prem use cases, the discovery service is absolutely
   required for their users to be reached for inbound communications.
   There is simply no way that other users will be able to select from a
   dropdown list of company names.

5.5.  Consumer On-Prem

   In this last case, the app provider offering messaging services is
   the consumer themselves, who is running some software in their home
   network or in a public cloud compute environment, which they deploy
   and operate.  The consumer is neither a TNSP or an EP.  This is a
   relatively uncommon case these days.  It was not uncommon for people
   to run their own mail services for their home, but since messaging
   has predominantly been cloud based it is not as common there.  That
   said, it is certainly possible for a consumer to run (for example)
   their own Matrix server in their home for their family.

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   It is extremely unlikely a consumer on-prem user would ever request
   interop with a gatekeeper.  And, discovery is absolutely needed for
   the user to be reached for inbound communications.

6.  Core Requirements

   There are four key requirements:

   1.  Mapping: The service must provide a way to map from a SII to one
       or more application providers, and where necessary, to SSIs valid
       for those applications.

   2.  Validity: The mappings provided by the service must represent the
       wishes of the user associated with the SII, mapping to an
       application they are a user of, and the mapped SSI must be the
       one associated with this user.  The core issue is one of trust,
       and how to determine that the mappings provided by the service
       are accurate.

   3.  Critical Mass: The network effects problem is perhaps the hardest
       to solve.  But, to be viable, any solution must be able to reach
       a critical mass of mappings so that it becomes useful to consume,
       and thus useful to further populate.

   4.  Incentive Alignment: There must be an incentive structure which
       motivates the population of mappings into the service, and for
       the consumption of those mappings.

7.  Identifier Types

   1.  Mobile SIIs: SIIs must include mobile phone numbers.

   2.  Landline SIIs: SIIs must include landline phone numbers.

   3.  Email addresses: SIIs must include email addresses

8.  Provider Cardinalities

   1.  Zero APs: The system should work when a user - and their SIIs -
       are not associated with any discoverable APs.  In this case, the
       discovery operation should indicate a no-match.  This would
       enable an originating user to learn that they cannot reach that
       SII (short of sending an email or SMS, say).

   2.  One AP: The system should work in the simple case when a user as
       a single AP.

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   3.  Multiple APs with Default: The system should enable a user to
       have multiple APs.  The discovery service should enable user
       preference to be considered, so that a user can choose a default
       AP to use.

   4.  Business vs. Consumer AP: It should also be possible for a user
       to indicate that different APs are used for business purposes vs.
       consumer purposes.  As an example of this case, user Alice might
       use WhatsApp for friends and family, but use Microsoft Teams at
       work.  Her mobile number is used as an SII in both providers.
       When a user Bob on Webex Teams searches for that number, Bob
       would only get the Microsoft Teams SSI because their Webex Teams
       administrator has specified that messaging is between business
       APs by default.  In another use case, Bob would get both of these
       back and would have the ability to choose whether to use the
       business or personal AP.

   5.  Circle Based APs: It should be possible for a user to specify
       that different APs are to be used for different contacts.  For
       example, user Alice might use WhatsApp when talking to friends,
       but use iMessage when talking to family.  When Bob, Alice's
       friend enters her number into his messaging app, the result
       depends on whether Alice has specified that he is a friend vs.
       family member [NOTE: I think this is probably more than we need
       and it adds a lot of complexity.  I include it here for
       completeness to explore how deep this rabbit hole goes].

9.  Caching

   Given the significant volume of inquiries which might be sent,
   caching is a useful feature of the discovery service.

   1.  Cacheability of Results: The discovery service should allow for
       mappings to be cached by the AP.  The DP must be able to tell the
       AP the duration over which the mapping can be cached.

   2.  Cache Invalidation: To handle changes in preferences or SII
       releases, it must be possible for the DP to inform the AP when a
       mapping is no longer valid ahead of its cache expiration.

10.  Number Portability

   When the SII is a phone number, porting comes into consideration.

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   The requirements depend on whether the user's operator - basically
   their number provider (TNSP) - is also the Application Provider (AP).
   When these are intertwined, porting a number also changes providers.
   Consequently, we can break this down into four distinct use cases and

   1.  Donating Operator is not the AP, and neither is the recipient.
       The number port should change nothing, the discovery service
       should continue to resolve to the AP.

   2.  Donating Operator is not the AP, but the recipient operator is an
       AP.  The user now effectively has two APs - the OTT one before
       the port, and now a second one because their new operator is an
       AP, in essence enrolling them in the service by virtue of being
       an AP.  In this case, it should be possible for a user to express
       a preference about where to receive incoming messages.

   3.  Donating Operator is the AP, but the recipient operator is not an
       AP.  In this case, by porting away from their prior operator who
       was also an AP, the user has terminating their relationship with
       the messaging provider, and now has no provider at all, since
       their new operator is not also an AP.  As it relates to the
       discovery service, once the port is complete, the user should be
       shown as no longer discoverable, and their prior mapping is

   4.  Both Operators are APs: In this case, the user has basically
       moved providers from one to another.  As it relates to the
       discovery service, once the port is complete, the discovery
       service should indicate that their SSI is now on the new

11.  SII Release

   If a user is associated with a phone number by virtue of being a
   customer of a TNSP that is providing them that number, their
   association with that number will end once the user terminates their
   relationship with their TNSP.  It is typical in telephony systems for
   that number to go into a waiting pool for several months before it
   can be reassigned to a different user.

   For email addresses, it is also possible for a user to lose their
   association with an email address when they end service with that
   provider.  Although reclamation of email addresses is possible, it is
   less common.  Nontheless, it is technically possible.

   This release process adds requirements for the discovery service.

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   1.  SII Release Timeliness: If a user terminates service with a TNSP
       or EP, and thus loses their association with a number or email
       address from that provider, any mappings in the discovery service
       keyed by that SII should be removed within a month.  Note that,
       this is an extremely difficult requirement to meet.  It is
       certainly not met today by most messaging systems internally that
       use numbers as identifiers.  For any OTT AP, the only way this
       requirement can be met is periodically reverifying ownership of
       the number through an SMS or phone call.  This is burdensome to
       the user, and consequently, generally not done.  Meeting this
       requirement without disruptive re-verifications requires the
       discovery providers (DPs) to have feeds into global number
       databases.  For email addresses, this is even more untenable.

12.  SII Claim

   When a user starts their association to a number or email address, we
   can think of this as a "claim".  Their claim is rooted in the start
   of services from the Number Provider (TNSP), Cloud Provider (CP) or
   Email Provider (EP) towards the user.  This introduces a timeliness

   1.  SII Claim Timelines: Once a user is associated with an SII by
       virtue of obtaining service from a TNSP, EP, or CP that owns the
       given SII, it must be possible for the user to utilize that
       number with an AP and become discoverable immediately upon
       provision of service.  This reflects a real, common use case.  A
       user gets a new mobile phone with a new mobile phone number, and
       before even leaving the store, installs WhasApp or uses Google
       Messaging on their Android (which is RCS based) and expects it to
       work.  Furthermore, they will contact their friends and family
       right away, giving them the new number, and expect to be
       reachable.  The same applies to email addresses, though those
       change less frequently in the consumer space.  In the enterprise
       space however, email addresses are frequently assigned and
       similarly, we want the user to be immediately discoverable.

   2.  When a user associates their SII with an Application Provider,
       there must be some way for the app to validate that the user
       controls the SII.  Moreover, the app must have some way to prove
       that this validation was performed to third parties, such as
       other app providers, in order to prevent blackholes and similar

13.  Organizational Requirements

   A key consideration is - who runs, or can run, the discovery service?

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   1.  Multiple Providers are Possible: One can imagine a design for the
       discovery service in which there is a single, worldwide global
       provider of the discovery service.  This would certainly simplify
       the protocol and its security properties.  There are some
       precedents for a singleton provider of service in the Internet -
       see ICANN and IANA.  However, neither of these run operational
       services.  Even the Internet's primary global service - the DNS -
       is in practice distributed amongst many different entities that
       run and operate the top level domain name servers.  As a result,
       the discovery service should follow a similar pattern and allow
       for multiple providers of the discovery service.

   2.  Organizational Principles deliver trust: Once we accept that
       there can be many such providers of discovery services, how would
       an application provider (AP) know whether to trust the mappings
       that it provides?  One answer is - this is just left to the
       market to decide, and the IETF has nothing to say on the matter.
       The alternative is that - the IETF defines the solution in such a
       way that there are ways for trust to be established.  As one such
       example, the solution could be specified such that the solution
       for phone numbers makes use of existing number ownership
       structures that support STIR/SHAKEN [RFC8224] [RFC8225].  Or, it
       could define the solution in such a way that entities which
       already hold this routing information for messaging apps (i.e.
       using the Pathfinder service from Neustar which provides this
       mapping today for the GSMA) expose APIs for it.

   3.  PII Residency within Geopolitical Boundaries: There are
       increasingly regulations being passed, like GDPR, which require
       that personal data remain within certain geopolitical boundaries.
       Since the discovery service may contain such information, it must
       be possible for the DPs to sit within a geopolitical boundary and
       hold data for users within those geopolitical boundaries.

   4.  Invisible to Consumers: There are a class of solutions wherein a
       DP is directly visible to consumers, who would sign up, verify
       their number with it, and configure their preferences with it.
       However, this is unlikely to work in practice.  It suffers from a
       significant network effects problem, such that signing up for the
       service would provide no value to its users until critical mass
       is reached.  This would disincent users from signing up in the
       first place.  As a result, the only solutions which can really
       work are those which are invisible to users, where the App
       Provides themselves send request to - or act as - DPs.  That does
       however raise the question of how user preferences are expressed
       in the system.

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   5.  Numerous App Providers: This is as much a requirement in MIMI, as
       it is for the discovery protocol.  But, the goal is that we want
       a system wherein there can be a lot of app providers, many of
       which are smaller in size.  This becomes even more obvious when
       we consider enterprise use cases, where a business might be its
       own provider for its own employees, and want them to be able to
       message consumers as well as other businesses using business
       numbers or business email addresses.  In such a scenario, the
       number of APs can be in the thousands or more.

   6.  DP Federation: Because there are multiple DPs, run by different
       entities, it must be possible for some kind of federation so that
       an AP can request a mapping from one DP, and the mapping can be
       provided even if it resides within a different DP.  Note that -
       this requirement could be contested.  There is an alternative
       world view, wherein each AP needs to connect to every DP, with
       each DP holding a subset of the mapings.  The drawback of such a
       system is, if we think DPs are aligned against geopolitical or
       organizational boundaries, it may be impossible or impractical
       for such a full-mesh configuration.

   7.  DP Federation Policy: Due to geopolitical considerations, it must
       be possible for a DP to decide to federate, or not federate, with
       other DPs.  Such policies are outside the scope of this work, but
       this fact may result in some SIIs not being discoverable in
       certain geographical or political regions.

14.  Blackhole Prevention

   If we accept the requirement above that there can be a large number
   of app providers, including enterprises themselves, there is a large
   risk that one of them is malicious.  The main attack we wish to
   prevent, is for an AP to claim it has a user associated with a given
   SII, when it in fact does not.  Though MLS would (to the degree e2e
   identity works against that SII) prevent the recipient from reading
   messages sent to that SII, it is certainly possible that they can
   "blackhole" them.  This is an attack wherein the malicious AP causes
   the SII to map to its own SSI, rather than the legitimate SSI for the
   user.  This would deny receipt of messages at the legimiate SSI, and
   thus is a form of denial of service.

   The concern over blackhole attacks introduces several key

   1.  Malicious AP cannot blackhole against a legitimate AP: A critical
       security requirement for the discovery service, is that is not
       possible for a malicious AP to create a blackhole.

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   2.  Malciious AP cannot make a user appear discoverable even though
       they are not: In this case, a user Bob is not a user of any AP.
       In a functioning system, they would show as not-discoverable to
       users searching for them based on their SII.  In this attack, a
       malicious AP tries to convince the discovery service that they
       are in fact a user of the malicious AP.  Even though the
       malicious AP cannot decrypt the incoming messages, they will
       cause other users to now view user Bob as discoverable.  This is
       a less severe version of the above attack, but is still an
       attack.  It would potentially fool senders into thinking they
       have reached a target that is ignoring them, which can cause
       unintended consequences.

   3.  Ultimately, the DP must have a direct assurance that a particular
       SII has been authentically associated with an Application Service
       before allowing that app to be discovered as a mapping for the

15.  Spam Prevention

   Spam is a significant concern in the system, and its risk grows
   exponentially with the number of APs connected to the system.  As
   noted above, many use cases have a large number of APs, which can
   pose a serious risk.  Spam prevention needs to be considered at both
   the MIMI layer (using techniques like connection requests and
   reputation safeguards), but can also be addressed at the discovery

   Note that SIIs act as "front doors" for end users today, and there is
   an inherent risk in having one - especially telephone numbers, as the
   numbering space can be relatively easily enumerated.  Making an SII
   discoverable necessarily opens the door to receiving unwanted or
   unsolicited communications, much of the mitigation of which will be
   the responsibility of apps and of user applications.

   1.  No Enumeration: The system must protect against an enumeration
       attack.  An enumeration attack is one wherein a malicious AP
       attempts to look up a large number of SIIs - especially phone
       numbers which can easily be enumerated as they are finite - in
       order to learn the SSI assocaited with each.  Once an SSI is
       known, the malicious AP has an address it can add to its spam
       list.  Today, many people avoid listing their email addresses or
       phone numbers on public websites to prevent spam sites from
       scraping those identifiers to add them to target lists.  We don't
       want the discovery service to be a nice, convenient and easily
       farmable source of identifiers for sending spam.

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   2.  Rate Limits: The system must provide rate limit capabilities to
       restrict an AP from sending too many discovery requests.  There
       must be a way for the Discovery Provider (DP) to assess what a
       reasonable rate limit might be for that AP.

16.  DP Social Graph Privacy

   The Discovery Provider (DP) will receive requests from APs to map a
   given SII to a provider and/or SSI.  These requests themselves create
   a form of social graph, indicating what SIIs are often requested, and
   which are not.  This leaks information to the DP.  The following
   requirement tries to limit exposure of the DP to this information.

   1.  DP Unaware of Requested Number: A DP must protect at least one
       end of the social graph during a request: the DP must be kept
       ignorant of either the querier's identity (including IP address)
       or the SII of interest in requests.  For exampple, IP blinding
       could conceal the querier's identity, or techniques such as
       Private Information Retrieval (PIR) could conceal the SII from
       the DP.

   2.  DP Minimal Federation: The federation techniques should avoid
       propagating mappings from one DP to another DP unless there is a
       legitimate need for that DP to know of a mapping - for example in
       order to satisfy a query.  While the business relationships that
       may underlie DP federation are outside the scope of these
       requirements, federations may institute their own policies to
       protect consumers and private business data.

   3.  DP User hiding: A DP should not share the querying user identity
       with other DPs when it requires their help for discovery.

17.  Encryption

   At the risk of stating the obvious, but:

   1.  Encrypted Transport: Exchange of information between DPs, or
       between DPs and APs, should always be encrypted in transit.

18.  AuthN

   Also obvious, but:

   1.  Authentication: It must be possible for two DPs federating to
       identify each other, and it must be possible for a DP and AP
       communicating with each other, to identify the other party.

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19.  Hard Problems

   From these requirements, a few areas have emerged that warrant
   particular attention in potential solutions:

   1.  Multiple mapppings.  If there are multiple candidate app
       mapppings discovered for a given SII, what do we expect the
       behavior will be at a protocol level?  Will a message be sent to
       each app?  Will a nascar menu be presented to the user?  Or will
       just one be selected through some sort of preferences mechanism?
       In the last case, especially when apps themselves act as DPs, is
       it legitimate for apps to prefer to route an SII to its own
       service rather than to competitors?

   2.  Preferences and capability negotiation.  If there are multiple
       potential mappings for an SII, how much should the preferences of
       the sender and recipient of communications be weighed, and how
       should those preferences be expressed?  Because users may tacitly
       or explicitly establish contexts for their messaging contacts
       (business on one app, personal on another, say), how rich would
       the expression of such preferences need to be?

   3.  Authentication and expiration of mappings.  How rigorous does the
       process need to be for validating mappings in order to prevent
       blackholes and similar threats?  How do the mappings created for
       discovery relate to the identities asserted at the protocol
       level, e.g.  [I-D.mahy-mimi-identity]?  Once an SII has been
       claimed by a user and enrolled at one or more messaging apps, how
       long should that mapping persist before expiring, as some SIIs
       change ownership over time?

   4.  Protecting user privacy.  How much information can we shield from
       the DP, or indeed the appp itself, while still enabling a
       messaging system?  How do we prevent enumeration attacks if we
       want these mappings to be basically publicly available?  How do
       we balance user privacy with spam protection?  What is the threat
       landscape for pervasive monitoring of social graphs associated
       with messaging?

20.  Informative References

              Mahy, R., "More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI)
              message content", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-mimi-content-01, 23 October 2023,

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              Mahy, R., "More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI)
              Identity Concepts", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-mahy-mimi-identity-02, 10 July 2023,

              Petit-Huguenin, M., Rosenberg, J., and C. F. Jennings,
              "The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Validation
              Protocol (PVP)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              petithuguenin-vipr-pvp-04, 12 March 2012,

              Ralston, T. and M. Hodgson, "Linearized Matrix", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ralston-mimi-linearized-
              matrix-04, 10 January 2024,

              Rosenberg, J., Jennings, C. F., and M. Petit-Huguenin,
              "Verification Involving PSTN Reachability: Requirements
              and Architecture Overview", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-rosenberg-dispatch-vipr-overview-04, 25
              October 2010, <

   [RFC0954]  Harrenstien, K., Stahl, M., and E. Feinler, "NICNAME/
              WHOIS", RFC 954, DOI 10.17487/RFC0954, October 1985,

   [RFC2782]  Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
              specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2782, February 2000,

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
              Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3261, June 2002,

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   [RFC3263]  Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "Session Initiation
              Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers", RFC 3263,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3263, June 2002,

   [RFC3761]  Faltstrom, P. and M. Mealling, "The E.164 to Uniform
              Resource Identifiers (URI) Dynamic Delegation Discovery
              System (DDDS) Application (ENUM)", RFC 3761,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3761, April 2004,

   [RFC3861]  Peterson, J., "Address Resolution for Instant Messaging
              and Presence", RFC 3861, DOI 10.17487/RFC3861, August
              2004, <>.

   [RFC3912]  Daigle, L., "WHOIS Protocol Specification", RFC 3912,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3912, September 2004,

   [RFC6116]  Bradner, S., Conroy, L., and K. Fujiwara, "The E.164 to
              Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Dynamic Delegation
              Discovery System (DDDS) Application (ENUM)", RFC 6116,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6116, March 2011,

   [RFC6940]  Jennings, C., Lowekamp, B., Ed., Rescorla, E., Baset, S.,
              and H. Schulzrinne, "REsource LOcation And Discovery
              (RELOAD) Base Protocol", RFC 6940, DOI 10.17487/RFC6940,
              January 2014, <>.

   [RFC8224]  Peterson, J., Jennings, C., Rescorla, E., and C. Wendt,
              "Authenticated Identity Management in the Session
              Initiation Protocol (SIP)", RFC 8224,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8224, February 2018,

   [RFC8225]  Wendt, C. and J. Peterson, "PASSporT: Personal Assertion
              Token", RFC 8225, DOI 10.17487/RFC8225, February 2018,

Authors' Addresses

   Jonathan Rosenberg

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Internet-Draft             MIMI Discovery Reqs                March 2024

   Jon Peterson

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