Internet DRAFT - draft-rosenberg-mimi-protocol


Mimi                                                        J. Rosenberg
Internet-Draft                                                     Five9
Intended status: Standards Track                             C. Jennings
Expires: 14 September 2023                                 S. Nandakumar
                                                           13 March 2023

        More Instant Messaging Interop (MIMI) Transport Protocol


   This document specifies the More Instant Messaging Interop (mimi)
   Transport Protocol (MTP)- a protocol for inter-provider persistent
   group chat.  MIMI utilizes Messaging Layer Security (MLS) for end-to-
   end encryption of content.  The MIMI Transport Protocol plays the
   role of the Delivery Service (DS) defined by the MLS protocol.  MTP
   is meant to represent the minimal protocol required to enable
   provider to provider federation for messaging exchange using MLS.  It
   is not suitable for client to provider communications.  MTP is based
   on a pull architecture, wherein message delivery from provider A to
   provider B is accomplished by having provider B pull messages from
   provider A.  This provides better scalability and reliability and is
   amenable to implementation in modern cloud software architectures,
   while also reducing spam risk.  MTP serves as a transfer protocol for
   opaque message content, the format of which is specified in a
   separate document.  MTP is also designed to prevent spam, and does so
   by introducing a layer of authorization for the establishment of
   connections and addition to group chats.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 14 September 2023.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  Identity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Reference Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  1-1 Chats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  MIMI URI Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     7.1.  Group-Chat Independent Connection . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     7.2.  Group Chat Dependent Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     7.3.  Guest Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     7.4.  Mobile Centric UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   8.  REST APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.1.  Authentication and Authorization  . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     8.2.  General Request Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     8.3.  Connection Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     8.4.  Connection Acceptance or Rejection  . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     8.5.  Join Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     8.6.  Leave Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     8.7.  Guest Addition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     8.8.  Add Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     8.9.  Retrieve Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     8.10. Retrieve Group Chat Information . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     8.11. Set Group Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     8.12. Commit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   9.  Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     10.1.  Spam Prevention  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       10.1.1.  Consent Based Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       10.1.2.  Leave the Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
       10.1.3.  Malicious Sender Traceability  . . . . . . . . . . .  37
       10.1.4.  Provider Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     10.2.  Malicious Providers Manipulating other Users . . . . . .  37

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   11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     11.1.  URI Scheme Registration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     11.2.  Well-Known URI Registration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     11.3.  MIMI Property Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   12. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40

1.  Introduction

   The MIMI Transport Protocol (MTP) specifies inter-provider persistent
   group chat.  It assumes the existence of chat providers, each of
   which provides both client applications (often mobile apps) along
   with a service backend.  Many of these providers allow multiple
   simultaneous active clients per user.  Examples of chat providers as
   of time of writing include WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook Messenger,
   Signal and Telegram in the consumer space; and Slack, Microsoft
   Teams, Wire and Element in the enterprise space.  MTP further assumes
   that the foundational unit of communications within each provider is
   a group chat.  A group chat is a virtual place wherein a set of users
   can share content, including text messages, images, videos, and so
   on.  A group chat has a membership, which represents a set of users
   who are permitted to participate in the group chat.  These group
   chats are persistent, in that, a user that is a member of a group
   chat can see past history of the group chat.  Furthermore, a user can
   send and receive messages into the group chat independently of
   whether other users in the group chat are currently logged into their
   client application.  This persistent group chat model is different
   from the session-based real-time chat provided by protocols such as
   SIMPLE [RFC6914] and XMPP [RFC6120] [RFC6121].

   For any given group chat, a single provider is said to be the owning
   provider for that group chat.  The owning provider is the source of
   truth for the properties (including membership) and message content
   of that group chat.  If the owning provider decides, for example, to
   close a group chat, it will no longer be possible for participants to
   post to it, no matter what provider those participants belong to.
   Typically, if a user is a customer of provider A, and creates a new
   group chat, provider A ends up being the owner of that group chat.

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   Mimi enables a group chat to have participants that exist in multiple
   providers.  There will typically be participants in a group chat in
   the owning provider, but this is not a strict requirement of the mimi
   protocol.  A participant in a group chat that doesnt reside in the
   same provider as the owning provider, is called a guest participant.
   Their provider, is called a guest provider.  The roles of owning
   provider, guest participant and guest provider are scoped per group
   chat.  Meaning, in one group chat, a particular provider might be the
   owning provider.  But, for a different group chat, they would be a
   guest provider.

   MTP provides several functions.  First, it enables a user in one
   provider to establish a connection with a user in another provider.
   A connection is the baseline unit of authorization in MTP.  It
   represents authorization from the inviting user, towards the invited
   user, for the inviting user to add the invited user to one or more
   group chats in the inviting user's provider.  A connection is
   fundamentally asymmetric.  The connection establishment processes
   allows the owning provider to obtain this authorization, and to also
   discovery the identity by which the invited user is known in its
   provider.  MTP supports two distinct flavors of connection
   establishment - one where the connection is created separately from
   usage of that connection to add the user to a group chat, and a
   second in which the connection is concurrent with the addition of
   that user to a group chat.

   Connection establishment makes use of an out of band communications
   from the inviting user, to the invited user, using a new URI - the
   mimi URI - that is conveyed out of band.  This out of band
   communications can be via email or text, or even by written or verbal
   communications.  This process is key to ensuring that mimi doesnt
   become a vehicle for spam and unwanted communications.  Because the
   out of band communications is user to user, not provider to provider,
   it takes advantage of address books already in place and anti-spam
   tools already present in the global SMS and email networks.  The out
   of band communications would also include personalized content
   crafted by the inviting user to help convey context, to help the
   invited user decide on whether to accept the connection.  The MIMI
   URI, defined in this specification, contains a short lived connection
   ID.  The MIMI URI is used by the guest provider to obtain the context
   of the connection request - the identity of the inviting user, and
   optionally the name of the group chat to which they have been
   invited.  With this context, the invited user can decide to accept
   the connection or not.  This acceptance is communicated back to the
   owning provider.

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   The second main function of MTP is to allow, for a given group chat,
   the set of guest providers to synchronize the state of the group chat
   with the owning provider, and to add messages into the group chat.
   In this regards, MTP is strictly a provider to provider protocol.  We
   use the words provider to provider, and not server to server, because
   it is anticipated that MTP between a pair of providers would
   typically run across a multiplicity of servers utilized by each
   respective provider in order to achieve scale.  Enabling this is an
   explicit design goal of MTP.

   MTP is fundamentally an asymmetric protocol.  For any given group
   chat, transmission of a message from one provider to another provider
   depends on their roles - owning or guest.  Sending a message from a
   guest provider to an owning provider is accomplished using a RESTful
   style POST operation using HTTP.  In this direction, the guest
   participant - and thus the provider acting on their behalf - is
   adding a message into the group chat.  That operation must be
   authorized by the owning provider, and assuming it is allowed, the
   message is accepted.  In the reverse direction, when a message is to
   be sent from the owning provider to a guest provider, the message is
   already part of the group chat, and the message delivery is performed
   using a synchronization technique that utilizes an HTTP long poll.

   MTP protocol operations for the purposes of content delivery always
   take place from the guest provider, towards the owning provider.  In
   other words, the guest provider always acts as an HTTP client.  There
   is no way for the owning provider to send messages to any other
   provider - guest providers must explicitly retrieve them, and
   retrieve them for specific, named group chats.  This part of the
   protocol design is also meant to ensure that mimi does not become a
   vector for spam.  It is simply impossible for messages to be pushed
   into a guest provider using MTP.  The guest provider has to ask for
   them, and to ask for them using a specific group chat.  The only way
   a guest provider can even know to ask for messages in a group chat,
   is because one of its users learned a group chat ID via a mimi URI
   and asked their provider to retrieve messages for that group.  This
   technique also means that, the default failsafe for mimi is non-
   delivery of messages.  Meaning, if the guest user or their provider
   decide to no longer participate in a group chat, messages will not be
   delivered to the guest provider.  It takes active effort on behalf of
   the guest provider to pull messages.

   MTP makes use of Messaging Layer Security (MLS) for end-to-end (e2e)
   encryption of message content [I-D.ietf-mls-protocol]
   [I-D.ietf-mls-architecture].  In that regards, MTP plays the role of
   the Delivery Service (DS) as defined in that specification.  It
   includes the needed primitives for retrieving key packages,
   transmitting proposal and commit messages, delivery of welcome

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   messages, and sequencing of commits.  MLS is an end-to-end protocol
   which occurs between client applications.  Consequently, the MIMI
   protocol assumes that providers merely collect those messages from
   clients and send them across via MIMI when needed, and transmit them
   to clients when delivered by MIMI.  MTP provides additional security
   measures ontop of MLS.  Specifically, it authorizes provider access
   to a group chat.

   Note that MTP does not offer directory services of any kind, and does
   not allowing an owning provider to determine whether an invited user
   - as identified by an email address or phone number - is a user of
   any particular provider.  This decision is an explicit one, in order
   to avoid the significant privacy considerations that would arise from
   a central directory.  In a similar way, mimi does not provide any
   form of interprovider search.  The mimi invitation process assumes
   that the inviting user has a unique identifer for the invited user,
   obtained out of bands of the protocol.

2.  Definitions

   Provider: A provider is an entity which is capable of providing
   persistent group chat capabilities to a set of users that have signed
   up to their service.  A provider offers its users both a client
   application and a backend cloud service that powers its client
   application.  A provider is also capable of authenticating its users.

   Group Chat: A group chat is a named resource that has properties,
   most notably the membership of the group, and has a sequence of

   Owning Provider: For a given group chat, the owning provider is the
   provider which acts as the source of truth for the membership,
   messages, and policy.  A request to post a message or change a
   property must be processed at the owning provider.  [TODO: the owning
   provider is not the DS/AS.  Both providers and the client play part
   of those abstract roles].  In MLS terminology, the owning provider
   acts as the DS and AS for a particular group chat.

   Participant: A user of a group chat.

   Guest Provider: For a given group chat, a participant can be a user
   of the owning provider, or they can be part of a different provider.
   A provider associated with a user that is not a user of the owning
   provider, is called a guest provider.

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   Connection: A unit of authorization between a user in a guest
   provider (the invited user) and one in an owning provider (calling
   the inviting user), which grants permission for the inviting user to
   add the invited user to one or more group chats.

   Inviting User: A user that seeks to create a connection with a user
   in a different provider, or add a user in a different provider to a
   group chat.

   Invited User: A user that has received a request for a connection, or
   has received a request to be added to a group chat.

3.  Identity

   Identity is central to the operation of mimi.  The mimi identity
   model is shown in the figure below.

                     +------------+1   n | Routable Addresses   |
                     | Human User |------| (e.g., +17325551212, |
                     +------------+      |    |
                         1 |             +----------------------+
                         n |
             ------| Participant ID  | --|
             |     +-----------------+   |
             |                           |
             |                           |
        Provider Name                    |
     (e.g.                 |
      |   Handle  ||        Email         ||       E.164       |
      |(e.g. @joe)||(e.g.||(e.g. +17325551212)|

   The center of this identity model is a human user (though nothing in
   mimi requires that it be a human per se).  A given human user has a
   set of routable addresses which can be used to reach them through
   communications channels outside of group chat.  Specifically, they
   include phone numbers and email addresses over which texts and emails
   can respectively be received.  These routable addresses exist outside
   of the mimi protocol, but are used to deliver a mimi invitation,
   which is discussed below.

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   Within mimi, we have participants, each of which has a unique ID.  A
   participant ID is composed of two parts.  The first is the provider
   name.  In mimi, this MUST be a valid DNS name that identifies the
   provider.  Furthermore, the provider entity MUST be the owner of that
   DNS name, and MUST be capable of obtaining TLS certificates usable
   with HTTPS for this domain name.  The second is the user ID.  The
   user ID takes one of three forms.  First, it can be an E.164 number.
   Secondly, it can be an email address.  Thirdly, it can be a handle.
   When it is a handle, it is unique only within the context of the
   provider.  A phone number or email address is globally unique.

   The partipant ID can be written by taking the provider name, followed
   by a colon, and then the userID.  The following are some examples of
   valid participant IDs:

   TODO: add formal ABNF

   It is extremely important to note that the domain portion of the
   email address need not (and most often, will not) match the provider
   name.  As a real world example, the provider could be Facebook
   Messenger, whose provider name is  A user within this
   provider could be Joe Smith, and they have a user ID of  In this case, their email is provided by Gmail
   (, but Google/Gmail is not their messaging provider.

   Of course, a given human user may have accounts in multiple
   providers, and perhaps even have multiple accounts within the same
   provider.  Each of these would correspond to a unique participant ID,
   and thus be viewed as unique participants within the mimi protocol.

4.  Reference Architecture

   The figure below is the reference architecture for mimi operations.

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   +------------+ mimi rest   +------------+
   |   Owning   |<----------- |   Guest    |
   |  Provider  |             |  Provider  |
   |            | mimi sync   |            |
   |            |<----------- |            |
   +------------+             +------------+
        |                          |
        |                          |
        |                          |
        |                          |
    +--------+                 +--------+
    | User A |                 | User B |
    +--------+                 +--------+
        ^                          |
        |                          V
   |           Out of Band Comms           |
   |           Email, SMS, etc.            |

   MTP operations are defined within the context of a particular group
   chat, or a particular connection.  For different group chats or
   connections, the roles may change.  In other words, a particular
   provider might act as owning provider for some group chats and
   connections, and guest provider for others.  The owning provider for
   a group chat is the one that acts as the source of truth for a group
   chat, and acts as the MLS DS for that group chat.  The guest provider
   is the provider for a user that is a guest member of the group chat.
   In this picture, user A is a participant in the group chat, and is a
   user of the owning provider.  User B is a participant of the group
   chat, but is a user of the guest provider.  There is a connection
   between user A and user B, and for this connection, user A's provider
   is the owning provider, and user B's provider is the guest provider.
   For purposes of establishing connections, MTP assumes the usage of an
   out of band conveyance technique.

   The mimi protocol has two distinct components, which are referred to
   as mimi rest and mimi sync.  The mimi rest component are a sequence
   of REST APIs which are implemented by the Owning provider, and
   consumed by the guest provider.  The mimi rest component of the
   protocol includes RESTful resources for retrieving membership,
   retrieving properties (such as group name), and adding messages into
   a group chat.  It also provides REST endpoints to support MLS
   operations - specifically, publishing a KeyPackage, retrieving
   KeyPackages, and sending commit messages which increment the epoch.
   The second part of the protocol is used to enable real-time
   synchronization.  The guest provider opens an HTTP long poll
   onnection to the owning provider, and subscribes to a set of group

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   chats and connections.  This subscription specifies the start
   timestamp for the subscription.  The owning provider will authorize
   and accept the subscription, and then deliver past and future
   messages.  Through this synchronization protocol, the guest provider
   receives actual messages (text, images, emails, threads, reactions
   and so on) that have been posted into the group chat.  When
   subscribing to a connection, it receives group addition requests,
   which must be authorized by the invited user.  It will also receive
   MLS Proposal, Commit, and Welcome messages, and change notifications
   of group membership and group properties.

   The out of band communications modality facilitates the operation of
   creating a connection.  From a mimi perspective, the owning provider
   generates a mimi URI for the connection, which is then delivered to
   the inviting user.  The inviting user delivers this URI through an
   out-of-band technique, not specified.  The invited user passes this
   to the guest provider, which then acts on it.  The guest provider can
   then utilize the URI to invoke mimi REST APIs on the owning provider.

5.  1-1 Chats

   The atomic unit of communication in MIMI is a group chat, which is a
   conversation between 1 or more participants.  Mimi imposes no
   restrictions on the number of group chats that can exist with
   identical membership.  A group chat is identified by a UUID, not the
   identities of its participants.

   This introduces some complications in the handling of 1-1
   communications, for two reasons.  First, many modern messaging
   systems only show the user a single chat space associated with the
   target, and do not permit any other users to be added to that 1-1
   chat.  A second consideration is a complication unique to mimi.
   Consider two users in different providers.  Which provider would act
   as the owning provider for the 1-1 chat?

   Mimi chooses to solve this problem outside of the protocol itself,
   through the following recommendations.

   Firstly, a user has symmetrical group chats - where both have the
   same pair of users, but differ only in their owning provider, each
   provider SHOULD merge the contents of these chats when rendering them
   to the user.  This hides the fact that the content may in fact be
   split across two different group chats under the hood.

   Secondly, if the chat provider distinguishes, within its UI, 1-1 vs.
   group chats, and the user creates a 1-1 chat with a user in a
   different provider, the inviting provider should treat this group
   chat as a 1-1 chat, and not permit its user to add additional

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   parties.  This does not prevent the other provider (or its user) from
   adding participants however, and thus there is some risk that this
   might happen.  [OPEN ISSUE: we can solve this, by adding another
   property to the group chat to indicate that this meant to be a 1-1
   chat.  That could then be honored by the other side such that they
   are not able to add users to it].

6.  MIMI URI Syntax

   This specification defines a new URI, called the mimi URI.  A mimi
   URI is a URL as defined by [RFC2396].  This specification officially
   registers the mimi URL using the registration procedures defined in
   [RFC2717].  The syntax of the mimi URI is as follows, using ABNF

   MIMI-URI         =   "mimi" ":" "//" provider [ ":" port ]
                        "/" connectionId
   port             =   1*5DIGIT
   provider         =   host
   connectionId =   UUID

   An example of a valid MIMI URI is:


   The first portion of the mimi URI is the scheme, which MUST be
   "mimi".  What follows is a colon and double slash, present because
   the MIMI URI is a URL.  What follows is a subset of valid authorities
   as defined by RFC2396.  Specifically, it MUST be a valid host.  This
   is followed by an optional port number.  Though the MIMI URI doesnt
   refer to a distinct protocol - it makes use of HTTP - when the port
   is present, it means that the HTTP request generated for this
   connection MUST utilize the port number specificed.  This is followed
   by a path separator "/" and then a connectionId.  The connectionId
   MUST be formatted as a UUID.  This specification does not require a
   specific technique for generating UUID, by they MUST be cryptorandom.
   The cryptograndomness is one dimension of the overall security
   offered by the mimi protocol.  In particular, it prevents malicious
   guest users and malicious guest providers from trying to forge
   connection requests.

   The MIMI URI is formally registered with IANA using the registration
   in section {#iana}.

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7.  Connections

   This section specifies the connection process defined for MTP.  MTP
   supports two distinct variations on the connection process - group-
   chat dependent, or group-chat independent.

   In the group-chat independent process, the inviting user first
   creates the connection to the invited user by specifying their
   userID.  This triggers an out-of-band authorization process, and may
   take some time for the invited user to accept.  Once they accept, the
   inviting user is notified.  At that point, the inviting user can add
   the invited user to group chats.  These subequent additions may be
   subject to authorized by the invited user as well.  Those
   authorizations do not make use of any out-of-band communications.

   In the group-chat dependent process, the inviting user goes to a
   group chat, and adds the invited user by specifying their userID.
   This then triggers the out-of-band process, which may take some time
   for the invited user to accept.  Once they accept, they are added to
   the group chat.  Any any point in the future, the inviting user can
   add the invited user to other group chats.  Those new additions may
   be subject to authorization by the invited user as well.  Those
   authorizations do not make use of any out-of-band communications.

7.1.  Group-Chat Independent Connection

   The group-chat independent connection process flows as follows:

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     +-----+            +-+            +-+               +---+          +---+
     |Alice|            |A|            |B|               |Bob|          |OOB|
     +-----+            +-+            +-+               +---+          +---+
        |                |              |store KeyPackages |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |Connect         |              |                  |              |
        | |              |                  |              |
        |--------------->|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |   mimi URI     |              |                  |              |
        |<---------------|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |           mimi URI              |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |  mimi URI    |
        |                |              |                  |<-------------|
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |    mimi URI      |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |Fetch context |                  |              |
        |                |cxnID         |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   context    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |     context      |              |
        |                |              |----------------->|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |    Authorize     |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |  Authorize   |                  |              |
        |                |  cxnID       |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        | Cxn Approved   |              |                  |              |
        |<---------------|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |


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        |                |  subscribe   |                  |              |
        |                |  cxnID       |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |   add Bob      |              |                  |              |
        |   chat ID      |              |                  |              |
        |   groupName    |              |                  |              |
        |--------------->|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |  notify      |                  |              |
        |                |  chatID      |                  |              |
        |                |  groupName   |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              | ask permission   |              |
        |                |              | groupName        |              |
        |                |              |----------------->|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |      grant       |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |join request  |                  |              |
        |                |chatID        |                  |              |
        |                |cxnID         |                  |              |
        |                |KeyPackages   |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |  JoinRequest   |              |                  |              |
        |  KeyPackages   |              |                  |              |
        |<---------------|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |  subscribe   |                  |              |
        |                |  groupID     |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |    Welcome     |              |                  |              |
        |    Commit      |              |                  |              |
        |--------------->|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |

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        |                |   notify     |                  |              |
        |                |   Welcome    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |     Welcome      |              |
        |                |              |----------------->|              |

   When Bob first logs into a client, which causes him to upload
   KeyPackages to his provider B for usage in the connection process
   which follows.  Each client used by Bob will trigger an upload of
   KeyPackages.  It is a matter of local policy on how many KeyPackages
   Bob provides.  KeyPackage exhaustion attacks are mitigated by MTP,
   this is discussed below.

   The connection process starts when Alice decides to create a
   connection to Bob. She requests to her provider to establish the
   connection, and provides an identifier for Bob. This identifier can
   be an email address, phone number or handle at a provider.  The
   provider generates a connectionId, which MUST be unique in space and
   time.  The provider MUST store this ID for a mimimum of 24 hours.
   The provider MUST store, associated with that ID, the identity of the
   user requesting the connection - userID and display name (Alice Doe, in this example), the identity of the user being
   invited ( in this example), and the time at which the
   connection was requested.  It then returns a MIMI URI to Alice's
   client, and instructs her to communicate this MIMI URI to Bob through
   some out of band means.

   Alice then sends the MIMI URI to Bob, through email, text or other
   means.  This communication is directly from Alice to Bob, and does
   not utilize their respective providers chat services.  In the case of
   texting for example, the SMS would be sent from Alice's mobile number
   to Bob's mobile number.  In the case of email, it would be sent using
   one of Alice's email addresses from whatever email provider she uses,
   and be delivered to Bob's inbox.  If Bob has Alice is his address
   book, or has received prior emails or texts from Alice, this will
   help him confirm that the connection request is truly from Alice.
   Typically, Alice would include additional information to help Bob
   decide whether to accept the request or not.  For example, "Hi Bob -
   lets chat together, you can use whatever chat client you want - click
   here to accept.  I want to discuss the new MIMI working group content
   with you.".

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   When Bob clicks on this link, it launches his preferred MIMI-enabled
   client, and the connection ID is passed to his client application.
   His client application would pass that to his provider.  To gain more
   information about this connection request, Bob's provider utilizes
   MTP, and initiates a GET request to the owning provider, using the
   provider name extracted from the MIMI URI.  Provider B specifically
   invokes the following REST API call:

   GET https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   This request will contain an HTTP Authorization header field,
   containing a bearer token obtained out of bands from MTP.  This is
   described further below.  Using this bearer token, provider B will
   know that this is provider A, and can authorize the request.

   Once the GET request is authorized, Alice's provider A looks up the
   connection ID and retrieves Alice's name, Bob's userID and the time
   of the invitation.  This information is passed back to provider B.
   Provider B MUST verify that the userID provided for Bob matches an
   identity by which Bob is known in the system.  This is to prevent
   against copy-paste attacks, wherein the MIMI URI or connection ID is
   forwarded to a different user.  Note that, there is no cryptographic
   verification of Bob's userID here.  This component of the
   authorization process depends on mutual trust between the owning and
   guest providers.

   This context for the connection ID can then be shown to Bob in his
   client UI.  He might see something like, "Alice Doe (
   wants to add you to one or more group chats she's hosting on her
   provider.  Do you want to allow that?".  If Bob approves, he informs
   his provider.  The guest provider MUST obtain explicit permission
   from the end user before accepting the connection request.  Note
   that, this requirement is not enforced through e2e cryptographic
   means, and depends on a well-behaved guest provider.  Once Bob's
   provider has obtained this permission, it MUST inform the owning
   provider as follows:

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   The connection request can also be rejected, as specified in the REST
   API details below.  The response to this HTTP POST will be a JSON
   object, described below, which includes a connection ID resource that
   lives on the owning provider, along with a URI for it.  This URI
   allows the guest provider to create a subscription to the connection.
   This subscription, accomplished via a long poll, allows the guest
   provider to request a stream of events for the connection.  The

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   events include actions by the inviting user in the owning provider -
   Alice here - to add Bob to group chats.  Should Alice decide to de-
   authorize the connection, this would also be delivered as an event
   over the subscription.

   Alice's provider will also inform her that Bob has accepted the
   connection.  This may only get delivered next time Alice logs in, as
   she may be offline when Bob approved the connection.

   At some point in the future, Alice does log in, sees that the
   connection was approved, and now is capable of adding Bob to a group
   chat, which she does.  To allow Bob to make a useful decision on
   whether to join this group - the name of the group, which will not be
   e2e encrypted with MLS - can be provided by Alice to her provider
   along with the request to add Bob (alternatively, the provider may
   already have it through some other means).  Her provider, provider A,
   then requests permission from Bob to be added to the group chat.
   This is done by adding an event to the connection, which is a "group
   chat addition request".  This event will get delivered via an event
   over the subscription to the connection to provider B.  It always
   includes the groupID.  Had Alice, or her provider, had access to the
   group name, this would be included as well.  Details on the syntax of
   this event are described below.  With this event in hand, provider B
   - based on its policies - can either request Bob's permission for
   that specific group, or take Bob's prior authorization as blanket
   approval for addition to all groups.  This is a matter of local
   policy at provider B.  In this example flow, provider B does request
   permission, and passes the groupName to Bob to make a decision.  For
   example, he may see something like, "Alice wants to add you to the
   group 'MIMI Discussion'.  Do you want to be added"?

   Bob informs his provider that he approves the addition to the group.
   His provider, provider B, takes all the previously stored KeyPackages
   from all of Bob's clients, and uses them to send a join REST API call
   to provider A.  That is done using the following REST API:

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   This request contains a single URI parameter - the connectionID -
   which is used for authorization purposes.  The owning provider MUST
   verify that this connectionID exists and is currently valid, and that
   the particular group chat ID has been authorized for that connection
   (which, in this flow, it is).

   The body of this request will contain a multi-part MIME body, each of
   which contains an MLS KeyPackage.  Provider B stores these key
   packages for delivery to Alice's client.  It informs provider A of

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   the success.  The response contains a JSON blob that includes a
   timestamp (used for synchronization).  Now, provider B can create a
   subscription to receive events for this group chat.  It does so using
   the following long-poll URI:

POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   The connectionID is used by the owning provider once again to
   authorize the subcription, using the same logic as for the join
   request.  The subscription includes a from URI parameter, which
   indicates the timestamp of the earliest set of events that the
   provider requires.  This timestamp MUST be no larger than the value
   returned in the response to the join, to avoid race conditions where
   it misses the Welcome message.

   Provider B delivers these keypackages to Alice next time one of her
   clients comes online [OPEN ISSUE: the provider could also deliver
   them to any other user, not just ALice.  Doing that however
   introduces an attack wherein a malicious owning provider can trick
   clients into adding users they didnt intend to.  So, this seems like
   a bad idea. ] Once Alice gets these KeyPackages, she generates the
   MLS Welcome and Commit messages and sends them to her provider.  The
   provider then sends the Welcome message over the long poll
   connection, and this too is delivered to Bob.

7.2.  Group Chat Dependent Connection

   The group chat dependent process flows as follows:

     +-----+            +-+            +-+               +---+          +---+
     |Alice|            |A|            |B|               |Bob|          |OOB|
     +-----+            +-+            +-+               +---+          +---+
        |                |              |store KeyPackages |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |Connect         |              |                  |              |
        | |              |                  |              |
        |groupId         |              |                  |              |
        |groupName       |              |                  |              |
        |--------------->|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |   mimi URI     |              |                  |              |
        |<---------------|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |           mimi URI              |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |

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        |                |              |                  |  mimi URI    |
        |                |              |                  |<-------------|
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |    mimi URI      |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |Fetch context |                  |              |
        |                |cxn token     |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   context    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |     context      |              |
        |                |              |----------------->|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |    Authorize     |              |
        |                |              |<-----------------|              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |  Authorize   |                  |              |
        |                |  cxn token   |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |success       |                  |              |
        |                |connection ID |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        | Cxn Approved   |              |                  |              |
        |<---------------|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |subscribe     |                  |              |
        |                |connection ID |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |join request  |                  |              |
        |                |chatID        |                  |              |
        |                |cxnID         |                  |              |
        |                |KeyPackages   |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |  JoinRequest   |              |                  |              |
        |  KeyPackages   |              |                  |              |

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        |<---------------|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |  subscribe   |                  |              |
        |                |  groupID     |                  |              |
        |                |<-------------|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   success    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |    Welcome     |              |                  |              |
        |    Commit      |              |                  |              |
        |--------------->|              |                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |   notify     |                  |              |
        |                |   Welcome    |                  |              |
        |                |------------->|                  |              |
        |                |              |                  |              |
        |                |              |     Welcome      |              |
        |                |              |----------------->|              |
     +-----+            +-+            +-+               +---+          +---+
     |Alice|            |A|            |B|               |Bob|          |OOB|
     +-----+            +-+            +-+               +---+          +---+

   The significant difference from the connection independent flow is
   that this connection request is made coincident with adding the user
   Bob to the group chat.  Alice's provider, in this case, offers her
   the ability to go to a group chat she is in, hit the 'add' button,
   and enter a userID for a user in another provider.  She does so,
   entering a userID for Bob and passes this to her provider.  Alice's
   provider generates a connectionID and MIMI URI as in the use case
   above.  However, in this flow, it associates the groupName and
   groupId to the connectionID in addition to the timestamp, Alice's
   display name and userID and Bob's userID.

   This MIMI URI is delivered out of band to Bob. Bob's provider fetches
   the context for the connection ID.  As with the other flow, the
   context includes Alice's email address and display name.  However, it
   also includes the groupName and groupID.  To avoid risks of spamming
   users with content delivered via these connection requests, the
   provider B SHOULD first prompt Bob with just Alice's email address,
   and if Bob confirms, only then prompt Bob with the group name.

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   Once Bob authorizes - he is authorizing the connection and the
   addition to the group chat concurrently.  His provider, provider B,
   will authorize the connection using the connection ID.  It subscribes
   to the connection, as above.  In this case, it can immediately turn
   around and request a join to the group.  This join is identical to
   the case above, and will include the groupID, connectionID and
   KeyPackages.  The remainder of the flow is identical to the use case

7.3.  Guest Connections

   Another use case supported by MTP, is that a guest user has already
   been added to a group chat, and that guest user wishes to add someone
   else to the group chat.  We call this a guest addition.  The flow for
   that works as follows:

        +-----+             +-+             +-+          +---+
        |Alice|             |A|             |B|          |Bob|
        +-----+             +-+             +-+          +---+
           |                 |               |add Charlie  |
           |                 |               |<------------|
           |                 |               |             |
           |                 |guest add      |             |
           |                 |charlie userID |             |
           |                 |groupID        |             |
           |                 |<--------------|             |
           |                 |               |             |
           | connection      |               |             |
           | request         |               |             |
           | Charlie userID  |               |             |
           | groupID         |               |             |
           |<----------------|               |             |
           |                 |               |             |
           |add Charlie flow |               |             |
           |---------------->|               |             |
        +-----+             +-+             +-+          +---+
        |Alice|             |A|             |B|          |Bob|
        +-----+             +-+             +-+          +---+

   In this case, we have a group chat owned by owning provider A.  Alice
   is one of the members of the group chat, also in the owning provider.
   Bob is a guest participant, and his provider is provider B.  Charlie
   is also a user of provider B.  Bob uses his client application and
   adds Charlie to the group chat.  His provider would have a directory
   of users in this use case (since Charlie is in the same provider).
   Once Charlie has been selected, provider B then sends a request to
   the owning provider, provider A, to add Charlie to the group.  This
   is done using the guest addition REST API:

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   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   In this case, because the userID to be added is different than the
   one bound to the connection, the owning provider knows this is a
   guest addition.  There will be no KeyPackages in this POST of course.
   This is treated like a request to the owning provider, for someone in
   the owning provider to create a connection to Bob in order for him to
   be added.  The owning provider can send this to all participants in
   the group that are within the owning provider, or just some.  One
   might imagine they get a message like "Bob wants to add Charlie to
   this group.  To do that, you need to reach out to Charlie and add him
   in.  OK?".  If the user accepts, this would trigger a connection
   request flow - either group dependent or group independent, based on
   the policy of the provider.

   [OPEN ISSUE: this is definitely clunky - what if Alice doesnt know
   Charlie at all?  We could support the ability for Bob to get a MIMI
   URI directly as well.  That would allow Bob to communicate to CHarlie
   directly, but now imposes a greater security risk because A must
   trust that Bob isnt going to generate a lot of spam invites.  The
   solution here optimizes for spam reduction at the expense of user

7.4.  Mobile Centric UI

   This section describes a suggestion user interface implementation for
   mobile apps, and a mobile number centric invitation process.  It also
   suggests an enhancement to mobile OS's for formal support for the
   mimi URI.

   In one possible implementation of a UI, a provider may elect to allow
   its users to add other users by entering their mobile phone numbers,
   perhaps by allowing the user to select from an address book.  The
   provider would likely check its internal databases to determine
   whether the selected phone number is already a user of the system,
   and if not, offer the user the ability to invite them to join the
   conversation on whatever is their preferred provider.  The mobile app
   of the owning provider would then cross-launch the native texting
   application on the mobile phone, and prepopulate a text message along
   the lines of, "Hi!  I'd like to chat with you, you can do so using
   your favorite chat app - click here to join me and others: [link]".
   The link in the text message would be the mimi URI created by the
   owning domain.

   Assuming the inviting user already has some kind of SMS chat in
   progress with the invited user, this new message would appear within
   that context.  The inviting user can press send, and this is

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   delivered via text to the invited user.  This provides a form of
   forward routability, so that the invitation is only delivered to a
   user that owns that phone number.  The invited user can, at their
   discretion, send additional text messages to provide context.

   This text would be received on the mobile phone of the receiving
   user.  Note that it is a new URI scheme - the mimi URI.  As of
   writing, both iOS and Android allow applications to register custom
   URI handlers.  When an application supports mimi, it would register
   itself as a handler for the mimi URI.  Furthermore, it would provide
   a setting in its settings menu, to say whether that particular app is
   the default application for handling inter-app messaging.  If a user
   were to have multiple mimi-enabled apps on their phone, it would be
   at the discretion of the user to select only one as their default.
   When an app is unselected as default, it would unregister itself as a
   handler for the mimi URI.  When the user clicks on the mimi URI, it
   would cross-launch their selected mobile app and pass it the URI
   parameters.  The mobile application would prompt the user with
   something like, "Accept invitation to join chat room?" and if they
   say yes, it would initiate the acceptance procedures defined above.

   If mimi were to be adopted by the mobile OS vendors, an even better
   experience could be provided.  The mobile OS vendors would explciitly
   recognize the mimi URI scheme, and allow multiple apps to register as
   handlers.  The OS itself would have a setting for the default, which
   is perhaps the first one to register.  When the second mobile app
   registers as a handler, the OS could ask the user if they wish to
   switch to that app as the default, or keep it.  Similarly, there
   would be a setting in the mobile OS, which allows the user to pick
   their preferred app.  This would show a dropdown list of all vendors
   whose apps are currently installed, but have registered themselves as
   handlers for the mimi URI.  This is a (relatively) small change in
   functionality and thus not a big change.  It is important to note
   that mimi is designed to work without any mobile OS support - it only
   requires implementation within the providers.  Mobile OS support
   improves the experience by making management of the default messaging
   app much better.


   This section defines the REST endpoints for mimi.  All mimi REST
   calls are from the guest provider to the owning provider.  As a
   result, mimi only specifies behaviors for these endpoints on the
   owning provider.  [TODO: add rest from owning to guest for claiming

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8.1.  Authentication and Authorization

   The owning provider MUST provide a mechanism, outside the scope of
   this specification, for a guest provider to obtain an OAuth access
   token that can be used as a bearer token in all HTTP requests.
   [@cullen: suggestions for additional wording here please].  This
   allows the owning provider to make decisions about which guest
   providers it will permit.  Mimi does not require any specific
   authorization policy, and leaves this to the discretion of an owning
   provider, on which guest providers it will enable to connect.  [OPEN
   ISSUE: an alternative is mutual TLS.  Which do we want, or both?]

8.2.  General Request Guidelines

   All mimi REST API operations MUST occur over HTTPS.  All requests
   MUST include an Authorization header field containing the access
   token obtained by the provider out of band.  All URI endpoints exist
   within the .well-known path, in order to avoid any possible namespace
   collisions with existing HTTP URIs hosted on the provider [RFC5785].
   This specification registers a new well-known URI, "mimi".

   REST endpoints which return collections of resources support
   pagination.  Pagination makes use of a page cursor technique.
   Paginated results do not guarantee that an item appears in only one
   page - the client must be prepared for duplication.  A client can
   request an upper bound on elements per page with an optional
   pageLimit URI query parameter.  For any paginated results, the server
   MUST include a pageLimit URI parameter in the response body, whose
   value is equal to or less than any pageLimit specified in the request
   URI.  Each response will contain a "next" URI that includes a link to
   the next page, if present.  That request will contain a "pageCursor"
   value, which is a string generated by the server and opaque to the
   client.  This can be used by the server to support pagination and
   contain whatever content it likes.  THe server MUST NOT send a
   pageCursor longer than 1023 characters.

   The body of any response that provides pagination looks like this:

     "items": [
     "paging": {
       "next": "{uri}&pageCursor={pageCursor}",
       "limit": {pageLimit}

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   Where the items property contains the array of items, and a paging
   property contains the information need for pagination.

   Where {variable} is substituted with the value of that variable.

8.3.  Connection Information

   This REST endpoint allows a guest provider to obtain the meta-data
   associated with a connection.  This is used to render the information
   to its user, to allow the user to make a decision on whether to
   accept the connection.  The syntax for this endpoint is:

   GET https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   The owning provider MUST authorize that this is a valid guest
   provider.  The owning provider MUST validate that the connection ID
   is valid.  Owning providers MUST maintain a minimum validity period
   of 24 hours for connection IDs in the PENDING state.  Once
   authorized, the server returns the following payload in the 200 OK
   response, which represents the state of the connection resource:

       "id" : "{connectionId}",
       "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

       "createdAt" : "{timestamp}"
       "state" : "{state}",

       "source" : {
         "userID" : "{userId}",
         "provider" : "{provider-name}"

       "target" : {
         "userId" : "{userId}"
         "provider" : "{provider-name}"

       "groupChat" : {
           "id" : "{groupChatId}",
           "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

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   The id, uri, createdAt, source and target properties are mandatory.
   The source property refers to the user that is requesting the
   connection, and will be a user of the owning provider.  The target
   represents the user whose connection is requested.  Initially, the
   provider for this user is unknown.  Consequently, only the userID
   property of the target will be present.  The state property indicates
   the state of the connection, and is either PENDING or ACTIVE.  When
   first created, its state is PENDING.  Once confirmed, its state moves
   to ACTIVE.  In the ACTIVE state, the provider-name for the target
   MUST be present.

   The groupChat property is present only when the connection was
   requested in the context of a specific group chat.  [OPEN ISSUE:
   should this be a list, so as more group chats are authorized this
   grows?].  In the case of a group chat independent connection request,
   it would be absent.

8.4.  Connection Acceptance or Rejection

   This REST endpoint allows a guest provider to accept a connection
   request on behalf of one of its users.  The syntax for this endpoint

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   The request can take either take the "accept" URI parameter, which
   indicates acceptance, or the "reject" URI parameter, which indicates
   rejection.  Only one of the two can be present; a request with both
   is rejected with a 400.

   The owning provider MUST authorize that this is a valid guest
   provider.  The owning provider MUST validate that the connection ID
   is valid.  Owning providers MUST maintain a minimum validity period
   of 24 hours for connection IDs in the PENDING state.

   If the prior state of the connection was either PENDING or ACTIVE,
   and the accept parameter was present, the new state is ACTIVE.  If
   the reject parameter is present, this is equivalent to deletion of
   the connection and the resource would no longer exist [OPEN ISSUE:
   Should we just do DELETE instead of a reject URI param]

   If the guest provider has accepted the connection, the response is a
   200 OK containing a JSON payload in the same syntax as above.
   However, in this case, the STATE would be active and the target will
   include the provider-name.  The owning provider knows the guest
   provider name, as a consequence of the authentication process used to
   authenticate the guest provider.

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8.5.  Join Request

   This REST endpoint allows a guest provider to request that their user
   join a group chat.  This is always in response to a prior request
   from a user in the owning provider to add them, followed by an
   authorization decision by the invited user to proceed with the
   addition.  The syntax for this endpoint is:

      POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   From an MLS perspective, the user is not yet joined to the group -
   this method is delivering the key packages to the inviting user, so
   the inviting user in the owning provider can complete the addition of
   this user to the group.

   The only valid method against this endpoint is POST, which performs
   the join request operation by creating this participant in the group.

   The request has a single mandatory URI parameter, "connect", which
   contains the connectionID associated with this join request.

   The server MUST validate that the groupChatId is valid, and
   represents an active group chat.  The server MUST validate that the
   connectionID in the connect parameter is valid, and represents a
   valid connection whose state is ACTIVE.  If any one of these steps
   fails, the request MUST be rejected with a 403.  Otherwise, the
   server proceeds to the next step.

   The body of the request MUST be of type multipart MIME.  Each part
   MUST be of type message/mls, and MUST correspond to a KeyPackage.
   There SHOULD be a KeyPackage for each client that the guest currently
   has, and for each, include a KeyPackage for each ciphersuite
   supported by each client.

   The response to a successful request is a 201 created, which contains
   a URI for the participant resource that was just created.  This URI
   will be of the form:


   Note that this is a UUID for the participant, distinct from its more
   human readable participantID.  This allows the URIs to contain a UUID
   without needing to worry about URI encoding of the participantID.

   The body contains a JSON representation of the participant.  This
   JSON object is structured as follows:

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       "id" : "{participantUUID}",
       "participantID" : "{participantId},
       "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/
                group-chats/ {groupChatId}/participants/

       "joinedAt" : "{timestamp}"
       "provider" : "{provider-name}"

       "groupChat" : {
           "id" : "{groupChatId}",
           "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   The timestamp MUST be formatted as a string in JSON, and be no longer
   than 16 characters.  Its content MUST be valid timestamp, a positive
   integer measuring the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch time.
   That allows the timestamp to be monotonically increasing at the
   owning provider, and valid across different backend servers that may
   process the request.

8.6.  Leave Request

   If a guest participant wishes to leave, its provider can invoke the
   following API:

      DELETE https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   The server MUST authorize that the request comes from a valid guest
   provider, and that the guest provider name matches the one associated
   with the user that is being removed.  The server MUST validate that
   the groupID exists and is valid, and that the participant in question
   is part of the group chat at this time.  Assuming all checks pass,
   the user is removed from the group at the MTP layer.  The abouve REST
   endpoint will not longer be valid.

   This operation has no effect yet on the MLS of course.  To do that,
   the owning domain SHOULD request a user in the owning domain to
   remove the participant.  A user, upon accepting this request to be
   removed, will generate a new Commit message and sent it to the owning
   provider.  This new Commit, with this user removed, will be
   distributed via the event stream to all other remaining participants.

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   [OPEN ISSUE: Do we want to allow non-owning members to process leave

   The DELETE request will generate an immediate 200 OK response and not
   await the MLS Commit message which removes the member from the group.

8.7.  Guest Addition

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   Details to be filled in.

8.8.  Add Message

   If a guest user wishes to add a message to a group chat, their
   provider invokes the following API:

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   The body of the request has the media type message/mls.  It contains
   the end-to-end encrypted application message.

   The server MUST validate that the groupChatId exists and is valid,
   the user with userId is a member of the group, has permissions to
   post messages, and that their provider is the same as the provider
   making the request (based on the Authorization header field).  If any
   of these checks fail, the server MUST return a 403.

   If the message addition is successful, the server returns a 200 OK
   that includes the following JSON payload.  This is not strictly
   needed for synchronization but reflects best practice in REST APIs to
   return a copy of the resource that was created.  In this case, the
   meta-data of the message.

       "id" : "{messageTimestamp}",
       "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

       "groupChat" : {
           "id" : "{groupChatId}",
           "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

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   It is very important to note that the ID of this messages is not a
   UUID, but rather is a timestamp that represents the number of
   milliseconds since the Unix epoch time.  This makes each message
   uniquely identified by the group chat ID and the timestamp.  The
   server MUST enforce a rule that no two messages posted ever have the
   same timestamp, in order for the timestamps to serve as unique IDs.
   The timestamp is generated by the owning provider.

8.9.  Retrieve Membership

   When a user intially joins the group, their UI will need to show the
   list of group members, including display names.  Display names are
   not part of the MLS messages, and thus this endpoint is provided to
   allow a guest to retrieve them in paginated form for rendering
   purposes [OPEN ISSUE: This is contentious, do we need this].  This
   list is maintained by the owning provider.  The following REST
   endpoint allows the guest provider to retrieve the current group

   GET https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/

   The server MUST validate that the groupChatId exists and is valid,
   and that at least one participant in the group is in a guest
   provider, and the guest provider name matches the provider name
   associated with the access token in the Authorization header field.
   If these checks do not pass, a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

   Otherwise, the server returns the group membership as a pagination.
   This follows the guidelines defined above for pagination.  Each
   element of the item array is formatted as following:

       "id" : "{userId}",
       "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/
       "name" : "{displayname},

       "properties" {
           "provider" : "provider-name"

       "groupChat" : {
           "id" : "{groupChatId}",
           "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

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   The displayname is for display purposes, and can be set by the user
   at any time.  It is however RECOMMENDED that mimi implementations on
   mobile devices which have access to the address book, instead utilize
   the display name from the address book instead of ones conveyed by

   Each user resource also contains a set of user properties.  This set
   is extensible, either through an extension through a standards body,
   or through private registration.  Initially, this specification has
   only a single property defined - provider - which contains the
   provider-name for that user.  This would allow user interfaces to
   indicate when users are "guests" and which app they are using to
   access the chat.  Additional properties which could be considered for
   future extension include whether or not a user is a moderator of the
   group, whether they have permission to post or delete messages, and
   so on.  The owning provider includes the list of all properties it
   supports; any properties not understood by the client are just

   The group membership will include members that joined the group
   through the join REST API above, but for whom the MLS rekeying has
   not yet completed.  Similarly, the membership will omit members that
   left the group using the REST API above, but for whom the MLS
   rekeying has not yet completed.

8.10.  Retrieve Group Chat Information

   To retrieve information about the group:

  GET https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/group-chats/{groupChatId}

   The server MUST validate that the groupChatId exists and is valid,
   and that at least one participant in the group is in a guest
   provider, and the guest provider name matches the provider name
   associated with the access token in the Authorization header field.
   If these checks do not pass, a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

   Mimi allows groups to have properties.  [OPEN ISSUE: should we have
   default properties to handle things like moderation or make this
   extensible] Properties represent information about the group,
   distinct from its membership and messages.  This specification
   defines a single property - groupName.  Mimi allows for these to be
   extended to provide additional properties in the future.  These
   extensions can be through IETF consensus or private registrations.
   Examples of functionality which can be introduced through new
   properties in the future include broadcast or read-only groups,
   moderated groups, and so on.  If an owning domain is providing a
   property which is not registered with IANA, it MUST use a property

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   name that contains a reverse DNS version of its provider name, i.e.,
   "com.messenger.newprop" would be used for a property called newprop
   that is proprietary to Facebook Messenger.

   These properties, including the group name, are returned in the

       "id" : "{groupId}",
       "uri" : "https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

       "properties" {
           "groupName" : "{groupName}"

8.11.  Set Group Property

   To set a property of the group, including the group name, the
   following API is used:

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   This requires has a mandatory URI parameter, userID, which contains
   the user that is performing this request.  This request requires a
   second URI parameter, which is the property.  This specification
   defines only one - groupname, whose value is a URI encoded version of
   the group name to use for the group.  Any other properties known to
   the server, can be accepted in the request and saved.

   The server MUST validate that the groupChatId exists and is valid,
   that user userID in the userID parameter is valid and a member of the
   group, and their guest provider name matches the provider name
   associated with the access token in the Authorization header field.
   If these checks do not pass, a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

   The server then executes the property change.  For the name, this
   name is set as a property of the group.

   Note that, the group name and associated properties are not e2e
   encrypted with MLS, since they may affect server side processing.
   [OPEN ISSUE: Im sure we need to discuss this one, including display

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8.12.  Commit

   This REST endpoint is used to support the MLS protoocl, and allows
   users in guest providers to push a Commit message into the system, to
   be delivered to all other participants.  [OPEN ISSUE: renaming this
   "handshake" to allow bare proposals as well.]

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   This requires has a mandatory URI parameter, participantUUID, which
   contains the participant that is performing this request.

   The server MUST validate that the groupChatId exists and is valid,
   that participantUUID is valid and a member of the group, and their
   guest provider name matches the provider name associated with the
   access token in the Authorization header field.  If these checks do
   not pass, a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

   When receiving this request, the server MUST increase the epoch.
   [TODO: The _server_ doesn't increase the epoch.  The Commit caused
   the group to enter a new epoch.  The owning provider agrees that the
   new Commit is valid and therefore allows it to be sent to other
   clients.]  It MUST ensure that all Commits are accepted and forwarded
   strictly in-order within an MLS group.  [TODO: add reference to the
   language in section 4.2.1 of mls-architecture saying that this
   protocol requires Strongly Consistent ordering.]

   The response is a 200 OK with no body.  [Question: does the epoch
   need to be returned??  No, the Commit contained the epoch.]  [TODO:
   you need a response code which clearly indicates that the Commit had
   the wrong epoch.]

   Beyond that, the commit message is then distributed to participants
   using the synchronization protocol to drive MLS operations.

9.  Synchronization

   The second major piece of functionality provided by mimi is a
   synchronization function.  This function allows a guest domain to
   receive changes to the group chats and connections in real time, so
   it can handle them and process accordingly.

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   A guest domain MUST maintain a list of the group chats and
   connections for which its users have an active membership, which are
   in a different owning provider.  This list is potentially very long -
   millions of group chats might exist.  To subscribe to changes, the
   domain utilizes a set of subscriptions using an HTTP long poll.  Each
   subscription is to one or more group chats or one or more

   To subscribe to events for a group chat:

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   and for connections:

   POST https://{provider-name}/.well-known/mimi/

   Both requests take two optional parameters - "from" and "to" which
   contain timestamps.  If the "to" parameter is absent, it means that
   the subscription should continue to deliver new events as they
   happen.  If the "from" is absent. it means taht the subscription is
   from the beginning of time, and thus generate all historical events.

   The body of the response is a streaming JSON, representing an array
   of events.

   This naming introduces an important concept - that of an event.  An
   event often is associated with the posting of a message, and this
   will be the most common event.  But, it is not the only event.  There
   are also events for changes in group membership, changes in group
   properties, changes in user properties, MLS Welcome and Commit
   messages.  Each event has a unique timestamp, different from all
   other events.  This means that all events form an ordered stream,
   which can be subscribed to.  When a guest provider has missed events,
   it can also subscribe to events within a range of time, to fill in
   missing parts of the event stream.

   Each event in the stream is formatted as a JSON payload, with the
   following common format:

       "eventTimestamp" : "{timestamp}",
       "type" : "{eventType}",


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   The type conveys the type of event.  Defined types are "message",
   "mls", "groupPropertyChange" and "userPropertyChange",
   "groupChatAddRequest", and so on.  Depending on the type, there will
   be additional JSON properties, unique to that specific type.  Details

10.  Security Considerations

   Security is an essential part of this specification.  The following
   subsections consider different threat vectors and how they are
   countered by mimi.

10.1.  Spam Prevention

   The single most important consideration in the design of mimi, is
   ensuring that it doesnt become a vector for spam.

   In traditional email, it is possible for a malicious organization to
   send unwanted messages to any user, at very low cost.  MIMI layers in
   several layers of protections to help prevent this.  Of course, no
   technology can completely block all spam.

10.1.1.  Consent Based Protection

   The first line of defense against this is the consent-based model
   used in mimi.  Consider a malicious provider that acts as an owning
   provider for a particular group chat.  In order for that provider to
   deliver messages to a target user with a given email address or
   mobile phone number, they cannot just send a message.  This is
   because the guest provider associated with that user needs to
   actively pull messages for that group chat.  To entice the target
   user to ask their guest provider to pull messages for this group
   chat, all of the following must happen:

   1.  A message, such as an email or text, must be sent to the target
       user with a mimi URI,

   2.  The target must click on the mimi URI,

   3.  The target must have a messaging app installed on their device,
       registered as a mimi handler

   If all three conditions are met, it would be possible for a malicious
   provider to cause unwanted chat messages to appear to the target.

   Clearly, it is possible for the malicious provider to send an email
   or text to the target with a mimi URI.  In mimi, valid emails are
   sent by the email address and/or mobile number of the actual user,

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   not a system address.  Emails from malicious providers are likely to
   come from a system address.  As such, they are likely to be caught by
   normal email spam filters and by SMS filtering techniques used by
   mobile operators.  In essence, MIMI "inherits" the existing network
   of anti-spam and SMS filtering techniques in place today.  This helps
   reduce the likelihood of the malicious email getting through.

   Assuming it does get through, the target must be enticed to click on
   the MIMI URL.  This is important.  In mimi, it takes an active action
   on behalf of the recipient, to receive messages as part of a group
   chat.  This is unlike spam emails or texts, where no action is
   required for the recipient to receive the unwanted message.  Mimi
   allows users to differentiate a legiminate email or tet with a mimi
   URL, from an unwanted one.  The main differentiator is the source of
   the message.  In mimi, the text or email messages will be delivered
   using the mobile number or email address of the user generating the
   invite.  Often, this will be someone known to the recipient, and thus
   match an entry in the user's mobile or email address book.  In those
   cases, it is easy for the user to confirm that the request is
   legitimate.  In cases where the inviting user is not known to the
   recipient, the email address or mobile number may not match an
   address book entry.  In those cases, the invited user can respond and
   request further information before accepting the invitation.

   It is also the case that, over the past many years, many users have
   been trained to not click on links in unsolicited communications.  As
   a result, one would expect the click rates on these links to be low,
   reducing the chance of the user accepting the invitation.

   As a final protection (albeit a small one), the receiving user must
   have a messaging app installed on their device that is compliant to
   mimi.  If they do not, the invitation to chat will not be accepted.

10.1.2.  Leave the Group

   In the case where a user is tricked into joining a group chat that
   delivers them unwanted actions - the user has a recourse - they can
   always leave the group.  [NOTE: This is actually really hard in MLS.]
   This is in contrast to email, where a user has no way to opt-out of
   communications.  With persistent group chat, they can always leave.
   Beacuse mimi is based on a pull architecture, once a user leaves a
   group by asking their guest provider to do so, the guest provider
   ceases to synchronize (and thus receive) messages for that group.

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10.1.3.  Malicious Sender Traceability

   Owing to the usage of MLS, all senders of chat messages are
   authenticated.  This means the sender's original email address or
   mobile phone number will be signed.  If the signature is provided by
   the malicious provider themselves, this is perhaps small consolation.
   However, should mimi make use of identities verified with a
   different, trusted third party identity source, this will provide
   good identification of the originator of the unwanted communications.

10.1.4.  Provider Authorization

   In email, any domain is allowed to send email to any other domain.
   This has allowed email to be a global messaging fabric.  But, its
   completely open nature have made it trivial for a malicious entity to
   spin up as many domains as it wants, and send email from any domain.

   In mimi, we do not expect this to be the case.  In mimi, each
   provider needs to explicitly opt-in to the set of other providers
   whose mimi connections they will accept, or connect to.  We
   anticipate that the larger providers in particular will implement
   quite strict policies on which other providers they connect to.  Such
   connections are likely to be accompanied by significant offline
   vetting of the providers, to ensure they are legitimate, and provide
   human contact information that can be used to trace back in case
   malicious messages start to be sent from that provider.

10.2.  Malicious Providers Manipulating other Users

   Consider a group chat with owning provider A, and guest providers B
   and C.  The group chat consists of users A1, B1 and C1 from their
   respective providers.

   In this configuration, malicious provider C might attempt to
   manipulate the state of the group chat, by removing users A1 or B1.
   This attack is prevented by mimi.  As part of the authorization
   checks performed by owning provider A, a provider is only permitted
   to request that a user leave the chat, if the user in question is a
   member of that provider.  This check is done explicitly to prevent
   this attack.

   There are other similar attacks, wherein provider C tries to post a
   message as if it came from user B1 or A1.  These attacks are
   prevented in mimi with this same mechanism, but are also prevented by
   MLS.  This provides two layers of security for those kinds of

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11.  IANA Considerations

11.1.  URI Scheme Registration

   This specification registers the mimi URI syntax as required by

   Scheme Name: mimi

   Status: Permanent

   Applications/protocols that use this scheme name: (NOTE TO RFC-
   EDITOR: Replace with the RFC number for this specification)

   Contact: Jonathan Rosenberg,

   Change Controller: IETF

   References: (NOTE TO RFC-EDITOR: Replace with the RFC number for this

11.2.  Well-Known URI Registration

   This specification registers the mimi well-known URI as required by

   URI Suffix: "mimi"

   Change Controller: "IETF"

   Specification Document: (NOTE TO RFC-EDITOR: Replace with the RFC
   number for this specification)

11.3.  MIMI Property Registry

   [TODO: can you please provide an existence proof of a property that
   shows we needs this?]

   This specification establishes a new registry with IANA for MIMI
   properties.  This registry contains the following parameters:

   Property Name: the name of the property being registered

   Context: The context is "user" for properties that apply to users
   only, "groupchat" for properties that apply to the group chat only,
   or "both" for properties which are defined for both.

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   Type: The syntax for the property.  This must be one of string,
   enumerated string, boolean, or integer.  [OPEN ISSUE: should we just
   make these all string and require the spec to define the type]

   Governing Authority: This can either be a recognized standards body,
   such as the IETF, or a private registration.

   Governing Specification: A link to the document defining the
   property.  This can either be an IETF RFC, a specification from
   another standards body, or a document published somewhere on the
   Internet that contains information on the property.

   Contact: Name and email address of the contact for the registration

   {backmatter} This document instructs IANA to accept all registrations
   coming through the IETF standards process, for which an RFC performs
   the registration.  For all others, expert review is required.

12.  Normative References

              Beurdouche, B., Rescorla, E., Omara, E., Inguva, S., and
              A. Duric, "The Messaging Layer Security (MLS)
              Architecture", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-mls-architecture-10, 16 December 2022,

              Barnes, R., Beurdouche, B., Robert, R., Millican, J.,
              Omara, E., and K. Cohn-Gordon, "The Messaging Layer
              Security (MLS) Protocol", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-mls-protocol-17, 19 December 2022,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2396]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 2396,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2396, August 1998,

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   [RFC2717]  Petke, R. and I. King, "Registration Procedures for URL
              Scheme Names", RFC 2717, DOI 10.17487/RFC2717, November
              1999, <>.

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,

   [RFC5785]  Nottingham, M. and E. Hammer-Lahav, "Defining Well-Known
              Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", RFC 5785,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5785, April 2010,

   [RFC6120]  Saint-Andre, P., "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Core", RFC 6120, DOI 10.17487/RFC6120,
              March 2011, <>.

   [RFC6121]  Saint-Andre, P., "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging and Presence",
              RFC 6121, DOI 10.17487/RFC6121, March 2011,

   [RFC6914]  Rosenberg, J., "SIMPLE Made Simple: An Overview of the
              IETF Specifications for Instant Messaging and Presence
              Using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)", RFC 6914,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6914, April 2013,

   [RFC7595]  Thaler, D., Ed., Hansen, T., and T. Hardie, "Guidelines
              and Registration Procedures for URI Schemes", BCP 35,
              RFC 7595, DOI 10.17487/RFC7595, June 2015,

Authors' Addresses

   Jonathan Rosenberg

   Cullen Jennings

   Suhas Nandakumar

Rosenberg, et al.       Expires 14 September 2023              [Page 40]
Internet-Draft                MIMI Protocol                   March 2023


Rosenberg, et al.       Expires 14 September 2023              [Page 41]