Internet DRAFT - draft-sandowicz-httpbis-httpa2


Network Working Group                                            S. Wang
Internet-Draft                                                   G. King
Intended status: Informational                                     N. Li
Expires: 7 May 2024                                             N. Smith
                                                            K. Sandowicz
                                                         4 November 2023

      The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Attestable (HTTPA) Version 2


   The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Attestable version 2 (HTTPA/2) is an
   HTTP extension.  It is a transaction-based protocol agnostic to
   Transport Layer Security (TLS) in which the Trusted Execution
   Environment (TEE) is considered a new type of requested resource over
   the Internet.  The original Hypertext Transfer Protocol Attestable
   (HTTPA) (referred to as HTTPA/1 in the rest of the document) includes
   remote attestation (RA) process onto the HTTPS protocol in the
   assumption of using Transport Layer Security (TLS) across the
   Internet.  In contrast, the design of HTTPA/2 could establish a
   trusted (attested) and more secure communication without dependence
   on TLS.

   The definition of Attestation for the purposes of this draft:

   The process of vouching for the accuracy of TEE based services,
   configuration, and data where the TEE conveys Evidence about its
   environment, roots of trust and protected functions.  The Evidence is
   a digital expression of TEE trustworthiness.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

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Internet-Draft                   HTTPA/2                   November 2023

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 7 May 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Protocol Overview and protocol flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.1.  Untrusted Request (UtR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.2.  Attest Request (AtR)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.3.  Trusted Request (TrR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     2.4.  Protocol flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   3.  Protocol Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.1.  Preflight Check Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.2.  Attest Handshake (AtHS) Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.3.  Attest Secret Provisioning (AtSP) Phase . . . . . . . . .  22
     3.4.  Trusted Phase Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     3.5.  Changes in Mutual HTTPA/2(mHTTPA) . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     4.1.  Layer 7 End-to-End Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     4.2.  Replay Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     4.3.  Downgrade Protection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     4.4.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     4.5.  Roots of Trust (RoT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   5.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   7.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     7.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     7.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33

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1.  Introduction

   The HTTPA/1 [I-D-11] defines an HTTP extension to handle requests for
   remote attestation, secret provisioning, and private data
   transmission, so internet visitors can access a wide variety of
   services running in Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to handle
   their requests with strong assurances.

   The HTTPA/1 supports mutual attestation if both client and service
   endpoints run inside the TEE.  Although HTTPA/1 helps build trust
   between L7 endpoints with data-level protection, HTTPA/1 needs TLS to
   defend against some specific attacks over the Internet, e.g., replay
   attacks and downgrade attacks, these attacks are not vulnerable in
   HTTP/2 due to specific improvements for them.  Note that TLS cannot
   guarantee end-to-end security for the HTTPS message exchange [I-D-1]
   when the TEE-based services (TServices) are hosted behind a TLS
   termination gateway or inspection appliance (a.k.a. middle boxes).
   Although the TLS can provide Confidentiality, Integrity, and
   Authenticity (ConfIntAuth) to help ensure the security of message
   exchange for HTTPA/1 protocol, it is not a complete end-to-end
   solution for web services at L7.  Both HTTPA/1 and TLS need to
   generate key material through key exchange and derivation processes.
   This requires additional round trips at L5 and increases network
   latency.  Thus, there is room to optimize the network performance
   further and reduce the communication complexity by avoiding the
   repetition of key negotiation.  Due to the limitation of TLS
   mentioned above, a version of HTTPA with message-level security
   protection is a natural candidate to address the issues mentioned
   above.  This document proposes an upgrade protocol, HTTPA/2, which
   makes it possible to secure HTTPA transactions without dependence on
   TLS.  The HTTPA/2 is designed to improve the processes of key
   exchange, RA, and secret provisioning.  It also enables end-to-end
   secure and trustworthy request/response transactions at L7, which is
   cryptographically bound to an attestable service base that can be
   trusted by internet visitors regardless of the presence of untrusted
   TLS termination.

   The protocol described in this document focuses on extending the
   functionality provided by the HTTPA/1 protocol message formats.  This
   document alone is sufficient to understand the protocol, and the
   HTTPA/1 [I-D-11] could be used as supplemental material.

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1.1.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [BCP 14], [RFC 2119],

   In addition to those listed above, this document uses the following

   Trusted Execution Environment (TEE):

   TEE is an environment where genuine codes are executed on data with
   isolation and memory encryption inaccessible to anyone.

   Rich Execution Environment (REE):

   In contrast to TEE, codes are executed on data without isolation.


   The endpoint initiating the HTTPA connection.


   The endpoint did not initiate the HTTPA connection.  In HTTPA/2, it
   refers to TEE-based Service (TService) running inside an enclave.

   Client-side verifier(c-verifier):

   Verifier from the client side.

   Server-side verifier(s-verifier):

   Verifier from the server side.


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   Attestation is the process of demonstrating that a software
   executable has been properly instantiated on a platform, thus
   establishing a level of confidence in the trustworthiness of a remote

   Attest Quote(AtQ):

   AtQ is an opaque data structure signed by a Quoting Service
   (QService) with an attestation key (AK).  It can be called a quote or
   attestation evidence, which is used to establish trustworthiness
   through identities.

   Attest Base(AtB):

   AtB is the totality of computing resources serving client request
   handling, including hardware, firmware, software, and access controls
   to work together to deliver trustworthy service quality with enforced
   security/privacy policy.

   Attest header line(AHL)

   It refers to the different types of header lines used during the
   handshake phase, including Attest Ticket, Attest Binder, etc.

   Attest header Field(AHF)

   Regarding the HTTP method, we propose a new HTTP method, called
   "ATTEST," to perform the transactions of AtHS and AtSP.  The HTTP
   request using ATTEST method is called AtR.  Regarding HTTP header
   fields, we propose to augment them with additional ones called Attest
   Header Fields (AHFs) prefixed with the string "Attest-." Without
   AHFs, it must be a UtR in terms of HTTPA/2.

   Attest Ticket(AtT):

   AtT is a type of attest header line(AHL) used to ensure the integrity
   and authenticity (IntAuth) of AHLs and freshness are protected
   cryptographically, except for the AtR of AtHS, the initiating request
   for the handshake.

   Attest Binder (AtBr):

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   AtBr is a type of AHL used to ensure the binding between the HTTPA/2
   request and the corresponding response.

   Attest Request (AtR)

   Regarding the HTTP method, we propose a new HTTP method, called
   "ATTEST," to perform the transactions of Attest Handshake(AtHS) and
   Attest Secret Provisioning (AtSP).  The HTTP request using ATTEST
   method is called AtR.

   Trusted Computing Base(TCB):

   The minimal totality of hardware, software, or firmware must be
   trusted for security requirements.

   Trusted Cargo(TrC):

   TrC is a vehicle to carry confidential information which needs to be
   protected by authenticated encryption.  It can appear in both HTTPA/2
   request and response messages, except for the AtR of AtHS.

   Trusted Transport Layer Security(TrTLS):

   If users want to protect the entire HTTP message?every bit of the
   message, HTTPA/2 can leverage TLSto establish a secure connection at
   L5 between the client and its adjacent middle box, which we call


   This is the first phase of the HTTPA/2 transactions, and it is a
   lightweight HTTP OPTIONS request.

2.  Protocol Overview and protocol flow

   There are three types of requests defined by the HTTPA/2 protocol,
   including Un-trusted Request (UtR), Attest Request (AtR), and Trusted
   Request (TrR).  UtR is used in HTTP(S) transactions; AtR is used in
   both transactions of Attest Handshake (AtHS) and Attest Secret
   Provisioning (AtSP); TrR is used in the trusted transaction.  For
   convenience, we refer to the AtR and TrR as "HTTPA/2 request".
   Regarding the HTTP method, we propose a new HTTP method, called
   "ATTEST," to perform the transactions of AtHS and AtSP.  The HTTP

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   request using ATTEST method is called AtR.  Regarding HTTP header
   fields, we propose to augment them with additional ones called Attest
   Header Fields (AHFs) prefixed with the string "Attest-." Without
   AHFs, it must be a UtR in terms of HTTPA/2.

   The AHFs are dedicated to HTTPA traffic.  For example, they can be
   used to authenticate the identity of HTTPA/2 transactions source,
   indicate which AtB to request, convey confidential metadata,
   provision secrets, present ticket, etc.

   The last one is AHL, and it consists of AHF and its values in a
   standard form [RFC8941].  We use it to signify a single piece of
   annotated data associated with the current HTTPA/2 request.

2.1.  Untrusted Request (UtR)

   An untrusted request is for any transactions that are not sensitive.
   The UtR is simply an ordinary type of HTTP request, which does not
   use the ATTEST method nor contains any AHLs.

   Before a UtR reaches a TService, the UtR can be easily eavesdropped
   on or tampered with along the communication path.  Even protected by
   TLS, it can still be attacked when crossing any application gateway
   or L7 firewall since those intervening middle-boxes are untrusted and
   will terminate TLS connections hop by hop [I-D-1].  Therefore, there
   is no guarantee of ConfIntAuth.  That's why the TService cannot treat
   the request as trustworthy, but it is still possible for TService to
   handle UtR if allowed by the service-side policy.  Thus, we don't
   suggest TService to handle any one of them for the sake of security.

2.2.  Attest Request (AtR)

   The AtR is a HTTP request equipped with both ATTEST method and AHLs
   for AtHS and AtSP.  If the corresponding TService did not accept any
   AtR, subsequent TrR will no longer be valid to this TService.  The
   major difference between an AtR used in AtHS and AtSP respectively is
   as follows:


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   The AtR used in AtHS is designed to request all necessary resources
   for handling both types of AtR used in AtSP and AtHS.  For example,
   one of the most critical resources is AtB, which may be scheduled or
   allocated by a server-side resource arbiter.  Typically (but not
   always), an upfront TService can directly designate itself as the AtB
   for this client.


   The AtR of AtSP is optional in HTTPA/2 traffic flow since, in some
   cases, the TService does not need any AtB-wide secrets provided by
   the client to work.  In the typical case, TService needs secret
   provisioning to configure its working environment, such as connecting
   to databases, setup signing keys and certificates, etc.  This AtR
   must be issued after all TEE resources have been allocated through
   the AtHS transaction described above.  It's worth noting that this
   request is not required to be issued before any TrR.

2.3.  Trusted Request (TrR)

   The TrR can be issued right after a successful AtHS where an AtB is
   allocated.  Although TrR does not use ATTEST method, it should
   contain AHLs to indicate that it is a TrR, not a UtR.  In other
   words, the TrR is nothing but an ordinary HTTP request with some
   AHLs.  Within those AHLs, one of them must be AtB ID to determine
   which AtB is targeted in addition to the specified URI.  The TrR can
   be dispatched to the proper TService to handle this request.

2.4.  Protocol flow

   As shown in Figure 1, we illustrate those transactions from a client
   perspective, including preflight, AtHS, AtSP, and trusted requests in
   a workflow diagram.  A detailed explanation of each phase is in the
   following chapters.  In the design of HTTPA/2, only the phase of AtHS
   is required.  This largely simplifies the interaction between the
   client and the TService and improves the overall service experience
   for both security and remote attestation.

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                                 +-----+  +-------------+  no
                                 |START|->|go preflight?|--------------+
                                 +-----+  +-------------+              |
                                                 | yes                 |
                                                 v                     |
                                            +---------+                |
                                            |Preflight|                |
                                            +---------+                |
                                                 |                     |
                                                 v                     |
                                            +--------+  no  +----+     |
                                            |allowed?|----->|STOP|     |
                                            +--------+      +----+     |
                                             yes |                     |
                                            +---------+  yes
                                            +---------+                |
                                                 | no                  |
                                                 v                     |
                                         +----------------+            |
                                         |Attest Handshake|            |
                                         +----------------+            |
                                                 |                     |
                                                 |                     |
                                                 v                     |
                         +----+  invalid  +------------+               |
                         |STOP|---------->|Attest base?|               |
                         +----+           +------------+               |
                                                 | valid               |
                                                 v                     |
                +-------------------------+--------------+             |
                |                         |              |             |
                v                         v              v             |
         +--------------+           +-----------+  +-----------+       |
         |need base-wide| no        |  Trusted  |  | Untrusted |       |
         |   secrets?   |--------+  |Transaction|  |Transaction|       |
         +--------------+        |  +-----------+  +-----------+       |
                |                |        |              |             |
                v                |        |              |             |
       +-------------------+     |        |              |             |
       |Secret Provisioning|     |        |              |             |
       +-------------------+     |        |              |             |
               |                 |        |              |             |
               v                 |        |              |             |

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          +---------+ no +----+  |        |              |             |
          |accepted?|--->|STOP|  |        |              |             |
          +---------+    +----+  |        |              |             |
               | yes             |        |              |             |
               v                 v        v              v             |
               +-----------------+--------+--------------+             |
                                   |                                   |
                                   v                                   |
              +----+    yes  +-----------+  no                         |
              +----+         +-----------+

       Figure 1: HTTPA transaction workflow from the client view

   The Figure 2 shows the workflow, which can help understand how those
   transactions are distinguished in TService.

                                           |                           |
                                           v                           |
                               yes  +------+--------+    no            |
                          +---------+ATTEST request?+--------------+   |
                          |         +---------------+              |   |
                          v                                        |   |
         contained  +-----+-+  not contained                       |   |
         +----------+base id+------------+                         |   |
         |          +-------+            |                         |   |
         v                               v                         |   |
 +-------+-----------+          +--------+-------+                 |   |
 |Secret Provisioning|          |Attest Handshake|                 |   |
 +------+------------+          +---------+------+                 |   |
        |                                 |                        |   |
        v                                 v                        |   |
  +-----+---+  invalid  +----+        +---+-+  fail  +----+        |   |
  |base-wide+---------->+STOP|        |base?+------->+STOP|        |   |
  |secrets? |           +----+        +--+--+        +----+        |   |
  +-----+---+                            |                         |   |
        | valid                          | allocated               |   |
        v                                v                         |   |
        ++-------------------------------+                         |   |
         |                                                         |   |
         |                            +----------------------------+   |

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         |                            |                                |
         |                            v                                |
         |             contained  +---+---+  not contained             |
         |        +---------------+base id+-------------+              |
         |        |               +-------+             |              |
         |        v                                     v              |
         |  +-----+-------------+             yes  +---+----+  no      |
         |  |Trusted Transaction|            +-----+OPTIONS +----+     |
         |  +-----+-------------+            |     |request?|    |     |
         |        |                          |     +--------+    |     |
         |        v                          v                   v     |
         |  +-----+-----+  yes  +----+  +----+----+      +-------+---+ |
         |  |terminated?+------>+STOP|  |Preflight|      | Untrusted | |
         |  +-----+-----+       +----+  +-----+---+      |Transaction| |
         |        |                           |          +---------+-+ |
         |        |                           v                    |   |
         |        | no                   +----+---+  no  +----+    |   |
         |        |                      |allowed?+----->+STOP|    |   |
         |        |                      +----+---+      +----+    |   |
         |        |                           | yes                |   |
         |        |                           v                    v   |
         |        |                           +------------+-------+   |
         |        |                                        |           |
         |        v                                        v           |
         |        +----------------------------------------+           |
         |                             |                               |
         v                             v                               |
         +-------------------+---------+                               |
                             |                                         |
                             v                                         |
        +----+    yes  +-----+-----+  no                               |
        +----+         +-----------+

      Figure 2: HTTPA transaction workflow from the TService view

3.  Protocol Transactions

3.1.  Preflight Check Phase

   The preflight request uses OPTIONS request to give the web service a
   chance to see what the actual AtR looks like before it is made, so
   the service can decide whether it is acceptable.  In addition, the
   client endpoint performs the preflight check as a security measure to
   ensure that the visited service can understand the ATTEST method,
   AHFs, and its implied security assurance.

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   To start HTTPA/2, a preflight request could be issued by a client as
   optional to check whether the Web service, specified by URI in the
   request line is TEE-aware and prepared for AtHS.  If the client is a
   web browser, the preflight request can be automatically issued when
   the AtR qualifies as "to be preflighted."  We need the preflight
   transaction because it is a lightweight HTTP OPTIONS [RFC7231]
   request, which will not consume a lot of computing resources to
   handle compared to the AtR.  Caching the preflight result can prevent
   re-checking during a specified time window.  In the case of out-of-
   sync, the TService will result in an invalid signal for HTTPA trusted

   Passing this check does not guarantee that this service can
   successfully handle the AtR.  For example, the TService may run out
   of resources, or the client's cipher suites are not supported, and so

   The client can also use the preflight to detect the capabilities of
   AtB, without implying any actual actions.

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Client-side     Web Client        Web TService               Server-side
Verifier    (HW-TEE,Attester)  (HW-TEE,Attester)                Verifier
    |              |                 |                               |
    |              |checkAttestMethod|                               |
    |              |---------------->|       Optional request:       |
    |              |                 | Access-Control-Request-Method |
    |              |                 |           ATTEST              |
    |              |                 | Access-Control-Request-Headers|
    |              |                 |           ATTEST-Base-id,     |
    |              |                 |           ATTEST-Ticket,      |
    |              |                 |           ATTEST-Signature..  |
    |              |                 |------------------------------>|
    |           +===================PASS===============================+
    |           |  |                 |         HTTP 200 OK           | |
    |           |  |                 |         Allow: ATTEST         | |
    |           |  |                 | Access-Control-Allow-Headers: | |
    |           |  |                 |           ATTEST-Base-id,     | |
    |           |  |                 |           ATTEST-Ticket,      | |
    |           |  |                 |           ATTEST-Signature... | |
    |           |  |                 |<------------------------------| |
    |           |  | HTTP 200 OK     |                               | |
    |           |  |<----------------|                               | |
    |           +======================================================+
    |              |                 |                               |
    |           +=================FAILURE==============================+
    |           |  |                 |                               | |
    |           |  | HTTP 405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED                     | |
    |           |  |<----------------|                               | |
    |           |  |                 |                               | |
    |           |  | showErrors      |                               | |
    |           |  |-------+         |                               | |
    |           |  |       |         |                               | |
    |           |  |<------+         |                               | |
    |           +======================================================+
    |              |                 |                               |

       Figure 3: Message Flow example for Preflight transaction

   As shown in Figure 3, an OPTIONS request should be honored by an
   HTTPA/2 compliant TService.  The preflight transaction has standard
   HFs to specify the method and AHLs which will be sent out later to
   the same TService

   if they are acceptable.  Those HFs are described respectively as

   1.  HFs in the request message

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   (a) Access-Control-Request-Method

   This HF carries a list of methods indicating that ATTEST method will
   be used in the next request if the service can support it.

   (b) Access-Control-Request-Headers

   This HF carries a list of field names indicating that the AHFs will
   be included in the next request if the service can support them.

   2.  HFs in the response message

   (a) Allow

   This HF carries a list of supported methods by the visiting service.
   It must contain the ATTEST method for the client to proceed with AtR;
   otherwise, the AtR is not acceptable by this service and will be
   denied if received it.

   (b) Access-Control-Allow-Headers

   This HF carries a list of allowed AHFs.  The client needs to check
   that all of the requested AHFs should be contained in this resulting

   (c) Access-Control-Max-Age

   This HF indicates how long the preflight check results can be cached.

3.2.  Attest Handshake (AtHS) Phase

   The AtHS phase contains a core transaction of HTTPA/2.  In a single
   round trip time (one RTT), the AtR and its response accomplish three
   major tasks, including key exchange, AtB allocation, and AtQ
   exchange, as shown in Figure 4.

Client-side     Web Client            Web TService           Server-side
Verifier    (HW-TEE,Attester)      (HW-TEE,Attester)           Verifier
    |           |                   |                               |
    |           |                   |                               |
    |           | genExchangeKeys   | +==========ATTEST request========+
    |           |----+              | |Attest-Version: [versions]      |
    |           |    |              | |Attest-Date: [GMT]              |
    |           |<---+              | |Attest-Signatures: sigs=[base64]|
    |           |                   | |Attest-Policies: [sec policies] |
    |   +=====OPTIONAL==========+   | |Attest-Base-Creation:[method]   |

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    |   |       | genQuotes     |   | |Attest-Transport: [base64]      |
    |   |       |----+          |   | |Attest-Random: [base64]         |
    |   |       |    |          |   | |Attest-Quotes:quotes=[base64]   |
    |   |       |<---+          |   | |            max-age=[expireTime]|
    |   +=======================+   | |Attest-Cipher-Suites:[ciphrName]|
    |           |                   | |Attest-Supported-Groups[grNames]|
    |           |                   | |Attest-Key-Shares: [shared keys]|
    |           | sendAttestRequest | |Attest-Blocklist:identifie=[ids]|
    |           |------------------>| +================================+
    |           |                   |                               |
    |           |                +======IF ATTESTING MUTUALLY==========+
    |           |                |  |           sendQuote           |  |
    |           |                |  |------------------------------>|  |
    |           |                |  |                               |  |
    |           |                |  |       getVerifyResult         |  |
    |           |                |  |<------------------------------|  |
    |           |                +=====================================+
    |           |                   |-------+                       |
    |           |                   |       | allocAttestBase       |
    |           |                   |<------+                       |
    |           |                   |-------+                       |
    |           |                   |       | genExchangeKeys       |
    |           |                   |<------+                       |
    |           |                   |-------+                       |
    |           |                   |       | genQuotes             |
    |           |                   |<------+                       |
    |           |                   |-------+                       |
    |           |                   |       | deriveKeys            |
    |           | getAttestResponse |<------+                       |
    | sendQuote |<------------------| +=========HTTP 200 OK============+
    |<----------|                   | |Attest-Version: [selected ver]  |
    |  getVerif |                   | |Attest-Base-Id:[base64]         |
    |   Result  |                   | |            max-age=[expireTime]|
    |---------->|                   | |Attest-Transport: [base64]      |
    | +=====status is not 200=====+ | |Attest-Random: [base64]         |
    | |=======or unverified=======| | |Attest-Expires: [GMT]           |
    | |         |----+            | | |Attest-Quotes:quotes=[base64]   |
    | |         |    | showErrors | | |            max-age=[expireTime]|
    | |         |<---+            | | |Attest-Cipher-Suite:[ciphrNames]|
    | +===========================+ | |Attest-Supported-Group:[grNames]|
    |           |                   | |Attest-Key-Share: [shared key]  |
    |           |-------+           | |Attest-Secrets:[secrets="base64"|
    |           |       |deriveKeys | |            max-age=[expireTime]|
    |           |<------+           | |Attest-Cargo: [base64]          |
    |           |                   | +================================+
    |           |                   |                               |

            Figure 4: Attest handshake (AtHS) transaction

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   1.  Key Exchange

   It is necessary to complete the key exchange process before any
   sensitive information can be transmitted between the client and
   TService.  The exact steps within this will vary depending on the key
   exchange algorithm used and the cipher suites supported by both

   In HTTPA/2, the key exchange process follows TLS 1.3 [RFC8446] and
   recommends a set of key exchange methods to meet evolving needs for
   stronger security.

   Insecure cipher suites have been excluded; all public-key-based key
   exchange mechanisms now provide Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS), e.g.,
   Ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE).  Note that it is
   mandatory that the fresh ephemeral keys are generated, used, and
   destroyed afterward [RFC8422] inside the TEE of TService.  When the
   key exchange is completed, we recommend using the HMAC-based Extract-
   and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) [RFC5869] as an underlying
   primitive for key derivation.  Also, note when a peer creates one or
   more (EC)DHE public keys, it must do so in a correct and standards-
   compliant manner.  When a peer receives a set of (EC)DHE public keys,
   it must validate that the public key is in the specified group and
   has other required properties (e.g., it is not the group identity).

   We describe the key negotiation between the client and the TService
   in terms of AHFs set in request and response, respectively, as

   (a) AHFs in request message (or AtR):

   i.  Attest-Cipher-Suites

   It is a list of cipher suites that indicates the AEAD algorithm/HKDF
   supported by the client.

   ii.  Attest-Supported-Groups

   A list of named groups [RFC7748] indicates the (EC)DHE groups
   supported by the client for key exchange, ordered from most preferred
   to least preferred.

   iii.  Attest-Key-Shares

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   Its value contains a list of the client's cryptographic parameters
   for possible supported groups indicated in the AHL of Attest-
   Supported-Groups for negotiation.  We can refer to the corresponding
   data structure described in TLS 1.3 [RFC8446].  It is a time-
   consuming operation to generate those parameters.

   iv.  Attest-Random

   It is 32 bytes of a cryptographically random nonce, and the purpose
   of the random nonce is to bind the master secret and the keys to this
   particular handshake.  This way mitigates the replay attack to the
   handshake as long as each peer properly generates this random nonce.

   (b) AHFs in response message

   i.  Attest-Cipher-Suite

   It indicates the selected cipher suites, i.e., a symmetric cipher/
   HKDF hash pair for HTTPA/2 message protection.

   ii.  Attest-Supported-Group

   It indicates the selected named group to exchange ECDHE key share
   generated by the TService.

   iii.  Attest-Key-Share

   Its value contains the TService's cryptographic parameters

   iv.  Attest-Random

   It takes the same mechanism as the Attest-Random in the request.
   Instead, it is used by the client to derive the master secret and
   other key materials.

   Note that anyone can observe this handshake process if the byte-to-
   byte encryption does not protect it at L5, but it is safe since the
   secrets of key exchange process will never be sent over the wire.

   2.  AtB Allocation

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   This task is responsible for resource allocation.  The upfront
   TService needs to prepare essential resources before assigning a
   unique AtB identifier to the AtB, which the client uses to ask
   TService to process its sensitive data on this AtB, AHF is part of

   (a) AHFs in request message (or AtR):

   i.  Attest-Policies

   It can contain various security policies, which this AtB of TService
   can selectively support.  There are two aspects to consider as

   *Service instances attestation*

   direct: all instances should be verified by the client.

   Indirect: only the contact instance(a proxy instance could be used
   for attesting other instances) should be verified by the client

   *Un-trusted requests*

   allowUntrustedReq: it allows UtR to be handled by the TService on
   this AtB (disabled by default).

   ii.  Attest-Base-Creation

   It specifies a method used for the creation of AtB.  There might be
   several options available to select:


   It means that the AtB should be newly created for the client to use.
   If the contact TService is new, it can be assigned to this client


   This option allows reusable AtB to be used by this client, but the
   AtB should ensure that all traces associated with the previous client
   are erased.

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   So far, there is no such TEE, which can achieve this security feature
   strictly, and we cannot fully rely on software to emulate it.  As a
   result, the client should evaluate the risks before specifying this


   A shareable AtB can be allocated to this client.  The client doesn't
   care whether it is a clean base or not,so use it with caution.

   iii.  Attest-Blocklist

   It indicates a list of blocked identities and another type of
   identifier which allows TService to filter out unqualified AtB
   beforehand.  This feature is used to optimize the performance of AtB
   allocation, as it is quite expensive and inefficient to rely only on
   the client to collect a set of TService instances by allow list using
   the trial and error method.

   (b) AHFs in response message:

   i.  Attest-Base-ID

   This identifier signifies the allocated AtB, which has been tied to
   this particular client who sent the AtHS request.  It should be used
   in subsequent HTTPA/2 requests to ensure those requests can be
   efficiently dispatched into TServices.  Given that the HTTPA/2
   request dispatcher may not be trustworthy and be unable to check its
   integrity.  As a result, it cannot guarantee that those requests
   could be delivered to their matched AtBs.  To remedy this problem,
   the dispatcher should be capable of identifying as invalid AtB ID as
   possible, and the receiving TService should validate it right after
   the integrity check (see REF _Ref107244144 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 5
   and REF _Ref107244151 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 6).

   Note that the max-age directive set here indicates how long this AtB
   could be kept alive at the server-side, it follows GMT, and the unit
   is second.

   3.  AtQ Exchange

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   In HTTPA/2, a successful RA increases the client's confidence by
   assuring the targeting services are running inside a trustworthy AtB.
   The client can also determine the level of trust in the security
   assurances provided by TServices through AtB.

   The RA is mainly aimed at provision secrets to a TEE.  In this
   solution, we leverage this mechanism to set it as the root trust of
   the HTTPA/2 transactions instead of certificate-based trust, e.g.,
   TLS.  To facilitate it, we integrate the RA with the key exchange
   mechanism above to perform a handshake, which passes the assurance to
   derive ephemeral key materials.  Those keys can be, in turn, used to
   protect secrets and sensitive data designated by the client or
   TService on either direction.

   During the RA process, the AtQ plays a key role in attesting
   TService.  It provides evidence (quote) to prove the authenticity of
   the relevant TService and provides assurance that the TService is a
   trustworthy client can just rely on it to decide whether the TService
   is a trustworthy peer or not.

   To appraise AtQ, we need a trusted authority to be the verifier to
   perform the process of AtQ verification and report issues on this
   AtQ, e.g., TCB issues.  The verification result produced by the
   verifier should be further assessed by the client according to its
   pre-configured policy rules and applied security contexts.  Notably,
   the TService should ensure the integrity and authenticity of all AHLs
   of AtR, and its response through a piece of user-defined information,
   called Quote User Defined Data (QUDD) of AtQ, the QUDD can provide
   extra identities specific to a TService.  Therefore, the AtQ can, in
   turn, help protect the integrity of Attest Header Lines (AHLs).  The
   following AHFs should be supported by HTTPA/2 protocol for RA request
   message is optional.

   (a) AHFs in request message (or AtR):

   i.  Attest-Quotes

   It can only appear in mHTTPA/2 mode to indicate a set of AtQs
   generated from the TClients for targeting TService to verify.  These
   quotes should be used to ensure IntAuth of the AHLs of this AtR
   through their QUDD.

   Note that the max-age directive indicates when these quotes are
   outdated, and its cached verification results should be cleared up
   from AtB to avoid broken assurance.  In addition, all client-side
   quotes must be verified by the server-side verifier and validated by
   TServices before an AtB ID can be issued.

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   (b) AHFs in response message

   i.  Attest-Quotes

   An AtB must present its AtQs to the client for client-side
   verification.  The IntAuth of both AHLs of the AtR and its response
   should be ensured by its QUDDs to protect the transaction completely.

   The client must verify the AtQ to authenticate its identity of remote
   AtB.  The client should not trust anything received from TService
   before AtQs are successfully verified and evaluated by the trust
   authority.  Whether the integrity of AHLs is held should be
   determined by client-side security policies.  Note that the TService
   quotes can be selectively encrypted in its parts through TrC to hide
   their identity information.

   There are several remaining AHFs, which are important to this
   transaction as they provide other necessary information and useful
   security properties:

   (a) AHFs in the request message

   i.  Attest-Versions

   The client presents an ordered list of supported versions of HTTPA to
   negotiate with its targeting TService.

   ii.  Attest-Date

   It is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the client initiates
   a AtHS.

   iii.  Attest-Signatures

   It contains a set of signatures, which are used to ensure IntAuth of
   AHLs in this AtR through client-side signing key?

   iv.  Attest-Transport

   With this, the TService can enforce a trustworthy and secure
   connection at L5, which is a bit similar to what HTTP Strict
   Transport Security (HSTS) does.

   (b) AHFs in response message

   i.  Attest-Version

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   It shows the client which version of HTTPA is selected by TService to
   support, server has to apply in this selection process

   ii.  Attest-Transport

   Similarly, the TService returns its HELLO message to the client for a
   secure transport layer handshake.

   iii.  Attest-Expires

   It indicates when the allocated AtB will expire, and when its related
   resources will be released.  It provides another layer of security to
   help reduce the possibility of this AtB being successfully attacked.

   iv.  Attest-Secrets

   It is an ordered list of AtB-wide secrets, which TService provisions
   if the client expects them.  This way can save a round trip time of
   AtSP in case the TService won't demand secrets from the client


   It is used to carry any sensitive information which 14is meaningful
   to TService.  Note that "Attest-Cargo" is an AHF while TrC is the
   corresponding content which plays an important role in sensitive data
   encryption and authentication.

   Apart from those tasks above, this AtR can act as a GET request, but
   it cannot be trusted due to incomplete key exchange at this moment,
   which means it cannot contain any sensitive data, but its response
   can be trusted as the key exchange process completed at TService-
   side, and before it gets returned.  Therefore, the TService-side
   sensitive data can be safely transmitted back to the client through
   the TrC.

3.3.  Attest Secret Provisioning (AtSP) Phase

   The main purpose of AtSP is to securely deliver secrets to a
   trustworthy AtB, which a server-side verifier has verified.  The AtR
   of AtSP is intended to be used for this purpose.  To be precise, it
   is for AtB-wide and client-wide secret provisioning.  On the
   contrary, the request-wide or response-wide secrets should be carried
   by the TrCs of HTTPA/2 transactions.  In addition, the failure of
   AtSP will cause AtB termination immediately.

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   As shown in Figure 5, the AtSP transaction can be used to provision
   secrets in two directions since the AtB and its key materials have
   already been derived through AtHS on both sides; thus, the AHLs can
   be better protected during this phase.  Moreover, AtR of AtSP can be
   issued by the client any number of times at any time after AtHS.

|Client-side  Web Client         Web TService               Server-side|
|Verifier   (HW-TEE,Attester)   HW-TEE,Attester)               Verifier|
|   |         |                     |                              |   |
|   |         |  sendSecretRequest  |                              |   |
|   |         |-------------------->|                              |   |
|   |         |                     | +==========ATTEST request=======+|
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Base-Id: [base64]       ||
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Ticket: [base64]        ||
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Secrets:                ||
|   |         |                     | |           [secrets="base64";  ||
|   |         |                     | |            max-age=expireTime]||
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Cargo: [base64]         ||
|   |         |                     | +===============================+|
|   |         |                     |                              |   |
|   |         |                     |-------+                      |   |
|   |         |                     |       | validateBase         |   |
|   |         |                     |<------+                      |   |
|   |         |                     |                              |   |
|   |         |                     |-------+                      |   |
|   |         |                     |       | validateSecrets      |   |
|   |         |                     |<------+                      |   |
|   |         |                     | +=========ATTEST response=======+|
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Binder: [base64]        ||
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Secrets:                ||
|   |         |                     | |           [secrets="base64";  ||
|   |         |                     | |            max-age=expireTime]||
|   |         |                     | |Attest-Cargo: [base64]         ||
|   |         |                     | +===============================+|
|   |         |                     |                              |   |
|   |         |  getAttestResponse  |                              |   |
|   |         |<--------------------|                              |   |
|   |       +==status is not 200==+ |                              |   |
|   |       | |----+              | |                              |   |
|   |       | |    | showErrors   | |                              |   |
|   |       | |<---+              | |                              |   |
|   |       +=====================+ |                              |   |
|   |         |                     |                              |   |

       Figure 5: Attest secret provisioning (AtSP) transaction

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   These AHLs are described in the following:

   1.  AHFs in request message (or AtR)

   (a) Attest-Base-ID

   This identifier is used to specify which AtB is targeted to handle
   this AtR of AtSP.  With this ID, the TService can validate it against
   its serving list to ensure this request is correctly handled.
   However, the TService should quietly ignore it if the ID is not valid
   for its residing AtB as the receiving TService should not expose any
   information for an adversary to exploit.

   (b) Attest-Ticket

   AtT is a type of AHL used to ensure the integrity and authenticity
   (IntAuth) of AHLs and freshness by applying AAD to each HTTPA/2
   request, except for the AtR of AtHS, which is the initiating request
   for the handshake.  The value of this field must be unique to
   previous values to prevent replay attacks.  Also, it ensures the
   IntAuth of the AHLs in this request.

   (c) Attest-Secrets

   It contains an ordered list of secrets, which is wrapped up using AE
   as a standard way for strong protection.  Moreover, each secret
   should be able to be referred to by the client later using the index.
   For example, specifying a provisioned secret that is used to decrypt
   embedded sensitive data.  Again, the receiving AtB should be
   terminated if any of these provisioned secrets cannot be validated or
   accepted by the AtB.

   (d) Attest-Cargo

   This field is optional, it can be used to carry any sensitive
   information which is meaningful to TService.  Note that this paper is
   not intended to define the structure of its content, which could be
   addressed in another one.

   2.  AHFs in response message:

   (a) Attest-Binder

   It is used to make sure the response request is binding and uniquely
   identifies this transaction.

   (b) Attest-Secrets

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   In this HF, these contained wrapped secrets will be provisioned back
   to the client.  As noted earlier, this can be merged into the
   response AHLs in AtR of AtHS.

   (c) Attest-Cargo

   Similarly, it can be used to carry sensitive information/data back to
   the client.

3.4.  Trusted Phase Communication

   When AtB is allocated for the client, it can subsequently issue to do
   the real work.  Basically, the TrR is an ordinary HTTP request with
   some extra AHLs, which are described in detail as follows:

   1.  AHFs in request message:

   (a) Attest-Base-ID

   It specifies which AtB to handle this request and should be validated
   by targeting TService before processing this request.

   (b) Attest-Ticket

   This field has been explained above, which is intended to
   authenticate this request and prevent other AHLs from being tampered
   with or being replayed.

   (c) Attest-Cargo

   As noted earlier, this field is optional, and the client can use it
   to transfer arbitrary sensitive information to TService.

   (d) Attest-Base-Termination

   We can include this AHF if it is the last TrR towards the AtB.  It is
   recommended way to terminate a AtB actively.  If the server never
   receives this header field in a request, attest base will eventually
   expire, which is specified in the Attest-Expires.

   The termination method can be one of the following options:


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   This means that other clients can reuse the terminated AtB.


   Specify this method if the AtB should not be reused or shared by any
   other clients.


   This allows AtB to be shared with other clients.  Be careful that
   this method is less safe as the residual data could be exploited and
   leaked to the next client if any.

   2.  AHFs in response message:

   (a) Attest-Binder

   As explained earlier, the HTTPA/2 uses it to ensure the IntAuth of
   both request and response.

   (b) Attest-Cargo

   As noted earlier, the TService can leverage this mechanism to
   transfer arbitrary sensitive information back to its client.

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Client-side   Web Client           Web TService              Server-side
Verifier   (HW-TEE,Attester)    (HW-TEE,Attester)              Verifier
    |         |                     |                               |
    |         |  sendRequest        |                               |
    |         |-------------------->|                               |
    |         |                     | +==========HTTP request==========+
    |         |                     | |Attest-Base-Id: [base64]        |
    |         |                     | |Attest-Ticket: [base64]         |
    |         |                     | |Attest-Cargo: [base64]          |
    |         |                     | |Attest-Base-Termination:[method]|
    |         |                     | +================================+
    |         |                     |                               |
    |         |                     |-------+                       |
    |         |                     |       | validateBase          |
    |         |                     |<------+                       |
    |         |                     |                               |
    |  +============================SUCCESS======================+  |
    |  |      |                     |                            |  |
    |  |      |                     |-------+                    |  |
    |  |      |                     |       | handleRequest      |  |
    |  |      |                     |<------+                    |  |
    |  |      |                     |                            |  |
    |  |      |                     | +========HTTP 200 OK=====+ |  |
    |  |      |                     | |Attest-Binder: [base64] | |  |
    |  |      |                     | |Attest-Cargo: [base64]  | |  |
    |  |      |                     | +========================+ |  |
    |  |      |  TService response  |                            |  |
    |  |      |<--------------------|                            |  |
    |  +=========================================================+  |
    |         |                     |                               |
    |  +===============FAILURE=========+                            |
    |  |      |                     |  |                            |
    |  |      |       HTTP_503      |  |                            |
    |  |      | Service_Unavailable |  |                            |
    |  |      |<--------------------|  |                            |
    |  |      |                     |  |                            |
    |  |      |----+                |  |                            |
    |  |      |    | showErrors     |  |                            |
    |  |      |<---+                |  |                            |
    |  +===============================+                            |
    |         |                     |                               |

                    Figure 6: Trusted transaction

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3.5.  Changes in Mutual HTTPA/2(mHTTPA)

   With mutual HTTPA being used, the client must be running on a TEE as
   TEE-based client (TClient), which can generate a client-side AtQ.
   The AtQ can be used to ensure the IntAuth of AtR by means of
   including the digest of AHLs into its QUDD, and the server-side
   should have a proper trusted attestation authority to verify it.

   This is the recommended approach to build mutual trust between
   TClient and TService, but the client-side usually lacks TEE feature

4.  Security Considerations

4.1.  Layer 7 End-to-End Protection

   In cloud computing scenarios, intermediary nodes, such as L7 load
   balancer or reverse proxy, are commonly used to improve the network
   performance to deliver the best web experience.  The secure
   communication based on TLS only protects transmitted data hop-by-hop
   at layer 5 (L5).  The intermediary nodes

   may need TLS termination to inspect HTTP messages in plain text for
   better network performance.  Consequently, the intermediary nodes can
   read and modify any HTTP information at L7.  It is the gap between L5
   and L7 that may cause an underlying vulnerability.  Therefore, the
   trust model, including intermediary nodes, which are over L5, is
   problematic because intermediary nodes are not necessarily
   trustworthy.  Intermediary nodes may leak the privacy and manipulate
   the header lines of HTTP messages.  Even in the case where
   intermediaries are fully trusted, an attacker may exploit the
   vulnerability of the hop-by-hop architecture which may lead to data
   breaches.  HTTPA/2 helps protect AHLs and the sensitive information
   of HTTP messages end-to-end at L7.  As long as the protection does
   not encrypt the necessary information against proxy operations,
   HTTPA/2 can help provide guarantees that the protected message can
   survive across middleboxes to reach the endpoint.  Thus, the parts of
   HTTPA information without protection may be exploited to spoof or
   manipulate.  If we want to protect every bit of HTTPA message hop-by-
   hop, TLS is highly recommended in combination with HTTPA/2

   for use.

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   In the implementation, the TServices can make a privacy policy to
   determine to what degree the HTTPA message is protected to the L7
   endpoint without TLS for better network performance.  If the message
   is highly sensitive, entirely

   TLS can come to help in addition, but only up to the security of the
   L5 hop point.

4.2.  Replay Protection

   A replay attack should be considered in terms of design and
   implementation.  To mitigate replay attack, most AEAD algorithms
   require a unique nonce for each message.  In AtR, random numbers are
   used.  In TrR, a sequential nonce is used on either endpoint
   accordingly.  Assuming strictly increasing number in sequence, the
   replay attack can be easily detected if any received number is
   duplicated or no larger than the previously received number.  For
   reliable transport, the policy can be made to accept only TrR with a
   nonce that is equal to the previous number plus one.

4.3.  Downgrade Protection

   The cryptographic parameters of configuration should be the same for
   both parties as if there is no presence of an attacker between them.
   We should always negotiate the preferred common parameters with the
   peer.  If the negotiated parameters of configuration are different
   for both parties, it could make peers use a weaker cryptographic mode
   than the one they should use, thus leading to potentially a downgrade
   attack.  In HTTPA/2, TService uses AtQ to authenticate its identity
   and the integrity of the AtHS to the client.  In mutual HTTPA/2, the
   client uses AtQ carried by AtR for proving its own authenticity and
   the message integrity.  Thus, the communication traffic of the
   handshake across intermediaries cannot be compromised by attackers.

4.4.  Privacy Considerations

   Privacy threats are considerably reduced by means of HTTPA/2 across
   intermediary nodes.  End-to-end access restriction of integrity and
   encryption on the HTTPA/2 AHLs and payloads, which are not used to
   block proxy operations, aids in mitigating attacks to the
   communication between the client and the TService.  On the other
   hand, the unprotected part of HTTP headers and payloads, which is

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   also intended to be, may reveal information related to the sensitive
   and protected parts.  Then private dat may be exposed.  For example,
   the HTTP message fields visible to on-path entities are only used for
   the purpose of transporting the message to the end- point, whereas
   the AHLs and its binding pay- loads are encrypted or signed.  It is
   possible for attackers to exploit the visible parts of HTTP messages
   to infer the encrypted information if the privacy preserving policy
   is not well set up.  Unprotected error messages can reveal
   information of the security state in the communication between the
   endpoints.  Unprotected signaling messages can reveal information of
   the reliable transport.  The length of HTTPA/2 message fields can re-
   veal information about the message.  TService may use a padding
   scheme to protect against traffic analysis.  After all, HTTPA/2
   provides a new dimension for applications to further protect privacy.

4.5.  Roots of Trust (RoT)

   Many security mechanisms are currently rooted in software; however,
   we have to trust underlying components, including software, firmware,
   and hardware.  A vulnerability of the components could be easily
   exploited to compromise the security mechanisms when the RoT is
   broken.  One way to reduce that risk of vulnerability is to choose a
   highly reliable RoT.  RoT consists of trusted hardware, firmware, and
   software components that perform specific, critical security
   functions.  RoT is supposed to be trusted and more secure, so it is
   usually used to pro- vide strong assurances for the desired security
   properties.  In HTTPA/2, the inherent RoT is the AtB or TEEs, which
   provide a firm foundation to build security and trust.  With AtB
   being used in HTTPA/2, we believe that the risks of security and
   privacy can be greatly reduced.

5.  Acknowledgements

   We would like to acknowledge the support from the HTTPA workgroup
   members, including our partners and reviewers.  We thank them for
   their valuable feedback and suggestions.

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

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7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

              Fielding, R. T., Nottingham, M., and J. Reschke, "HTTP
              Semantics", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              httpbis-semantics-19, 12 September 2021,

7.2.  Informative References

   [I-D-1]    Backman, A., Richer, J., and M. Sporny, "HTTP Message
              Signatures draft-ietfhttpbis-message-signatures-08", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, IETF, 2019,

   [I-D-10]   Anati, Ittai., Gueron, Shay., Johnson, Simon P., and
              Vincent R. Scarlata, "Innovative Technology for CPU Based
              Attestation and Sealing",

   [I-D-11]   King, Gordon. and Hans. Wang, "HTTPA: HTTPS Attestable
              Protocol", DOI 10.48550/ARXIV.2110.07954, 2021,

   [I-D-13]   Krawczyk, Hugo., "SIGMA: The 'SIGn-andMAc' Approach to
              Authenticated DiffieHellman and Its Use in the IKE
              Protocols. In: Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2003. Ed.
              by Dan Boneh. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin
              Heidelberg pp. 400-425", ISBN 978-3-540-45146-4, 2003.

   [I-D-16]   Ménétrey et al., Jämes., "An Exploratory Study of
              Attestation Mechanisms for Trusted Execution
              Environments", DOI 10.48550/ARXIV.2204.06790, 2022,

   [I-D-19]   "Remote Attestation",

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   [I-D-2]    Banks, Alexander Sprogø., Kisiel, Marek., and Philip.
              Korsholm, "Remote Attestation: A Literature Review. In:
              CoRRabs/2105.02466 (2021). arXiv: 2105.02466.", 2021,

   [I-D-21]   Regenscheid, Andrew., "Roots of Trust (RoT)", August 2016,

   [I-D-3]    Bhargavan et al, Karthikeyan., "Downgrade resilience in
              key-exchange protocols. In: 2016 IEEE Symposium on
              Security and Privacy (SP)", IEEE pp. 506-525, 2016.

   [I-D-4]    Birkholz et al, H., "Remote Attestation Procedures
              Architecture draftietf-rats-architecture-12", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, IETF, 2021,

   [I-D-5]    Marinescu, Dan C., "Execution Environments",

   [I-D-8]    Helble et al., Sarah C., "Flexible Mechanisms for Remote
              Attestation”. In: ACM Trans. Priv. Secur. 24.4",
              ISSN 2471-2566, DOI 10.1145/3470535, September 2021,

   [RFC5116]  McGrew, David., "An Interface and Algorithms for
              Authenticated Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116,
              January 2008, <>.

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, Dr. Hugo. and Pasi. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-
              and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

   [RFC6797]  Hodges, Jeff., Jackson, Collin., and Adam. Barth, "HTTP
              Strict Transport Security (HSTS)", RFC 6797,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6797, November 2012,

   [RFC7230]  Fielding, Roy T. and Julian. Reschke, "Hypertext Transfer
              Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing",
              RFC 7230, DOI 10.17487/RFC7230, June 2014,

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   [RFC7231]  Fielding, Roy T. and Julian. Reschke, "Hypertext Transfer
              Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content", RFC 7231,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7231, June 2014,

   [RFC7748]  Langley, Adam., Hamburg, Mike., and Sean. Turner,
              "Elliptic Curves for Security", RFC 7748,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January 2016,

   [RFC8422]  Nir, Yoav., Josefsson, Simon., and Manuel. Pégourié-
              Gonnard, "Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites
              for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Versions 1.2 and
              Earlier", RFC 8422, DOI 10.17487/RFC8422, August 2018,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, Eric., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS)
              Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446,
              August 2018, <>.

   [RFC8613]  Selander et al., Göran., "Object Security for Constrained
              RESTful Environments (OSCORE)", RFC 8813,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8613, July 2019,

   [RFC8941]  Nottingham, Mark. and Poul-Henning. Kamp, "Structured
              Field Values for HTTP", RFC 8941, DOI 10.17487/RFC8941,
              February 2021, <>.

Authors' Addresses

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Internet-Draft                   HTTPA/2                   November 2023

   Shih-han Wang
   Intel Corporation

   Gordon King
   Intel Corporation

   Nick Li
   Intel Corporation

   Ned Smith
   Intel Corporation

   Krzysztof Sandowicz
   Intel Corporation
   Email: Phone: +48587661619

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