Internet DRAFT - draft-segers-tls-cert-validation-ext


TLS                                                            R. Segers
Internet-Draft                           Federal Aviation Administration
Intended status: Standards Track                               A. Kopman
Expires: 25 February 2023                                Concepts Beyond
                                                          24 August 2022

      Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extension: Validation Request


   This document describes the Server-based Certificate Validation
   Protocol (SCVP) Validation Request extension to the Transport Layer
   Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)

   The Validation Request Extension provides a new protocol for TLS/DTLS
   allowing inclusion of SCVP certificate path validation information in
   the TLS/DTLS handshake.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 February 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components

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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Validation Request Extension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Server Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  Client Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  SCVP Validation Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.  Responder URIs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2.  Trust Anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.3.  Validation Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.4.  CVRequest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.4.1.  cvRequestVersion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.4.2.  Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.4.3.  requestorRef  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.4.4.  requestNonce  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.4.5.  requestorName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.4.6.  responderName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.4.7.  requestExtensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.4.8.  signatureAlgorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.4.9.  hashAlgorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       3.4.10. requestorText . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   4.  SCVP Validation Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.1.  SCVP Response Processing by TLS Peer  . . . . . . . . . .  14
     4.2.  SCVP Response Processing by TLS Initiator . . . . . . . .  15
     4.3.  SCVP Validation Response Cache  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   5.  Error Alerts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.1.  Reference for TLS Alerts and ExtensionTypes . . . . . . .  16
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.1.  Support for Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.2.  Replay Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.3.  Extension Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.4.  Unrelated SCVP Validation Response  . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     7.5.  Trust Anchor Maintenance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

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1.  Introduction

   This document describes an extension to TLS 1.3 [RFC8446] and DTLS
   1.3 [RFC9147] for the inclusion of Server-based Certificate
   Validation Protocol (SCVP) [RFC5055] certificate path validation
   information in the TLS/DTLS handshake.

   This extension is defined for TLS and DTLS protocols.  For
   convenience, the protocol will be referred to as TLS for the rest of
   the document.  DTLS will only be specifically mentioned in cases
   where the protocols differ.

   The TLS standard specifies that certificates should always be
   verified to ensure proper signing by a trusted Certificate Authority
   (CA) in Part Appendix C.2 of TLS 1.3 [RFC8446].  The establishment of
   trust requires construction and validation of a trust path from the
   end-entity certificate to a trust anchor.  This validation can be a
   complex process of chaining certificates, validating revocation
   information, and enforcing organizational policies.  Therefore,
   constrained clients may wish to delegate certificate path
   construction and validation to a trusted server.  Additionally, to
   ensure that policies are consistently enforced throughout an
   ecosystem, centralization of certificate validation may be needed.
   The Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol (SCVP) allows
   simplification of client implementations and consistent application
   of validation policies by delegating validation to a server.

   The extension described here can be used to signal the return of a
   SCVP certificate path validation corresponding to the certificate.
   Whenever it is sent by the client as a client hello message extension
   it indicates a request for SCVP validation of the server certificate.
   Whenever it is sent by the server as a certificate request extension
   it indicates a request for SCVP validation of the client certificate.
   If the peer supports this extension, it performs the appropriate
   certificate validation queries and returns the SCVP response.  The
   response is returned as an extension to the Certificate message.
   Since path building and validation has been performed, only the end-
   entity certificate is needed for authentication, no supporting
   certificates need to be returned.  This further reduces the bandwidth
   consumption.  A previously cached validation response can be used,
   but periodic updating of the cached response will be needed as
   described in Section 4.3.  Upon receipt of the Certificate message
   with the path validation extension the initiator examines the
   returned validation response and the response signature using a local
   trust anchor.

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   TLS clients and servers MAY use the extension described in this
   document.  The extension is designed to be backwards compatible,
   meaning that TLS clients that support the extension can talk to TLS
   servers that do not support the extension, and vice versa.

   In the future, extensions may be added to the TLS protocol which
   request other forms of certificate validation.  Care should be taken
   to avoid duplicate validations for the same handshake.  If an
   equivalent validation is preformed the peer should not also perform
   SCVP validation.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Validation Request Extension

   A new extension type (validation_request (TBD)) is added to the
   extensions used in the client hello, certificate and certificate
   request handshake messages.  The extension type is specified as

   enum {
        validation_request(TBD), (65535)
   } ExtensionType;

2.1.  Server Authentication

   To indicate their desire to receive SCVP certificate path validation
   information, TLS clients MAY include an extension of type
   validation_request in the (extended) client hello.  The
   extension_data field of the validation_request extension MUST contain
   a SCVPValidationRequest.

   Servers that receive a client hello containing the validation_request
   extension MAY return a suitable SCVP certificate path validation
   response to the client along with their certificate.

   Servers return a certificate path validation response along with
   their certificate by adding the validation_request extension to the
   extension block of the TLS server certificate.  The Certificate
   message containing the TLS server end-entity certificate SHOULD
   contain the extension with extension_type validation_request and
   extension_data of SCVPValidationResponse.  Severs that send the
   SCVPValidationResponse extension data MUST have received a
   validation_request in the extended client hello.

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   Servers that send the SCVPValidationResponse extension SHOULD only
   include the end-entity authentication certificate in the Certificate
   message.  The server MAY include supporting certificates.  The client
   MAY ignore supporting certificates if the SCVPValidationResponse is
   found to be satisfactory.

   Clients that receive a SCVPValidationResponse extension without
   sending a validation_request extension in the client hello MUST abort
   the connection.

   Servers that do not support (or are not configured to enable the use
   of) this extension SHOULD NOT include the validation_request
   extension in the Certificate message.

   A server MAY also choose not to send a SCVPValidationResponse
   extension, even if has received a validation_request extension in the
   client hello message.

   If the client sent a validation_request in the client hello extension
   but did not receive a validation_request extension in the server
   Certificate message MAY choose to use alternative means to validate
   the server certificate or MAY choose to abort the connection.

   Clients requesting a certificate path validation and receiving
   validation_request Certificate extension MUST check the
   SCVPPValidationResponse message and abort the handshake if the
   response is not satisfactory with bad_certificate_validation_response
   (TBD) alert.  This alert is always fatal.

2.2.  Client Authentication

   To indicate their desire to receive SCVP certificate path validation
   information, TLS servers MAY include an extension of type
   validation_request in the certificate request message.  The
   extension_data field of the validation_request extension MUST contain
   a SCVPValidationRequest.

   Clients that receive a certificate request containing the
   validation_request extension MAY return a suitable SCVP certificate
   path validation response to the server along with their certificate.

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   Clients return a certificate path validation response along with
   their certificate by adding the validation_request extension to the
   extension block of the TLS client certificate.  The Certificate
   message containing the TLS client end-entity certificate SHOULD
   contain the extension with extension_type validation_request and
   extension_data of SCVPValidationResponse.  Clients that send the
   SCVPValidationResponse extension data MUST have received a
   validation_request in the certificate request.

   Clients that send the SCVPValidationResponse extension SHOULD only
   include the end-entity authentication certificate in the Certificate
   message.  The client MAY include supporting certificates.  The server
   MAY ignore supporting certificates if the SCVPValidationResponse is
   found to be satisfactory.

   Servers that receive a SCVPValidationResponse extension without
   sending a validation_request extension in the certificate request
   MUST abort the connection.

   Clients that do not support (or are not configured to enable the use
   of) this extension SHOULD NOT include the validation_request
   extension in the Certificate message.

   A client MAY also choose not to send a SCVPValidationResponse
   extension, even if has received a validation_request extension in the
   certificate request message.

   If the server sent a validation_request in the certificate request
   but did not receive a validation_request extension in the client
   Certificate message MAY choose to use alternative means to validate
   the client certificate or MAY choose to abort the connection.

   Servers requesting a certificate path validation and receiving
   validation_request Certificate extension MUST check the
   SCVPPValidationResponse message and abort the handshake if the
   response is not satisfactory with bad_certificate_validation_response
   (TBD) alert.  This alert is always fatal.

   The SCVPValidationRequest and SCVPValidationResponse types are
   further defined in Section 3 and Section 4 of this document.

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3.  SCVP Validation Request

   Deployment of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) enabled applications
   can be simplified by delegating path validation processing to a
   server.  Additionally, for organizations wishing to centralize
   administration of validation policies, delegation to a server ensures
   consistent policy validation across clients in an ecosystem.  SCVP
   provides a standards-based client-server protocol for delegated path
   construction and validation defined in RFC 5055 [RFC5055].

   Constrained clients wishing to delegate path validation also face
   challenges such as bandwidth and latency limitations.  This extension
   allows for such information to be sent in the TLS handshake, saving
   round trips and resources.

   To indicate their desire to receive certificate validation
   information, TLS clients MAY include an extension of type
   validation_request in the extended client hello and TLS servers may
   include an extension of type validation_request in the certificate
   request.  Handshake messages containing the validation_request
   extension SHALL contain a SCVPValidationRequest in the extension_data
   field of this extension.  The TLS client or server sending the
   SCVPValidationRequest and receiving the SCVPValidationResponse is the
   will be referred to in this document as the TLS initiator.  The TLS
   client or server that receives the SCVPValidationRequest and sends
   the SCVPValidationResponse will be referred to as the TLS peer.

   The SCVPValidationRequest consists of three optional lists: a list of
   SCVP responder URIs, a list of trust anchors, and a list of
   validation extensions.  SCVPValidationRequest is defined as follows:

   struct {
        ResponderURIs responder_uri_list<0..2^16-1>;
        TrustAnchors trust_anchor_list<0..2^16-1>;
        ValidationExtensions validation_extensions_list<0..2^16-1>;
   } SCVPValidationRequest;

3.1.  Responder URIs

   The ResponderURIs provides a list of SCVP responders that the
   initiator trusts.  A zero-length responder_uri_list sequence has
   special meaning that the responders are implicitly known to the peer,
   e.g. by prior arrangement.  The ResponderURIs list is in the
   initiator's preferred order.  The peer SHOULD process the responder
   URI list in order and return a response from the first reachable URI
   with an acceptable response.  What constitutes an acceptable response
   is discussed in Section 4.1.  The ResponderURIs list is represented
   as a DER encoded SEQUENCE OF ASN.1 IA5String objects.

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3.2.  Trust Anchors

   Zero or more trust anchors MAY be provided in the
   SCVPValidationRequest to specify the trust anchors at which the
   certification path must terminate if the path is to be considered
   valid.  The TrustAnchors type is an ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF PKCReference.
   The SCVP Server usage is defined in Section of RFC 5055
   [RFC5055].  If a TLS peer receives a SCVPValidationRequest which
   contains TrustAnchors it SHOULD include the TrustAnchors in the SCVP
   Request Validation Policy.  A non-zero length TrustAnchors sequence
   combined with a zero length Responder URI sequence indicates that the
   peer's default SCVP Responder SHOULD be used to construct a
   certification path which terminates at a specified certificate.  If a
   non-zero length TrustAnchors is provided and the the
   validation_policy validation extension is included as defined in
   Section 3.3, the ValidationPolicy TrustAnchors MUST be equivalent to
   the SCVPValidationRequest TrustAnchors.

   As defined in RFC 5055, the trust anchor PKCReference MAY be either
   an SCVPCertID or a Certificate.  To minimize the size of the
   SCVPValidationRequest, TrustAnchors SHOULD be included by SCVPCertID.

3.3.  Validation Extensions

   This document defines nine optional ValidationExtensionTypes.  These
   validation extensions allow the initiator to specify values in the CV
   Request as described in Section 3.4.  Inclusion of the validation
   extensions will increase the size of the request and response.
   Therefore, the extensions should be included only when necessary.

   The validation_extension_data values are DER-encoded ASN.1 types that
   can be directly mapped to the SCVP CVRequest as defined by RFC 5055

   struct {
        ValidationExtensionType validation_extension_type;
        select (validation_extension_type {
             case want_back: WantBack;
             case validation_policy: ValidationPolicy;
             case cached_response: BOOLEAN;
             case query_extensions: Extensions;
             case request_nonce: OCTET STRING;
             case request_extensions: Extensions;
             case signature_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier;
             case hash_algorithm: OBJECT IDENTIFIER;
             case requestor_text: UTF8String (SIZE (1..256));
        } validation_extension_data;
   } ValidationExtension

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3.4.  CVRequest

   Peers that receive a client hello or certificate request containing
   the validation_request extension MAY return a suitable path
   validation response with their certificate.  If SCVP is requested,
   the TLS peer SHOULD use the information contained in the extension
   when selecting an SCVP responder and Trust Anchor.  The TLS peer
   SHOULD map the validation extension types to the SCVP request as

   want_back : CVRequest.query.wantBack
   validation_policy : CVRequest.query.validationPolicy
   cached_response : CVRequest.query.responseFlags.cachedResponse
   query_extensions : CVRequest.query.queryExtensions
   request_nonce : CVRequest.requestNonce
   request_extensions : CVRequest.requestExtensions
   signature_algorithm : CVRequest.signatureAlgorithm
   hash_algorithm : CVRequest.hashAlgorithm
   requestor_text : CVRequest.requestorText

   Conforming TLS Peers MUST construct a CVRequest with a
   cvRequestVersion and query.

3.4.1.  cvRequestVersion

   TLS peers conforming to RFC 5055 [RFC5055] MUST set the value of the
   cvRequestVersion item to one (1).

3.4.2.  Query

   The query item is defined in Section 3.2 of RFC 5055 [RFC5055]

   TLS peers conforming to RFC 5055 [RFC5055] SHALL include the query
   item.  For processing the TLS Validation Request the TLS peer SHALL
   include the queriedCerts, certChecks and validationPolicy fields, MAY
   include wantBack, responseFlags, intermediateCerts, revInfos, and
   queryExtension fields, SHOULD NOT include producedAt and
   serverContextInfo fields, and MUST NOT include the validationTime

   The TLS peer MUST populate the CertReferences item.  The
   CertReferences sequence MUST be of length one and specify the TLS
   peer's X.509v3 Certificate.  This certificate MUST correspond to the
   TLS Certificate sent in the Certificate handshake message.

   The TLS peer MUST populate the CertChecks item.  The item MUST be set
   to id-stc-build-status-checked-pkc-path (id-stc 3).

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   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include want back unless specified in the
   validation extension want_back item.  If the TLS peer receives a
   SCVPValidationRequest with a want_back validation extension, the TLS
   peer MAY set the wantBack item in the CVRequest to the value of the
   want_back.  Want backs can significantly increase the size of the
   CVResponse and should be used only when specifically required.

   The TLS peer MUST include the ValidationPolicy item in the CVRequest
   query item as follows:

   If a validation_policy was specified in the SCVPValidationRequest
   validation extensions:

   *  The TLS peer SHOULD include that ValidationPolicy in the

   If a a validation_policy was not specified in the
   SCVPValidaitonRequest validation extensions:

   *  If the ResponderURIs is a zero-length list, indicating that the
      TLS peer should query a pre-configured SCVP responder, the TLS
      peer SHOULD set the ValidationPolicy validationPolRef to either a
      pre-configured ValidationPolicy or the default validation policy
      OID id-svp-defaultValPolicy (id-svp 1).

   *  If the ResponderURIs is a non-zero-length list, indicating that
      the TLS peer should query a specified SCVP responder, the TLS peer
      SHOULD set the ValidationPolicy validationPolRef item to the
      default validation policy OID id-svp-defaultValPolicy (id-svp 1).

   *  If the TrustAnchors is a non-zero length list the TLS peer MUST
      include the provided TrustAnchors in the ValidationPolicy

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   The TLS peer MAY only include the ResponseFlags item in the CVRequest
   if requesting non-default values.  If default values are used for all
   flags, the responseFlags item MUST NOT be included in the request.
   To enable the initiator to trust the CVResponse, the TLS peer MUST
   use the default value for the protectResponse flag (TRUE).  To
   minimize the size of the CVResponse, the TLS peer SHOULD use the
   default values for the response flags fullRequestInResponse (FALSE)
   and responseValidationPolicyByRef (TRUE).  If the TLS peer included
   the cached_response validation extension with a value of FALSE, the
   TLS peer SHOULD NOT use its cache as described in Section 4.2 and MAY
   include the cachedResponse set to FALSE in the CVRequest
   responseFlags item.  If the TLS peer sets the cachedResponse flag to
   FALSE the request_nonce MUST be set.  If the TLS peer received the
   request_nonce validation extension, the requestNonce in the CVRequest
   MAY be set to the value of the request_nonce extension.  Otherwise,
   the TLS peer MUST generate and set a requestNonce in the CVRequest.

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the serverContextInfo item in the

   The TLS peer MUST NOT include the validationTime item in the

   The TLS peer MAY include the intermediateCerts item in the CVRequst
   to help the SCVP server create a valid certification path as defined
   in Section 3.2.8 of RFC 5055 [RFC5055].

   The TLS peer MAY include the revInfos item in the CV Request which
   MAY be used by the SCVP Server when validating certification paths as
   defined in Section 3.2.9 of RFC 5055 [RFC5055].

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the producedAt item in the CVRequest.

   The TLS peer MAY include the queryExtensions item in the CVRequest to
   extend the query.  If the TLS peer receives a SCVPValidationRequest
   with a query_extensions validation extension, the TLS peer MAY set
   the queryExtensions item in the CVRequest to the value of the

3.4.3.  requestorRef

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT set the requestorRef item in the CVRequest.

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3.4.4.  requestNonce

   The TLS peer MAY include the requestNonce item in the CVRequest to
   indicate a preference for a non-cached response.  If the TLS peer
   receives a SCVPValidationRequest with a request_nonce validation
   extension, the TLS peer MAY set the requestNonce item in the
   CVRequest to the value of the request_nonce validation extension.  If
   the TLS peer sets the cachedResponse response flag to FALSE but did
   not receive the request_nonce validation extension the TLS peer MUST
   generate and set a requestNonce in the CVRequest.

3.4.5.  requestorName

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the requestorName item in the

3.4.6.  responderName

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the responderName item in the

3.4.7.  requestExtensions

   The TLS peer MAY include the requestExtensions item in the CVRequest
   to extend the request.  If the TLS peer receives a
   SCVPValidationRequest with a request_extensions validation extension,
   the TLS peer MAY set the requestExtensions item in the CVRequest to
   the value of the request_extension.

3.4.8.  signatureAlgorithm

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the signatureAlgorithm item in the
   CVRequest unless specified in the SCVPValidationRequest
   signature_algorithm validation extension.  If the TLS peer receives a
   SCVPValidationRequest with a signature_algorithm validation
   extension, the TLS peer MAY set the signatureAlgorithm item in the
   CVRequest to the value of the signature_algorithm.

   To keep the size of the request and response small, it is recommended
   that community define the signature algorithm rather than using the
   signature_algorithm extension.

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3.4.9.  hashAlgorithm

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the hashAlgorithm item in the
   CVRequest unless specified in the SCVPValidationRequest
   hash_algorithm validation extension.  If the TLS peer receives a
   SCVPValidationRequest with a hash_algorithm validation extension, the
   TLS peer MAY set the hashAlgorithm item in the CVRequest to the value
   of the hash_algorithm.

   To keep the size of the request and response small, it is recommended
   that community define the hash algorithm rather than using the
   hash_algorithm extension.

3.4.10.  requestorText

   The TLS peer SHOULD NOT include the requestorText item in the
   CVRequest unless specified in the SCVPValidationRequest
   requestor_text validation extension.  If the TLS peer receives a
   SCVPValidationRequest with a requestor_text validation extension, the
   TLS peer MAY set the requestorText item in the CVRequest to the value
   of the requestor_text.

   To keep the size of the request and response small, it is recommended
   that the requestor text be used only for debugging purposes.

4.  SCVP Validation Response

   Servers that receive a client hello containing the validation_request
   extension and Clients that receive a certificate request containing
   the validation_request extension MAY return a suitable path
   validation response along with their certificate by sending a
   SCVPValidationResponse as an extension to the Certificate message.

   TLS peers send the SCVPValidationResponse in the extension_data of
   the validation_request extension to the end-entity certificate in the
   Certificate message.  The SCVPValidationResponse data conveys whether
   the certificate path was successfully built and validated.
   Therefore, in most cases, it is unnecessary for the TLS peer to
   include supporting certificates in the Certificates message.

   The SCVPValidationResponse is defined as follows.

   struct {
     opaque signed_cv_response
     ValidationExtensions validation_extensions_list<0..2^16-1>;
   } SCVPValidationResponse;

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   A signed_cv_response contains a complete, DER-encoded CMS SignedData
   object as defined in RFC 5652 [RFC5652] with an EncapsulatedContent
   of type CVResponse as defined in RFC 5055 [RFC5055].  Only one SCVP
   response may be sent.

   The TLS peer SHOULD include the list of validation extensions from
   the SCVPValidationRequest that were used in the CVRequest to indicate
   which validation extensions were honored.  If the TLS peer did not
   use a validation extension in the CVRequest, it MUST NOT be included
   in the SCVPValidationResponse.  The SCVPValidationResponse MUST NOT
   include validation extensions that were not present in the

   Section 9 of RFC 5055 [RFC5055] asserts that clients MUST verify that
   the response matches their original request and outlines the steps
   necessary to perform this verification.  For this extension, the
   client responsibility of divided between the TLS initiator that sends
   the validation_reqeust extension and the TLS peer that sends the SCVP
   response.  Certain values are only known by the TLS peer whereas
   other values require verification at the final end-point, the TLS
   initiator.  The following two sections specify the verification of
   the SCVP response at the TLS peer Section 4.1 and at the TLS
   initiator Section 4.2.

4.1.  SCVP Response Processing by TLS Peer

   The TLS Peer that generates the CVRequest MUST verify the response
   from the SCVP server.  If the TLS peer finds the response
   unacceptable, it MAY query another SCVP server (from the
   ResponderURIs or a pre-configured list) or MAY send a
   bad_path_validation_response alert notifying to close the connection.

   The TLS peer MUST verify that the response is a protected response
   consisting of a CVResponse encapsulated in CMS SignedData.

   The TLS peer SHOULD verify that the SignedData Message Digest is a
   hash of the received CVResponse.

   The TLS peer MAY verify the certificate of the SCVP responder used
   for signing the response.  In some environments, it may be left to
   the TLS initiator to validate.

   As an SCVP client, the TLS peer MUST process the CVResponse as
   defined by RFC 5055 [RFC5055].

   The TLS peer SHOULD verify the responseStatus code.  If the code does
   not indicate okay(0), the TLS peer MAY choose to query another SCVP
   server from the Responder URIs.

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   As stated in RFC 5055, the requestRef item allows the SCVP client to
   determine that the request was not maliciously altered.  The TLS peer
   creates the CVRequest and is therefore the only place where the full
   CVRequst is known.  The TLS peer SHOULD compare the returned
   requestRef to the CVRequest.

   If the TLS peer generated a requestNonce it SHOULD verify that the
   requestNonce in the response matches the value in the request.

4.2.  SCVP Response Processing by TLS Initiator

   On receipt of a SCVPValidationResponse, the TLS initiator MUST verify
   that the response indicates a successful path validation and can be

   The TLS initiator MUST verify that the CVResponse is encapsulated in
   a CMS SignedData object and validate the digital signature on the
   response to ensure that the expected SCVP server generated the
   response.  The TLS initiator MUST verify that the SignedData Message
   Digest matches a hash of the received CVResponse.

   The CVResponse CertReply item MUST contain a single certificate
   matching the TLS peer's certificate sent in the TLS Certificate
   Handshake message.  If the CertReply does not meet this requirement
   the TLS initiator MUST abort the connection with a

   The TLS initiator MUST verify that the CVResponse indicates success.
   A CVResponse is successful if: the responseStatus is CVStatusCode
   okay(0) and the CertReply item containing the TLS peer's certificate
   has a replyStatus of success (0).  If these conditions are not met
   the TLS initiator MUST abort the connection with a

   The TLS initiator should check the SCVPValidationResponse
   validation_extensions against the validation_extensions sent in the
   SCVPValidationRequest.  If the SCVPValidationResponse
   validation_extensions list does not match the list of sent
   validation_extensions, the TLS initiator MAY abort the connection.

   If the initiator set validation extensions in the
   SCVPValidationRequest, the TLS initiator SHOULD verify that the
   CVResponse appropriately reflects those validation extensions.  For
   example, if the request_nonce validation extension was set the
   initiator SHOULD verify that the CVResponse respNonce contains the
   same value.

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4.3.  SCVP Validation Response Cache

   To improve performance and survive path validation service outages
   the TLS peer MAY cache SCVPValidationResponse messages.  On receipt
   of a client hello or certificate request with a validation_request
   extension the TLS peer MAY check a local cache for a
   SCVPValidationResponse matching the SCVPValidationRequest's settings.
   If a matching response is found the peer MAY use this response rather
   than generating a fresh response.

   The TLS peer should check if the SCVPValidationRequest has validation
   extensions before returning a cached response.  If the
   cached_response validation extension is set to FALSE or the
   request_nonce validation extension is set.  The TLS peer SHOULD NOT
   return a cached response.

   The TLS peer SHOULD place a time limit on cached responses and
   generate a fresh SCVPValidationResponse after that time has elapsed.
   To improve performance, the TLS peer MAY proactively refresh cached
   responses before the cache time limit has been reached.  SCVP servers
   may also perform caching to optimize response times.  SCVP servers
   may optionally include the nextUpdate wantBack value in the
   CVResponse to indicate when a fresh response will be available from
   the SCVP server.

5.  Error Alerts

   On receipt of a SCVPValidationResponse the TLS initiator MUST
   validate that the response indicates a successful path validation as
   described in Section 4.  If the SCVPValidationResponse does not
   indicate that the certificate was successfully validated, the TLS
   connection MUST be aborted with a bad_path_validation_response as

   enum {
   } AlertDescription;

6.  IANA Considerations

   IANA considerations for TLS extensions and the creation of a registry
   are covered in Section 11 of RFC 8446 [RFC8446].

6.1.  Reference for TLS Alerts and ExtensionTypes

   The following values in the TLS Alert Registry have been updated to
   reference this document:

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      TBD bad_path_validation_response

   The following ExtensionType values have been updated to reference
   this document:

      TBD validation_request

7.  Security Considerations

   General security considerations for TLS extensions are covered in TLS
   1.3 RFC 8446 [RFC8446].

   For security considerations specific to the Cryptographic Message
   Syntax message formats, see RFC 5652 [RFC5652].  For security
   considerations specific to the process of PKI certification path
   validation, see RFC 5280 [RFC5280].  For security considerations
   specific to SCVP, see RFC 5055 [RFC5055].

   This section summarizes some of the more important security aspects
   specific to the TLS validation_request extension, though there are
   many security-relevant details in the remainder of this document.

7.1.  Support for Extension

   If a client or server requests a path validation response, it must
   consider that an attacker could (and probably would) pretend not to
   support the extension.  In this case, the initiator of the request
   that requires path validation of certificates SHOULD either contact
   the validation server directly or abort the handshake.

7.2.  Replay Attacks

   Use of the optional SCVP cached response flag and request nonce items
   in the SCVPValidationRequest validation extensions and in the
   CVRequest may improve security against attacks that attempt to replay
   SCVP responses.  However, use of these properties must be balanced
   with the performance impact of requiring generation of a fresh SCVP

7.3.  Extension Modifications

   Values in the client hello validation_request extension and
   SCVPValidationRequest are passed between the TLS client to the TLS
   server unprotected.  This makes the values vulnerable to
   modification.  An attacker might try to influence the handshake
   exchange in multiple ways including to increase latency, cause
   parties to abort the connection or to create trust in an untrusted

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   This extension is made further vulnerable by the inclusion of
   validation extensions in the SCVPValidationRequest.  These validation
   extensions have been included to support flexibility.  However, to
   mitigate the vulnerability to modification, domains should consider
   limiting use of validation extensions and instead use preconfigured
   domain specific values.  TLS client and server verification of values
   returned in the signed CVResponse as described in Section 4 should
   also be used to protect against these attacks and detect attempts to
   modify these values.

   This extension modification consideration does not apply in the case
   where the TLS Server sends a validation_request in the certificate
   request message which is encrypted.

7.4.  Unrelated SCVP Validation Response

   The received SCVPValidationResponse could contain information
   unrelated to the request.  A path for an end-entity certificate other
   than the TLS certificate could be returned.  The first certificate in
   the certificate path could not match any of the provided trust
   anchors.  Or the SCVP responder signing the response could be unknown
   to the TLS client or server.  If any such unrelated
   SCVPValidationResponse is received, it MUST be discarded.  An
   alternative means MAY be used to validate the certificate or if no
   alternative means is used it SHOULD abort the handshake.

7.5.  Trust Anchor Maintenance

   The TLS client or server sending the validation_request extension
   relies on a locally known trust anchor to verify the signed
   SCVPValidationResponse.  The trust anchor may change or expire
   periodically.  TLS clients and servers using this specification MUST
   implement a secure mechanism to keep their trust anchors up to date.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5055]  Freeman, T., Housley, R., Malpani, A., Cooper, D., and W.
              Polk, "Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol
              (SCVP)", RFC 5055, DOI 10.17487/RFC5055, December 2007,

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   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC5652]  Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)", STD 70,
              RFC 5652, DOI 10.17487/RFC5652, September 2009,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC9147]  Rescorla, E., Tschofenig, H., and N. Modadugu, "The
              Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version
              1.3", RFC 9147, DOI 10.17487/RFC9147, April 2022,

Authors' Addresses

   Robert Segers
   Federal Aviation Administration
   800 Independence Ave. SW
   Washington, DC 20591
   United States of America

   Ashley Kopman
   Concepts Beyond
   1155 F St NW
   Washington, DC 20004
   United States of America

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