Internet DRAFT - draft-shin-magma-mzmp


Magma Working Group                                         Yongtae Shin
Internet-Draft                                              Sangjin Park
Expires: May 10, 2006                                          Yuhwa Seo 
                                                ICN LAB of Soongsil UNIV
                                                            Jongwon Choe
							  Sookmyung UNIV
                                                            October 2005

           MBS zone Management Protocol(MzMP) for the Multicast

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
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   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at http://

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on may 10, 2006.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document presents consideration item and guide line of multicast
   service environment construction as technology research for efficient
   multicast service support in common use carrying along internet 
   topology is changed through the result in 2.3GHz carrying along 
   internet topology that become major of mobile internet.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02
   2.  Terminology   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
   3.  Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 
   3.1 MSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
   3.2 MBS Server  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
   3.3 BS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
   3.4 ASA Server  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
   4.  Protocol Details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
   4.1 Extension of MBS zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04  
   4.1.1 BS1 subscribes the MBS zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
   4.1.2 MSS entered BS1 region subscribing at MBS zone  . . . . . . 05
   4.1.3 MSS1 moved another BS region  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
   4.2 Reduction of MBS zone   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09  
   4.2.1 Last recipient discontinued multicast 
         service group in BS1 that is subscribed to MBS zone . . . . 09
   4.2.2 Last recipient moved out BS1 region subscribed to MBS zone. 10
   5.  Multicast data transmission of MBS Server . . . . . . . . . . 11  
   6.  MBS zone list management of BS . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . 11
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1. Introduction
   Various derivative technologies of present mobile internet are 
   developed as commercialized technology. Among it, multicast and 
   fusion of Mobile technology may cause elevation of technique many
   services. Do so that can provide various service defining important 
   technology of such problem in this document. Take advantage of WLAN
   technology in mobile spot area in downtown, because other area with 
   transfer tele topology, dynamic group management and service 
   management for node who can use multicast without that have mobility 
   in carrying along internet environment are possible. Also, pare down 
   waste of mobile bandwidth utilizing group management who is 
   simplified than ex group management techniques in carrying along 
   internet environment and group management of base station(BS) 
   decreasing process of transfer node, because do  transfer node power
   consumption decrease possible. Finally, wide multicast services 
   support capacitates because connecting with technology of Mobile 
   VoIP, MANET, Telemetics, PAN, MBWA etc. So this document suggested to
   novel MBS zone Management Protocol(MzMP) based on the MBS zone 
   concept for supporting effective multicast service and group 
   management over IEEE 802.16e. 

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2. Terminology
   MBS: Multicast & Broadcast Service
   MCID (Multicast CID): The identifier that classified the multicast 
                         service and MBS zone
   MBS Zone: The region provide multicast and broadcast service that has 
             a specific MCID
   MBS Zone subscribes: Receiver of the multicast service that has its 
   MBS Zone leave: Discontinue receiving multicast service that has 
                   specific MCID
   MBS Server: The management server of MCID and BS for multicast 
   BS (Base Station): The equipment supporting wireless access of MSS
   MSS: Mobile Subscriber Station
   ASA(Authentication and Service Authorization): The service and user 
                                                  authentication to MSS
   ASA Server: The server that performs grant, management and 
               authentication of unique authentication key to each MSS
   DSA-RSP: The serving BS sends this message to MSS in order to 
            response to a received DSA-REQ(connection info parameter,
	    connection setting parameter)
   SA: Security Association
   MCID: Multicast Connection Identifier

3. Requirements

3-1 MSS
   - MSS should be able to receive or request MCID list from MBS Server 
     or BS.
   - MSS should be able to transmit message for multicast server 

3-2 MBS Server
   - It should maintain the list information of BS that receives the 
     Multicast Service Flow ID.(MCID)
   - It should transmit new MCID message by request of MCID list from 
     BSs or addition new MCID to own MBS management table.
   - It assigns a MCID per multicast service.
   - It may save multicast service contents.
     : The contents may be stored to Media server near by MBS Server in 
       this case, it needs message exchange with MBS Server.

3-3 BS
   - It should maintain MCID list from MBS Server and MSS receiving each 
     MCID service in the region.
   - It should save MCID list from MBS Server during a fixed term.
   - It should periodically update MCID list by new MCID message from 
     MBS Server.

3-4 SAS server
   - SAS server must authenticate user and service uses to MSS in 
     correspond MBS zone region.
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4. Protocol Details

4-1 Extension of MBS zone

4-1-1 BS1 subscribes the MBS Zone
 +--------------+     +------------+    +------------------------------+
 |  ASA server  |     | MBS Server |----| 5.MBS management cache table |	
 +--------------+     +------------+    |   MCID#1 | BS1               |
             |  ¡è	 |  |           +------------------------------+    
             |	|        |  | 
     3.SA    |  |2.SA    |  |4.MBS_MAP
     response|  |reqest  |  | (MCID#1 MBS Zone extend)
             |  |        |  |
|            |  |        |  |                          | 
|            |  |   6.ACK|  |                          |
|           ¡é  |       ¡é  |                          |
|	      +-------------+                          |
|	      |             |   +-------------------+  |
|	      |    BS 1     |---| 7.MBS cache table |  |
|	      |             |   |   MCID#1 | MSS1   |  |
|	      +-------------+   +-------------------+  |
|		     | ¡è                              |
|  +----+            |	|                              |
|  |    |            |  |	                       |
|  |MSS2|            |  |	                       |
|  +----+            |  | 	                       |
|	    8.DSA_RSP|  |	                       |
|		     |  |1.DSA_REQ                     |
|	            ¡é  |(MCID#1,SA request)           |
|		    +----+                             |
|		    |    |                             |
|		    |MSS1|                             |
|		    +----+                             |
            <Figure 1> BS1 subscribes the MBS zone

   Although BS1 has not subscribed to MBS zone, it contains MCID list 
   through periodic Advertisement message from MBS Server. MSS1 wants to 
   provide multicast service with MCID#1 of the MCID list. MSS1 obtains 
   MCID list from BS1.

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   Figure 1 shows below sequence.
   1. MSS1 send the DSA_REQ message (MCID, SA information, etc) to BS1
      for request and authentication of MCID#1.
   2. BS1 send the authentication request message to ASA server for the 
   3. ASA server sends SA response message of MSS1 to BS1.
   4. If authentication of MSS1 is completed, the BS1 sends the MBS MAP 
      message to MBS Server for requests to subscribe MBS zone.
   5. MBS Server registers BS1 as a multicast subscriber of MCID#1, and 
      maintains the table.
   6. MBS Server send ACK message to BS1.
   7. BS1, received ACK message, registers and manages MCID#1 and MSS1 
      in a table that contains information of its multicast service.
   8. MSS1 receive the DSA_RSP message from BS1. DSA_RSP means that 
      multicast service data zone broadcasting in BS1 by engaged SA.

   MSS1                   BS1              ASA server        MBS server
    |                      |                   |                 |
    | 1.DSA REQ            |                   |                 |
    |(MCID#1, SA request)  |                   |                 | 
    |--------------------->|                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |     2.SA request  |                 |
    |                      |------------------>|                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |               
    |                      |    3.SA response  |                 |
    |                      |<------------------|                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 | 
    |                      |        4. MBS_MAP |                 |        
    |                      |       (MCID #1, MBS Zone extend)    |
    |                      |-------------------|---------------->|
    |                      |                   |                5.MBS 
    |                      |                   |              management
    |                      |          ACK      |             cache table
    |                      |<------------------|-----------------|               
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |7.MBS cache table  |                 |
    |                      |  MCID#1           |                 | 
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |     5.DSA_RSP        |                   |                 | 
    |   (SA response)      |                   |                 |
    |<---------------------|                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
                 < Diagram 1 > BS1 subscribes the MBS zone

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4-1-2 MSS entered BS1 region subscribing at MBS zone

 +--------------+       +------------+     
 |  ASA server  |       | MBS Server |     	
 +--------------+       +------------+     
      4.SA    | ¡è 3.SA		                   
      Response|	| request
              | |
              |	|
|             | |                                      |
|            ¡é |                                      |
|	      +-------------+                          |
|	      |             |   +-------------------+  |
|	      |     BS1     |---| 2.MBS cache table |  |
|	      |             |   |   MCID#1          |  |
|	      +-------------+   +-------------------+  |
|	      |¡è                                      |
|	      | |                                      |
|    5.SA     | | 1.DSA_REQ          	               |
|    response¡é | (MCID#1, SA request)                 |
|	  +----+           	                       |
|	  |    |                                       |
|	  |MSS2|                                       |
|	  +----+                                       |
|		    +----+                             |
|		    |MSS1|                             |
|		    |    |                             |
|		    +----+                             |
     <Figure 2> MSS entered BS1 region subscribing at MBS zone

   BS1 already has subscribed MBS zone, and when MSS2 enters its region, 
   MSS2 receives MCID list from BS1 and wants to provide multicast 
   service of MCID#1. MBS cache table of BS1 already has contained 
   recipient MSS1 of MCID#1.

   Figure 2 shows below sequence.

   1. MSS2 sends the DSA_REQ message to BS1 for request and 
      authentication of MCID#1 multicast service.
   2. BS1 checks whether existence of MCID#1 in own MBS cache table.
   3. BS1 sends SA request message to ASA server for MSS2 
   4. ASA server send authentication SA response message for MSS2.
   5. MSS2 receives DSA_RSP message from BS1. In this case DSA_RSP means 
      that broadcasting multicast service data in BS1 zone depending on 
      the SA.

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   MSS1                   BS1              ASA server        MBS server
    |                      |                   |                 |
    | 1.DSA REQ            |                   |                 |
    |(MCID#1, SA request)  |                   |                 | 
    |--------------------->|                   |                 |
    |                      | 2.MBS cache table |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |     3.SA request  |                 |
    |                      |------------------>|                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |               
    |                      |    4.SA response  |                 |
    |                      |<------------------|                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |     5.DSA_RSP        |                   |                 |
    |   (SA response)      |                   |                 |
    |<---------------------|                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
      <Diagram 2> MSS entered BS1 region subscribing at MBS zone

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4-1-3 MSS1 moved another BS region
   A. Moved another BS region that not subscribed MBS zone
		        +--------------+ +------------+   +-------------------+
 		        |  ASA server  | | MBS Server |---| 5.MBS management  |
 		        +--------------+ +------------+   |   cache table     |
			              |¡è |¡è             |  MCID#1|BS1, BS2  |
				      ||  ||              +-------------------+
                                      ||  ||      
                                      ||  ||    
                                      ||  ||    
|                                   3.||2.||                         |
|                                     ||  ||                         |
|                                     ||  ||                         |
|   +-----------------+               ||6.||4.                       |
|   | MBS cache table |               ||  ||                         |
|  +| MCID#1          |-----------+   ||  ||                         |
|  |+-----------------+           |   ||  ||                         |
|  |  |                 +---------+---++--++--------------+          |
|  |  |   +----+        |         |   ¡é|  ¡é|		  |	     |
|  |  +---|BS1 |        |   7.    |   +----+              |          |
|  |      |    |        |  +------+---|BS2 |   +----------+--------+ |
|  |      +----+        |  | +----+-->|    |---| 6.MBS cache table | |
|  |                    |  | |1.  |   +----+   | MCID#1|MSS2       | |
|  |                    |  | |    |     |¡è    +----------+--------+ |
|  |            +----+  |  ¡é |    |  7.|| 1.             |          |
|  |   +----+   |MSS2|===>+----+  |     ||                |          |
|  |   |MSS1|   +----+  | |MSS2|=====>+----+              |          |
|  |   +----+           | +----+  |   |MSS2|     +----+   |          |
|  |                    |         |   +----+     |MSS3|   |          |
|  |                    |         |              +----+   |          |
|  +--------------------+---------+                       |          |
|                       |                                 |          |
|                       +---------------------------------+          |
   1. DSA_REQ (MCID#1 request)
   2. SA request
   3. SA response
   4. MBS_MAP (MCID#1 MBS zone extend)
   5. MBS management cache table MCID#1 | BS1,BS2
   6. ACK
   7. MBS cache table MCID#1 | MSS2
   8. DSA_RSP (SA response)
              <Figure 3> MSS1 moved another BS region

   When MSS2, it provided service of MCID#1 in BS1, moves into BS2 that 
   has not subscribed MBS zone of MCID#1, the same procedure is 
   performed step 1 to 7 of section 3.1 Request message of MCID#1 in 
   Step 1 can be requested in crossing region between BS1 and BS2, or 
   after complete entering the BS2. 

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   B. Moved another BS region that subscribed MBS zone.
      If MCID#1 MBS zone recipient already has been existed in BS2, each 
      table of BS2 and MBS Server already hascontained MCID#1, and a 
      table of MBS Server also registered BS2 as service recipient to 
      MCID#1. So the procedure at section 3-2 is performed.

    MSS2        BS2       ASA Server   MBS Server              
     |           |            |          |                         
     |==========>|            |          |
     |1.DSA_REQ  |            |          |
     |(MCID#1 request)        |          |
     |           |            |          |                           
     |           |            |          |                
     |           |----------->|          |                       
     |           |  2.SA      |          |
     |           | request    |          |
     |           |            |          |
     |           |<-----------|          |
     |           |  3.SA      |          |
     |           | response   |          |                
     |           |            |          |
     |           |---------------------->| 
     |           |  4.MBS_MAP |          |
     |           |(MCID#1 MBS zone extend) 
     |           |            |          |
     |           |            |     5.MBS management
     |           |            |       cache table         
     |           |            |     MCID#1| BS1,BS2     
     |           |   6.ACK    |          |                          
     |           |<----------------------|                          
     |           |            |          |                          
     |    7. MBS cache table  |          |                           
     |       MCID#1 | MSS2    |          |                          
     |           |            |          |                          
     |<----------|            |          |                          
     | 8.DSA_RSP |            |          |                          
     |(SA response)           |          |                          
     |           |            |          |                          
     |           |            |          |                          
     |           |            |          |                             
      <Diagram 3> MSS1 moved another BS region

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4.2 Reduction of MBS zone

4-2-1 Last recipient discontinued multicast service group in BS1 that is 
      subscribed to MBS zone
 +--------------+      +------------+   +------------------------------+
 |  ASA server  |      | MBS Server |---| 4.MBS management cache table |	
 +--------------+      +------------+   |   MCID#1 | BS1 delete        |
  7.SA expire|  ¡è6.SA	 |  ¡è3.MBS_MAP +------------------------------+    
      ACK    |	|request |  |(MCID#1, MBS zone reduce)
             |  |        |  |
|            |  |   5.ACK|  |                          |
|           ¡é  |       ¡é  |                          |
|	      +-------------+                          |
|	      |             |   +-------------------+  |
|	      |     BS1     |---| 2.MBS cache table |  |
|	      |             |   |   MCID#1 delete   |  |
|	      +-------------+   +-------------------+  |
|		     | ¡è                              |
|	             |	|                              |
|	   8.DSA_RSP |  |1.DSA_REQ 	               |
|     (SA expire,ACK)|  |(MCID#1, SA request)          |
|	             |  |                              |
|                   ¡é  |                              |
|		    +----+                             |
|		    |MSS1|                             |
|		    |    |                             |
|		    +----+                             |
             <Figure 4> Reduction of MBS zone

   BS1 has subscribed to MBS zone, so it has maintained and managed MBS 
   cache table that recorded informationto MSS, which it received MCID 
   list and each MCID. When last MSS1 of MCID#1 discontinues the service 
   due to several reason, or when SA is expired. Also, the reduction of 
   MBS zone is performed, when BS1 leaves its MBS zone and MBS zone is 

   Figure 4 shows below sequence.
   1. MSS1 sends DSA_REQ message to BS1 for MCID#1 service 
      discontinuance and for SA cancellation.
   2. BS1 deletes the related information of MSS1 in MBS cache table.
   3. BS1 sends the MBS_MAP message for MBS zone reduce message of 
      MCID#1 to MBS Server, because no more necessity providing 
      multicast service of MCID#1. 
   4. MBS Server deletes BS1 of MCID#1 entry in MBS zone management 
   5. MBS Server sends ACK message to BS1.
   6. BS1 sends SA release message of MSS1 to ASA server.
   7. ASA server sends SA1 expire ACK message to BS1.
   8. BS1 send the DSA_RSP message for SA expire ACK message to MSS1 and 
      MSS1 expire own SA.
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   MSS1                   BS1              ASA server        MBS server
    |                      |                   |                 |
    | 1.DSA REQ            |                   |                 |
    |(MCID#1, SA request)  |                   |                 | 
    |--------------------->|                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |2.MBS cache table  |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 | 
    |                      |        3.MBS_MAP  |                 |        
    |                      |       (MCID #1, MBS Zone extend)    |
    |                      |-------------------|---------------->|
    |                      |                   |               4.MBS 
    |                      |                   |              management 
    |                      |          ACK      |             cache table
    |                      |<------------------|-----------------|               
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |  6.SA release     |                 |
    |                      |------------------>|                 | 
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      | 7.SA expire ACK   |                 |
    |     5.DSA_RSP        |<------------------|                 | 
    |   (SA expire ACK)    |                   |                 |
    |<---------------------|                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
    |                      |                   |                 |
                    <Diagram 4> Reduction of MBS zone
4-2-2 Last recipient moved out BS1 region subscribed to MBS zone
      When the last recipient MSS1 of BS1 moved another BS region, BS1 
      dose not detects data exchange for MCID#1 any more. In this case, 
      after during for fixed term, MBS zone reduced by performing step 3 
      to 7 in section 4-1.

5. Multicast data transmission of MBS Server
   MBS Server may become Media server to provide contents, or Multicast 
   server separate from Media server. In case of the separated system, 
   MBS Server distributes data to each BS for communicating with Media 
   server. MBS Server has the information of BSs with their MCID in MBS 
   zone, and transports their own data to corresponding BSs.
   In MSS is source of multicast data, MSS sends own data to its BS, and
   BS sends the data to MBS Server. After, multicast data transmission 
   is similar to central server.

6. MBS zone list management of BS
   MBS obtains current using MBS zone list from MBS Server by 
   periodically, or Advertisement message of MBSServer. As BS saves MBS 
   zone list, if MSS requested MBS zone list to MBS Server, we will be 
   able to reduce correspond delay and bandwidth waste. MBS Server sends 
   the MBS list to as BS by request of the BS, and it sends new MCID 
   message to the BS, whenever adding new MCID in own MBS management 
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7. Security Considerations
   More improvement way that is proposed in after through performance 
   estimation, and security part that is limitation of mobile 
   environment and DRM part that can protect intellectual property of
   multimedia contents research about works that need.

8. References

   [1] Internet Protocol, version 6(IPv6) specification, RFC 2460, 1998.
   [2] T. Narten, E. Nordmark and W. Simpson, "Neighbor Discovery for 6 
       (IPv6)", RFC 2461, 1998. 12.
   [3] Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson, "Mobility Support in 
       IPv6", Internet Draft, draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-24, 2003. 12.
   [4] Pat R. Calhoun and Tony Johansson, "Diameter Mobile IPv4 
       Application", Internet Draft, draft-itef-aaa-diameter-mobileip-11
       2002. 6.
   [5] R. Koodli et al, "Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6", Internet Draft
       draft-ietf-mobileip-fast-mipv6-06, 2003. 3
   [6] S. Deering, "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", Internet 
       RFC112, 1989. 8.
   [7] "Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless 
       Access System", Draft IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan 
       area networks-IEEE 802.16e/D5, 2004. 9.
   [8] Charles E. Perkins, Addison-Wesley, "Mobile IP: Design Principles 
       and Practices" 
   [9] Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson, "Mobility Support in 

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  Authors' Information

   Yongtae Shin 
   Room 422 Information Science B/D,  
   Soongsil University Sangdo5-dong  
   Dongjak-gu Seoul, 156-743,  
   South Korea 
   Sangjin Park
   Room 402 Information Science B/D, 
   Soongsil University Sangdo5-dong 
   Dongjak-gu Seoul, 156-743, 
   South Korea

   Yuhwa Seo
   Room 402 Information Science B/D, 
   Soongsil University Sangdo5-dong 
   Dongjak-gu Seoul, 156-743, 
   South Korea
   Jongwon Choe 
   Room 410A Information Science B/D,  
   Sookmyung University Hyochangwon St.52  
   Yongsan-gu Seoul, 140-742, 
   South Korea 

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Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at

Disclaimer of Validity

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

Shin&Park&Seo&Choe          Expires May 10, 2006               [Page 14]