Internet DRAFT - draft-shore-stun-signaling


Network Working Group                                           M. Shore
Internet-Draft                                                 K. Biswas
Expires: June 8, 2006                                          D. McGrew
                                                           Cisco Systems
                                                        December 5, 2005

                 A STUN-Based Signaling (SBS) Framework

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on June 8, 2006.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   STUN has proven to be a popular mechanism for providing basic NAT
   traversal capabilities for UDP traffic.  As it has matured it has
   become an attractive target for extensions that move away from STUN's
   discovery function towards explicit communication with middleboxes --
   in other words, as an on-path signaling protocol.  This document
   describes a more generalized framework for using STUN for solving on-
   path signaling problems.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.1.  Transport Layer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.  SBS Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     2.1.  Message Processing Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     2.2.  NAT Traversal Support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     2.3.  SBS Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.3.1.  SBS Message Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.3.2.  The SBS Control Block  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.3.3.  NAT_ADDRESS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
       2.3.4.  TIMEOUT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       2.3.5.  IPV4_HOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       2.3.6.  IPv6_HOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       2.3.7.  IPv4_ERROR_CODE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       2.3.8.  IPv6_ERROR_CODE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       2.3.9.  AGID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       2.3.10. CHALLENGE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       2.3.11. RESPONSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   3.  Sending SBS messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
   4.  Messaging and State Maintenance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.1.  BUILD-ROUTE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.2.  HOP-BY-HOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.3.  BIDIRECTIONAL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     4.4.  Path Teardown Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     4.5.  Network Address Translation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   5.  Application interface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   6.  NAT interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   7.  Using SBS as a NAT traversal protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
   8.  Discovery of non-SBS NATs, and recovery  . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   9.  Endhost processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     9.1.  Sending  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     9.2.  Receiving  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
   10. Intermediate Node Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
   11. Using SBS to support bidirectional reservations  . . . . . . . 26
   12. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     12.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     12.2. Security Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     12.3. Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       12.3.1. Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
     12.4. Datatypes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
     12.5. The Authentication Exchange (AX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
   13. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     13.1. SBS Application Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     13.2. SBS Attribute Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   14. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

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   Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 36

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1.  Introduction

   RSVP [rfc2205] is based on a "path-coupled" signaling model, in which
   signaling messages between two endpoints follow a path that is tied
   to the data path between the same endpoints, and in which the
   signaling messages are intercepted and interpreted by RSVP-capable
   routers along the path.  While RSVP was originally designed to
   support QoS signaling for Integrated Services [rfc1633], this model
   has proven to generalize to other problems extremely well.  Some of
   these problems include topology discovery, QoS signaling,
   communicating with firewalls and NATs, discovery of IPSec tunnel
   endpoints, test applications, and so on.

   This document describes the use of the STUN [rosenberg] protocol for
   on-path signaling.  Unlike RSVP, STUN-Based Signaling (SBS) is not
   tied directly to IntServ and the protocol machinery itself is
   sufficiently generalized to be able to support a variety of
   applications.  What this means in practice is that there will be
   different signaling applications, all of which share a base STUN
   transport layer.  This is similar to the concepts used in secsh,
   where authentication and connection protocols run on top of a secsh
   transport protocol (see [ylonen] for details).

   The protocol machinery was originally based somewhat on RSVP without
   refresh overhead reduction extensions [rfc2961], but in the process
   of generalization has lost many of the features that define RSVP,
   such as necessary receiver-oriented reservations and processing
   requirements at each node.

   SBS differs from RSVP in several important ways.  One of the most
   significant of these is that the protocol described in this document
   does not itself trigger reservations in network nodes.  The STUN
   application will do that, and, indeed, some STUN applications may not
   carry reservation requests at all (discovery protocols, for example).
   Because of this SBS does not support reservation styles (those would
   be also be attributes of an application).  Another significant
   difference is that that reservations may be installed by an SBS
   application in either a forward (from the sender toward the receiver)
   or backward (from the receiver toward the sender) direction -- this
   is application-specific.

   Other possibly significant differences include that NAT traversal
   support is integrated into the message transport, and that SBS allows
   an application to install reservations for paths that are
   bidirectional and asymmetric.

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1.1.  Transport Layer

   This document describes the transport layer.  The SBS transport layer
   is as simple as we could make it, supporting two basic functions:
   routing and NAT traversal.  The sources of complexity in signaling
   protocols tend to be the signaling applications themselves.  Those
   applications have varying performance and reliability requirements,
   and consequently we feel that application-specific functions belong
   in the application layer.

   The SBS transport layer is also relatively stateless.  By "stateless"
   we mean that the transport layer does not itself create or manipulate
   state in participating nodes.  By "relatively" we take exception to
   the previous assertion, in that the transport layer provides
   facilities for route identification and route pinning.  This is an
   optimization, albeit a significant one, which allows SBS to be used
   without a separate route discovery process.  Another source of state
   is in the case of NATs, where an SBS request may trigger the creation
   of a NAT table mapping.  However, this latter case does not create
   SBS maintenance state.

   An application may wish to support summary refreshes or other
   performance enhancements; that type of function is application-
   specific and requires no support from the transport layer.

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2.  SBS Messages

2.1.  Message Processing Overview

   Unlike RSVP, SBS has only one fundamental message type plus one error
   message type, and directionality is significant to the SBS
   application only.  Three new attributes, HOP-BY-HOP, BUILD-ROUTE, and
   BIDIRECTIONAL, have been added in support of greater flexibility in
   the SBS application.  For example, some applications which already
   know network topology or which run a separate routing protocol may
   choose to route hop-by-hop in a forward direction.  Conversely, a
   topology discovery protocol may choose to route end-to-end in the
   return direction.  Both of these would be departures from the Path/
   Resv message handling specified in RSVP.

   The BUILD-ROUTE flag has been added to allow route discovery to be
   overloaded on top of basic messaging, much like the RSVP Path
   message.  If the BUILD-ROUTE flag is present, SBS nodes store routing
   information carried in incoming HOP objects.  They also overwrite
   routing information into the HOP attribute in outgoing SBS messages.

   The BIDIRECTIONAL flag may be used to indicate that the application
   for which this SBS message carries a payload must be executed in each
   direction.  It may be used in combination with the HOP-BY-HOP flag in
   some circumstances, but typically it will be used with the HOP-BY-HOP
   flag set to 0.

   Even with these departures, the basic operation of the protocol may
   made be similar to RSVP with the appropriate use of the new
   attributes.  For example, a message may be injected into a network by
   the sender towards a receiver, routed end-to-end with the receiver's
   address in the destination address in the IP header.  If the BUILD-
   ROUTE bit is set in the SBS flags, entities along the path the
   message traverses will intercept it, store path state, act on (or
   not) the application payload data, and forward the message towards
   its destination.  In SBS, "path state" refers specifically to the
   unicast IP address of the previous hop node along with the previous
   node's optional logical interface information.

   When the message arrives at the receiver (or its proxy), the receiver
   may generate another SBS message in response, this time back towards
   the original sender.  As with the message in the forward direction,
   this message may be routed either end-to-end or hop-by-hop, depending
   on the requirements of the application.  In order to emulate an RSVP
   Resv message, the HOP-BY-HOP is set to 1 and the BUILD-ROUTE bit is
   set to 0.

   BUILD-ROUTE and HOP-BY-HOP MUST not be set in the same SBS message,

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   and BUILD-ROUTE and TEARDOWN MUST not be set in the same SBS message.

2.2.  NAT Traversal Support

   NAT traversal poses a particular challenge to a layered protocol like
   SBS.  If we assume the use of discrete, opaque applications, one of
   which is NAT, interactions between other applications that make use
   of addresses (for example, firewall rules or QoS filter specs) and
   the NAT application are complicated.  Either every application will
   need to be able to peek into NAT payloads and identify which address
   mapping is the one they need, or NATs supporting SBS will need to be
   able to parse and write into every application payload type.  Neither
   approach is particularly robust, reintroducing a type of stateful
   inspection and constraining how applications can be secured.

   Because of the desire to be able to have a variety of STUN signaling
   applications successfully interact with NATs and because of the
   constraints described above, in SBS NAT is supported in the transport
   layer rather than in a separate application.  Addresses needing
   translation are tagged and put in STUN attributes and passed to the
   appropriate application at each SBS node.  Application identification
   is based on tag contents.

2.3.  SBS Message Format

   SBS messages consist of an SBS control block followed by optional
   attribute fields followed by an optional application payload.

2.3.1.  SBS Message Types

   STUN-Based Signaling uses the following STUN message types:

   0x0003: Signaling Message

   0x0103: Reserved

   0x0113: Signaling Error Response

2.3.2.  The SBS Control Block

   All SBS messages (and by implication, all SBS-based signaling
   applications) MUST start with an SBS Control Block as the first
   attribute following the STUN header.  The Control Block is formatted
   as follows:

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               0             1              2             3
        |   Version   | (Reserved)  |           Flags           |
        |                         Flow ID                       |

   Figure 1

   where the fields are as follows:

   Version:  8 bits.  The protocol version number; in this case 0x01.

   Flags: 16 bits.  Flag bits include

      0x01 HOP-BY-HOP
      0x02 BUILD-ROUTE
      0X04 TEARDOWN
      0x08 AX_CHALLENGE
      0x10 AX_RESPONSE

   Flow ID:  32 bits.  This is a value which, combined with the source
      IP address of the message, provides unique identification of a
      message, which may be used for later reference for actions such as
      quick teardowns, status queries, etc.  The mechanism used for
      generating the value is implementation-specific.

   Rather than including a separate Flow-ID, we rely on the Transaction
   ID in the STUN message header.


      |       Application ID      |    Flags    |    Proto    |
      |                    Address ID Tag                     |
      |                 Original IPv4 Address                 |
      |                  Mapped IPv4 Address                  |
      |      Original Port        |        Mapped Port        |

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   Figure 2

   where the fields are as follows:

   Application ID:  16 bits.  This is the same as the value that's used
      for identifying application payloads.

   Flags:  8 bits.  Flag bits include
      0x01 = TRANSLATE
      0x02 = NO_REWRITE

      TRANSLATE indicates that a NAT device handling the packet should
      create a NAT table entry for the original address.  If the
      TRANSLATE bit is not set, the NAT does nothing.

      NO_REWRITE indicates that when the reply message is being returned
      towards the sender, any NATs along the path MUST NOT overwrite the
      Mapped Address.

   Proto:  IP protocol for this translation (TCP, UDP, SCTP, etc.).

   Address ID:  32 bits.  An value that's unique within the set of
      Address IDs used with a particular Application ID; used to
      uniquely identify a particular address (i.e. provide a tag).

   Original IPv4 Address: The original address for which a translation
      is being requested.

   Mapped IPv4 Address:  The address created by the NAT -- i.e. the
      "external" address.

   Original Port:  The original port for which a translation is being

   Mapped Port:  The port number created by the NAT for this mapping.

2.3.4.  TIMEOUT

      |                   Timeout Value                       |

   The TIMEOUT attribute carries the number of milliseconds for which
   state associated with a particular flow should be retained, with the
   expectation that the state will be deleted when the timeout expires.
   "State" in this case refers to routing state and to NAT state; STUN

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   application state will be managed by its application.

2.3.5.  IPV4_HOP

      |                    IPv4 Hop Address                   |
      |                 Logical Interface Handle              |

   The IPv4_HOP attribute carries the IPv4 address of the interface
   through which the last SBS entity forwarded the message.  The logical
   interface handle may be used to distinguish between multiple
   interfaces on the same entity, or it may be set to all 0s.

2.3.6.  IPv6_HOP

      |                                                       |
      +                                                       +
      |                                                       |
      +             IPv6 Next/Previous Hop Address            +
      |                                                       |
      +                                                       +
      |                                                       |
      |                Logical Interface Handle               |

   The IPv6_HOP attribute carries the IPv6 address of the interface
   through which the last SBS entity forwarded the message.  The logical
   interface handle may be used to distinguish between multiple
   interfaces on the same entity, or it may be set to all 0s.

2.3.7.  IPv4_ERROR_CODE

      |            IPv4 Error Node Address (4 octets)         |
      |    Flags    |  Error Code |        Error Value        |

   The IPv4_ERROR_CODE attribute carries the address of a node at which
   an SBS error occurred, along with an error code and error value.
   When no Error Value is defined, the Error Value field MUST be set to
   0 by its sender and ignored by its receiver.

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   If the high-order bit of the Error Code is not set, the attribute
   carries an error message.  If it is set, the attribute carries an
   informational message.  Therefore Error Codes with values between 0
   and 127 contain error messages and Error Codes with values between
   128 and 255 contain informational messages.

   IPv4 Error Node Address: 4 octets.  The IPv4 address of the interface
      on the node that generated the error.

   Flags:  8 bits.  None currently defined.

   Error Code: 8 bits.  The type of error or informational message, with
      values as follows:

         Error Code = 0: No error

         Error Code = 1: Bad parameters

            Error Value = 1: HOP-BY-HOP and BUILD-ROUTE both present

            Error Value = 2: BUILD-ROUTE present but no HOP attribute

            Error Code = 3: HOP-BY-HOP present but no local stored
            routing state

            Error Code = 4: Message length not a multiple of 4

         Error Code = 2: Unrecognized attribute

            Error Value = attribute number

         Error Code = 3: Unrecognized application

            Error Value = Application ID

         Error Code = 4: Non-SBS NAT detected in path

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         Error Code = 128: No message

         Error Code = 129: Sending node has detected a route change

2.3.8.  IPv6_ERROR_CODE

      |                                                       |
      +                                                       +
      |                                                       |
      +           IPv6 Error Node Address (16 octets)         +
      |                                                       |
      +                                                       +
      |                                                       |
      |    Flags    |  Error Code |        Error Value        |

   The IPv6_ERROR_CODE attribute carries the address of a node at which
   an SBS error occurred, along with an error code and error value.

      "IPv6 Error Node Address:" 16 octets.  The IPv6 address of the
      interface on the node that generated the error.

      Flags: 8 bits.  None currently defined.

   The Error Code and Error value fields are the same as those used in
   the IPv4_ERROR_CODE.

2.3.9.  AGID

      |                           id                          |

   The AGID is the authentication group ID, used in the authentication
   dialogue to identify the group key.

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2.3.10.  CHALLENGE

      |                                                       |
      +                                                       +
      |                                                       |
      +                        Nonce                          +
      |                                                       |
      +                                                       +
      |                                                       |

   The CHALLENGE attribute is used to carry a 16-octet random nonce to
   be used as an authentication challenge.

2.3.11.  RESPONSE

      |                                                       |
      //                         HMAC                         //
      |                                                       |

   The RESPONSE attribute carries the response to the authentication
   challenge.  It is a variable length attribute with the length
   dependent on the transform being used.

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3.  Sending SBS messages

   STUN-based signaling messages are sent as STUN messages with the
   message type 0x0003.

   When an endhost or its proxy wishes to initiate an SBS session, it
   creates a SBS message.  If the message is being sent end-to-end the
   destination address in the IP header is the address of the device
   interface that is expected to terminate the path along which
   signaling is expected to be sent.  It may be a application peer host
   or terminal, or it may be a proxy.  If the message is being sent hop-
   by-hop the destination address in the IP header is the address of the
   device interface that is the next hop along the path.  That address
   will have been discovered either through a separate routing process
   or through RSVP-style soft-state messaging.

   If the message is end-to-end and needs route discovery and pinning,
   the BUILD-ROUTE bit in the SBS Control Block flags header MUST be set
   to 1 and the HOP-BY-HOP bit MUST be set to 0.  If the message is
   being routed hop-by-hop, the HOP-BY-HOP bit MUST be set to 1 and the
   BUILT-ROUTE bit MUST be set to 0.  (Note that there may be
   applications in which both the HOP-BY-HOP and the BUILD-ROUTE bit
   will be set to 0.)

   If the SBS application wishes to support bidirectional reservations,
   the BIDIRECTIONAL flag must be set to 1, the BUILD-ROUTE flag should
   be set to 1, and the HOP-BY-HOP flag should be set to 0, at least in
   the initial message.  If the application makes use of periodic
   refreshes it may optionally choose to route some number of them hop-
   by-hop along the discovered path before sending out another message
   to refresh the route state; that is an application design issue.

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4.  Messaging and State Maintenance

   Message handling and state maintenance are determined by the presence
   (or absence) of two flags in the SBS Control Block: the HOP-BY-HOP
   bit and the BUILD-ROUTE bit.  They also involve, and are involved by,
   NAT processing.


   The BUILD-ROUTE bit in the flags field of the SBS Control Block
   allows STUN signaling to function as a discovery and routing
   protocol, much like the Path message described in RFC 2205.

   If the BUILD-ROUTE flag is present, upon receipt an SBS node MUST
   check for the presence of an IPv4_HOP or IPv6_HOP attribute in the
   SBS payload.  If one is not present, the message MUST be discarded
   and an error returned to the sender.  If both are present, the
   message MUST be discarded and an error returned to the sender.
   Otherwise, if there is no installed soft state associated with the
   Flow ID, the node stores the HOP information, Flow ID, and other
   state information it chooses to retain, and forwards the message
   towards the address in the destination field of its IP header.  If
   there is installed soft state associated with the Flow ID, the node
   compares the contents of the HOP field with the installed state.  If
   they are identical nothing needs to be done; if they are different
   the HOP information in the node is overwritten with the information
   in the current message.  This allows the protocol to be responsive to
   route changes, endpoint mobility, and so on.

   An SBS node MAY send notification of a routing change back to the

4.2.  HOP-BY-HOP

   If the HOP-BY-HOP bit is set in the flags field of the SBS Control
   Block, an SBS node MUST forward the message to the address stored in
   associated local soft state.  That is to say, the node MUST write the
   address in the local HOP information associated with the Flow ID into
   the destination field in the IP header on the outbound message.  This
   is like message processing in the Resv message in RFC 2205.

   The HOP information may have been acquired using a routing process
   based on HOP-BY-HOP processing, but it may have been acquired using
   an external routing mechanism.  If there is no HOP information stored
   locally, the node MUST drop the message and return an error to the

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   If the BIDIRECTIONAL flag is set, the receiver must send the
   answering message to the sender (that is to say, the destination
   address in the IP header must be set to the address of the sender)
   with the BUILD_ROUTE flag set and the HOP_BY_HOP flag set to 0.  As
   with the message sent from the sender to the receiver, the HOP
   attribute contains information used to install routing state.  If the
   nodes are already authenticated to one another (they were already
   traversed in the forward direction) it is unnecessary for the
   authentication dialogue to be performed again.  If the nodes are not
   already authenticated to one another then the route is asymmetric and
   the authentication dialogue must be performed.

   Note that the sender and receiver should retain knowledge that the
   session is bidirectional, as it may affect subsequent messaging and
   error processing.

   Because a complete authentication dialogue may take place in each
   direction, with each node being authenticated to its adjacent node
   (i.e. the dialogue takes care of authenticating both A to B and B to
   A), this proposal neither changes the authentication dialogue nor
   should it undermine the security of the protocol.

4.4.  Path Teardown Messages

   Receipt of an SBS message with the TEARDOWN bit set indicates that
   matching path state must be deleted.  Note that this is independent
   of directionality, and the teardown message may be sent in either
   direction.  The applications which have reservations that were
   installed by a message containing a matching Flow ID must be
   notified, and they are responsible for managing (in this case,
   deleting) their own flow-related state.  TEARDOWN and HOP-BY-HOP MUST
   not be set in the same message.

   Unlike RFC 2205, if there is no matching path state the teardown
   message must be forwarded.  There may be path state in support of an
   SBS application that is not running on every node, and the teardown
   message must not be lost.

4.5.  Network Address Translation

   If there is one or more NAT_ADDRESS attribute present, an SBS-capable
   NAT must process each one that does not have the NO_TRANSLATE bit set
   in the flags field.  Processing takes place as follows:

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   o  The originator (sender) of the message creates a NAT_ADDRESS
      attribute for each address/port/protocol tuple requiring NAT
      mappings.  It also creates a random 32-bit tag, which is used to
      identify the address in application payloads and to tag the
      mapping in the NAT_ADDRESS attribute in the SBS Control Block.  It
      also zeros the Mapped Address field.

   o  When an SBS-capable NAT receives a request, for each NAT_ADDRESS
      attribute in which the NO_TRANSLATE bit is not set and the Mapped
      Address is all nulls, it creates a NAT table mapping for the
      Original Address and Original Port and inserts the "external"
      address and port into the Mapped Address and Mapped Port fields.

   o  When an SBS-capable NAT receives a request, for each NAT_ADDRESS
      attribute in which the NO_TRANSLATE bit is not set and the Mapped
      Address is not nulls, it creates a NAT table mapping for the
      Mapped Address and Mapped port and overwrites those values with
      the new external addresses and ports.

   o  When an SBS-capable node receives a request, for reach NAT_ADDRESS
      attribute in which the Application ID matches an SBS application
      payload ID and the application is supported by the node, the
      attribute is passed to the application with the application
      payload, allowing the application module on the node to correlate
      and use the address based on the tag.

   Note that this approach to NAT requires that participants be
   sensitive to directional issues in cases where ordering matters, such
   as the need to find the outermost NAT address.  API support is
   required in order to turn the NO_TRANSLATE bit on and off as needed
   by a particular application.

   Also note that in cases where the only function required is NAT table
   mapping requests, there may be no application payloads, or it may be
   desirable to create a rudimentary NAT SBS application that does
   nothing other than allow the receiver, or other nodes, to turn the
   NO_TRANSLATE bit on.

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5.  Application interface

   Application payloads are encapsulated within SBS attributes and MUST
   follow any NAT attributes.

   The Application Payload attribute includes the Application ID field,
   which is used to vector the requests off to the correct application
   on the router upon receipt.  It is also used to identify NAT_ADDRESS
   attributes to be passed to the application.  In a nutshell, if the
   Application ID in a NAT_ADDRESS attribute matches the Application ID
   in an Application attribute, the NAT_ADDRESS attribute must be passed
   to the application along with the application payload.

   Note that there is no identifier in the attribute other than the
   Application ID.  If there is a need for an application-specific
   identifer for reservations or other applications requiring retained
   state, those must be added to the application payload.

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6.  NAT interactions

   STUN-based signaling uses IP addresses for routing, both end-to-end
   and hop-by-hop.  Given the applications which SBS will be
   transporting, it is highly likely that those applications will be
   using payload-embedded addresses and there will be some interactions.
   The use of a NAT application together with other applications can
   mitigate this, but there will be problems transiting non-SBS-capable

   When an SBS entity receives a message travelling in the forward
   direction, it writes the address in the IPv4_HOP or IPv6_HOP, as
   appropriate, from the packet into local per-session state and
   replaces the HOP data in the message with the address of the outgoing
   interface.  When the entity is a NAT, it will write the translated-to
   address.  Note that while it is usually the case that payload
   integrity protection breaks in the presence of NATs if embedded
   addresses are being rewritten, this is not substantially different
   from the rewriting of the HOP field which occurs within SBS anyway.

   However, if an SBS message crosses a non-SBS-capable NAT, several
   problems may occur.  The first is that if the message is being
   dropped in a raw IP packet, the NAT may simply drop the packet
   because it doesn't know how to treat it.  Another is that the address
   in the HOP field will be incorrect.  SBS and the applications it
   carries cannot be expected to function properly across non-
   participating NATs.  Discovery of a non-SBS-capable NAT is described
   in Section 8.

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7.  Using SBS as a NAT traversal protocol

   Using STUN-Based Signaling as a stand-alone NAT traversal protocol is
   straightforward -- simply use it without application attributes, but
   set the NO_REWRITE flag in the NAT_ADDRESS attribute to 1.  This
   provides two functions: 1) installation of new NAT table mappings,
   and 2) allowing the sender to learn what the "external" mappings are.

   The Control Block flags in the forward direction must be

      HOP-BY-HOP = 0

      BUILD-ROUTE = 1

      TEARDOWN = 0

   The Control Block flags in the reverse direction (i.e. in the
   response message) must be

      HOP-BY-HOP = 1

      BUILD-ROUTE = 0

      TEARDOWN = 0

   The NAT table mappings are kept fresh through the retransmission of
   the request every refresh period.  The refresh messages are identical
   to the original request message.

   When the NAT table mappings are no longer required, the sender must
   send a teardown message containing the Flow ID of the installed
   mappings and with the Control Block flags set to

      HOP-BY-HOP = 0

      BUILD-ROUTE = 0

      TEARDOWN = 1

   An acknowledgement response message is not required.  If there has
   been no refresh message received prior to the expiration of the
   timeout period, the NAT table mappings must be deleted when the
   timeout period ends.

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8.  Discovery of non-SBS NATs, and recovery

   This section describes a method of discovering non-SBS NATs in the
   path, and a recovery mechanism if one is discovered.

   When there are non-SBS-capable NATs in the path, they will only be
   able to process or modify the IP/UDP header of the SBS message and
   will not be able to understand or modify the SBS message itself
   (including the NAT_ADDRESS attribute).

   If there are non-SBS NATs in the path the sender needs to be made
   aware of this, and it should be able to fall back to processing
   without SBS, using any other mechanisms that may be available.  Also,
   the SBS-capable NATs in the path which have allocated the NAT
   mappings based on NAT_ADDRESS attribute processing, need to be able
   to release these mappings.

   The following algorithm can be applied for non-SBS NAT detection by
   SBS nodes:

       if (NAT NAT_ADDRESS_ATTR mapped_addr == 0) {
           This SBS NAT is first SBS NAT in path
           if (SBS packet's source IP address != NAT_ADDRESS_ATTR's
           original_address) {
               This SBS NAT is not the first in the path, and
               some non-SBS NAT has touched this packet;
               send SBS error message back to the sender
               with SBS error-code = 4 (non-SBS-nat in path)
           } else {
               This SBS NAT is the first in the path, and no non-
               SBS NAT has touched this packet;
               proceed with SBS processing.
       } else {
           This SBS NAT is not the first SBS NAT in path.
           if (SBS packet's source IP address != NAT_ADDRESS_ATTR's
           mapped_address) {
               Some non-SBS NAT has touched this packet, send
               SBS error message back to the sender with SBS
               error-code = 4 (non-SBS-nat in path)
           } else {
               No non-SBS NAT has touched this packet; proceed
               with regular SBS processing.

   The SBS error message will be relayed back to the sender.

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   Intermediate SBS nodes should not be processing the SBS error
   message, but let this SBS packet be routed back to the sender.

   Once the sender sees an SBS error-message with Error-Code = 4 (non-
   SBS-nat in path), it should resend the same SBS message as earlier
   with the NAT_ADDRESS attribute's Original IPv4 Address/Port/Protocol
   as earlier and the Mapped IPv4 Address/Port as NULL, but should set
   the TEARDOWN flag in the Control Block.

   The intermediate SBS NATs in the path, upon seeing an SBS message
   with the TEARDOWN bit set, should delete its local NAT mapping
   corresponding to the Flow ID and send the message on towards the
   receiver, traversing other SBS-capable NATs along the path which will
   also process the TEARDOWN message.

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9.  Endhost processing

9.1.  Sending

   When a host or its proxy wishes to send an SBS request, it puts
   together the application attribute and encapsulates it in a STUN

   If the application needs to request NAT service because of its use of
   addresses for reservations, etc., it must create a random 32-bit tag
   for use as an address token in the application payload, and it must
   create a NAT_ADDRESS attribute in which it inserts the address and
   port for which it is requesting NAT service, as well as the 32-bit

   For example, in a hypothetical QoS application that needed NAT
   services for the address, TCP port 6603 in the flow
   description, it would generate the random tag 0x24924924, use that in
   the application payload instead of an address, and create a
   NAT_ADDRESS attribute with the following values:

      Application ID = QoS

      Flags = TRANSLATE

      Proto = TCP

      Address ID = 0x24924924

      Original IPv4 Address =

      Original Port = 6603

   The endpoint also needs to set the flags that determine how path
   establishment and routing are to be handled on intermediate nodes.
   In some cases the application requires no stored state in SBS nodes
   or it simply requires a single SBS pass.  Examples of this kind of
   application include topology discovery, tunnel endpoint discovery, or
   diagnostic triggers.  In this case, in the SBS Control Block both the
   HOP-BY-HOP flag and the BUILD-ROUTE flag are set to 0.

   If an application is establishing per-node state and wants SBS to
   establish and pin SBS routing for it, as might be the case with a QoS
   application or a firewall pinholing application, the sending endpoint
   must set the BUILD-ROUTE flag to 1 and the HOP-BY-HOP flag to 0.

   The endhost then packages together the attributes and transmits it as
   a STUN packet.

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9.2.  Receiving

   An SBS node "knows" that it's an endpoint or proxy when the following
   conditions are satisfied:

   if (IP destination address == my address)  {
       if (HOP_BY_HOP)
           if (next hop data available)
               forward it on;
               it's mine;

   When an endpoint receives a packet and identifies it as terminating
   there, it demultiplexes the payload and passes the payload and
   associated NAT_ADDRESS data to the appropriate application.

   If an application in the payload is not supported by the endpoint,
   the endpoint must return a message to the sender with an ERROR_CODE
   attribute with the error value set to 3 (Unrecognized application).

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10.  Intermediate Node Processing

   The processing of SBS packets at intermediate nodes is substantially
   the same as processing at endpoints.  Upon the arrival of a request,
   the node demultiplexes the packet contents and vectors the
   application payloads off to their respective applications.

   One major difference from endpoint processing is the handling of NAT
   requests by NAT intermediate nodes.  When an SBS-capable NAT receives
   an SBS request, it checks for the presence of NAT_ADDRESS attributes.
   For each NAT attribute, it executes the process described in
   Section 4.5.

   For state maintenance and forwarding, the node must follow the
   processes described in section Section 4.1, Section 4.2, and
   Section 4.4.

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11.  Using SBS to support bidirectional reservations

   When an application that uses SBS to transport reservation requests
   (for example, QoS reservations or firewall pinholes) and it wishes to
   make the request for a bidirectional data stream, the reservations
   should be made when the message is received in the "forward"
   direction.  Note that this is a significant departure from the model
   used in RSVP.  The reason for this should be apparent -- if the route
   between the sender and receiver is asymmetric, it is possible that a
   device traversed by a Path message may not be traversed by a Resv
   message, and vice-versa.

   It may be desirable to have different characteristics for the
   reservation in one direction than for the other.  In this case the
   SBS application designer should make provision for identifying
   reservation specifications to be used in each direction.

   It should also not be assumed, as is done in RSVP, that error
   messages will traverse all affected nodes unless care is taken by the
   sender, or the "owner" of the reservation, to ensure that error
   messages are propagated correctly.  So, for example, if a reservation
   fails at a particular node, it may not be sufficient to return the
   error message towards the sender.

   An application that manages reservations may wish to refresh
   application state more frequently than it wishes to refresh route
   state.  In that case it should send the message with the
   BIDIRECTIONAL and HOP_BY_HOP flags set, and the BUILD_ROUTE flag set
   to 0.

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12.  Security Considerations

12.1.  Overview

   This section describes a method for providing cryptographic
   authentication to the STUN-Based Signaling protocol.  The method
   incorporates a peer discovery mechanism.  Importantly, there is no
   provision for confidentiality.  This fact simplifies the protocol,
   and removes the need for export control on products implementing it.
   SBS applications which require confidentiality may provide it

   This mechanism provides both entity and message authentication along
   a single hop.  In other words, the device on each end of the hop is
   assured that the identity of the other device, and the content of the
   message from that device, are correct.  These security services are
   provided only on a hop-by-hop basis.  That is, there are no
   cryptogrpahic services provided across multiple hops, and each hop
   can independently use or not use authentication.  In the following,
   we restrict our discussion to a single hop along an SBS path.

   In order to support authentication, we introduce an optional two-
   message exchange into SBS called the Authentication Exchange, or AX.
   This exchange is needed in order to carry the challenge-response

12.2.  Security Model

   Authenticated SBS provides both authorization and entity
   authentication using a group model.  Authorizations correspond to
   particular applications.  An Authorization Group (AG) is a set of
   network interfaces that share the following information:

   o  a list of SBS Application IDs; these correspond to applications
      which the group is authorized to use,

   o  a group authentication key,

   o  a Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm type

   Note that AGs are associated with interfaces and not devices since in
   many situations there are different trust levels associated with
   different interfaces.

   For each device implementing Authenticated SBS, each interface is
   associated with a list of Application IDs, each of which is
   associated with:

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   o  a list of AGIDs that authorize the corresponding application, or

   o  the symbol ALLOW, which indicates that the application has been
      explictly allowed on the associated interface, or

   o  the symbol DROP, which indicates that the application has been
      explicitly disallowed on the associated interface.

   In this model, finer grained authorizations are impossible.  For
   example, it is impossible to authorize VoIP traversal of a Firewall
   while still disallowing telnet across the firewall.  The model can be
   expanded to accomodate finer grained authorizations, but this issue
   is not considered further in this draft.  Sensitive applications,
   such as firewall pinholing, must provide their own authentication and

12.3.  Cryptography

   Authenticated SBS uses a single cryptographic function: a
   pseudorandom function that accepts arbitrary-length inputs and
   produces fixed-length outputs.  This function is used as a message
   authentication code (MAC).  [Note: in the future, it might be used as
   a key derivation function (KDF).]

   The default function is HMAC SHA1.  When used as a MAC, its length is
   truncated to 96 bits.

12.3.1.  Keys

   Authenticated SBS uses group keys, in order to reduce the amount of
   protocol state and to mitigate the peer-discovery problem.

   Implementations MUST provide a way to set and delete keys manually.
   However, they SHOULD also provide an automated group key management
   system such as GDOI [rfc3547], so that efficient revocation is

12.4.  Datatypes

   An SBS message MSG has the following format:

      MSG :== HDR OPT* APP SEC*

   where HDR, OPT, APP, and SEC are as follows:

      HDR is the SBS Control Block

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      OPT is an SBS-optional Attribute

      APP is the Application Object

      B_RESPONSE.  These datatypes are defined below.

   The security attribute are always last in order to avoid data-
   formatting issues with the inputs to the message authentication
   codes, and to minimize the amount of data movement needed during the
   Authentication Exchange.

      Authorization Group Identifier (AGID): The AGID attribute
      identifies a particular group key.  The Value field carries an
      identifier; there is no defined format.  The length of this field
      is variable, and MUST be a multiple of four octets.  If it is
      generated at random, the it SHOULD be at least 16 octets.

      A_CHALLENGE: The A_CHALLENGE contains a 16-octet random nonce.
      This attribute is put into a message whenever outbound
      authentication is desired.  When this attribute is recieved, then
      the next message sent MUST contain either an A_RESPONSE attribute
      or an error message indicating that no authentication is possible.
      The value MUST be generated either by using a strong random or
      pseudorandom source, or by the method described in Section X.Y.

      B_CHALLENGE: The B_CHALLENGE contains a 16-octet random nonce.
      This attribute is put into a message whenever inbound
      authentication is desired.  When this attributeis recieved, then
      the following message MUST contain either a B_RESPONSE attribute
      or an error message indicating that no authentication is possible.
      The value MUST be generated either by using a strong random or
      pseudorandom source.

      A_RESPONSE: The A_RESPONSE attribute is sent in response to a
      message containing an A_CHALLENGE attribute.  It contains a
      message authentication code (MAC) value computed over the complete
      SBS message containing the A_CHALLENGE, including the SBS Control

      B_RESPONSE: The B_RESPONSE is sent in response to a message
      containing a B_CHALLENGE attribute.  It contains a message
      authentication code (MAC) value computed over the complete SBS
      message containing the IN_CHALLENGE, including the SBS Control

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12.5.  The Authentication Exchange (AX)

   Two new SBS Control Block flags are defined:

      0x0008 AX_CHALLENGE, which is set for all messages carrying an
      A_CHALLENGE attribute.

      0x0016 AX_RESPONSE, which is set for all messages carrying an
      A_RESPONSE attribute.

   In the following, we consider only the SEC attributes.

      1.  A -> B : AGID*, B_CHALLENGE


      3.  A -> B : AGID, A_RESPONSE

   Message 1: Device A includes in the message each AGID that is
   associated with the Application ID in the SBS message to be sent to
   B. Device B checks its local policy to determine which AGIDs are
   associated with the Application ID in the message, and determines
   which AGIDs are associated with that value.  Device B then checks to
   see if the AGID set in the message intersects with the locally
   derived AGID set.  If they intersect, then one of the AGID values is
   chosen to be 'active'; this choice is arbitrary.  Otherwise, the AX
   cannot be successfully completed, and an error message is returned.
   A also constructs a B_CHALLENGE attribute and sends it to device B.

   Message 2: Device B constructs Message 2 by replacing the AGID list
   of Message 1 with the active AGID and an A_CHALLENGE attribute, as
   well as a B_RESPONSE attribute, and sends it to device A. The rest of
   the SBS message is unchanged from Message 1, except that the
   AX_CHALLENGE flag is now set.  Device A processes Message 1 by

      Verifying that the AGID in the message is associated with the
      Application ID in the SBS message.  If it is not, then the AX
      cannot be successfully completed, and an error message is

      Computing its own value of B_RESPONSE, using as input the key
      associated with the AGID in the message, and a reconstruction of
      Message 3 created using the locally cached value of the
      A_CHALLENGE attribute.  If the locally constructed B_RESPONSE
      matches that in Message 2, then the message is rejected, and an
      error message is returned.

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      Looking up the key associated with the AGID.  If it cannot find an
      associated key, then the AX cannot be successfully completed, and
      an error message is returned.

   If those steps succeed, then the A_RESPONSE attribute is computed,
   using Message 2 and the key associated with the active AGID as its

   Message 3: Device A constructs Message 3 by replacing the A_CHALLENGE
   attribute with the A_RESPONSE attribute computed in the preceeding
   step and a randomly generated B_CHALLENGE attribute.  The rest of the
   SBS message is identical to that of Message 1, except that the
   AX_RESPONSE flag is set.  Device B processes Message 3 by

      Verifying that the AGID in the message is associated with the
      Application ID in the SBS message.  If it is not, then the AX
      cannot be successfully completed, and an error message is

      Computing its own value of A_RESPONSE, using as input the key
      associated with the active AGID, and a reconstruction of Message 2
      created using the locally cached value of the A_CHALLENGE
      attribute.  If the locally constructed A_RESPONSE matches that in
      Message 3, then the message is rejected, and an error message is

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13.  IANA Considerations

   This document describes a protocol requiring the registration of

      SBS Application IDs (SBS Application Identifiers)

      SBS Attribute IDs (SBS Attribute Identifiers)

   Initial values are given below.  Future assignments are to be made
   through expert review.

13.1.  SBS Application Identifiers

           NAME                    VALUE          DEFINITION

          Control Point Discovery    1             See ...
          Firewall Traversal         2             See ...

13.2.  SBS Attribute Identifiers

          NAME                       VALUE       DEFINITION


14.  References

   [rfc1633]  Braden, R., Clark, D., and S. Shenker, "Integrated
              Services in the Internet Architecture: an Overview",
              RFC 1633, June 1994.

   [rfc2205]  Braden, R., Zhang, L., Berson, S., and S. Herzog,
              "Resource Reservation Protocol -- Version 1 Functional
              Specification", RFC 2205, September 1997.

   [rfc2961]  Berger, L., Gan, D., Swallow, G., Pan, P., Tommasi, F.,
              and S. Molendini, "RSVP Refresh Overhead Reduction

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              Extensions", RFC 2961, April 2001.

   [rfc3547]  Baugher, M., Weis, B., Hardjono, T., and H. Harney, "The
              Group Domain of Interpretation", RFC 3547, July 2003.

              Rosenberg, J., "Simple Traversal of UDP Through Network
              Address Translators (NAT) (STUN)",
              draft-ietf-behave-rfc3489bis-02.txt (work in progress),
              July 2005.

   [ylonen]   Ylonen, T., "SSH Protocol Architecture",
              draft-ietf-secsh-architecture-15.txt (work in progress),
              October 2003.

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Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to express their gratitude to Senthil
   Sivakumar, Jan Vilhuber, and Bill Foster for their careful review and
   gentle feedback.

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Authors' Addresses

   Melinda Shore
   Cisco Systems
   809 Hayts Road
   Ithaca, New York  14850


   Kaushik Biswas
   Cisco Systems
   510 McCarthy Blvd
   Milpitas, California  95035


   David A. McGrew
   Cisco Systems
   510 McCarthy Blvd
   Milpitas, California  95035


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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
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   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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