Internet DRAFT - draft-shyam-mshn-ipv6


INTERNET DRAFT                                          S. Bandyopadhyay
draft-shyam-mshn-ipv6-22.txt                              April 29, 2015
Intended status: Informational
Expires: October 29, 2015

            Mesh Structured Hierarchical Networking and IPv6


   This document tries to address an approach for the reorganization of
   the entire network in a large address space. It describes how a
   three-tier mesh structured hierarchy can be established based on
   fragmenting the entire space into some regions and some sub regions
   inside each of them. It addresses issues which could be relevant to
   this architecture in the context of IPv6. This document also tries to
   come out with an approach how IP switch based network can perform as
   good as ATM network for the processing of real time traffic.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on October 29, 2015.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.

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Table of Contents
   1. Introduction.....................................................2
   2. A Three tier mesh structured hierarchical network................3
      2.1. Route propagation...........................................5
      2.2. Determination of prefix lengths.............................8
           2.2.1. A pseudo optimal distribution of prefixes in a 64bit
           2.2.2. Whether to go for a two tier or three tier hierarchy
      2.3. Issues related to Satellite communications.................11
      2.4. Issues related to PI addressing and IP mobility............12
           2.4.1 IP address aliasing..................................14
           2.4.2. Changes expected with the specifications related
                  to IP mobility......................................15
      2.5. Refinements over existing IPv6 specification...............16
      2.6. Distributed processing and Multicasting....................18
   3. Solution for site multihoming...................................19
      3.1. Multihoming and IP Mobility................................22
           3.1.1. IP Address Stacking.................................23
      3.2. Implementation aspects.....................................26
           3.2.1. Processing of system call getsrcaddr................27
           3.2.2. Changes required in ip_output and ip_forwarding
           3.2.3. Processing of protocol input routines and socket IO
                  system calls........................................29
      3.3. Multihoming, VPN and load sharing..........................29
   4. Processing of real time packets (QoS issue).....................31
      4.1. Dual mode operation........................................33
      4.2. Expected changes at the application layer..................34
   5. IANA Consideration..............................................34
   6. Security Consideration..........................................34
   7. Acknowledgments.................................................35
   8. Normative References............................................35
   9. Informative References..........................................36
   10. Author's Address...............................................36

1. Introduction

   Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is in the process. Work has been done to
   upgrade individual nodes (workstations) from IPv4 to IPv6. Also,
   there are established documents to make routers/switches to work to
   support IPv4 as well as IPv6 packets simultaneously in order to make
   the transition possible [1].  CIDR[2] based hierarchical architecture
   in the existing 32-bit system is supposed to be continued in IPv6 too
   with a large address space. There are documents/concerns over BGP
   table entries to become too large in the existing system [3]. There
   are proposals to upgrade Autonomous System number to 32-bit from

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   16-bit to support the demand at the same time [4]. The challenge
   relies on how to make the transition smooth from IPv4 to a real IP
   world with least changes possible. ATM network performs faster than
   the network with IP switches. The difference becomes more prominent
   for real time applications.  Whereas they have disadvantages as far
   as bandwidth usages is concerned compared to the IP-switch based
   network. This document tries to address approaches for IP-switch
   based network to process real-time applications as fast as ATM
   network also a mesh structured hierarchical network with flat address
   space for routing convenience. It provides a solution for site
   multihoming of stub networks.

   The term "real IP environment" is referred to an environment where
   hosts in a customer network will possess globally unique IP addresses
   and communicate with the rest of the world without the help of
   NAT[5].  A customer network may get IP services from more that one
   service providers also can maintain private IP addresses to
   communicate within users belonging to the same organization.

2. A Three-tier mesh structured hierarchical network

   Existing system is in work with Autonomous System (AS) and inter-AS
   layer with the approach of CIDR. In order to meet the need within the
   32-bit address space, Autonomous Systems of various sizes maintain
   CIDR based hierarchical architecture. With the help of NAT, a stub
   network can maintain an user ID space as large as a class A network
   and can meet its useful need to communicate with the rest of the
   world with very few real IP addresses. With the combination of CIDR
   and NAT applied in the entire space, most of the part of 32-bit
   address space gets effectively used as network ID. This is how,
   16-bit 'Autonomous System Number' is realized as insufficient in
   order to meet the need of growing customers. If the same gets
   continued with a larger network ID, load in the switches will become
   too high.

   With traditional CIDR based hierarchy, a node of higher prefix can be
   divided into number of nodes with lower prefixes. Each divided node
   can further be subdivided with nodes of further lower prefixes. This
   process can be continued till no further division is possible. The
   point worth noting is at each point the designer of the network has
   to preconceive the future expansion of the network with the concept
   in the mind that the resource can not be exhausted at any point of
   time. This phenomenon leads the designer to allocate resources much
   higher than whatever is needed which leads to a space of unused
   address space and the concept of H-D (host-density) ratio comes into
   play. The problem gets aggravated once resource gets exhausted by any
   chance. e.g. a node of prefix /16 can be divided with a number of
   nodes of prefixes /24. If any one of the nodes /24 gets exhausted,

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   resources of other nodes of prefixes /24 can not be used even if they
   are available.

   Transition from private IP to real IP may not appear to be a simple
   task. This has happened due to the desperate attempt of the service
   providers to provide internet services with the help of NAT. e.g. a
   large educational institute meets its current requirement with 4 real
   IP addresses; one for its mail server, one for its web server, one
   for its ftp server and another one for its proxy server to provide
   web based services to all of its users.  These four types of services
   are used by any organization of any size(it may be 400 or even
   40000). In the current provider network these organizations are
   supported their need with 4 IP addresses and the CIDR based tree has
   been built using these components together. When private IP will be
   replaced with real IP, each customer network will require IP
   addresses based on its size and requirement. So, even if CIDR based
   architecture is maintained with real IP space, existing provider
   based network needs to be reorganized. The desired approach will be
   to assign address block that will be proportional to the sizes
   (bandwidth) of the ports of the switches of the provider network.

   As Autonomous Systems of various sizes are supported, Autonomous
   Systems and the nodes inside the Autonomous Systems can be viewed as
   graphically lying on the same plane within the address apace. If
   network can be viewed as lying on different planes, routing issues
   can be made simpler. If network is designed with a fixed length of
   prefix for the Autonomous System everywhere, routing information for
   the rest will get confined with the other part of the network prefix.
   Which means the maximum size of AS gets assigned to all irrespective
   of their actual sizes. This can be made possible with the advantage
   of using a large address space and dividing it into number of regions
   of fixed sizes inside it. Thus entire network can be viewed as a
   network of inter-AS layer nodes. Each node in the inter-AS layer can
   act either only as a router in the inter-AS layer or as a router in
   the inter-AS layer with an Autonomous System attached to it with a
   single point of attachment or as an Autonomous System with multiple
   Autonomous System border routers (ASBR) appearing like a mesh. Thus
   two tier mesh structured hierarchy gets established between AS layer
   and inter-AS layer with each AS having a fixed length of prefix.

   Based on the definition of Autonomous System, it is a small area
   within the entire network that maintains its own independent identity
   that communicates with the rest of the world through some specific
   border routers. In the similar manner, if a larger area (say region
   or state) can be considered as network of Autonomous Systems, that
   can maintain its own identity by communicating with the rest of the
   world through some border routers (say, state border router), mesh
   structured hierarchy can be established within the inter-AS layer.

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   The inter-AS layer will be split into inter-AS-top and inter-AS-
   bottom. To maintain this hierarchy, each node of inter-AS-top needs
   to have multiple regional or state border routers (say, SBR) through
   which each one will communicate with the rest of the world in the
   similar manner an Autonomous System maintains ASBR. Thus, entire
   network will appear as a network of nodes of inter-AS-top layer. To
   maintain hierarchy, each node of the inter-AS-top needs to have a
   fixed length of prefix. i.e. each node of the inter-AS top will be
   assigned a maximum (fixed) number of nodes of Autonomous Systems.

   Thus, with three-tier mesh structured hierarchy in the network layer,
   network ID can be viewed as A.B.C. If pA, pB and pC be the prefix
   lengths of inter-AS-top, inter-AS-bottom and AS layers respectively,
   there will be 2^pA nodes at the topmost layer, 2^pB at the inter-AS-
   bottom layer and 2^pC nodes at the AS layer. Thus the entire space
   gets divided into a fixed number of regions and each region gets
   divided into fixed number of sub regions. This division is supposed
   to be made based on geography, population density and their demands
   and related factors.

   Let nMaxInterASTopNodes be the possible maximum number of nodes
   assigned at the top most layer and nMaxInterASBottomNodes be that at
   the inter-AS-bottom layer and nMaxASNodes at the AS layer. Where
   nMaxInterASTopNodes <= 2^pA and nMaxInterASBottomNodes <= 2^pB and
   nMaxASNodes <= 2^pC.

2.1. Route propagation

   With hierarchy established, routing information that gets established
   inside a node of inter-AS-top, does not need to be propagated to
   another node of inter-AS-top. Entire routing information of inter-AS-
   top layer needs to be propagated to inter-AS-bottom layer. So, each
   router of inter-AS layer will have two tables of information, one for
   the inter-AS-top and another for the inter-AS-bottom of the inter-AS-
   top node that it belongs to. BGP (with little modification) will work
   very well with a trick applied at the SBRs. Each SBR will not
   propagate the routing information of inter-AS-bottom layer of its
   domain to another SBR of neighboring domain. i.e. SBR of one top
   layer node will propagate routing information only of inter-AS-top
   layer to SBR of another top layer node. Inside a node of inter-AS-
   top, routing information of inter-AS-top and inter-AS-bottom need to
   be propagated from one ASBR to another neighboring ASBR. Inside a top
   layer node A, routing information of another top layer node B will
   have two parts; one for the list of SBRs through which a packet will
   traverse from top layer node A to B and another for the list of ASBRs
   through which the packet will traverse from one AS to another inside
   A. In terms of BGP, AS_PATH attribute will be split into two parts;
   one for the information of the top layer and another for the bottom

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   layer. Within the same node A routing information of one AS to
   another AS will not have any top layer information. i.e. the top
   layer information will be set to as NULL.

   Similarly, each node of the AS layer will have three tables of
   routing entries. One for the inter-AS-top, one for the inter-AS-
   bottom and another for the routing information inside the Autonomous
   System itself.

   Introduction of hierarchy at the inter-AS layer reduces the size of
   the routing table substantially. With the availability of hardware
   resources if flat address space is maintained at each layer, problems
   related to CIDR can be avoided. With flat address space, no
   hierarchical relationship needs to be established between any two
   nodes in the same layer. So, all the nodes inside each layer can be
   used till they get exhausted. With flat address space (i.e.  without
   prefix reduction), BGP tables will have maximum nMaxInterASTopNodes +
   nMaxInterASBottomNodes entries.

   IGP like OSPF has got provision to divide AS into smaller areas. OSPF
   hides the topology of an area from the rest of the Autonomous System.
   This information hiding enables a significant reduction in routing
   traffic. With the support of subnetting, OSPF attaches an IP address
   mask to indicate a range of IP addresses being described by that
   particular route. With this approach it reduces the size of the
   routing traffic instead of describing all the nodes inside it, but
   introduces another level of hierarchy. If subnetting concept can be
   avoided from the AS layer(with the additional overhead of computation
   inside the SPF tree), each area can be configured from a free pool of
   addresses based on its requirement dynamically. So, an AS can be
   divided into number of areas of heterogeneous sizes with the nodes
   from a free pool of address space.

   Similarly, the concept of area can be introduced in the inter-AS-
   bottom layer the way it works in OSPF. The area border routers in the
   inter-AS-bottom layer have to behave exactly in the similar manner
   the way an ABR behaves in OSPF.  i.e. an area border router will hide
   the topology inside an area to the rest of the world and will
   distribute the collected information inside the area to the rest. It
   will distribute the collected routing information from outside to the
   nodes inside as well. In order to implement this, protocol running in
   the inter-AS layer (say BGP) will have to introduce a 'cost' factor.
   This cost factor can be interpreted as the cost of propagation of a
   packet from one AS to another. The protocols running inside AS layer
   (RIP/OSPF, etc) will have to the supply the cost information for a
   packet to travel from one ASBR to another. All the protocols must
   behave in unison for supplying this information. The cost factor is
   needed for a remote node while sending a packet to a node inside an

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   area while more than one area border routers are equidistant from
   that remote node. Thus inter-AS-bottom layer (i.e. one inter-AS-top
   level node) can be divided into number of areas of heterogeneous
   sizes with nodes of AS from a free pool of address space. BGP adopts
   a technique called route aggregation. Along with route aggregation it
   reduces routing information within a message. In the similar manner,
   introduction of area inside inter-AS-bottom layer will not only
   reduce the complexity of the protocol, but will reduce the size of a
   BGP packet substantially.

   With this architecture, each node(router) inside an AS is represented
   as A.B.C.  Each node may or may not be attached with a network which
   acts as a leaf node (i.e. a network will not act as a transit). In
   order to make use of user-id space properly and to support customer
   networks of heterogeneous sizes, the user-ID space needs to be
   divided as subnet-ID and user-ID. Profoundly, a VLSM (variable length
   subnet mask) type of approach has to be adopted at each node of an
   AS. So, each node of the AS layer will act as the root of a tree
   whose leaves are independent small customer networks which will act
   as stub. As the routing information of inter-AS layer as well as AS
   layer need not be passed inside any node of the VLSM tree, each
   router inside the tree should maintain default route for any address
   outside of its network. With this approach, load on each router of
   the service providers will become negligible. Protocols that supports
   VLSM with MPLS/VPN has to be implemented inside the tree (inside the
   VLSM tree, all the physical ports of a switch have to be configured
   with the subnet mask. So, mere MPLS on top of static routing table
   should do the rest).

   The fundamental assumptions based on which this architecture lies can
   be summarized as follows:

   i) Entire network can be viewed as a network of regions or states
   where each region or state can have its own identity by communicating
   with the rest of the world through some state border routers. Each
   region or state is a network of Autonomous Systems. Each region as
   well as each Autonomous System inside them will have a fixed
   (maximum) length of prefix.

   ii) Availability of hardware resources is such that flat address
   space can be maintained at the inter-AS layer.

   Introduction of mesh-structured hierarchy will have several

      o  Load at each router will get reduced substantially.
      o  Concept of CIDR style approach and complexity related to
           prefix reduction can be easily avoided.

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      o  Mesh structured hierarchy will make traffic evenly distributed.
      o  Physical cable connection can be optimized.
      o  Administrative issues will become easier.

2.2. Determination of prefix lengths

   With this architecture, IP address can be described as A.B.C.D where
   the D part represents the user id. Each router in the inter-AS layer
   will have two tables of information, one for the inter-AS-top and
   another for the inter-AS-bottom of the inter-AS-top node that it
   belongs to. Whereas, each node of the AS layer will have three tables
   of routing entries; one for the inter-AS-top, one for the inter-AS-
   bottom and another for the routing information inside the Autonomous
   System itself. In the worst case. a node inside an AS needs to
   maintain nMaxInterASTopNodes + nMaxInterASBottomNodes + nMaxASNodes
   entries in its routing table.

   The dynamic nature of allocating an area from a free pool of address
   space is more frequent at the AS layer than at the inter-AS-bottom
   layer. As OSPF supports all the features needed, it can be considered
   as default choice in the AS layer.  Existing implementation of OSPF
   (Version 2) supports subnetting, by which an entire area can be
   represented as a combination of network address and subnet mask. With
   this approach, entire routing table gets reduced substantially.  With
   the removal of subnetting, all the nodes inside an area will have an
   entry inside the routing table (OSPF Version 1). So the deterministic
   factor is what is the maximum number of nodes inside an AS OSPF can
   support once subnetting support gets removed. So the prefix length of
   AS layer will be determined by this factor of OSPF.

   With the introduction of hierarchy in the inter-AS layer, number of
   entries in the BGP routing table will get reduced substantially. Even
   if pA and pB both are selected as 16, number of routing entries come
   within the admissible range of existing BGP protocol. But, it is the
   responsibility of IANA to come out with a scheme how
   nMaxInterASTopNodes and nMaxInterASBottomNodes are to be selected.
   Each top level node will have nMaxInterASBottomNodes nodes. It will
   be a waste of address space if each country gets assigned a top level
   nodes (e.g. china has got a population of 1,306,313,800 people where
   as Vatican City has got only 920 according to a census of 2006). So a
   moderate value of nMaxInterASBottomNodes is desirable, with which
   larger countries will have a number of top level nodes. e.g. each
   state of USA can be assigned a top level node. With the introduction
   of area in the inter-AS-bottom layer, each top level node can be
   divided into number of areas of heterogeneous sizes. So, a group of
   neighboring countries with less population can share the address
   space of a top level node. Similarly, user-id space has to be decided
   based on the largest area VLSM tree should be spanned through. All

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   these issues are completely geo political and have to be decided by

2.2.1. A pseudo optimal distribution of prefixes in a 64bit architecture

   In order to have optimal use of cable connections, length of the VLSM
   tree is expected to be as short as possible. Also any single
   organization may prefer to have its user id space to be under the
   same network id. So, a 16bit user-id may become insufficient for
   places like large university campus, where as 32bit will become too
   large. Hence, 24bit user-id will be a moderate one which is the class
   A address space in ipv4 (also used as the space for private IP). As
   published in 1998 [7], OSPF can support an area with 1600 routers and
   30K external LSAs. So, 11 bits are needed to support this space. With
   the assumption that OSPF can support much more address space with the
   advancement of hardware technology as well as to keep the space open
   for future expansions, 12 bits are assigned for the AS layer. 16 bits
   are assigned for the inter-AS-bottom layer. So, if on the average,
   16bit equivalent space gets used within the user-id space (i.e. one
   out of 256) and 8bit equivalent nodes gets used inside an AS (16% of
   1600), for a top level node (with 16bit equivalent AS nodes), it will
   generate 2^40 IP addresses, which will give 8629 IP addresses per
   person in Japan (with a population of 127417200; Japan is at the 10th
   position from the top in the population list of the world). So, even
   if all the countries with population less than or equal to Japan are
   assigned a top level node and all the provinces/states of countries
   with larger population are assigned a top level node each, total
   number of nodes will come well under 1024. If a number of neighboring
   countries with lesser population shares a top level node, total
   number of top level nodes will come down further.  This suggests that
   62 bit equivalent (10(pA)+16(pB)+12(pC)+24(user-id)) space will be
   good enough for unicast addresses. This distribution expects OSPF to
   support 65K (64K+1K) external LSAs.

   64bit address space may be divided into two 63bit blocks as follows:

   i. Global unicast addresses with the most significant bit set to 0.
   In order to separate out router address space from the host computers
   of customer networks, routers may be assigned a prefix 01 whereas the
   host computers will have prefix 00. With three-tier hierarchy,
   network ID is represented as A.B.C.  Any router inside the VLSM tree
   including the root will have an address 01A.B.C.router-id.  Where as
   a host interface inside a customer network will be represented as

   As the number of nodes representing routers in the provider network
   will be way too less than the user-id space for the customer
   networks, in order to keep more space for unicast addresses of

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   customer networks as well as to keep the option open for future
   expansion, entire 63 bit address space with the MSB set to 0 has been
   assigned to customer networks for unicast addresses. So, the
   distribution will look like 10(pA)+17(pB)+12(pC)+24(user-id). Router
   address space will be assigned from the address space with the MSB
   set to 1.

   One can think of a larger size for the VLSM tree. It has to be
   compensated with a smaller size for the inter-AS space. Say the
   distribution may look like 10(pA)+15(pB)+12(pC)+26(user-id). As the
   size of the user-id space (or the VLSM tree) is fixed, larger the
   size of the tree, larger will be the waste. This factor can be
   decided based on the data supplied (or suggested) by the service

   ii. Address space with the MSB set to 1 will be distributed within
   the rest. Each of them will have a fixed prefix which will be
   determined with the consultation with IANA.  This distribution will
   be based on the requirements and the work that have already been done
   in connection to IPv6 along with the following requirements:

   a) Router address space: Any node in the router address space will be
   designated with a prefix followed by A.B.C.router-id.

   b) Address space for multicasting:

   c) Address space for private IP: A 32 bit address space should be
   good enough for private IP.

   d) Provider independent address space: This space will be used for
   the customers who would like to retain their number even after
   changing their providers. With this architecture, addressing is based
   on the routing topology i.e.  all unicast addresses will be based on
   the provider assigned address space.  So, each of these provider
   independent addresses has to be mapped with an address from the
   global unicast address space. Section 2.4 describes issues related to
   PI addressing and IP mobility in detail.

   In order to provide support of IP mobility as well as provider
   independent addressing, each customer network has to be assigned some
   extra space along with their usual need. The actual amount of space
   to be reserved has to be determined by IANA.

2.2.2. Whether to go for a two-tier or three-tier hierarchy

   Establishment of hierarchy in the inter-AS layer reduces the size of
   BGP entries to a great extent, but leads to an improper use of
   address space due to geo-political reason. If hierarchy in the inter-

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   AS space gets removed, entire 26bit (10+16) space will be available
   for a single layer and use of inter-AS space will be true to its
   sense, but will increase external LSA (and/or number of entries in
   the BGP table) dramatically. So, it depends on to what extent OSPF
   can support external LSAs. BGP expects the packet length to be
   limited to 4096 bytes. BGP manages to make it work with this
   limitation with the concept of prefix reduction in the CIDR based
   environment.  As the number of inter-AS nodes increases, BGP has to
   change this limit in order to make it work in flat address space. The
   alternate will be to divide the inter-AS space into number of areas
   as defined in section 2.1. The area border routers will advertise the
   aggregated information to the rest of the world. BGP may have to
   incorporate both the options at the same time.  As the number of
   nodes in the inter-AS layer increases, in order to reduce the number
   of entries in the routing table, inter-AS space has to be split into
   two separate planes.  So, two-tier hierarchy can be considered as an
   interim state to go for three-tier hierarchy.  If it so happen that
   current available data is good enough to support the present need, it
   will be worth to look for to what extent it can support in the
   future. Assignment of inter-AS nodes in two-tier hierarchy should be
   based on the geographical distribution as if it is part of three-tier
   hierarchy.  Otherwise, introduction of three-tier hierarchy in the
   future will become another difficult task to go through. Based on the
   report of year 2011, BGP supports ~400,000 entries in the routing
   table. With this growing trend, BGP may have to change the limit of
   packet length even in a CIDR based environment. With the introduction
   of two-tier hierarchy, number of entries in the routing table will
   come down drastically and with the three-tier approach, it will come
   down further.

2.3. Issues related to Satellite communications

   Establishment of hierarchy in the inter-AS layer expects the only way
   any two autonomous systems in two different top level nodes
   communicate is through their SBRs. If two autonomous systems inside
   the same top level node communicate through satellite, it will be
   considered as a direct link between them. Whenever autonomous system
   'ASa' of top level node 'A' communicates with autonomous system 'ASb'
   of top level node 'B' through satellite, they have to go through
   their state border routers. i.e.  satellite port inside 'A' that
   communicates with a satellite port inside 'B' will be considered as
   state border router. If multiple such ports exists inside node 'A',
   all of them will be equidistant from any port inside 'B'.  Which
   expects any satellite port inside 'B' to have prior knowledge of list
   of autonomous systems that will be under the purview of any port
   inside 'A'. So, all the satellite ports of 'A' have to exchange such
   group of information with all the satellite ports of 'B' and vice
   versa.  These group of autonomous systems can be considered as a

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   cluster of autonomous systems inside an area of a top level node. If
   number of such ports is small, some heuristics can be applied while
   assigning AS numbers in order to reduce the processing time during
   the circuit establishment phase.  It will become difficult to
   maintain such heuristics once the number of such ports becomes large.
   So, in case of satellite communication, the advantage of establishing
   hierarchy inside inter-AS layer diminishes as the number of satellite
   ports increases. If any private corporate maintains its own satellite
   channel to communicate between its offices at distant locations, all
   of these offices are going to be considered as under the user-id
   space of its network. Service providers that provide satellite
   services to the end-site customers, can operate in the usual manner
   as they will provide connection to customer networks which will act
   as stub.

2.4. Issues related to PI addressing and IP mobility

   As far as implementation is concerned, provider independent
   addressing will be a costly affair. First of all in order to resolve
   the currently mapped location, there has to be a mechanism which is
   to some extent similar to the DNS entry resolution. Inside a customer
   network which is based on the provider assigned address space,
   routing of IP packets will be based on the provider assigned
   addresses. So, for every IP packet that is destined to a PI address
   will have a stack of addresses; the mapped address (or the care-of
   address) and the PI address. While initiating communication with a PI
   address, the mapped address has to be resolved first and then both
   the PI address as well as the mapped address has to be passed down to
   the transport layer. Transport layer needs to form a stack of
   addresses while filling up the IP packet. The above complexities can
   be avoided if the entire customer network is assigned a contiguous
   set of PI addresses. So, for the entire system, provider independent
   addressing has to be supported either based on the individual
   customer basis or on the entire customer network basis but not both.
   Customers who would like to have mobility support, the mapped address
   can be considered as the "Home Address" of the mobile node as defined
   in the specification of "IP Mobility Support"[8]. Once a node with PI
   address moves to a co-located care-of address[8], system needs to
   make decision based on PI address, its mapped address as well as the
   co-located care-of address.  So, provider independent address with
   mobility support will be the costliest operation.

   If PI addresses are assigned on individual customer basis, protocol
   control block structure associated with socket needs to introduce
   another field 'fmpiaddr' to store the mapped destination address. It
   needs to have another field 'fcladdr', the destination node care-of
   address to support IP mobility. If foreign address is stationary and
   provider independent, both 'fmpiaddr' and 'fcladdr' will have the

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   same value. The existing field 'faddr' which is used to address a
   foreign address will hold the value of PI address for a node with PI
   address. Similarly it will hold the value of "Home Address" of the
   mobile node if it is not provider independent. Protocol output
   routines like 'tcp_output' and 'udp_output' need these information to
   fill the IP packet. A new system call 'regrmtcladdr' needs to be
   introduced to store both PI address and the mapped address with the

   int regrmtcladdr(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *mpiaddr,
                    socklen_t mpiaddrlen, const struct sockaddr *claddr,
                    socklen_t claddrlen);

   A client program needs to call 'regrmtcladdr' before it calls
   'connect' to establish connection with its peer. 'regrmtcladdr'(or
   its system level routine) can be used by a correspondent node while a
   remote mobile node registers its care-of address with the
   correspondent node[8].

   There could be several approaches to resolve the mapped address for a
   PI address. This issue needs to be discussed in a separate document.
   A function call needs to be introduced to get the mapped address.

   struct in_addr getmappedaddr(struct in_addr *piaddr);

   It is worthwhile to introduce a function call 'connrmtaddr' that will
   connect a remote address of any type. 'connrmtaddr' will check
   whether the address is provider independent and connect the remote
   site accordingly.

   int connrmtaddr(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *dst,
                   socklen_t addrlen);

   Assignment of contiguous block of PI address space to an entire
   customer network apparently do not make much sense. This is just
   equivalent to assigning PA address space to a customer network. So,
   assignment of PI address space to an entire customer network has to
   be avoided unless there is a real need that can not be solved (or
   avoided) by using PA address space. PI address assignment always have
   to be burdened with the look up procedure to resolve the mapped
   address even if an entire customer network gets assigned PI

   Assignment of PI addresses has to be restricted to a limited number
   of users.  This limit has to be decided by IANA. As the number of
   users with PI addresses increases, complexities within the entire
   system increases proportionately.

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2.4.1 IP address aliasing

   An interface of a customer network may have several IP addresses
   (e.g. for a multihomed customer site, each interface will have
   multiple global unicast addresses also it may have a private
   address). This phenomenon is commonly known as IP address aliasing.

   A second type of aliasing is required to support IP mobility and
   provider independent addressing. For a mobile node that has been
   moved to a customer network which get services from two service
   providers and maintains private IP addresses, will have at least four
   IP addresses; provider one assigned unicast address, provider two
   assigned unicast address, private address and its permanent "Home
   Address". The "Home Address" will be aliased with one of the provider
   assigned addresses (i.e. the co-located care-of address). Similarly
   for a node with provider independent address will have four IP
   addresses. The interface address holding the PI address will be
   aliased with one of the provider assign addresses as its mapped
   address. If the node with PI address moved to a foreign site, will
   have a care-of address. The mapped address will be treated as the
   "Home Address".  So the interface structure needs to have two
   additional fields to hold the values of care-of address and mapped
   address. The PCB structure will have two additional fields 'lmpiaddr'
   and 'lcladdr' to hold these information.  In case a PI node that has
   not been moved, both 'lcladdr' and 'lmpiaddr' will have the same
   value. So 'lcladdr' will have the current provider assigned address
   that a foreign node needs to use for communication. The field 'laddr'
   that is used to hold the vale of local address will hold the value of
   PI address for a node with PI address; it will hold the value of
   "Home Address" of a mobile node in case it does not have a PI

   In order to support multihoming, an outgoing IP packet needs to be
   forwarded based on its source address (see section 3). In order to
   support this, an outgoing packet from a mobile node or a node with PI
   address needs to be stacked with the associated care-of address. A
   client application program needs to call 'getsrcaddr' (see section
   3).  to get the source address based on the destination address. The
   client program needs to to bind this address before communicating
   with its peer. The 'bind' system call needs to go through the
   interface list and fetch the associated structure to check whether
   the source address is aliased or not and needs to fill the values of
   'lcladdr' and 'lmpiaddr' of PCB accordingly.  Protocol output
   routines like 'tcp_output' and 'udp_output' need this information
   while filling up the IP packet.

   IP address stacking can be performed with the approach introduced in
   section 6.4 of RFC6275[11]. RFC6275 talks about the stacking of IP

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   addresses for a destination address (Let us call it as type 0
   stacking). Two more types of stacking need to be introduced; type 1
   stacking where only source address will appear in the stack and type
   2 stacking where both source address and destination address will
   appear in the stack with a particular type of ordering.

   Protocol output routine like 'tcp_output' or 'udp_output' needs to
   fill the IP packet in the following manner.

   If the socket contains a valid 'lcladdr', use 'lcladdr' as the source
   address and 'laddr' will appear in the stack. If the socket contains
   a valid 'fcladdr' use 'fcladdr' as the destination address and
   'faddr' will appear in the stack. If only 'fcladdr' contains a valid
   address where as 'lcladdr' is NULL, use type 0 stacking. If only
   'lcladdr' contains a valid address where as 'fcladdr' is set as NULL,
   use type 1 stacking. If both 'lcladdr' and 'fcladdr' contains valid
   addresses, use type 2 stacking.

   Protocol input routine like 'tcp_input' or 'udp_input' needs to
   process the packet in the reverse order based on the type of
   stacking.  For type 0 stacking, use the address in the stack as the
   destination address; for type 1 stacking, use the address in the
   stack as the source address; for type 2 stacking use both source
   address and destination address from the stack.

   When TCP receives a SYN for connection establishment, it allocates a
   pcb and assigns the values for 'laddr', and related fields.  During
   this phase, TCP also needs to check whether the local address is
   aliased or not and needs to fill the values of 'lcladdr' and
   'lmpiaddr' accordingly. Similarly if destination address is found to
   be aliased, based on the stacking type, it needs to fill up the field

2.4.2. Changes expected with the specifications related to IP mobility

   RFC6275 demands correspondent node binding from mobile nodes for
   route optimization. This binding is required when a connection gets
   established as well as when the mobile node changes it address space.
   There are application like HTTP which opens up multiple connections
   on the run time which are very short lived. If mobile nodes need to
   send binding messages for all the connections, network will be
   unnecessarily congested. This congestion can be avoided with the
   establishment of binding at the time of connection establishment
   itself.  So, if TCP server happens to be mobile, it will set the
   value of 'lcladdr' in the stack while sending SYN+ACK. TCP client
   which initiates communication through 'connect' needs to set
   'fcladdr' field on receiving TCP+ACK. With this approach
   correspondent node binding messages need to be sent only when a

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   mobile node changes its position from one address space to another.

   Route optimization is not applicable to applications which are of
   multicast type.  In these cases packets need to be forwarded with the
   mechanism of reverse tunneling with the approach of "IP Encapsulation
   within IP" as defined in RFC 2003.  In order to support packet
   delivery with route optimization method as well as with
   "Encapsulating Delivery Style" based on the application type the
   protocol control block needs to introduce another field 'hagentaddr'
   to hold the address of the home agent of the mobile node. The
   interface structure also needs to have same field. The 'bind' system
   call needs to go through the interface list to fetch 'hagentaddr' to
   the PCB along with 'lcladdr' and 'lmpiaddr' as described earlier. So,
   protocol output routines like 'tcp_output', 'udp_output' need to fill
   up the packets based on the application type. In "Encapsulating
   Delivery Style" packets need to be formed in the following manner.

   The inner IP header will contain
      if ('lmpiaddr' == NULL && 'fcladdr' == NULL) {
         Source Address: Home address of the mobile node (i.e. laddr)
         Destination address: Address of the correspondent node (i.e.
      } else {
         If ('lmpiaddr' != NULL), use 'lmpiaddr' as the source address
         and 'laddr' will appear in the stack.  If ('fcladdr' != NULL),
         use 'fcladdr' as the destination address and 'faddr' will
         appear in the stack.

         If ('fcladdr' != NULL && 'lmpiaddr' == NULL), use type 0
         stacking.  If ('lmpiaddr' != NULL && 'fcladdr' == NULL), use
         type 1 stacking.  If ('both 'lmpiaddr' != NULL && 'fcladdr' !=
         NULL), use type 2 stacking.

   The outer IP header will contain
      Source Address: co-located care of address of the mobile node
      (i.e. lcladdr)
      Destination Address: Address of the home agent of the mobile node
      (i.e. hagentaddr)
      Protocol field: IP in IP

2.5. Refinements over existing IPv6 specification

   As IPv6 was envisioned long before some of the newer technologies
   e.g. MPLS came into picture, some refinements can be made over the
   existing specification. These considerations are related to bandwidth
   usages and performance inside switches. Experimental results show
   that smaller packet size gives better result for the processing of RT

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   packets.  So, it is desirable to have IP packet header to be as small
   as possible.

   As described earlier, evaluation of the parameters
   nMaxInterASTopNodes, nMaxInterASBottomNodes and nMaxASNodes is geo-
   political and have to be decided by IANA. Once these parameters are
   determined with mutual agreements, values of pA, pB, pC and prefix
   length of user id can be determined. With 64bit address space, IP
   header will be reduced by 16 bytes.

   The 'flow label' field of IPv6 packet header may not be of any use
   with MPLS is in use. ATM used to have 4 priority classes. The first
   specification of IPv6 RFC-1883 used a 4bit type of service field
   along with a 24bits flow label field. These two were modified to a
   8bit type of service field and a 20bit flow label field in the
   current spec RFC-2460.  Too many priority classes may increase
   complexities to process inside switches. If type of service field of
   IPv6 header may be reduced to be of 4bit length as it was stated in
   RFC-1883 and 'flow label' field gets removed, another three bytes may
   be reduced from the IPv6 header.

   The field 'Hop Limit' has got a 8bit value in the existing spec. The
   role of this field needs to be discussed properly with a large
   address space.

   RFC4862[12] introduces the concept of "Stateless autoconfiguration"
   with the goal in mind that no manual configuration is required by
   individual machines before connecting them to the network. It
   generates a link local address with a link-local prefix and the link
   address (e.g. Ethernet/E.164 for ISDN) first. This link local address
   is used to configure global unicast address and any other
   configurable parameters based on router advertisement.  Global
   unicast addresses are generated by the prefix supplied by the router
   advertisement and the link specific interface identifier. This
   identifier can be as large as 64 bit length. So irrespective of the
   size of the network (it may be 10000 or 100 or even less than that)
   every customer network will consume a 64bit equivalent addresses.
   This seems to be a huge blunder. What is expected is the length of
   the interface identifier is equivalent to support the number of nodes
   supported by that subnet. In order to achieve this the router itself
   or a server in that subnet needs to maintain a storage which will
   generate the interface identifier based on the request from
   individual hosts.  It may be desirable that interface identifiers are
   generated from DHCP servers. With the option of generating interface
   identifier through DHCP, changes in the autoconfiguration process can
   be looked at as follows:

   From the point of view of a host, it can be considered as a two step

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   process. Host needs to send Router Solicitations message to find out
   the presence of a router. Router Advertisement message should include
   an option field which will inform whether prefix information should
   be configured through Router Advertisement or through DHCP.  Host
   needs to send a request message to get the interface identifier.  If
   both the information needs to be obtained from a DHCP server they can
   be obtained through a single message.

   From the server's point of view, it needs to maintain a database for
   a mapping of the link-layer address and subnet specific interface
   identifier. Lifetime of an interface identifier has to be processed
   in the usual manner the way existing DHCP implementation treats IP

   There seem to be another possible danger to obtain prefix information
   through Router Advertisement. As the Router Advertisement comes in
   the form of ICMP messages, once it is received by the ICMP layer, it
   looses information from which interface the message has been received
   (This problem arises for hosts that are having multiple interfaces
   and not all of them are attached to the same subnet).  So,
   autoconfiguration of a host has to be performed one interface at a
   time by making all other interfaces disabled. Once configuration of
   all the interfaces are done, all of them have to be enabled.

   If it is expected that hosts should reconfigure their addresses
   dynamically based on Router Advertisement message, Router
   Advertisement needs to generate a special message for a certain
   amount of time that needs to include old prefix and the corresponding
   new prefix in the message.

   In order to support multihoming (see section 3), prefix information
   needs to include the fields 'default router' and 'next hop address'
   to reach the default router for each of the prefixes.

   In a 64bit architecture, link-local address can be formed with a
   link-local prefix and link-layer address in a suitable manner; say it
   can be formed with a 16bit link-local prefix followed by a 48bit
   link-layer address. For hardware that supports more than 48bit
   addressing (say E.164), the least significant 48bits may be
   considered to generate link-local addresses.

2.6. Distributed processing and Multicasting

   With the inherent hierarchy involved in this architecture,
   distributed applications can also be structured in a suitable manner.
   Say, for a commonly used web based application a master level server
   will be there at every top level node. Any change that might happen
   in the application, has to be synchronized within these master level

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   servers first. There might be servers at the middle layer (inside
   each inter-AS-bottom) inside each top level node. Once the changes
   get reflected at the master node, all the servers at the middle layer
   needs to update themselves with their master level node. This will
   reduce network traffic substantially. Inherent hierarchy in the
   architecture will also help establishing multicast tree in the
   similar manner. Work on these issues can be progressed only after
   this architecture gets approved.

3. Solution for site multihoming

   Based on the definition of "multihoming" as stated in RFC3582[22],

   "A "multihomed" site is one with more than one transit provider.
   "Site-multihoming" is the practice of arranging a site to be

   This is a general solution for site multihoming of stub networks in a
   real IP world irrespective of the framework supported by the service
   provider network.  It is applicable to any version of IP, i.e. IPv4,
   IPv6 or any new generation of IP that may emerge by removing the
   drawbacks associated with IPv6(see section 2).

   Within a provider assigned address space, each customer network will
   possess as many global unicast address space as many service
   providers it gets connected with.  So, an user interface of a host
   may have as many global unicast addresses as many service providers
   it will be connected with. Users will have an option of selecting the
   service provider while initiating a connection with the outside
   world. Users can maintain multiple connections through multiple
   service providers simultaneously. A customer network can maintain
   private IP addresses to communicate within its users and can share
   its load while maintaining VPN services. Customer networks can
   provide IP mobility support as well.

   There are many variants of UNIX systems (as well as real time
   operating systems) which make use of BSD source code for their
   implementation of TCP/IP stack.  The solution given below highlights
   the changes required with the BSD release 4.4 source code with the
   notations used by IPv4. It addresses issues relevant to IPv6 wherever
   applicable.  All other implementations of TCP/IP have to be updated
   in the similar manner.

   In this document the term "default router" will refer to the customer
   edge (CE) router that communicates with the provider network. Also
   the term "intermediate routers" will refer to all the routers apart
   from the CE routers.

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   RFC1122[9] made an extensive study related to different aspects of
   multihoming.  Some of the requirements suggested in that document
   related to UDP and the application layer were avoided for multihomed
   hosts in a connected network with a single gateway to reach the
   outside world. This was achieved by the implementation of TCP/IP by
   making sure that the interface address of an outgoing packet gets
   selected based on the route to be followed by the destination
   address. This criterion holds good in a connected environment with a
   single gateway to reach the outside world. Once more than one gateway
   comes into play to reach the outside world, either routing table of
   the entire world has to be brought in or needs some enhancements
   within the existing system to make the things work.

   Whenever a customer network gets service from more than one service
   provider, the customer network can be viewed as having multiple
   source-id (user-id) space.  Each of these IP domain gets connected to
   different service providers through different routers. So each
   interface of customer network may have as many global unicast
   addresses as many service providers it is connected with. Number of
   routing entries in the routing table will (roughly) become a multiple
   of IP domains that it supports. Communication between any two hosts
   within the customer network will follow the traditional routing
   mechanism. In order to provide multihoming services it is needed that
   a host computer always forwards packets to the customer edge router
   associated to the same IP domain while communicating to someone in
   the outside world. i.e. if the interface of a host computer H
   receives an IP address 'addr1' and 'addr2' from two service providers
   P1 and P2 which are connected through routers R1 and R2 respectively,
   host H has to forward a packet to R1 while using its IP address as
   'addr1' in order to send packets to the outside world. So, host
   computers as well as the intermediate routers have to use default
   routing based on the source domain of the source address in the IP

   In order to achieve this, host computers as well as intermediate
   routers need to have information related to its IP domain (net
   address/net mask) and the associated default router for all of its IP
   domains. They need to have a route entry per IP domain for all of its
   default routers. These information should be uploaded at the system
   start up time. As each interface is going to have multiple IP
   addresses, hosts need to have a provision to select its default IP
   domain (or default router) while initiating communications with the
   outside world. Users can select this option based on their need (i.e.
   whether a link is up/down/busy) dynamically. Users can execute
   multiple connections through different routers simultaneously as
   well. If no source address is specified by an application, source
   address has to be selected based on the outgoing interface and the
   default router as selected by the user.

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   UDP (or RAW) based servers that need to support multiple clients
   simultaneously need to respond to a client's request with the same
   source address that the client had specified as the destination
   address. In order to satisfy this, system needs to introduce two
   system calls along with the existing system calls (i.e. read, write,
   send, sendto, recv, recvfrom)

   ssize_t recvwithdstaddr (int sockfd, char *buf, size_t nbytes,
       int flags, struct sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen,
       struct sockaddr *fromcladdr, socklen_t *fromcladdrlen,
       struct sockaddr *dst, socklen_t *dstlen,
       struct sockaddr *dstcladdr, socklen_t *dstcladdrlen);

   'recvwithdstaddr' receives data with destination address as specified
   by the sender. It is similar to 'recvfrom' with the additional field
   'dst' related to the address of the receiving interface of the host.
   'fromcladdr' and 'dstcladdr' will hold the values of co-located care-
   of addresses (see section 2.1) of source and destination.

   ssize_t sendwithsrcaddr (int sockfd, char *buf, size_t nbytes,
       int flags, struct sockaddr *to, socklen_t tolen,
       struct sockaddr *dstcladdr, socklen_t dstcladdrlen,
       struct sockaddr *src, socklen_t srclen,
       struct sockaddr *srccladdr, socklen_t srccladdrlen);

   'sendwithsrcaddr' sends data specifying the source address of the
   outgoing interface of the host. It is similar to 'sendto' with
   additional parameters related to source address. It behaves like
   'sendto' if no address is specified for 'src'. 'srccladdr' and
   'dstcladdr' will hold the values of co-located care-of addresses of
   source and destination.

   All the UDP based servers that need to support multiple clients
   simultaneously, need to replace 'sendto' with 'sendwithsrcaddr' and
   'recvfrom' with 'recvwithdstaddr'.

   It has been expressed in several documents including RFC4291[10],
   that a single interface will possess multiple IP addresses in a real
   IP environment.  In these cases, all the UDP servers have to be
   updated with the system calls 'sendwithsrcaddr' and 'recvwithdstaddr'
   even if a customer site gets attached to a single gateway to reach
   the outside world.

   The same logic will apply to server applications with RAW sockets.
   Server applications that are TCP based should work in the usual

   Another system call needs to be introduced to get the source address

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   based on the destination address.

   struct in_addr getsrcaddr(struct in_addr *dst);

   Client applications need to use 'getsrcaddr' and 'bind' the source
   address before communicating with their peer.

   Routing of IP packets (in the ip_output module of the hosts and in
   the ip_forwarding module of the intermediate routers) need to be
   modified in the following manner.

   If destination address of a packet falls outside of its IP domains,
   it has to be forwarded to the default router based on the domain that
   the source address belongs to.

   If destination address of the IP header falls within any one of its
   IP domains, usual routing mechanism has to be followed.

   If customer network maintains private IP domain, communication using
   private IP has to be restricted within private IP space.

   Applications that need to establish multiple connections dynamically
   should call 'getsrcaddr' once and use the same source address for all
   of the connections subsequently.

3.1. Multihoming and IP Mobility

   For a mobile node, its co-located care-of IP address[8] has to be
   bound to one of the IP addresses supported by the service providers
   (if mobile node advertises more than one address, the home agent will
   get confused, also there are other implications).  Transport layer
   must ensure that the 'home address' gets tightly coupled with that
   particular IP address.

   A mobile node in a foreign site will have all the IP addresses
   supported by the foreign site as well as its "Home Address".  As the
   mobile node will also communicate with the outside world with its
   "Home Address", user should get a provision to choose its "Home
   Address" while initiating communication. Selection of default router
   and "Home Address" will be mutually exclusive. One should not
   interpret it as a selection of one of the global unicast addresses.
   This is just because a host may have multiple interfaces.

   If "Home Address" is selected for communication, the transport layer
   of the mobile node should use its care-of address as the source
   address and pass its "Home Address" as an option field in the stack.
   This is because multihoming expects the source address as the
   deciding factor for packet forwarding.

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   The IP address of a node with a provider independent address have to
   be mapped with one of the global unicast addresses. So for the
   purpose of multihoming whatever will be applicable to a mobile node
   will also be applicable to a node with provider independent address.

   As the destination address may be a PI address, a client application
   needs to call 'connrmtaddr' after it calls 'bind'. As all the client
   applications (either TCP/UDP/RAW) needs to call 'getsrcaddr', 'bind'
   and 'connrmtaddr' their pattern will apparently look alike.

3.1.1. IP Address Stacking

   IP address stacking in IPv6 is performed with the approach introduced
   in section 6.4 of RFC6275[11] with slight modification. RFC6275
   describes how to pass "Home Address" as well as co-located care-of
   address of the destination address if it happen to be mobile. The
   same approach has been extended to support IP address stacking for
   the source address and to support IP address stacking for both source
   address as well as destination address.  The "Reserved" space in the
   type 2 routing header has been split into two parts; an one octet
   field to address the "Stacking Type" and the rest 3 octets are left
   as Reserved.

   Stacking Type is interpreted as follows:

   Stacking Type=0
      Source Address: Address of the sender.
      Destination Address: co-located care-of address of the receiver.
      Address 1: Home Address/PI Address of the receiver.
      Hdr Ext Len=2.

   So, type 2 routing header for stacking type 0 will be as follows:

   |  Next Header  | Hdr Ext Len=2 | Routing Type=2|Segments Left=1|
   |Stacking Type=0|                Reserved                       |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +       Address 1:Home Address/PI Address of the receiver       +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |

   Stacking Type=1

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      Source Address: co-located care-of address of the sender.
      Destination address: Address of the receiver.
      Address 1: Home Address/PI Address of the sender.
      Hdr Ext Len=2.

   So, type 2 routing header for stacking type 1 will be as follows:

   |  Next Header  | Hdr Ext Len=2 | Routing Type=2|Segments Left=1|
   |Stacking Type=1|                Reserved                       |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +       Address 1:Home Address/PI Address of the sender         +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |

   Stacking Type 2
      Source Address: co-located care-of address of the sender.
      Destination Address: co-located care-of address of the receiver.
      Address 1: Home Address/PI Address of the sender.
      Address 2: Home Address/PI Address of the receiver.
      Hdr Ext Len=4.

   So, type 2 routing header for stacking type 2 will be as follows:

   |  Next Header  | Hdr Ext Len=4 | Routing Type=2|Segments Left=1|
   |Stacking Type=2|                Reserved                       |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +       Address 1:Home Address/PI Address of the sender         +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +       Address 2:Home Address/PI Address of the receiver       +
   |                                                               |

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   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |

   Next Header
      8-bit selector.  Identifies the type of header immediately
      following the routing header.  Uses the same values as the IPv6
      Next Header field [18].

   Hdr Ext Len
      4 (8-bit unsigned integer);  length of the routing header in 8-
      octet units, not including the first 8 octets.

   Routing Type
      2 (8-bit unsigned integer).

   Segments Left
      1 (8-bit unsigned integer).

   Stacking Type
      2 (8-bit unsigned integer).

      24-bit reserved field.  The value MUST be initialized to zero by
      the sender, and MUST be ignored by the receiver.

   Address 1
      Home Address/PI Address of the sender.

   Address 2
      Home Address/PI Address of the receiver.

   IP address stacking in IPv4 is performed by introducing new IP option
   under the option class "Datagram or Network Control", i.e. 0. The
   option number is 16. The CODE(144) field is followed by one octet
   field "Stacking Type" followed by two octet reserved space (NULL) as
   padding followed by the address fields based on the Stacking Type.

   Stacking Type is interpreted as follows:
   Stacking Type=0
      Source Address: Address of the sender.
      Destination Address: co-located care-of address of the receiver.
      Address 1: Home Address/PI Address of the receiver.
      Header Length:7

   Format of IP address stacking option with stacking type 0
   in the IP header will be as follows:

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   |  CODE(144)    |Stacking Type=0| Reserved                      |
   +       Address 1:Home Address/PI Address of the receiver       +

   Stacking Type=1
      Source Address: co-located care-of address of the sender.
      Destination Address: Address of the receiver.
      Address 1: Home Address/PI Address of the sender.
      Header Length:7

   Format of IP address stacking option with stacking type 1
   in the IP header will be as follows:

   |  CODE(144)    |Stacking Type=1| Reserved                      |
   +       Address 1:Home Address/PI Address of the sender         +

   Stacking Type=2
      Source Address: co-located care-of address of the sender.
      Destination Address: co-located care-of address of the receiver.
      Address 1: Home Address/PI Address of the sender.
      Address 2: Home Address/PI Address of the receiver.
      Header Length:8

   Format of IP address stacking option with stacking type 2
   in the IP header will be as follows:

   |  CODE(144)    |Stacking Type=2| Reserved                      |
   +       Address 1:Home Address/PI Address of the sender         +
   +       Address 2:Home Address/PI Address of the receiver       +

3.2. Implementation aspects

   Following changes are expected with the source code of BSD.

   Introduce ip_domain structure and some parameters as follows:

       struct ip_domain {
           struct in_addr net_addr;

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           struct in_addr net_mask;
           struct in_addr def_router;
       #define MAX_IP_DOMAINS    16
       short num_ipdomains;
       struct ip_domain *ipdomain[MAX_IP_DOMAINS];

   If customer network maintains private IP domain (along with the user-
   id space provided by the service providers) and expects its
   communication to be confined within its own space, def_router field
   has to be set as NULL.

   Upload IP domain information for all of its IP domains during system
   start up.  These domain information can be uploaded through router
   advertisement or through DHCP. The domain information should contain
   the next hop address to reach the corresponding default router as

   There has to be a provision to upload these information through
   'sysctl' to configure them manually.

   Three new 'sysctl' routines have to be introduced under the 'ip' node
   of the MIB tree (i.e. under CTL_NET, PF_INET, IPPROTO_IP)
   IPCTL_DOMAIN is of type CTLTYPE_NODE. Using 'sysctl'
   IPCTL_NUM_DOMAINS has to be configured first. Configuration of
   IPCTL_NUM_DOMAINS has to populate IPCTL_NUM_DOMAIN entries of nodes
   under IPCTL_DOMAIN and for each of these nodes three MIB attributes
   CTLTYPE_NODE) has to be allocated.

   All the routers as well as hosts that are having interfaces
   connecting to more than one subnets in private IP space (see section
   2.3) need to be configured through 'sysctl'.

   Users should get provision to change IPCTL_DEFROUTER attribute
   dynamically.  As each interface is going to have multiple IP
   addresses, IPCTL_DEFROUTER has to be assigned a value that will match
   any one of the entries assigned for DOMAIN_DEF_ROUTER.

   Add a route entry for all the default routers during system start up.

3.2.1. Processing of system call 'getsrcaddr'

   System call 'getsrcaddr' has to be processed in the following manner:

   If destination address of the IP packet falls outside of its

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   IP domains {
       If destination address is from private address space {
           get source address as the private IP address of any of
           its interfaces.

       If user has selected its "Home Address" instead of one
       of the default routers{ /*Applicable to IP mobility/PI address*/
           return its "Home Address";
       else {
           get default router based on the selected
           'default IP domain'

           use 'rtalloc' to get the next hop address for the def router.

           select source address based on the outgoing interface 'ia',
           and the 'default IP domain' as selected by the user.
   else { /* i.e. destination address is inside its IP domains */
       use 'rtalloc' to get the next hop address for the
       destination address.

       If destination address is from private address space {
          select source address based on the outgoing interface
          and the private address assigned to it.
       else if destination address is a link local address {
          select source address based on the outgoing interface
          and the link local address assigned to it.
       else {
          select source address based on the outgoing interface
          and the domain that the destination address belongs to.

3.2.2. Changes required in ip_output and ip_forwarding modules

   Execute the following steps in the 'ip_output' routine of the IP
   stack before it calls 'rtalloc' for route look up.

   If destination address of the IP packet falls outside of its
   IP domains {
       get def router address based on the IP domain
       the source address belongs to.

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       use 'rtalloc' to get the next hop address for the def router.

       Forward the packet to the next hop.
   else { /* i.e. destination address is inside its IP domains */
      follow the usual procedure to forward packets

   In BSD, the 'ip_forwarding' routine calls 'ip_output'; so it should
   be left as it is.

3.2.3. Processing of protocol input routines and socket IO system calls

   Protocol input routines need to locate the socket/process in the
   usual manner with the 5 unit tuple (i.e. protocol, source address,
   source port, destination address, destination port).

   When a packet is received by a mobile node (at a foreign site), it
   can be received in two modes. It can be received directly from the
   correspondent node with the 'destination address' as the co-located
   care-of address and its home address in the IP stack (see section 4.1
   of RFC6275[11]). In the second mode the packet can be received via
   the home agent using IP over IP. Once the IP layer receives a packet
   with IP over IP, it is supposed to strip off the outer header before
   passing the packet to the protocol input routine.  In this case
   packet will be received by the protocol input routine with
   destination address as the home address of the mobile node with no
   information related to its care-of address. So, protocol input
   routine needs to check whether the destination address of the
   received packet belongs to any one of its IP domains.  If it does
   not, it needs to find out the co-located care-of address by going
   through the interface list if it is not already found in the packet
   received. This information is needed by the TCP input routing while
   processing a SYN message. It is also needed by the UDP/RAW modules
   while processing the system call 'recvwithdstaddr'.

   While processing the output routines like 'sendwithsrcaddr',
   'sendto', UDP/RAW modules needs to check the parameters related to
   source address, source port, destination address, destination port,
   care-of address of the source, care-of address of the destination in
   the protocol control block. Parameters in the PCB should prevail over
   parameters passed by the system call while forming the IP packet.

3.3. Multihoming, VPN and load sharing

   For a corporate, that maintains multiple offices and communicates
   within themselves through private address space using VPN, can do
   load sharing of outgoing traffic of private IP space by segregating

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   private IP domain of each office into number of sub domains through
   suitable configuration. Let us consider one of its offices gets
   connected to two providers P1 and P2 and gets address space as
   'unicastNetAddr1'/'unicastNetMask1' and
   'unicastNetAddr2'/'unicastNetMask2' respectively. It also gets
   assigned private address space as
   'privateDomainNetAddr'/'privateDomainNetMask' from its corporate. For
   load sharing, it wants to maintain two sub domains with its ID space
   as 'subDomainNetAddr1'/'subDomainNetMask1' and
   'subDomainNetAddr2'/'subDomainNetMask2' respectively. Domain 1 gets
   associated with the default router CE1 and domain 2 gets associated
   with CE2. Host computers and intermediate routers will be configured
   in the following manner:

   All hosts of sub domain 1 will have three entries of ip_domain:

   1: 'net_addr = 'unicastNetAddr1'
      'net_mask = 'unicastNetMask1'
      'def_router = CE1

   2: 'net_addr = 'unicastNetAddr2'
      'net_mask = 'unicastNetMask2'
      'def_router = CE2

   3: 'net_addr' = 'privateDomainNetAddr'
      'net_mask' = 'privateDomainNetMask'
      'def_router' = CE1

   All hosts of sub domain 2 will have three entries of ip_domain:

   1: 'net_addr = 'unicastNetAddr1'
      'net_mask = 'unicastNetMask1'
      'def_router = CE1

   2: 'net_addr = 'unicastNetAddr2'
      'net_mask = 'unicastNetMask2'
      'def_router = CE2

   3: 'net_addr' = 'privateDomainNetAddr'
      'net_mask' = 'privateDomainNetMask'
      'def_router' = CE2

   All intermediate routers will have four entries of ip_domain:

   1: 'net_addr = 'unicastNetAddr1'
      'net_mask = 'unicastNetMask1'
      'def_router = CE1

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   2: 'net_addr = 'unicastNetAddr2'
      'net_mask = 'unicastNetMask2'
      'def_router = CE2

   3: 'net_addr' = 'subDomainNetAddr1'
      'net_mask' = 'subDomainNetMask1'
      'def_router' = CE1

   4: 'net_addr' = 'subDomainNetAddr2'
      'net_mask' = 'subDomainNetMask2'
      'def_router' = CE2

   If any of the CE-PE link fails, that particular CE needs to forward
   its outgoing traffic to the other CE whose CE-PE link remains active.
   This can be achieved through tunneling mechanism or by providing a
   hot link between the CEs. Forwarding of packets should be restricted
   to packets with private IP space.  CE routers need to communicate
   within themselves at regular intervals and elect a leader within
   themselves. The elected leader should get privilege to forward
   private IP broadcast packets to other sites in order to avoid
   multiplicity. Broadcast packets that are originated only at the local
   site needs to be forwarded to the other sites. For a remote site,
   which is connected with PE routers RPE1 and RPE2, PE router of local
   site can load share its outgoing traffic by segregating its outgoing
   traffic with a suitable manner. If any of the link between RPE1 or
   RPE2 fails, it needs to forward all the traffic to the active link as

4. Processing of real time packets (QoS issue)

   Here is an attempt to come out with a solution for IP switch based
   network to operate in the most user-friendly manner to transport data
   traffic (IP) as well as real time (RT) traffic (as RTP[6] packet) in
   the existing 32-bit system.

   In case of IP routing/switching entire packet gets collected at the
   intermediate router/switch and forwarded based on the forwarding
   table. Inside the switch/router the variable length IP packet gets
   fragmented into smaller size frames at the ingress side. The frames
   gets transported through the switching fabric with proper priority
   mechanism (to support QoS) and then reassembled at the egress side
   and passed through the media for the next hop.

   In case of ATM, packets get fragmented at the ingress edge devices
   into small size cells. Entire packet gets transported as a stream of
   cells and gets collected at the egress edge device. The success of
   ATM over IP routing as far as speed is concerned is due to the fact
   that the latency gets reduced as the entire packet does not get

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   collected, fragmented and reassembled at the intermediate nodes. So,
   in case of IP switch based network, if RT packets can be passed
   without getting fragmented inside the switch, better performance can
   be expected. i.e. one RT packet needs to get to fit inside one
   internal frame of the switch fabric. Additionally, to make this
   approach successful, maximum size of MPLS label stack has to be
   defined.  Inside the switch all the IP packets will be assumed to
   carry same number of MPLS labels whether they are having one or the
   maximum in real sense. In fact, to reduce overhead, this limit should
   be the minimum number of labels needed to satisfy all sorts of
   features supported by MPLS. i.e. label stacking of depth n (without
   limit) needs modification.

   If minimum frame size is selected to fit one RTP packet, overhead
   becomes too high due to very large (40 bytes: 20 bytes IP + 8bytes
   UDP + 12 bytes RTP) packet header. Again, if large frame size is
   used, fragmentation loss becomes too high for the small size packets
   (say, 40 bytes IP packets). So, a compromise is needed that will give
   a better result based on the IP packet size distribution. Frame size
   is selected based on the minimum value of the overhead due to the
   fragmentation loss of data packet as well as the overhead as header
   of the RT packets.

   Studies show that primarily IP data packets of three different sizes
   are found common in nature. Almost
          ~50% packets of size 40 bytes (TCP ACK),
          ~20% packets of size 576 bytes (path MTU set by X.25) and
          ~30% packets of size 1500 bytes (path MTU set by ethernet)
   Other packets are less compared to the above three categories and
   almost evenly distributed. For the sake of simplicity of calculation,
   traffic of the first three categories are only considered. Payload of
   the data traffic is the actual IP packet size where as the payload of
   RT traffic is the payload inside RTP packet.

   If totBytes are to be transported across the internet and dataPcnt be
   the %of data traffic,

        totBytes*dataPcnt/100 = data traffic and
        (100-dataPcnt)*totBytes/100 = RT traffic;

   Out of data traffic 50% of 40 bytes length; 20% of 576 bytes length;&
                       30% of 1500 bytes length.

   If totDataPkts be the total data packets,
      totDataPkts*(50*40/100 + 20*576/100 + 30*1500/100) =
   or, totDataPkts*58520 = totBytes*dataPcnt;

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   Let totBytes = 58520*100, for the ease of calculation;
   i.e.  totDataPkt = dataPcnt*100;
      40 bytes packets = 50*totDataPkt/100 i.e. 50*dataPcnt
      576 bytes packets = 20*totDataPkt/100 i.e. 20*dataPcnt
      1500 bytes packets = 30*totDataPkt/100 i.e. 30*dataPcnt

   RT packets = totBytes * (100 - dataPcnt)/100
              = 58520 * (100-dataPcnt);

   If n is considered to be the depth of MPLS label stack,
   inside the switch, actual size of
           40 bytes packet = 40+4*n bytes,
           576 bytes packet = 576+4*n bytes &
           1500 bytes packet = 1500+4*n bytes

   Let frameSize be the payload of a frame (excluding the frame header)
   inside the switch. If a RT packet fits exactly inside frameSize,

        RT packet payload = (frameSize-40-4*n) bytes;

   Total overhead = packet header overhead (of RT packets) +
                    fragmentation overhead (of data packets);

   If a plot is drawn for frameSize = 40+4*n+1 to 1500+4*n for different
   dataPcnt (with dataPcnt=80 to 100) minimum of overhead are found at
   frameSize = (84, 101, 118, 126 and 152) for n==3; frameSize = (119,
   127 and 152) for n==4 and at frameSize = (118, 127 and 152) for n==5.

   Actual data of the IP traffic has to be collected to get the best
   result. As dataPcnt increases minimum values are found at a lower
   frameSize and it gives better result with the higher range for lower
   dataPcnt. With average IP packet size 585 bytes, switches will
   encounter a loss of 4*(n-1) bytes for packets that will need only one

   In order to make this scheme work, a standard for maximum label stack
   size has to be defined. RTP packet size also has to be standardized.
   The same scheme is applicable to all the switching systems where IP
   packets get transported in hop by hop basis unlike the way it works
   in ATM networks.

4.1. Dual mode operation

   Inside ingress as well as in the egress card, packets need to follow
   certain functional steps. In order to maximize the output, a series
   of processing units work in pipeline mode for these operations.
   Ingress service cards need to act in dual mode to process RT packets
   and non-RT packets. i.e. the RT packets should follow a direct path

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   that won't need fragmentation and related complexities before they
   are sent to the VOQs (virtual output queues, where from packets gets
   picked up to be sent to the switching fabric). Whereas other packets
   need to follow a different path for fragmentation operations. This
   will prevent a RT packet to be blocked by the fragmentation procedure
   of not-RT packets that arrive in the service card prior to the
   arrival of RT packet. So, mere mapping of RT packet size with the
   frameSize of switch fabric will not achieve the speed of ATM

   Simulation studies show that significant improvement is achieved once
   RT packets are directly sent to VOQs after the operation of label
   processing.  It will be worth to study by the hardware people to
   figure out whether entire set of data can be placed into queues based
   on their priorities and segmentation operation is done in each queue
   in parallel mode before putting the frames into their respective
   VOQs. Entire operation will be lot costlier, but simulation result
   shows that in such case, RT packets need not be restricted to fixed
   size cells. Standardization of label stack depth need not be imposed
   as well.

4.2. Expected changes at the application layer

   IP packets with size 576 in most of the cases come out of those TCP
   layers that do not process maximum path-MTU and takes the default one
   that was set during X.25. The 576 factor can be corrected very easily
   with path-MTU set to 1500. With the consideration that label switch
   path do not get changed very frequently in between two arbitrary
   network points for any particular type of packet, most of the
   applications are expected to become UDP based with negative ACK. TCP
   in turn might go through changes. Once this comes into effect, 40
   bytes packets will come down drastically. Switch fabric frame size
   needs to be determined keeping these two factors in mind along with
   changes in IP packet header. With the existing 32-bit system, frame
   size (excluding the frame header) of 152 and 127 are most viable
   solution in general for label stack depth=3,4 &5.

5. IANA Consideration

   This is a entry level draft for proposed standard. Hence, IANA
   actions should come into play at a later stage, if needed.

6. Security Consideration

   This document addresses three major issues. The first part talks
   about architectural framework of the internet in real IP space.  It
   need not have to discuss any security related issue.  The second part
   that provides a solution for site multihoming.  It does not introduce

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   any security related issue. All the issues related to separation of
   locator and identifier that were addressed in RFC4218[20] are not
   applicable here but for common security related issues that any site
   may experience, one needs to consult with the "Site Security
   Handbook", RFC2196[21]. For issues related to IP Mobility, section 5
   of RFC5944[8] has to be consulted. The third part of the document
   that deals with the QoS part also does not introduce any security
   related issue.

7. Acknowledgments

   The author would like to thank to Professor Amitava Datta of
   University of Western Australia for his review and constructive

8. Normative References

   [1]  Nordmark, E. and R. Gilligan, "Basic Transition Mechanisms for
        IPv6 Hosts and Routers", RFC 4213, October 2005.

   [2]  Fuller V., Li. T., "Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): The
        Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan", RFC 4632,
        August 2006.

   [3]  Huston, G., "Commentary on Inter-Domain Routing in the
        Internet", RFC 3221, December 2001.

   [4]  Q. Vohra, E. Chen., "BGP Support for Four-octet AS Number
        Space", RFC 4893, May 2007.

   [5]  Srisuresh, P. and K. Egevang, "Traditional IP Network Address
        Translator (Traditional NAT)", RFC 3022, January 2001.

   [6]  Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V. Jacobson.
        "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", RFC
        3550, July 2003.

   [7]  J. Moy., OSPF Standardization Report, RFC 2329, April 1998

   [8]  C. Perkins, "IP Mobility Support for IPv4, Revised", RFC5944,
        November 2010.

   [9] R. Braden, "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication
        Layers", RFC1122, October 1989.

   [10] R. Hinden, S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture.",
        RFC4291, February 2006.

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   [11] C. Perkins, Ed., D. Johnson, J. Arkko, "Mobility Support in
        IPv6" RFC 6275, July 2011.

   [12] S. Thomson, T. Narten, T. Jinmei, "IPv6 Stateless Address
        Autoconfiguration", RFC 4862, September 2007.

9. Informative References

   [13] Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
        Networks(VPNs)", RFC 4364, February 2006.

   [14] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
        September 1981.

   [15] Rekhter, Y., and T., Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-
        4)",RFC 1771, March 1995.

   [16] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)
        Specification, RFC 1883, December 1995.

   [17] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April 1998.

   [18] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)
        Specification", RFC 2460, December 1998.

   [19] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A. and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol
        Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031, January 2001.

   [20] E. Nordmark, T. Li, "E. Nordmark, "Threats Relating to IPv6
        Multihoming Solutions", RFC4218, October 2005.

   [21] B. Fraser, "Site Security Handbook", RFC2196, September 1997.

   [22] J. Abley, B. Black, V. Gill, "Goals for IPv6 Site-Multihoming
        Architectures", RFC3582, August 2003.

10. Author's Address
   Shyamaprasad Bandyopadhyay
   HL No 205/157/7, Inda
   Kharagpur 721305, India

   Phone: +91 3222 225137

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