Internet DRAFT - draft-sims-dtnrg-bpmib


Delay Tolerat Networking Research Group                          Z. Sims
Internet-Draft                                                  H. Kruse
Intended status: Experimental                            Ohio University
Expires: January 16, 2014                                  July 15, 2013

                          Bundle Protocol MIB


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols.  In particular it defines
   objects for managing information about a Bundle Node - or simply a
   'Node' within the scope of this document.  More specifically, the
   managed objects for such a Node include: Node-specific information,
   registered Endpoint-Specific information, and generic CLA-Specific
   (Convergence Layer Adapter) information.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 16, 2014.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework  . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     4.1.  Structure of the MIB Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       4.1.1.  Node-Specific Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       4.1.2.  Endpoint-Specific Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       4.1.3.  CLA-Specific Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.2.  Design Decisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       4.2.1.  Node and Endpoint Representation  . . . . . . . . . .   5
       4.2.2.  Extension Blocks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.2.3.  Convergence Layer Adapters  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.2.4.  Conformance Groups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.2.5.  Managing the Protocol Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       4.2.6.  Reason for bpClaDirection . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.2.7.  Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.2.8.  Statistical and Trended Data  . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49

1.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

2.  Introduction

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   This memo is submitted for consideration in, and possible adoption
   by, the Delay Tolerant Networking Research Group (DTNRG).  It defines
   a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with
   network management protocols.  In particular it defines objects for
   managing information about a Bundle Node [RFC5050] - or simply a
   'Node' within the scope of this document.  More specifically, the
   manageable objects for such a Node include: Node- Specific
   information, registered Endpoint-Specific information, and generic
   CLA-Specific (Convergence Layer Adapter) information.

3.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119

4.  Overview

   The Bundle Protocol (BP) [RFC5050] was designed as part of the
   solution to issues encountered in Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN)
   environments [RFC4838], which are otherwise unsatisfied by the
   connection-oriented scheme used in today's Internet.  This memo
   contains the definitions for a Bundle Protocol MIB as well as
   rationale for certain implementation decisions.  Also contained in
   this memo is a section dedicated to considerations for future
   designers of DTN-related MIBs.  The MIB module defined in this memo
   contains object definitions for a single Node, for each Endpoint of
   which that Node is a member, and for the CLAs which that Node has
   access to use.

4.1.  Structure of the MIB Module

   Objects within the BP-MIB have been derived from definitions found in
   RFC 5050 [RFC5050].  The version of the MIB in this document was
   further informed by lessons learned during the implementation of
   network management instrumentation in the NASA ION implementation of
   DTN.  These objects are broken down into three main groups:

   o  Node-Specific Definitions

   o  Endpoint-Specific Definitions

   o  CLA-Specific Definitions

4.1.1.  Node-Specific Definitions

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   Within this document, objects that are referred to as 'Node-Specific'
   are those objects which relate only to the Node being managed.  In
   other words, these objects do not relate to a Node's relationship
   with any other entity (i.e.  Endpoints and CLAs).  Each of the
   objects are detailed in the MIB definition's description fields.

   One item in this category requires further discussion: the object
   "bpNodeID" is defined as a string that uniquely identifies the node
   to the network management application.  RFC 5050 does not define such
   a unique node identifier.  At this time, each implementation will
   need to find a way to create a node id.  This draft recommends that
   any node that needs to be managed continuously over time adhere to
   the following:

   o  The node SHOULD register in a singleton endpoint created for the
      purpose of managing the node, with the endpoint id of this network
      management endpoint serving as the node id.

   o  The implementation SHOULD take steps to prevent the node from un-
      registering from the network management endpoint.

   o  The implementation SHOULD ensure that the id of the network
      management endpoint does not change across node re-initialization
      or restarts.

   o  The implementation SHOULD ensure that the node registers into the
      network management endpoint as part of the node initialization or

4.1.2.  Endpoint-Specific Definitions

   Within this document, objects that are referred to as 'Endpoint-
   Specific' are those objects which relate to a specific Endpoint in
   respect to the managed Node.  In other words, the information managed
   by these objects are subject only to the Node's view of the Endpoint
   (e.g. the current state of the Endpoint is "active" according to this
   Node OR the number of Bundles this Node has received for this
   Endpoint is 42).  Endpoint-Specific objects are maintained within a
   conceptual table (with the exception of bpRegCount).

   Each of the objects are detailed in the MIB definition's description

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4.1.3.  CLA-Specific Definitions

   Within this document, objects that are referred to as 'CLA-Specific'
   are those objects which relate to a specific CLA in respect to the
   managed Node.  CLA-Specific objects are maintained within a
   conceptual table (with the exception of bpClaCount).

   Each of the objects are detailed in the MIB definition's description
   fields.  Two items need to be expanded on:

   o  bpClType: denotes of the CL type (e.g.  UDP, TCP, LTP, etc).  This
      document suggests an initial set of (integer) values for currently
      used CL types.  However, some for of registry will be required in
      the future.

   o  bpClID: a unique identifier (an octet string) for a specific CLA's
      MIB instance.  The creation of this string is implementation
      specific.  A network management implementation MUST treat this
      string as opaque and use it only in "is equal to" operations.

4.2.  Design Decisions

   This section contains information regarding certain design choices
   made during the creation of the BP-MIB module.  Each decision was
   made keeping in mind certain assumptions regarding the circumstances
   under which a DTN might commonly operate.  These assumptions include:

   o  Low-powered equipment is likely to be used

   o  Limitations on long-term and (possibly) short-term storage are
      likely to exist and

   o  Delayed communication might require dissimilar management
      techniques from those used in timely environments

4.2.1.  Node and Endpoint Representation

   The first design decision involved the overall representation of
   Nodes and their respective attributes.  According to section 3.1 of
   RFC 5050 [RFC5050], Nodes have a M:N relationship with Endpoints.
   That is to say, a Node can be a member of multiple Endpoints and (as
   long as it is not a Singleton Endpoint) an Endpoint can have multiple
   Nodes register it.  Since SMIv2 [RFC2578] does not allow for the
   creation of three-dimensional conceptual tables, a normalized view of
   this relationship would be required; leading to the use of mediating
   tables.  The method used here, as exhibited in the formal MIB of this
   document, was to emulate a three-dimensional conceptual table by
   having each instance of the BP-MIB contain managed information for a

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   single Node - with each instance having a conceptual table containing
   managed information for each Endpoint of which it is a member.

4.2.2.  Extension Blocks

   Bundle Protocol Extension Blocks are mentioned in RFC 5050 [RFC5050],
   but are not defined there.  The BP-MIB contains a set of Node-
   Specific objects that act as the list of Extensions Blocks that are
   available to the managed Node.  These objects are arranged as a
   conceptual table that is indexed by the IANA defined Extension Block
   number (represented by bpExtBlockType).  Also contained within the
   table is an OCTET STRING that acts as a human readable description of
   the table entry.

4.2.3.  Convergence Layer Adapters

   With the Node/Endpoint decision made, the next decision involved the
   representation of CLAs.  Since multiple Nodes can share the use of
   CLAs, and since the characteristics of a CLA are implementation
   dependent, few objects were placed within the bpClaTable.  Since it
   is likely that a CLA's managed objects (those stored in a MIB
   designed specifically for the management of the given CLA type) will
   maintain more specific information than that contained in the
   bpClaTable, two objects were created as a way to reference a CLA's
   MIB instance.  These two objects are:

   o  bpClType - Identifies the type of Convergence Layer (CL) being
      used by the CLA (e.g.  UDP, TCP, LTP, or otherwise)

   o  bpClID - Uniquely identifies the instance of managed information
      for the underlying CL whose type is defined by bpClType

   The bpClType and bpClID objects are also used as a solution to a
   specific design goal.  This goal involves the ability to trace
   managed information down the protocol stack and is discussed in more
   detail in another section of this document.

4.2.4.  Conformance Groups

   We recognize that the network management needs of different DTN
   implementations will vary widely.  The design of a MIB must balance
   between capturing all relevant, and potentially useful data, while
   also being mindful of the processing, memory, and storage
   requirements created by the need to collect, store, and report values
   for the objects defined in the MIB.  For DTN, no one such balanced
   approach will cover all needs.

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   The MIB defined here uses the concept of Conformance Groups to allow
   different implementation to select the collection of objects to
   instrument for, in a standardized way.  Two groups are mandatory:

   o  bpNodeInfoGroup: this group contains basic information identifying
      the node and its current state (such as available storage, and
      counts of queued bundles).

   o  bpNodeActivityGroup: this group contains counters that allow
      tracking of the number of bundles processed by the node.

   All objects not in the two groups above are optional.  These
   remaining objects are, however, grouped in (marked as optional)
   conformance groups to give network management applications more
   predictability as to the data that is available in a node

4.2.5.  Managing the Protocol Stack

   One of this MIB's primary goals is to enable managed information to
   be traceable throughout the protocol stack.  Ultimately, this goal is
   achieved by creating either a direct or indirect reference to an
   entry in the ifTable [RFC2863].  To make this possible, the BP-MIB
   MUST have identifier(s) that can be used to reference the MIB
   instance of the layer beneath itself.  The BP-MIB is designed in such
   a way that both direct and indirect references to an ifTable entry
   can be achieved.  This was done by placing two objects within the
   bpClaTable: one that uniquely identifies the CL type (bpClType) and
   one that uniquely identifies an instance of managed information for
   the given type (bpClID).  Direct references to an ifTable entry are
   achieved by setting bpClType = 1 (which means it is referring to an
   interface).  Indirect references are achieved when referencing a CLA
   MIB which, in turn, references the layer beneath itself.

   bpClType SHOULD be a standardized numeric value that identifies the
   type of Convergence Layer being used by the Convergence Layer

   bpClID, alternatively, is an arbitrary value chosen by the agent that
   uniquely identifies an instance of the MIB whose type is given by
   bpClType.  The NMS responsible for the managed information can use
   this value to determine the OID of the desired CLA.

   There are two objects in the bpClaTable that represent the number of
   Bundles passed into the BPA and out through the underlying CL
   (bpClInBndls and bpClOutBndls).  Likewise, two additional objects
   exist to represent the amount of data passed between layers
   (bpClInBytes and bpClOutBytes).  Though these values are not used for

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   stack traversal, they are maintained as a way of offering a view of
   Bundle activity to/from each CLA from the perspective of a node.

4.2.6.  Reason for bpClaDirection

   The value in knowing the direction of data flow can be found in the
   use of certain equipment types.  Spacecraft, for instance, are prone
   to utilizing an up-link that is different from the down-link.
   Scenarios similar to this are likely to result in the creation of two
   separate CLA MIB instances - one for each link.  In these cases, a
   manager might desire knowing whether the underlying CL is capable of
   transmitting unidirectional traffic or bidirectional traffic.  To
   represent this, the bpClaTable has been given the bpClaDirection
   object.  The possible settings are inBound, outBound or

4.2.7.  Notifications

   In an attempt to keep things modular, TRAP and INFORM objects have
   been left out of the BP-MIB.  These objects SHOULD be designed in a
   separate MIB module which, if used, MUST be implemented in
   conjunction with the BP-MIB.  Since the requirements of network
   management within a DTN are distinct from those in a timely
   environment, use of notifications may vary between DTN environments
   and timely environments.

4.2.8.  Statistical and Trended Data

   Certain MIBs, such as those that manage high performance equipment,
   might contain mechanisms to store local data trends, simple
   statistical analysis, and bulk data counters (to avoid losing data
   when a counter resets to 0).  The need for such mechanisms is likely
   to arise in certain DTN environments as well - but for different
   reasons.  MIBs for high-performance equipment are likely to
   experience incredibly high counter iteration (essentially causing the
   counters to rollover before an NMS can retrieve the stored values)
   whereas a DTN is likely to accrue large amounts of data between NMS
   requests due to the constraints imposed by delay and disruption.
   However, in an attempt to keep things modular, statistic-based
   objects and trending objects have been considered beyond the scope of
   the BP-MIB.  These objects, if any such objects are designed, SHOULD
   be put in a separate MIB module which MAY be implemented in
   conjunction with the BP-MIB, but can function independent of the BP-

5.  Definitions


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           enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32,
           Counter64, TimeTicks
               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
               FROM SNMPv2-CONF;

       LAST-UPDATED "201304301530Z"
       ORGANIZATION "Ohio University IRG"
           "       Zack Sims
           Phone:  +1 (740)285-1895

                   Hans Kruse
           Phone:  +1 (740) 593-4891
           "This MIB module was designed for the management of Bundle
           Protocol (BP) Nodes, for the Endpoints they are members of,
           and for Node <===> CLA relationships. This MIB is structured
           in a way that Node-Specific objects are arranged separately
           from Endpoint and CLA -Specific objects. Objects which are
           Endpoint or CLA -Specific are arranged in Conceptual Rows
           within their own, respective, Conceptual Tables. Further,
           each instance of this module's objects represents a single
           managed Node. This means that a separate instantiation of
           the BP-MIB's objects will be forged for each Node being
           managed by the system. The layout of the MIB is arranged in
           the following order:

           * Node-Specific Definitions
           * Endpoint-Specific Definitions
           * CLA-Specific Definitions
           * Conformance Requirements for the BP-MIB"

       REVISION "201204191530Z"
           The first public announcement of this MIB's creation on the
           DTNRG (Delay Tolerant Networking Research Group) mailing

           The second release of the BP-MIB I-D (draft number 01).

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           Changes include:
               * Adding CCSDS related objects (such as vrs#, Byte
                 counts,and Extension Block tracking

               * Slight object renaming

               * Addition of temporary textual conventions for IANA

           The third release of the BP-MIB I-D (draft number 02).
           Changes include:
               * Clarity and consistency of description fields

               * Object identity and purpose <===> sanity check

               * Cross-standard compatibility check <===> CCSDS
                 BP managed objects"

       -- These values are temporary until a DTN-MIB can get an IANA
       -- sanctioned value of its own :)

       ::= { dtn 3 }
       dtn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { collegeOfComm  3 }
       collegeOfComm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ohioUniv 42 }
       ohioUniv OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 32396 }

   -- Node-Specific definitions

       bpNodeObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpMIB 1 }

    --Needs discussion.  Draft will specify that the managed node must maintain
    --a permanent registration in one singleton endpoint, which will serve as the node id.
       bpNodeID OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "An arbitrary value used to uniquely identify instances
           of the BP-MIB. This value can be used by other MIB
           definitions to reference instances of Bundle Node objects."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 1 }

    --OK as written.
       bpBundleVersion OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current

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           "This value denotes which version number of the Bundle
           Protocol is being used by this Node."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 2 }

    --OK as written.
       bpLastUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     TimeTicks
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "Is a representation of the last time this Node was
           restarted and should be set by the system appropriately.
           Some implementations of the Bundle Protocol might choose
           to reset certain values when a Node is shutdown and brought
           back up. This value is NOT a mirror of sysUpTime. Since
           multiple Nodes can be running on a single system, this
           value represents the last time this Node was reset."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 3 }

    --OK as written.
       bpAvailStorage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the number of Kilo-Bytes currently
           available to this Node for the storage of bundles. The value
           ranges between 0 and (2^32) -1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 4 }

    --OK as written.
       bpBulkPriorGenBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles generated on this
           Node with a priority value of -bulk-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBndls, bpBulkPriorGenBndls,
           and bpExpPriorGenBndls can be used to find the total of
           Bundles generated at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 5 }

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    --Move to optional group.
       bpBulkPriorGenBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes generated on this
           Node with a priority value of -bulk-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBytes, bpBulkPriorGenBytes,
           and bpExpPriorGenBytes can be used to find the total of
           Bytes generated at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 6 }

    --OK as written.
       bpNormPriorGenBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles generated on this
           Node with the priority value -normal-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBndls, bpBulkPriorGenBndls,
           and bpExpPriorGenBndls can be used to find the total of
           Bundles generated at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 7 }

    --Move to optional group.
       bpNormPriorGenBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes generated on this
           Node with the priority value -normal-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBytes, bpBulkPriorGenBytes,
           and bpExpPriorGenBytes can be used to find the total of
           Bytes generated at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC

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       ::= { bpNodeObjects 8 }

    --OK as written.
       bpExpPriorGenBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles generated on this
           Node with the priority value -expedited-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBndls, bpBulkPriorGenBndls,
           and bpExpPriorGenBndls can be used to find the total of
           Bundles generated at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 9 }

    --Move to optional group.
       bpExpPriorGenBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes generated on this
           Node with the priority value -expedited-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBytes, bpBulkPriorGenBytes,
           and bpExpPriorGenBytes can be used to find the total of
           Bytes generated at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 10 }

    --OK as written.
       bpBulkPriorQueuedBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles currently queued
           on this Node with the priority value -bulk-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBndls, bpBulkPriorGenBndls,
           and bpExpPriorGenBndls can be used to find the total of

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           Bundles queued at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 11 }

    --Move to optional group.
       bpBulkPriorQueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes currently queued
           on this Node with the priority value -bulk-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBytes, bpBulkPriorGenBytes,
           and bpExpPriorGenBytes can be used to find the total of
           Bytes queued at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 12 }

   --OK as written.
       bpNormPriorQueuedBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles currently queued
           on this Node with the priority value -normal-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBndls, bpBulkPriorGenBndls,
           and bpExpPriorGenBndls can be used to find the total of
           Bundles queued at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 13 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpNormPriorQueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes currently queued
           on this Node with the priority value -normal-

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           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBytes, bpBulkPriorGenBytes,
           and bpExpPriorGenBytes can be used to find the total of
           Bytes queued at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 14 }

   --OK as written.
       bpExpPriorQueuedBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles currently queued
           on this Node with the priority value -expedited-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBndls, bpBulkPriorGenBndls,
           and bpExpPriorGenBndls can be used to find the total of
           Bundles queued at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 15 }

    --Move to optional group.
       bpExpPriorQueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes currently queued
           on this Node with the priority value -expedited-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorGenBytes, bpBulkPriorGenBytes,
           and bpExpPriorGenBytes can be used to find the total of
           Bytes queued at the local Node.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 16 }

   --OK as written.
       bpReassemblyPendingBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current

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           "This value represents the current number of Bundles queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Reassembly

           RFC 5050 mentions the Reassembly Pending retention
           constraint in Sections 5.7 and 5.9. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments,
           dispatch, forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 17 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpReassemblyPendingBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bytes queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Reassembly

           RFC 5050 mentions the Reassembly Pending retention
           constraint in Sections 5.7 and 5.9. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments,
           dispatch, forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 18 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDispatchPendingBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bundles queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Dispatch

           RFC 5050 mentions the Dispatch Pending retention constraint
           in  Sections 5.2, 5.4 and 5.6. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments, dispatch,
           forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 19 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpDispatchPendingBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32

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       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bytes queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Dispatch

           RFC 5050 mentions the Dispatch Pending retention constraint
           in  Sections 5.2, 5.4 and 5.6. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments, dispatch,
           forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 20 }

   --OK as written.
       bpForwardPendingBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bundles queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Forward

           RFC 5050 mentions the Forward Pending retention constraint
           in Sections 5.4 and 5.4.2. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments, dispatch,
           forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 21 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpForwardPendingBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bytes queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Forward

           RFC 5050 mentions the Forward Pending retention constraint
           in Sections 5.4 and 5.4.2. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments, dispatch,
           forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 22 }

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   --OK as written.
       bpCustodyAcceptedBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bundles queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Custody

           RFC 5050 mentions the Custody Accepted retention constraint
           in Sections 5.7 and 5.9. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments, dispatch,
           forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 23 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpCustodyAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents the current number of Bytes queued
           on this Node that have the retention constraint -Custody

           RFC 5050 mentions the Custody Accepted retention constraint
           in Sections 5.7 and 5.9. A retention constraint
           is any reason why a Bundle should not continue to be
           processed (whether it is waiting to reassemble fragments, dispatch,
           forward, or pass custody."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 24 }

   --OK as written.
       bpCustodyFailureBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of times this Node has failed to accept custody
           of incoming Bundles.

           RFC 5050 defines custody transfer failures in Sections
           5.10.1 and 5.12"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 25 }

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   --Move to optional group.
       bpCustodyFailureBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of bytes this Node has failed to accept
           under its custody.

           RFC 5050 defines custody transfer failures in Sections
           5.10.1 and 5.12"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 26 }

   --OK as written.
       bpForwardFailureBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of bundles for which this Node has experienced a
           forwarding failure.

           RFC 5050 defines forwarding failures in Sections 5.4.1 and
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 27 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpForwardFailureBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of bytes for which this Node has experienced a
           forwarding failure.

           RFC 5050 defines forwarding failures in Sections 5.4.1 and
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 28 }

   --OK as written.
       bpAbandonedDeliveryBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of bundles for which this Node has abandoned

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           RFC 5050 defines abandonment in Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 29 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpAbandonedDeliveryBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of bytes for which this Node has abandoned

           RFC 5050 defines abandonment in Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 30 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDiscardedBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles this Node has discarded.

           RFC 5050 defines Bundle discarding in Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 31 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpDiscardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bytes this Node has discarded.

           RFC 5050 defines Bundle discarding in Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 32 }

   --OK as written.
       bpFragmentedLocally OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has fragmented.

           RFC 5050 defines fragments in Section 3.1 and the
           fragmentation process in Section 5.8"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 33 }

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   --OK as written.
       bpFragmentsCreated OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundle Fragments that this Node has created

           RFC 5050 defines fragments in Section 3.1 and the
           fragmentation process in Section 5.8"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 34 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelExpired OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -Lifetime Expired-

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 35 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelTransCancelled OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -Transmission Canceled-

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 36 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelDepStorage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -Depleted Storage-

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           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 37 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelDestUnintel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -Destination Endpoint ID Unintelligible-

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 38 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelNoRoute OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -No Known Route to Destination From Here-

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 39 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelUntimelyContact OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -No Timely Contact With Next Node on Route-

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 40 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelBlockUnintel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current

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           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -Block Unintelligible-

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 42 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDelNoAdditionalInfo OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of Bundles that this Node has deleted based on
           -No additional information-

           Note, certain software implementations might include
           extensions to the Bundle Protocol. Since extensions are
           prone to errors other than those specified by RFC 5050, this
           value may or may not increment upon extension-related errors
           (a counter of these errors may be contained in the
           extension's MIB). It depends on the extension's MIB design
           and the instrumentation of that MIB.

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 42 }

       bpDelBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The total number of bytes deleted by this Node

           RFC 5050 defines the Bundle deletion process in Section 5.13
           and the deletion status report flags in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 43 }
   --The objects below were moved from endpoint to node level
       bpBundlesSentBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current

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           "A cumulative count of all the Bundles that have been sent
           from this node.

           Bundle reception and the steps to handling these Bundles are
           discussed in RFC 5050, Section 5.6"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 44 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpBundlesSentBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the Bytes that have been sent
           from this node.

           Bundle reception and the steps to handling these Bundles are
           discussed in RFC 5050, Section 5.6"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 45 }

       bpBundlesForwardedBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the Bundles that have been
           forwarded to a Node, from this Node.

           The steps to handling Bundle forwarding are discussed in RFC
           5050, Section 5.4"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 46 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpBundlesForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the Bytes that have been
           forwarded to a Node, from this Node.

           The steps to handling Bundle forwarding are discussed in RFC
           5050, Section 5.4"
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 47 }

       bpBundleDuplicatesBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only

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       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the duplicate Bundles that have
           been received by this Node. NOTE: duplicate
           bundles are any bundle that arrives at a Node, but is
           already within that Node's storage."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 48 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpBundleDuplicatesBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of Bytes that were received as
           duplicate Bundles by this Node.
           NOTE: duplicate bundles are any bundle that arrives at a
           Node, but is already within that Node's storage."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 49 }
   --End moved items

   --Nodes can request reports for bundle reception, custody acceptance,
   --bundle forwarding, bundle delivery, and bundle deletion.
   --MIB has been refactored to group these.  They will be in non-mandatory conformance group.

       bpNodeAdminReports OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpNodeObjects 50 }

       bpBundleReceptions OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the -Bundle Reception- reports
           that this Node has received.

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 1 }

       bpCustodyAcceptance OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current

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           "A cumulative count of all the -Custody Acceptance- reports
           that this Node has received.

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 2 }

       bpBundleForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the -Bundle Forwarding- reports
           that this Node has received.
           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 3 }

       bpBundleDelivery OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the -Bundle Delivery- reports
           that this Node has received.

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 4 }

   --The bundle deletion report counters were moved from end-point to node level

       bpDelExpiredReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -Lifetime Expired-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports

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           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 5 }

       bpDelTransCancelledReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -Transmission Canceled-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 6 }

       bpDelDepStorageReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -Depleted Storage-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 7 }

       bpDelDestUnintelReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -Destination Endpoint ID Unintelligible-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 8 }

       bpDelNoRouteReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64

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       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -No Known Route to Destination From Here-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 9 }

       bpDelUntimelyContactReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -No Timely Contact With Next Node on Route-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 10 }

       bpDelBlockUnintelReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           with the reason -Block Unintelligible-

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 11 }

       bpDelNoAdditionalInfoReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The number of deletion reports received by this Node
           this Endpoint for the reason -No Additional Information-

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           Note, certain software implementations might include
           extensions to the Bundle Protocol. Since extensions are
           capable of creating new status report types, this value may
           or may not increment from errors outside the scope of RFC
           5050. (another MIB might manage this information). It
           depends on the extension's MIB design and the
           instrumentation of that MIB.

           The Bundle status report request fields are listed in
           Section 4.2 of RFC 5050. Each of the Bundle Status Reports
           are defined in RFC 5050, Section 5.1 and are described in
           greater detail in Section 6.1.1"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 12 }

   --This object has been reworked (it incorrectly refered to a report)
       bpCustodySuccess OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the "Succeeded" custody signals
           that this Node has received. Custody signals requirements
           are described in sections 5.11 and 5.12.

           The custody signal format is described in 6.1.2"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 13 }

   --This object has been added, paired with the object above.
       bpCustodyTranFail OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the "Failed" custody signals
           that this Node has received. Custody signals requirements
           are described in sections 5.11 and 5.12.

           The custody signal format is described in 6.1.2"
       ::= { bpNodeAdminReports 14 }

   --End Administrative Report counters................................................
   --Extension Block Table Start ....................................................
   --OK as written.

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       bpExtBlockTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BPExtBlockEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "A table whose rows identify the Bundle Protocol Extension
           Blocks available to this Node."
       ::= { bpNodeObjects 49 }

   --OK as written.
       bpExtBlockEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     BPExtBlockEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "This object represents a single entry in bpExtBlockTable.
           Each entry denotes the extension block's type and offers a
           human readable description field."
           { bpExtBlockType }
       ::= { bpExtBlockTable 1 }

       BPExtBlockEntry ::= SEQUENCE
           bpExtBlockType                  Integer32,
           bpExtBlockDisplayName           OCTET STRING

   --OK as written.
       bpExtBlockType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "The value of this object uniquely identifies the type of
           extension block being represented by this table entry. Each
           extension block type is uniquely represented by a positive

           Note, this object is currently in need of IANA
           consideration and would most likely be better suited as a
       ::= { bpExtBlockEntry 1 }

   --OK as written.
       bpExtBlockDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS read-only

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       STATUS     current
           "This is a human readable string value that stores either a
           block name or short description of this this table entry."
       ::= { bpExtBlockEntry 2 }
   --Extension Block Table End ....................................................

   -- Endpoint-Specific Definitions ............................................................
       bpRegObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpMIB 2 }

   --OK as written.
       bpRegCount OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value does NOT keep track of the number of Endpoints
           of which this Node is a member. Rather, it is directly
           related to the number of rows in the bpRegTable. Because
           Endpoints can be unregistered, this value may stay the same
           while the number of Endpoint registrations decreases. This
           value should never be set to 0 because every Node must be a
           member of at least one Singleton Endpoint; see RFC 5050,
           Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpRegObjects 1 }

   --OK as written.
       bpRegTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BPRegEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "Is a sequence of Endpoint registrations and exists as a
           conceptual table for storing each registration entry and its
           managed objects. Each registration is uniquely identifiable
           by its EID (Endpoint ID). Each Node should be a member of at
           least one Singleton Endpoint, so this table should always
           have a minimum of 1 entry; see RFC 5050, Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpRegObjects 2 }

   --OK as written.
       bpRegEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     BPRegEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

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       STATUS     current
           "A conceptual row of bpRegTable that contains the
           Endpoint-Specific objects for Endpoints of which this Node
           is a member. Each entry can be uniquely identified by its
           bpEndpointID. There should be at least one bpRegEntry in the
           bpRegTable at all times whose bpIsSingleton value is set to
           true; see RFC 5050, Section 3.1"
           { bpRegIndex }
       ::= { bpRegTable 1 }

   --Updated sequence after refactoring
       BPRegEntry ::= SEQUENCE
           bpRegIndex                     Integer32,
           bpEndpointID                   OCTET STRING,
           bpCurState                     BITS,
           bpIsSingleton                  BITS,
           bpDeliveryFailureAction        BITS,
           bpBundlesDeliveredBndls        Counter64,
           bpBundlesDeliveredBytes        Counter64,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBndls          Counter64,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBytes          Counter64,
           bpNormPriorRecvdBndls          Counter64,
           bpNormPriorRecvdBytes          Counter64,
           bpExpPriorRecvdBndls           Counter64,
           bpExpPriorRecvdBytes           Counter64

   --OK as written.
      bpRegIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)

      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
           "An index value that uniquely denotes a conceptual row of
           the bpRegTable."
      ::= { bpRegEntry 1 }

   --OK as written.
      bpEndpointID OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
           "A string value representing the Endpoint ID of this

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           registered Endpoint.

           Bundle Endpoints and Endpoint IDs are discussed in RFC 5050,
            Section 3.1"
      ::= { bpRegEntry 2 }

   --OK as written.
       bpCurState OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     BITS { passive(0), active(1) }
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "The current state of the BP (Bundle Protocol) on this

           Possible Values:
               * passive - 0
               * active  - 1

           The active and passive states of a registered Endpoint are
           discussed in RFC 5050, Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpRegEntry 3 }

   --OK as written.
       bpIsSingleton OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     BITS { false(0), true(1) }
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents whether or not this registered
           Endpoint is a Singleton.

           Possible Values:
               * false - 0 - Is not a Singleton Endpoint
               * true  - 1 - Is a Singleton Endpoint

           Singleton Endpoints are discussed in RFC 5050, Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpRegEntry 4 }

   --OK as written.
       bpDeliveryFailureAction OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     BITS { abandonDelivery(0), deferDelivery(1) }
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This value represents whether the registered Endpoint's
           Delivery Failure Action is set to defer or abandon.

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           Possible Values:
               * abandonDelivery - 0 - Abandon the Bundle's delivery
               * deferDelivery   - 1 - Defer the Bundle's Delivery

           Bundle Delivery Failure Actions are discussed in RFC 5050,
           Section 3.1"
       ::= { bpRegEntry 5 }

   --OK as written.
       bpBundlesDeliveredBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the Bundles that have been
           delivered on this Node for this Endpoint

           Bundle delivery steps are discussed in RFC 5050, Section
       ::= { bpRegEntry 6 }

   --Needs discussion?
       bpBundlesDeliveredBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A cumulative count of all the Bytes that have been
           delivered on this Node to this Endpoint

           Bundle delivery steps are discussed in RFC 5050, Section
       ::= { bpRegEntry 7 }
   --Sent, Forwarded, and Duplicates moved to node level
       bpBulkPriorRecvdBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles sourced on this
           Node from this Endpoint with the priority value -bulk-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorRecvdBndls,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBndls, and bpExpPriorRecvdBndls can be used
           to find the total of Bundles that have been received by this
           Node, from this Endpoint.

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           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpRegEntry 8 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpBulkPriorRecvdBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes sourced on this
           Node from this Endpoint with the priority value -bulk-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorRecvdBytes,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBytes, and bpExpPriorRecvdBytes can be used
           to find the total of Bundles that have been received by this
           Node, from this Endpoint.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpRegEntry 9 }

       bpNormPriorRecvdBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles sourced on this
           Node from this Endpoint with the priority value -normal-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorRecvdBndls,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBndls, and bpExpPriorRecvdBndls can be used
           to find the total of Bundles that have been received by this
           Node, from this Endpoint.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpRegEntry 10 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpNormPriorRecvdBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes sourced on this
           Node from this Endpoint with the priority value -normal-

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           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorRecvdBytes,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBytes, and bpExpPriorRecvdBytes can be used
           to find the total of Bundles that have been received by this
           Node, from this Endpoint.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpRegEntry 11 }

       bpExpPriorRecvdBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bundles sourced on this
           Node from this Endpoint with the priority value -expedited-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorRecvdBndls,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBndls, and bpExpPriorRecvdBndls can be used
           to find the total of Bundles that have been received by this
           Node, from this Endpoint.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpRegEntry 12 }

   --Move to optional group.
       bpExpPriorRecvdBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This keeps track of the number of Bytes sourced on this
           Node from this Endpoint with the priority value -expedited-

           Note: the sum of bpNormPriorRecvdBytes,
           bpBulkPriorRecvdBytes, and bpExpPriorRecvdBytes can be used
           to find the total of Bundles that have been received by this
           Node, from this Endpoint.

           Bundle priority settings are mentioned in Section 4.2 of RFC
       ::= { bpRegEntry 13 }
   --end end-point level administrative report counters have been moved to node level

       -- CLA-Specific Definitions

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       bpClaObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpMIB 3 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClaCount OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Gauge32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "This is a value that keeps track of how many rows are
           currently in the bpClaTable. This value does NOT necessarily
           reflect the current number of CLAs (Convergence Layer
           Adapters) available to this Node. Since CLAs are
           implementation dependent, there are few qualifiers for a
           generic set of CLA-related manageable objects. A single Node
           can have 0 or more CLAs available, so this value can be set
           to 0.

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= {bpClaObjects 1 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClaTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BPClaEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "This Conceptual table contains the set of CLAs (Convergence
           Layer Adapters) that are available to this Node. A CLA is an
           interface between the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent) and an
           internetwork protocol suite. CLAs and their functions are
           implementation specific, so this set of managed information
           doesn't contain much in the way of detail.

           The items in this table are similar to the ifStackTable in
           RFC 2863, albeit different in that it only tracks the layer
           below the BPA (because the Bundle Protocol rests at the
           application layer and anything above itself would be done
           as a tunnel). Each row represents a single CLA; what
           Convergence Layer it's using, and layer traversal

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= {bpClaObjects 2 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClaEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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       SYNTAX     BPClaEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "Each entry represents a single CLA (Convergence Layer
           Adapter) of this Node. A CLA, as defined in RFC 5050, is an
           interface between the Bundle Protocol Agent and an
           inter-network protocol suite. Each bpClaEntry contains a
           reference to the layer beneath the BPA or, worded
           differently, to its CL (Convergence Layer). It's the job of
           the bpClType object in each row to denote what type of
           protocol the CL is. If the underlying layer is not an
           inter-networking protocol, the bpClType is set to 1 (which
           signifies that it's an interface).

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       { bpClaIndex }
       ::= { bpClaTable 1 }

   --OK as written.
       BPClaEntry ::= SEQUENCE
         bpClaIndex                       Integer32,
         bpClType                         Integer32,
         bpClaDisplayName                 OCTET STRING,
         bpClID                           OCTET STRING,
         bpClOutBndls                     Counter64,
         bpClOutBytes                     Counter64,
         bpClInBndls                      Counter64,
         bpClInBytes                      Counter64,
         bpClaDirection                   BITS

   --OK as written.
       bpClaIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
           "An index value that is used to uniquely represent each
           conceptual row of the bpClaTable."
       ::= { bpClaEntry 1 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)

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       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "With the desire to avoid dependence on any specific
           underlying protocols or protocol-suite, this value exists to
           specify the underlying CL (Convergence Layer) type being
           used by this CLA (Convergence Layer Adapter). Each known CL
           type will be associated to a unique integer value greater
           than 0. Doing this will help to avoid implementation

           Each value herein uniquely represents a Convergence Layer
           type and, likewise, can be used in conjunction with the
           bpClID value to find managed information regarding an
           instance of the appropriate CLA's MIB.

           Convergence Layer Values:
           Interface         1
           LTP               2
           UDP               3
           TCP               4
           IP                5
           DCCP              6

            NOTE: if this convention becomes accepted, these values
           should probably make their way into a textual-convention
           rather than being loosely defined in a description block!

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 2 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClaDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A string value that represents a locally assigned,
           human-readable name given to this CLA (Convergence Layer
           Adapter) by the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent); assuming the
           BPA implementation has this capability.

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 3 }

   --OK as written.

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       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "An arbitrary value that uniquely identifies an instance of
           managed information for the CLA (Convergence Layer Adapter)
           which is associated to this entry.

           Interpretation of this value is opaque to a user, but can be
           used by the management agent to determine which instance of
           a CLA's MIB is referenced by this table entry. The format of
           this UID ought to be determined by implementors of BPA
           (Bundle Protocol Agent) software and it should be noted that
           no two conceptual rows in the bpClaTable (for a given Node)
           should have the same bpClID value.

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 4 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClOutBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A counter that keeps track of the number of Bundles passed
           from the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent) to the CL (Convergence
           Layer) through this CLA (Convergence Layer Adapter).

           Note: CLA implementation compliance is limited in definition
           (see RFC 5050), and may result in many styles of CLA MIB
           implementation. Some may use a single CLA to handle inbound
           and outbound traffic. Other implementations may use one CLA
           for inbound traffic and a separate CLA for outbound. To know
           if this CLA is uni-directional or bidirectional, look at

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 5 }

   --Needs discussion... ok
       bpClOutBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current

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           "A counter that keeps track of the number of Bytes passed
           from the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent) to the CL (Convergence
           Layer) through this CLA (Convergence Layer Adapter).

           Note: CLA implementation compliance is limited in definition
           (see RFC 5050), and may result in many styles of CLA MIB
           implementation. Some may use a single CLA to handle inbound
           and outbound traffic. Other implementations may use one CLA
           for inbound traffic and a separate CLA for outbound. To know
           if this CLA is uni-directional or bidirectional, look at

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 6 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClInBndls OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A counter that keeps track of the number of Bundles passed
           to the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent) from the CL (Convergence
           Layer) through this CLA (Convergence Layer Adapter).

           Note: CLA implementation compliance is limited in definition
           (see RFC 5050), and may result in many styles of CLA MIB
           implementation. Some may use a single CLA to handle inbound
           and outbound traffic. Other implementations may use one CLA
           for inbound traffic and a separate CLA for outbound. To know
           if this CLA is uni-directional or bidirectional, look at

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 7 }

   --Needs discussion?
       bpClInBytes OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Counter64
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A counter that keeps track of the number of Bytes passed to
           the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent) from the CL (Convergence
           Layer) through this CLA (Convergence Layer Adapter).

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           Note: CLA implementation compliance is limited in definition
           (see RFC 5050), and may result in many styles of CLA MIB
           implementation. Some may use a single CLA to handle inbound
           and outbound traffic. Other implementations may use one CLA
           for inbound traffic and a separate CLA for outbound. To know
           if this CLA is uni-directional or bidirectional, look at

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
           discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 8 }

   --OK as written.
       bpClaDirection OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     BITS { inBound(0), outBound(1), biDirectional(2) }
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
           "A value representing the nature of the CLA (Convergence
           Layer Adapter) and whether the BPA (Bundle Protocol Agent)
           can send/receive to/from the CL through the CLA. Some
           implementations of BP software, such as satellite software,
           may find it preferable to have uni-directional traffic while
           others may prefer to have a single entry resolve all traffic

           Possible Values:
               * inBound       - 0 - inbound traffic only
               * outBound      - 1 - outbound traffic only
               * biDirectional - 2 - bi-directional traffic

           CLAs are described in RFC 5050 in Section 3.1 and CLs are
        discussed in Section 7"
       ::= { bpClaEntry 9 }

       -- Conformance Requirements for the BP-MIB

       bpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpMIB 4 }
       bpMIBCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpConformance 1 }

       bpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS      current
           "The compliance for Network Elements that are running a
           Bundle Protocol Implementation."
   --List of mandatory groups

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       MANDATORY-GROUPS {bpNodeInfoGroup,bpNodeActivityGroup}
   --All groups below are optional
       GROUP       bpNodeDelGroup
           "Node-Specific information that keeps counters for the
           different reasons a Bundle has been deleted on this Node.
           It also tracks a cumulative count of Bytes that have been
           on this Node."

       GROUP       bpNodeStatisticsGroup
           "Objects in this group tracks cumulative counts of
           Bundles handled by this node."

       GROUP       bpAdminReportGroup
           "Node-Specific information that keeps counters of
           administrative reports and custody signals received
           by the node.  Nodes with sufficient resources may wish
           to track these counters for network diagnostics."

       GROUP       bpRegInfoGroup
           "Endpoint-Specific information directly regarding the Node's
           Endpoint registrations. Things like: EID, state, and Singleton

       GROUP       bpRegActivityGroup
           "Endpoint-Specific information that keeps counters for the
           amount of Bundles/Bytes sourced from and delivered to
           each endpoint."

   --    GROUP       bpRegDelStatusGroup has been removed

       GROUP       bpClaGroup
           "CLA-Specific Information that relates to a Bundle Node's
           Convergence Layer Adapters and the corresponding Convergence
           Layers themselves.  Most nodes, especially those with multiple
           CLAs, should provide this information."

       GROUP       bpNodeBndlVolGroup
           "This group is optional.  Nodes with sufficient computing resources

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           should track these object, while resource-restricted nodes can
           likely not perform this tracking"
       ::= { bpMIBCompliance 1 }

       -- BP MIB Group Definitions

       bpMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bpConformance 2 }

       bpNodeInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Node-Specific information regarding the Node itself and the
           counts of Bundles which are currently queued by it."
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 1 }

       bpNodeActivityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Node-Specific objects that offer a view of what a Node
           has done locally and what sorts of actions or events the
           Node may have undergone."

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       ::= { bpMIBGroups 2 }

       bpNodeDelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Node-Specific information that keeps counters for the
           different reasons a Bundle has been deleted on this Node.
           It also tracks a cumulative count of Bytes that have been
           on this Node."
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 3 }

       bpNodeStatisticsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Statistics on bundle handling by this node"
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 4 }

       bpAdminReportGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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       STATUS  current
           "Endpoint-Specific information that keeps counters for the
           number of status reports and custody signals received on this
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 5 }

       bpRegInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Endpoint-Specific information directly regarding the Node's
           Endpoint registrations. Things like: EID, state, Singleton
           status, and delivery failure action."
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 6 }

       bpRegActivityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Endpoint-Specific information that keeps counters for the

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           amount of Bundles/Bytes sourced from and delivered to
           each endpoint."
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 7 }

       bpClaGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "CLA-Specific Information that relates to a Bundle Node's
           Convergence Layer Adapters and the corresponding Convergence
           Layers themselves"
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 8 }

       bpNodeBndlVolGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       STATUS  current
           "Node-Specific information the volume (bytes) of data
            which are currently queued by it.
            Bundle counts are in the bpNodeInfoGroup."
       ::= { bpMIBGroups 9 }

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6.  Acknowledgments

   Extensive thanks is given to Dovel Myers, Gilbert Clark, Josh
   Schendel, and the family of Ohio University's Internetworking
   Research Group Laboratory for their contributions on the MIB's design
   and how it might inter-relate with other DTN-related MIBs.  Many of
   the more recent design changes in the MIB are based on input from
   Scott Burleigh at JPL and Ed Birraine at APL.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This section has work to be done.  IANA considerations do include:
   the standardization of numbers to uniquely identify Convergence Layer
   types; creation of a Textual-Convention for bpClType; and creation of
   a Textual-Convention for bpExtBlockType.

8.  Security Considerations

   Though SNMPv3 is the current de facto standard of network management
   protocols, there is no guarantee that this will hold true in the DTN
   architecture.  With this in mind, any protocols used SHOULD consider,
   to the fullest feasible extent, the security measures used in SNMPv3.
   Design of such protocols SHOULD consider the lessons learned in the
   terrestrial Internet.  The following paragraphs address issues
   specific to SNMP, but may still hold relevance for DTN network
   management mechanisms.

   There are no management objects defined in this MIB module that have
   a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  So, if this
   MIB module is implemented correctly, then there is no risk that an
   intruder can alter or create any management objects of this MIB
   module via direct SNMP SET operations.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as
   provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8),
   including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for
   authentication and privacy).

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   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD
              58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
              "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
              April 1999.

   [RFC2863]  McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
              MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC4838]  Cerf, V., Burleigh, S., Hooke, A., Torgerson, L., Durst,
              R., Scott, K., Fall, K., and H. Weiss, "Delay-Tolerant
              Networking Architecture", RFC 4838, April 2007.

   [RFC5050]  Scott, K. and S. Burleigh, "Bundle Protocol
              Specification", RFC 5050, November 2007.

9.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

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Authors' Addresses

   Zack Sims
   Ohio University
   United States

   Phone: +1 740 285 1895

   Dr. Hans Kruse
   Ohio University
   Rm 150, 31 S. Court, Ohio University
   Athens, OH 45701
   United States

   Phone: +1 740 593 4891

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