Internet DRAFT - draft-singh-capwap-ctp


   Operations Group                                                     
   Internet Draft                                              I. Singh 
   Document: draft-singh-capwap-ctp-02.txt                 P. Francisco 
                                                            K. Pakulski 
                                                          M. Montemurro 
                                                       Chantry Networks 
                                                              F. Backes 
                                                  AutoCell Laboratories 
   Expires: December 2005                                     June 2005 
                      CAPWAP Tunneling Protocol (CTP) 
Status of this Memo 
   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any 
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware 
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes 
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that      
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 28, 2005. 
Copyright Notice 
      Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). All Rights Reserved. 
   With the overwhelming choice of proprietary implementations of 
   centralized control and management of wireless access points and 
   access controllers there is a great demand for a standard protocol 

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   and architecture that enables the deployment of large scale wireless 
   This document describes the CAPWAP Tunneling Protocol, a protocol 
   that allows for the centralized control and provisioning of a large 
   number of wireless access points from access controllers.  It is 
   supported by an architecture where the MAC layer of the RF technology 
   is terminated within the AP.  This allows for the protocol to be 
   extensible to multiple radio technologies.  It assumes an IP 
   connection between the access points and access controllers and has 
   signaling primitives to enable wireless station mobility between 
   access points.  Therefore, seamless Layer 3 subnet mobility is 
   seamlessly enabled by this protocol.  
Table of Contents 
   1. Definitions....................................................4 
      1.1 Conventions used in this document..........................4 
      1.2 Terminology................................................4 
   2. Introduction...................................................4 
      2.1 Out of scope...............................................7 
         2.1.1 Secure discovery of AP and AC.........................7 
         2.1.2 AP image management...................................7 
         2.1.3 Multiple AC mobility..................................7 
   3. Protocol Overview..............................................8 
      3.1 Control and Status Messages................................8 
      3.2 Configuration and Statistics messages......................8 
      3.3 Data Messages..............................................9 
   4. CTP Packets....................................................9 
      4.1 CTP Header format..........................................9 
      4.2 Messages..................................................11 
      4.3 Message Payloads..........................................11 
   5. Message descriptions..........................................14 
      5.1 Message State Control.....................................14 
      5.2 Control and Status messages...............................15 
         5.2.1 CTP_Reg-Req..........................................15 
         5.2.2 CTP Reg-Rsp..........................................15 
         5.2.3 CTP Auth-Req.........................................15 
         5.2.4 CTP Auth-Rsp.........................................16 
         5.2.5 CTP SW-Update-Req....................................16 
         5.2.6 CTP SW-Update-Rsp....................................17 
         5.2.7 CTP_Set-State-Req....................................17 
         5.2.8 CTP_Set-State-Rsp....................................18 
         5.2.9 CTP Poll-Req.........................................19 
         5.2.10 CTP Poll-Rsp........................................19 
         5.2.11 CTP_MU-Connect-Req..................................19 
         5.2.12 CTP_MU-Connect-Rsp..................................20 
         5.2.13 CTP_MU-Disconnect-Req...............................20 
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         5.2.14 CTP_MU-Disconnect-Rsp...............................20 
         5.2.15 CTP_MU-Disconnect-Nfy...............................21 
         5.2.16 CTP MU-Authenticate-Req.............................21 
         5.2.17 CTP MU-Authenticate-Rsp.............................22 
         5.2.18 CTP MAC-Management..................................22 
      5.3 Configuration and Statistics messages.....................22 
         5.3.1 CTP Cap-Req..........................................23 
         5.3.2 CTP Cap-Rsp..........................................26 
         5.3.3 CTP Config-Req.......................................27 
         5.3.4 CTP Config-Rsp.......................................27 
         5.3.5 CTP Config-Ack.......................................27 
         5.3.6 CTP_Config-Status-Notify.............................28 
         5.3.7 CTP_Stats-Notify.....................................28 
         5.3.8 CTP Stats-Req........................................28 
         5.3.9 CTP Stats-Rsp........................................28 
         5.3.10 Configuration and Statistics........................29 
      5.4 CTP_Data Messages.........................................29 
         5.4.1 CTP_Data.............................................30 
   6. State Machines................................................31 
      6.1 Init......................................................31 
      6.2 Control Channel Establishment.............................31 
      6.3 Active State..............................................32 
      6.4 Standby State.............................................32 
   7. Authentication, Encryption and Session Key generation.........32 
      7.1 Authentication............................................32 
      7.2 Encryption................................................35 
      7.3 Session Key refresh and generation........................37 
   8. Security considerations.......................................38 
   9. References....................................................38 
   10. Author's Addresses...........................................39 
    Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements .................37 

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1.  Definitions 
1.1   Conventions used in this document 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [1] 
1.2   Terminology 
   AP û Access Point - The network device that includes both the 
   wireless termination point as well as the implementation of a 
   specific radio technology management layer.  
   AC - Access Controller - A centralized network entity that controls, 
   configures and manages one or more than one APs. 
   MU - Mobile Unit - A wireless device which is also an IP node capable 
   of dynamic change in its association with an Access Point.  
2. Introduction 
   The rapid pace with which wireless networks are being deployed in the 
   home, enterprise and carrier industries has led to the proliferation 
   of proprietary solutions which attempt to address problems associated 
   with large scale wireless installations. The main issues plaguing 
   802.11 wireless networks, for example, are described in [2] and can 
   be summarized as: the manageability of large numbers of APs (Access 
   Points); the secure and bulk provisioning, monitoring, and control of 
   APs; and policy control and enforcement of MU (Mobile Units) data 
   flows and policies.   
   One of the key problems with deploying large scale wireless networks 
   is that the infrastructure needs to scale to meet both geographic 
   coverage as well as client density requirements. CAPWAP Tunneling 
   Protocol (CTP) addresses these challenges by minimizing configuration 
   of the wired infrastructure to accommodate the wireless network.   
   CTP provides both centralized configuration and operational control 
   for wireless networks, and in doing so, provides centralized security 
   and policy management. 
   This solution has been currently focused towards 802.11 networks. 
   However, CTP is independent of the layer 2 wireless standard because 
   it assumes that the MAC layer of the wireless technology is fully 
   implemented in the AP. The control channel binding between the AP and 
   AC provides for all the necessary signaling to facilitate MU 
   connection, mobility, and even RF resource management.  Thus, it is 
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   possible to use CTP to offer IP network services to wireless users 
   independent of the underlying wireless technology (e.g. 802.11, 
   802.15, or 802.16). 
   CTP involves one or more Access Points (APs) connected to one or more 
   Access Controllers (ACs). The network connectivity between the APs 
   and ACs is primarily through a Layer 3 routed network.  However, 
   switched Layer 2 or directly connected network topologies are also 
   supported. Figure 1 shows the typical network topology of AP and AC 
   placement in a CTP network.  However, since it is assumed that the AP 
   and AC are IP addressable direct connect or L2 connect is also 
                         |      AC       | 
                         --------+------ LAN 
                         |  <L3 Network> | 
                         -----+--+--+--- LAN 
                              |     | 
                          +---+     +---+ 
                          |             | 
                       +--+--+       +--+--+ 
                       | AP  |       | AP  | 
                       +--+--+       +--+--+  
                   Figure 1 - Topology of AP and AC placement 
   CTP address both local MAC and split MAC solution architectures by 
   treating control and data traffic independently. In a local MAC 
   solution, CTP interacts directly with the MAC management entity to 
   monitor and control configuration and wireless connections. In a 
   split MAC solution, CTP allows wireless management to pass between 
   the AP and the AC. 
   CTP provides a flexible mechanism in the treatment of data traffic. 
   Data traffic can be either bridged locally by the AP or tunneled to 
   the AC. This feature maximizes the protocolÆs ability to address a 
   wide variety of deployment requirements.Bridging the MU data traffic 
   at the AP ensures that user data traffic does not have to traverse 
   the slow WAN link to access local resources such as a printer. CTP 

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   provides the means for the AC to control the AP behavior and user 
   network access centrally.   
   In either the split MAC or local MAC case, user data frames can 
   either be bridged locally or tunneled to the AC. This allows CTP to 
   address four solutions: Local MAC with traffic tunneled to AC; split 
   MAC with traffic tunneled to AC; Local MAC with traffic bridged 
   locally at the AP; and split MAC with traffic bridged locally at the 
   In this local MAC solution of CTP, the layer 2 wireless termination 
   point and the MAC layer are fully implemented in the AP as shown in 
   Figure 2, which enables this type of feature. The Control traffic 
   will always travel to the AC. The user data frames can be either 
   tunneled to the AC or bridged locally. 
                                 +--+--+             +----+------+ 
                 Control    <===>|     |             |           | 
                                 | CTP |<===========>|WirelessMAC| 
          Tunnel Data       <--->|     |             |           | 
                                 +--+--+             +----+------+ 
                                    ^                     ^ 
                                    |    +-----------+    | 
                                    |    |           |    | 
                 Data  <------------+--->| L2 bridge |<---+ 
                                         |           | 
                       Figure 2 - CTP and Local MAC interaction in an AP 
   In this split MAC solution of CTP, the layer 2 wireless termination 
   point and the MAC layer is divided between the AP and the AC as shown 
   in Figure 23, which enables AP to relay MAC Management frames to the 
   AP. The used data frames can either be bridged locally or relayed to 
   the AC. 
                                 +--+--+             +----+------+ 
                 Control    <===>|     |             |           | 
           MAC Management   <===>| CTP |<===========>|  Wireless | 
              Tunnel Data   <--->|     |             |MAC Control| 
                                 +--+--+             +----+------+ 
                                         +-----------+    | 
                                         |           |    | 
                 Data  <---------------->| L2 bridge |<---+ 
                                         |           | 
                       Figure 3 - CTP and Split MAC interaction in an AP 
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   CTP provides flexibility in how user authentication and data 
   encryption is implemented across the system. The 802.1x Authenticator 
   function can be divided into two components: EAP-Authentication and 
   MAC Key Management. Both components can be configured to reside 
   either at the AC or at the AP. MAC Key Management can be done at 
   either the AC or the AP. EAP-Authentication function and MAC Key 
   Management function do not have to co-reside in either the AC or the 
   AP. However, if both the EAP-Authentication and MAC Key Management is 
   done at the AC, user data traffic must be tunneled between the AP and 
   the AC. 
2.1   Out of scope  
   The following areas are out of scope for this version of the 
2.1.1     Secure discovery of AP and AC. 
   Rather than specify a brand new secure discovery mechanism for APs 
   and ACs within this protocol, CTP specifies the context and security 
   credentials that are required to register APs into ACs.  All AP 
   implementations of CTP MUST provide a method to statically configure 
   the IP address(es) of the AC to be stored in the non-volatile RAM of 
   the AP. 
   Other methods for automatic discovery that MAY be used by 
   implementations of CTP are: SLP, DNS name resolution, and DHCP 
   options for AC IP address(es).  The mechanism by which these methods 
   are incorporated into CTP is out of scope for this document but is a 
   worthwhile task for the working group that takes on this work. 
2.1.2     AP image management. 
   A conscious decision in the design of this protocol excluded the 
   implementation of an AP image management system.  However, CTP 
   provides triggers for software upgrade, ie. a message to indicate 
   software version and a message to command the AP to initiate software 
   upgrade.  The actual protocol and mechanism for secure software 
   download has been deemed out of scope for the protocol and beyond 
   what the protocol was intended for. 
2.1.3     Multiple AC mobility 
   This version of CTP does not include the details of support for 
   multi-AC control over APs for the purposes of multi-AC MU mobility.  
   However, the reserved message types and the capability exchange phase 
   may be used to facilitate the setting up of intra-AC tunnels. 
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3. Protocol Overview 
   CTP is a generic protocol that defines a mechanism for the control 
   and provisioning of wireless APs through centralized ACs.  In 
   addition, it provides a mechanism to optionally tunnel the mobile 
   client data between the AP and AC.  
   There are three types of CTP packet headers:  
      a) Control: these messages allow the AC to provision and control 
         the APs and MU session state and further contain messages that 
         consist of configuration, statistics and state management. 
      b) MAC Management: these messages allow the AP to relay MAC 
         Management frames to the AC when the CTP connection is 
         configured for split MAC operation. 
      c) Data: an optional aspect of the protocol that allows MU data 
         packets tunneled between the AP and the AC. 
   The CTP messages between APs and ACs are delivered by a UDP transport 
   and the UDP port number is [TBD].  The message types of this protocol 
   are classified into three distinct categories:  
      o Control and Status messages 
      o Configuration and Statistics messages 
      o Data messages.   
3.1   Control and Status Messages 
   The set of system control messages of CTP provides a mechanism for an 
   AP to register itself with the AC and to interact with the MU session 
   management operations of the AC. Primarily this set is utilized by 
   the AP to request session association with the AC, configuration 
   information, and control of AP operations. 
   In a local MAC configuration, CTP provides system control messages 
   for notification of MU connection to the AC.  The AC uses this 
   message set to acknowledge AP and MU session establishment and to 
   explicitly control both AP and MU session operational state (such as 
   AP state changes, AP and MU session disconnection, etc.)  
   In a split MAC configuration, CTP provides MAC Mangement control 
   messages for the AP and AC to exchange MAC management frames. 
3.2   Configuration and Statistics messages 
   This logical set of messages exchanged between AP and AC is primarily 
   intended for the provisioning of the AP via a capabilities exchange 

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   and configuration message set.  This message set also includes a 
   means for the AP to provide periodic status notifications of current 
   operational state, statistics information such as wireless and wired 
   statistics, security alerts, etc. 
3.3   Data Messages 
   The CTP-Data message is the only message in this set. Its purpose is 
   to carry encapsulated frames associated with a registered MU.  This 
   message type utilizes the Policy field of the message header to 
   provide user based, post authentication policy enforcement on a per 
   packet basis.  This message type applies to actual MU client data and 
   does not include MU association, authentication and MU session 
   management messages as those operations are explicitly represented 
   though specific control messages. 
   It must be noted that the protocol allows for the data path to not 
   have to traverse the AC.  In that case, no policy can be applied on a 
   per user basis centrally.  
4. CTP Packets 
   It is assumed that the AP and AC source and destination information 
   is available in the transport layer headers.  As such, it is not 
   indicated below.  
4.1   CTP Header format 
   Figure 4 describes the CTP message header format: 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   | Ver |0|0|X|P|E|     Type      |   Policy      |   Protocol    | 
   |       Session Id.             |          Length               | 
   |               |   Reserved    |               | Message Payload... 
                      Figure 4 - CTP Header format 
   Ver Field 
   This field identifies the version of the protocol.  It is 3 bits of 
   data.  For this specification the version field is 0. 

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   Flags Field 
   This field is a bitmask of 5 bits that represents special CTP 
   processing.  Bits 3, 4, and 5 are undefined and MUST be zero (0).  
   Bit #6 and #7 as follows: 
        Bit P û Payload Header 
            1 indicates that the CTP header is followed by a CTP payload 
   header (see 5.4.1) 
            0 indicates that there is no CTP payload header 
        Bit X û Extended Payload Header 
            1 indicates that the CTP-Data header is extended with 
   additional wireless information [5.4.1] 
        Bit E - Data path Encryption 
            1 indicates that the CTP-Data message type data is encrypted 
            0 indicates that the CTP-Data message is in the clear 
   Type Field 
   This is a 1 byte field that identifies the message type.  The message 
   types are identified in Section 4.2. 
   Policy Field 
   This is a 1 byte field that represents policy to be assigned and 
   enforced.  The definition of this policy field is dependent on the 
   message type.  For example, if the message type is CTP-Data (defined 
   below) the Policy field corresponds to QOS policy for the MU data 
   above and beyond the QOS TOS markings or DiffServ markings that may 
   have been applied to the end-to-end user data.  If the message type 
   is not CTP-Data, then this field is not interpreted by either AP or 
   AC and MUST be set to all zeros. 
   Provides identification of payload protocol in support of Split-MAC 
      0 for Local-MAC. 
      RADIO TYPE û Radio Protocol (see Capabilities Exchange in 5.3.1) 
   Session ID Field 
   This is a 2 byte field that includes a unique session identifier 
   provisioned by the AC after successful authentication.  
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   Length Field 
   This is a 2 byte field that indicates the length of payload (excludes 
   the header length). 
4.2   Messages 
   The following message types are defined in CTP: 
          Message            Type       
          Reserved             0-1 
          Reg-Req              2 
          Reg-Rsp              3 
          Auth-Req             4 
          Auth-Rsp             5 
          SW-Update-Req        6 
          SW-Update-Rsp        7  
          Config-Req           8 
          Config-Rsp           9 
          Config-Ack          10 
          Conf-Status-Notify  11 
          Set-State-Req       12 
          Set-State-Rsp       13 
          Stats-Notify        14 
          CTP-Data            15 
          Poll-Req            16 
          Poll-Rsp            17 
          Stats-Req           18 
          Stats-Rsp           19 
          Cap-Req             20 
          Cap-Rsp             21 
          Reserved            22-50 
          MU-Connect-Req      51 
          MU-Connect-Rsp      52 
          MU-Disconnect-Req   53 
          MU-Disconnect-Rsp   54 
          MU-Authenticate-Req 55 
          MU-Authenticate-Rsp 56 
          MU-Disconnect-Nfy   57 
          MAC-Management      58 
          Reserved            59-255 
4.3   Message Payloads 
   Each message type defined above may or may not have a corresponding 
   CTP message payload.  The payload contents are exchanged with the AC 
   through the exchange of relevant Type-Length-Value (TLV) elements. 
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   Each element is encoded as follows: 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |             Type              |            Length             | 
   |              Value... 
      One of the element types as defined below 
      Total length of the type + length + value fields 
   Several elements may be combined in sequence to provide a full 
   payload definition. 
   Note: In order to properly utilize TLVs, the length field of the CTP 
   header must be properly calculated and includes the sum of the length 
   fields of all TLVs in the payload.  
   The following provides a list of TLVs as defined in this version of 
   the protocol: 
   Definition       Type      Length     Description 
   STATUS            1          4         Explicit indication of the  
                                          response to requests messages. 
                                          Values for STATUS are the same  
                                          across all messages: 
                                             0 - Undefined 
                                             1 - Success 
                                             2 û Failure 
   SWVersion         2         Variable   ASCII text representation of  
                                          the AP software version  
   AP SERIAL_NUMBER  3         16         Unique ASCII representation of  
                                          the Serial number of AP.  This  
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                                          serial number of the AP must  
                                          be a priori available to the  
                                          AC.  Method of getting this  
                                          serial number to the AC is out  
                                          of scope for this document. 
   AP REG_CHALLENGE  4         16         A 16 byte random challenge  
                                          generated by the AC, to be  
                                          used by AP upon registration.  
   AP REG_RESPONSE   5         16         A 16 byte AP calculated  
                                          response to AP REG CHALLENGE 
   AC_IPADDR LIST    6         Variable   List of AC IP addresses with  
                                          which said AP should attempt  
                                          to connect 
   CONFIG            7         variable   Value contains a [SNMP] set of 
                                          OIDs of encoded configuration  
   AC REG CHALLENGE  8         16         A 16 byte random challenge  
                                          generated by the AP, to be  
                                          used by AC upon registration  
   AC REG_RESPONSE   9         16         A 16 byte AC calculated  
                                          response to AC REG CHALLENGE 
   NETWORK ID        10        4          Network ID with which a given  
                                          radio in the AP is associated.  
                                          This value is unique as it is  
                                          calculated by the AC upon the  
                                          provisioning phase of the AP  
                                          and provided to it in the  
                                          Config-Rsp message.  In the  
                                          case of 802.11 radio  
                                          technology, this is the  
                                          Extended Service Set (ESS) to 
                                          which the AP belongs.  This is  
                                          a 32 bit integer represent- 
                                          ation of the ESS.  For other  
                                          radio technologies, this is a  
                                          unique value representing the  
                                          network that the radio is a  
                                          member of. 
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   AP_STATE         11         4          Value contains indication of  
                                          AP state:  
   SESSION_KEY      12         19         Encrypted session encryption  
                                          key to secure AP to/from AC  
   STATS            13         Variable   Value contains a  
                                          [SNMP] set of OIDs of encoded 
                                          statistics elements 
   RADIO ID         15         1          Index number of the radio as  
                                          learnt during the Capabilities  
   REQ ID           16         1          Message identification to  
                                          match request and response  
   AUTH_PAYLOAD     17        Variable    Payload TLV to include 
                                          Encapsulation of MU 
                                          Messages. Typically EAP 
   CERTIFICATE      18         Variable   Digital certificate  
                                          credentials of the AP or AC 
5. Message descriptions 
5.1   Message State Control  
   Unless otherwise stated, every message that is a "request" type 
   includes a REQ ID payload inserted by the sender of the message.  
   This is sent so as to aid in the match of messages that are received 
   as "responses".  After the transmission of each request, the source 
   will wait up to 2 seconds for the reception of the response. If a 
   response is not received, the source will retransmit the packet up to 
   3 times. If after 3 attempts a response is still not received the 
   source aborts the session and resets its state machine.  If the 
   source is the AP, the AP shall resume registration operations. 
   Correspondingly the AC will simply delete the AP session from its 
   database and drop all packets which are from unregistered APs.  

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5.2   Control and Status messages 
5.2.1     CTP_Reg-Req 
   This message is used by the AP to request registration with the AC. 
   This message is initiated by the AP after successful secure discovery 
   and following the hardware and software initialization sequence of 
   the AP.  The Session ID of this message is set to 0x0000 because the 
   AC will subsequently assign a Session ID upon successful 
   authentication.  This message requires a mandatory payload, namely 
   "AP Serial Number". 
      Type = 2 
      SessionID = 0x0000 
      REQ ID 
5.2.2     CTP Reg-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC to an AP to indicate that it has 
   conditionally accepted the AP's registration request based on knowing 
   who the AP is and based on the provided serial number.  If the STATUS 
   = Success, then this message will also contain an AP REG CHALLENGE 
   payload.  This is a randomly generated 16 byte challenge to the AP. 
      Type = 3 
      SessionID = 0x0 
      REQ ID = from the corresponding Reg-Req message 
      STATUS = Success (1) or Failure (2) based on the known AP database 
   in the AC 
5.2.3     CTP Auth-Req 
   This message is sent by the AP to begin the authentication phase of 
   the connection establishment with the AC.  It contains the AP serial 
   number, an AP REG RESPONSE payload, the AP's digital certificate 
   (which contains the AP's public key) and a 16 byte random challenge 
   to the AC.  Note that the SessionID field in the packet header is 
   still zero. 
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      Type = 4 
      SessionID = 0x0 
      REQ ID 
      AP REG RESPONSE = Digital Signature of the concatenation of the AP 
   SERIAL NUMBER and the AP REG CHALLENGE (from the Reg-Rsp message) 
      AC_REG_CHALLENGE = 16 byte random number challenge sent to 
   authenticate the AC. 
   The response is calculated by the AP and is verified by the AC.  For 
   details on the calculation of challenge and response, see Section 7 
5.2.4     CTP Auth-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC to the AP as an indication of the 
   success or failure of the authentication phase.  The AP is only 
   considered to have successfully associated with the AC if both 
   registration and authentication phases complete successfully.  
      Type = 5 
      SessionID = 16 byte unsigned value generated by the AC.  This is 
   set appropriately in this message if the authentication phase was 
   successful.  After this message, the AP should use this Session ID in 
   all subsequent messages. 
      REQ ID = from the corresponding Auth-Req message 
      STATUS = Success (1) if the AP's digital certificate was 
   successfully verified and the AP REG RESPONSE was verified. 
      AC REG RESPONSE = Digital Signature of the concatenation of the AP 
   SERIAL NUMBER and the AC REG CHALLENGE (from the Auth-Req message) 
      SESSION KEY = An encrypted payload of the AC generated CTP session 
   key.  This is encrypted using the public key of the AP as received in 
   the AP's digital certificate from the Auth-Req message.  
   The STATUS payload indicates whether authentication and registration 
   was processed correctly. If so, Session ID for registration is 
   explicitly provided in the message header. 
5.2.5     CTP SW-Update-Req 

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   This message is sent by the AP to ask the AC whether it should 
   upgrade its own software or not.  It simply needs to provide its 
   current software version to the AC. 
   This message MAY also be sent by the AC to the AP which is a command 
   indication for the AP to stop operations and upgrade its software. 
      Type = 6 
      SessionID = the assigned ID as received in the Auth-Rsp message. 
      REQ ID 
         SWVersion = Variable length ASCII text specifying the current 
   running software on the AP. 
5.2.6      CTP SW-Update-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC to signal the AP to upgrade its 
   software or by the AP to the AC to indicate to confirm that it has 
   received the upgrade request. When the corresponding request is 
   issued by the AP, the AC will check the SWVersion payload received in 
   the Software-Upgrade-Req for the AP and send a response based on a 
   match.  The interpretation of the SWVersion payload is implementation 
   specific.  The response by the AC is either "Yes" or "No" which is 
   interpreted through the STATUS payload.  If the response by the AC 
   indicates a failure the AP must abandon the registration stage, 
   upgrade its software to the version indicated by the AC. The method 
   by which the software image is exchanged is outside of the scope of 
   this protocol. 
   When the corresponding request is issued by the AC, the AP will 
   simply confirm the reception of the request and abandon itÆs 
   connected state in order to perform the upgrade.  
      Type = 7 
      SessionID = the assigned ID as received in the Auth-Rsp message. 
      REQ ID = from the corresponding SW-Update-Req message 
      STATUS = [Success/Don't Upgrade (1) | Failure/Upgrade (2)] 
      SWVersion [On Failure] = Variable length ASCII text specifying the 
   correct software version the AP should have in order to complete the 
   session registration with the AC.  
5.2.7     CTP_Set-State-Req 
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   This message is sent by the AC to modify the operational state of the 
   AP. For example, at some point during an established connection it 
   may be necessary to instruct an AP to go to STANDBY state or initiate 
   a reboot/reset of its state machine.  These states are usually 
   entered upon user request 
   The following states are defined and apply to the AP: 
   Indication to the AP that it should exit standby state and should 
   resume full active network state including enabling itÆs RF 
   interfaces.  This is the default state of the AP after successful 
   configuration phase.  
   This signifies a state where the AP, although connected to the AC, is 
   in a state whereby no RF connection is allowed.  It may be a sent to 
   the AP upon user request. 
   This is used as a command to the AP to change state to initialization 
   state.  This may be sent to the AP upon user request or upon failure 
   of any of the phases of the control channel establishment.   
      Type = 12 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID 
      AP_STATE = [STANDBY(0) | ACTIVE(1) | RESET(2)] 
5.2.8     CTP_Set-State-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AP to indicate to the AC that it has 
   changed its operational state as requested. 
      Type = 13 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQUEST ID = Same ID that was received in the Set-State-Req 
      STATUS = [Success (1) | Failure (2)] 
      AP_STATE = [STANDBY(0) | ACTIVE(1) | RESET(2)] 
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   The RESET(2) state assumes that the AP would have reset its 
   operations after sending out this message.  
5.2.9     CTP Poll-Req 
   This message is the keep-alive mechanism for the CTP control channel. 
   This is sent by the AP to the AC.  The default send frequency for 
   this message is 5 seconds.  If no response is received from the AC 
   after sending this message 6 times in a row, then the AP should tear 
   down its CTP control channel state and reattempt to connect to the 
   AC.  These values are considered to be defaults.  An AP 
   implementation MAY choose to change these values for suitability to 
   network deployment conditions.   
      Type = 16 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = ID representing the Poll-Req. Incremented until a 
   corresponding Poll-Rsp is received. 
5.2.10      CTP Poll-Rsp 
   This message is the keepalive mechanism for the CTP control channel. 
   This is sent by the AC in response to a CTP Poll-Req message received 
   from the AP.  The AC SHOULD detect the loss of connectivity with the 
   AP based on the receipt of a Poll-Req message. 
      Type = 17 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = ID corresponding to the Poll-Req received. 
5.2.11      CTP_MU-Connect-Req 
   This message is sent by the AP to relay an association request 
   received from an MU to the AC. 
      Type = 51 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID 
      MU-MAC-Address = MAC Address corresponding to the associating MU 
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      NETWORK ID = Network identification where association is taking 
      RADIO ID = Radio ID where association is taking place  
5.2.12      CTP_MU-Connect-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC to authorize the access point to relay 
   an association response to the MU requesting service.  If the 
   association is successful, then the AC MAY also include optional 
   payloads such as Policy which can be enforced at the AP. 
   If the association is rejected by the AC, the AP must disallow 
   association of the MU. 
      Type = 52 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = from the corresponding MU-Connect-Req message 
      MU-MAC-Address = MAC Address corresponding to the associating MU 
      STATUS = [Success (1) | Failure internal error (2)| Failure user 
               deny (3)] 
5.2.13      CTP_MU-Disconnect-Req 
   This message is sent by the AC to request that a specific Mobile Unit 
   session be removed from the AP list of currently connected devices. 
   This operation may be the result of Mobile Unit roaming to a 
   different AP or the result of Mobile Unit session timeout, or 
   administrator request. 
   The MU-MAC-Address identifies the device in question. 
      Type = 53 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = ID for the request. Must increment after every 
   retransmission of this message. 
      MU-MAC-Address = MAC Address corresponding to the MU that is to be 
      RADIO ID = Radio ID where disconnection is required. 
5.2.14      CTP_MU-Disconnect-Rsp 

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   This message is sent by the AP to indicate that it has successfully 
   processed a disconnect request by the AC. At this point the MU should 
   no longer be associated with the AP. 
      Type = 54 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = Same ID that was received in the MU-Disconnect-Req 
      MU-MAC-ADDRESS = MAC Address corresponding to the MU that was 
      STATUS = [Success (1) | Failure (2)] 
5.2.15      CTP_MU-Disconnect-Nfy 
   This message is sent by the AP to the AC to indicate that it has 
   received an explicit disconnection message from the MU.  The 
   transmission of this message from the AP is dependent on the MAC 
   layer of the radio technology implemented on the AP as well as the 
   capability of the MU.  For example, the radio MAC layer may or may 
   not support an explicit "disconnect" trigger when an MU goes away.  
   Rather, the disconnection is based on a timer.  In cases where the 
   disconnection is timer based, the AC may be the appropriate entity to 
   handle idle timer management.  However, in the case where there may 
   be a disconnect indication, then the AP must send this message to the 
   AC when and MU disconnects.   
      Type = 57 
      SessionID = AP session ID negotiated at registration 
      MU-MAC-Address = MAC address of Mobile unit that was disconnected 
      NETWORK ID =  
      RADIO ID =  
5.2.16      CTP MU-Authenticate-Req 
   This message is sent by the AP to forward an authentication request 
   to the AC. In the case of 802.1x/EAP authentication, the payload of 
   this packet will include information that the AC will forward to a 
   RADIUS Server 
      Type = 55 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
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      REQ ID  
      AUTH_PAYLOAD = The authentication request payload between the AP 
   and the AC carries the request of the MU for authentication.  In 
   typical cases this will be the EAP packets from an 802.1x supplicant. 
5.2.17      CTP MU-Authenticate-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC to forward an authentication response 
   to the AP. In the case of 802.1x/EAP authentication, the payload of 
   this packet will include the response from the RADIUS server which 
   will be forwarded to the AP. 
      Type = 56 
      SessionID û AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = from the MU-Authenticate-Req message 
      AUTH_PAYLOAD = The Authentication response payload between the AP 
   and the AC carries the response from the authentication server.  In 
   typical cases this will be the EAP packets from the Authentication 
      STATUS = [Success (1) | Failure (2)] - Note that the authenticator 
   to authentication server interface resides in the AC so the AC does 
   know the state of the authentication. 
      Note: There may be multiple transitions of this message set. 
5.2.18     CTP MAC-Management 
   The MAC-Management frame provides transport for protocol specific 
   management frames in support of Split-MAC implementations 
      Type= 58 
      SessionID û AP Session id from registration 
      Payload type = RADIO_TYPE (Capabilities exchange [5.3.1])- 
   Indicates radio technology employed by radio. Provides reference to 
   associated MAC protocol type.  
      The payload of the wireless MAC management frame 
5.3    Configuration and Statistics messages 
    These messages correspond to information and command exchanges 
    between AP and AC only after successful authentication and setup of 
    the secure channel between AP and AC. 
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5.3.1     CTP Cap-Req 
   This message is sent by the AP to indicate to the AC the capabilities 
   of this AP in regards to the number of radios and the types of RF 
   technologies that it supports.  The AP will encode its capabilities 
   per each RADIO (or interface) that it supports.  These are encoded in 
   a variable length embedded attribute format called ôcapabilities 
   control framesö.  A type-length-value encoding scheme, similar to the 
   format of payloads of regular control messages, is used to encode the 
   capabilities attributes (ATTs) in the capability control frames. 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |            Length             |   Value... 
   The available capability attributes are defined as follows: 
           1) ATT-NUM-RADIOS - number of radios that the AP supports.   
                  Type= 1 
                  Length= 1 byte 
                  Value= 1 through 255 
           2) ATT-RADIO-INFO - the information for each radio that 
              consists of the RADIO-INDEX, RADIO-TYPE, and NUM-
              NETWORKS.  There MUST be exactly ATT-NUM-RADIOS number of 
              unique ATT-RADIO-INFO attributes within the Cap-Req 
                  Type= 2  
                  Length= 3 bytes  
                  Value= radio information type as defined below: 
            0                   1                   2        
            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
           | RADIO-INDEX   |   PHY-TYPE  | NUM NETWORKS  | 
           RADIO-INDEX is a unique index of the enumeration of the 
           number of radios that the AP supports.  The AC will use this 
           value for subsequent configuration and control. 
           PHY-TYPE is defined as 
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                    o  Reserved      = 0 
                    o  802.11a       = 1 
                    o  802.11b      = 2 
                    o  802.11g only  = 3 
                    o  802.11n       = 4 
                    o  802.15        = 5 
                    o  802.16        = 6 
                    o  802.20        = 7 
                    o  802.22        = 8 
                    o  Reserved      = 9 through 254 
                    o  All           = 255 (this value indicates that  
                                       all interfaces are configurable  
                                       to any radio type) 
           NUM-NETWORKS is the number of logical networks that the 
           RADIO supports.   
           3) ATT-MAC-INFO û This attribute consists of information 
              pertaining to the implementation of the wireless MAC 
              layer in the WTP.  This in turn specifies to the AC the 
              mode of MAC operation.  At this time only two types of 
              MAC implementation are supported, ie. Local MAC and Split 
              MAC. The MAC-INFO attribute also allows the AP and AC the 
              ability to negotiate Authentication and User Data 
              Encryption functions. 
                  Type= 3 
                  Length= 2 bytes  
                  Value= MAC layer information as defined below: 
    0                   1                   2 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2  
   | RADIO-INDEX   |   MAC-CAP    |     AUTH-CAP   |  ENCRYPT-CAP    | 
           RADIO-INDEX is a unique index of the enumeration of the 
           number of radios that the AP supports 
           MAC-CAP is defined as MAC Capabilities:  
                     o  Local MAC       = 1 
                     o  Split MAC       = 2 
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           AUTH-CAP is defined to indicate the 802.1x Authenticator 
                     o  Full 802.1x Authenticator support = 1 
                     o  MAC Key Management support only = 2 
           ENCRYPT-CAP is defined to indicate the Encryption 
           Capabilities of the radio: 
                     o  Supports user data encryption at AP    = 1 
                     o  Supports user data encryption at AC    = 2 
           4) ATT-NETWORK-INFO - This attribute consists of the unique 
              information that identifies each network per RADIO-INDEX 
              and consists of RADIO-INDEX, NETWORK-INDEX and NETWORK-
              ID.  Each Cap-Req payload MUST contain exactly NUM-
              NETWORKS worth of unique ATT-NETWORK-INFO attributes. 
                  Type= 4  
                  Length= 8 bytes  
                  Value= network information type as defined below: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      | RADIO-INDEX   | NETWORK-INDEX |         NETWORK ID            | 
      |                         NETWORK ID                            | 
           RADIO-INDEX is a unique index of the enumeration of the 
           number of radios that the AP supports 
           NETWORK-INDEX is a unique index of the enumeration of the 
           networks that each RADIO supports 
           NETWORD-ID is the unique identifier for the network.  This 6 
           byte value MAY be the MAC address for the given network 
           within the radio.  In the case of 802.11 radios, this value 
           SHOULD be the BSS ID. 
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           5) ATT-VENDOR-ID - name of vendor or manufacturer of AP.   
                  Type= 5  
                  Length= 4 bytes  
                  Value = a 32-bit value containing the IANA assigned 
           "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes" [3]. 
           6) ATT-PRODUCT-ID - name of product.   
                  Type= 6 
                  Length= variable length value of string  
                  Value= ASCII string for the name of the product, non-
           Null terminated. 
      Type = 20 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      REQ ID = increments with each retransmission. 
      The capabilities attributes encoded as TLVs and as defined above.   
5.3.2     CTP Cap-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC to acknowledge the capabilities of the 
   AP.  The AC must ack or nak the capabilities for each RADIO-INFO 
   element that it received in the Cap-Req message.  This is 
   accomplished by sending back exactly ATT-NUM-RADIOS worth of ATT-
   RADIO-INFO-ACK for each RADIO-INFO sub-attribute that this AC 
   The ATT-RADIO-INFO-ACK is an attribute that contains the RADIO-INDEX 
   and CAP-STATUS sub-attribute.  For each Radio type that the AC 
   supports, the CAP-STATUS must be set to 1.  For each radio type that 
   the AC does not support, the CAP-STATUS must be set to 0.  
                  Type= 7 
                  Length= 2 bytes 
                  Value= as defined below. 
                   0                   1            
                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5  
                  | RADIO-INDEX   |   CAP-STATUS  | 
      Type = 21 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration  
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      REQ ID = ID corresponding to the Cap-Req message. 
      The AC capabilities attribute response encoded as TLVs and as 
   defined above. 
5.3.3     CTP Config-Req 
   This message is sent by the AP to request configuration from its 
   master AC.  This message must be sent only after a receipt of a 
   successful Auth-Rsp message from the AC and the verification of the 
   ACÆs AC REG RESPONSE payload. 
      Type = 8  
      SessionID û the assigned ID as received in the Auth-Rsp message. 
      REQ ID 
      No specific information is required on this message.  
5.3.4     CTP Config-Rsp 
   This message is sent by the AC as a response to a Config-Req message 
   to provide the configuration parameters for the registered AP. 
      Type = 9 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      Sequence Number = Sequence number of current packet. 
      REQ ID = from Config-Req message 
      STATUS = [Success (1) | Failure (2)]       
      CONFIG = The type of the configuration payload is defined in 
   Section 5.3.10. 
5.3.5     CTP Config-Ack 
   This message is sent by the AP to indicate proper reception of an 
   AP_Config-Rsp message. This message is particularly important in 
   processing multi-sequenced packets, in particular configuration 
   updates that require more than one payload for full receipt of 
   configuration information.  
      Type = 10 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
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5.3.6     CTP_Config-Status-Notify 
   This message is used by the AP to indicate to the AC that it has 
   successfully completed it's configuration as per parameters indicated 
   by the AP. 
      Type = 11 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
5.3.7     CTP_Stats-Notify 
   This message is sent by the AP to provide periodic operational 
   statistics to the AC.  This message is also used following a correct 
   configuration establishment to indicate to the AC that the AP is 
   functionally ready to enter ACTIVE state.  
      Type = 14 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      STATS - The type of the statistics payload is defined in Section 
5.3.8    CTP Stats-Req 
   This message is sent by the AC to request statistics information upon 
   request.  It is intended to be used as an interface by an 
   administrator or management application to query the AP for 
   instantaneous statistics information. 
      Type = 18 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      STATS = The type of the statistics payload is defined in Section 
5.3.9     CTP Stats-Rsp 
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   This message is sent by the AP to provide operational statistics to 
   the AC as per the Stats-Req message.  It is similar in format to the 
   Stats-Notify message. 
      Type = 19 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      STATS = The type of the statistics payload is defined in Section 
5.3.10      Configuration and Statistics 
   Two data representations were considered for the CTP configuration 
   and statistics payload. The first data representation considered was 
   a TLV representation where all the variables for the statistics and 
   configuration would be defined as groups of TLVs. Given the nature of 
   CTP as a radio agnostic protocol and the complexity of the statistics 
   and configuration of the 802.11 protocols with multiple networks per 
   radio a TLV representation might be cumbersome and not extensible. 
   Most of todayÆs network devices in both the enterprise and the 
   carrier space employ the Simple Network Management Protocol. Thus, it 
   is natural to assume that most, if not all, APs will contain an 
   embedded SNMP agent able to decode SMI representations.  Using SMI 
   representations for configuration and statistics variables can speed 
   up deployment of CTP without incurring additional cost for the APs. 
   Our recommendation is to reuse the 802.11 MIBs where applicable for 
   the CTP configuration and statistics message payload.  MIB extensions 
   should be defined where the corresponding IEEE MIBs are not 
   sufficient. Upon reception of the message the CTP daemon should 
   forward the configuration and statistics message payload to the SNMP 
   daemon for further decoding and processing of the SMI O.I.D.s. 
5.4   CTP_Data Messages 
   The CTP data messages use the same CTP header as the control and 
   other messages.  If the Type field is 15 (CTP-Data), then the Policy 
   field of the header is used by the AC to tag the data for special 
   handling.  The interpretation of the Policy field is left up to the 
   implementation.  An example of its use is as follows: 
   Data packet coming into the AC from the wired network is a voice 
   packet as indicated by the TOS or DSCP markings in the IP header.  
   This TOS/DSCP byte will be copied to the outer transport header for 
   proper priority handling within the network between the AP and the 
   AC.  However, for appropriate classification at the AP, the AC sets 
   the Policy field to a value that allows the AP to prioritize this 
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   packet over other data packets that may have a lower priority.  
   Similarly in the reverse direction, the MU may have set the 
   appropriate fields in the original IP header, but the AP can 
   interpret those bits and map them to the Policy field in the CTP-Data 
   header for special dispensation at the AC.  
5.4.1     CTP_Data 
   This message is used for transport of  MU data frames. The contents 
   of the message body are not interpreted by the AP layer other than 
   sending it to the MAC layer of the AP. 
      Type = 15 
      SessionID = AP session id from registration 
      Policy = as set by the implementation 
      Payload type = RADIO_TYPE (Caps Exchange)  
                     0 û Local MAC uses an 802.3 frame format 
                     Radio-Type û MAC data frame format (e.g. 802.11) 
      Flags: X (Optional) û Indicates presence of extended payload 
   header for 802.11 data frames. The extended payload indicates RF 
   characteristics of the data frame. 
          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5  
         + RSSI          |   RATE        | 
   RSSI û Provides Signal Strength indicator payload. 
   RATE û The data rate as expressed as an integer in 500 kb/s 
      802.3 frame in the case of local MAC. Wireless protocol dependent 
   in the case of split MAC. 

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6. State Machines 
   This state machine in Figure 5 indicates the logical state 
   transitions of the CTP session establishment. 
            |                                              | 
            |                                              | 
            |                                              | 
            |                                              | 
            |                                              | 
            V                  +-----------+               | 
         +------+   Success    | Control   | Success  +----------+ 
         | Init |------------->| Session   |--------->|  Active  | 
         +------+              | Establish |          +----------+ 
            ^                  +-----------+             ^   | 
            |                          |                 |   | 
            |                          |                 |   | 
            |                          |        user-req |   |user-req 
            |                          |                 |   | 
            |                          |                 |   | 
            |        Failure           |                 |   V 
            +--------------------------+              +----------+ 
                                                      | Standby  | 
                       Figure 5 - Simple CTP state machine 
6.1   Init 
   This state represents the boot state, and initialization of the 
   hardware.  Entry into this state is either Failure of the Control 
   Session Establishment or user-request or reset signal from the Active 
6.2   Control Channel Establishment 
   Once Initialization completes the AP initiates the control channel 
   establishment phase of the connection.  Any phase within this state 
   that fails because of a STATUS=FAILURE or no response from either 
   device will result in a failure of the whole phase and go back to 
   initialization.  A successful completion of the control session 
   establishment process will include 
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            Software Upgrade Notification 
            Capability negotiation 
            Configuration Request 
            Configuration Response 
            Configuration Ack. 
   Upon receipt of a successful Config-Ack from the AP, the AP and AC 
   session for the AP are put into ACTIVE state. 
6.3   Active State 
   Once confirmation of successful registration is received the device 
   now has a properly established communications/tunneling session with 
   the AC. The Authentication response MUST have indicated a valid CTP 
   session ID by which this tunnel is registered on the AC.  So in this 
   state, the SessionId MUST be non-zero. 
   This state persists until device terminates or communications with 
   the AC are interrupted. To assist in the detection of connection 
   termination, the device MUST implement the CTP Poll-Req and Poll-Rsp 
   messages as described previously.  Another method of exiting this 
   state is with an explicit Set-State message that may only be 
   initiated by the AC to the AP. 
6.4   Standby State 
   At some time during the operation, it may be necessary to instruct an 
   AP to halt its current operation, ie. to switch off the RF 
   interface(s) on the AP . This is done by the Set-State message.  The 
   device will remain in this state, until explicitly told by the AC to 
   resume operation also using the Set-State message.  
7. Authentication, Encryption and Session Key generation 
   Since the AP and AC can be separated over any arbitrary L3 cloud, 
   first and foremost there is a need for a secure binding between the 
   AC and AP.  A control channel security association is required 
   between the AC and AP.   
7.1   Authentication 
   The AC and AP must go through a mutual authentication phase during a 
   registration and authentication process and form a security 
   association.  A couple of assumptions are made to ensure this 
   security association is created.  First, there must be a secure 
   mechanism to get the digital certificates onto the APs and ACs and 
   that process must be run either at the factory or prior to device 
   deployment.  Secondly, the placement of the AP ID (in most cases the 
   AP serial number) in a data store on the AC assumes a secure 
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   insertion mechanism.  This may be a manual process or other secure ID 
   provisioning methods may be employed. Mutual authentication of AP and 
   AC is done by means of digital certificates as is described below. 
   +----+                                                    +----+ 
   | AP |                                                    | AC | 
   +----+                                                    +----+ 
   AP-ID - AP SERIAL NUMBER attribute.  This attribute is assumed to be 
   available in a data store in the AC as well as being factory burnt-in 
   in the AP device.  The AC will respond with a STATUS=Success in the 
   Reg-Rsp message if there is a match in its data store for the given 
   AP-challenge - is a 16 byte random number generated using [4] as 
   guidelines for the randomness of the challenge. 
   AP-cert - Is a digital certificate assumed to be available on the AP 
   prior to its Registration request.  The mechanism to get the 
   certificate onto the AP is out of scope for this document. 
   AP-resp - Is a digital signature over the SHA-1 hash of the AP-
   challenge concatenated with the AP-ID.   
   AP-challenge - is a 16 byte random number generated for subsequent 
   authentication of the AC. 
   AC-cert - Is a digital certificate or chain of certificates of the AC 
   that is assumed to be available on the AC prior to sending the Reg-
   Rsp message.  The mechanism to get the certificate or chain of 
   certificates onto the AC is out of scope for this document. 
   AC-resp - is a digital signature over the SHA-1 hash of the AC-
   challenge concatenated with the encrypted session key. 
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   Session Key - is actually the encrypted randomly generated session 
   encryption keying material.  The AC uses the public key of the AP to 
   encrypt the session encryption key. The size of the Session Key is 19 
   bytes. The first 16 bytes are used as AES-CCM encryption and the 
   remaining 3 bytes are used as a salt for a nonce which is required by 
   the AES-CCM algorithm. See section 7.2 for encryption details. 
   The Session key is a random number generated using [4]. At the time 
   of writing this document there are no known weak keys for AES. 
   The following steps describe in detail the registration and 
   authentication process: 
   1. The AP sends a Reg-Req message with its AP SERIAL NUMBER.  If it 
      does not receive a Reg-Req within 3 seconds, it must resend the 
      Reg-Req message. 
   2. Upon receipt of the Reg-Req message, the AC checks its data store 
      for the AP SERIAL NUMBER.  If it exists then the AC sends back a 
      Reg-Rsp message with STATUS payload with Success (1) attribute 
      and an AP CHALLENGE payload.  If the AP SERIAL NUMBER does not 
      exist, then a Reg-Rsp message with a STATUS payload of Failure 
      (2) is sent back. 
   3. The AP will take the AP CHALLENGE payload, concatenate it with 
      the AP SERIAL NUMBER and calculate an AP RESPONSE as shown above 
      and send it back to the AC along with an AC CHALLENGE payload and 
      its own digital CERTIFICATE payload in an Auth-Req message. 
   4. Upon receipt of the Auth-Req message the AC will 
        a. Verify the AP's digital certificate 
        b. Verify the AP RESPONSE, which was the digital signature of 
          the AP over the hash of the AP CHALLENGE and the AP SERIAL 
          NUMBER.  This is done with the public key of the AP. 
        c. If both a) and b) are verified correctly, then the STATUS 
          payload will contain Success (1).  Otherwise it will contain 
          Failure (2). 
        d. If Success, then the AC will add its own CERTIFICATE to the 
          Auth-Rsp message 
        e. Encrypt the session encryption keys with the public key of 
          the AP. 
        f. Generate a unique SessionID to be used in subsequent CTP 
        g. Send back an Auth-Rsp message with STATUS, CERTIFICATE, AC 
          RESPONSE and SESSION KEY payloads with the SessionID in the 
          CTP header. 
   5. Upon receipt of the Auth-Rsp message, the AP will 
        a. Verify the AC's digital certificate 
        b. Verify the AC RESPONSE which was the digital signature of the 
          AC over the hash of the AC CHALLENGE and the encrypted 
          session encryption key. 
        c. Decrypt the encrypted session encryption key with its own 
          private key 
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        d. Store the SessionID which will be used in each subsequent CTP 
   6. All CTP control messages after the Auth-Rsp will be sent 
      encrypted with AES-CCM as described in section 7.2.  
7.2   Encryption 
   Once the registration and authentication process has successfully 
   completed then the control traffic is encrypted.  The traffic is 
   confined to control, configuration and management traffic between the 
   AC and AP. 
   It is believed that for security sensitive applications and 
   deployments there will always be an end to end encrypted tunnel for 
   MU data traffic.  Therefore, a data path encryption mechanism is not 
   provided by CTP. 
   For Local-MAC mode all control messages which are used to establish a 
   trust relationship between the AP and AC, must be encrypted. If a 
   non-encrypted CTP control packet with type other than CTP_Reg-Req, 
   CTP_Reg-Rsp, CTP_Auth-Req and CTP_Auth-Rsp is received, it MUST be 
   dropped by a receiver and no notification is sent to the sender.  
   For Split-MAC mode encryption of Control Packets depends on location 
   of PMK key. If PMK is centrally stored in AC, WTP forwards 
   MAC_MGMT_FRAMEs without CTP encryption, because encapsulated 802.11 
   management frames are already encrypted. If PMK key is distributed to 
   WTP, 802.11 encryption terminates at WTP and CTP tunnel MUST encrypt 
   MAC_MGMT_FRAMEs. Location of PMK keys is negotiated in [5.3.1] 
   Encrypted packets MUST be sent in the following format: 
   0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   | Ver |0|0|0|P|E|     Type      |   Policy      |   Reserved    | 
   |       Session Id.             |          Length               | 
   |                                IV (8 bytes)                   | 
   |                                                               | 
   |                         Sequence Number                       | 
   |                         Encrypted data                        | 
   |                          (var length)                         | 
   |                    Authentication Data (variable)             | 
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   The first 8 bytes is general CTP header described in section 4.1. E 
   bit MUST be equal to 1. 
   The additional fields have the following meaning: 
   IV û Initialization Vector used by AES-CCM as described in section 
   Sequence Number û 32 bits value used for anti-replay protection. 
   Encrypted Data û data of variable length encrypted with AES-CCM. 
   Typically the encrypted data corresponds to the specified message 
   Authentication Data û MAC of CTP header, IV, Sequence Number and 
   encrypted data. 
   CTP uses AES-CCM encryption as defined in [5] with value L = 4 and 
   value M = 8. The Nonce length is 11 bytes. The Nonce is formed by 
   concatenation of 3 bytes of the salt send by AC to the AP during 
   Session Key exchange and 8 bytes of Initialization Vector. The sender 
   of a packets MUST NOT send two packets with the same IV, as it 
   immediately leads to plain-text revealing. 
   The Sequence Number field MUST start from zero for the first 
   encrypted packet and is incremented each time a packet is encrypted. 
   The receiver MUST use the sequence number field to protect against 
   replay-attack and MAY use it to accept reordered or late packets. The 
   sender MUST negotiate a new session key before reaching maximum value 
   for the Sequence Number. 
   The sender of an encrypted packet MUST perform the following steps 
   during the packet encryption: 
   - IV and the Sequence Number are inserted into the packet after CTP 
   - E bit in CTP header is set to 1. 
   - The first 20 bytes including CTP header, IV and the Sequence 
     Number are passed to AES-CCM for authentication only. 
   - The CTP payload is encrypted with AES-CCM. 
   - After encryption, a MAC value received from AES-CCM is copied to 
     the output packet after encrypted data. 
   - The Sequence Number MUST be incremented 
   - IV value must be changed to another value which has not been used 
     so far with the current encryption key. 
   The receiver of the encrypted packet MUST perform the following steps 
   during the packet decryption: 

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 Internet-Draft                  CTP                        June 2005 
   - E bit in CTP header is checked. If it is not 1, the packet is 
     silently dropped. 
   - Type of the packet is checked. All control packets except CTP_Reg-
     Req, CTP_Reg-Rsp, CTP_Auth-Req and CTP_Auth-Rsp must be encrypted. 
  - The Sequence Number is compared to the sequence number of the last 
     received packet, which MUST be stored by the receiver. If the 
     Sequence Number is larger that the one stored by the receiver the 
     packet MUST be accepted for further processing. If the sequence 
     number is equal to the one stored by the receiver the packet MUST 
     be silently dropped. If the sequence number is lower that stored by 
     the receiver, packet MAY be accepted it the receiver implements 
     sliding window algorithm. 
  - Payload of the packet is passed for decryption to AES-CCM 
  - The first 20 bytes of the packet starting with CTP header are 
     passed to AES-CCM for authentication.  
  - Data payload is passed to AES-CCM for decryption 
  - After decryption, MAC value received from AES-CCM decryption 
     process is compared to the MAC value received in the packet. If 
     locally calculated MAC does not match the MAC value from the 
     received packet, the packet MUST be silently dropped. If MAC values 
     are equal, the packet is passed for further processing. 
  - IV, the Sequence Number and MAC values are stripped from the 
  - If the Sequence Number from the received packet is larger than 
     stored by the receiver, the receiver must update the stored 
     sequence number with the received one. 
7.3  Session Key refresh and generation 
   One session key is used to encrypt control packets exchanged in both 
   directions between the AP and the AC. The Session Key is always 
   generated by the AC and is sent to AP during the CTP registration and 
   authentication phase as described in section 7.1.  
   The Session Key must be refreshed before either one of the following 
  - key lifetime expires 
  - sequence numbers are exhausted 
  The Session KeyÆs lifetime is not negotiated in-band and is set to 24 
  If the Session KeyÆs lifetime has expired or the sequence numbers has 
  been exhausted and the new Session Key has not been negotiated, the 
  receiver MUST silently drop any received packet and the sender MUST 
  NOT encrypt CTP packet. 
  The Key refresh is always initiated by the AP. The packet exchange 
  between the AP and the AC for new key is TBD. 
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  The AC MAY request the AP to start the key refresh process by sending 
  TBD packet. 
  After the Session Key refresh, the AC must use the old key until it 
  receives a packet encrypted with the new Session Key, what is an 
  indication that the AP received and accepted the new Session Key. 
8. Security considerations 
   CTP provides mutual authentication of the AP and the AC. The trust is 
   achieved by digital certificates. The trust hierarchy leading to 
   successful certificate or certificates chain validation is out of 
   scope of this document.  
   Certificates issued for the AP and the AC are bound to the serial 
   number of the AP and the AC respectively.  
   During the authentication exchange, the receiver cannot verify that 
   the sender of the certificate really has the serial number presented 
   in the certificate. An attacker may steal the legitimate credentials 
   and send a valid certificate from a device with different serial 
   During the authentication phase the receiver MAY verify whether the 
   presented certificate has not been revoked. The mechanism of 
   accessing CRL is not defined by CTP. 
   CTP encryption and authentication is sufficient for control packets 
   only. It MUST NOT be used for data encryption, because the exchange 
   between the AP and the AC does not use ephemeral keys. Compromise of 
   APÆs private key enables an attacker to decrypt all session keys used 
   in the past between the AP and AC and decrypt all data packets 
   exchanged between AP and AC. 
   Control packets exchanged between the AP and the AC are encrypted and 
   authenticated. Both, confidentiality and authentication is provided 
   by AES-CCM as described in [5]. 
9. References 
   [1] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
      Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997 
   [2] OÆHara, B., et. al, ôCAPWAP Problem Statementö, RFC 3990, 
      February 2005 

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   [3] "Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an On-line Database", 
      January 2002, 
   [4] Eastlake, D., et. al., "Randomness Recommendations for Security", 
      December 1994, RFC 1750 
   [5] Whiting, et al., "Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)", September 2003, 
      RFC 3610 
10.  Author's Addresses 
   Paulo Francisco 
   Chantry Networks 
   1900 Minnesota Court 
   Mississauga, ON L5N 3C9 
   Phone: +1 905-363-6410 
   Inderpreet Singh 
   Chantry Networks 
   1900 Minnesota Court 
   Mississauga, ON L5N 3C9 
   Phone: +1 905-363-6412 
   Krzysztof Pakulski 
   Chantry Networks 
   1900 Minnesota Court 
   Mississauga, ON L5N 3C9 
   Phone: +1 905-363-6400 (ext. 6449) 
   Michael Montemurro 
   Chantry Networks 
   1900 Minnesota Court 
   Mississauga, ON L5N 3C9 
   Phone: +1 905-363-6413 

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 Internet-Draft                  CTP                        June 2005 
   Floyd Backes 
   AutoCell Laboratories 
   125 Nagog Park 
   Acton, MA 01720 
   Phone: +1 978-264-4884 
Intellectual Property Statement 
   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
   intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to 
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in 
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   IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and 
   standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of 
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   obtain a general license or permission for the use of such 
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   be obtained from the IETF Secretariat. 
   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
   rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice 
   this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive   
Disclaimer of Validity 
   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 
Copyright Statement 
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject 
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and 
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. 
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 Internet-Draft                  CTP                        June 2005 
   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the 
   Internet Society. 

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