Internet DRAFT - draft-sipdoc-rtcweb-open-wire-protocol


Network Working Group                                    I. Baz Castillo
Internet-Draft                                          XtraTelecom S.A.
Intended status: Informational                        S. Ibarra Corretge
Expires: April 27, 2012                                      AG Projects
                                                      J. Millan Villegas
                                                        XtraTelecom S.A.
                                                        October 25, 2011

                 Open In-The-Wire Protocol for RTC-Web


   RTC-Web clients communicate with a server in order to request or
   manage realtime communications with other users.  This document
   exposes four hypothetical and different RTC-Web scenarios and
   analyzes the requirements of the in-the-wire protocol in each of

   The aim of this document is to make RTC-Web properly fit in the
   nature of the Web.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 27, 2012.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of

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   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   3.  Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   4.  Overview of an RTC-Web Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   5.  More Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     5.1.  RTC-Web in Facebook  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     5.2.  SIP over WebSocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     5.3.  Poker Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   6.  Conclusions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   7.  New Requirements for RTC-Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   9.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
   10. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     10.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     10.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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1.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

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2.  Introduction

   In contrast to protocols such as SIP [RFC3261] or XMPP [RFC6120],
   RTC-Web [RTC-Web] does not define a protocol for establishing media
   sessions between peers.  Instead RTC-Web defines the media protocols
   (RTP/SRTP/ICE) to be used by web browsers.  It also states how the
   web browser natively handles media streams (including media security
   and validation concerns), defines the requirements for the
   communication between the RTC-Web stack in the browser and the web
   application (via a JavaScript API to be defined by W3C) and MAY
   suggest some kind of media negotiation protocol to be carried in-the-
   wire between RTC-Web clients and servers.

   That said, RTC-Web does not mandate any user identifier syntax (in
   the way SIP defines the SIP URI), nor an authentication mechanism,
   in-the-wire messages format or the way messages are exchanged between
   RTC-Web clients and servers.  There are many different ways by which
   those targets can be achieved nowadays on the Web.

   All this flexibility makes the whole picture of an RTC-Web scenario
   and the scope in which RTC-Web is involved hard to understand.  This
   document tries to identify each component in the RTC-Web architecture
   and clarify which components can be left up to web developers and
   which others should be mandated by RTC-Web specifications.

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3.  Definitions

   The following terms have special significance in the context of RTC-

   JavaScript WebRTC API:  This is the communication layer between the
         native RTC-Web stack in the browser and JavaScript.  It
         includes JavaScript functions to manage media sessions along
         with JavaScript callbacks which will be called by the RTC-Web
         stack when some media related event takes place.  This API MUST
         be exposed by every RTC-Web compliant browser.  It's being
         defined by W3C.

   RTC-Web Server:  The server that RTC-Web clients communicate with for
         initiating and managing media sessions with remote peers.  This
         is usually an HTTP [RFC2616] server or a WebSocket
         [I-D.ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol] server behaving as a
         centralized point for signaling messages exchanged between
         peers (and MAY accomplish other tasks such as authentication,
         authorization, peer lookup procedures and protocol conversion).
         A given RTC-Web server will implement the In-The-Wire Protocol
         (defined below) chosen by the website developer.

   In-The-Wire Protocol:  This is the communication layer between users'
         web browser and the RTC-Web Server.  It involves a signaling
         protocol to be carried over HTTP or WebSocket (the protocols
         JavaScript can interact with).  The messages exchanged over
         this protocol contain call control information and media
         negotiation information (both Call Control Protocol and Media
         Negotiation Protocol explained next).

   Call Control Protocol:  This involves the format and semantics of the
         messages exchanged between the RTC-Web client (web browser) and
         the RTC-Web Server for routing and other purposes such as
         authorization, authentication, registration and others.
         Examples of a Call Control Protocol could be SIP or XMPP
         carried over HTTP or WebSocket, whose messages contain
         information about the originator and recipient of the message,
         credentials, type of message, etc.  However any other custom
         protocol (such as HTTP POST or some JSON-based protocol over
         WebSocket) can accomplish this task.  Call Control Protocol
         messages MAY carry media negotiation information (in the same
         way a SIP INVITE request contains an SDP body).

   Media Negotiation Protocol:  When a RTC-Web client wants to establish
         a media session with a remote peer, it sends a Call Control
         Protocol request over the wire to the RTC-Web Server indicating
         the destination of the request (along with other fields).  Such

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         a request also carries media information exposed by the
         originator.  In the SIP protocol example, the Media Negotiation
         Protocol is represented by the SDP offer/answer body conveyed
         by INVITE and 200 OK messages (simplified).  In the case of
         RTC-Web, such media negotiation MAY be carried as ROAP
         [I-D.jennings-rtcweb-signaling] Offer/Answer JSON objects.

   JavaScript RTC-Web Library:  This is a website-agnostic JavaScript
         library.  Web developers (end-users) can include it within
         their websites.  The library defines a custom In-The-Wire
         Protocol by providing an API with functions for generating
         requests and responses (to be sent in-the-wire) along with
         callbacks for processing incoming request/responses and state
         change notifications.  This JavaScript library is coded by an
         RTC-Web expert and is supposed to hide the complexity of the
         JavaScript WebRTC API and the management of the In-The-Wire
         Signaling to the end-user.  This is the API the end-user should
         use and care about (and here is where the famous term "20 lines
         of code" applies).

   JavaScript WebSite Library:  This is the custom JavaScript library
         that a web developer (the end-user) provides in his website.
         In the context of RTC-Web, this custom library is supposed to
         make usage of functions and features present in a JavaScript
         RTC-Web Library (defined above).  This is the library in which
         the end-user writes "20 lines of code" for integrating RTC-Web
         capabilities within his website.

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4.  Overview of an RTC-Web Communication

   Here a hypothetical and very simple RTC-Web scenario is described:

   o  A user visits a web page "" using his browser and
      logs-in the web by introducing his username (Bob) and password.
      The authentication is achieved by sending an HTTP POST request
      with the user's credentials.  The web server validates the
      credentials and replies with a HTTP 200 response containing a
      Cookie "kj87kjsdhf" to be used within the same session.  The user
      is redirected to a new page from which the browser retrieves two
      JavaScript libraries:

      rtcquery.js (a JavaScript RTC-Web Library):  This is a GPL
            JavaScript library implementing a custom In-The-Wire
            Protocol for RTC-Web based on JSON and WebSocket.  This
            library is becoming the most successful and extended RTC-Web
            library and there are O'Reilly books about it.

      mysite.js (a JavaScript WebSite Library):  This is the JavaScript
            code created by the web developer of "".  It
            includes website specific functions and makes use of the
            "rtcquery.js" library to incorporate RTC-Web capabilities to
            the web page (by adding "20 lines of code").

   o  Once all the JavaScript code (both "rtcquery.js" and "mysite.js")
      is loaded by the browser, it opens a WebSocket connection with the
      web server, which is also a WebSocket server listening on the same
      port (it could be a different server though).

   o  The web developer of "" has implemented the In-The-Wire
      Protocol defined in "rtcquery.js" into his WebSocket server using
      PHP.  For this task, the developer has studied the documentation
      available in the website of the rtcQuery.js project.

   o  The custom In-The-Wire Protocol states that each request sent over
      the WebSocket connection is a JSON object containing:

      A mandatory Call Control Protocol section:  This includes fields
            such as "call-id" (a common string for all the requests/
            responses within the same call), "transaction-id" (an
            integer for correlating a request and its associated
            responses), "request-type" (for example "call"), "source-
            user" (current user), "destination-user" (the remote peer),
            "subject" (some description of the call) and "cookie" (the
            Cookie sent by web server, which is used by the client to
            identify itself and get authorization by the WebSocket

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      An optional Media Negotiation Protocol section:  This is conveyed
            by attaching a ROAP [I-D.jennings-rtcweb-signaling] Offer or
            OK JSON object.

   o  In-The-Wire Protocol responses are similar to the requests, but
      instead of "request-type" and "subject", they contain a "status"
      field indicating the nature of the response (which can be
      "accepted", "rejected" or "not-online") and instead of a ROAP
      Offer they MAY contain a ROAP Answer.

   o  The new page rendered by the browser includes a big section with
      "online" users (those that are available for audio/video
      sessions).  The user wants to make an audio call with Alice (who
      is online) and clicks a "Call" button next to Alice's buddy.

   o  Then the JavaScript code makes a call (using the JavaScript WebRTC
      API) to the browser RTC-Web stack in order to ask for a ROAP Offer
      object with just "audio" capability (note: PeerConnection stuff
      ommited for brevity).  The RTC-Web stack performs some internal
      operations to discover the browser IP, gets some available UDP
      port for sending RTP, chooses an audio codec from the list of
      available codecs in the browser, and returns the ROAP Offer JSON

   o  After that, the JavaScript code constructs an In-The-Wire Protocol
      request (a JSON object) as follows:

       "request": {
         "call-id": "0skilqwp",
         "transaction-id": 1001,
         "request-type": "call",
         "source-user": "Bob",
         "destination-user": "Alice",
         "subject": null,
         "cookie": "kj87kjsdhf",
         "media": _ROAP_OFFER_OBJECT_

   o  The JavaScript code sends the request to the web server via the
      existing WebSocket connection.

   o  The server inspects the "cookie" and the "source-user" fields, and
      authorizes the request since such Cookie value is associated to an
      existing web session owned by Bob.

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   o  Then the server checks for Alice's status.  Alice is online and
      connected via WebSocket to the server, so using such connection
      the server delivers the request to Alice (previously removing the
      "cookie" field).

   o  Alice's browser receives the request and some JavaScript callback
      (defined by the JavaScript code when a WebSocket messsage is
      received) is called.  Alice is prompted to accept or reject the
      incoming call request from Bob. Alice presses "Accept".

   o  The JavaScript code in Alice's browser makes a call (using the
      JavaScript WebRTC API) to the browser RTC-Web stack and gets a
      ROAP Answer object with just "audio" capability.  Then it
      constructs an In-The-Wire Protocol response as follows (note that
      it includes her Cookie) and sends it to the server via the
      WebSocket connection:

       "response": {
         "call-id": "0skilqwp",
         "transaction-id": 1001,
         "status": "accepted",
         "source-user": "Alice",
         "destination-user": "Bob",
         "cookie": "t112mnkszz",
         "media": _ROAP_ANSWER_OBJECT_

   o  The server inspects the "cookie" and "source-user" and validates
      the response.  Then it inspects the "destination-user" and routes
      the response object to Bob.

   o  Upon receipt of the response, the JavaScript code in Bob's browser
      automatically sends a request acknowledging the response to the

       "request": {
         "call-id": "0skilqwp",
         "transaction-id": 1001,
         "request-type": "ack",
         "source-user": "Bob",
         "destination-user": "Alice",
         "cookie": "kj87kjsdhf",
         "media": _ROAP_OK_MESSAGE_

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   o  The request is routed to Alice's browser and its ROAP OK message
      automatically delivered to the RTC-Web stack by the JavaScript

   o  At this point, both Bob and Alice's browsers perform ICE
      connectivity checks and finally establish a RTP audio session.
      The success of the media session establishment is notified to the
      users via some JavaScript pop-up.

   o  After a while Alice decides to terminate the call by pressing a
      "Hangup" button.  The JavaScript code asks the RTC-Web stack in
      the browser to finish sending RTP and sends a JSON request to Bob
      via the WebSocket connection:

       "request": {
         "call-id": "0skilqwp",
         "transaction-id": 1002,
         "request-type": "hangup",
         "source-user": "Alice",
         "destination-user": "Bob",
         "cookie": "t112mnkszz"

   o  Bob receives the request.  His JavaScript code calls the RTC-Web
      stack to finish the media session (by passing it some "session-id"
      identifier retrieved from the initial ROAP Offer).

   o  Session is now terminated.  Bob did not get a date with Alice, but
      has been enjoying a RTC experience so he is satisfied.

   Lets inspect the RTC-Web components as defined by this document in
   the given scenario:

   RTC-Web Server:  A WebSocket server running in the same port as the
         web server.

   In-The-Wire Protocol:  Custom JSON messages over WebSocket transport.

   Call Control Protocol:  All the fields in the JSON message (but the
         "media" field).

   Media Negotiation Protocol:  The media information is located in the
         "media" parameter of the JSON message.  It's carried as ROAP
         Offer/Answer JSON object.

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   JavaScript RTC-Web Library:  "rtcquery.js" library made GPL by the
         rtcQuery.js project.

   JavaScript WebSite Library:  "mysite.js" custom library (makes use of

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5.  More Use Cases

5.1.  RTC-Web in Facebook

   Facebook integrates IM (instant messaging) into its web application.
   For that the JavaScript code performs HTTP long polling for
   retrieving incoming IM messages in realtime, and sends an HTTP POST
   request when a user sends a message to another user.  Such HTTP POST
   requests look as follows:

     POST /ajax/chat/send.php?__a=1 HTTP/1.1
     Connection: keep-alive
     X-SVN-Rev: 460802
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
     Content-Length: XXX
     Cookie: datr=ZjyfTjurvmsqvYVBDcXF8u; c_user=104442654509775; L=2;
       lu=RgQytVtJJBoSvWUNOYzs0oQg; sct=1319153603;
       xs=60%3A1c179a7dfb7f08278477b20e778bd391; p=112;
       presence=631L212REp_5f1B08654409875F4EriF0CEstateFDutF131910363 \
       96EvisF1HsndF1ODiFA21B02609687525A2C_5dEfFA21B02602687525A2Euct \
       319103618FD55F1G318103604PEuoFD1B02602687525FDexpF1319103680370 \
     Pragma: no-cache
     Cache-Control: no-cache


   The above request contains some parameters in both the Cookie header
   and the body.  The Cookie header seems to contain information about
   the identity of the user sending the IM message.  The Cookie value is
   probably also used for authentication in the server.  The "msg_text"
   parameter in the body contains the IM text message itself while the
   "to" parameter in the body seems to contain the destination user (a
   long integer probably representing the user ID).  The meaning of
   other parameters in both the Cookie and the body are up to Facebook,
   this is, they are specific to the application.  It seems obvious that
   it's not possible to standarize all these parameters.

   Assuming that Facebook is willing to integrate RTC-Web within the web

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   application, it makes sense that Facebook would be interested in
   reusing the same protocol and message format it's already using for
   IM (which is also realtime communication).  So when a user clicks
   some "Call" button within his Facebook contact list, it is expected
   that the JavaScript code could generate an HTTP POST as follows:

     POST /ajax/call/call.php?__a=1 HTTP/1.1
     Connection: keep-alive
     X-SVN-Rev: 460802
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
     Content-Length: XXX
     Cookie: datr=ZjyfTjurvmsqvYVBDcXF8u; c_user=104442654509775; L=2;
       lu=RgQytVtJJBoSvWUNOYzs0oQg; sct=1319153603;
       xs=60%3A1c179a7dfb7f08278477b20e778bd391; p=112;
       presence=631L212REp_5f1B08654409875F4EriF0CEstateFDutF131910363 \
       96EvisF1HsndF1ODiFA21B02609687525A2C_5dEfFA21B02602687525A2Euct \
       319103618FD55F1G318103604PEuoFD1B02602687525FDexpF1319103680370 \
     Pragma: no-cache
     Cache-Control: no-cache


   The new HTTP POST request differs in the request URI (which now
   points to "/ajax/call/call.php").  The body includes a "media"
   parameter whose value is a ROAP Offer JSON object (properly encoded
   if necessary).

   Given this HTTP POST request, lets inspect the RTC-Web components as
   defined by this document:

   RTC-Web Server:  Facebook uses their HTTP servers as RTC-Web servers.

   In-The-Wire Protocol:  Facebook uses HTTP protocol and a common HTTP
         POST request.

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   Call Control Protocol:  The information about the call originator is
         mainly included in the Cookie header, while other topics as the
         destination user of the call are located in the body (the "to"

   Media Negotiation Protocol:  The media information is located in the
         "media" parameter of the body.  In this case Facebook uses a
         ROAP Offer JSON object for carrying such media information.

   JavaScript RTC-Web Library:  It is expected to be an advanced
         JavaScript library designed by Facebook which also includes
         other functions unrelated to RTC-Web.

   JavaScript WebSite Library:  Merged with the JavaScript RTC-Web
         Library into a single JavaScript file.

   If Facebook would desire to interoperate (federate) with a SIP
   network it is clear that it would need a signaling protocol gateway
   which converts the HTTP POST information into a SIP request, and the
   ROAP Offer into a SDP body.

5.2.  SIP over WebSocket

   This is an optimal solution for interoperating with SIP without
   requiring a protocol gateway.  In this scenario the web user
   downloads a JavaScript code from the website and the JavaScript code
   establishes a WebSocket connection with a SIP proxy (the RTC-Web
   server) implementing the WebSocket transport
   [I-D.ibc-rtcweb-sip-websocket] (along with other common SIP
   transports as UDP and TCP).  The messages exchanged between the RTC-
   Web client and server over the WebSocket connection are pure SIP
   requests and responses, with no modifications (others than the new
   "WS" transport identificator in the Via header).

   When the user makes a call from the web it generates a SIP INVITE to
   be sent over the WebSocket connection, which looks as follows:

     INVITE SIP/2.0
     Via: SIP/2.0/WS invalid.domain;branch=z9hG4bK56sdasks
     Call-ID: asidkj3ss
     CSeq: 1 INVITE
     Max-Forwards: 70
     Contact: <sip:alice@invalid.domain;transport=ws>
     Supported: path, outbound
     Content-Type: application/sdp

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   For this to work, the JavaScript code must map the ROAP Offer
   retrieved via the JavaScript WebRTC API into a normal SDP (it's not
   the aim of this documment to discuss about the complexity such
   mapping could involve).

   When the INVITE arrives to the RTC-Web Server (which behaves as a
   pure SIP proxy) it just performs standard SIP routing procedures (the
   same as if the request would have arrived via UDP or TCP transports),
   so there is no need for a protocol gateway when interoperating with a
   pure SIP network out there.

   Given this INVITE request, lets inspect the RTC-Web components as
   defined by this document:

   RTC-Web Server:  A SIP proxy that also implements the WebSocket

   In-The-Wire Protocol:  Pure SIP protocol.

   Call Control Protocol:  Contained in the headers of the SIP request
         (From, request URI, Contact, Authorization...).

   Media Negotiation Protocol:  The session description (SDP) carried in
         the SIP request body.

   JavaScript RTC-Web Library:  It could be a GPL "jssip.js" library
         implementing SIP over WebSocket and a SIP stack in JavaScript.

   JavaScript WebSite Library:  Website specific.  It would make use of
         the "jssip.js" library for adding RTC-Web capabilities "in 20
         lines of code".

5.3.  Poker Game

   A website "" makes use of HTTP Comet technology
   for carrying realtime information about the game to each participant.
   The messages exchanged via HTTP Comet between participants and the
   web server are XML documents conveying updates and actions happening
   during the game.

   Now that website wants to integrate RTC-Web capabilities and enter
   each participant into an audio multiconference in which every user
   listens to all the participants and can speak to them.

   To accomplish this architecture and still reuse the existing design,
   once the user logs-in the web his browser receives an incoming audio

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   call from the conference server.  Such call request is carried over
   the HTTP connection (HTTP Comet) as a new XML document which looks as

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

   The ROAP Offer is generated by the conference server, which satisfies
   all the media requirements of RTC-Web (ICE, SRTP).

   The JavaScript code in the client side answers the call (once the
   user accepted it) and sends a similar XML containing a ROAP Answer
   via the existing HTTP connection.

   Given the above XML document, lets inspect the RTC-Web components as
   defined by this document:

   RTC-Web Server:  The web server of "".

   In-The-Wire Protocol:  Custom XML document through HTTP Comet.

   Call Control Protocol:  It's minimal.  There is no information about
         the originator or recipient of the call (not needed in this
         scenario).  The XML contains an "action" field whose value
         "call" means "incoming call request from the website".

   Media Negotiation Protocol:  A ROAP Offer/Answer in XML format.

   JavaScript RTC-Web Library:  A library created by the developer of
         "".  It implements the In-The-Wire Protocol
         as stated above.

   JavaScript WebSite Library:  It is merged with the JavaScript RTC-Web
         Library, so there is a single JavaScript file.

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6.  Conclusions

   This document has shown four hypothetical scenarios of RTC-Web.  Each
   scenario uses its own In-The-Wire Protocol (JSON over WebSocket, HTTP
   POST, SIP over WebSocket and XML over HTTP Comet) and it's hard to
   expect that all these scenarios could be constrained to use the same
   protocol and message format in-the-wire.  The needs of each scenario
   are not the same, neither the custom fields carried in-the-wire (see
   for example the ammount of custom parameters Facebook includes within
   the HTTP POST request).

   In the Web each website decides how to accomplish the features and
   capabilities it wants to provide to its users.  Mandating the message
   format in-the-wire seems not to be an option given the nature of the
   Web. Mandating it would also make RTC-Web integration very hard into
   existing websites which already implement their custom signaling
   protocol and message format for realtime communications (as instant
   messaging), their authentication mechanisms, etc.

   RTC-Web will bridge the gap between realtime communication services
   such as VoIP and the Web, so it must play by the rules present on the
   Web. These rules include the freedom by which the web developer
   chooses his preferred option to innovate and offer new services to
   users.  That is the key to success of the Web and should be

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7.  New Requirements for RTC-Web

   Given the conclusions in the previous section, this document states
   some new requirements for RTC-Web:

   1.  It MUST be possible for a website developer to design his own In-
       The-Wire Protocol (including the messages format and transport
       used for carrying such messages).

   2.  It MUST be possible for a website developer to choose his
       favourite JavaScript RTC-Web Library and adapt his web
       application to make use of it.

   3.  It MUST be possible for a website developer to design a Media
       Negotiation Protocol in which the media information is not
       carried as ROAP Offer/Answer objects (by letting the developer
       implement the ROAP mapping in JavaScript).

          NOTE: This text is written assuming that ROAP
          [I-D.jennings-rtcweb-signaling] becomes a standard in RTC-Web.

   4.  It MUST be possible for a website developer to make his RTC-Web
       scenario to interoperate with a pure SIP or XMPP/Jingle network
       without requiring a signaling protocol gateway (by using SIP over
       WebSocket [I-D.ibc-rtcweb-sip-websocket] or XMPP over WebSocket

          This would be indeed feasible if previous bullets are

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8.  Security Considerations

   Not applicable.

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9.  IANA Considerations

   Not applicable.

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10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

10.2.  Informative References

              Castillo, I., Millan, J., and V. Pascual, "WebSocket
              Transport for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)",
              draft-ibc-rtcweb-sip-websocket-00 (work in progress),
              September 2011.

              Fette, I. and A. Melnikov, "The WebSocket protocol",
              draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-17 (work in
              progress), September 2011.

              Jennings, C. and J. Rosenberg, "RTCWeb Offer/Answer
              Protocol (ROAP)", draft-jennings-rtcweb-signaling-00 (work
              in progress), October 2011.

              Moffitt, J. and E. Cestari, "An XMPP Sub-protocol for
              WebSocket", draft-moffitt-xmpp-over-websocket-00 (work in
              progress), December 2010.

   [RFC2616]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
              Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
              Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
              Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
              June 2002.

   [RFC6120]  Saint-Andre, P., "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Core", RFC 6120, March 2011.

   [RTC-Web]  IETF and W3C, "Real Time Collaboration on the World Wide
              Web", October 2010.

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Authors' Addresses

   Inaki Baz Castillo
   XtraTelecom S.A.
   Barakaldo, Basque Country


   Saul Ibarra Corretge
   AG Projects


   Jose Luis Millan Villegas
   XtraTelecom S.A.
   Bilbao, Basque Country


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