Internet DRAFT - draft-sipos-dtn-edge-zeroconf


Delay-Tolerant Networking                                       B. Sipos
Internet-Draft                                                   JHU/APL
Intended status: Informational                           23 October 2023
Expires: 25 April 2024

Lightweight Bundle Protocol Edge Node with Zero-Configuration and Zero-


   This document explains how to use existing protocols, registries,
   code points, and algorithms to operate a Bundle Protocol (BP) edge
   node within a stable, non-challenged local underlayer IP network
   without the need for prior BP-layer configuration or long-term state.
   The purpose of this is to significantly lower the barrier to entry
   for lightweight BP edge nodes intended to act as endpoints for one
   (or only a few) BP applications.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Protocol Description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.1.  Edge Router Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.2.  High-Availability Configurations  . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   3.  Zero-Configuration CLA Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.  Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.2.  Service Offering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     3.3.  Service Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     3.4.  Service Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   4.  Zero-State BPA Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.1.  Bundle Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.2.  Bundle Reception  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.3.  Router Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  Relaxed Assumptions for More Situations . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.1.  Relaxation of IP LAN Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.2.  Relaxation of TCPCL Assumption  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.3.  Relaxation of Router Connectivity Assumption  . . . . . .  15
     5.4.  Relaxation of Single Application Assumption . . . . . . .  16
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

1.  Introduction

   The Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) architecture of [RFC4838] and its
   realization in the Bundle Protocol (BP) Version 7 of [RFC9171] do not
   directly address how an edge node can gain access to a BP network.
   Existing Bundle Protocol Agent (BPA) and Convergence Layer Adaptor
   (CLA) implementations treat BP-layer and network-layer configuration
   as externally supplied and managed data; this is the configuration
   burden to operate a BP node (including its BPA and various CLAs).

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   A general-purpose BP node is designed to operate in environments with
   complex and diverse topologies, schedules, and underlayer networks.
   This provides an incredible power for a BP network to span large and
   complex physical and organizational domains, but this power comes at
   the cost of highly complex configuration on each node and a
   consistency of configurations between adjacent nodes.  That necessary
   configuration represents a barrier to entry for deploying a simple
   edge node, _e.g._ one which is intended to mostly relay single-
   application data and rely on external BP routers to handle
   complexities associated with network topology and its time-variance.

   The situation which this document addresses is shown in Figure 1,
   where one or more BP edge router acts as a gateway between an
   Internet Protocol (IP) local area network (LAN) and some larger BP
   core network.  All edge nodes in the local network use the gateway
   router as a default bundle forwarding next-hop and a sole bundle
   previous-hop.  The TCP Convergence Layer (TCPCL) is used on the IP
   LAN network due to it's favorable congestion control properties and
   it's ability to participate in DNS-based discovery without any new
   IANA allocations and without needing changes to BP or CLA behavior.

             ---- Core Network ----|------- IP LAN ----------
                __   _
              _(  )_( )_       +--------+   BP/  +--------+
             (          )  BP  |  Edge  |   TCP  |  Edge  |-+
              )  nodes (<=====>| Router |<------>|  Node  | |
             (_   _    _)      +--------+        +--------+ |
               (_) (__)               |           +--|------+
                                      |              |
                                      +---- mDNS ----+
                                           or DNS

                      Figure 1: Network Edge Topology

   This type of situation is expected to be present within LANs on the
   edge of a mostly-non-terrestrial BP wide area network (WAN).  Each of
   those LANs can have an isolated address space and potentially even
   use purely link-local addressing (which would create a situation
   similar to the Autonomic Control Plane (ACP) of [RFC8368]).

   While the methods of this document can provide an easy way for an
   edge node to access a BP network, there are many situations listed in
   Section 1.1 where these methods do not apply along with some
   potential relaxations discussed in Section 5.  These caveats to use
   do not diminish the utility in situations where the methods described
   here _do_ apply.

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1.1.  Scope

   This document applies to a common but somewhat overlooked situation
   where an edge node is well-connected, via a non-challenged IP LAN, to
   one or more edge router of a BP network.

   The zero-configuration CLA method defined in Section 3 does not apply
   to the following situations:

   Non-IP Networks:  The mechanisms in this document rely on functions
      specific to IP networks which are non-challenged and can operate
      protocols like mDNS [RFC6762] and TCP [RFC0793].  When needing to
      operate a node with a non-IP underlayer network, these protocols
      will not function out-of-the-box.  See Section 5.1 for discussion
      of non-IP networks.

   Non-TCP Convergence Layers:  The mechanisms in this document rely on
      a router to offer a single CL service which can transfer bundles
      in both directions between the router and edge nodes based on just
      the edge node discovering the network parameters of the router.
      When needing to operate a node with CL(s) other than the TCPCL
      this unidirectional discovery may not work.  See Section 5.2 for
      discussion of other CL types.

   Multiple Connectivity:  When a BP node is functioning as a router, it
      will necessarily need to configure multiple connectivity to peer
      nodes along with likely complex policy related to forwarding and
      storage between those peers.  Even for an edge node there, are
      situations where multiple types or instances of connectivity exist
      into a single BP network.  This document might apply in these
      situations, but might be an overly-simple method to handle them.

   Time-Variant Connectivity:  Even when an edge node has a single form
      of connectivity into a BP network, there may be time-variant
      aspect to that connectivity.  This document does not directly
      address time-variance and relies on the application using the BP
      node to manage how wall-clock and scheduled time applies to the
      node's operations.  See Section 5 for some alternatives when the
      edge router connectivity is not persistent.

   Peer Discovery:  In cases where a BP network already provides a
      neighbor or neighborhood discovery mechanism that is available to
      the edge nodes, that network-specific mechanism is likely to be
      more applicable and more efficient than the DNS-based method of
      Section 3.

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      |  There has not yet been investigation into whether or not the
      |  zero-configuration method defined in this document can apply to
      |  situations like low-power wide area network (LPWAN) as
      |  described in [RFC8376].  There is no technical reason why it
      |  would not work, but because it has a reliance on DNS it runs
      |  into the issues described in Section 4.9 of [RFC8376].

   The zero-state BPA method described in Section 4 does not apply to
   the following situations:

   Time-Variant Connectivity:  The stateless BPA is allowed to be
      stateless because it uses immediate pass-through of payload-to-
      bundle flow.  In a situation where an application needs to
      transmit bundles but the CLA to the router is not available, this
      document does not define a "correct" behavior but relies on the
      application to manage scheduled activities.  See Section 5.3 for
      some alternatives when the edge router connectivity is not

   Independent Applications:  The stateless mode of operating a BPA
      requires that the BPA itself does not need to retain received
      bundles.  This is accomplished by operating the BPA only while the
      overlaying application itself is capable of having bundles
      delivered to it via all registered EIDs.  If there are multiple
      independent applications with time-varying registrations that do
      not coincide then this method will not apply.  See Section 5.4 for
      some alternatives when multiple applications are needed.

1.2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   This document distinguishes between cases where a BP node is expected
   to function as an intermediate "router" (either on a network edge or
   in its interior) versus an "edge node" with a more straightforward
   workload to source from and deliver to overlayer applications.  In
   the zero-configuration mechanism of Section 3 the edge router is the
   entity which offers its service and the edge node enumerates and uses
   the service.

   This document also distinguishes between a "core network" which
   extends up to, but not beyond, its edge routers from the overall
   "network" which includes all nodes sourcing, delivering, or
   forwarding bundles.  When discussing behaviors between the edge

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   routers and edge nodes, this document uses the term "IP LAN" to
   distinguish that IP-based edge topology from whatever means other
   nodes in the core network have to exchange bundles.  The IP LAN is
   assumed to have the expected properties of an IP network, and not
   behave as a "challenged network" as described in [RFC4838].

   For the zero-state agent of Section 4, there is a separation between
   "TX session" used solely to transmit bundles and "RX session" used to
   receive bundles.  Both of these use the same TCPCL mechanism just
   with different session parameters to control what transfers are
   acceptable in each session.

2.  Protocol Description

   For a truly zero-configuration edge node, the network layer and below
   needs to be automatically configured.  This is something which can
   already be achieved using methods such as the Dynamic Host
   Configuration Protocol (DHCP) of [RFC2131] and [RFC8415], Stateless
   Address Autoconfiguration of [RFC2462] and Neighbor Discovery
   Protocol of [RFC4861], and link-local addressing of [RFC3927] and
   [RFC4291].  There MAY be link- and network-level authentication and
   authorization applied to edge nodes.  The need for and form of these
   access control methods is a network policy matter.

   Once an edge node has an IP address and local network configuration,
   the method of Section 3 is used to lookup TCPCL connection parameters
   from the edge router(s) in the LAN.  Using those parameters, the
   methods of Section 4 can be used when an application wants to send or
   receive bundles via some edge router.

2.1.  Edge Router Requirements

   The methods defined in this document rely on a local BPA willing to
   act as an edge router for associated BP edge nodes within the same IP
   LAN.  The edge router SHALL act as a TCPCL passive listener in
   accordance with Section 4 of [RFC9174].  The edge router MAY act as
   the active or passive roles of any number of other convergence
   layers, but those are immaterial to the functioning of these methods.

   More specific requirements about how the edge router interacts with
   the edge nodes via TCPCL are included in Section 3.4.  One side
   effect of those required behaviors is that edge nodes on the LAN can
   also send bundles between each other (via the edge router) without
   any prior configuration.

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   A key assumption of that behavior is that the applications are aware
   of each other's EIDs from configuration outside of the BP or IP
   networks.  Future work on BP node and service discovery could be used
   to avoid this assumption; once an edge node is able to communicate at
   the BP layer it could discover BP services via BP itself.

2.2.  High-Availability Configurations

   The service parameters for _priority_ and _weight_ described in
   Section 3 allow for a large variety of possible network
   configurations with multiple edge routers providing access to a core
   network.  Due to the need for edge routers to queue bundles destined
   for edge nodes and the possibility of an edge router serving an
   unbounded number of edge nodes, it is RECOMMENDED to provide high-
   availability of service within a single edge router rather than using
   multiple separate routers.  When multiple edge routers are used on an
   IP LAN it is RECOMMENDED to give them distinct SRV priority fields so
   that one router is the active provider and the other(s) act as warm
   standby providers.

   The risk when multiple routers are offered as TCPCL listeners with
   the same priority is that a single edge node with limited
   connectivity (_e.g._, for power saving purposes) would choose
   different router instances at different times and require that the
   edge routers themselves coordinate and forward queued bundles to the
   currently-connected router.  Although this is an acceptable and
   allowed situation, it adds hops to a bundle's path, increases
   resource burdens on the edge routers, and complicates the ways that
   bundle forwarding could fail before delivery.

3.  Zero-Configuration CLA Discovery

   This section defines a method to allow BP routers to advertise
   (offer) their presence in an IP LAN and for edge nodes to discover
   (enumerate and use) those routers, all via DNS-based Service
   Discovery (DNS-SD) as defined in [RFC6763].

   One aspect of DNS-SD is that it works equivalently over multicast DNS
   (mDNS) and traditional unicast DNS, or both simultaneously, but does
   not require both to be operating in the IP LAN.  It is a network
   policy issue to determine which DNS strategy is more appropriate in
   any particular deployment, and it is an implementation detail on both
   edge node and router side to determine which (or both) DNS strategy
   to enumerate on and offer on respectively.

      |  There are benefits and drawbacks to both multicast and unicast
      |  DNS strategies as discussed in [RFC6763].  While multicast DNS
      |  is more hands-off and closer to true "zero configuration"

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      |  operation it lacks in security guarantees.  Unicast DNS can
      |  optimize for caching and provide potentially more trusted
      |  notion of service discovery (because a router needs to be
      |  authorized by the DNS to be present under a domain).

   It is important to understand that the router defined in this
   document only applies to nodes willing to act as a gateway BP router
   for their IP LAN.  Any BP node which does not intend to forward
   bundles (both to and from) other nodes in a LAN SHALL NOT offer TCPCL
   over DNS-SD.

      |  If a non-routing node were to offer TCPCL over DNS-SD the node
      |  can still refuse to receive any bundles within the TCPCL
      |  session.  Even a routing node can refuse to receive individual
      |  bundles from any particular last-hop node or for any other
      |  reason.  It is a performance optimization for non-routing nodes
      |  to not offer TCPCL over DNS-SD so that other nodes don't
      |  attempt to establish TCPCL sessions only to discover the node
      |  is not willing to accept bundles.

3.1.  Parameters

   The DNS-SD naming convention of [RFC6763] combined with the service
   name registered in [IANA-SVC] for the TCPCL by Section 8.1 of
   [RFC9174] results in the following relative domain name (RDN):


                   Figure 2: DNS-SD Relative Domain Name

   When used with the mDNS reserved local domain of [RFC6762] results in
   the following FQDN:


                        Figure 3: Local Network FQDN

   The RDN can also be used with one or more search domain in accordance
   with [RFC1034].  For example, using a search domain of
   results in the following FQDN:

                       Figure 4: Example Domain FQDN

   In addition to the registered service name this document defines
   additional TXT RR parameters, as hints about the TCPCL listener, in
   accordance with Section 6 of [RFC6763] of:

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   txtvers (TXT RR Version):  This required key has a value indicating
      the current TXT RR version as an integer.  This document defines
      version 1.

   protovers (Protocol Version):  This optional key has a value
      indicating the latest supported TCPCL version as an integer.  When
      not present the default version is 4.

3.2.  Service Offering

   When an edge router desires to offer its willingness via mDNS, the
   FQDN of Figure 3 SHALL be offered using DNS PTR and/or SRV resource
   records (RRs) with fields defined in [RFC6763] and [RFC2782]
   corresponding to its TCPCL listening configuration.

   An example of this for a router instance name rtr1 operating with
   service priority 0, weight 0, DNS name host-name, and standard TCPCL
   port is below, with multiple parameter strings in accordance with
   Section 6.3 of [RFC6763], and with TTL and class fields elided.

   _dtn-bundle._tcp.local.       PTR  rtr1._dtn-bundle._tcp.local.
   rtr1._dtn-bundle._tcp.local.  SRV  0 0 4556 host-name.local.
   rtr1._dtn-bundle._tcp.local.  TXT  "txtvers=1" "protovers=4"

   When edge routers are managed via unicast DNS, the RDN of Figure 2
   SHALL be offered in the local domain zone using a DNS SRV RR with
   fields defined in [RFC2782] corresponding to its TCPCL listening
   configuration.  Multiple edge routers MAY be present in an IP LAN and
   identified with SRV RR containing different priority fields (see
   Section 2.2).

   An example of multiple SRV RRs in the same domain with different
   priorities is below, with TTL and class fields elided.       PTR       PTR  SRV  10  0 4556  TXT  "txtvers=1" "protovers=4"  SRV  20  0 4556  TXT  ""

   Edge routers MAY update DNS RRs via an in-band protocol such as DNS
   Update [RFC2136].  Edge nodes MAY monitor RR changes via an in-band
   protocol such as DNS Push [RFC8765].

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3.3.  Service Enumeration

   For the edge node wanting BP network access, the method is as simple
   as retrieving the SRV RR for the RDS of Figure 2, either in the mDNS
   local domain or some other search domain, and using the SRV fields
   for a TCPCL session establishment.

   When an edge node desires to look up a local BP router it SHALL
   attempt to resolve the SRV and TXT RRs in accordance with [RFC6763]
   by one or both of the following:

   1.  Query the FQDN of Figure 3 via mDNS in accordance with [RFC6762].

   2.  Query the RDN of Figure 2 within one or more search domains via
       DNS in accordance with [RFC1035] or equivalent protocol.

   If a SRV or TXT query fails (which includes a query result with a
   target name of ".") the edge node SHALL treat the associated edge
   router as currently unavailable from the IP LAN.  If a SRV or TXT
   query fails, the edge node MAY attempt future queries based on a
   schedule configured on the node.  The specifics of reattempts at SRV
   or TXT record retrieval are an implementation matter (see Section 5
   for possible alternatives).

   If the SRV query succeeds, the edge node SHALL use the priority and
   weight fields of each SRV record fields in accordance with [RFC2782]
   to choose an instance to use.

3.4.  Service Use

   This section discusses how an edge node can use a chosen router from
   an enumerated list of available routers.  Detailed requirements for
   how an edge node and router configure and operate TCPCL sessions are
   given in Section 4.

   When a TCPCL session is needed for transfers and one or more service
   instances are available, the edge node SHALL use SRV and TXT records
   of a chosen instance to identify a specific DNS name to connect to
   using the active role of [RFC9174].

   When needing to establish a TCPCL session, an edge node SHOULD use
   the same service instance for all TCPCL sessions until there is some
   failure to keep up an existing session or failure in establishing a
   new session.  An edge node MAY use different service instances at the
   same time for different TCPCL sessions.  It is an implementation
   matter to determine which service instance, or what combination of
   instances, to use for needed TCPCL sessions.

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   Part of that connection to a DNS name involves resolving the name
   into one or more IP addresses using an mDNS or DNS query.  An edge
   node SHALL NOT assume DNS name resolution to IP address(es) for a
   service instance is unchanging over time.  The edge node SHOULD use
   methods of Happy Eyeballs Connection Setup [RFC8305] when resolving a
   DNS name and attempting TCP connections.

4.  Zero-State BPA Operation

   Beyond achieving CLA discovery for an edge router, an edge node can
   be operated in compliance with [RFC9171] without needing to use long-
   term BP-layer storage or state.  The method defined in this section
   uses specifically parameterized TCPCL sessions to send bundles to and
   receive from an edge router discovered via the method of Section 3,
   but could use any other method to define how to connect to the edge

   Both the Bundle Transmission and Bundle Reception procedures can be
   operated simultaneously or sequentially depending on how the
   overlaying application uses the BPA.  It is an implementation matter
   for how the application indicates these policies to the BPA.

   Using this method, the BPA can be implemented as a pure software
   library or middleware under a BP-aware application.  Either the
   application or BPA could perform the procedures in a multi-threaded
   form, but neither BP, nor TCPCL, nor this document require that the
   various protocol processing be performed in parallel.

   The overall bundle flows are shown in Figure 5, which indicates how
   the transmission is handled fully independently from the reception,
   and how reception can cause status reports but these can be sourced
   synchronously and handled separately from application-caused
   transmission.  This diagram does not show possible security
   processing within the flows between sessions and the application or
   administrative element.

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   -- Network --|------- CLA ------|------- BPA ------|----- App ------

   +---------+     +------------+       Bundle TX       +-------------+
   |         |<----| TX session |<----------------------|             |
   |         |     +------------+                       |    User     |
   |         |                                          | Application |
   |  Edge   |     +------------+       Bundle RX       |             |
   | Router  |---->| RX session |------------+--------->|             |
   |         |     +------------+            :          +-------------+
   |         |                               v
   |         |     +------------+   +----------------+
   |         |<----| TX session |<--| Administrative |
   +---------+     +------------+   |    Element     |

                       Figure 5: Zero-State BPA Flows

4.1.  Bundle Transmission

   When the application indicates the need to send one or more bundles,
   a "TX" TCPCL session SHALL be established in accordance with
   Section 4 of [RFC9174] with the following initialization parameters:

   Keepalive Interval:  Set to zero to indicate no keepalive behavior is

   Transfer MRU:  Set to zero to indicate that the edge node is not
      willing to receive bundles within the session.

   Node ID:  Set to the Node ID associated with the edge node.

   All other TX session initialization parameters are left as an
   implementation matter.

   After TX session establishment the bundle(s) requested by the
   application SHALL be transferred immediately.  After all transfers
   are finished, the TX session SHALL be terminated with a Reason Code
   of Unknown (0x00).

   If TX session establishment fails, the application SHALL be informed
   that the associated bundles were not sent.  It is an implementation
   matter for how to handle this kind of failure (_e.g._, queuing within
   the BPA as in Section 5 or within the application).

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4.2.  Bundle Reception

   When the application indicates the desire to receive available
   bundles, an "RX" TCPCL session SHALL be established in accordance
   with Section 4 of [RFC9174] with the following initialization

   Keepalive Interval:  Set to some non-zero interval to indicate
      keepalive behavior is wanted.

   Transfer MRU:  Set to some non-zero limit to indicate that the edge
      node is willing to receive bundles within the session.

   Node ID:  Set to the Node ID associated with the edge node.

   All other RX session initialization parameters are left as an
   implementation matter.

   After session establishment and until the application indicates
   otherwise, the RX session SHALL be kept up.  When the application
   indicates that reception is to stop, the RX session SHALL be
   terminated with a Reason Code of Unknown (0x00).

   When a transfer is received in the RX session it SHALL be immediately
   processed in accordance with [RFC9171].  If the received bundle has a
   Destination to be delivered to the overlying application it SHALL be
   delivered immediately to the listening application.  Otherwise, the
   bundle SHALL be deleted.  In any case if during the processing of the
   received bundle it is necessary to send any administrative record
   (_e.g._, bundle status report), the transmission procedure of
   Section 4.1 SHALL be followed for those bundles.

   If RX session establishment fails, the application SHALL be informed
   that listening cannot be performed at the requested time.  It is an
   implementation matter for how to handle this kind of failure (_e.g._,
   waiting for service connectivity as in Section 5.3).

4.3.  Router Side

   When a request to establish a TCPCL session is received, the edge
   router SHALL respond with the following initialization parameters:

   Transfer MRU:  Set to some non-zero limit to indicate that the router
      is willing to receive bundles within the session.

   Node ID:  Set to the Node ID associated with the router.

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   All other session initialization parameters are left as an
   implementation matter.

   At the BPA level, the edge router SHALL be willing to forward and
   store bundles sourced by and destined for all of the edge nodes for
   which it establishes TCPCL sessions.  The fact of being a "router"
   implies all of the activities required by [RFC9171] will be done for
   those edge-node-related bundles.  It is an implementation matter for
   the router to decide if and when to limit new TCPCL sessions or
   transfers to conserve resources.

   After establishing a TCPCL session with an edge node, the edge router
   SHALL treat contact with the edge node as persistent for any interior
   routing or discovery protocols within the BP network.  Even if
   contact with the edge node is not truly persistent, when it
   establishes TCPCL sessions with the edge node the edge router assumes
   responsibility for queuing bundles destined for that edge node.  The
   assumption here is that the IP network between edge router and node
   is persistent enough to appear continuous over time to the core BP

5.  Relaxed Assumptions for More Situations

   This section discusses the assumptions from Section 1 and how some of
   them can be relaxed at the expense of added configuration or internal

5.1.  Relaxation of IP LAN Assumption

   The assumption allows the zero-configuration mechanism to make use of
   IP-based technologies such as mDNS and DNS and ultimately the logic
   of DNS-SD for router discovery.

   In a non-IP LAN the DNS-SD discovery method will not work (as there
   is no DNS) but there may be other, network-specific methods of
   discovery or out-of-band CLA configuration will be needed.  In this
   situation it is still possible to use the zero-state BPA as defined
   in Section 4.

5.2.  Relaxation of TCPCL Assumption

   This assumption is that edge routers use TCPCL as a reliable, bi-
   directional, and flow-controlled convergence layer for all edge

   In environments where some other converge layer is used which
   operates over a protocol with a registered well-known service name
   [IANA-SVC] the same DNS-SD technique can be used with that

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   alternative service name.  Because the DNS-SD is not symmetric with
   respect to the nodes using it, with routers offering a service and
   edge nodes using it, this mechanism still requires that the
   convergence layer provide bi-directional bundle transfers based on
   just one node knowing the network parameters to access another node.

      |  For example UDPCL and LTPCL, as they are currently defined in
      |  [RFC7122] will not be usable with the mechanism of Section 3
      |  because they are unidirectional with respect to using network
      |  parameters to transfer to a peer.  The router would need to
      |  discover edge nodes to send UDPCL transfers in the other
      |  direction or to send LTP segments to the edge node.

   The CL in this case need not be session-oriented but reliable
   sessions do make it easier to detect transmission failures and report
   them to the application.  It is also important that there be some
   kind of flow control mechanism within the LAN so that one edge node
   cannot starve others of network resources.

5.3.  Relaxation of Router Connectivity Assumption

   The assumption of immediate connectivity to a gateway router whenever
   an application needs to send a bundle results in the need for router
   availability to be visible to the application sourcing bundles and
   for that to act as an implied flow control mechanism for the
   application.  If the router is not available or transfers are not
   proceeding quickly enough, the application will need to hold-off or
   back-off on sourcing new bundles.

   Because there can be periods of time when no router is willing to
   offer or establish TCPCL sessions or when a TX transfer is already in
   progress, a BPA can keep an "egress" queue of bundles to be
   transmitted and wait for an indication of edge router connectivity
   before beginning the transfer.  This is similar to how current
   stateful BPAs operate, where the bundle source processing is in a
   different thread of operation from the bundle forwarding processing.

   When such an egress queue is present, there is added state within the
   BPA and also risk of resource exhaustion if that state grows too
   large.  Because of this, even if an egress queue is used it is useful
   for the application to have some visibility into the queue for flow
   control purposes.

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5.4.  Relaxation of Single Application Assumption

   This assumption allows a BPA to immediately and synchronously receive
   and deliver bundles to a listening application.  When there is only a
   single application there is never the possibility of one application
   listening on an endpoint and another application not listening for
   some interval of time.

   A BPA can be used to host more than one independent application if
   there is a "delivery" queue of bundles destined for endpoints
   registered to known but non-listening applications.  This is similar
   to how current stateful BPAs operate, where the bundle reception
   processing is in a different thread of operation from the bundle
   delivery processing.

   When such an delivery queue is present, there is added state within
   the BPA and also risk of resource exhaustion if that state grows too
   large.  Because of this, even if a delivery queue is used it could be
   useful for the application to have some visibility into the queue for
   flow control purposes.

6.  IANA Considerations

   This specification uses many existing IANA registries, but does not
   make updates to any registries.

7.  Security Considerations

   To establish a local network address and network parameters, the edge
   node might be required to supply link- or network-layer credentials.
   For some existing protocols such as MACSec or IPSec, it is possible
   to use the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) of [RFC3748] with
   PKIX certificates for authentication and authorization.  For other
   protocols such as SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) [RFC3971], PKIX
   certificates can be used directly.  It is a network policy for how
   access is granted and network addresses are allocated or authorized.

   Within the zero-configuration specification of Section 3 there is no
   prohibition on the use of network-layer, DNS, or TCPCL security.  If
   required by network policy, an edge router will authenticate its peer
   node's Node ID using the TLS security and PKIX certificate profile of
   Section 4.4.2 of [RFC9174].  If required by network policy, an edge
   node will authenticate its peer router's Node ID using the TLS
   security and PKIX certificate profile of Section 4.4.2 of [RFC9174].
   A RECOMMENDED policy is to use mutual authentication of TCPCL when
   not on an isolated network with its own link-layer or network-layer

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   Within the zero-state specification of Section 4 there is no
   prohibition on the use of BP-layer security.  If required by network
   policy, an edge node will provide BP integrity or confidentiality
   using the BPSec facilities of [RFC9172] either as a security source
   or a security acceptor.  A RECOMMENDED policy is to have the edge
   node source and process BPSec directly when possible, and to have the
   associated edge router act as BPSec gateway otherwise.

   This consideration is not specific to the methods of this document,
   but when an edge router serves as a gateway for many edge nodes it is
   important that the router implement quotas (hard limits) and
   prioritization (soft limits) for both storage size and forwarding
   throughput for each edge node.  If quotas are not present, it could
   be possible for a single edge node to monopolize either storage or
   LAN throughput on the router and cause denial-of-service to other
   edge nodes.  The algorithms or techniques used to allocate per-node
   quotas or priorities are outside the scope of this document.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [IANA-SVC] IANA, "Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number
              Registry", <

   [RFC1034]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
              STD 13, RFC 1034, DOI 10.17487/RFC1034, November 1987,

   [RFC1035]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
              specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, DOI 10.17487/RFC1035,
              November 1987, <>.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2136]  Vixie, P., Ed., Thomson, S., Rekhter, Y., and J. Bound,
              "Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)",
              RFC 2136, DOI 10.17487/RFC2136, April 1997,

   [RFC2782]  Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
              specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2782, February 2000,

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   [RFC4838]  Cerf, V., Burleigh, S., Hooke, A., Torgerson, L., Durst,
              R., Scott, K., Fall, K., and H. Weiss, "Delay-Tolerant
              Networking Architecture", RFC 4838, DOI 10.17487/RFC4838,
              April 2007, <>.

   [RFC6762]  Cheshire, S. and M. Krochmal, "Multicast DNS", RFC 6762,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6762, February 2013,

   [RFC6763]  Cheshire, S. and M. Krochmal, "DNS-Based Service
              Discovery", RFC 6763, DOI 10.17487/RFC6763, February 2013,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8305]  Schinazi, D. and T. Pauly, "Happy Eyeballs Version 2:
              Better Connectivity Using Concurrency", RFC 8305,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8305, December 2017,

   [RFC8765]  Pusateri, T. and S. Cheshire, "DNS Push Notifications",
              RFC 8765, DOI 10.17487/RFC8765, June 2020,

   [RFC9171]  Burleigh, S., Fall, K., and E. Birrane, III, "Bundle
              Protocol Version 7", RFC 9171, DOI 10.17487/RFC9171,
              January 2022, <>.

   [RFC9174]  Sipos, B., Demmer, M., Ott, J., and S. Perreault, "Delay-
              Tolerant Networking TCP Convergence-Layer Protocol Version
              4", RFC 9174, DOI 10.17487/RFC9174, January 2022,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC0793]  Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 793,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0793, September 1981,

   [RFC2131]  Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol",
              RFC 2131, DOI 10.17487/RFC2131, March 1997,

   [RFC2462]  Thomson, S. and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address
              Autoconfiguration", RFC 2462, DOI 10.17487/RFC2462,
              December 1998, <>.

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   [RFC3748]  Aboba, B., Blunk, L., Vollbrecht, J., Carlson, J., and H.
              Levkowetz, Ed., "Extensible Authentication Protocol
              (EAP)", RFC 3748, DOI 10.17487/RFC3748, June 2004,

   [RFC3927]  Cheshire, S., Aboba, B., and E. Guttman, "Dynamic
              Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses", RFC 3927,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3927, May 2005,

   [RFC3971]  Arkko, J., Ed., Kempf, J., Zill, B., and P. Nikander,
              "SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND)", RFC 3971,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3971, March 2005,

   [RFC4291]  Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing
              Architecture", RFC 4291, DOI 10.17487/RFC4291, February
              2006, <>.

   [RFC4861]  Narten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., and H. Soliman,
              "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 4861,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4861, September 2007,

   [RFC7122]  Kruse, H., Jero, S., and S. Ostermann, "Datagram
              Convergence Layers for the Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant
              Networking (DTN) Bundle Protocol and Licklider
              Transmission Protocol (LTP)", RFC 7122,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7122, March 2014,

   [RFC8368]  Eckert, T., Ed. and M. Behringer, "Using an Autonomic
              Control Plane for Stable Connectivity of Network
              Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)",
              RFC 8368, DOI 10.17487/RFC8368, May 2018,

   [RFC8376]  Farrell, S., Ed., "Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)
              Overview", RFC 8376, DOI 10.17487/RFC8376, May 2018,

   [RFC8415]  Mrugalski, T., Siodelski, M., Volz, B., Yourtchenko, A.,
              Richardson, M., Jiang, S., Lemon, T., and T. Winters,
              "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)",
              RFC 8415, DOI 10.17487/RFC8415, November 2018,

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   [RFC9172]  Birrane, III, E. and K. McKeever, "Bundle Protocol
              Security (BPSec)", RFC 9172, DOI 10.17487/RFC9172, January
              2022, <>.


   Thanks to Marc Blanchet for early feedback on this document.

Author's Address

   Brian Sipos
   The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
   11100 Johns Hopkins Rd.
   Laurel, MD 20723
   United States of America

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