Internet DRAFT - draft-siracusa-nmrg-ccon-fwk


Internet Research Task Force                                D. Siracusa
Internet Draft                                            A. Francescon
Intended status: Informational                             E. Salvadori
Expires: May 2014                                            CREATE-NET

                                                             R.J. Duran
                                                           I. de Miguel
                                                           R.M. Lorenzo
                                              Universidad de Valladolid

                                                       November 4, 2013

              Framework for Cognitive Capable Optical Networks

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   The increased complexity in the management of highly heterogeneous
   optical networks is recently forcing vendors and providers to look
   for novel mechanisms which diminish the manual intervention by
   favoring the autonomous execution of several operational tasks,
   especially when dealing with network congestion or failure events.
   The adoption of cognitive techniques in networking envisions a
   network which is able to adapt itself to current or forecasted
   conditions by taking into account previous history, and which is
   able to act proactively, rather than reactively, in order to avoid
   problems before they arise. In this document, a novel architectural
   framework that introduces cognitive techniques in the optical
   networking domain is described, and several use cases provided to
   emphasize its effectiveness.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................. 3
   2. Background ................................................... 5
      2.1. Software-defined adaptable elements ..................... 5
      2.2. Monitoring elements...................................... 6
      2.3. Control system running cognitive processes .............. 8
   3. Framework .................................................... 9
      3.1. The Cognitive Decision System .......................... 11
      3.2. Processes and knowledge bases .......................... 13
   4. CCON Use Cases .............................................. 14
      4.1. Quality of Transmission assessment ..................... 14
      4.2. Path Computation ....................................... 15
      4.3. Virtual Topology Design and Reconfiguration ............ 16
   5. Implications on the Control Plane ........................... 16
      5.1. Disseminate network configuration information .......... 16
      5.2. Feed the cognitive processes with network data and
      statistics .................................................. 17
      5.3. Implement the decisions of the cognitive processes on the
      device ...................................................... 17
   6. Contributing Authors ........................................ 18
   7. Security Considerations ..................................... 19
   8. IANA Considerations ......................................... 19

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   9. References .................................................. 20
      9.1. Informative References ................................. 20
   10. Acknowledgments ............................................ 22

1. Introduction

   Optical networks are facing increased levels of heterogeneity, from
   types of services to transmission technologies. Hence, a key issue
   of highly heterogeneous networks is how to efficiently control and
   manage network resources while fulfilling user demands and complying
   with quality of service requirements. A solution for such a scenario
   may come from cognitive networks, also known as learning-capable
   communication networks [Tav2011].

               +----------------+    +-------------+
               |   Orient       |    | End-to-end  |
               |   (Plan)       |<---|    goals    |----+
               |                |    |             |    |
               +----------------+    +-------------+    |
                     ^    ^   |                         |
                     |    |   |                         v
                     |    |   |                   +-----------+
                     |    |   |                   |           |
                     |    |   +------------------>|  Decide   |
                     |    |                       |           |
                     |    +---------+             +-----------+
                     |              |                ^   |
                     |              v                |   |
               +-------------+    +-------+          |   |
               |             |    |       |<---------+   |
               |   Observe   |--->| Learn |              |
               |             |    |       |<---------+   |
               +-------------+    +-------+          |   |
                     ^                               |   |
                     |                               |   |
                     |                               |   v
               +-------------+                    +---------+
               |             |                    |         |
               | Environment |<-------------------| Act     |
               |             |                    |         |
               +-------------+                    +---------+

                        Figure 1 The cognitive loop

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   A cognitive network is defined as "A network with a process that can
   perceive current network conditions, and then plan, decide, and act
   on those conditions. The network can learn from these adaptations
   and use them to make future decisions, all while taking into account
   end-to-end goals." [Tho2006], that is, the network implements the
   so-called cognitive loop (Figure 1). Hence, there are three main
   ingredients in such a network:

   o Monitoring elements, which provide the network with the
      perception of the current condition including physical layer
      status, power consumption, traffic patterns, useful to enable an
      aware network.

   o Software-defined adaptable elements, which provide the network
      with the capacity of modifying its current configuration, thus
      enabling an adaptive network.

   o Cognitive processes, which learn or make use of past history, so
      that even when facing two equivalent scenarios, the network (or
      the entity containing those cognitive processes) may act in a
      different way if its previous history is different.

   Therefore, a cognitive network is a network which is able to adapt
   itself to current or forecasted conditions by taking into account
   previous history, and act proactively, rather than reactively, in
   order to avoid problems before they arise. Moreover, those tasks
   should be performed autonomously, with little or no intervention of
   the network operator. Cognitive networks are thus closely related
   with autonomic networks [Beh2013]. An autonomic network relies on
   self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization and self-
   protection functionalities, so that it may make decisions without
   manual intervention or external help (e.g., human administrator)
   [Beh2013][Mov2012]. In this way, an autonomic network is not only
   aware and adaptive, but also automatic. Therefore, a cognitive
   network can be considered as a variant of an autonomic network
   [Mov2012], but it emphasizes the self-optimization functionality as
   well as the use of learning mechanisms, in contrast with other types
   of autonomic networks, which generally rely on policy-based methods
   rather than on learning techniques to support the adaptations
   [Mov2012, table VIII].

   This document partially leverages on [Tav2011], an informative
   document which describes the opportunities and challenges for a
   technology-independent Learning Capable Communication Network
   (LCCN). Of course, given the focus on transport networks, the
   document will apply the concepts envisioned in that document to the
   specific optical networking domain.

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   The structure of the document is the following. In Section 2 a
   review of the recent enhancements of the optical and control
   technologies that are enabling Cognitive Capable Optical Networks
   (CCON) is provided. Section 3 describes the framework and the
   related building blocks of a CCON. Section 4 focuses on a set of
   applications of cognition proposed in optical networks while Section
   5 describes the implications on the Control Plane.

2. Background

   A novel paradigm, like the one proposed in this document, has
   emerged thanks to the recent availability of novel optical and
   control system technologies. The scope of this section is to review
   these enabling technologies.

2.1. Software-defined adaptable elements

   Software-defined adaptable elements are essential for the
   realization of the cognition concept in optical networks since they
   allow the optimum and on-demand use of resources, according to the
   intelligent (i.e., cognitive) processing of connection demands.
   Although a cognitive network could rely on a set of fixed
   transceivers in the nodes, the higher degree of flexibility provided
   by software-defined transmitter and receiver subsystems is turning
   them into key network elements to perform the adaptable allocation
   of traffic demands.

   In practice, the transmitted bandwidth adaptability in optical
   transceivers is realized by: a) altering the modulation level or
   format (i.e., the bits per symbol) per optical carrier and b)
   varying the number of electronic or optical carriers in multi-
   carrier formats [Ger2012]. The general purpose of these adaptable
   schemes is to apply the optimum format over the minimum number of
   carriers, thus maximizing the spectral efficiency (i.e., the number
   of bits/s/Hz) for a certain traffic demand over an optical path with
   certain end-to-end performance requirements.

   Format adaptability can be performed either in the optical domain,
   by simply enabling or disabling the different arms of nested Mach
   Zehnder Modulator (MZM) structures at the transmitter and the
   related output port of 90 deg hybrid at the receiver, or directly in
   the electronic domain by appropriately defining the signal levels of
   the modulation signals. Moreover, for multi-carrier schemes based on
   electronic generation of subcarriers, the subcarrier number is
   defined in the electronic domain by the length of the digital signal
   processing function prior to the optical modulation, while for
   optically generated subcarriers, their number is defined either by

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   filtering the appropriate number of carriers or by gating the
   appropriate number of subcarrier transmitter outputs directly in the
   optical domain.

   The bandwidth adaptable data transmission schemes mentioned above
   can realize the optimum use of network resources according to the
   traffic demands, but they result in added complexity in terms of
   control. This is attributed to the fact that any decision mechanism
   must account for a large number of possible combinations (i.e.,
   central wavelength allocation, format and number of subcarriers) to
   optimally serve a demand for a given optical path. The role of
   cognitive optical networking is particularly beneficial for the
   practical implementation of these schemes, since it can
   significantly relax the decision mechanism, by exploiting past
   history. It is noted that cognition can apply in combination with
   any adaptable (flexible) transmission technique, since all of them
   are intrinsically software-defined schemes.

2.2. Monitoring elements

   Both traffic and optical performance monitoring techniques are
   required to know the current state of the network. That information
   can be used not only for making immediate decisions but also as an
   input for forecasting procedures facilitating the execution of
   proactive actions. While existing techniques for traffic monitoring
   - leveraging on protocols like SNMP [RFC1157], RMON [RFC4502] - can
   be also exploited in cognitive optical networks, the introduction of
   new optical transmission systems, and their coexistence, triggers
   the need of the development of novel Optical Performance Monitoring
   (OPM) techniques.

   Thus, to guarantee that the Quality of Service (QoS) and resiliency
   are achieved along the lightpaths, monitoring of the physical
   properties of the signal is required. OPM analyzes the accumulation
   of the so called "non-catastrophic" transmission impairments such as
   Chromatic Dispersion (CD), Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) and
   non-linear effects [Cha2010]. These effects, combined with the
   accumulation of network physical impairments, like crosstalk,
   Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) noise, Polarization-Dependent
   Loss (PDL) and filter/ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add and Drop
   Multiplexer) concatenation make the information data unrecoverable
   even though the received optical signal power is at an acceptable
   level. Furthermore, the so called "catastrophic" impairments such as
   accidental fiber cuts and damaged or improperly installed network
   elements can cause critical network performance degradations.
   Meanwhile, other channels co-propagating in the same link can be
   affected as well due to transients in the amplifiers caused by the

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   rapid change of the total optical power (several dBs). Despite the
   nature of the failure, it becomes clear that an accurate and fast
   parameter monitoring would allow an early fault analysis with a fast
   switching to a protection path. The efficiency and reactivity to
   different problematic events also depends on the critical
   interaction between OPM and higher-level control and management
   plane systems. Therefore, monitoring devices must be placed in
   strategic places during the planning stage of an optical network.

   In 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s optical networks, various OPM techniques have
   been developed relying on external devices such as Optical Spectrum
   Analyzers (OSAs), RF devices and frequency-selective polarimeters.
   On the other hand, modern transmission technologies for 100 Gb/s,
   400 Gb/s, 1 Tb/s and beyond are based on coherent technologies by
   taking advantages of powerful and cost-effective Digital Signal-
   Processing (DSP) capabilities. OPM techniques based on DSP, where
   expensive external devices are not required, are adaptable to
   varying data rates and modulation formats, and are capable of
   realizing joint monitoring of key physical layer parameters like CD,
   PMD, PDL, OSNR, Bit-Error-Rate (BER), etc. The DSP has already been
   integrated in the receiver side, so it will provide network
   information at the end points. Furthermore, in the future, DSP could
   also be integrated in optical amplifiers or ROADMs, thus allowing
   the derivation of relevant information at these mid-points.

   In DSP-based OPM techniques, Frequency-Domain (FD) equalization
   combined with Data-Aided (DA) channel estimation can be considered
   as a promising technology. Compared with Non-Data-Aided (NDA)
   methods based on gradient algorithms for Time-Domain (TD) filters,
   which are strongly dependent on the modulation format and suffer
   from a relatively slow convergence with potential sub-optimum
   acquisition and even failures, the DA channel estimation, based on a
   periodically transmitted Training Sequences (TS), allows
   instantaneous filter acquisition, immediate OPM, and the modulation
   format can be altered arbitrarily in between the fixed training
   patterns. All these benefits come at the cost of slight bandwidth
   efficiency degradation due to the insertion of TS, and the required
   overhead can be below 5%. Moreover, in a coherent burst-mode
   receiver, each burst must be instantaneously equalized and only DA
   channel estimation is suitable.

   These DSP-based OPM techniques can be implemented in hardware, and
   therefore real time physical impairment information will be
   available for the control plane. However, if off-line DSP processing
   is used instead, then the control plane database can be periodically
   updated by the OPM with the physical impairment information, and
   thus the control plane does not need to wait for the DSP processing.

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2.3. Control system running cognitive processes

   In a cognition-capable optical network architecture, the
   coordination among the "brain" that makes decisions and establishes
   network operations and the data plane (photonic layer) is provided
   by a control system, which implements the mechanisms supporting the
   cognitive intelligence in an automated and reconfigurable manner.

   Two different approaches can be envisioned to implement a cognitive
   architecture: (i) centralized, in which the network and all
   components are under the control of a single cognitive entity, which
   receives all the information related to network configuration,
   availability, monitored parameters, etc.; and (ii) distributed, in
   which there is not a specific node with a prominent role, and where
   the cognition is distributed among all the network nodes (or a large
   part of them), which exchange the information mentioned above. Both
   the centralized and the distributed cognitive architectures need for
   a system delivering updates related to network status, reserving the
   resources, and configuring the optical devices. These tasks are
   carried out by the Control Plane (CP).

   A cognitive optical network is expected to make effective decisions
   by leveraging on a knowledge base, built with the support of the CP.
   Decisions are made for different activities, such as lightpath
   activation in response to a user request or re-arrangement of active
   network connections. In such a context, and in particular for the
   latter activity, knowledge about the status of currently active
   lightpaths is required. While it is evident that this information
   can be disseminated by adapting already existing protocols, it is
   also clear that it would demand for the exchange of a non-negligible
   amount of data between distributed control nodes (including the path
   of each active connection, physical layer impairments, etc.). Hence,
   from the operational point of view, a solution with distributed
   control entities may not be cost-effective. Furthermore, the lack of
   a global view about the network status in a distributed architecture
   may lead to conflicting decisions. Finally, cognitive decisions also
   rely on the values collected by the monitoring system of the
   network. In this case, a distributed solution is hard to be kept
   updated, since the information collected by the monitors flows
   through the network and is hard be processed reliably at a single
   instance (i.e. as in the case of a centralized approach). On the
   other side, a centralized approach may suffer of scalability issues,
   and the cognitive entity is potentially a single point of failure of
   the network. While the latter issue may be lessened by enhancing the
   protection/robustness of the cognitive entity and by introducing
   backup entities, the former is a matter of network scenarios. In the
   context of optical networks and with a limited amount of managed

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   nodes, a centralized approach could still scale sufficiently, while
   ensuring a high level of reliability and providing more effective
   path computations. This is true for the case of core networks and in
   particular national backbone networks that require the employment of
   bandwidth flexible resource allocation mechanisms over a well-
   defined and limited number of nodes.

3. Framework

   Several architectures leveraging on cognitive mechanisms have been
   recently proposed in literature to determine how (and where) the
   three aforementioned key ingredients - software adaptable elements,
   monitoring elements, and control systems - are implemented, how they
   are glued together, as well as which tasks are going to be solved
   with the help of cognition. Generic cognitive architectures have
   been proposed in [Tho2006], [Kli2010] and [Tav2011], while cognitive
   architecture for optical networks have been proposed in [Zer2010],
   [Wei2012] and [deM2013].

   These architectures show that cognition can be implemented in
   different dimensions, in terms of devices and protocol layers. For
   instance, in a cognitive network implementation, software-defined
   transceivers may include monitoring functionalities together with
   internal intelligence to modify their configuration autonomously,
   i.e., being truly cognitive transceivers. However, another
   implementation may opt for shifting the intelligence in charge of
   configuring those transceivers to the upper layers of the nodes,
   where the transceivers are located, thus being the network nodes the
   cognitive elements rather than the transceivers themselves. That
   example may find its way in a network with distributed cognition,
   where all network nodes are equipped with cognitive capabilities and
   collaborate in sharing the acquired knowledge. Nevertheless, another
   possibility is a network with centralized cognition, where a single
   node (the control node) contains the intelligence and makes
   decisions which are then communicated to the remaining network nodes
   by means of control plane protocols with suitable extensions.

   On the other hand, the level and type of cognition to be added to a
   network depends not only on the adopted approach but also on the
   capabilities of network monitors and software-adaptable elements
   employed; the higher the flexibility of the available elements, the
   higher the potential of cognition. However, although the utilization
   of software-defined transceivers and flexible networks, as well as
   software-defined networking techniques [Das2012], is usually
   associated with cognitive optical networks, it should be noted that
   these technologies are not strictly necessary for adopting a
   cognitive networking approach.

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   +-+   +------------------------------------------------------------+
   | |<=>|                   User interface module                    |
   | |   +------------------------------------------------------------+
   | |                            ^
   | |       +--------------------|-----------------------------------+
   | |       |                    |      Knowledge bases              |
   | |     +----------------------|---------------------------------+ |
   | |     |                      v  Learning modules               | |
   | |   +--------------------------------------------------------+ | |
   |C|   |     Cognitive Decision System (Cognitive processes)    | | |
   |o|   |    +----------------------------+                      | | |
   |n|   |    |                            |                      | | |
   |t|   |    v                            v                      | | |
   |r|   |+---------+   +----------+   +--------+   +-----------+ | | |
   |o|   || Traffic |   |  Virtual |   |  RWA/  |   |   QoT     | | | |
   |l|   ||Grooming |<->| Topology |<->| RMLSA  |<->| Estimator | | | |
   | |<=>|| Module  |   |  Design  |   | Module |   |  Module   | | | |
   |P|   ||         |   |  Module  |   |        |   |           | | | |
   |l|   |+---------+   +----------+   +--------+   +-----------+ | | |
   |a|   |    ^              ^             ^              ^       | | |
   |n|   |    |              |             |              |       | | |
   |e|   |    v              v             v              v       | |-+
   | |   |+--------------------------------------------------+    | |
   |p|   ||     Network Planner & Decision Maker Module      |    |-+
   |r|   |+--------------------------------------------------+    |
   |o|   +--------------------------------------------------------+
   |t|                     ^                            ^
   |o|                     |                            |
   |c|                     v                            |
   |o|   +-----------------------------------+          |
   |l|   | Optical signal monitoring &       |          |
   |s|   |     transponder interface         |          v
   | |   |+-----------++--------++----------+| +------------------+
   | |   || Software  ||Optical || Digital  || |Traffic monitoring|
   | |<=>||  Defined  || Signal ||  Signal  || |    interface     |
   | |   ||Transponder||Monitors||Processing|| | +--------------+ |
   | |   |+-----------++--------++----------+| | |   Traffic    | |
   | |   |  Optical network (PHY interface)  | | |  Monitoring  | |
   | |   +-----------------------------------+ | |   System     | |
   | |                                         | +--------------+ |
   | |<=======================================>|       NMS        |
   +-+                                         +------------------+

                   Figure 2 CCON schematic architecture

   The proposed framework focuses on a key building block called
   Cognitive Decision System (CDS). The CDS determines how to handle

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   traffic demands and network events, and optimizes network usage and
   performance by taking into account both the current status of the
   network and past history. The CDS also instructs the control plane
   to configure network elements accordingly. Cognition can be
   implemented in a either centralized or distributed ways, depending
   on whether the CDS is a single instance running on a single control
   node in the whole network or it is implemented in different network
   nodes. Figure 2 shows the major building blocks of a centralized
   architecture, where the CDS is based on a single running instance.

   The CDS is assisted by a Control Plane (CP), which feeds the CDS
   with updates regarding network status and resource availability,
   grants the delivery of the decisions made by the CDS to all the
   interested nodes, and watches over the device configuration process,
   notifying any malfunctioning or anomaly.

   The proposed architecture also includes software-defined adaptable
   elements, which implement the decisions made by the CDS (that are in
   turn communicated by the CP) and a Network Monitoring System
   (NMonS), which provides traffic status and optical performance
   measurements to the CDS (again, by means of the CP). The
   functionalities of adaptability and monitoring are handled in each
   node through a physical layer manager, which works as a common
   interface toward the CP, and also through the Network Management
   System (NMS).

   In the following, an overview of each component of the proposed
   framework is provided.

3.1. The Cognitive Decision System

   The Cognitive Decision System (CDS) is involved in very diverse
   tasks related to network control and optimization. Hence, rather
   than implementing the whole CDS as a monolithic module, this is
   divided in different modules, each offering a functionality (or a
   set of related functionalities), and all of them exploiting

   Each module implements a feedback loop where interactions with the
   "environment" guide current and future interactions. However, the
   feedback loop should not only observe and provide decisions, but a
   learning module must also be implemented so that it prevents
   mistakes from previous iterations from being made on future
   iterations. Each module implements the cognitive loop shown in
   Figure 1. The CDS modules consist of two main parts:

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   1. The Cognitive Process, which implements the algorithms to make
      decisions. It takes into account the current network status and
      previous history.

   2. The Knowledge Engineering Subsystem, which handles the
      information used by the cognitive process. This element consists
      of a knowledge base and a learning module, which links the
      cognitive process with its associated knowledge base and executes
      methods to update the knowledge base with acquired experience.

                        |         Cognitive Decision System          |
                        |                                            |
                        ||        Knowledge Engineering Subsystem   ||
   +----------+ Network || +-----------+                +----------+||
   | Network  | status  || |  Generic  |                | Specific |||
   |Monitoring|---------|->| Knowledge |<---+  +--------| Knowledge|||
   | System   |         || |   Base    |    |  |        |   Base   |||
   +----------+         || | (Network  |    |  |        |          |||
         OBSERVE        || |  status)  |    |  |        +----------+||
                        || +-----------+    |  |              ^     ||
                        ||                  |  |        LEARN |     ||
                        |+----------------------------+       v     ||
                        |                   |  |      | +----------+||
                        |                   v  v      | | Specific |||
   +---------+  Request |             +-------------+ | | Learning |||
   | Control |----------|------------>|  Specific   | | |  Module  |||
   |  Plane  | Decision |             |  Cognitive  | | +----------+||
   |protocols|<---------|-------------|   Process   | +-------------+|
   +---------+          |             |   Module    |                |
           ACT          |             +-------------+                |
                        |             ORIENT & DECIDE                |
                        |                                            |

    Figure 3 Relationship between a cognitive process and its associated
                              knowledge base

   Figure 3 presents the building elements of a module of the CDS, as
   well as their relationship to the network monitoring system and the
   control and management system. The network monitoring system gathers
   the network status to a generic knowledge base. Separately, there
   are specific knowledge bases containing all the information
   associated with each of the cognitive processes. Therefore, there
   are as many specific knowledge bases as cognitive processes in the
   CDS. These databases are updated through a specific learning module,

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   which is associated to a single cognitive process. Consequently, a
   cognitive process module can access these two databases (generic and
   specific) to retrieve information and to update them. Finally, when
   a decision is made to handle a request or network event, the
   decision will be communicated to the control plane for its

3.2. Processes and knowledge bases

   The proposed CDS consists of five cognitive processes running in
   parallel, as shown in Figure 2. These processes are implemented in
   the following modules:

   1. Traffic Grooming (TG) Module: It is in charge of routing non-
      optical traffic demands, as for example time division multiplexed
      (TDM) label-switched paths (LSPs) through existing lightpaths
      composing the current virtual topology.

   2. Virtual Topology Design (VTD) Module: It is in charge of
      (re)designing the virtual topology and hence the set of
      lightpaths to be established in the network. This module is used
      for optimizing network performance by rearranging existing

   3. RWA/RMLSA Module: In networks following the ITU-T grid, it solves
      the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem as well as
      determines the modulation level. In elastic networks, it solves
      the routing, modulation level and spectrum allocation (RMLSA)

   4. QoT Estimator Module: It provides estimation (i.e., a theoretical
      prediction) about the quality of transmission (QoT) of new
      lightpaths to be established in the network as well as the impact
      on existing connections when undertaking a new one. Thus, the
      establishment of impairment-aware optical connections relies on
      this module. Once a new lightpath is established, it verifies the
      real QoT (which is provided by network monitors) and uses this
      information to improve the performance of the module for future

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   5. Network Planner & Decision Maker (NPDM) Module: This module
      receives user requests and handles them. It is in charge of
      deciding whether a traffic demand should be directly routed on
      the virtual topology or a new lightpath should be established and
      which parameters should employ. It also determines if the virtual
      topology or the spectrum allocated to connections should be
      optimized. In order to solve those tasks it coordinates the
      operation of the other modules relying on their results. The
      network planner communicates the actions to be performed to the
      network nodes through control plane protocols and handles the
      information received from the network monitoring system.

   Each module has an associated Knowledge Base (KB) in the knowledge
   engineering subsystem, which is linked to the cognitive process by
   means of a learning module. Some of these databases can be read by
   all modules, since they contain services requirements as well as
   current network status. These generic databases are:

   1. Global Traffic Engineering Database (GTED): contains the
      information about traffic status in the network.

   2. Global Physical Parameters Database (GPPD): contains the
      information about the physical topology of the network, and the
      physical monitoring data.

   3. SLAs/QoS/QoT requirements: This database contains the service
      level agreements (SLAs) QoS and QoT parameters associated with
      different services. Hence, when the cognitive system receives a
      request associated to a class of service, it can obtain the
      values of quality of transmission that should be guaranteed when
      handling that request.

4. CCON Use Cases

   In this section, a number of applications of cognition proposed in
   optical networks are discussed.

4.1. Quality of Transmission assessment

   As described in Sect. 3.2, the establishment of impairment-aware
   optical connections relies on the QoT estimator module. It should be
   noticed that once a new lightpath is established, the QoT is
   verified by means of network monitors, and the result of this
   verification may be used to improve the behavior of the module for
   future QoT estimations.

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   The cognitive operation of this module relies on the utilization of
   data mining techniques [Wit2011]. A cognitive QoT estimator based on
   Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) has been recently proposed in [Jim2013].
   The key idea in CBR is to solve a new problem by relying on previous
   experiences (or cases), which are stored in a Knowledge Base (KB).
   Thus, when facing a new problem, the most similar cases stored in
   the KB are retrieved, and by reusing those cases, either directly or
   after adapting them, a solution to the new problem is provided.
   Moreover, the KB can be updated to include new experiences, which
   can lead to improving the performance of the system.

4.2. Path Computation

   The CDS offers the functionality of determining the routes and
   wavelengths/spectrum for the connections to be established in the
   network thanks to its RWA/RMLSA module. In optical networks a
   similar role may be performed by the Path Computation Element (PCE)
   [RFC4655]. Assuming a fixed grid network, the CDS receives requests
   for lightpath establishment, and then computes a route and a
   wavelength for that connection according to the current availabitity
   of resources in the network, which is stored in the Traffic
   Engineering Database (TED). The result of such computation (once
   validated by the QoT estimator module) is used to establish the
   connection by means of the RSVP-TE protocol [RFC3473]. Then, the CDS
   can either take care itself of performing the updates to the TED, or
   rely on the use of the OSPF-TE protocol for that aim, which implies
   that the TED will be updated after some delay. Therefore, in the
   latter case, the CDS may decide to assign to an incoming request a
   resource that has already been assigned to another lightpath, but
   for which the confirmation from OSPF-TE has not reached yet the
   central TED. Hence, relying on OSPF-TE to update the TED leads to
   increasing the blocking probability when compared to a scenario
   where the TED is directly updated by the CDS.

   In [Rod2013] a cognitive mechanism based on an elapsed times matrix
   (ETM) heuristic has been proposed, which aims at avoiding the
   selection of resources which have been recently assigned by the CDS
   (or a PCE) to another request, by exploiting recent past history (a
   situation that may arise, for instance, during a restoration process
   triggered to deal with a link failure). Please note that this
   technique can be easily introduced in stateless PCEs without
   requiring protocol extensions, as it only implies the modification
   of the underlying PCE algorithm.

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4.3. Virtual Topology Design and Reconfiguration

   A further example of the potential of cognition in optical networks
   is related to the virtual topology design module of CDS. A multi-
   objective genetic algorithm has been proposed in [Fer2012] to design
   impairment-aware and survivable virtual topologies, with the aim of
   reducing both the energy consumption and the network congestion. In
   a single execution, the algorithm provides several solutions with
   different trade-offs in terms of the two optimization objectives
   just mentioned (i.e., a collection of virtual topologies which
   constitute a good estimate of the so-called Pareto Optimal Set).
   This method has been further enhanced with two cognitive techniques
   based on the utilization of memory to remember solutions
   successfully used in the past: a) a Tabu list to remember
   connections with low QoT and b) a learning process to select the
   most appropriate knowledge for the current network state from that

   The introduction of cognitive techniques in virtual topology design
   and reconfiguration leads to significant savings in terms of the
   total cost of ownership compared to conventional methods. For
   instance, the case study in [Fer2012] shows that capital and
   operational expenditures can be respectively reduced by up to 20%
   and 25%.

5. Implications on the Control Plane

   A key building block of a Cognitive Capable Optical Network is the
   Control Plane (CP) that complements the Cognitive Decision System
   (CDS). Whatever the chosen architectural approach, current CP
   solutions need to be enhanced to enable the full potential of the
   cognitive processes running in the CDS. A brief description of the
   tasks that the CP must perform in order to achieve such a result is
   provided in the following.

5.1. Disseminate network configuration information

   The CP should control the network configuration providing a
   description of the network in terms of physical components,
   topology, resources availability, and configuration of the used
   resources. This description has to be continuously kept updated by
   the CP, by notifying to the cognitive entities any change occurring
   in the network configuration. In both centralized and distributed
   cognitive architectures this task can be performed by the OSPF-TE
   protocol [RFC4203] of the GMPLS suite. The OSPF-TE protocol has to
   be extended to describe the status of the fixed and configurable
   parameters of the devices inside a node or associated with a link

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   (e.g., amplifiers, filters). Regarding the configuration of the
   devices and the physical components, the CP has different ways to
   collect this information before disseminating it; indeed, it can be
   statically provided by the network operator, or it can be
   dynamically discovered by means of the Link Management Protocol
   (LMP) [RFC4204].  With respect to the disseminated information,
   network scalability can potentially be an issue, since OSPF-TE may
   have a lot of data to advertise; however, this can be mitigated by
   choosing an appropriate number of parameters needed by the cognitive
   system and encoding them accordingly.  In addition, if a centralized
   approach is considered, it could be noted that the central cognitive
   entity, (this is the CDS), should be aware of resource availability,
   since it is such element itself that makes the decisions on the
   devices to configure. Nevertheless, OSPF-TE utilization remains
   paramount to provide the initial configuration of the devices and to
   update the database of the CDS when links are not available anymore.
   Moreover, OSPF-TE is a widely used, standardized, and stable
   protocol; extending it to support the cognitive features is a safer
   solution than implementing these new features as new in a non-
   standard solution.

5.2. Feed the cognitive processes with network data and statistics

   Cognitive processes exploit traffic status information and optical
   quality of transmission measurements, in order to perform effective
   decisions during lightpath setup and to foresee potential service
   disrupting situations. There are different techniques to retrieve
   the aforementioned information and different networking protocols
   are available to manage this task (i.e., SNMP [RFC1157], RMON
   [RFC4502]). The approach proposed in [Sir2012] leverages on a
   monitoring agent located on each node that collects information
   about monitored parameters (e.g., power, BER, OSNR, traffic) by
   querying the physical nodes. This information is sent to a
   monitoring server located in the cognitive node that collects the
   information and stores them in a database, which is accessible by
   the cognitive processes. Moreover, the cognitive entity can also
   receive alarms from monitoring agents when a critical (or
   potentially critical) situation at the physical layer faces up.

5.3. Implement the decisions of the cognitive processes on the device

   The CP has to reserve the resources on the basis of the decisions
   made by the cognitive processes running in the CDS. Also in this
   case, in both centralized and distributed cognitive architectures,
   this task can be performed by a GMPLS protocol, namely the RSVP-TE
   protocol [RFC3473]. On this account, the RSVP-TE protocol must be
   extended to carry the instructions that the cognitive entities have

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   produced for each device throughout the path. In particular, the
   PATH message requires an extension to encode the configuration
   parameters of each device on the path (e.g., the modulation format
   for the transmitters, the port and connectivity parameters of the
   OXC switching matrices). At the end of this process, via non-
   standard communications, the CP may also be able to notify the CDS
   if the required operation has been successfully performed and, in
   case of failure, report the issue that caused such a failure.

   In the proposed framework, the CDS should be able to trigger the re-
   optimization of the resources, in order to achieve a better
   efficiency in terms of utilization, energy efficiency, etc. Complete
   information of network status is needed to perform this task. On
   this account, a distributed approach cannot be easily adopted for
   such a re-optimization, since the information disseminated by OSPF-
   TE does not allow the construction of a stateful database. For what
   concerns the centralized approaches, a standard Path Computation
   Element (PCE)-based solution [RFC4655] would not be suitable to
   carry out this task being the PCE's role to answer to path requests
   forwarded by source nodes.  Although the original PCE architecture
   was not thought to be able to autonomously trigger lightpath
   activation, some recent standardization efforts are trying to
   address this issue by means of extensions to PCEP [Ali2013]; such
   mechanisms should allow a stateful PCE to remotely initiate
   lightpath setup. However, by the time being, the discussion within
   IETF is still at an early stage. A feasible centralized
   implementation based on GMPLS is the one proposed in [Sir2012], in
   which the CDS itself can initiate a lightpath setup and trigger the
   RSVP-TE reservation. Once the reservation has been completed, the CP
   sends a response to the CDS notifying if the required operation has
   been successfully performed and, in case of failure, reporting the
   issue that caused such a failure.

   The process of evolution of the CP may be directed to a joint
   control of the optical and the packet domains. In this perspective,
   an SDN-based controller may cooperate with the cognitive entities
   and the CP of an optical network [Das2012]. The cognitive entities
   could relieve the SDN controller from the high overhead due to the
   complexities at the photonic layer. In particular, they could
   provide to the controller already signaled and optically feasible
   lightpaths, whose computations are optimized on a multi-layer
   fashion and tailored on the basis of the needs of the packet layer.

6. Contributing Authors

   This document was the collective work of several authors. The text
   and content of this document was contributed by the editors and the

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   co-authors listed below (the contact information for the editors
   appears in appropriate section and is not repeated below):

   Yabin Ye
   Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
   Riesstr. 25, C-3.0G
   80992 Munich - Germany
   Phone: +49-89-1588344052


   Dimitrios Klonidis
   Athens Information Technology Center (AIT)
   0.8km Markopoulou Av.
   19002 Peania, Athens - Greece
   Phone: +30-210-6682773


   Andrzej Tymecki
   Orange Labs Poland
   ul.Czere.niowa 8
   21-040 Swidnik, Poland
   Phone: +48-81-5244467


   Idelfonso Tafur Monroy
   Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
   Oerstedsplads 343
   DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
   Phone: +45 45255186


7. Security Considerations


8. IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

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9. References

9.1. Informative References

   [RFC1157] J. Case, M. Fedor, M. Schoffstall, and J. Devin, "A Simple
             Network Management Protocol," IETF RFC 1157, May 1990.

   [RFC3473] L. Berger, "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
             (GMPLS) Signaling Resource ReserVation Protocol-Traffic
             Engineering (RSVP-TE) Extensions," RFC 3473, January 2003.

   [RFC4203] K. Kompella and Y. Rekhter, "OSPF extensions in support of
             Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)", IETF
             RFC 4203, October 2005.

   [RFC4204] J. Lang, "Link Management Protocol (LMP)", IETF RFC 4204,
             October 2005.

   [RFC4502] S. Waldbusser, "Remote Network Monitoring Management
             Information Base Version 2," IETF RFC 4502, May 2006.

   [RFC4655] A. Farrel, J.-P. Vasseur, and J. Ash, "A Path Computation
             Element (PCE)-Based Architecture", RFC 4655, August 2006.

   [Tav2011] W. Tavernier, D. Papadimitriou, D. Colle, "Learning
             Capable Communication Network (LCCN) Problem Statement",
             IETF draft, January 2011, draft-tavernier-irtf-lccn-

   [Beh2013] M. Behringer, M. Pritikin, S. Bjarnason, and A. Clemm, "A
             Framework for Autonomic Networking", IETF draft, October
             2013, draft-behringer-autonomic-network-framework-01.txt.

   [Tho2006] R.W. Thomas, D.H. Friend, L.A. DaSilva, and A.B.
             MacKenzie, "Cognitive networks: Adaptation and learning to
             achieve end-to-end performance objectives," IEEE
             Communications Magazine, pp. 51-57, Dec. 2006.

   [Mov2012] Z. Movahevic, M. Ayari, R. Langar, and G. Pujolle, "A
             survey of autonomic network architectures and evaluation
             criteria," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol.
             14, no. 2, pp. 464-490, Second Quarter 2012.

   [Ger2012] O. Gerstel, M. Jinno, A. Lord, and S.J.B. Yoo, "Elastic
             optical networking: a new dawn for the optical layer?,"
             IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. s12-s20,
             February 2012.

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   [deM2013] I. de Miguel, R. J. Duran, T. Jimenez, N. Fernandez, J. C.
             Aguado, R. M. Lorenzo, A. Caballero, I. Tafur Monroy, Y.
             Ye, A. Tymecki, I. Tomkos, M. Angelou, D. Klonidis, A.
             Francescon, D. Siracusa, E. Salvadori, "Cognitive Dynamic
             Optical networks", Journal of Optical Communications and
             Networking, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. A107-A118, Oct. 2013.

   [Cha2010] C.C.K. Chan, Optical Performance Monitoring - Advanced
             Techniques for Next-Generation Photonic Networks,
             Elsevier, 2010.

   [Kli2010] D. Kliazovich, F. Granelli, and N.L.S. Da Fonseca,
             "Architectures and cross-layer design for cognitive
             networks" in Handbook of sensor networks. World Scientific
             Publishing Co, 2010, Chap. 1.

   [Zer2010] G.S. Zervas and D. Simeonidou, "Cognitive optical
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             ICTON 2010, paper We.C1.3.

   [Wei2012] W. Wei, C. Wang, and J. Yu, "Cognitive optical networks:
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             services," IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 106-113, Jan.

   [Das2012] S. Das, G. Parulkar, and N. McKeown, "Why OpenFlow/SDN can
             succeed where GMPLS failed", Technical Digest ECOC 2012,
             paper Tu.1.D.1.

   [Wit2011] I.H. Witten, E. Frank, and M.A. Hall, Data Mining:
             Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Third
             Edition). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.

   [Jim2013] T. Jimenez, J.C. Aguado, I. de Miguel, R.J. Duran, M.
             Angelou, N. Merayo, P. Fernandez, R.M. Lorenzo, I. Tomkos,
             and E.J. Abril, "A cognitive quality of transmission
             estimator for core optical networks," Journal of Lightwave
             Technology, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 942-951, March 2013.

   [Rod2013] I. Rodriguez, R.J. Duran, D. Siracusa, I. de Miguel, A.
             Francescon, J.C. Aguado, E. Salvadori, and R.M. Lorenzo,
             "Minimization of the impact of the TED inaccuracy problem
             in PCE-based networks by means of cognition," in Proc.
             ECOC 2013, paper We.4.E.2.

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   [Fer2012] N. Fernandez, R.J. Duran, I. de Miguel, N. Merayo, J.C.
             Aguado, P. Fernandez, T. Jimenez, I. Rodriguez, D.
             Sanchez, R.M. Lorenzo, E.J. Abril, M. Angelou, and I.
             Tomkos, "Survivable and impairment-aware virtual
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   [Fer2013] N. Fernandez, R.J. Duran, E. Palkopoulou, I. de Miguel, I.
             Stiakogiannakis, N. Merayo, I. Tomkos, and R.M. Lorenzo,
             "Techno-economic advantages of cognitive virtual topology
             design," in Proc. ECOC 2013, paper Tu.3.E.6.

   [Sir2012] D. Siracusa, E. Salvadori, A. Francescon, A. Zanardi, M.
             Angelou, D. Klonidis, I. Tomkos, D. Sanchez, R.J. Duran,
             and I. de Miguel, "A control plane framework for future
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   [Ali2013] Z. Ali, S. Sivabalan, C. Filsfils, R. Varga, and V. Lopez,
             "Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP)
             Extensions for remote-initiated GMPLS LSP Setup", IETF
             draft (draft-ali-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-lsp-01.txt),
             July 2013

10. Acknowledgments

   This work is supported by the European Commission (EC) Seventh
   Framework Programme (FP7) CHRON project (Grant No. 258644).

   This document was prepared using

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Authors' Addresses

   Domenico Siracusa
   v. alla Cascata 56D
   38123 Trento - Italy
   Phone: +39-0461-408400


   Antonio Francescon
   v. alla Cascata 56D
   38123 Trento - Italy
   Phone: +39-0461-408400


   Elio Salvadori
   v. alla Cascata 56D
   38123 Trento - Italy
   Phone: +39-0461-408400


   Ramon J. Duran
   Universidad de Valladolid
   ETS Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion - Campus Miguel Delibes
   Paseo de Belen 15, 47011 Valladolid - Spain


   Ignacio de Miguel
   Universidad de Valladolid
   ETS Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion - Campus Miguel Delibes
   Paseo de Belen 15, 47011 Valladolid - Spain


   Ruben M. Lorenzo
   Universidad de Valladolid

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   ETS Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion - Campus Miguel Delibes
   Paseo de Belen 15, 47011 Valladolid - Spain


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