Internet DRAFT - draft-sjkoh-dykim-ectp


   Internet Draft                                           Seok J. Koh 
   draft-sjkoh-dykim-ectp-00.txt          Kyungpook National University 
   Expires: April 2006                                    Dae Young Kim 
   October 2005                            Chungnam National University 
   Enhanced Communications Transport Protocol for One-to-Many Multicast  
              Applications with Unicast Reverse Data Channels 
Status of this Memo 
   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any 
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Copyright Notice 
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). 

Koh and Kim              Expires: April 2006                 [Page 1] 
                      ECTP for Duplex Multicast          October 2005 
   This document is a part of the ITU-T Recommendation and ISO/IEC 
   International Standard, named the Enhanced Communications Transport 
   Protocol (ECTP), which is a multicast transport protocol designed to 
   support Internet multicast applications. This third part of ECTP 
   (ECTP-3) describes the protocol specification for the duplex 
   multicast transport. In a duplex connection, a single multicast 
   sender, named TC-Owner (TO), transmits multicast data to the other 
   group members, while some of the participating TS-users may send 
   unicast data to the TO over the reverse data channel.  
Table of Contents 
   1. Introduction...................................................3 
   2. Terminology....................................................4 
      2.1 Definitions................................................4 
      2.2 Abbreviations..............................................5 
      2.3 Conventions................................................5 
   3. Protocol Overview..............................................6 
   4. Design Considerations..........................................9 
      4.1 Participants...............................................9 
      4.2 Control Tree..............................................10 
      4.3 Data Channels.............................................11 
      4.4 Addressing................................................12 
      4.5 Tokens....................................................13 
   5. Packets.......................................................14 
      5.1 Base Header...............................................14 
      5.2 Extension Elements........................................16 
      5.3 Packet Format.............................................18 
   6. Procedures....................................................19 
      6.1 Connection Creation.......................................19 
      6.2 Late Join.................................................20 
      6.3 Forward Data Transport....................................20 
      6.4 Token Control.............................................26 
      6.5 Backward Data Transport...................................27 
      6.6 Connection Management.....................................27 
   7. Timers and Parameters.........................................28 
      7.1 Timers....................................................28 
      7.2 Parameters................................................29 
   Security Considerations..........................................30 
   Author's Addresses...............................................30 
   Intellectual Property............................................31 
   Copyright Statement..............................................31 
   Disclaimer of Validity...........................................31 
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1. Introduction  
   This document (Recommendation | International Standard) specifies the 
   Enhanced Communications Transport Protocol (ECTP), which is a 
   transport protocol designed to support Internet multicast 
   applications running over multicast-capable networks. ECTP shall be 
   provisioned over UDP. 
   ECTP is designed to support tightly controlled multicast connections 
   in simplex, duplex and N-plex applications. This part of ECTP (part 
   3: ITU-T X.607 | ISO/IEC 14476-3) specifies the protocol mechanisms 
   for reliability control in the duplex case.  
   In the ECTP-3 duplex multicast connection, the participants are 
   classified into one TC-Owner and many TS-users. TC-Owner will be 
   designated among the TS-users before the connection begins. In the 
   duplex multicast connection, the two types of data transports are 
   supported: multicast data transport from TC-Owner to all the other 
   TS-users and unicast data transport from TS-users to TC-Owner. After 
   the connection is created, TC-Owner can transmit multicast data to 
   the group, whereas each TS-user is allowed to send unicast data to 
   TC-Owner just after it gets a token from the TC-Owner. 
   In ECTP, TC-Owner is at the heart of multicast group communications. 
   It is responsible for overall connection management by governing the 
   connection creation and termination, connection pause and resumption 
   and the late join and leave operations. 
   The duplex multicast connection specified in ECTP-3 is targeted to 
   the multicast applications in which the TC-Owner (a single multicast 
   sender) transmits the data information to all the other TS-users, and 
   some of the TS-users respond to the multicast sender with the unicast 
   feedback data. Basically, the duplex multicast transport will be well 
   suited to the one-to-many multicast applications that need the 
   unicast feedback channels from some TS-users (e.g., remote education, 
   Internet broadcasting, etc). For example, in a remote education 
   application, the multicast sender (lecturer) transmits the data such 
   as voice, text and image to the student group, whereas some of the 
   students may respond to the lecturer with the unicast data like 
   questions for confirmation. 
   It is noted that this duplex multicast connection can also be used 
   for the æsome-to-manyÆ multicast applications (e.g., a panel 
   conferencing) in which a few of TS-users want to send multicast data 
   to the group. In this scenario, the multicast data from the TS-users 
   may first be delivered to the TC-Owner by unicast, and then TC-Owner 
   will transmit the received unicast data to the group by multicast.  

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2. Terminology  
2.1 Definitions 
   This document also applies the following definitions: 
   TO (TC-Owner)  
      TO can only transmit multicast data to the other TS-users, and it 
      manages overall operations of ECTP-3; 
   TU (TS-User) 
      TU can receive multicast data sent by TO;  
   SU (Sending TU)  
      A TU who gets a token from TO. Only the SU is allowed to send 
      unicast data to TO. In other words, before sending unicast data, 
      each TU must request a token to TO; 
   RA (Repair Agent) 
      It is located on the control tree of ECTP-3. One or more RAs 
      could be designated for scalable error recovery and status 
      monitoring in ECTP-3. An RA is also a TU, that is, it receives 
      multicast data from TO. RAs will be configured as a parent of the 
      local groups through the control tree configuration in ECTP-3; 
      It represents the right for a TU to transmit data. The TU who has 
      a token is called SU. The tokens are managed by TC-Owner; 
   Forward Data Channel  
      It represents the multicast data channel from TO to the TUs. TO 
      sends multicast data to all the other group members over IP 
      multicast address.  
   Backward Data Channel  
      It represents the unicast data channel from a TU (SU) to TO. An 
      SU who has a token can send unicast data to TO over IP unicast 
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2.2 Abbreviations 
   The following acronyms for ECTP protocols are used in this document: 
      ECTP-1     ECTP part 1 (ITU-T X.606 | ISO/IEC 14476-1) 
      ECTP-2     ECTP part 2 (ITU-T X.606.1 | ISO/IEC 14476-2) 
      ECTP-3     ECTP part 3 (ITU-T X.607 | ISO/IEC 14476-3) 
      ECTP-4     ECTP part 4 (ITU-T X.607.1 | ISO/IEC 14476-4) 
      ECTP-5     ECTP part 5 (ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC 14476-5) 
      ECTP-6     ECTP part 6 (ITU-T X.608.1 | ISO/IEC 14476-6) 
   The following acronyms for ECTP-3 packets are used in this document: 
      CCR     Connection Creation Request  
      CCC     Connection Creation Confirm  
      TJR     Tree Join Request 
      TJC     Tree Join Confirm  
      DATA    Data  
      NDATA   Null Data 
      RDATA   Retransmission Data 
      ACK     Acknowledgment 
      HB       Heartbeat 
      HBACK    Heartbeat Acknowledgment 
      LJR     Late Join Request 
      LJC     Late Join Confirm 
      ULR     User Leave Request 
      CTR     Connection Termination Request 
      TGR     Token Get Request 
      TGC     Token Get Confirm 
      TRR     Token Return Request 
      TRC     Token Return Confirm 
2.3 Conventions 
   In this document, the capital characters are used to represent a 
   packet of ECTP-3 (e.g., CCR for Connection Creation Request packet), 
   and the capital and italic characters are used for timers or 
   variables used in ECTP-3 (e.g., CCT for Connection Creation Timer, 
   and AGN for ACK Generation Number). 

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3. Protocol Overview  
   The Enhanced Communications Transport Protocol (ECTP) is a transport 
   protocol designed to support Internet multicast applications. ECTP 
   operates over IPv4/IPv6 networks that have the IP multicast 
   forwarding capability with the help of IGMP and IP multicast routing 
   As shown in Figure 1, the ECTP shall be provisioned over UDP. 
                    | Multicast Applications  | 
                    |          ECTP           | 
                    |          UDP            | 
                    |           IP            | 
                    Figure 1. ECTP Protocol Model 
   Figure 1 illustrates an example of the use of mobile SCTP for 
   seamless handover in IPv4 networks. Based on this figure, the 
   handover procedures are described in the succeeding sections. 
   This document describes the protocol specification of the ECTP part 3 
   (ECTP-3) for the duplex multicast connection. The duplex multicast 
   connection is used for supporting multicast data transport between 
   the participants that are classified into a single TC-Owner (TO) and 
   many TS-users. A duplex multicast connection supports the two types 
   of data channels between the participants: multicast data channel 
   (sent by TO toward all the other TS-users) and unicast data channel 
   (sent by a TS-user to TO). Such a TS-user is called Sending User (SU).  
   Figure 2 illustrates these two types of data transport channels used 
   in the duplex multicast connection. As shown in the figure, TO can 
   transmit multicast data to the other TS-users over IP multicast 
   (group) address. Some SUs may send unicast data to TO. The SU must 
   first get a token from the TO before sending the unicast data. 
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            |                                   | 
            v                  /=============> TU (SU)   
            TO  ==============================> TU 
            ^                  \=============> TU (SU)   
            |                                   | 
             Figure 2. Data Flows in ECTP Duplex Connection 
   To establish a duplex multicast connection, TO transmits a CCR packet 
   to the group. The CCR packet contains the connection information 
   including general characteristics of the connection. In particular, 
   the CCR packet must indicate that the connection type is the duplex 
   multicast transport. Each TU who wants to participate in the 
   connection will respond to the TO with a CCC packet. The connection 
   creation operation will be completed when a pre-determined CCT timer 
   During the connection creation phase, a logical control tree is 
   configured between TO and TUs, or between TUs for providing the 
   scalable reliability control. With the root of the TO, the control 
   tree defines a parent-child relationship between any pair of two TUs. 
   The parent TU is called Repair Agent (RA). Based on the control tree, 
   the error recovery will be performed. To configure a control tree, 
   each TU sends a TJR message to a candidate parent node that has 
   already been connected to the tree. The parent node will respond to 
   the promising child TU with the TJC message. In this way, the control 
   tree will gradually be expanded from the root toward the leaf nodes.  
   Some of the prospective TUs may join the connection as late-joiners. 
   The late-joining TU participates in the connection by sending an LJR 
   message to TO. In response to the LJR message, TO sends an LJC 
   message to the TU. The late-joiner TU will also join the control tree 
   by using the TJR and TJC messages. For this purpose, the LJC message 
   of TO may include the information about the prospective parent RA 
   node for the late-joiner. The late-joining TU may try to connect to 
   the prospective RA node so as to configure the control tree. 
   After the connection is established, the data transmission phase 
   starts. ECTP-3 protocol supports two types of data channels: the 
   forward multicast channel from TO to the group and the backward 
   unicast channel from the TU to TO.  
   ECTP-3 also provides three kinds of reliability options: reliable 
   (error recovery), semi-reliable (partial error recovery), and 
   unreliable (no error recovery). In the reliable option, all the DATA 
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   packets will be recovered by the parent on the tree. In the semi-
   reliable option, the retransmissions of the lost packets are limited 
   by the buffer status of the parent node. That is, the parent node 
   will retransmit only the DATA packets that are at present being 
   contained in the buffer. In the unreliable option, the RDATA packets 
   are not used. It is also noted that each ACK packet does not mean any 
   retransmission request to the parent. The ACK packets are instead 
   used for monitor the receiving status of the receivers. 
   In the forward multicast data transmission, TO can begin the 
   multicast data transmission to the group by using the IP multicast 
   address and group port number. The multicast data packets sent by TO 
   will be sequentially segmented and transmitted by DATA packets to the 
   receiving TUs. The TS-users will deliver the received DATA packets to 
   the upper-layer application in the order transmitted by TO. 
   For the forward multicast data channel of TO, the error control will 
   be performed based on the local group defined by the ECTP control 
   tree. If a child TU detects a data loss, it sends a retransmission 
   request to its parent via ACK packets. Each child generates an ACK 
   packet every ACK Generation Number (AGN) data packets. That is, an 
   ACK packet is generated for the AGN data packets of TO. An ACK 
   message contains a æBitmapÆ to indicate which data packets have been 
   received or not. In response to an ACK packet, each parent RA may 
   retransmit the RDATA packets to its children.  
   In the forward multicast data transport, the HB and HBACK packets are 
   used between a parent and children for the control tree maintenance. 
   A parent transmits HB packets to the children every HB Generation 
   Time (HGT). The HB contains which child must respond to this HB 
   packet with the HBACK packet. The corresponding child will send a 
   HBACK packet to the parent. The HB packet may also be used by the 
   parent to calculate the local RTT for the group. For this purpose, 
   the HB and HBACK packets contain a timestamp. The TO uses this RTT 
   information for the rate-based congestion control that is based on 
   the well-known TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC) 
   equation. The transmission rate of TO will be adjusted based on the 
   RTT and the packet loss rate.  
   For the backward unicast data transport, a certain TU in the 
   connection may get a token from TO by sending a TGR message. The TO 
   will then respond to the TU with the TGC message that contains a 
   Token ID. Accordingly, the total number of tokens in the connection 
   is controlled by TO. The Token ID is used to identify the sender of 
   the unicast DATA packets at the TO side. The TU who has a token is 
   called Sending TU (SU).  
   The SU can send unicast DATA packets to TO. For the error recovery 
   and congestion control, the HB and HBACK packets are exchanged 
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   between SU and TO. The SU sends an HB message to TO. The TO then 
   responds with the HBACK packet that contains the acknowledgement 
   information, as done in ACK packets in the forward multicast channel. 
   It is noted that the HBACK is used for retransmission request in the 
   backward channel. The SU performs the rate-based congestion control, 
   as done in the forward data channel, which is based on the RTT and 
   packet loss rate. 
   After completing the unicast data transmission, the SU will return 
   the token to the TO by sending a TRR message. TO will respond to the 
   SU with a TRC message.  
   The connection management operations are taken in the connection; 
   user leave, the connection pause and resumption, and connection 
   termination. In the User Leave operation, a participating TU may 
   leave the connection by sending a ULR message to the parent. In a 
   certain case, the parent may enforce a specific child TU to leave the 
   connection by sending the ULR message, which is called the 
   troublemaker ejection. The TO may temporarily pause and resume the 
   connection. In the connection pause period, the TO will send NDATA 
   packets to the group.  
   After the TO has completed the data transport, it may terminate the 
   duplex connection by sending a CTR message to the group. 
4. Design Considerations 
   This section describes some considerations for the design of ECTP-3. 
4.1 Participants 
   The participants to an ECTP-3 connection can be classified into one 
   of the following nodes: 
 TO (TC-Owner) 
   ECTP-3 connection has a single TO. The TO is responsible for the 
   overall operations required for connection management including 
   connection creation and termination, control tree creation, late join, 
   and connection maintenance. TO is also a single sender of the forward 
   multicast data channel. Only the TO is allowed for sending the 
   original multicast data to the other participants.  
 TU (TS-User) 
   An ECTP-3 connection has one or more TUs. Each of them receives 
   multicast data from TO.  
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 RA (Repair Agent) 
   In the ECTP-3 connection, an RA is a TU who is responsible for error 
   recovery to the local group by retransmission of data. On the control 
   tree hierarchy of ECTP-3, an RA is a parent node and has its children 
   nodes. Note that an RA is also a TU. That is, an RA also receives 
   multicast data from TO. In ECTP-3, a TU may act as an RA in the 
   connection, or some designated RAs may be used for the error recovery 
   in the connection. It depends on the deployment of ECTP-3. 
 SU (Sending TS-User) 
   An SU is a TU who can send unicast data to TO. In ECTP-3 connection, 
   a TU becomes an SU when it has a token and it can thus transmit 
   unicast data to TO. 
4.2 Control Tree 
   An ECTP-3 connection may configure a control tree for scalable 
   reliability control as follows. 
                          /  |  \  
                   ACKs /    |    \  
                      /      |      \  
                    /        |        \  
                  /          |          \  
                /            |            \  
              RA             RA            RA  
              ^^            ^^^            ^^  
             / |           / | \           | \  
            /  |          /  |  \          |  \  
           /   |         /   |   \         |   \  
          TU  TU       TU   TU   TU        TU  TU  
             Figure 3. ECTP-3 Control Tree 
   In the ECTP-3 control tree, TO is on the top of the tree, which is in 
   the Tree Level 0. RA is a parent node on the tree and has one or more 
   children. The TU nodes, not designated as RA, cannot have its 
   children. Such a control tree will be configured in the connection 
   creation phase. 
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   Error recovery in ECTP-3 will be performed within each local group 
   defined by the control tree. A child can request retransmission to 
   its parent RA. In response to the request, the parent RA will 
   retransmit the data packets to the children, if it has them in the 
   buffer. An RA is also a TU, and it thus receives the multicast data 
   from the TO. The control tree is applied only for forward multicast 
   data channel. The control tree does not apply to the backward unicast 
   data channel. 
4.3 Data Channels 
   In ECTP-3, the two types of data channels are used: forward and 
   backward data channels.  
 Forward Data Channel 
   The forward data channel is used for TO to send multicast data to the 
   other TUs. The forward data channel can also be used for an RA to 
   send Retransmission Data to its children TUs. 
   The forward data channel address consists of the group (multicast) IP 
   address and the group port. TO sends multicast data via DATA packets 
   by using the forward data channel address. TO and RAs can also 
   retransmit multicast data via RDATA packets by using the forward data 
   channel address. 
   The following figure illustrates the use of the forward multicast 
   data channels in ECTP-3. 
 Backward Data Channel 
   The backward data channel is used by an SU to send unicast datat to 
   TO. The backward channel address consists of the IP address of TO and 
   the ægroupÆ port.  
   The following figure illustrates the use of the backward unicast data 
   channels in ECTP-3. 
   Each SU must send unicast data via DATA and RDATA packets to TO by 
   using this backward data channel address as the destination address. 
   On the other hand, TO must bind its backward data channel address to 
   receive the unicast data from any SU in the connection. 

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4.4 Addressing 
   In ECTP-3, each packet uses the following types of IP addresses and 
   port number for its source and destination address: 
   - Group IP address and Local IP address; 
   - Group port and Local port. 
 Group and Local IP Addresses 
   The group IP address is the IP multicast address (e.g., Class D 
   address for IPv4), whereas a local IP address represents the unicast 
   IP address for each of the ECTP participants: TO, RAs and TUs. 
   The group IP address is used as the destination address of the 
   packets that need to be multicast by TO and RAs. For example, the CCR 
   and DATA packets of TO will use the group IP address as the 
   destination address of the associated IP packets. Each RA also uses 
   the group IP address as the destination address of the RDATA and HB 
   The local IP address of each participant is used as the source and 
   destination IP address for the unicast packets, and also the source 
   address for the multicast packets. 
   It is noted that the group IP address and the local IP address of TO 
   must be announced to all the prospective participants via an out-of-
   band signaling such as Web announcement. 
 Group and Local Ports 
   The group port represents the port number that has been announced to 
   all of the ECTP-3 participants before the connection. In ECTP-3, the 
   group port will typically be used as the ædestination portÆ of the 
   ECTP-3 multicast packets transmitted by TO or RAs, such as CCR and 
   DATA. That is, each TU should bind to the group IP address and port 
   so as to receive the relevant ECTP-3 multicast packets.  
   The group port number is also used by SU to send unicast data to TO. 
   That is, TO will bind to the local port with its local IP address so 
   as to receive the unicast data from any SU. In particular, the group 
   port is also used as the destination port of the packet that requests 
   a certain action, such as LJR. 
   On the other hand, in the other cases that are not described above, 
   the ECTP-3 packet will use the local port number as source and/or 
   destination ports. For example, in response to the Late Join Request 
   from a TU, the TO will respond with the Late Join Confirm message 
   that use the local port of the TU as the destination port. 

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   The detailed use of the local IP address and port will be specified 
   for each of the ECTP-3 packets in the later section. 
 Addresses of Data Channels 
   In ECTP-3, all the data packets use the group port number as the 
   destination port. Accordingly, before the connection creation, the 
   following information must be announced to all of the ECTP-3 
   participants via an out-of-band signaling such as Web announcement. 
   - Group IP address and Group port; 
   - Local IP address of TO. 
   The following figure describes the use of IP address and port for the 
   forward and backward data channels. The forward multicast data 
   packets use the group IP address and port number as the destination 
   address of the data packets, whereas the backward data packets use 
   the local IP address of TO and the group port number as the 
   destination address. 
4.5 Tokens 
   In ECTP-3, a token represents the right for a TU to send a unicast 
   data to TO. Before transmitting the data, each TS-user must get a 
   token from the TO, as per the Token Control procedures of ECTP-3.  
   Each token is represented as a 1-byte non-negative integer in ECTP-3. 
   Such a token number (or Token ID) will be assigned by TO when a TU 
   requests a token in the connection. Token ID is ranged between 1 and 
   255. The Token ID of æ0Æ is reserved for use of TO. At the TO side, 
   the Token ID can be used to identify who is sending the unicast data. 

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5. Packets  
   An ECTP packet contains a 16-byte base header together with either 
   extension elements or user data. It is noted that the data packets do 
   not include any extension elements.  
   In this section, we give a brief sketch of the ECTP-3 packet format. 
   More detailed description on the packet format is given in [6]. 
5.1 Base Header 
   The 16-byte base header contains the information helpful to all the 
   protocol operations, in particular for the data packets.  
   The base header contains the following information: 
 Next Element (4 bits) 
   This specifies the type of the extension element immediately 
   following the base header. The encoding values of the extension 
   elements will be described later. The extension element value of 
   æ0000Æ means that the next part of this packet contains the user data, 
   if any. 
 Version (2 bits) 
   This defines the version of the ECTP-3 protocol. Its current version 
   is encoded as æ00Æ. 
 CT (Connection Type): (2 bits) 
   This specifies the type of the ECTP connection. The encoding value 
   for the connection type is as follows: 
      01 û simplex multicast connection (for ECTP-1 and ECTP-2); 
      10 û duplex multicast connection (for ECTP-3 and ECTP-4); 
      11 û N-lex multicast connection (for ECTP-5 and ECTP-6); 
   The value 00 is reserved for future use. In this ECTP-3 specification, 
   the CT must be set as 10. It is noted that this definition is 
   compatible with the specifications of ECTP-1 and ECTP-2. 
 Packet Type (8 bits) 
   It indicates the type of this ECTP-3 packet. The encoding values of 
   the ECTP-3 packets will be described later. 
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 Checksum (16 bits) 
   This is used to check the validity of the ECTP-3 packet that includes 
   the base header, extension header and/or user data. The ECTP-3 
   checksum is calculated by using the conventional complement 
   arithmetic operation, as done in TCP and UDP. 
 Connection ID (32 bits) 
   The Connection ID is used to identify an ECTP connection by the ECTP 
   host. It may also be used to verify the connection. In the connection 
   setup phase, this information must first be informed by TO to the 
   other participants via the CCR or LJC packets. All the otherECTP-3 
   packets must set this field to be the value announced by TO. 
 PSN (32 bits) 
   This value represents the sequence number of the data packet for the 
   ECTP-3 DATA or RDATA packets. For some control packets such as NDATA 
   or HB packets, this value has a different semantic, which will be 
   described later. For the other control packets, it is ignored. This 
   sequence number is a 32-bit unsigned number that starts with the 
   initial sequence number and increases by 1, and wraps back around to 
   1 after reaching 232-1. 
 Payload Length (16 bits) 
   This value indicates the total length of the extension headers or 
   user data in byte, following the base header. 
 F (1 bit) 
   It is a flag bit. The use of this flag depends on the packet types: 
      For the LJC (Late Join Confirm), TJC (Tree Join Confirm), Token 
      Get Confirm (TGC), Token Return Confirm (TRC) packets, the F = 1 
      indicates that each of the corresponding join request is accepted. 
      F is set to 0, otherwise; 
      For the ULR (User Leave Request) packet, F is set to 1 for the 
      user-invoked leave, or set to 0 for the troublemaker ejection; 
      For the CTR (Connection Termination Request) packet, F is set to 
      1 for an abnormal termination, or set to 0 for the normal 
      termination after all the data have been transmitted;  
      For the token control operations, TGR and TRR request messages 
      use this flag so as to indicate whether this is the TO-initiated 
      or TU-initiated token control.  
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   For the other packets, the detailed description is given in the 
   protocol procedure section. Otherwise, if any usage is not specified, 
   this field will be ignored. 
 Reserved (7 bit) 
   This field is reserved for future use. 
 Token ID (8 bit) 
   The Token ID is valid only for data packets: DATA and RDATA packets. 
   This represents who is the source of the data packets. The Token ID 
   value is ranged between 0 and 255. Each SU receives a Token ID from 
   TO via the token get procedure and sets this field to be the number 
   assigned by TO. The forward multicast data packets of TO set this 
   field to be æ0Æ. 
5.2 Extension Elements 
   The ECTP packets used for control may contain one or more extension 
   elements along with the base header. The based header and each 
   extension element has the field of Next Element that points to the 
   immediately succeeding extension element, if any.  
   The Next Element field is encoded as shown in the following table. It 
   is noted that the 0000 means No Element. Accordingly, the last 
   extension element of an ECTP packet must set its Next Element field 
   to æ0000Æ.  
                 Table 1. Extension Elements 
       | Extension Element | Encoding| Length (bytes)  | 
       | End of Element    |  0000   |      0          | 
       | Connection        |  0001   |      4          | 
       | Acknowledgement   |  0010   |   Variable      | 
       | Membership        |  0011   |      4          | 
       | Timestamp Report  |  0100   |      12         | 
       | IP Address        |  0101   |     8 or 20     | 
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   It is noted that all the extension elements other than Address 
   element have already been defined in ECTP-1 and ECTP-2. Accordingly, 
   the encoding values of those extension elements will be reused in 
   ECTP-3. It is noted that the encoding value of 0101 is reserved for 
   the QoS extension element, which is not used in ECTP-3, and may be 
   defined for the QoS management in ECTP-4. 
   All the extension elements described in the table will be defined in 
   this section by encompassing the requirements for the ECTP-3 protocol.  
 Connection Element 
   The connection extension element contains overall information on the 
   ECTP-3 transport connection. It is encoded as 0001 in the Next 
   Element field of the preceding element or based header. This 
   extension element must be included in the CCR, LJC and TGR packets.  
 Acknowledgement Element 
   This extension element provides information on the status of the 
   packet reception at the child node, which will be referred to by the 
   parent node for the error, flow and congestion control. This 
   extension header is attached to the ACK packet. It is encoded as 
   æ0010Æ in the Next Element field of the preceding element or based 
 Membership Element 
   This 4-byte extension element contains information on the tree 
   membership. It is encoded as 0011 in the Next Element field of the 
   preceding element or based header. 
 Timestamp Element 
   The Timestamp element is encoded as 0100 in the Next Element field of 
   the preceding element or based header. The ECTP-3 uses the 8-byte 
   timestamp so as to calculate Round Trip Time (RTT).  
 Address Element 
   The Address extension element is encoded as 0110 in the Next Element 
   field of the preceding element or based header. This element is 
   attached to the packet when the protocol needs to specify the IPv4 or 
   IPv6 address of the participant concerned. For example, the LJC 
   packet of TO may include this element so as to inform a late-joining 
   TU about the IP address of the promising RA that the TU may connect.  
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5.3 Packet Format 
   ECTP-3 defines the total 18 packet types: 3 types of data packets and 
   15 types of control packets. The following table summarizes the 
   packets used in ECTP-3.  
                           Table 2. ECTP-3 Packets 
   |    Full Name               |Acronym|   From   |     To    |M/U| 
   |Connection Creation Request |  CCR  |    TO    |    TUs    | M | 
   |Connection Creation Confirm |  CCC  |    TU    |     TO    | U | 
   |     Tree Join Request      |  TJR  |   Child  |   Parent  | U | 
   |     Tree Join Confirm      |  TJC  |   Parent |   Child   | U | 
   |          Data              | DATA  |   TO/SU  |   TUs/TO  |M/U| 
   |        Null Data           | NDATA |    TO    |    TUs    | M | 
   |    Retransmission Data     | RDATA |Parent/SU |Children/TO|M/U| 
   |      Acknowledgement       |  ACK  |  Child   |   Parent  | U | 
   |          Heartbeat         |  HB   |Parent/SU |Children/TO|M/U| 
   |        Heartbeat ACK       | HBACK | Child/TO | Parent/SU | U | 
   |     Late Join Request      |  LJR  |    TU    |    TO     | U | 
   |     Late Join Confirm      |  LJC  |    TO    |    TU     | U | 
   |     User Leave Request     |  ULR  |Child/Par.|Par./Child | U | 
   | Connection Term. Request   |  CTR  |    TO    |    TUs    | M | 
   |     Token Get Request      |  TGR  |    SU    |    TO     | U | 
   |     Token Get Confirm      |  TGC  |    TO    |    SU     | U | 
   |     Token Return Request   |  TRR  |    SU    |    TO     | U | 
   |     Token Return Confirm   |  TRC  |    TO    |    SU     | U | 
   (*) In the table, M/U means Multicast and Unicast. 
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   In the table, the parent node represents TO or RA, and the packets 
   used for token control can be initiated by SU as well as TO. As also 
   shown in the table, all of the ECTP-3 packets are exchanged between 
   the participants in the request-and-conform manner. For example, the 
   CCR request expects to receive the corresponding CCC confirm message. 
   The ACK messages will be used to confirm the DATA and RDATA messages. 
   On the other hand, ULR and CTR messages do not require any responding 
   confirm messages. 
6. Procedures  
   This section describes the protocol procedures of ECTP-3. Before an 
   ECTP-3 connection is created, the following address information 
   should be announced to the prospective participants: TU and RA. 
   - Multicast IP address of the group 
   - Group port number 
   - IP address of TO 
   This information may be announced to the prospective participants via 
   an out-of-band signaling mechanism such as Web announcement. 
   Accordingly, the prospective TU should be able to bind the group IP 
   address and port so as to receive the CCR packet from the TO. A 
   prospective late-joiner TU should also send a LJR packet to the TO. 
6.1 Connection Creation 
   An ECTP-3 connection will begin when TO sends the first ECTP-packet, 
   CCR, to the group over the multicast group IP address and port. An 
   ECTP-3 control tree is also configured in the connection creation 
   TO begins the connection creation operation by sending the CCR packet 
   to the group. The CCR packet contains the generic information on the 
   connection element such as TCO (Tree Configuration Option), RO 
   (Reliability Option), and MSS (Maximum Segment Size). 
   After sending the CCR packet, TO starts the CCT (Connection Creation 
   Timer). Only the CCC packets will be allowed during the CCT timer. 
   Each TU should join the control tree before responding with a CCC 
   packet. In the connection creation phase, each TU can join only the 
   TO as the parent.  
   To join the control tree, each TU sends a TJR packet to TO. TO then 
   responds to the TU with the TJC packet. The TJC packet should 
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   indicate whether the tree join request is accepted or not by using 
   the F flag of the base header. 
   The TJC packet should also contain the Child ID and Tree Level in the 
   membership element. The TJC packet may optionally contain the address 
   element to represent a promising parent RA for the TU. It needs to 
   ensure that the parent RA has already been on the tree. 
6.2 Late Join 
   Some of the prospective participants may join the ECTP-3 connection 
   as a late joiner. In particular, any TU is allowed to join the 
   connection as a late joiner, after the CCT timer expires. 
   The late joiner TU sends an LJR packet to TO. In response to the LJR 
   packet, the TO sends an LJC packet to the TU, which should indicate 
   that the request is accepted or not by using the F flag of the base 
   The LJC packet should contain the connection element. It may also 
   contain the address element so as to recommend the promising parent 
   RA for the TU. If no address element is indicated the TU may try to 
   join the TO in the control tree configuration. 
   If the LJC packet does not arrive within the RXT (Retransmission 
   Timeout), the late joiner may try to send the LJR packet again. 
   To join the control tree, the TU should send a TJR packet to the 
   promising parent RA, as indicated by TO via the LJC packet, or to the 
   parent TO. The TO then responds with the TJC packet to the TU.  
   If the TJC packet does not arrive within the RXT, the late joiner may 
   try to send the TJR packet again. 
   In this way, the ECTP-3 control tree will be configured in the 
   hierarchical manner. 
6.3 Forward Data Transport 
   In the ECTP-3 forward data channel, the TO sends multicast DATA 
   packets to the group. When a data packet loss is detected by the 
   receiving TU, the retransmission for error recovery will be performed 
   within a local group that is defined by the control tree. 
   On the other hand, ECTP-3 provides three kinds of Reliability Option 
   (RO) for error control operations: reliable, semi-reliable, and 
   unreliable. The semantics of the RO are as follows: 
   1) Reliable Transport (error recovery) 
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      In the reliable option, all the DATA packets will be recovered by 
      the parent on the tree. Each child requests the retransmission 
      via ACK packet, and the parent sends the corresponding RDATA 
      packet over the multicast address. 
   2) Semi-reliable Transport (partial error recovery) 
      In the semi-reliable option, the retransmissions of the lost 
      packets are limited by the buffer status of the parent node. That 
      is, the parent node will retransmit only the DATA packets that 
      are at present being contained in the buffer. It is noted that 
      the parent node need not keep all the DATA packets in the buffer. 
      The parent will rather delete the old DATA packets from the 
      buffer, which have not been acknowledged by the children. 
      It is noted in the semi-reliable option that the parent should 
      announce its children about which DATA packets could be recovered 
      in the error recovery. For this purpose, the parent node will use 
      the periodic HB packets. Specifically, the PSN filed of the base 
      header of the HB packet will indicate the lowest sequence number 
      of DATA packets that are contained in the buffer. 
   3) Unreliable Transport (no error recovery) 
      In the unreliable option, the RDATA packets are not used. It is 
      also noted that each ACK packet does not mean any retransmission 
      request to the parent. The ACK packets are instead used by the 
      parent to monitor the status of the connection such as ADN. 
6.3.1 Multicast Data Transmission 
   After the connection creation, the TO can send multicast DATA packets 
   to the group members.  
   TO will generate DATA packets by the segmentation procedure. To do 
   this, TO splits a multicast data stream of application into multiple 
   DATA packets. Each DATA packet has its own sequence number. When TO 
   has no data to transmit, TO may transmit the periodic NDATA packets 
   in the connection pause period.  
   Each TU delivers all the data packets received to the application in 
   the order sent by TO. Each receiver reassembles the received packets. 
   Corrupted and lost packets are detected by using a checksum and 
   sequence number. A corrupted packet is also considered as a loss. The 
   lost DATA packets are recovered in the error control function.  

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   ECTP-3 uses the flow control based on a fixed-size window. The window 
   size represents the number of unacknowledged data packets in the 
   sending buffer. TO can maximally transmit the window size of data 
   packets at the configured data transmission rate. In ECTP-3, the 
   transmission rate of multicast data is controlled by the rate-based 
   congestion control mechanisms. 
   A new DATA packet is sequentially numbered by TO. The sequence number 
   of the DATA packet starts from Initial PSN and increases by 1. The 
   sequence number is used to detect lost data packets by receivers. The 
   Initial PSN is randomly generated other than 0. The sequence number 
   of 0 is reserved. The packet sequence number is increased for each 
   new DATA packet. Modulo 232 arithmetic is used and the sequence 
   number wraps back around to 1 after reaching <232 û 1>. The Initial 
   PSN number will be informed to the TUs by way of CCR or LJC packet. 
6.3.2 Reliability Control for Reliable Transport 
   When the reliability option for the connection indicates Reliable (RO 
   = 10), all the DATA packets should be recovered in the error recovery 
 Error Detection 
   The checksum field of the base header is used for detection of packet 
   corruption, and the PSN field is for detection of a packet loss. When 
   a data packet is received, each receiver examines the checksum. If 
   the checksum field is invalid, the packet is regarded as a corruption 
   and shall be discarded. A corruption is treated as a loss. The loss 
   can be detected as a gap of two consecutive sequence numbers for DATA 
   packets. The loss information is recorded into the ACK bitmap, which 
   is attached to the subsequent ACK packets.  
   ACK packets are used for the retransmission requests. When a receiver 
   detects a gap in the sequence numbers of received packets, it sets to 
   zero the bit of the ACK bitmap that corresponds to the lost DATA 
   packet. The ACK bitmap is included into the acknowledgement element, 
   which is attached to the subsequent ACK packet and delivered to the 
   parent by the ACK generation mechanisms. 
   For a local group, a parent and its children maintain the Lowest 
   Sequence Number (LSN) variables to determine the status of DATA 
   packets. For a child, the LSN represents the sequence number of the 
   lowest numbered DATA packet that the child has not received. For a 
   parent, the LSN represents the sequence number of the lowest numbered 
   DT packet that has not been acknowledged by its children. 

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   To request the retransmissions of lost data, each child makes an 
   acknowledgement element containing the LSN, Valid Bitmap Length and 
   ACK Bitmap. The ACK Bitmap specifies a success or a failure of a 
   packet delivery for each DATA packet; 1 for success and 0 for failure. 
   Suppose Bitmap = 01101111, LSN = 15. Then the DATA packets with the 
   sequence number 15 and 18 are lost. 
 Retransmission Request by ACK Generation 
   Each child generates an ACK packet by ACK Generation Number (AGN). 
   Each child sends an ACK packet to its parent every AGN number of 
   packets. To do this, a child receives a Child ID from its parent in 
   tree configuration, which is contained in the tree membership element 
   of the TJC packet.  
   Each child sends an ACK packet to its parent, if the PSN number of a 
   DATA packet modulo AGN equals Child ID modulo AGN, i.e., if  
                        PSN % AGN = Child ID % AGN. 
   Suppose AGN = 8 and Child ID = 2. The child generates an ACK packet 
   for the DT packets whose sequence numbers are 2, 10, 18, 26, etc. 
   This ACK generation rule is applied when the corresponding DT packet 
   is received or detected as a loss by the child. 
 Retransmissions and ACK Aggregation by RA 
   Each parent uses ACK packets to gather status information for the 
   error recovery. Each time a parent receives an ACK packet from any of 
   its children, it records and updates the status information on which 
   packets have been successfully received by its children.  
   A DATA packet is defined as a æstableÆ packet if all of the children 
   have received it. The stable DATA packets are released out of the 
   buffer memory of the parent. When a parent receives an ACK packet 
   from one of its children, if one or more packet losses are indicated, 
   the parent transmits the corresponding RDATA packets to all of its 
   children over its multicast control address.  
   After a parent retransmits an RDATA packet, it will ignore any 
   subsequent retransmission requests for the same packet during the RXT 
   An ACK packet contains information on the number of active 
   descendants (ADN). The parent aggregates the ADN variables for all of 
   its children, and sends the aggregated information to its parent 
   (when it sends an ACK to the parent.  
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6.3.3 Reliability Control for Semi-Reliable Transport 
   When the reliability option for the connection indicates <Semi-
   Reliable> (RO = 01), the error recovery against the data loss is 
   limited to the DATA packets that the parent is at present containing 
   in the buffer.  The other procedures are the same with those for the 
   reliable data transport. 
   To inform the children about which DATA packets can be recovered 
   against loss event, the parent uses the periodic HB packet. The PSN 
   value of the HB packet represents the lowest sequence number of the 
   DATA packets that can be contained in the buffer of the parent. 
   Each child node should construct its ACK bitmap based on the 
   announced PSN value. The data packets with the sequence number lower 
   than the PSN may be delivered to its upper layer application at the 
   child side. 
6.3.4 Reliability Control for Unreliable Transport 
   When the reliability option for the connection indicates Unreliable 
   (RO = 00), the error recovery is not performed; hence no RDATA 
   packets of the parents are used. Accordingly, each TU will deliver 
   the DATA packets to the application, as they are received, even when 
   a data loss is detected. 
6.3.5 Control Tree Maintenance 
   The ECTP-3 control tree is maintained using the HB and HBACK packets. 
   Each parent RA advertises periodic HB packets using Heartbeat 
   Generation Time (HGT), after it becomes an on-tree node. The default 
   HGT is 3 second. The HB packet contains the information (Child ID of 
   the membership element) about which child should respond to this HB 
   packet. The corresponding child should respond with the HBACK packet. 
   In ECTP-3, the exchange of HB and HBACK packets between a parent and 
   children is done with the following three purposes: 
   1) Check whether the tree node is still alive 
      A child detects the failure of its parent, if it cannot receive 
      any packets such as HB and RDATA packets from the parent during 
      the time interval of FDN (Failure Detection Number) x Heartbeat 
      Generation Time (HGT). Then the child begins to find an alternate 
      parent. The default FDN is 3. 
      A parent detects the failure of a child, if it cannot hear any 
      HBACK packets from the child for the FDN consecutive HB packets. 
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      If a child is detected as a failure, the parent sends an ULR 
      packet (for troublemaker ejection) to the failed child, and 
      clears the child out of its children list. 
   2) Information on DATA packets that can be recovered 
      The HB packet of the parent contains the information in the PSN 
      field of the header, which represents the lowest sequence number 
      of DATA packet that is contained in the buffer. This information 
      will be referred to by the children in the ACK generation. 
   3) Calculation of local RTT 
      On the other hand, the HB and HBACK can also be used for 
      calculate the Round Trip Time (RTT) for a local group. A parent 
      RA sends a HB packet containing a timestamp element to its 
      children every HGT interval. The corresponding child will also 
      contain the timestamp element as it is in the HBACK packet.  
      Receiving an HBACK packet from a child, the parent RA calculates 
      the RTT by subtracting Timestamp from the current time. The RTT 
      is recorded into the children list. The parent determines the 
      Local RTT by the maxim RTT value for its children. 
6.3.5 Congestion Control for Forward Data Channel 
   For the forward multicast data transport, the congestion control will 
   be done by TO to adjust the data transmission rate. The adjustment of 
   transmission rate of TO is controlled based on the packet loss rate 
   and the RTT for the local group. The RTT for the local group may be 
   calculated using the HB and HBACK packets. 
   The congestion control algorithm (i.e., the algorithm for 
   transmission rate adjustment of TO) follows the well-known TCP-
   Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC) algorithm, which has 
   been developed in the IETF RMT WG.  The TFMCC algorithm is featured 
    ôTFMCC is a congestion control mechanism for multicast 
    transmissions in a best-effort Internet environment. It is a 
    single-rate congestion control scheme, where the sending rate is 
    adapted to the receiver experiencing the worst network conditions.  
    TFMCC is reasonably fair when competing for bandwidth with TCP 
    flows and has a relatively low variation of throughput over time, 
    making it suitable for applications such as streaming media where a 
    relatively smooth sending rate is of importance.ö 
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   In ECTP-3, the TO will calculate the sending rate X, which is based 
   on the s (MSS), R (local RTT), and p (packet loss rate). It is noted 
   that the packet loss rate will be determined by TO as æthe number of 
   loss events as a fraction of the number of packets transmitted.Æ The 
   RTT will also be calculated in the Control Tree Maintenance operation. 
   TO will take the maximum value of the RTTs and packet loss rate that 
   have been reported from its children. 
6.4 Token Control  
   In ECTP-3, a token represents the right to send a data to the TO in 
   the backward unicast data channel. Each TU who wants to transmit a 
   data to TO must get a token from the TO. The TU will be an SU after 
   getting a token from TO. In this way, TO can control the maximum 
   number of tokens simultaneously active for the connection.  
   An SU returns the token after completing the unicast data 
   transmission to TO. 
6.4.1 Token Get  
   The TU can get a token from TO. In this Token Get operation, the TU 
   first requests a token to TO. The following figure shows the 
   operations for Token Get. 
   To get a token in the Token Get operation, a TU sends a TGR message 
   to TO, and then waits for the corresponding TGC message. In response 
   to the TGR packet, the TO should send a TGC message to the TU. The 
   TGC message should indicate whether the request is accepted or not by 
   using the F flag of the base header. In case of the acceptance, the 
   message will also contain a valid Token ID and Initial PSN in the 
   base header. If the responding TGC message has not arrived until the 
   RTO timer expires, the TU may send the TGR message again. 
   The TU (i.e., SU) should respond with the TGC message that sets the F 
   flag to æ0Æ (acceptance). If the responding TGC message has not 
   arrived from the SU until the RTO timer expires, the TO may send the 
   TGR message to SU again. 
6.4.2 Token Return 
   When completing data transmission, the SU may return the token to TO. 
   The SU can return its token to TO. In this Token Return operation, 
   the TU sends the TRR packet to TO. 
   In the Token Return case, the SU sends a TRR message to TO. The TO 
   then responds with the TRC message. On the other hand, in the Token 
   Withdrawal case, the TO may enforce the concerned SU to return the 
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   token by sending a TRR message. If the responding TRC message has not 
   arrived until the RTO timer expires, the TRR message may be sent 
6.5 Backward Data Transport 
   After getting a token from TO, an SU can transmit unicast DATA 
   packets to TO.  
6.5.1 Unicast Data Transmission 
   In the backward unicast data channel, the initial sequence number 
   (ISN) of SU is indicated in the PSN field of the header of the TGR 
   (in the Token Get case) or TGC (in the Token Give case). The ISN is 
   randomly generated other than æ0Æ, as done in the forward data 
   The DATA packets transmitted by SU must indicate the Token ID that is 
   allocated by TO. 
6.5.2 Reliability Control for Unicast Data Channel 
   The reliability control for the unicast data channel will be done 
   between SU and TO. In the data transmission phase, the SU sends a HB 
   packet to the TO every HGT time interval. The TO should respond with 
   the HBACK packet to the SU. The HBACK packet may indicate the 
   retransmission request in the Acknowledgement element. In this case, 
   the SU sends the corresponding RDATA packet. 
   The HB and HBACK packet will also be used to calculate the RTT 
   between SU and TO. 
6.5.3 Congestion Control for Unicast Data Channel 
   The congestion control (sending rate adjustment) of SU is performed, 
   as done in the forward data channel. Based on the packet loss rate 
   and RTT, the SU calculate the transmission rate. 
6.6 Connection Management 
6.6.1 User Leave 
   In the User Leave case, the child node will send a ULR message to its 
   parent (RA or TO). In the Troublemaker Ejection case, the parent will 
   request the concerned child to leave the connection. In both cases, 
   the ULR message does not require the corresponding confirm message. 
   It is noted that the User Leave operation is performed between a 
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   parent and a child over the control tree, rather than between TO and 
   TU. The troublemaker ejection may be applied to the child that has 
   not been responding during a certain time interval in the HB and 
   HBACK operation for tree maintenance. It is not recommended to apply 
   the troublemaker ejection to an RA node that has one or more children. 
6.6.2 Connection Pause and Termination 
   In ECTP-3, the TO may pause the connection temporarily for a certain 
   reason. For example, when it has no user data to transmit, the TO may 
   pause the connection. The connection may also resume. During the 
   connection pause period, the TO may send NDATA packet. The TO may 
   also terminate the connection when it has completed the data 
   transmission. The TO performs the connection termination by sending a 
   CTR message to the group.  
7. Timers and Parameters 
   This section summarizes the timers and variables used for ECTP-3 for 
7.1 Timers 
 CCT (Connection Creation Time) 
   TO triggers the CCT timer when sending the CCR packet to the group. 
   The TO will process only the CCC packets that arrive from the 
   prospective TUs before the CCT timer.  
   A specific value of CCT will be configured by the TO. 
 LJT (Late Join Time) 
   When a promising late-joining TU starts an ECTP connection, if it 
   cannot receive any CCR message during the LJT time, it will try to 
   join the ECTP connection as a late-joiner by sending an LJR message 
   to the TO. 
   A specific value of LJT will be configured by the TU. 
 HGT (Heartbeat Generation Time) 
   Each parent node transmits the HB packet to its children every HGT 
   second. Each child will respond with the HBACK packet if the Child ID 
   of the HB packet is equal to its Child ID. The SU also sends the HB 
   packets every HGT interval. The TO will respond with the HBACK packet.  
   The choice of HGT depends on the parent node and SU. 
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 RXT (Retransmission Time) 
   In ECTP, the RXT timer is used by the packet initiator to wait for 
   the corresponding confirm packet. For example, a late joiner TU sends 
   an LJR packet to TO and waits for the LJC packet until the RXT timer 
   expires. When the timer expires and the confirm packet has not 
   arrived until then, it may send the request packet again. 
   The RXT timer can also be used by a parent node to back off the 
   retransmission request from the children for the RDATA packets that 
   have already been retransmitted. 
   A specific value of RXT depends on the implementation. 
7.2 Parameters 
 ADN (Active Descendants Number) 
   This represents the number of the active descendants on the tree. 
   Each RA calculates the ADN value and delivers it via the ACK packet 
   to the parent. In this way, the TO can be informed about the total 
   number of active participants in the connection. 
 AGN (ACK Generation Number) 
   The AGN value will be informed to the TUs via the Connection 
   Information element. This AGN value is referred to by each child node 
   to realize when it should generate its ACK packet toward its parent. 
 FDN (Failure Detection Number) 
   The FDN number is used for a tree node to detect whether its parent 
   or child node is still alive. In the tree maintenance, the parent may 
   eject a child if the child has not been responding during the FDN 
   consecutive times of HB packets. 
 PSN (Packet Sequence Number) 
   Each DATA packet has its own PSN value in the header. This is used 
   for the receiving TU to check the packet loss event and to rearrange 
   the DATA packet in the order transmitted.  
   ISN (Initial Sequence Number) is the initial PSN of the data sender, 
   whereas the LSN (Lowest Sequence Number) represents the lowest 
   sequence number of the DATA packets contained in the buffer. 

Koh and Kim              Expires: April 2006                [Page 29] 
                      ECTP for Duplex Multicast          October 2005 
Security Considerations 
   [1]ITU-T Recommendation X.601 (2000), Multi-Peer Communications 
   [2]ITU-T Recomendation X.602 (2004) | ISO/IEC 16511: 2005, 
      Information Technology û Group Management Protocol (GMP) 
   [3]ITU-T Recommendation X.605 (1998) | ISO/IEC 13252: 1999, 
      Information Technology û Enhanced Communications Transport Service 
   [4]ITU-T Recommendation X.606 (2001) | ISO/IEC 14476-1: 2002, 
      Information Technology ù Enhanced Communications Transport 
      Protocol: Specification of simplex multicast transport (ECTP-1) 
   [5]ITU-T Recommendation X.606.1 (2002) | ISO/IEC 14476-2: 2003, 
      Information Technology ù Enhanced Communications Transport 
      Protocol: Specification of QoS Management for Simplex Multicast 
      Transport (ECTP-2) 
   [6]ITU-T draft Recommendation X.607 | ISO/IEC CD 14476-3, Working in 
      Progress, Information Technology ù Enhanced Communications 
      Transport Protocol: Specification of Duplex Multicast Transport 
      (ECTP-3), available from
      01.pdf, 2005 
Author's Addresses 
   Seok J. Koh 
   Department of Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, KOREA 
   Dae Young Kim  
   Chungnam National University, KOREA 

Koh and Kim              Expires: April 2006                [Page 30] 
                      ECTP for Duplex Multicast          October 2005 
Intellectual Property  
   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any    
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to    
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in    
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights    
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has    
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information    
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be    
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.  
   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any    
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an    
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of    
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this   
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at  
   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any    
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary    
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement    
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-  
Copyright Statement  
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject 
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and 
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.  
Disclaimer of Validity 
   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an  

Koh and Kim              Expires: April 2006                [Page 31]