Internet DRAFT - draft-skr-bess-evpn-pim-proxy


BESS Workgroup                                           J. Rabadan, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                               J. Kotalwar
Intended status: Standards Track                            S. Sathappan
Expires: 13 April 2024                                             Nokia
                                                              Z. Zhaohui
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                              A. Sajassi
                                                               M. Mishra
                                                           Cisco Systems
                                                         11 October 2023

                       PIM Proxy in EVPN Networks


   Ethernet Virtual Private Networks are becoming prevalent in Data
   Centers, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) and Service Provider VPN
   applications.  One of the goals that EVPN pursues is the reduction of
   flooding and the efficiency of CE-based control plane procedures in
   Broadcast Domains.  Examples of this are Proxy ARP/ND and IGMP/MLD
   Proxy.  This document complements the latter, describing the
   procedures required to minimize the flooding of PIM messages in EVPN
   Broadcast Domains, and optimize the IP Multicast delivery between PIM

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  PIM Proxy Operation in EVPN Broadcast Domains . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Multicast Router Discovery Procedures in EVPN . . . . . .   5
       4.1.1.  Discovering PIM Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.1.2.  Discovering IGMP Queriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  PIM Join/Prune Proxy Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  PIM Assert Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.3.1.  Assert Optimization Procedures in Downstream PEs  . .  12
       4.3.2.  Assert Optimization Procedures in Upstream PEs  . . .  13
     4.4.  EVPN Multi-Homing and State Synchronization . . . . . . .  14
   5.  Interaction with IGMP-snooping and Sources  . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  BGP Information Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     6.1.  Multicast Router Discovery (MRD) Route  . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.2.  Selective Multicast Ethernet Tag Route for PIM Proxy  . .  17
     6.3.  PIM RPT-Prune Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     6.4.  IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route for PIM Proxy . . . . . . . . .  20
     6.5.  IGMP/PIM RPT-Prune Synch Route for PIM Proxy  . . . . . .  21
   7.  Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   10. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   11. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

1.  Introduction

   Ethernet Virtual Private Networks [RFC7432] are becoming prevalent in
   Data Centers, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) and Service Provider VPN
   applications.  One of the goals that EVPN pursues is the reduction of
   flooding and the efficiency of CE-based control plane procedures in
   Broadcast Domains.  Examples of this are [RFC9161] for improving the
   efficiency of CE's ARP/ND protocols, and [RFC9251] for IGMP/MLD

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   This document focuses on optimizing the behavior of PIM in EVPN
   Broadcast Domains and re-uses some procedures of [RFC9251].  The
   reader is also advised to check out [RFC8220] to understand certain
   aspects of the procedures of PIM Join/Prune messages received on
   Attachment Circuits (ACs).

   Section 4 describes the PIM Proxy procedures that the implementation
   should follow, including:

   *  The use of EVPN to suppress the flooding of PIM Hello messages in
      shared Broadcast Domains.  The benefit of this is twofold:

      -  PIM Hello messages will ONLY be flooded to Attachment Circuits
         that are connected to PIM routers, as opposed to all the CEs
         and hosts in the Broadcast Domain.

      -  Soft-state PIM Hello messages will be replaced by hard-state
         BGP messages that don't need to be refreshed periodically.

   *  The use of EVPN to discover IGMP Queriers, while avoiding the
      flooding of IGMP Queries in the core.

   *  The procedures to proxy PIM Join/Prune messages and replace them
      by hard-state EVPN routes that don't need to be refreshed
      periodically.  By using BGP EVPN to propagate both, Hello and
      Join/Prune messages, we also avoid out-of-order delivery between
      both types of PIM messages.

   *  This document also describes an EVPN based procedure so that the
      PIM routers connected to the shared Broadcast Domain don't need to
      run any PIM Assert procedure.  PIM Assert procedures may be
      expensive for PIM routers in terms of resource consumption.  With
      this procedure, there is no PIM Assert needed on PIM routers.

   *  The use of procedures similar to the ones defined in [EVPN-IGMP-
      MLD-PROXY] to synchronize multicast states among the PEs in the
      same Ethernet Segment.

   Section 5 describes the interaction of PIM Proxy with IGMP Proxy PEs
   and Multicast Sources connected to the same EVPN Broadcast Domain.

   Section 6 defines the BGP Information Model that this document
   requires to address the PIM Proxy procedures.

   This document assumes the reader is familiar with PIM and IGMP

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2.  Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Terminology

   This section summarizes the terminology that is used throughout the
   rest of the document.

   *  AC: Attachment Circuit or logical interface associated to a given
      Broadcast Domain.  To determine the AC on which a packet arrived,
      the PE examines the combination of a physical port and VLAN tags
      (where the VLAN tags can be individual c-tags, s-tags or ranges of

   *  EVI: EVPN Instance.

   *  EVPN Broadcast Domain: it refers to an EVI in case of VLAN-based
      and VLAN-bundle interfaces.  It refers to a Bridge Domain
      identified by an Ethernet-Tag (in the control plane) in case of
      VLAN-Aware Bundle interfaces.

   *  PIM-DM: Protocol Independent Multicast - Dense Mode.

   *  PIM-SM: Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode.

   *  PIM-SSM: Protocol Independent Multicast - Source Specific Mode.

   *  S: IP address of the multicast source.

   *  G: IP address of the multicast group.

   *  N: Upstream neighbor field in a Join/Prune/Graft message.

   *  PIM J/P: PIM Join/Prune messages.

   *  RP: PIM Rendezvous Point.

   *  MRD route: Multicast Router Discovery.

   *  PIM Nbr: PIM Neighbor.

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4.  PIM Proxy Operation in EVPN Broadcast Domains

   This section describes the operation of PIM Proxy in EVPN Broadcast
   Domains (BDs).  Figure 1 depicts an EVPN Broadcast Domain defined in
   four PEs that are connected to PIM routers.  This example will be
   used throughout this section and assumes both R4 and R5 are PIM
   Upstream Neighbors for PIM routers R1, R2 and R3 and multicast group
   G1.  In this situation, the PIM multicast traffic flows from R4 or R5
   to R1, R2 and R3.  The PIM Join/Prune signaling will flow in the
   opposite direction.  From a terminology perspective, we consider PE1
   and PE2 as egress or downstream PEs, whereas PE3 and PE4 are ingress
   or upstream PEs.

         |R1+------>               XXXXXXXX
         +--+       +-----+     XXXX      XX  XXXXX  +-----+      +--+
                    | PE1 |XXXXX           XXXX    XX| PE3 +----> |R4|
         +--+       |     |                          |     |      +--+
         |R2+-----> +-----+                          +-----+ <----
         +--+          X                            XX         multicast
           J(*,G1,IP5) X                             XXX        (S1,G1)
                    XXX        EVPN Broadcast          XX
                    X             Domain                 X
      +--+     +-----+                                   X           RP
      |R3+---> | PE2 |                                 XX+-----+    +--+
      +--+     |     |                              XXXX | PE4 +--> |R5|
               +-----+XXXX                      XXXXX    |     |    +--+
        J(S1,G1,IP4)      X          X           X       +-----+
                          XX      XXX XX       XXX
                            XXXXXX     XXXXX XXX

        Figure 1: PIM Routers connected by an EVPN Broadcast Domain

   It is important to note that any Router's PIM message not explicitly
   specified in this document will be forwarded by the PEs normally, in
   the data path, as a unicast or multicast packet.

4.1.  Multicast Router Discovery Procedures in EVPN

   The procedures defined in this section make use of the Multicast
   Router Discovery (MRD) route described in section 4 and are OPTIONAL.
   An EVPN router not implementing this specification will transparently
   flood PIM Hello messages and IGMP Queries to remote PEs.

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4.1.1.  Discovering PIM Routers

   As described in [RFC7761] for shared LANs, an EVPN Broadcast Domain
   may have multiple PIM routers connected to it and a single one of
   these routers, the DR, will act on behalf of directly connected hosts
   with respect to the PIM-SM protocol.  The DR election, as well as
   discovery and negotiation of options in PIM, is performed using Hello
   messages.  PIM Hello messages are periodically exchanged and flooded
   in EVPN Broadcast Domains that don't follow this specification.  When
   PIM Proxy is enabled, an EVPN PE will snoop PIM Hello messages and
   forward them only to local ACs where PIM routers have been detected.
   This document assumes that all the procedures defined in [RFC8220] to
   snoop PIM Hellos on local ACs and build the PIM Neighbor DB on the
   PEs are followed.  PIM Hello messages MUST NOT be forwarded to remote
   EVPN PEs though.

   Using Figure 1 as an example, the PIM Proxy operation for Hello
   messages is as follows:

   1.  The arrival of a new PIM Hello message at e.g.  PE1 will trigger
       an MRD route advertisement including:

       *  The IP address and length of the multicast router that issued
          the Hello message.  E.g.  R1's IP address and length.

       *  The DR Priority copied from the Hello DR Priority TLV.

       *  Q flag set (if the multicast router is a Querier).

       *  P flag set that indicates the router is PIM capable.

   2.  All other PEs import the MRD route and do the following:

       *  Add the multicast router address to the PIM Neighbor Database
          (PIM Nbr DB) associated to the Originator Router Address.

       *  Generate a PIM hello where the IP Source Address is the
          Multicast Router IP and the DR Priority is copied from the
          route.  This PIM hello is sent to all the local ACs connected
          to a PIM router.  For example, PE3 will send the generated
          hello message to R4.

   3.  Each PE will build its PIM Nbr DB out of the local PIM hello
       messages and/or remote MRD routes.  The PIM hello timers and
       other hello parameters are not propagated in the MRD routes.

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       *  The timers are handled locally by the PE and as per [RFC7761].
          This is valid for the hold_time (when a PIM router or PE
          receives a hello message, resets the neighbor-expiry timer),
          and other timers.

       *  The Generation ID option is also processed locally on the PE,
          as well as the Generation ID changes for a given multicast
          router.  It is not propagated in the MRD route.

       *  Procedures described in [RFC7761] are used to remove a local
          AC PIM router from the PIM Nbr DB.  When a local router is
          removed from the DB, the MRD route is withdrawn.  If the local
          router is still sending Queries, the route is updated with
          flags P=0 and Q=1.  Upon receiving the update, the other PEs
          will remove the router from the PIM Nbr DB but not from the
          list of queriers.

   4.  Based on regular PIM DR election procedures (highest DR Priority
       or highest IP), each PE is aware of who the DR is for the BD.
       For more information, refer to section "3.  Interaction with
       IGMP- snooping and Sources".

4.1.2.  Discovering IGMP Queriers

   In (EVPN) Broadcast Domains that are shared among not only PIM
   routers but also IGMP hosts, one or more PIM routers will also be
   configured as IGMP Queriers.  The proxy Querier mechanism described
   in [RFC9251] suppresses the flooding of queries on the Broadcast
   Domain, by using PE generated Queries from an anycast IP address.

   While the proxy Querier mechanism works in most of the use-cases,
   sometimes it is desired to have a more transparent behavior and
   propagate existing multicast router IGMP Queries as opposed to
   "blindly" querying all the hosts from the PEs.  The MRD route defined
   in Section 6 can be used for that purpose.

   When the discovered local PIM router is also sending IGMP Queries,
   the PE will issue an MRD route for the multicast router with both Q
   (IGMP Querier) and P (PIM router) flags set.  Note that the PE may
   set both flags or only one of them, depending on the capabilities of
   the local router.

   A PE receiving an MRD route with Q=1 will generate IGMP Query
   messages, using the multicast router IP address encoded in the
   received MRD route.  If more than one IGMP Queriers exist in the EVI,
   the PE receiving the MRD routes with Q=1 will select the lower IP
   address, as per [RFC2236].  Note that, upon receiving the MRD routes
   with Q=1, the PE must generate IGMP Queries and forward them to all

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   the local ACs.  Other Queriers listening to these received Query
   messages will stop sending Queries if they are no longer the selected
   Querier, as per [RFC2236].  This procedure allows the EVPN PEs to act
   as proxy Queriers, but using the IP address of the best existing IGMP
   Querier in the EVPN Broadcast Domain.  This can help IGMP hosts
   troubleshoot any issues on the IGMP routers and check their
   connectivity to them.

4.2.  PIM Join/Prune Proxy Procedures

   The procedures defined in this section make use of the Multicast
   Router Discovery (MRD) route described in section 4 and are OPTIONAL.
   An EVPN router not implementing this specification will transparently
   flood PIM Hello messages and IGMP Queries to remote PEs.

      +--+                                               J(*,G1,IP5)
      |R1+------>               XXXXXXXX               P(S1,G1,IP5,rpt)
      +--+       +-----+     XXXX      XX  XXXXX  +-----+      +--+
                 | PE1 |XXXXX           XXXX    XX| PE3 +----> |R4|
      +--+       |     |   SMET                   |     |      +--+
      |R2+-----> +-----+   (*,G1,IP5)             +-----+
      +--+          X        +--------->         XX
        J(*,G1,IP5) X                             XXX
                  XX                                XX
                 X                                    X  J(*,G1,IP5)
   +--+     +-----+     SMET                          X P(S1,G1,IP5,rpt)
   |R3+---> | PE2 |     (S1,G1,IP5,rpt)             XX+-----+    +--+
   +--+     |     |        +-------->            XXXX | PE4 +--> |R5|
            +-----+XXXX                      XXXXX    |     |    +--+
     P(S1,G1,IP5,rpt)  X          X           X       +-----+     RP
                       XX      XXX XX       XXX
                         XXXXXX     XXXXX XXX

                Figure 2: Proxy PIM Join/Prune in EVPN

   PIM J/P messages are sent by the routers towards upstream sources and

   *  (*,G) is used in Join/Prune messages that are sent towards the RP
      for the specified group.

   *  (S,G) used in Join/Prune messages sent towards the specified

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   *  (S,G,rpt) is used in Join/Prune messages sent towards the RP.  We
      refer to this as RPT message and the Prune message always precedes
      the Join message.  The typical sequence of PIM messages (for a
      group) seen in a BD connecting PIM routers is the following:

      a.  (*,G) Join issued by a downstream router to the RP (to join
          the RP Tree).

      b.  (S,G) Join issued by a downstream router switching to the SPT.

      c.  (S,G,rpt) Prune issued by a downstream router to the RP to
          prune a specific source from the RPT.

      d.  (S,G) Prune issued by a downstream router no longer interested
          in the SPT.

      e.  (S,G,rpt) Join issued by a downstream router interested
          (again) in the RPT for (S,G).

   The Proxy PIM procedures for Join/Prune messages are summarized as

   1.  Downstream PE procedures:

       *  A downstream PE will snoop PIM Join/Prune messages and won't
          forward them to remote PEs.

       *  Triggered by the reception of the PIM Join message, a
          downstream PE will advertise an SMET route, including the
          source, group and Upstream Neighbor as received from the PIM
          Join message.  A single SMET route is advertised per source,
          group, with the P flag set.  As an example, in Figure 2, PE1
          receives two PIM Join messages for the same source, group and
          Upstream Neighbor, however PE1 advertises a single SMET route.

       *  When the last connected router sends a PIM Prune message for a
          given source, group and Upstream Neighbor and the state is
          removed, the PE will withdraw the SMET route (note that the
          state is removed once the prune-pend timer expires).

       *  SMET routes must always be generated upon receiving a PIM Join
          message, irrespective of the location of the Upstream Neighbor
          and even if the Upstream Neighbor is local to the PE.

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       *  A downstream PE receiving a PIM Prune (S,G,rpt) message will
          trigger an RPT-Prune route for the source and group.
          Subsequently, if the downstream PE receives a PIM Join
          (S,G,rpt) to cancel the previous Prune (S,G,rpt) and keep
          pulling the multicast traffic from the RPT, the downstream PE
          will withdraw the RPT-Prune route.

       *  PIM Timers are handled locally.  If the holdtime expires for a
          local Join the PE withdraws the SMET route.

   2.  Upstream PE procedures:

       *  A received SMET route with P=1 will add state for the source
          and group and will generate a PIM Join message for the source,
          group that will be forwarded to all the local AC PIM routers.

       *  A received SMET route withdrawal will remove the state and
          generate a PIM Prune message for the source, group and
          upstream neighbor that will be forwarded to all the local AC
          PIM routers.

       *  A received RPT-Prune route for (S,G) will generate a PIM Prune
          (S,G,rpt) message that will be forwarded to all the local AC
          PIM routers.

       *  A received RPT-Prune withdrawal for (S,G) will generate a PIM
          Join (S,G,rpt) message that will be forwarded to all the local
          AC PIM routers.

   It is important to note that, compared to a solution that does not
   snoop PIM messages and does not use BGP to propagate states in the
   core, this EVPN PIM Proxy solution will add some latency derived from
   the procedures described in this document.

4.3.  PIM Assert Optimization

   The PIM Assert process described in [RFC7761] is intense in terms of
   resource consumption in the PIM routers, however it is needed in case
   PIM routers share a multi-access transit LAN.  The use of PIM Proxy
   for EVPN BDs can minimize and even suppress the need for PIM Assert
   as described in this section.

   As a refresher, the PIM Assert procedures are needed to prevent two
   or more Upstream PIM routers from forwarding the same multicast
   content to the group of Downstream PIM routers sharing the same
   (EVPN) Broadcast Domain.  This multicast packet duplication may
   happen in any of the following cases:

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   *  Two or more Downstream PIM routers on the BD may issue (*,G) Joins
      to different upstream routers on the BD because they have
      inconsistent MRIB entries regarding how to reach the RP.  Both
      paths on the RP tree will be set up, causing two copies of all the
      shared tree traffic to appear on the EVPN Broadcast Domain.

   *  Two or more routers on the BD may issue (S,G) Joins to different
      upstream routers on the BD because they have inconsistent MRIB
      entries regarding how to reach source S.  Both paths on the
      source-specific tree will be set up, causing two copies of all the
      traffic from S to appear on the BD.

   *  A router on the BD may issue a (*,G) Join to one upstream router
      on the BD, and another router on the BD may issue an (S,G) Join to
      a different upstream router on the same BD.  Traffic from S may
      reach the BD over both the RPT and the SPT.  If the receiver
      behind the downstream (*,G) router doesn't issue an (S,G,rpt)
      prune, then this condition would persist.

   PIM does not prevent such duplicate joins from occurring; instead,
   when duplicate data packets appear on the same BD from different
   routers, these routers notice this and then elect a single forwarder.
   This election is performed using the PIM Assert procedure.  The issue
   is minimized or suppressed in this document by making sure all the
   Upstream PEs select the same Upstream Neighbor for a given (*,G) or
   (S,G) in any of the three above situations.  If there is only one
   upstream PIM router selected and the same multicast content is not
   allowed to be flooded from more than one Upstream Neighbor, there
   will not be multicast duplication or need for Assert procedures in
   the EVPN Broadcast Domain.

   Figure 3 illustrates an example of the PIM Assert Optimization in

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         +--+                                               J(*,G1,IP5)
         |R1+------>               XXXXXXXX                 J(S1,G1,IP4)
         +--+       +-----+     XXXX      XX  XXXXX  +-----+      +--+
                    | PE1 |XXXXX           XXXX    XX| PE3 +----> |R4|
         +--+       |     |   SMET                   |     |      +--+
         |R2+-----> +-----+   (*,G1,IP5)             +-----+
         +--+          X        +--------->         XX
           J(*,G1,IP4) X                             XXX
                     XX                                XX
                    X                                    X  J(*,G1,IP5)
      +--+     +-----+     SMET                          X  J(S1,G1,IP4)
      |R3+---> | PE2 |     (S1,G1,IP4)                 XX+-----+    +--+
      +--+     |     |        +-------->            XXXX | PE4 +--> |R5|
               +-----+XXXX                      XXXXX    |     |    +--+
         J(S1,G1,IP4)     X          X           X       +-----+     RP
                          XX      XXX XX       XXX  P(S1,G1,IP5,rpt)-->
                            XXXXXX     XXXXX XXX

              Figure 3: Proxy PIM Assert Optimization in EVPN

4.3.1.  Assert Optimization Procedures in Downstream PEs

   The Downstream PEs will trigger SMET routes based on the received PIM
   Join messages.  This is their behavior when any of the three
   situations described in Section 4.3 occurs:

   *  If the Downstream PE receives two local (*,G) Joins to different
      Upstream Neighbors, the PE will generate a single SMET route,
      selecting the highest IP address.  In Figure 3, if we assume R1
      issues J(*,G1,IP5) and R2 J(*,G1,IP4), PE1 will advertise an SMET
      route for (*,G,IP5).  If PE1 had already advertised (*,G1,IP4), it
      would have sent an update with (*,G1,IP5).  Note that the Upstream
      Router IP address is not part of the SMET route key, hence there
      is no need to withdraw the previous (*,G1,IP4).

   *  In the same way, if the Downstream PE receives two local (S,G)
      Joins to different Upstream Neighbors, the PE will generate a
      single SMET route, selecting the highest IP address.

   *  If the Downstream PE receives a local (S,G) and a local (*,G)
      Joins for the same group but to different Upstream Neighbors, the
      PE will generate two different SMET routes (since *,G and S,G make
      two different route keys), keeping the original Upstream Neighbors
      in the SMET routes.

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4.3.2.  Assert Optimization Procedures in Upstream PEs

   Upon receiving two or more SMET routes for the same group but
   different Upstream Neighbors, the Upstream PEs will follow this

   1.  The Upstream PE will select a unique Upstream Neighbor based on
       the following rules:

       a.  The Upstream Neighbor encoded in a (S,G) SMET route has
           precedence over the Upstream Neighbor on the (*,G) SMET route
           for the same group.  This is consistent with the Assert
           winner election in [RFC7761].  In the example of Figure 3,
           PE3 and PE4 will select IP4 as the Upstream Neighbor for
           (S1,G1) and (*,G1).

       b.  In case the SMET routes have the same source (* or S), the
           higher Upstream Neighbor IP Address wins.

   2.  After selecting the Unique Upstream Neighbor, the PE will
       instruct the data path to discard any ingress multicast stream
       that is coming from an interface different than the selected
       Upstream Neighbor for the multicast group.  In the example in
       Figure 3, PE4 will not accept G1 multicast traffic from R5.
       NOTE: when the procedure selects an Upstream Neighbor between the
       (S,G) and (*,G) routes, we assume that the PE's interface that is
       connected to the non-selected Upstream Neighbor, is not shared
       with another Source for the same Group.  In the example of
       Figure 3, this means that PE4's AC cannot be shared by R5 and S2
       for the same group G.  If PE4's AC is connected to a switch where
       R5 (RP) and S2 are connected, multicast traffic (S2,G) will be
       dropped by PE4, as per (2).

   3.  Then the PE will generate the corresponding local PIM messages as
       usual.  In the example, PE3 and PE4 generate PIM Join messages
       for (S1,G1,IP4) and (*,G1,IP5).

   4.  The PE connected to the non-selected Upstream Neighbor will issue
       a PIM (S,G)/(*,G) Prune or a PIM (S,G,rpt) Prune to make sure the
       non-selected Upstream Router does not forward traffic for the
       group anymore.  In the example, PE4 will issue a local
       (S1,G1,rpt) Prune message to R5, so that R5 does not forward G1

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   In case of any change that impacts on the Upstream Neighbor selection
   for a given group G1, the upstream PEs will simply update the
   Upstream Neighbor selection and follow the above procedure.  This
   mechanism prevents the multicast duplication in the EVPN Broadcast
   Domain and avoids PIM Assert procedures among PIM routers in the BD.

4.4.  EVPN Multi-Homing and State Synchronization

   PIM Join/Prune States will be synchronized across all the PEs in an
   Ethernet Segment by using the procedures described in [RFC9251] and
   the IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route with the corresponding Flag P set.
   This document does not require the use of IGMP Leave Synch Routes.

   In the same way, RPT-Prune States can be synchronized by using the
   PIM RPT-Prune Synch route.  The generation and process for this route
   follows similar procedures as for the IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route.

   In order to synchronize the PIM Neighbors discovered on an Ethernet
   Segment, the MRD route and its ESI value will be used.  Upon
   receiving a Hello message on a link that is part of a multi-homed
   Ethernet Segment, the PE will issue an MRD route that encodes the ESI
   value of the AC over which the Hello was received.  Upon receiving
   the non-zero ESI MRD route, the PEs in the same ES will add the
   router to their PIM Neighbor DB, using their AC on the same ES as the
   PIM Neighbor port.  This will allow the DF on the ES to generate
   Hello messages for the local PIM router.

   A PE that is not part of the ESI would normally receive a single non-
   zero ESI MRD route per multicast router.  In certain transient
   situations the PE may receive more than one non-zero ESI MRD route
   for the same multicast router.  The PE should recognize this and not
   generate additional PIM Hello messages for the local ACs.

5.  Interaction with IGMP-snooping and Sources

   Figure 4 illustrates an example with a multicast source, an IGMP host
   and a PIM router in the same EVPN BD.

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                                  XXXXX       J(*,G1)
                           XXXXXXX     +-----+      +--+
                       XXXX            | PE3 |  <---+H3|
                      X                |     |      +--+
      +------+        X    +-------->  +-----+ +--->
      |Source|     +-----+ |   S1,G1      X      S1,G1 mcast
      | S1   +---> | PE1 | +   mcast     XX
      +------+     |     |              XX      Hello
              G1   +-----+ +   S1,G1     X    <---+
                      XX   |   mcast   +-----+    +--+
                      X    +---------> | PE4 +--> |R4|
                      X                |     |    +--+
                       XX   XXX        +-----+     DR
                         XXX  XXX     XXX
                                XXXXXXX        S1,G1, mcast

        Figure 4: Proxy PIM interaction with local sources and hosts

   When PIM routers, multicast sources and IGMP hosts coexist in the
   same EVPN Broadcast domain, the PEs supporting both IGMP and PIM
   proxy will provide the following optimizations in the EVPN BD:

   *  If an IGMP host and a PIM router are connected to the same BD on a
      PE, the PE will advertise a single SMET route per (S,G) or (*,G)
      irrespective of the received IGMP or PIM message.  The IGMP flags
      can be simultaneously set along with the P flag.

   *  In the same way, if IGMP hosts and PIM routers are connected to
      the same BD and Ethernet Segment, the IGMP/PIM Join Synch route
      can be shared by a host and a router requesting the same multicast
      source and group.

   *  A PE connected to a Source and using Ingress Replication will
      forward a multicast stream (S1,G1) to all the egress PEs that
      advertised an SMET route for (S1,G1) and all the egress PEs that
      advertised an MRD route for the EVPN BD.

6.  BGP Information Model

   This document defines the following additional routes and requests
   IANA to allocate a type value in the EVPN route type registry:

   *  Type TBD - Multicast Router Discovery (MRD) Route

   *  Type TBD - PIM RPT-Prune Route

   *  Type TBD - PIM RPT-Prune Join Synch Route

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   In addition, the following routes defined in [RFC9251] are re-used
   and extended in this document's procedures:

   *  Type 6 - Selective Multicast Ethernet Tag Route

   *  Type 7 - IGMP Join Synch Route

   Where Type 7 is requested to be re-named as IGMP/PIM Join Synch

6.1.  Multicast Router Discovery (MRD) Route

   Figure 5 shows the content of the MRD route:

                |  RD (8 octets)                                  |
                |  Ethernet Segment ID (10 octets)                |
                |  Ethernet Tag ID (4 octets)                     |
                |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)             |
                |  Originator Router Address (Variable)           |
                |  Mcast Router Length (1 octet)                  |
                |  Mcast Router Address 1 (variable)              |
                |  Secondary Address List Length (1 octet)        |
                |  Secondary Mcast Router Address 1 (variable)    |
                |              .                                  |
                |              .                                  |
                |  Secondary Mcast Router Address n (variable)    |
                |  DR Priority    (4 octets)                      |
                |  Flags (1 octet)                                |

                 Figure 5: Multicast Router Discovery Route

   The support for this new route type is OPTIONAL.  Since this new
   route type is OPTIONAL, an implementation not supporting it MUST
   ignore the route, based on the unknown route type value, as specified
   by Section 5.4 in [RFC7606].

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   The encoding of this route is defined as follows:

   *  RD, ESI and Ethernet Tag ID are defined as per [RFC7432] for MAC/
      IP routes.

   *  The Originator Router Length and Address encode and IPv4 or IPv6
      address that belongs to the advertising PE.

   *  The Multicast Router Length and Address field encode the Primary
      IP address of the PIM neighbor added to the PE's DB.

   *  The Secondary Address List Length encodes the number of Secondary
      IP addresses advertised by the PIM router in the PIM Hello
      message.  If this field is zero, the NLRI will not include any
      Secondary Multicast Router Address.  All the IP addresses will
      have the same Length, that is, they will all be either IPv4 or
      IPv6, but not a mix of both.

   *  DR Priority is copied from the same field in Hello packets, as per

   *  Flags:

      -  Q: Querier flag.  Least significant bit.  It indicates the
         encoded multicast router is an IGMP Querier.

      -  P: PIM router flag.  Second low order bit in the Flags octet.
         It indicates that the multicast router is a PIM router.

      -  Q and P may be set simultaneously.

   For BGP processing purposes, only the RD, Ethernet Tag ID, Originator
   Router Length and Address, and Multicast Router Length and Address
   are considered part of the route key.  The Secondary Multicast Router
   Addresses and the rest of the fields are not part of the route key.

6.2.  Selective Multicast Ethernet Tag Route for PIM Proxy

   This document extends the SMET route defined in [RFC9251] as shown in
   Figure 6.

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                |  RD (8 octets)                        |
                |  Ethernet Tag ID (4 octets)           |
                |  Multicast Source Length (1 octet)    |
                |  Multicast Source Address (variable)  |
                |  Multicast Group Length (1 octet)     |
                |  Multicast Group Address (Variable)   |
                |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)   |
                |  Originator Router Address (variable) |
                |  Flags (1 octets) (optional)          |
                |  Upstream Router Length (1B)(optional)|
                |  Upstream Router Addr (variable)(opt) |


                0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
                |     |  | P|IE|v3|v2|v1|

         Figure 6: Selective Multicast Ethernet Tag Route and Flags

   As in the case of the MRD route, this route type is OPTIONAL.  This
   route will be used as per [RFC9251], with the following extra and
   optional fields:

   *  Upstream Router Length and Address will contain the same
      information as received in a PIM Join/Prune message on a local AC.
      There is only one Upstream Router Address per route.

   *  Flags: This field encodes Flags that are now relevant to IGMP and
      PIM.  The following new Flag is defined:

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      -  Flag P: Indicates the SMET route is generated by a received PIM
         Join on a local AC.  When P=1, the Upstream Router Length and
         Address fields are present in the route.  Otherwise the two
         fields will not be present.

   Compared to [RFC9251] there is no change in terms of fields
   considered part of the route key for BGP processing.  The Upstream
   Router Length and Address are not considered part of the route key.

6.3.  PIM RPT-Prune Route

   The RPT-Prune route is analogous to the SMET route but for PIM RPT-
   Prune messages.  The SMET routes cannot be used to convey RPT-Prune
   messages because they are always triggered by IGMP or PIM Join
   messages.  A PIM RPT-Prune message is used to Prune a specific (S,G)
   from the RP Tree by downstream routers.  An RPT-Prune message is
   typically seen prior to an RPT-Join message for the (S,G), hence it
   requires its own BGP route type (since the SMET route is always
   advertised based on the received Join messages).

                |  RD (8 octets)                        |
                |  Ethernet Tag ID (4 octets)           |
                |  Multicast Source Length (1 octet)    |
                |  Multicast Source Address (variable)  |
                |  Multicast Group Length (1 octet)     |
                |  Multicast Group Address (Variable)   |
                |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)   |
                |  Originator Router Address (variable) |
                |  Upstream Router Length (1B)          |
                |  Upstream Router Addr (variable)      |

                       Figure 7: PIM RPT-Prune Route

   Fields are defined in the same way as for the SMET route.

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6.4.  IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route for PIM Proxy

   This document renames the IGMP Join Synch Route defined in [RFC9251]
   as IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route and extends it with new fields and Flags
   as shown in Figure 8:

                |  RD (8 octets)                               |
                | Ethernet Segment Identifier (10 octets)      |
                |  Ethernet Tag ID  (4 octets)                 |
                |  Multicast Source Length (1 octet)           |
                |  Multicast Source Address (variable)         |
                |  Multicast Group Length (1 octet)            |
                |  Multicast Group Address (Variable)          |
                |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)          |
                |  Originator Router Address (variable)        |
                |  Flags (1 octet)                             |
                |  Upstream Router Length (1B)(optional)       |
                |  Upstream Router Addr (variable)(opt)        |


                0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
                |  |  |  | P|IE|v3|v2|v1|

               Figure 8: IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route and Flags

   This route will be used as per [RFC9251], with the following extra
   and optional fields:

   *  Upstream Router Length and Address will contain the same
      information as received in a PIM Join/Prune message on a local AC.
      There is only one Upstream Router Address per route.

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   *  Flags: This field encodes Flags that are now relevant to IGMP and
      PIM.  The following new Flag is defined:

      -  Flag P: Indicates the Join Synch route is generated by a
         received PIM Join on a local AC.  When P=1, the Upstream Router
         Length and Address fields are present in the route.  Otherwise
         the two fields will not be present.

   Compared to [RFC9251] there is no change in terms of fields
   considered part of the route key for BGP processing.  The Upstream
   Router Length and Address are not considered part of the route key.

6.5.  IGMP/PIM RPT-Prune Synch Route for PIM Proxy

   This new route is used to Synch RPT-Prune states among the PEs in the
   Ethernet Segment.

                |  RD (8 octets)                               |
                | Ethernet Segment Identifier (10 octets)      |
                |  Ethernet Tag ID  (4 octets)                 |
                |  Multicast Source Length (1 octet)           |
                |  Multicast Source Address (variable)         |
                |  Multicast Group Length (1 octet)            |
                |  Multicast Group Address (Variable)          |
                |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)          |
                |  Originator Router Address (variable)        |
                |  Upstream Router Length (1B)(optional)       |
                |  Upstream Router Addr (variable)(opt)        |

                  Figure 9: IGMP/PIM RPT-Prune Synch Route

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   The RD, Ethernet Segment Identifier and other fields are defined as
   for the IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route.  In addition, the Upstream Router
   Length and Address will contain the same information as received in a
   PIM RPT-Prune message on a local AC.  The Upstream Router points at
   the RP for the source and group and there is only one Upstream Router
   Address per route.

   The route key for BGP processing is defined as per the IGMP/PIM Join
   Synch route.

7.  Conclusions

   This document extends the IGMP Proxy concept of [RFC9251] to PIM, so
   that EVPN can also be used to minimize the flooding of PIM control
   messages and optimize the delivery of IP multicast traffic in EVPN
   Broadcast Domains that connect PIM routers.

   This specification describes procedures to Discover new PIM routers
   in the BD, as well as propagate PIM Join/Prune messages using EVPN
   SMET routes and other optimizations.

8.  Security Considerations

   Most of the considerations included in [RFC9251] apply to this

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document requests IANA to allocate a new EVPN route type in the
   corresponding registry:

   *  Type TBD - Multicast Router Discovery (MRD) Route

   *  Type TBD - PIM RPT-Prune Route

   *  Type TBD - PIM RPT-Prune Join Synch Route

   In addition, the following route defined in [RFC9251] should be
   renamed as follows:

   *  Type 7 - IGMP/PIM Join Synch Route

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10.  Acknowledgments

11.  Contributors

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A.,
              Uttaro, J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based
              Ethernet VPN", RFC 7432, DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February
              2015, <>.

   [RFC7761]  Fenner, B., Handley, M., Holbrook, H., Kouvelas, I.,
              Parekh, R., Zhang, Z., and L. Zheng, "Protocol Independent
              Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification
              (Revised)", STD 83, RFC 7761, DOI 10.17487/RFC7761, March
              2016, <>.

   [RFC2236]  Fenner, W., "Internet Group Management Protocol, Version
              2", RFC 2236, DOI 10.17487/RFC2236, November 1997,

   [RFC8220]  Dornon, O., Kotalwar, J., Hemige, V., Qiu, R., and Z.
              Zhang, "Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) over Virtual
              Private LAN Service (VPLS)", RFC 8220,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8220, September 2017,

   [RFC9251]  Sajassi, A., Thoria, S., Mishra, M., Patel, K., Drake, J.,
              and W. Lin, "Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and
              Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Proxies for Ethernet
              VPN (EVPN)", RFC 9251, DOI 10.17487/RFC9251, June 2022,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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   [RFC7606]  Chen, E., Ed., Scudder, J., Ed., Mohapatra, P., and K.
              Patel, "Revised Error Handling for BGP UPDATE Messages",
              RFC 7606, DOI 10.17487/RFC7606, August 2015,

12.2.  Informative References

   [RFC9161]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Sathappan, S., Nagaraj, K., Hankins, G.,
              and T. King, "Operational Aspects of Proxy ARP/ND in
              Ethernet Virtual Private Networks", RFC 9161,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9161, January 2022,

Authors' Addresses

   Jorge Rabadan (editor)
   520 Almanor Avenue
   Sunnyvale, CA 94085
   United States of America

   Jayant Kotalwar

   Senthil Sathappan
   520 Almanor Avenue
   Sunnyvale, CA 94085
   United States of America

   Zhaohui Zhang
   Juniper Networks
   United States of America

   Ali Sajassi
   Cisco Systems
   822 alder drive
   Milpitas, CA 95035
   United States of America

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   Mankamana Mishra
   Cisco Systems
   822 alder drive
   Milpitas, CA 95035
   United States of America

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