Internet DRAFT - draft-smaes-lemonade-intermediary-challenges


                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
Internet Draft: Challenges of Intermediaries                 S. H. Maes 
Document: draft-smaes-lemonade-intermediary-                             
Expires: April 2006                                        October 2005 
              Lemonade and the challenges of Intermediaries 

Status of this Memo 
   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any 
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   This document discusses some of the issues posed by firewalls and 
   other intermediaries to deployment of some basic IETF technologies.   
   The intent of this document is to track such issues, explore possible 
   approaches elegant or not that have been proposed so far to address 
   them and initiate discussion on how such issues should be 
   appropriately addressed by IETF. 
   This first version 00 is provided to initiate discussion. Most of the 
   content should be considered as initial place holders. 
Conventions used in this document 
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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   In examples, "C:" and "S:" indicate lines sent by the client server 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119]. 
Table of Contents 
   Status of this Memo ........................................... 1 
   Abstract....................................................... 1 
   Conventions used in this document.............................. 1 
   Table of Contents.............................................. 2 
   1. Introduction................................................ 2 
   2. Description of the problem.................................. 3 
      2.1. Mobile e-mail with IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP................ 3 
      2.2. Lemonade............................................... 4 
      2.3. Some challenges met with P-IMAP........................ 5 
         2.3.1. HTTP / HTTPS firewalls............................ 5 
         2.3.2. Time-outs......................................... 5 
         2.3.3. Deployment challenges............................. 5 
   3. Analysis.................................................... 5 
   4. Initial considerations: A wish list for Lemonade............ 6 
   5. HTTP Binding................................................ 6 
   Security Considerations........................................ 7 
   References..................................................... 8 
   Future Work.................................................... 8 
   Version History................................................ 8 
   Acknowledgments................................................ 9 
   Authors Addresses.............................................. 9 
   Intellectual Property Statement................................ 9 
   Full Copyright Statement.......................................10 
   Lemonade provides enhancements to Internet email to support diverse 
   service environments.  
   As discussions started to understand broader challenges of e-mail, 
   the case of mobile e-mail was discussed. This discussion found at 
   [MEMAIL] and [OMA-ME -AD]. 
   In these documents, it was pointed out that numbers of (mobile) email 
   deployment based on existing IETF specifications are not usable or 
   encounter difficulties because the protocols often can not traverse 
   firewalls with constrained settings (e.g. only allow HTTP or HTTPS).  
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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   Unavailability of submit port (e.g. SMTP) are other problems. 
   In addition, many intermediaries found in mobile deployments between 
   clients and servers are often set with limited timeout for pinholes, 
   sessions etc... 
   In particular, in the context of mobile network, it has been observed 
   that IDLE sessions on TCP are much less stable than IDLE sessions 
   over HTTP Binding. 
  Description of the problem 
    Mobile e-mail with IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP  
   Following the analysis presented in [MEMAIL], [OMA-ME-RD] and [OMA-
   ME-AD], a typical context for mobile users trying to access their e-
   mail is the following: 
   - The user is on a mobile network, using a mobile device 
   - The mobile device presents limitations in terms of the type of 
   software / client that it can run 
   - The device has limited resource capabilities and in particular is 
   constrained by consideration on its battery life 
   - The network provided by one or multiple service providers 
   (operator) may present additional constraints, unreliability or other 
   typical mobile behavior.  
   - In general traffic is expensive. 
   - The e-mail server is located in a corporation, behind a firewall. 
   - The corporation has issued strict security and usage guidelines. 
   - Multiple intermediaries and firewalls may exist between the mobile 
   server and the corporate domain. 
   Accordingly, users are often reduced to using the available e-mail 
   clients on the mobile device (e.g. POP3 or IMAP4 and SMTP). 
   For the sake of argument, let us assume that he or she uses a 
   IMAP4/SMTP e-mail client. 
   In order to receive and send e-mail, while satisfying its corporate 
   guidelines, the user must be able to connect via IMAP4 and SMTP to 
   its corporate server. We have observed the following challenges: 
   - Some corporations guidelines prevent open in the firewall the ports 
   used by IMAP 4 or SMTP, therefore preventing the user to access his 
   or her e-mail just using this code. 
   - Some corporations rightfully forbid using these protocols outside 
   of secure connections (e.g. TLS, VPN). 
   More and more often, mobile device support TLS [RFC2246], not 
   necessarily the latest version. We have observed the following 
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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   - Some corporation guidelines prevent open in the firewall the ports 
   used by IMAP 4 over TLS or SMTP over TLS, therefore preventing the 
   user to access his or her e-mail. 
   As a result only user equipped with VPN clients compatible with their 
   corporate VPN will be able to access their e-mail. Unfortunately, VPN 
   clients on mobile devices are still rare. Installation on mobile 
   device is difficult if not often impossible. As a result employees of 
   corporation that use customized VPN clients are totally unable to use 
   their IMAP4 / SMTP client to access e-mail. 
   Note also that even when using VPN, drops of connectivity, time outs 
   of the intermediaries etc ... often disconnect the VPN. This is 
   expensive and inefficient, especially if this forces applications 
   like e-mail to re-send the same data multiple times. As corporation 
   guidelines also prevent VPN automatic reconnect and password saving 
   on the mobile device, users are rapidly very frustrated. 
   The only user friendly and viable solutions to access corporate e-
   mail that remain are typically based on proprietary solutions 
   available only on particular devices and network and compatible only 
   with certain e-mail servers. These are typically costly, not widely 
   available to most users. They establish their own secure reliable 
   channel with push capability between the client and the device, 
   sometimes involving network specific intermediaries (E.g. NOC – 
   Network Operating Center). Proposals like Push IMAP [P-IMAP] attempt 
   to address this with a more open standard oriented approach. 
   In addition, IMAP IDLE over TCP (TLS) turns out to be very instable 
   over mobile networks (2.5G / GPRS as well as 3G); much more than IDLE 
   over HTTP [HTTPBinding]. It is conjectured that this results from the 
   properties and settings of the gateways and equipment in the 
   operators core network infrastructure that have HTTP / HTTPS port 
   time out different that other ports... It is unclear if this is 
   easily addressable by changing settings or configurations. 
   Time outs of intermediaries are one of the fact or that contribute to 
   the frequent losses of connectivity of mobile devices.  
   In order to more efficiently address these issues with e-mail, and 
   assuming that the firewall issue is not an issue, Lemonade introduced 
   it its profile [LEMONADEPROFILE] a quick reconnect scheme 

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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
    Some challenges met with P-IMAP 
2.3.1. HTTP / HTTPS firewalls 
   Among the solutions to address the firewall issues, Push_IMAP [P-
   IMAP], describes and allows binding to HTTP [RFC2616] as a possible 
   P-IMAP proposes also mechanisms to handle losses of connections. 
   However time-out and intermediaries still lead to challenges. 
2.3.2. Time-outs 
   For example, use of HTTP long live session / chunk encoding 
   ([RFC2616]) described in [P-IMAP], [HTTPBinding] to support exchange 
   of asynchronous events from the server to the client; while 
   technically sound, in practice does not work very well if 
   intermediaries time-out too rapidly; hence the good performances over 
   mobile network. It is very difficult to assess such time out in 
2.3.3. Deployment challenges 
   In general intermediaries also introduce additional security threats, 
   especially if they perform protocol transformations while located 
   across domains of trust. When such intermediaries are used across 
   domains, it is possible that additional application level 
   confidentiality, integrity and signature mechanisms must be 
   introduced. In P-IMAP for example, emails and notification may be 
   encrypted at the e-mail application level. Of course using SMIME 
   [RFC2633] is another viable approach. 
   << Editor’s note: Add any additional discussions, examples...>> 
   Based on the examples discussed above, it seems clear that while 
   there may not be any conceptual or design problem with the core 
   protocol involved, there are issues with using them in real life 
   In particular, it seems that we need to better understand: 
   - How to deal with the issues posed by intermediaries?  
   - How to appropriately separate the role of lower layers versus 
   application level to provide transport and security when 
   intermediaries are involved and such problems are met. 
   At this stage, this may involve the design of IETF protocols, 
   guidelines for implementation and deployment of these protocols and 
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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   guidelines for implementation and deployments of intermediaries and 
   in particular firewalls. 
   Note also that the Lemonade discussions on traffic compression for 
   (mobile e-mail) may also warrant compression in such discussions. 
  Initial considerations: A wish list for Lemonade 
   << Editor’s note: This section is expected to contain a discussion of 
   what lemonade would like to see addressed. As a first stab this may 
   include the following.>> 
   We propose to collect feedback and to study feasibility and 
   appropriateness of defining: 
   - Ways to deal at the transport level with firewalls with constrained 
   - Ways to deal at the transport level with implementation or 
   deployment based time-outs; even if no such time outs are built in 
   the underlying protocols. 
   - Ways or guidelines to perform some of these functions at the 
   application level, when there are no transport level viable approach 
   and when it is judged that this does not warrant changes at the 
   transport level or below. 
   - Guidelines for implementation and deployment of intermediaries to 
   mitigate the issues identified in this document. 
   - Ways and guidelines to deal with the instabilities and time out 
   observed over mobile networks. 
  HTTP Binding 
   As part of the LEMONADE goal to define extensions to the IMAPv4 Rev1 
   protocol [RFC3501] for providing optimizations in a variety of 
   settings, this document describes how HTTP can optionally be used to 
   transfer IMAP commands and responses. This binding is intended to 
   facilitate the use of IMAP in deployments involving a variety of 
   intermediaries, and offers a standardized alternative to de facto 
   proprietary implementations of such a feature.  
   The need for an optional HTTP binding is driven by the needs of the 
   mobile network operator community (see [MEMAIL],[OMA-ME-RD]), where 
   the reuse of an existing and well-understood technology will allow 
   operators to apply their experience in solving practical deployment 
   issues. Specifically, HTTP allow operators to reuse a similar setup 
   and model that is already used for many other similar and related 
   services, such as certain proprietary push e-mail and synchronization 
   offerings, OMA Data Synchronization, Web services and Web access.  

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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   Using HTTP/HTTPS can simplify deployment in a corporate network 
   through the potential use of a reverse proxy to achieve end-to-end 
   encryption. This also has the advantage of not requiring changes to 
   any firewall configurations and reduces the concerns that this often 
   presents to corporation. In general the solution is compatible with 
   any existing firewall. A reverse proxy can also support deployment 
   models that offer roles to other service providers in the value 
   chains, as discussed in [OMA-ME-AD].  
   The security, encryption and compression capabilities used with HTTP 
   and already implemented in a wide range of existing mobile device, 
   which be also be reused. 
   Studies have also shown that a persistent HTTP session has usually 
   proven more resilient than an IMAP IDLE over TCP connection over an 
   unreliable bearer such as a GPRS-based mobile network. 
   The use of HTTP as an underlying protocol for other application 
   protocols has received much attention (see [RFC3205]). In particular, 
   the concern exists that this circumvents firewall security policies. 
   Another concern is the potential misuse or neglect of HTTP semantics 
   by the application protocol that uses HTTP as a substrate. 
   Note that if the suppression of IMAP (or indeed any other 
   application) traffic on HTTP/HTTPS is an issue, firewall 
   administrators can still prevent such passage and this can provide 
   incentives to re-configure firewalls to allow solutions on other 
   transports (e.g. TLS) or offer the HTTP-based solution using another 
   provisioned port (e.g. manually, out of band or via instructions like 
   XGETLPREFS (see [NOTIFICATIONS])). The aim, therefore, is to allow 
   for the use of this solution in the widest possible set of 
   circumstances by codifying a standard way to do so that works with 
   existing, deployed (i.e., HTTP only) firewalls, while explicitly 
   allowing the possibility of detecting and filtering such traffic in 
   deployments using the HTTP Content-Type in deployments where this is 
   not permitted. 
   Alternative HTTP bindings can be considered: 
   - SOAP binding 
   - REST binding 
   - WebDAV binding 
Security Considerations 
   Security considerations are discussed throughout section 2 with 
   respect to firewalls, confidentiality, integrity and the risk posed 
   by intermediaries. 
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   Additional issues relate to how firewall issues are resolved. 
   << Editor’s note: More to be added as document expands.>> 
   [HTTPBINDING] Maes, S.H., "Lemonade HTTP Binding", draft-maes-
      lemonade-http-binding-02.txt, (work in progress). 
   [LEMONADEPROFILE] Maes, S.H. and Melnikov, A., "Lemonade Profile", 
      draft-ietf-lemonade-profile-xx.txt, (work in progress) 
   [MEMAIL] Maes, S.H., “Lemonade and Mobile e-mail", draft-maes-
      lemonade-mobile-email-xx.txt, (work in progress). 
   [OMA-ME-AD] Open Mobile Alliance Mobile Email Architecture Document, 
      (Work in progress).  
   [OMA-ME-RD] Open Mobile Alliance Mobile Email Requirement Document, 
      (Work in progress).  
   [P-IMAP] Maes, S.H., Lima R., Kuang, C., Cromwell, R., Ha, V. and 
      Chiu, E., Day, J. and Sini, J., "Push Extensions to the IMAP 
      Protocol (P-IMAP)", draft-maes-lemonade-p-imap-xx.txt, (work in 
   [RECONNECT] Melnikov, A. and C. Wilson, "IMAP4 extension for quick 
      reconnect", draft-ietf-lemonade-reconnect-XX.txt, work in 
   [RFC2246] Dierks, T. et al., "The TLS Protocol", version 1.0 RFC2246, 
      January 1999. 
   [RFC2616] Fielding, R. et al.  "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- 
      HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999. 
   [RFC2633] Ramsdell, B. et al., "S/MIME Version 3 Message 
      Specification", RFC2633, June 1999. 
Future Work 
   - Complete analysis of issues over mobile network (time-out) 
   - Complete analysis of all options for HTTP bindings 
   - Address all editor’s notes 
Version History 
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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   Revision 02: 
   [1] Editorial fixes. 
   [2] Details on IDLE instabilities in introduction and sections 2, 
   2.3.2 and 4. 
   [3] New references in section 2.1 
   [4] New HTTP binding section 
   [5] Updates in Security section 
   [6] Additional references 
   [7] New future work section 
   Revision 01: 
   [1] Editorial fixes. 
   This document is based on the discussions that took place within the 
   Lemonade working group. Acknowledgment to Dave Crocker who co-
   authored the first two versions of this draft. 
Authors Addresses 
   Stephane H. Maes 
   Oracle Corporation 
   500 Oracle Parkway 
   M/S 4op634 
   Redwood Shores, CA 94065 
   Phone: +1-650-607-6296 
Intellectual Property Statement 
   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
   intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to 
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in 
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights 
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   IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and 
   standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11.  Copies of 
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   licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to 
   obtain a general license or permission for the use of such 
   proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can 
   be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.  
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                <Lemonade and Intermediary Challenges>   October 2005 
   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
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   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the 
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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This document is subject 
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