Internet DRAFT - draft-smirnov-ospf-dive


OSPF                                                          A. Smirnov
Internet-Draft                                       Cisco Systems, Inc.
Intended status: Standards Track                          April 10, 2015
Expires: October 12, 2015

         OSPF for large-scale networks with regular topologies


   Many popular topologies for large-scale networks have highly regular
   structure with distinctive design pattern.  Examples of such
   topologies include hub-and-spoke (also known as "star") common in
   enterprise WAN networks, fat-tree and Clos topologies common in
   datacenters.  For number of reasons in such large-scale networks
   distance-vector protocols perform better than OSPF.  On the other
   hand network backbones have no highly regular topology pattern and
   there OSPF outperforms distance-vector protocols.  As a result large-
   scale networks frequently employ different routing protocols in
   different regions of the network, complicating network operations.

   This document proposes OSPF extensions to improve scalability of
   routing for large-scale networks.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on October 12, 2015.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft    OSPF Routing in large-scale networks        April 2015

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Problem definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Typical regular network topologies  . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       3.1.1.  Hub-and-spoke topology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       3.1.2.  Fat-tree topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.1.3.  Clos topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Problems with OSPF routing in large-scale networks  . . .   5
   4.  Solution requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Functional summary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Protocol Details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.1.  The DIVE area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.2.  Hello packets and the database exchange on DIVE
           area interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.3.  LSA generation into the DIVE area . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       6.3.1.  Metric Sub-TLV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.4.  SPF calculation in the DIVE area  . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     6.5.  Translation of LSAs and route propagation . . . . . . . .  15
       6.5.1.  Hub routers: Propagation of routes from the core
               network into the DIVE area  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       6.5.2.  Hub routers: Propagation of routes from the DIVE area
               into the backbone area  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.5.3.  Hub routers: Propagation of routes from the DIVE area
               into the non-backbone area  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       6.5.4.  Route propagation on Spoke routers  . . . . . . . . .  19
   7.  Other considerations for the DIVE area  . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.1.  Routing considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.2.  LSDB size considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.3.  Optimal DIVE area design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   8.  Backward Compatibility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   11. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

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   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

1.  Introduction

   OSPF is a link-state protocol which was designed to provide routing
   in networks of arbitrary topology.  Big modern networks may have
   thousands of routers providing the same type of service.  To simplify
   network design and operations as well as to unify hardware and
   software configurations of routers such networks are frequently built
   by replicating a basic design element hundreds and thousands of
   times.  Resulting network has highly regular topology exhibiting a
   distinctive pattern.  Such regular designs include hub-and-spoke
   topology common in enterprise networks, "fat-tree" and Clos
   topologies common in data center networks.  Running routing protocols
   in such networks poses number of problems arising mostly from the
   very large number of routers in the network.  On the other hand,
   regular pattern of the topology allows certain simplifications.

   OSPF (and link state protocols in general) can be used to provide
   routing in networks with regular topologies but it does not make any
   use of the regularity.  This makes OSPF especially vulnerable to the
   elements of the large scale.

   Real-life networks combine regions of regular topologies with
   (smaller scale) regions of free topology where OSPF works the best.
   Continuing examples above, these are the headquarter (HQ) network of
   the enterprise or interconnections between datacenters.  For
   operational simplicity it is desirable to have the same routing
   protocol running in both parts of the network.  The present document
   specifies extensions to OSPF to improve its scalability in the very
   large scale networks with regular topologies.

   Section 3 of this document details typical problems seen if OSPF is
   used as the routing protocol in the large scale networks with regular
   topologies.  Section 4 lists requirements for the routing solution.
   Section 5 gives brief overview of the solution.  Section 6 defines
   details of the new protocol behavior.

2.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

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3.  Problem definition

3.1.  Typical regular network topologies

3.1.1.  Hub-and-spoke topology

   Hub-and-spoke topology (also frequently called a "star" topology)
   comes in many variants but they all possess set of common properties
   allowing to group them into a single category:

   o  A few (usually one or two) routers with central location which on
      one side connect to each remote site by a point-to-point Layer-2
      connection and on another side to the network backbone.  These
      routers are usually referred as 'hubs'.

   o  Remote site may have a single router possibly dual-homed to hub
      routers or multiple routers each connecting to a hub router.
      These routers are frequently referred as 'spokes'.  Internally
      site's network may consist of multiple devices but typically it is
      relatively small and simple.  To the outside world site's internal
      reachability is described by just a few prefixes.

   o  Connection between hubs and spokes is the only connection between
      a site and rest of the network.  All traffic going in/out of the
      site flows through the hubs.  Inter-spoke traffic is minimal and
      may even be blocked, for example for security reasons.

   o  Hub-and-spoke network usually provides some sort of redundancy.
      Redundant hub routers and redundant connections to sites are
      common; redundant spoke routers are not unusual.

   o  Number of sites/spokes may be very large requiring each hub router
      to handle thousands of spoke neighbors.

   o  All sites share the same routing administrative policy, i.e. the
      same route filtering and summarization rules.

   On hub routers hub-and-spoke layer-2 connections may be presented to
   OSPF as either single point-to-multipoint interface with large number
   of neighbors or as multiple point-to-point Layer-3 interfaces.

   Examples of layer-2 technologies commonly used to create hub-and-
   spoke networks are (from historical to modern technologies): SMDS,
   ISDN, Frame-Relay, IPsec VPN tunnels, VPLS.

   Hub-and-spoke topology is the most common topology for building
   enterprise WAN networks.  It naturally maps into HQ/branch enterprise

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   structure and provides optimal link capacity for traffic flowing
   between branches and centralized services located in the HQ.

3.1.2.  Fat-tree topology

   Fat-tree topology is hierarchical structure resembling tree turned
   upside down with link capacity growing from the "leafs" up toward the
   "roots".  This topology is common in datacenter designs.  Since parts
   of the tree may run Layer-2 switching, IP routing protocols usually
   'see' 2 or 3 levels in the tree hierarchy.  Typically lower level
   nodes have redundant connections to the upper level.

   This topology may be seen as hub-and-spoke topology where each spoke
   site in turn has the tree-like organization.

3.1.3.  Clos topology

   Clos topology is multistage switching network where each node in a
   stage connects to multiple nodes in previous and subsequent stages.
   This is another topology frequently used in datacenters.  The key
   advantage of this topology is that number of elements in each stage
   and number of links connecting an element with previous and
   subsequent stages may be chosen in such way that all upstream and
   downstream links have the same capacity.  Clos network always
   provides multiple same-cost paths between each pair of leaf nodes.
   On a node number of ECMP paths for each destination would be equal to
   number of connections to elements in the next stage of the Clos
   topology.  In real-life deployments there may be as many as several
   dozens of ECMP paths for each routing destination prefix.

3.2.  Problems with OSPF routing in large-scale networks

   Hub-and-spoke networks pose challenges to routing scalability:

   o  All spoke sites placed into single OSPF area will, by the virtue
      of link-state protocol, receive full topology information
      describing each spoke in the area and its connection to hubs.
      This information is at best excessive as all links from the site
      go to hubs and knowledge of many other spoke links in the area
      cannot reveal alternative paths to destinations outside of the
      site.  Worse yet, spoke routers are usually much smaller devices
      than hub routers and they are intended to serve tiny site network
      with a few routes and light traffic; spoke routers do not have
      sufficient resources (either memory or CPU) to hold and process
      the same link-state database as hub routers.  Distance-vector
      protocols in the same topology propagate only prefix reachability
      information and do not tax spoke routers with topology view.

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   o  Inter-site visibility may be undesirable to decrease size of the
      routing table on spoke devices or because of security reasons.
      Link-state protocols do not allow routing information to be
      filtered within area flooding scope.  To compare, distance-vector
      protocols allow route filtering and summarization on per-neighbor

   o  Having full topology visibility within an area may also lead hub
      routers to compute suboptimal paths.  Consider example hub-and-
      spoke network with two hubs A and B and two spoke sites S1 and S2.
      Each spoke site is dual-connected to both hubs.  Hubs A and B are
      Area Border Routers (ABRs) between hub-and-spoke WAN and the
      backbone.  If link between hub A and site S1 goes down then A will
      choose (or at least consider) intra-area WAN route A -> S2 -> B ->
      S1.  But typically a spoke site (S2 in this example) must not be
      considered for any transit traffic.

   o  Size and stability of Router LSA of hub routers is also
      problematic due to very large number of point-to-point links in it
      describing connections to all spokes in the area.  Both the size
      and probability of need to rebuild the Router LSA grow directly
      proportional to N, number of spokes in the area.  Thus overall CPU
      resources consumed by flooding and processing hub's Router LSA
      grow as O(N^2).

   o  Alternative network design is to separate each spoke into area of
      its own.  This solves problems of spoke routers but transfers
      cumulative burden of supporting multiple areas to hub routers.
      This design requires hub router to be able to support thousands of
      NSSA areas, originate as many router LSAs, translate multiple LSAs
      from/into each area.  Managing common route filtering and
      summarization policy is also difficult.

   Some problems described above call for designing as small areas as
   possible, while others vice verse are resolved by designing big
   areas.  In a relatively small network it is possible to find a
   sensible design compromise but as number of spokes grows to thousands
   finding working compromise becomes more and more challenging and the
   balance becomes more and more fragile.

   As noted in Section 3.1.2, fat-tree topology can be viewed as a
   particular case of the hub-and-spoke topology.  For this reason many
   problems described above for hub-and-spoke networks are equally
   affecting fat-tree networks.

   Clos networks add one more problem specific to this topology:

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   o  Section 3.1.3 underlined that Clos networks provide massive equal-
      cost multipth for most destinations.  When a link goes down this
      rarely means that the node lost connectivity to any destination.
      OSPF in this situation rebuilds its Router LSA and floods it to
      all routers in the area.  Ensuing SPF on all nodes in the area
      will result in no change in the routing on all routers not
      connected to the problematic link.  For comparison, distance-
      vector routing protocols detect that there were no change in
      reachability of prefixes or their metrics and hence no update is
      sent to neighbors.

   As can be seen from these examples full knowledge of topology within
   an area, what is a key property of link state protocols and works so
   well in networks with arbitrary topology, becomes the biggest factor
   limiting routing scalability in networks with regular topologies.
   For this reason distance-vector protocols are the tool of choice for
   network designer working with large hub-and-spoke networks.  Factors
   specific to networks with regular topologies, such as link between
   hub and spoke being the only connectivity to rest of the network and
   low number of prefixes advertised in each direction, negate
   convergence slowness which affects distance-vector protocols in more
   complex topologies.

4.  Solution requirements

   For OSPF solution to be as scalable as distance-vector protocol these
   design goals were taken into consideration:

   o  Spoke routers MUST be protected from routing information sent
      from/to other spoke routers unless explicitly required by
      network's policy.

   o  Solution MUST require no modification to OSPF routers other than
      those connected to hub-and-spoke network itself.

   o  Number of LSAs which hub router originates MUST NOT grow faster
      than O(N) where N is number of spoke sites and preferably should
      not depend on N.  Size of LSAs MUST NOT depend on N.

   o  Solution MUST protect against routing loops should a spoke site
      becomes connected to another site and/or to rest of the network.
      Supporting such configuration is not a goal and such configuration
      looses important property defining spoke site of hub-and-spoke
      networks.  But network must be protected from routing meltdown in
      case of accidental misconfiguration.

   o  Solution SHOULD provide easy and scalable way to apply common
      administrative routing policy via centralized configuration.

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5.  Functional summary

   Area Border Routers in OSPF propagate inter-area routing information
   by announcing reachability and routing metrics.  Thus inter-area and
   external routes are announced in OSPF as in distance-vector routing

   The solution satisfying requirements laid in the Section 4 is to
   create new type of OSPF area which is devoid of LSAs carrying
   topology information (i.e.  Router and Network LSAs).  The routing
   information in this area is propagated only by prefix LSAs flooded
   with link-local scope.  In many aspects such area behaves similarly
   to distance-vector routing protocols.  Due to this the area type is
   called DIstance-VEctor or DIVE area.

   In hub-and-spoke network DIVE area would cover only links between
   hubs and spoke routers.  Other interfaces on hub routers will be
   placed into a regular OSPF area carrying link-state routing
   information.  This may or may not be the backbone area.  Further in
   this document this area and network behind it is called "the core

   Spoke routers are connected to area covering the site network.

   Example hub-and-spoke network using DIVE area is depicted on
   Figure 1.

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                                         .............     ...........
                                        .  DIVE       .   .           .
                                        .            +-----+  Site 1  .
                                        .  area      |     |          .
                                        .       _____|Spoke|   NSSA   .
                                        .      /     |     |.         .
     .............     .............    .     /      +-----+ .........
    .             .   .             .   .    /        .
    .             .   .             .   .   /         .
    .            +-----+           +-----+ /         +-----+
    .  Backbone  |     |  Regular  |     |/          |     | .........
    .            | ABR |           | Hub |___________|Spoke|.         .
    .   area 0   |     |   area    |     |\          |     |          .
    .            +-----+           +-----+ \         +-----+          .
    .             .   .             .   .   \         .   .   Site 2  .
     .............     .............    .    \       +-----+          .
                                        .     \      |     |   NSSA   .
                                        .      \_____|Spoke|.         .
                                        .            |     | .........
                                        .            +-----+
                                        .             .

                                 Figure 1

   Note that network using DIVE area design resembles [RFC4364] BGP/MPLS
   VPN network where OSPF is used as PE-CE protocol [RFC4577].  The DIVE
   area is analogue of BGP 'superbackbone' in MPLS VPN network and hub
   and spoke routers are analogues of MPLS VPN PE routers.

   DIVE area does not have LSAs with area scope flooding.  This solves
   problems related to excessive visibility of routing information where
   it is undesirable.  There is also no visibility or reachability of
   routers other than immediately connected neighbors.  Each router in
   the DIVE area is ABR and there is no concept of a router internal to
   the DIVE area.  In this sense DIVE area is always a one-hop area.

   Since DIVE area deviates from traditional one level hierarchy of OSPF
   areas (backbone area/all other areas connected to it) it must employ
   strict rules of accepting and propagating routing information to
   prevent routing information looping.  These rules are further
   discussed in Section 6.5.  ABRs connected to DIVE area perform
   translation of LSAs from and into the DIVE area similar to
   translation of NSSA LSA into External LSA on ABR between NSSA and
   backbone areas.

   Routing information propagated throughout DIVE area is encoded into
   Prefix Attribute LSAs for OSPFv2 ([I-D.ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr])

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   and Extended Prefix LSAs for OSPFv3
   ([I-D.ietf-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend]).  In both cases 'old' style LSAs
   carrying either topological or routing information are not originated
   or flooded into the DIVE area.

6.  Protocol Details

6.1.  The DIVE area

   Current specification defines new type of OSPF area called DIVE area.
   There is no concept of router internal to the DIVE area, all DIVE
   area routers are ABRs.  At the time of configuring DIVE area, role of
   the router in the area must be provided as configuration parameter.
   Currently supported DIVE area router roles are Hub and Spoke.  Router
   role has important implications during translation of routes between
   the DIVE area and other connected area(s).  Details of LSA
   translation are covered in Section 6.5.  In the subsequent text terms
   'Hub' and 'Spoke' (with capital letter) are used to denote routers'
   configured role in the DIVE area while terms 'hub' and 'spoke' (with
   small letter) describe position of the router in the hub-and-spoke

   Router of any role may be connected to multiple DIVE areas.
   Hierarchical DIVE areas are not defined by the current specification.
   In other words, router's role in all connected DIVE areas SHOULD be
   the same.

   Hub router must be connected to either backbone or non-backbone
   regular area.  Hub router cannot be connected to either stub or NSSA

   Site area (or areas) connected to the Stub router must be a non-
   backbone regular area, NSSA or stub area.  Note that route filtering
   and summarization are best to be applied on the hub routers.  This
   will both protect the high-scale DIVE area from flooding unnecessary
   information and provide centralized location to manage the route
   filtering/summarization policy on a few hub routers rather than on
   many spokes.  So stub and NSSA areas on spoke sites would provide
   limited benefit comparing to regular non-backbone area and SHOULD be
   used only if there exist direct spoke-to-spoke neighborships between
   some sites.

   Virtual links through DIVE area are not supported.

   Routers connected to the DIVE area MUST support Prefix Attribute LSAs
   for OSPFv2 ([I-D.ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr]) and Extended LSAs for
   OSPFv3 ([I-D.ietf-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend]).

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6.2.  Hello packets and the database exchange on DIVE area interfaces

   All routers connected to the DIVE area must agree on the area's
   configuration and learn roles of neighbors.  Roles of the local
   router and neighbor determine LSA translation and route propagation.
   Section 6.5 details these rules.

   Router's role is advertised in Hello packets sent on interfaces in
   the DIVE area.  Two new bits, called DV-bits, are used to encode
   router's role in the DIVE area.  DV-bits are allocated in the
   Extended Options and Flags LLS TLV for OSPFv2 [RFC5613] and in the
   Options field of OSPFv3:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0  1
    | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |DV |F|I|RS|LR|

                  Bits in Extended Options and Flags TLV

           0                   1                     2
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8  9 0 1  2 3
           | | | | | | | | | | | | | DV|L|AF|*|*|DC|R|N|MC|E|V6|

                           OSPFv3 Options Field

   Meaning of DV bits is defined as:

      0 0 - Interface of sending router does not belong to DIVE area

      0 1 - Sending router has role Hub

      1 0 - Sending router has role Spoke

      1 1 - Reserved

   When Hello packet is received from previously unknown neighbor DV
   bits are checked to see if neighbor's interface belongs to a DIVE
   area.  If neighbor advertises any of DV bits set and receiving
   interface does not belong to a DIVE area OR if both DV bits
   advertised by the neighbor are clear and receiving interface belongs
   to a DIVE area then received packet MUST be silently discarded.

   DV bits advertised by the neighbor must be stored in neighbor's data
   structure and compared when receiving subsequent Hello packets from

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   the neighbor.  Change in advertised DV bits MUST generate BadLSReq
   Neighbor FSM event.  Processing this event will cause adjacency with
   the neighbor to be reset and LSDB exchange to [re]start.

   LS database of DIVE area may contain only Opaque LSAs for OSPFv2 and
   Extended LSAs for OSPFv3.  LSA types defined in [RFC2328] and
   [RFC5340] are not flooded into the DIVE area, including AS External
   LSAs with the domain flooding scope.  OSPFv2 opaque LSAs with domain
   flooding scope are not flooded into DIVE areas.  OSPFv3 flooding of
   unknown LSA types is performed as described by [RFC5340].

   Choosing neighbors to establish the full adjacency or to stop
   neighborship formation at the 2-Way Neighbor FSM state does NOT
   depend on DIVE area roles of the local router and of the neighbor and
   works as described in [RFC2328].  On broadcast and NBMA interfaces of
   Spoke routers in the DIVE area implementation SHOULD have Router
   Priority by default set to 0.

   If during the LS database exchange with neighbor in DIVE area router
   receives Database Description packet describing LSA of a type not
   allowed in the DIVE area then SeqNumberMismatch Neighbor FSM event
   MUST be generated and LSDB exchange must restart.

   If OSPF interface type is broadcast then implementation SHOULD
   support Incremental Hellos as described by [RFC5820].  If Incremental
   Hellos are supported then they MUST be enabled by default on
   broadcast interfaces in DIVE area.  On point-to-multipoint interfaces
   Hub routers SHOULD default to sending unicast Hellos to discovered
   neighbors rather than sending multicast Hello packets listing all
   known neighbors.

6.3.  LSA generation into the DIVE area

   Following types of LSAs containing listed TLV types may be originated
   into the DIVE area:

   For OSPFv2 (see [I-D.ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr]):

   o  OSPFv2 Extended Prefix Opaque LSA

      *  OSPFv2 Extended Prefix TLV

   Extended Prefix Opaque LSA MUST have LSA Type 9.

   Extended Prefix TLV as defined by [I-D.ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr]
   may advertise attributes for several route types.  Only following
   route types may be present in Extended Prefix TLV in LSAs originated
   into the DIVE area:

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      1 - Intra-Area

      3 - Inter-Area

      5 - AS External

   This specification defines one new sub-TLV of OSPFv2 Extended Prefix
   TLV - Metric Sub-TLV, see Section 6.3.1.

   For OSPFv3 (see [I-D.ietf-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend]):

   o  E-Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA

   o  E-Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA

   o  E-AS-External-LSA

   o  E-Link-LSA

   Extended Prefix LSAs may contain following TLV types:

   o  6 - Intra-Area Prefix TLV

   o  3 - Inter-Area Prefix TLV

   o  5 - External Prefix TLV

   All Extended prefix LSAs originated into the DIVE area MUST have
   link-local flooding scope.  Thus their LSA types will be:

             LSA function code LS Type Description
             ----------------- ------- -----------------------
                     35        0x8023  E-Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA
                     37        0x8025  E-AS-External-LSA
                     40        0x8028  E-Link-LSA
                     41        0x8029  E-Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA

6.3.1.  Metric Sub-TLV

   One new sub-TLV is defined for OSPFv2 to carry metric of the route.
   This is required because in the DIVE area Extended Prefix Opaque LSAs
   do not accompany [RFC2328] LSAs and must carry all route information.

   The Metric Sub-TLV is a Sub-TLV of the OSPF Extended Prefix TLV
   defined in [I-D.ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr].  It MAY appear more than
   once in the top level TLV and has the following format:

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      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |              Type             |             Length            |
     |E|   MT-ID     |                 Metric                        |


   Type: TBD, suggested value is 3.

   Length: 4.

   E: one bit field.  For AS External routes this defines the type of
   external metric.  Its function and meaning are fully analogous to the
   E-bit of Type-5 LSA [RFC2328].  This bit is always 0 for intra- and
   inter-area route metrics.

   MT-ID: Multi-Topology ID (as defined in [RFC4915]).

   Metric: The cost of this route.  For inter-area and external routes
   all 24 bits of the field may be used to encode route metric.  For
   intra-area routes upper 8 bits must be 0, thus valid metric for
   intra-area route is in the range 1 to 2^16-1.

   If more than one instance of the Metric Sub-TLV is present in the
   Extended Prefix TLV then each instance MUST describe metric with
   different Multi-Topology ID.

6.4.  SPF calculation in the DIVE area

   Intra-area SPF calculation within the DIVE area is reduced to walking
   the list of neighbors in the area and adding neighbors which have
   reached the FULL adjacency state to the table of routers'
   reachability.  Each reachable router is marked to be both ABR and
   ASBR.  Cost of the routing table entry is equal to the cost of local
   interface associated with the neighbor.

   Unlike of other area types in the DIVE area routers which do not have
   fully established adjacency between them do not have valid intra-area
   path to reach each other.

   Calculation of inter-area and AS External routes follows algorithms
   described in [RFC2328] for OSPFv2 and [RFC5340] for OSPFv3 with
   following caveat.  OSPFv2 Extended Prefix LSA does not provide
   ordering of prefixes by prefix types.  Hence there are no separate
   phases of computing inter-area and then AS external routes.  Instead,

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   all Extended Prefix LSAs and all Extended Prefix TLVs in them are
   examined in turn and type of calculated route is determined by the
   Route Type field of the Extended Prefix TLV being examined.

6.5.  Translation of LSAs and route propagation

   Each router connected to a DIVE area is an Area Border Router and
   will originate LSAs into connected non-DIVE areas to describe
   reachability of prefixes received via the DIVE area.  And vice verse,
   it will originate LSAs into the DIVE area to describe reachability of
   routes learned via other connected areas.

   Moreover, in DIVE area all LSAs propagating routing information have
   link-local scope.  In those cases where routing information should
   propagate between routers which do not have direct adjacency,
   intermediate routers will originate their own LSAs carrying routing
   information one hop further.  Accordingly to distance-vector routing
   principles metric of such routes will be increased to reflect cost of
   the path to reach destination from the router originating LSA.  There
   are two cases when routing information has to be re-advertised within
   the DIVE area:

   o  If inter-spoke site traffic is not prohibited then hub routers
      must advertise to spokes inter-spoke routing information.  This
      may be either in the form of summarized routing information
      covering multiple spoke sites (including advertisement of default
      route) or in the form of non-summarized routing information hub
      received from spoke routers.  In the latter case hub would re-
      advertise in the DIVE area routing information received from spoke
      neighbors in the area.

   o  DIVE area is attached to the core network via redundant hub
      routers and hubs advertise into the network summarized routing
      information covering multiple site prefixes.  If link between one
      of hubs and a spoke site is lost then the hub must know
      alternative paths to the spoke network via other hubs.  Direct
      neighborship between hub routers in the DIVE area would provide
      such alternate path.  Thus in this scenario hub routers advertise
      summarized routing information into the core network and exchange
      non-summarized spoke prefix reachability via DIVE area adjacency.

   Note that in both scenarios above re-advertisement of routing
   information within DIVE area is done by Hub routers and information
   being re-advertized was received by the Hub from Spoke routers.
   Routers whose role in DIVE area was configured as Spoke MUST NOT re-
   advertise into the DIVE area routing information received via a DIVE
   area.  Routers whose role in DIVE area was configured as Hub MUST NOT

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   re-advertize routing information received from other Hub routers in
   this DIVE area.

   Route filtering and/or summarization is frequently configured on Hub
   routers.  Summarization reduces number of LSAs to originate, maintain
   and flood.  Managing LSDB size is an important aspect of scalability
   in a large-scale network.  Summarization may be performed in both
   directions - to summarize reachability of core networks advertized
   toward the spoke sites (in the ultimate summarization case Hubs may
   advertize toward spokes only one - default - route) and to summarize
   into the core reachability of remote sites connected by the hub-and-
   spoke network.  To improve stability of LSA advertising summarized
   routing information an implementation MUST allow cost of the summary
   route to be statically provided via configuration and SHOULD have
   static assignment of summary cost (as opposed to dynamically
   computing cost of the summary route from costs of component routes
   falling into the summary range) as default cost selection mechanism.

   A spoke site for redundancy reasons may be connected to the hub-and-
   spoke network by more than one spoke router.  To prevent looping of
   routing information, routes propagated from the DIVE area into the
   spoke site network must not be re-advertised back into the DIVE area
   by another spoke router.  This is achieved by setting by Spoke
   routers the Down bit in LSAs advertised into the spoke site network.
   Unlike of looping prevention for MPLS VPN PE routers [RFC4576], Spoke
   routers are allowed to install into their own routing table routes
   derived from LSAs with the Down bit set but they MUST NOT re-
   advertising them into the DIVE area.

   Following chapters describe route propagation and re-advertisement
   rules.  For Hub routers LSA translation rules for routes learned from
   the DIVE area depend on if the Hub is connected to the backbone area
   or non-backbone area.

6.5.1.  Hub routers: Propagation of routes from the core network into
        the DIVE area

   After completing calculation of routes during SPF DIVE area's Hub
   router will perform Area Border Router's functions.  This section
   lists rules to propagate routing information from the core network
   into the DIVE area.  Each prefix being propagated will be described
   by one Prefix TLV, see Section 6.3.  Strategy of packing Prefix TLVs
   into LSAs (one or multiple Prefix TLVs per LSA; LS ID selection etc)
   is outside of the scope of this document.

   To advertise routing information into DIVE area a Hub router MUST:

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   o  Examine each reachable prefix in its routing table.  If the best
      path for the prefix lies through the DIVE area then proceed to the
      next prefix.

   o  Check if the route falls into any configured summary range.  If it
      is, mark the summary as reachable.  Compare type of the route with
      type of the summary using usual OSPF route preference rules
      (intra-area route is preferred over inter-area; external Type-1 is
      preferred over external Type-2 etc.).  If route's type is more
      preferable store it as new type of the summary route and proceed
      to the next route

   o  Otherwise add into DIVE area's LSAs route TLV of the appropriate
      type.  The LSA MUST be added to LSDB of all interfaces where exist
      Spoke neighbor(s) in a state above Down:

      *  If route is intra-area or inter-area then originate inter-area
         route TLV.  Use cost of the route as cost advertised in the TLV

      *  If route is Type-1 AS external route then originate Type-1 AS
         External route TLV.  Use cost of the route as cost advertised
         in the TLV

      *  If route is Type-2 AS external route then originate Type-2 AS
         External route TLV.  Use Type-2 metric of the LSA which
         contributed to the route plus one as cost advertised in the TLV

   o  For routes which became unreachable advertise the LSA without TLV
      corresponding to the route or flush the LSA if applicable

   Calculation of the summary route reachability and type, as well as
   flushing TLVs of unreachable routes is the same for all router roles
   and route propagation scenarios, so for brevity they are omitted in
   the following sections.

6.5.2.  Hub routers: Propagation of routes from the DIVE area into the
        backbone area

   If the Hub router is connected to (i.e. has interfaces in) the
   backbone area then route advertisement rules are:

   o  For routes whose LSA was originated by a Spoke router originate
      into the backbone area LSA of the corresponding type:

      *  For intra- and inter-area routes originate Type-3 Summary LSA
         (OSPFv2) or Inter-area Prefix LSA (OSPFv3) using cost of the

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      *  For Type-1 AS external routes originate Type-5 External LSA
         (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising Type-1
         external route and using cost of the route

      *  For Type-2 AS external routes originate Type-5 External LSA
         (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising Type-2
         external route and using metric received in the Prefix TLV plus

      *  When advertising AS external routes the Hub router MUST also
         announce itself as ASBR

   o  If LSA was not originated into the backbone because the route is
      subsumed by summarization then instead add TLV to the LSA in LSDB
      of all interfaces where exist Hub neighbor(s) in a state above
      Down.  Otherwise to provide inter-spoke connectivity TLV MAY be
      added to the LSA in LSDB of all interfaces where exist Spoke
      neighbor(s) in a state above Down.  In either case the TLV MUST
      have the same route type as route being advertised.  For intra-
      inter-area and Type-1 external routes advertised cost is taken as
      cost of the route.  For Type-2 external routes the cost is equal
      to metric received in the Prefix TLV plus one

   o  Note that a Hub router MUST NOT advertise into either the backbone
      or to other Hubs routes received from Hubs

6.5.3.  Hub routers: Propagation of routes from the DIVE area into the
        non-backbone area

   If the Hub router is not connected to the backbone area then it
   cannot advertise inter-area routing information.  To provide
   compromise between network design flexibility and compatibility with
   [RFC2328]/[RFC5340] implementations the Hub router will advertise
   routing information as AS external routes.

   For routes whose LSA was originated by a Spoke the Hub router MAY
   originate into the non-backbone area LSA of the following type:

   o  For intra- and inter-area routes originate Type-5 External LSA
      (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising Type-1 AS
      external route with metric equal to cost of the route

   o  For Type-1 AS external routes originate Type-5 External LSA
      (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising Type-2 external
      route with metric of one

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   o  For Type-2 AS external routes originate Type-5 External LSA
      (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising Type-2 external
      route and using metric received in the Prefix TLV plus one

   Propagation of the route to other Hub or Spoke routers in the same
   DIVE area is the same as described in the previous section.

6.5.4.  Route propagation on Spoke routers

   To advertise routing information received from the DIVE area into
   areas of the site network Spoke router MUST:

   o  For intra- and inter-area routes originate into the site area
      Type-3 Summary LSA (OSPFv2) or Inter-Area-Prefix LSA (OSPFv3).
      Metric advertised in the LSA is set equal to cost of the route

   o  For Type-1 AS external routes originate into the site area Type-5
      External LSA (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising
      Type-1 external route with metric equal to cost of the route

   o  For Type-2 AS external routes originate Type-5 External LSA
      (OSPFv2) or AS-External LSA (OSPFv3) advertising Type-2 external
      route with metric equal to the metric in TLV contributing to the

   o  In all above cases the LSA MUST have the Down bit set

   To advertise into DIVE area routing information learned from attached
   site network area Spoke router:

   o  MUST skip routes which were produced from LSAs with the Down bit

   o  Since site area is a non-backbone area Spoke router MUST NOT have
      inter-area routes learned via the site network

   o  For other route types add into DIVE area's LSAs route TLV of the
      type as listed below.  The LSA MUST be added to LSDB of all
      interfaces where exist Hub neighbor(s) in a state above Down:

      *  If route is intra-area then originate inter-area route TLV.
         Use cost of the route as cost advertised in the TLV

      *  If route is Type-1 AS external or translatable NSSA route then
         originate Type-1 AS External route TLV.  Use cost of the route
         as cost advertised in the TLV

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      *  If route is Type-2 AS external or translatable NSSA route then
         originate Type-2 AS External route TLV.  Use Type-2 metric of
         the LSA which contributed to the route as cost advertised in
         the TLV

7.  Other considerations for the DIVE area

7.1.  Routing considerations

   Route propagation rules in DIVE area make sure that information is
   advertised between Hubs and Spokes and into respective connected
   areas.  These rules prohibit multiple re-advertisement of the routing
   information within the DIVE area.  Thus the DIVE area may only serve
   as shim layer between traditional OSPF areas and it is not possible
   to build full OSPF network functioning on principles of distance-
   vector protocol.

   Routing information traveling through DIVE area looses track of its
   true originator.  To prevent routing loops, routes delivered via the
   DIVE area are made worse.  For routes carrying metric comparable with
   cost of intra-domain path this is done by adding cost of links to
   reach route's origin.  For routes carrying cost external to the OSPF
   domain this is done by incrementing the external cost.

   This increment in the metric also solves problem of originator
   receiving back its own routing information.  For example, if spokes
   are connected to a Hub by a point-to-multipoint interface and the Hub
   wants to advertise to spokes prefix received from a Spoke router then
   the Spoke router which originated the prefix will receive its own
   information back even though the LSA has link-local flooding scope.
   Fast-poisoning of routes which became unreachable is ensured by rules
   which prevent a Spoke router from re-advertising back to Hubs
   (directly or indirectly via other Spoke routers connected to the same
   spoke site) any routing information received on the DIVE area

7.2.  LSDB size considerations

   LSAs in DIVE area have link-local flooding scope.  This solves
   scalability problems of spoke routers because they don't have to deal
   with information originated for or from the other spokes (unless it
   is desired).  This also solves input-output constraints on hub
   routers by limiting volume of information which has to be exchanged
   with each spoke.  On the other hand this may have adverse effect on
   the size of the link-state database a hub router has to maintain.
   This is the case when spoke routers are connected by point-to-point
   OSPF interfaces.  In this case the database size of hub router is
   multiplied by number of interfaces to spoke sites.  This problem can

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   be addressed by grouping spoke connections into smaller number of
   point-to-multipoint interfaces.

7.3.  Optimal DIVE area design

   Given these considerations, the recommended DIVE area design for Hub
   routers is:

   o  Spoke routers are connected via small number of point-to-
      multipoint interfaces

   o  Hub routers, if necessary, are interconnected within the DIVE area
      via interfaces separate from connections to Spokes

   o  Hub routers do route summarization of routing information they
      advertise both into the core network and into the DIVE area toward
      Spoke routers.

8.  Backward Compatibility

   Devices attached to the DIVE area MUST conform to this specification.
   Awareness of devices is checked via new options bits in Hello packets
   before the start of adjacency formation, thus devices not supporting
   this specification cannot join the DIVE area.

   This specification is fully backward compatible with devices not
   immediately connected to DIVE area.  New information defined by this
   specification is not propagated to such devices.  Current
   specification includes measures to protect a network in case of basic
   misconfiguration or design problem.

9.  Security Considerations

   This document does not introduce any new security implications.
   General security considerations described in
   [I-D.ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr] and
   [I-D.ietf-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend] apply to LSAs in DIVE area.

10.  IANA Considerations

   This specification updates several IANA OSPF registries:

   o  New bits (DV-bits) are reserved in the "LLS Type 1 Extended
      Options and Flags" registry of the Extended Options and Flags Link
      Local Signaling TLV

   o  New bits (DV-bits) are registered in the "OSPFv3 Options" registry

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   o  One new value is being added to the registry of OSPFv2 Extended
      Prefix TLV Sub-TLVs (Metric sub-TLV)

11.  Acknowledgements

   The author would like to thank Paul Wells and Alvaro Retana for early

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

              Lindem, A., Mirtorabi, S., Roy, A., and F. Baker, "OSPFv3
              LSA Extendibility", draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-lsa-extend-04
              (work in progress), September 2014.

              Psenak, P., Gredler, H., Shakir, R., Henderickx, W.,
              Tantsura, J., and A. Lindem, "OSPFv2 Prefix/Link Attribute
              Advertisement", draft-ietf-ospf-prefix-link-attr-01 (work
              in progress), September 2014.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2328]  Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April 1998.

   [RFC5340]  Coltun, R., Ferguson, D., Moy, J., and A. Lindem, "OSPF
              for IPv6", RFC 5340, July 2008.

   [RFC5613]  Zinin, A., Roy, A., Nguyen, L., Friedman, B., and D.
              Yeung, "OSPF Link-Local Signaling", RFC 5613, August 2009.

   [RFC5820]  Roy, A. and M. Chandra, "Extensions to OSPF to Support
              Mobile Ad Hoc Networking", RFC 5820, March 2010.

12.2.  Informative References

   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, February 2006.

   [RFC4576]  Rosen, E., Psenak, P., and P. Pillay-Esnault, "Using a
              Link State Advertisement (LSA) Options Bit to Prevent
              Looping in BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)",
              RFC 4576, June 2006.

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   [RFC4577]  Rosen, E., Psenak, P., and P. Pillay-Esnault, "OSPF as the
              Provider/Customer Edge Protocol for BGP/MPLS IP Virtual
              Private Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4577, June 2006.

   [RFC4915]  Psenak, P., Mirtorabi, S., Roy, A., Nguyen, L., and P.
              Pillay-Esnault, "Multi-Topology (MT) Routing in OSPF", RFC
              4915, June 2007.

Author's Address

   Anton Smirnov
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   De Kleetlaan 6a
   Diegem  1831


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