Internet DRAFT - draft-smith-opflex


Internet Engineering Task Force                                 M. Smith
Internet-Draft                                                  R. Adams
Intended status: Informational                                M. Dvorkin
Expires: October 27, 2016                            Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                               Y. Laribi
                                                               V. Pandey
                                                                 P. Garg
                                                   Microsoft Corporation
                                                         N. Weidenbacher
                                           Sungard Availability Services
                                                          April 25, 2016

                        OpFlex Control Protocol


   The OpFlex architecture provides a distributed control system based
   on a declarative policy information model.  The policies are defined
   at a logically centralized policy repository (PR) and enforced within
   a set of distributed policy elements (PE).  The PR communicates with
   the subordinate PEs using the OpFlex Control protocol.  This protocol
   allows for bidirectional communication of policy, events, statistics,
   and faults.  This document defines the OpFlex Control Protocol.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on October 27, 2016.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Policy Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       3.1.1.  Management Information Model  . . . . . . . . . . . .   4  Managed Object  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Endpoint Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Observer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.4.  Policy Element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  OpFlex Control Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  JSON Usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  RPC Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.2.1.  Error Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.2.2.  Identity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.3.  Echo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.2.4.  Policy Resolve  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.2.5.  Policy Unresolve  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       4.2.6.  Policy Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       4.2.7.  Endpoint Declare  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       4.2.8.  Endpoint Undeclare  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       4.2.9.  Endpoint Resolve  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       4.2.10. Endpoint Unresolve  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       4.2.11. Endpoint Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       4.2.12. State Report  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   8.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

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1.  Introduction

   As software development processes merge with IT operations, there is
   an increasing demand for automation and agility within the IT
   infrastructure.  Application deployment has been impeded due to the
   existing IT infrastructure operational models.  Management at scale
   is a very difficult problem and existing imperative management models
   typically falter when challenged with the heterogeneity of various
   platforms, applications, and releases.  In such environments,
   declarative management models have shown to cope quite well.  In
   these systems, agents have autonomy of control and provide a
   declaration of intent regarding behavior.  Declarative policy is
   rendered locally to provide desired system behavior.  The OpFlex
   architecture is founded in these concepts.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

1.2.  Terminology

   PD:             Policy Domain.  A logical instantiation of the OpFlex
                   system components controlled by a single
                   administrative policy.

   EP:             Endpoint.  A device connected to the system.

   OC:             OpFlex Component.  An entity that communicates using
                   the OpFlex protocol.

   EPR:            Endpoint Registry.  A logically centralized entity
                   containing the endpoint registrations within
                   associated policy domain.

   OB:             Observer.  A logically centralized entity that serves
                   as a repository for statistics, faults, and events.

   PE:             Policy Element.  A function associated with entities
                   comprising the policy policy domain that is
                   responsible for local rendering of policy.

   PR:             Policy Repository.  A logically centralized entity
                   containing the definition of all policies governing
                   the behavior of the associated policy domain.

   OpFlex Device:  Entity under the management of a Policy Element.

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   JSON:           Javascript Object Notation [RFC4627]

2.  Scope

   This document defines the OpFlex Control Protocol used between OpFlex
   system components.  It does not define the policy object model or the
   policy object model schemas.  A System Overview section is provided
   for reference.

3.  System Overview

   OpFlex is a policy driven system used to control a large set of
   physical and virtual devices.  The OpFlex system architecture
   consists of a number of logical components.  These are the Policy
   Repository (PR), Endpoint Registry (EPR), Observer, and the Policy
   Elements (PE).  These components and their interactions are described
   in the following subsections.

3.1.  Policy Repository

   Within each policy domain of the OpFlex system, there is a single
   logical entity referred to as the Policy Repository (PR) that serves
   as the single source of all policies.  The PR handles policy
   resolution requests from the Policy Elements within the same policy
   domain.  An example scope of an policy domain would be a datacenter
   fabric.  These policies are configured directly by the user via a
   policy administration interface (API/UI/CLI/etc.) or indirectly
   (implicitly through the application of higher order policy
   constructs).  These policies represent a declarative statement of
   desired state.  Policies are typically abstracted from the underlying

3.1.1.  Management Information Model

   All of the physical and logical components that comprise the policy
   domain are represented in a hierarchical management information model
   (MIM), also referred to as the management information tree (MIT).
   The hierarchical structure starts at a root node and all policies
   within the system can be reached via parent and child containment
   relationships.  Each node has a unique Uniform Resource Identifier
   (URI) [RFC3986] that indicates its place in the tree.  Managed Object

   Each node in the tree represents a managed object (MO) or group of
   objects and contains its administrative state and operational state.
   An MO can represent a concrete object, such as a switch or adapter,

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   or a logical object, such as a policy or fault.  An MO consists of
   the following items:

   Properties:       A property is a named instance of policy data and
                     is interpreted by the Policy Element in local
                     rendering of the policy.

   Child Relations:  A containment relationship between MOs where the
                     children MOs are contained within the parent MO.

   Parent Relation:  The inverse of the children relationship.  This
                     relation is implicit and is implied through the
                     hierarchical name of the MO name.

   Observables:      These are MOs that track state relevant to the
                     observed MOs, such as statistics, faults, or health
                     information.  These MOs are reported to the

3.2.  Endpoint Registry

   The Endpoint Registry (EPR) is the component that stores the current
   operational state of the endpoints (EP) within the system.  PEs
   register the EPs with the EPR upon EP attachment to the local device
   where the PE is resident.  Upon EP detachment, the registration will
   be withdrawn.  The EP registration information contains the scope of
   the EP such as the Tenant or logical network as well as location
   information such as the hypervisor where the EP resides, or other
   metadata and labels as required by the policy model.  The EPR can be
   used by PEs to resolve the current EPR registrations as well as
   receive updates when the information changes.

3.3.  Observer

   The Observer serves as the monitoring subsystem that provides a
   detailed view of the system operational state and performance.  It
   serves as a data repository for performance and state data that
   pertains to the devices under control.  This could include
   information related to trending, forensics, and long-term visibility
   data such as statistics, events, and faults.  Statistical data is
   reported to the Observer at expiration of reporting intervals and
   statistics will be rolled up for longer-term trend analysis.

3.4.  Policy Element

   Policy elements (PEs) are a policy enforcement entity that is part of
   the policy domain.  Policy elements reside on physical or virtual
   devices that are subjected to policy control under a given policy

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   domain.  In addition, a policy element might serve as a proxy for a
   device that lacks an embedded policy element.  Policies are resolved
   with the PR using the OpFlex protocol.  This protocol allows
   bidirectional communication, and allows the exchange of policy
   information.  Policies are represented as managed object "sub-trees".
   Upon policy resolution, the PE renders the policy to the
   configuration of the underlying subsystem, and continuously performs
   health monitoring of the subsystem.  PEs perform local corrective
   actions as needed for the enforcement of policies in its scope.  The
   PE performs this enforcement continuously rather than only when the
   policy is changed, which is a departure from a more traditional
   orchestrated scheme.  Operational transitions can also cause new or
   additional/incremental policy resolutions such as the attachment of
   new EPs to the corresponding device.

4.  OpFlex Control Protocol

   The OpFlex Control Protocol is used by OpFlex system components to
   communicate policy and operational data.  This document describes a
   JSON format and uses JSON-RPC version 1.0 [JSON-RPC].  The JSON-RPC
   transport SHOULD be over TCP.

4.1.  JSON Usage

   The descriptions below use the following shorthand notations for JSON
   values.  Terminology follows [RFC4627].

       A JSON string.  Any Unicode string is allowed.  Implementations
       SHOULD disallow null bytes.

       A JSON number with an integer value, within the range -

       Any JSON value.

       Any JSON value except null.

       A JSON string in the form of a Uniform Resource

       An enumeration specifying one of the following set of strings:
       "created", "modified", or "deleted".

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       An enumeration specifying one of the following set of strings:
       "policy_element", "observer", "policy_repository", or

       A JSON object with the following members:

       "subject": <string>
       "uri": <URI>
       "properties": [{"name":<string>, "data": <json-value>}*]
       "parent_subject": <string>
       "parent_uri": <URI>
       "parent_relation": <string>
       "children": [<URI>*]

       All of the members of the JSON object are REQUIRED.  However, the
       corresponding value MAY consist of the empty set for all members
       except for "name".  It is REQUIRED that the "name" be specified.

       The "subject" provides the class of entity for which the
       declaration applies.  The applicable object classes are dependent
       on the particular MIT.

       The "uri" uniquely identifies the managed object within the scope
       of the policy domain and indicates its location within the MIT.

       The "properties" holds a set of named policy data.

       The "parent_subject" provides the class of entity for the parent
       of the managed object.  This field is optional.  If omitted, then
       the managed object is a root element.

       The "parent_uri" the uri of the parent managed object.  The
       parent URI MUST be a prefix of the URI of the child object.  This
       field is optional.  If omitted, then the managed object is a root

       The "parent_relation" is the name of the relation from parent to
       child.  This field is optional.  If omitted, the parent relation
       is considered equal to the subject field.

       The "children" identifies a set of MOs where each MO is
       considered a child of this particular MO.

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4.2.  RPC Methods

   The following subsections describe the RPC methods that are
   supported.  As described in the JSON-RPC 1.0 specification, each
   request comprises a string containing the name of the method, a
   (possibly null) array of parameters to pass to the method, and a
   request ID, which can be used to match the response to the request.
   Each response comprises a result object (non-null in the event of a
   successful invocation), an error object (non-null in the event of an
   error), and the ID of the matching request.  More details on each
   method, its parameters, and its results are described below.

   A Policy Element is configured with the connectivity information of
   at least one peer OpFlex Control Protocol participant.  The
   connectivity information consists of the information necessary to
   establish the initial connection such as the IP address and wire
   encapsulation.  A Policy Element MAY be configured with the
   connectivity information for one or more of the OpFlex logical
   components.  A Policy Element MUST connect to each of the configured
   OpFlex logical components.

4.2.1.  Error Responses

   In the event of an error, the response contains an error object, and
   the response object is null or omitted.  The error response is as

       "error": {
           "code": <string>,
           "message": <string>,
           "trace": <json-value>,
           "data": <json-value>
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "code" parameter is an error code that indicates the type of
   failure.  The code MUST be one of the following strings:

       A generic error not covered by any of the following errors.

       The request could not be fulfilled because it is not supported.

       The session is not in a state that allows the specified request.

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       The OpFlex protocol version is not supported.

       The policy domains do not match.

       An authoritative location is required but could not be

   An OpFlex component MUST be capable of receiving an error response
   containing a code that is not in the above list, in which case it MAY
   treat the code the same as "ERROR".

   The "message" parameter is a human-readable error message that
   corresponds to the error code.  The message field is optional, but it
   MAY contain additional details not conveyed by the code.

   The "trace" parameter is a JSON object that MAY convey debug or trace
   information, such as a stack trace, in an implementation-dependent
   way.  This parameter is optional.

   The "data" parameter is a JSON object that can contain additional
   data related to the specific request.  This parameter MUST be present
   if required by the request.

   The "id" parameter is the same ID as was sent in the request.

4.2.2.  Identity

   This method identifies the participant to its peer in the protocol
   exchange and MUST be sent as the first OpFlex protocol method.  The
   method indicates the transmitter's role and the policy domain to
   which it belongs.  Upon receiving an Identity message, the response
   will contain the configured connectivity information that the
   participant is using to communicate with each of the OpFlex
   components.  If the response receiver is a Policy Element and is not
   configured with connectivity information for certain OpFlex logical
   components, it SHOULD use the peer's connectivity information to
   establish communication with the OpFlex logical components that have
   not been locally configured.

   If a request type other than Identity is received before the Identity
   message, then the OpFlex Component MUST response with an error
   response with the error code set to ESTATE.

   The Identity request is as follows:

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       "method": "send_identity",
       "params": [{
           "proto_version": "1.0",
           "name": <string>,
           "domain": <string>,
           "my_location": <string>,
           "my_role": [<role>+]
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "proto_version" is a string that represents the version of the
   OpFlex protocol.  This is the fixed value "1.0".

   The "name" is an identifier of the OpFlex control protocol
   participant that is unique within the policy domain.

   The "domain" is a globally unique identifier indicating the policy
   domain that this participant exists.

   The "my_location" is an optional identifier that identifies the
   location of the OpFlex control protocol participant that is making
   the request.  This is a string in a format appropriate for the
   specific OpFlex policy domain.

   The "my_role" states the particular OpFlex component contained within
   this participant.  Since a participant may be capable of acting as
   more than 1 type of component, there may be multiple "my_role"
   parameters passed.

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {
           "name": <string>,
           "my_role": [<role>+],
           "domain": <string>,
           "my_location": <string>,
           "your_location": <string>,
             [ {"role": [<role>+],
             "connectivity_info": <string>}* ]
       "id": same "id" as request

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   The "name" is the identifier of the OpFlex Control Protocol
   participant sending the response.

   The "my_role" states the OpFlex component roles contained within the
   participant sending the response.

   The "domain" is a globally unique identifier indicating the policy
   domain that the participant sending the response exists.

   The "my_location" is an optional identifier that identifies the
   location of the OpFlex control protocol participant that is sending
   the response.  This is a string in a format appropriate for the
   specific OpFlex policy domain.

   The "your_location" is an optional identifier that identifies the
   location of the OpFlex control protocol participant that sent the
   request.  This is a string in a format appropriate for the specific
   OpFlex policy domain.  If the requesting participant included a
   "my_location" field in the request, this field MAY indicate a new,
   authoritative location.

   The "role" and associated "connectivity_info" give the reachability
   information (i.e.  IP address or DNS name) and the role of the entity
   that the participant is communicating using the OpFlex Control
   Protocol.  This information MAY be gleaned by a receiving participant
   to resolve reachability for various OpFlex components.

   If the protocol version is not supported by the recipient of the
   Identity request, then it MUST reply with an error response with the
   "code" field set to "EPROTO".  If the policy domain does not match
   the policy domain of the recipient, then it MUST reply with an error
   response with the "code" field set to "EDOMAIN".

   If the requesting participant did not include a "my_location" field
   in the request, and the responding participant is unable to determine
   an authoritative location field for the requesting participant, the
   responding participant MAY reply with an error response with the
   "code" field set to "ELOCATION".

4.2.3.  Echo

   The "echo" method can be used by OpFlex Control Protocol peers to
   verify the liveness of a connection.  It MUST be implemented by all

   The request is as follows:

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       "method": "echo",
       "params": [],
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

4.2.4.  Policy Resolve

   This method retrieves the policy associated with the given policy
   name.  The policy is returned as a set of managed objects.  This
   method is typically sent by the PE to the PR.

   The request is as follows:

       "method": "policy_resolve",
       "params": [{
           "subject": <string>,
           "policy_uri": <URI>,
           "policy_ident": {
               "name": <string>,
               "context": <URI>
           "data": <string>,
           "prr": <integer>
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "subject" provides the class of entity for which the policy is
   being resolved.  The applicable object classes are dependent on the
   particular MIT.

   The "policy_uri" is the URI of the policy that needs to be resolved.
   Exactly one of "policy_uri" and "policy_ident" MUST be set.

   The "policy_ident" is an identifier for the policy that needs to be
   resolved.  It contains a "context" which is a scope or namespace in
   which the policy should be resolved, and a "name" which is a name
   that uniquely identifies the policy within the context.  A common

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   example of a context would be the URI of a tenant object.  Exactly
   one of "policy_uri" and "policy_ident" MUST be set.

   The "data" provides additional opaque data that may be used to assist
   in the policy resolution.  This parameter is optional.

   The "prr" or Policy Refresh Rate provides the amount of time that a
   PE should use the policy as provided in the request.  The <integer>
   indicates the time in seconds that the policy should be kept by the
   PE.  A PE SHOULD issue another policy resolution request before the
   expiration of the prr timer if the PE still requires the policy.  If
   the PE is unable to subsequently resolve the policy after the prr
   timer expires, the PE MAY continue to use the resolved policy.  The
   PE SHOULD raise an alarm if the policy cannot be resolved after
   multiple attempts.

   Note that a policy resolve request can contain more than one request.

   Upon successful policy resolution, the response object is as follows:

       "result": {
           "policy": [<mo>*],
       "id": same "id" as request

   The "policy" parameter contains the managed objects that represent
   the resolved policy.  This includes the requested object and all of
   its transitive children.  These objects are used by the Policy
   Element to render and apply the local policy.  If the requested
   policy is not currently known, then the policy response MAY be the
   empty array.

   When a policy resolution request is received by an OpFlex component,
   it MAY reply with the requested policy in the response.  It MAY also
   reply with an empty response, and send the requested policy later
   with a policy update.

   If the requested policy or any of its children are modified, deleted,
   or created, before the expiration of the PRR, the policy repository
   MUST send a policy update that represents the policy modifications.
   If the PRR expires before a new policy resolve message is received,
   then the policy repository SHOULD stop sending the updates.  Note
   that these updates MUST be sent even if the requested policy is
   unknown at the time of the resolve request.

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4.2.5.  Policy Unresolve

   This method indicates that the policy element is no longer interested
   in updates to a particular policy.  Upon receipt of this message, the
   policy repository SHOULD stop sending updates related to the
   indicated policy object.

   The request is as follows:

       "method": "policy_unresolve",
       "params": [{
            "subject": <string>,
            "policy_uri": <URI>,
            "policy_ident": {
                 "name": <string>,
                 "context": <URI>
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "subject" provides the class of entity to which the request
   applies.  The applicable object classes are dependent on the
   particular MIT.

   The "policy_uri" is a URI to unresolve that corresponds to an earlier
   resolve request.  Exactly one of "policy_uri" and "policy_ident" MUST
   be set for each unresolve request.

   The "policy_ident" is an identifier to unresolve that corresponds to
   an earlier resolve request.  Note that a policy that was resolved
   using the "policy_ident" field can only be unresolved in the same
   way.  Exactly one of "policy_uri" and "policy_ident" MUST be set for
   each unresolve request.

   Note that a policy that was resolved using the "policy_uri" or
   "policy_ident" field can only be unresolved in the same way.  If a
   policy is resolved multiple times in different ways, then the policy
   repository MUST continue to provide updates until all unique
   resolutions are either unresolved or timed out.

   Further note that a policy unresolve request can contain multiple
   requests in the params list.

   Upon successful completion, the response object is as follows:

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       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

4.2.6.  Policy Update

   This method is sent to Policy Elements when there has been a change
   of policy definition for policies for which the Policy Element has
   requested resolution.  Policy Updates will only be sent to Policy
   Element for which the policy refresh rate timer has not expired.

   The Policy Update contains the following members:

       "method": "policy_update",
       "params": [{
           "replace": [<mo>*],
           "merge_children": [<mo>*],
           "delete": [{"subject": <string>,
                       "uri": <URI>}*]
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "replace" parameter contains a list of changed managed objects.
   These objects completely replace the managed objects specified.  If
   the existing object has any child elements that do not appear in the
   specified object's child list, then these child elements MUST be

   The "merge_children" parameter contains a list of objects that will
   replace the properties of any existing object, including unsetting
   any properties that are set in the existing object but not set in the
   specified object.  Any children that are specified will added to the
   set of children already present, but no children will be deleted.

   The "delete" parameter specifies a list of objects that no longer
   exist and should be deleted.  The "subject" field is the class of
   entity to be deleted and the "uri" field is the URI for the specific
   object to delete.

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

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4.2.7.  Endpoint Declare

   This method is used to indicate the attachment or modification of an
   endpoint.  It is sent from the Policy Element to the Endpoint

   The request is as follows:

       "method": "endpoint_declare",
       "params": [{
           "endpoint": [<MO>+],
           "prr": <integer>}+
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "endpoint" parameter is a list of managed objects representing
   the endpoints to declare.  The endpoint managed object will contain
   one or more identifiers that can be used to look up the endpoint with
   an endpoint resolve request.

   The "prr" or Policy Refresh Rate provides provides the amount of time
   that the endpoint declaration will remain valid.  The <integer>
   indicates the time in seconds that the endpoint declaration should be
   kept by the EPR.  A PE SHOULD issue another endpoint declaration
   before the expiration of the prr timer if the endpoint is to continue
   existing within the system.

   Note that an endpoint declare request can contain more than one
   endpoint declaration.

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

4.2.8.  Endpoint Undeclare

   This method is used to indicate the detachment of an endpoint.  It is
   sent from the Policy Element to the Endpoint Registry.

   The request is as follows:

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Internet-Draft           OpFlex Control Protocol              April 2016

       "method": "endpoint_undeclare",
       "params": [{"subject": <string>,
                   "endpoint_uri": <URI>}+
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "subject" provides the class of entity to which the declaration
   applies.  This will typically be the class representing the endpoint.
   The applicable object classes are dependent on the particular MIT.

   The "endpoint_uri" is used to identify the endpoint or endpoints that
   are being detached.

   Note that an endpoint undeclare request can contain more than one
   endpoint undeclaration.

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

4.2.9.  Endpoint Resolve

   This method resolves the registration of a particular EP from the
   EPR.  The request is made using the identifiers of the endpoint.
   Since multiple identifiers may be used to uniquely identify a
   particular endpoint, there may be more than 1 endpoint returned in
   the reply if the identifiers presented do not uniquely specify the

   The request is as follows:

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       "method": "endpoint_resolve",
       "params": [{
           "subject": <string>,
           "endpoint_uri": <URI>,
           "endpoint_ident": {
               "context": <URI>,
               "identifier": <string>
           "prr": <integer>}+
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "subject" provides the class of entity to which the request
   applies.  This will typically be the class representing the endpoint.
   The applicable object classes are dependent on the particular MIT.

   The "endpoint_uri" is the URI of the endpoint that needs to be
   resolved.  Exactly one of "endpoint_uri" and "endpoint_ident" MUST be

   The "endpoint_ident" is an identifier for the endpoint that needs to
   be resolved.  It contains a "context" which is a scope or namespace
   in which the endpoint should be resolved, and a "identifier" which is
   a name that uniquely identifies the endpoint within the context.  A
   common example of a context would be the URI of an IP namespace
   object, and an within this namespace would be an IP address.  Exactly
   one of "endpoint_uri" and "endpoint_ident" MUST be set.

   The "prr" or Policy Refresh Rate provides provides the amount of time
   that the endpoint information will remain valid.  The <integer>
   indicates the time in seconds that the endpoint information should be
   kept by the PE.  A PE SHOULD issue another endpoint request before
   the expiration of the prr timer if the communication is still
   required with the endpoint.

   Note that the endpoint resolve request can contain multiple endpoints
   to resolve.

   The response object contains the registrations of zero or more
   endpoints.  Each endpoint contains the same information that was
   present in the original registration.  The following members are
   present in the response:

   The response object is as follows:

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       "result": {
           "endpoint": [<mo>*],
       "id": same "id" as request

   The "endpoint" parameter contains the managed objects that represent
   the endpoint registrations.  This includes the requested object and
   all of its transitive children.  If the requested endpoint is not
   currently known, then the policy response MAY be the empty array.

   When an endpoint resolution request is received by an OpFlex
   component, it MAY reply with the requested endpoint registration in
   the response.  It MAY also reply with an empty response, and send the
   requested policy later with an endpoint update.

   If the requested endpoint object or any of its children are modified
   before the expiration of the PRR, the endpoint repository MUST send
   an endpoint update that represents the endpoint modifications.  If
   the PRR expires before a new endpoint resolve message is received,
   then the endpoint repository SHOULD stop sending the updates.  Note
   that these updates MUST be sent even if the requested endpoint is
   unknown at the time of the resolve request.

4.2.10.  Endpoint Unresolve

   This method indicates that the policy element is no longer interested
   in updates to a particular endpoint.  Upon receipt of this message,
   the policy repository SHOULD stop sending updates related to the
   indicated policy object.

   The request is as follows:

       "method": "endpoint_unresolve",
       "params": [{
           "subject": <string>,
           "endpoint_uri": <URI>,
           "endpoint_ident": {
               "context": <URI>,
               "identifier": <string>
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

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   The "subject" provides the class of entity for which the policy is
   being resolved.  The applicable object classes are dependent on the
   particular MIT.

   The "endpoint_uri" is a URI to unresolve that corresponds to an
   earlier resolve request.  Exactly one of "endpoint_uri" and
   "endpoint_ident" MUST be set for each unresolve request.

   The "endpoint_ident" is an identifier to unresolve that corresponds
   to an earlier resolve request.  Exactly one of "endpoint_uri" and
   "endpoint_ident" MUST be set for each unresolve request.

   Note that an endpoint that was resolved using the "endpoint_uri" or
   "endpoint_ident" field can only be unresolved in the same way.  If an
   endpoint is resolved multiple times in different ways, then the
   endpoint registry MUST continue to provide updates until all unique
   resolutions are either unresolved or timed out.

   Note that an endpoint unresolve request can can contain multiple
   unresolve requests in the params list.

   Upon successful completion, the response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

4.2.11.  Endpoint Update

   This method is sent to Policy Elements by the EPR when there has been
   a change relating to the EP Declaration for an Endpoint that the
   Policy Element has requested.  Policy Updates will only be sent to
   Policy Elements for which the Policy Refresh Rate timer timer for the
   Endpoint Request has not expired.

   The Endpoint Update contains the following members:

       "method": "endpoint_update",
       "params": [{
           "replace": [<mo>*],
           "delete": [{"subject": <string>,
                       "uri": <URI>}*]
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

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   The "replace" parameter contains a list of changed managed objects.
   These objects completely replace the managed objects specified.  If
   the existing object has any child elements that do not appear in the
   specified object's child list, then these child elements MUST be

   The "delete" parameter specifies a list of objects that no longer
   exist and should be deleted.  The "subject" field is the class of
   entity to be deleted and the "uri" field is the URI for the specific
   object to delete.

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

4.2.12.  State Report

   This method is sent by the Policy Element to the Observer.  It
   provides fault, event, statistics, and health information in the form
   of managed objects.

   The state report contains the following members:

       "method": "state_report",
       "params": [{
           "observable": [<mo>*]}+
       "id": <nonnull-json-value>

   The "observable" parameter is a list of managed objects that will be
   updated in this state report.  Each of these managed objects will
   completely replace any existing observable managed object with the
   same URI.

   The response object is as follows:

       "result": {},
       "id": same "id" as request

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Internet-Draft           OpFlex Control Protocol              April 2016

5.  IANA Considerations

   A TCP port will be requested from IANA for the OpFlex Control

6.  Security Considerations

   The OpFlex Control Protocol itself does not address authentication,
   integrity, and privacy of the communication between the various
   OpFlex components.  In order to protect the communication, the OpFlex
   Control Protocol SHOULD be secured using Transport Layer Security
   (TLS) [RFC5246].  The distribution of credentials will vary depending
   on the deployment.  In some deployments, existing secure channels can
   be used to distribute the credentials.

7.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Vijay Chander, Mike Cohen, and Brad
   McConnell for their comments and contributions.

8.  Normative References

              Kollhof, J., "JSON-RPC Specification, Version 1.0",
              January 2006, <>.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC
              3986, January 2005.

   [RFC4627]  Crockford, D., "The application/json Media Type for
              JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)", RFC 4627, July 2006.

   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.

Authors' Addresses

   Michael Smith
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, California  95134


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Internet-Draft           OpFlex Control Protocol              April 2016

   Robert Edward Adams
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, California  95134


   Mike Dvorkin
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, California  95134


   Youcef Laribi
   4988 Great America Parkway
   Santa Clara, California  95054


   Vijoy Pandey
   4400 N First Street
   San Jose, California  95134


   Pankaj Garg
   Microsoft Corporation
   1 Microsoft Way
   Redmond, Washington  98052


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   Nik Weidenbacher
   Sungard Availability Services
   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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