Internet DRAFT - draft-snalluri-pppoe-bulk-session-tag


Network Working Group                                 Srinivasa Nalluri
Internet Draft                                                 Ericsson
Intended status:  Informational                            May 15, 2015
Expires: August 03, 2015

           PPPoE-Bulk-Session Tag extension to PPPoE PADT message


This draft introduces a new PPPoE Tag to PADT message to carry multiple
PPPoE session information to BRAS. New tag is intended to reduce
processing load on Access Node and BRAS in abnormal network conditions.

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Table of Contents

1. Terminology				                                
2. Introduction	                                                        
3. PPPoE discover phase	                                                
4. PPPoE termination stage                                              
5. PPPoE-Bulk-Session Tag format
5.1. TAG_TYPE                                                     
5.3. TAG_VALUE definition
5.3.3. SESSION ID list
6. Access Node implementation considerations
7. BRAS implementation considerations 
8. IANA considerations 
9. Security considerations10.Acknowledgements11.References
11.1 Informative References
11.2 Normative References

1. Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [3].

  ATM          - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  PPP          - Point-to-Point Protocol
  PPPoA        - PPP over AAL5.
  PPPoE        - PPP over Ethernet.
  MTU          - Maximum Transmit Unit
  PC           - Personal Computer.
  CPE          - Customer Premises Equipment
  RG           - Residential Gateway
  BRAS         - Broadband Remote Access Server
  DSLAM        - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
  PPPoE client - PC, RG or CPE which initiates a PPPoE   
  PPPoE server - BRAS terminating PPPoE sessions initiated 
       	         by client

2. Introduction

In the network designs shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, which are 
studied by the Broadband-Forum in the context of the migration to 
Ethernet for broadband aggregation networks, there exist some scenarios 
in which PPP clients cannot terminate session as defined in RFC 2516 or 
in RFC 1661.As studied by Broadband-Forum when LOS is detected on DSL 
or PON line, Access Node considers that PPP client is not reachable and 
sends a PADT message to BRAS so that BRAS can clean session as in 
normal session teardown scenario.

In network design shown in Figure 1, when RG sends LCP configure 
request, Access node generates PPPoE PADI message towards BRAS with 
self MAC address as source MAC address.

In network design shown in Figure 2, when RG sends PPPoE PADI message, 
Access Node replaces source MAC address in Ethernet header with self 
MAC address and forwards towards BRAS.

In Both cases mentioned above BRAS receives PADI message with source 
MAC address as Access Node MAC address. Thus BRAS allows multiple PPPoE 
session for same MAC address. This draft leverages the idea of 
establishing multiple PPPoE sessions with same MAC address to optimize 
session teardown scenarios.

      <----- IPoE -----> <---- PPPoA ----> <- PPPoE session ->                                                               
	                               +------+            +-----+
    +--+              +---+            |      |            |     |
    |PC|--------------| RG|------------|Access|------------| BRAS|
    +--+  <Ethernet>  +---+    <ATM>   | Node |   <GigE>   |     |
       	                               +------+            +-----+

     Figure 1. Broadband network design with PPPoA to PPPoE conversion

     <----- IPoE -----> <---- PPPoE ----> <-- PPPoE session -->

                                       +------+            +-----+
    +--+              +---+            |      |            |     |     
    |PC|--------------| RG|------------|Access|------------|BRAS |
    +--+  <Ethernet>  +---+ <Ethernet> | Node |   <GigE>   |     |
       	                               +------+            +-----+  
  Figure 2. Broadband network design with DSLAM as PPPoE intermediate

When LOS observed on multiple access lines, Access node sends one PADT 
message for each PPP client that is not reachable. In specific 
scenarios like Access node component crash, geographical power failures
or subtended access node failure the scale of PADT messages sent by 
access node towards BRAS is very high. High number of PADT messages 
results in high processing load on both Access node and BRAS.This draft 
introduces a new PPPoE Tag to PADT message to carry multiple PPPoE 
session information to BRAS.

3. PPPoE discover phase

Introduction of this draft does not impact PPPoE discovery phase 
defined in RFC 2516.

4. PPPoE termination stage

If Access Node wants to use bulk PPPoE session teardown capability then 
it MUST include an optional PPPoE-Bulk-Session tag in PADT message 
generated towards BRAS. 

	Tag-name: 	PPPoE-Bulk-Session
	Tag Type:	0x0122
	Tag-Length:	Dynamic value as calculated 
	Tag-Value: Binary encoded value as defined in Section 5.3	

5. PPPoE-Bulk-Session Tag format
                      1                   2                   3
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
 |      TAG_TYPE                 |            TAG_LENGTH         |
 |				TAG_VALUE ......                ~	


	Tag Type 0x0122 SHOULD be registered with IANA


	Total length of PPPoE-Bulk-Session tag in octets 

5.3. TAG_VALUE definition
                      1                   2                   3
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
 | SESSION_COUNT |                 RESERVED                      |
 |    SESSION ID_1               |     SESSION_ID 2              |
 |    SESSION_ID 3               |     SESSION_ID 4              |
 |                     ..........                                |
 |                     ..........                                |
 |   SESSION_ID N-1              |      SESSION_ID N             |


Number of Session records encoded in TAG_VALUE. 

This value depends on MTU supported between Access Node and BRAS. In 
order to make sure PADT message is transmitted between Access Node and 
BRAS implementations MUST consider MTU values.

Three octets field reserved for future use and MUST be filled with 

5.3.3. SESSION ID list

List of PPPoE Session IDs served by PPPoE server during PPPoE session 
discover phase.

6. Access Node implementation considerations

Destination MAC address in PADT message Ethernet header SHOULD be PPPoE 
server MAC address. Source MAC address in PADT message Ethernet header 
MUST be same as source MAC address used during PPPoE session discover 
phase. Access node MUST NOT bundle PPPoE session IDs mapped to 
different source MAC addresses in one PADT message. PPPoE Session ID 
MUST in PADT message with PPPoE Bulk Session Tag MUST be 0xFFFE. 
In order to maintain backward compatibility, Access node MUST be 
capable of generating PADT message as defined in RFC 2516. Access node 
MUST consider operator configuration as selection criteria between 
legacy and new PADT formats.

7. BRAS implementation considerations

BRAS or PPPoE server that can handle PPPoE-Bulk-session tag MUST handle 
PADT messages with PPPoE session ID 0xFFFE and tag type 0x0122. When 
received such message, BRAS should perform following.

      - Extract Ethernet source MAC address from Ethernet header that
        is SOURCE_ADDR.

      - Extract Ethernet destination MAC address from Ethernet header
        that is DESTINATION_ADDR.

      - For each session ID in tag value, identify PPPoE session 
        uniquely by {session ID, SOURCE_ADDR, DESTINATION_ADDR} and 
        clean the session.

PPPoE server that cannot support PPPoE-Bulk-Session tag SHOULD ignore 
and silently drop any PADT message with PPPoE-Bulk-Session tag.  

In order to maintain backward compatibility BRAS MUST support 
processing of PADT message format as defined in RFC 2516.

8. IANA considerations

IANA considerations required to register new PPPoE Tag type as follows

        TAG     Value      TAG Name     
        ----    ------     ---------
        290     0x0122     PPPoE_Bulk_Session

9. Security considerations

This document introduces no new security threat 

10. Acknowledgements

This document is based on concepts described in several forums, 
including Broad Band forum and IETF. Many thanks to David Allan I, 
Natarajan Venkataraman, Narayana Pai and Suresh Gangadharan for useful 
inputs and feedback. 

11. References

11.1 Informative References

      [1] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate     
          Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

11.2 Normative References

      [2]. Mamakos L., Lidl K., Evarts J., Carrel D., Simone D., 
           Wheeler R., "A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet 
          (PPPoE)", RFC 2516, February 1999

      [3]. W. Simpson "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", RFC 1661, 
           July 1994

Author's Addresses

Srinivasa Rao Nalluri
Ferns Icon, Outer Ring Road, 
Marathahalli, Bangalore
