Internet DRAFT - draft-softgear-dtnrg-eprophet


DTN Research Group                                          Seok-Kap Ko
Internet Draft                                             Il-Kyun Park
Intended status: Experimental                              Seung-Hun Oh
Expires: September 9, 2012                                Byung-Tak Lee
                                                          Yun Won Chung
                                                    Soongsil University
                                                          March 9, 2012
      Extensions of Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Intermittently 
                            Connected Networks 


   This document defines extensions of PRoPHET, a Probabilistic Routing 
   Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity. The document 
   presents two extensions of current PRoPHET draft-09. The first 
   extension is to apply the contact duration to calculate the delivery 
   predictability. The other is to provide a forward strategy which can 
   alleviate the bundle starving problem by considering expiration of 

Status of this Memo 

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the 
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on May 1, 2012. 

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   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the   
   document authors.  All rights reserved. 

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Table of Contents 

   1. Introduction ................................................. 4 
   2. Terminology .................................................. 5 
   3. Contact Duration based P_encounter function .................. 5 
      3.1. Overview ................................................ 5 
      3.2. Contact Duration Based Delivery Predictability........... 6 
      3.3. Contact Gap Based Delivery Predictability ............... 6 
      3.4. Unified Contact Duration & Contact Gap Based Delivery 
      Predictability ............................................... 7 
   4. Expiration based Forwarding Strategy ......................... 8 
   5. Security Considerations ...................................... 9 
   6. IANA Considerations .......................................... 9 
   7. Acknowledgments .............................................. 9 
   8. References .................................................. 10 
      8.1. Normative References ................................... 10 
      8.2. Informative References ................................. 10 

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1. Introduction 

   PRoPHET is a variant of the epidemic routing protocol for 
   intermittently connected networks without flooding. PRoPHET is 
   designed for DTNs(Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks) which are 
   intermittently connected networks. The PRoPHET draft-09 has been 
   submitted on April 3, 2011[I-D.irtf-dtnrg-prophet-09]. 

   In PRoPHET draft-09, when two nodes meet, they update the delivery 
   predictability for each other using the following equation: 

   P_(A,B) = P_(A,B)_old + (1-delta-P_(A,B)_old)*P_encounter   (1) 

   To reduce the distortion of the delivery predictability if the 
   contact occurs very short and frequent, PRoPHET draft-09 suggests the 
   P_encounter function of interval to decrease the predictability when 
   the interval is shorter than the typical time(I_typ). Although this 
   limits the unnecessary increase of P_(A,B) due to very short and 
   frequent contact to some extent, it still increases P_(A,B) even for 
   very short and frequent contact. Therefore, we remove this 
   unnecessary increase of P_(A,B) for this case by filtering very short 
   and frequent contact. 

   Furthermore, the calculation of the delivery predictability in 
   PRoPHET draft-09 does not consider the contact duration at all. 
   However, we argue that a node with longer contact duration may have 
   higher delivery predictability if other conditions are the same. This 
   document describes this  and suggests to use a P_encounter function 
   based on the contact duration and contact interval. 

   PRoPHET and [lindgren_06] provides several forward strategies. All 
   strategies are based on priority queue scheduling. Therefore, bundles 
   in a lower priority queue may be starved by bundles in a higher 
   priority queue. When the total departure rate is smaller than the 
   total arrival rate, the queues will be fulfilled and some bundles are 
   dropped. If we use a priority queue scheduling, the lower priority 
   queue will not be served forever. 

   This document provides a forward strategy which can reduce the 
   starving using the expiration of the bundle. It combines the 
   predictability value for the destination of the bundle and the 
   expiration of the bundle. 

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2. Terminology 

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119]. 

   To make explanation of the proposed P_encounter function clear, we 
   assume a scenario in that node A meets node B at time t1, they 
   separate at time t2, and they meet again at time t3. In this scenario, 
   we define contact interval between nodes A and B as the time interval 
   between two consecutive encounters between nodes A and B, and it is 
   obtained as t3 - t1. Interval and encounter interval are also 
   interchangeably used to denote contact interval. Contact duration is 
   defined as the time that two nodes have kept in contact with each 
   other continuously and it is obtained as t2 - t1. For notational 
   convenience, we define t3 - t2 as contact gap, which is the time that 
   two nodes have been out of contact with each other previously when 
   they meet again. Therefore, the relationship contact interval = 
   contact duration + contact gap holds. 


3. Contact Duration based P_encounter function 

       3.1. Overview   

   Delivery predictability P_(A,B) is based on the history of encounter 
   between node A and B which is reflected in the equation (1) as 
   P_encounter [I-D.irtf-dtnrg-prophet-09]. P_encounter may take various 
   forms. For example, it has a constant value, irrespective of contact 
   interval or contact duration and we call this as constant (CST) 
   P_encounter. However, this constant P_encounter may increase delivery 
   predictability unnecessarily, even for very short and frequent 
   contact. In order to remove the distortion of the delivery 
   predictability value which is caused by several communication 
   opportunities closely spaced in time due to wireless physical 
   characteristic, P_encounter was proposed to be a function of the 
   interval since the last encounter in Fig. 2 from [I-D.irtf-dtnrg-
   prophet-09], and contact interval-based (CIB) P_encounter was used.     

   In this draft, we argue that it is intuitively reasonable that if   a  
   node has longer and stable contact duration with another node, the 
   value of delivery predictability between these two nodes should be 
   larger. We suggest to use a contact duration based (CDB) P_encounter 
   in this draft. 

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       3.2. Contact Duration Based Delivery Predictability 

   The delivery predictability value for a node which has stably long 
   enough contact time must be larger than that for a node which does 
   not, as mentioned in the previous section. Therefore, we propose to 
   make P_encounter as a function of contact  duration as follows: 

   P_encounter(d)= P_encounter_max * (1 - e^(-epsilon * d)),        (2) 

   where d is the sum of contact duration since the last normal contact, 
   epsilon is a contact differentiating constant, and P_encounter_max is  
   the limiting value for P_encounter from '0' to '1'.   

   To analyze the performance of the proposed delivery predictability 
   calculation, we assume an opportunistic link between nodes A and B. 
   We set a contact differentiating constant (epsilon) low (0.1) enough 
   to minimize the effect of  short contact durations. I_typ defined for 
   CIB is set to 10 seconds due to average time between transfer 
   opportunities, and we use 1 second time unit for delivery 
   predictability aging equation. Three contact scenarios can be 
   considered: 'short gap & short contact duration', 'short gap & long 
   contact duration' and 'long gap & short contact duration'. 

   The first scenario of 'short gap & short contact duration' shows that 
   delivery predictability with CST is rapidly increasing because it has 
   constant P_encounter. However other two methods, CIB and our CDB, 
   avoid the delivery predictability distortion by increasing delivery 
   predictability slightly, because these reflect contact interval and 
   contact duration respectively. 

   If interval of second scenario is the same as  that of third scenario,   
   P_encounter values obtained  by CIB are the same. In contrast, the 
   P_encounter by CDB in second scenario is higher than that in the last 
   scenario because CDB considers contact duration. 

       3.3. Contact Gap Based Delivery Predictability 

   Although CIB P_encounter limits the unnecessary increase of P_(A,B) 
   in CST P_encounter due to very short and frequent contact to some 
   extent, it still increases P_(A,B) even for very short and frequent 
   contact. Therefore, we remove this unnecessary increase of P_(A,B) 
   for this case by filtering very short and frequent contact in CIB 
   P_encounter. We call this as contact gap based (CGB) P_encounter and 
   CGB P_encounter function is defined as the following equation: 

   P_encounter (g) = 0                               if g<=I1 

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   P_encounter (g) = P_encounter_max *(g-I1)/(I2-I1) if I1<g<=I2  (3)  
   P_encounter (g) = P_encounter_max                 if g>I2   

   If contact gap is very short, P_encounter (g) becomes zero to remove 
   unnecessary increase of P_(A,B) due to very short and frequent 

   The graph of  P_encounter (g) function is drawn as follows:  

     P_encounter_max +                 ----------- 
                     |                / 
                     |               / 
                     |              / 
                     |             / 
                     |            / 
                     +-----------------------------> g 
                   0            I1    I2 

       3.4. Unified Contact Duration & Contact Gap Based Delivery 


   Since the proposed CDB P_encounter does not consider contact gap and 
   the proposed CGB P_encounter does not consider contact duration, we 
   combine both function to take the merit of both scheme and define 
   unified contact duration and contact gap based (CDGB) P_encounter as 

   P_encounter(d,g) = P_encounter_duration(d) * P_encounter_gap(g)   (4) 

   The function P_encounder_duration(d) is CDB P_encounter in equation 
   (2) and the function P_encounter_gap(g) is CGB P_encounter in 
   equation (3). 

   By using unified CDGB P_encounter(d,g) given in equation (4), we can 
   consider contact duration and contact gap together and thus, may 
   obtain more reasonable delivery predictability value. 


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4. Expiration based Forwarding Strategy 

   In PRoPHET, nodes decide on which bundles they wish to exchange with 
   the peer node during the information exchange phase. PRoPHET draft-09 
   describes 7 basic forward strategies : GRTR, GTMX, GTHR, GRTR+, GTMX+, 
   GRTRSort, and GRTRMax.  

   The node which sending a bundle does not delete the bundle after 
   sending it as long as there is sufficient buffer space available. 
   However, when the total departure rate is smaller than the total 
   arrival rate, the queues will be fulfilled and some bundles are 
   dropped. The departure rate is the total effective bandwidth from 
   this node to other nodes when the forwarding condition in such a  
   forwarding strategy is satisfied. Because all strategies are in a 
   kind of priority queue scheduling, the bundles to the specific 
   destination will be discarded. 

   For the fairness, the bundle which has short expiration and has been 
   served rarely should be served before the bundle which has long 
   expiration and has been served frequently. 

   PRoPHET draft-09 describes P_ewma, a smoother value of the 
   predictability. This document approximates ET, the expected delivery 
   time from P_ewma with the following equation. ET is the average 
   contact interval. 

   ET = log_gamma ( P_ewma / P_encounter_first ) 

   As PRoPHET draft-09, A and B are the nodes that encounter each other, 
   and the strategies are described as they would be applied by node A. 
   The destination node is D. P_(X,Y) denotes the delivery 
   predictability stored at node X for destination Y, NF is the number 
   of times A has given the bundle to some other node, EX is the 
   remained expiration of the bundle, and ET(X,Y) is the expected 
   delivery time which is approximated by P_(X,Y). P_(X,Y) is 

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          Select bundles in ascending order of the value of 
          (NF + 1) / (EX / ET(B,D)). 
          Forward the bundle only if P_(B,D) > P_(A,D)  
          The larger predictability value causes shorter ET. Therefore, 
          this strategy gives high priority to the larger predictability 
          path. This strategy gives high priority to the bundle which 
          has short expiration and gives low priority to the bundle 
          which has been forwarded more times. 

          Select bundles in ascending order of the value of 
          (NF + 1) / (EX / ET(B,D)). 
          Forward the bundle if P_(B,D) > P_(A,D) or EX/ET(A,D)<1 
          This strategy is like GEXRSort, but if the expiration is very 
   short, forward the bundle to the other. 

5. Security Considerations 

   TODO - fill in 


6. IANA Considerations 

   TODO - fill in  


7. Acknowledgments 

   TODO - fill in  


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8. References 

       8.1. Normative References 

   [I-D.irtf-dtnrg-prophet-09] A. Lindgren, A. Doria, E. Davies, S. 
             Grasic, "Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Intermittently 
             Connected Networks", draft-irtf-dtnrg-prophet-09 (work in 
             progress), April 3, 2011. 


       8.2. Informative References 

   [lindgren_06] Lindgren, A. and K. Phanse, "Evaluation of Queueing 
             Policies and Forwarding Strategies for Routing in 
             Intermittently Connected Networks", Proceedings of COMSWARE 
             2006 , January 2006.  


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Author's Addresses 

   Seok-Kap Ko 
   1000-6 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, 
   Phone: +82-62-970-6677 
   Il-Kyun Park 
   1000-6 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, 
   Phone: +82-62-970-6651 
   Seung-Hun Oh 
   1000-6 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, 
   Phone: +82-62-970-6655 
   Byung-Tak Lee 
   1000-6 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, 
   Phone: +82-62-970-6624 
   Yun Won Chung 
   Soongsil University 
   511 Sangdo-Dong, Dongja-Gu, Seoul, 156-743, 
   Phone: +82-2-820-0908 

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