Internet DRAFT - draft-sohel-sipping-s-bc-concept-arch


SIPPING Working Group                                       K. Sohel, Sprint
Internet-Draft                                              H. Beech, Sprint
Expires: January 7, 2006                                    M. Evans, Sprint
                                                            R. Gagliano, Sprint
                             				    	      July 8, 2005

   Conceptual Deployment Scenarios of Session/Border Control(S/BC) Functions 

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
   of section 3 of RFC 3667.  By submitting this Internet-Draft, each
   author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of
   which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of
   which he or she become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
   RFC 3668.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 7, 2006.

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). 

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By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any applicable 
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accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.


   This document illustrates various conceptual deployment scenarios of 
Session/Border Controller (S/BC). The objective is to depict a provider's 
architectural requirements of S/BC function deployment. The document will help 
the IETF community to understand that S/BC functions can be deployed in the 
network in scalable approach.
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   3.  General Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   4.  Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     4.1   3GPP     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     4.2   Reference Peering Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   5.  S/BC Deployment Scenarios  . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     5.1   Composed or Standalone S/BC . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . .  6
     5.2   Semi-Composed S/BC   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     5.3   Centralized S/BC with MGCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.4   Centralized S/BC with CSCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     5.5   Distributed S/BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   6.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   7.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   8.  Acknowledges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   9.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . 14

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1.  Introduction

The IETF drafts [3] and [4] outline S/BC functions.  The IETF draft [3] 
illustrates two deployment scenarios: Network-Network peering and Access-Network 
Peering. Both of these scenarios use composed S/BC that integrates signaling 
control, media, routing, and management functions into a single (stand alone) 

Although current trend is to deploy standalone or composed S/BC functions in the 
VoIP and IMS networks, there are advantages of deploying S/BC functions in 
decomposed, centralized, or distributed configurations. 

To reduce duplication of various network functions, and to improve scalability 
and efficiency of networks decomposed, centralized, and distributed S/BC 
configurations need to be considered in addition to the current composed 
This document depicts five S/BC configurations, and their corresponding 
deployment scenarios. The document also briefly discusses merits of these 
architectures. The objective is to depict a provider's architectural 
requirements of S/BC function deployment. The document will help the IETF 
community to understand that S/BC functions need to be studied in holistic 
border protection architecture approach and can be deployed in the network in 
scalable fashion.

2.  Terminology

   In this document, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED",
   RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as
   described in [7] and indicate requirement levels for compliant

3.  General Information
The Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC, formerly T1S1) of
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) is working on 
Developing IP Network-Network Interface (NNI) Interconnect [5] and
Session/Border Control (S/BC) Function specifications[6].A contribution [8] 
portraying examples of conceptual realization was submitted to ATIS-PTSC meeting 
in Montreal, Canada, on June 13, 2005. This document is a revised version of the 

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4. Definitions

4.1 3GPP 

       The following 3GPP terms are used in this document.
       CSCF: Call Session Control Function
       P-CSCF: Proxy-CSCF
       I-CSCF: Interrogating-CSCF
       BGCF: Breakout Gateway Control Function
       MGCF: Media Gateway Control Function

4.2 Reference Peering Interface

   A network peering interface can be divided into four planes: signaling, 
media, routing, and operation-managment. This document defines modules 
performing these interfaces as Signaling Function (SF), Media Function (MF), 
Routing Function (RF), and Operation & Management Function (OF).

A SF performs the signaling and control functions. A possible example of a SF is 
a SIP Edge-Proxy or a SIP B2BUA. A MF performs media peering. A possible example 
an MF is a Media Relay (MR) or an edge-router. An RF interconnects the routing 
planes of two networks. An example of an RF is an interworking function that 
mediates two similar or dissimilar routing protocols of two networks. Typically, 
an RF is implemented in an MR or edge-router.

   +-------+                                                   +-------+
   |  IP   |           -------                -------          |  IP   |
   | phone | <------> /       \              /       \ <------>| phone |
   +-------+         |         SF...........SF        |        +-------+
   +--------+        |         |            |         |        +--------+     
   |Wireless|        |Provider MF .........MF Provider|        |Wireless|
   |Network | <----->|         |            |         |<-----> |Network |
   +--------+        |    A    RF .......  RF     B   |        +--------+
   +------+          |         |            |         |          +------+
   |      | <------->MG        OF ........ OF        MG<-------> |      |
   | PSTN |          |         |            |         |          | PSTN |
   |      | <-------> \       /              \       / <-------> |      |
   +------+    SS7     -------                -------     SS7    +------+
               Figure 1: Reference Peering Interface


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Some examples of above functions are presented in the following table: 

   Functions 					Examples
Signaling Function (SF)	SIP Proxy, B2BUA, Session Admission Control (SAC), 
				SIP Interoperability, SIP Denial of Service (DoS) 
				protection, SIP Topology Hiding (THIG), and SIP 
				security, privacy and encryption.

Media Function (MF)	VPN mediation, traffic engineering, policy 
				enforcement, rate shaping, bandwith broker, 
				bandwidth theft protection, data integrity, 
				transcoding, RTP translator, Network Address 
				Translation (NAT), and media security, privacy and 

Routing Function (RF)	Routing protocol harmonization

O&M Function (OF)       CALEA implementation; accounting, billing and	
			      operational data mediation.



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5. S/BC Deployment Scenarios

5.1 Composed or Standalone S/BC
       The composed or standalone S/BC combines SF, MF, RF, and OF functions 
into a single device. The following figure shows the composed or standalone S/BC 
configuration and its associated network architecture. Some functions such as 
ENUM interoperability (ENUM) module may be located outside of the composed S/BC. 

                                            Provider B
     ---------   .               .     --------------------           
    /         \  .               .    /                    \         +-------+
   |           | .               .    |       +----+      <--------->|  IP   |
   |           | .               .    |       |CSCF|      <.........>| phone |
   |           | .               .  +----+    +----+        |        +-------+
   |       <---|--------------------|S/BC|--->              |       +--------+
   |       <........................|    |...>           <--------->|Wireless|
   |           | .               .  +----+    +------+   <.........>|Network |                                    
   |Provider A | .    _   /\__   .    |       |ENUM  |      |       +--------+
   |           | .   / \ /    \  .  +----+    +------+      |
   |       <---------\ 3rd     \----|S/BC|--->    +-----+  +--+     +------+
   |       <..........|Party IP |...|    |...>    |Proxy|<-|MG|---->|      |
   |           | .    \ Network/ .  +----+ +----+ +-----+  +--+     | PSTN |
   |           | .     --------  .    |    |MGCF|        <..|......>|      |
    \         /  .               .     \   +----+          /  SS7   +------+
     ---------   .               .      -------------------
 --- Bearer (RTP/IP)
 ... Signal (SIP)   

            Figure 2: Composed or standalone deployment of S/BCs   
               . +------+ .        
               . |  SF  | .        
               . +------+ .          
               .          .         
               . +------+ .        
               . |  MF  | .      
               . +------+ .        
               .          .        
               . +------+ .

               . |  RF  | .
               . +------+ .
               .          .
               . +------+ .
               . |  OF  | .
               . +------+ .
             Figure 3: Composed S/BCs 

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       The advantage of composed S/BC deployment in the network is that one-
device solves all peering issues. Disadvantage examples of this architecture are 
single point failure, bottle neck, architecture and traffic scalability, and 
potential hot-potato routing scenarios. Some claim that this architecture has a 
potential of N squared connectivity issue.

5.2 Semi-Composed S/BC 

       The semi-composed S/BC splits signaling and control functions (SF) from 
the media and routing functions (MF and RF). An SF can be an S/BC which has only 
the signal and control functions. MF and RF functions are integrated with an 
edge-router or a Media Relay (MR). Operation and management functions (OF) may 
be required in both components. ENUM function may be a separate entity. The 
following figure shows the semi-composed configuration and its associated 
network architecture:   

               	    .	       Provider B
    ---------       .       ------------------           
   /         \      .      /                  \         +-------+
  |           |     .     |     +----+      <---------->|  IP   | 
  |           |     .     |     |CSCF|      <..........>| phone |
  |           |     .  +-----+  +----+         |       +-------+
  |       <------------| SF  |--->             |       +--------+
  |           |     .  +-----+             <---------->|Wireless|
  |           |     .  +- MF + RF-+        <..........>|Network |                                    
  |       <............| MR/Edge  |..>         |       +--------+
  |           |     .  | Router   |            |
  |Provider A |     .  +----------+            |
  |           |     .     |  +------+          | 
  |           |     .     |  |ENUM  |          |       
  |           |     .     |  +------+          |
  |           |     .     |         +-----+   +--+      +------+
  |           |     .     |         |Proxy| <-|MG|----->|      |
  |           |     .     |  +----+ +-----+   +--+      | PSTN |
  |           |     .     |  |MGCF|       <....|.......>|      |
   \         /      .      \ +----+           /  SS7    +------+
    ---------       .       ------------------

 --- Bearer (RTP/IP)
 ... Signal (SIP)   

      (Control interface between SF and MR/edge-route is not shown)
      Figure 4: Decomposed S/BC Depolyment Architecture


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               . +------+ .        
               . |  SF  | .      
               . +------+ .        
                    |  (Control protocol e.g. H.248)
  	         . +------+ .        
               . |  MF  | .      
               . +------+ .        
               .          .   Edge-router or Media Relay     
               . +------+ .
               . |  RF  | .
               . +------+ .

              Figure 5: Decomposed S/BC configuration

This one-to-one solution (SF and edge-router (MF + RF)) provides engineering 
flexibility for individual border points (variable relationship between SF 
computing capacity and MF bearer capacity) and deployment flexibility through 
the opportunity to place functions at different network locations (MF in an edge 
router, SF in a data center). However, it requires two devices per interface 
(border point) and introduces the requirement of additional external control 
links. On the other hand, in a composed S/BC the MF:SF is internal, protected, 
low latency interface. The Decomposed S/BC solution retains the stand-alone S/BC 
disadvantages of single point of failure, architectural scalability, and 
potential hot-potato routing behavior.

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5.3 Centralized S/BC with MGCF

      This configuration integrates SF functions with the Media 
Gateway Controller Function (MGCF) in a Soft-switch architecture.  
Edge-routers integrate MF and RF functions. Operation and management functions 
(OF) may be required in both components. ENUM function may be a separate entity. 
The following figure shows the centralized S/BC with MGCF configuration and its 
associated network architecture. 

               .               .             Provider B
   ---------   .               .    -------------------------           
  /         \  .               .   /            VoIP         \       +-------+
 |           | .               .  |                         <------->|  IP   |
 |           | .               .  |                         <.......>| phone |
 |           | .               . +------+                     |      +-------+
 |       <-----.-----------------|MF+RF |-->                  |     +--------+
 |           | .               . |Edge  |    +------+----+  <------>|Wireless|
 |       <.......................|Router|...>|      |    |  <......>|Network |
 |           | .               . +------+    |      |    |    |     +--------+ 
 |Provider A | .    _   /\__   .  |          |  CF  |MGCF|    |      
 |           | .   / \ /    \  . +------+    |      |    |    |    
 |       <.........\ 3rd     \...|MF+RF |...>|      |    |    +--+    +------+
 |           | .    |Party IP |. |Edge  |    +------+----+  <-|MG|--->|      |
 |       <----------\ Network/---|Router|-->    +------+      +--+    | PSTN |
 |           | .     --------  . +------+       | ENUM |    <........>|      |
  \         /  .               .   \            +------+     /  SS7   +------+
   ---------   .               .    -------------------------
  (Control connection between CF and media-relay/edge-router is not shown)
              Figure 6: Centralized S/BC functions deployment with MGCF 

This one-to-many (SF and MF+ RF) implementation of S/BC functions in a soft-
switch architecture provides architectural and traffic scalability advantages 
because one SF is associated with multiple media-relays or edge-routers(MF+ RF), 
resulting in fewer signaling elements with broader control of media (MF) 
resources. The association of SF and MGCF functionalities seems to provide a 
rational functional alignment as they both control media functions. This 
architecture may introduce additional complexity that must be addressed by the 
SF to distinguish between access networks and to perform the appropriate NAT 
functions on signaling and bearer data for each access network. Analysis for 
signaling attacks needs to be performed properly in the SF. Intelligent 
network-layer queuing, rate-limiting, and policy functions that support 
wire-speed IP forwarding engine need to be implemented in the MF. Robust 
coupling between SF and MF needs to be performed to implement appropriate 
security. For that appropriate control protocols or SIP extension needs to be 

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5.4 Centralized S/BC with CSCF 

This configuration integrates SF functions with the Call/Session Control 
Functions (CSCFs) or Breakout Gateway Control Function (BGCF) in a IMS 
architecture.  Edge-routers integrate BF and RF functions. Operation and 
management functions (OF) may be required in both components. ENUM function may 
be a separate entity. The following figure shows the centralized S/BC with the 
CSCF configuration and its associated network architecture.   

                                              Provider B
             .              .    -----------------------------           
  --------   .              .   /           VoIP/IMS          \       +-------+
 /        \  .              .  |                             <------->|  IP   |
|          | .              .  |                             <.......>| phone |  
|          | .              . +------+                          |     +-------+ 
|       <---------------------|MF+RF |-->                       |    +--------+  
|          | .              . |Edge  |    +------+----+----+  <----->|Wireless| 
|       <.....................|Router|...>|      |    |    |  <.....>|Network | 
|          | .              . +------+    |      |    | I  |    |    +--------+
|Provider A| .   _   /\__   .  |          | SF   |BGCF|CSCF|    |     
|          | .  / \ /    \  . +------+    |      |    |    |    |  
|       <.......\ 3rd     \...|MF+RF |...>|      |    |    |   +--+    +------+
|          | .  |Party IP |.  |Edge  |    +------+----+----+ <-|MG|--->|      |
|       <--------\ Network/---|Router|-->    +------+          +--+    | PSTN | 
|          | .    --------  . +------+       |ENUM  |        <........>|      | 
 \         | .              .   \            +------+          / SS7   +------+
  ---------  .              .    ------------------------------

      (Control connection between SF and MR/edge-router is not shown)
        Figure 7: Centralized S/BC with I-CSCF/BGCF at Network Interface

            ||         +--------+         +---------+
 Cell tower ||         | MF+RF  |         |         |
            || <------>| Edge   |<------->|         |
                       | Router |         |   SF    |
                       +--------+         |         |
            \/                            |---------|<--> Other IMS
            ||         +--------+         |         |     Entities
 Cell tower ||         | MF+RF  |         | P-CSCF  |
            || <------>| Edge   |<------->|         |
                       | Router |         |         |
                       +--------+         +---------+
       Figure 8: Centralized S/BC with P-CSCF at Access Interface     

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       This one-to-many (SF and BF+ RF) implementation in IMS architecture 
provides architectural and traffic scalability advantages because one SF is 
associated with multiple (BF+RF)s, resulting in fewer call control elements with 
broader control of media (BF) resources. The association of SF and CSCF 
functionalities (specifically between the SF and I/P-CSCF functionalities) 
appears to be a rational alignment of border signaling functions. Integration of 
SF and I/P-CSCF or BGCF functionalities might also reduce network complexity 
through a reduction in call control elements. This architecture may introduce 
additional complexity that must be addressed by the SF to distinguish between 
access networks and to perform the appropriate NAT functions on signaling and 
bearer data for each access network. Analysis for signaling attacks needs to be 
performed properly in the SF. Intelligent network-layer queuing, rate-limiting, 
and policy functions that support wire-speed IP forwarding engine need to be 
implemented in the MF. Robust coupling between SF and MF needs to be performed 
to implement appropriate security. For that appropriate control protocols or SIP 
extension needs to be developed.

5.5 Distributed S/BC

       In this configuration, SF, MF, and RF functions are distributed across 
the network devices. For example, an (MGCF+CSCF) device integrates some SF 
functions, an edge-router integrates some MF functions, and a fire-wall (FW) 
device integrates some SF and MF functions. The following figure illustrates the 
distributed S/BC configuration and its associated network architecture. 

                                        Provider B
      .                       /           VoIP/IMS          \        +-------+
   P  .                      |                             <-------->|  IP   |
   r  .                      |                             <........>| phone |
   o  .            +---+    +------+                         |       +-------+
   v  .------------|   |----|MR/   |-->                      |      +--------+
   i  .            |FW |    |Edge  |    +------+----+----+  <------>|Wireless|
   d  .............|   |....|Router|...>|      |    |    |  <......>|Network |
   e  .            +---+    +------+    |      |    |    |   |      +--------+                                    
   r  .   _   /\__           |          |  SF  |CSCF|MGCF|   |        
      .  / \ /    \   +---+ +------+    |      |    |    |   |
   A  ...\ 3rd     \..|   |.|MR/   |...>|      |    |    |   +--+     +------+
      .   |Party IP | |FW | |Edge  |    +------+----+----+ <-|MG|---->|      |
      .---\ Network/--|   |-|Router|-->    +------+          +--+     | PSTN |
      .    --------   +---+ +------+       | ENUM |        <.........>|      |
      .                       \            +------+         /  SS7    +------+
      .                        -----------------------------
            (Control connection between SF, MF, and FW are not shown)

                 Figure 9: Distributed deployment of S/BC functions

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This architecture may introduce additional complexity that must be addressed 
by the SF to distinguish between access networks and to perform the  appropriate 
NAT functions on signaling and bearer data for each access network. 
This architecture has scalability and operational advantages similar to the 
preceding case, with the possible addition of better alignment between border 
control and existing IMS functional decomposition. For that appropriate control 
protocols or SIP extension needs to be developed as protocols between firewall 
and other devices.

6.  Security Considerations

   Many of the functions this document describes have important security
   and privacy implications.  If the IETF decides to develop standard
   mechanisms to address those functions, security and privacy-related
   aspects will need to be taken into consideration.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA considerations.

8.  Acknowledges

   The ATIS-PTSC-SAC meeting held on June 13, 2005 at Montreal, Canada provided 
valuable input to this document.

9.  References

   [1]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston, A.,
        Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M. and E. Schooler, "SIP:
        Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261, June 2002.
   [2]  Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R. and V. Jacobson,
        "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", STD 64,
        RFC 3550, July 2003.
   [3]  G. Camarillo et al., "Functionality of Existing Session Border 
	Controller (SBC)", Internet-Draft, February 2005.
   [4] M. Bhatia et al., "SIP Session Border Control Requirements", 
       Internet-Draft, January, 2005.
   [5]  ATIS PTSC, IP NNI Inteconnect standard (work in progress),
        Issue Number S0009
   [6]  ATIS PTSC, Session/Border Controller Functions and Requirements (work in 
progress), Issue Number S0024
   [7]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", 
	RFC 2119, March 1997.
   [8] Khan, Sohel, "Example Conceptual Realization of S/BCs", 
	PTSC-SAC-2005-213, ATIS-PTSC, June, 2005.
   [9] 3GPP IMS standard - 3GPP TS 23.002 V5.12.0 (2003-09) – Network 
   [10] 3GPP2 IMS standard - X.S0013-000 Multimedia Domain Overview

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Authors' Addresses

   Sohel Khan
   6220 Sprint Parkway
   Overland Park, KS 66251


   Hal Beech
   6220 Sprint Parkway
   Overland Park, KS 66251


   Mark Evans
   1 Adrian Court
   Burlingame, CA 94010


   Roque Gagliano Molla
   6100 Sprint Parkway
   Overland Park, KS 66251


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Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at

Disclaimer of Validity

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.

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