Internet DRAFT - draft-soliman-netlmm-harmful


                                                          Hesham Soliman
Expires: November 2006                                  Qualcomm-Flarion
                                                               May, 2006

                     Network-based mobility considered harmful

Status of this memo

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   Over the last six years the IETF has developed a number of protocols
   that are expected to be useful for localized mobility management
   (LMM), both for IPv4 and IPv6. All of these protocols were designed
   as extensions to Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6. However, more recently,
   the IESG has approved the formation of the NETLMM WG, which aims to
   develop a network-based localized mobility management protocol. This
   memo discusses the impacts of a network-based mobility management
   protocol on the Internet and the IETF. The aim of this memo is to
   generate discussion in this area in order to better critique the
   network-based approach and show its impacts.

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   Table of Contents

  1. Introduction.....................................................3
  2. Problems in the problem statement................................3
  3. Problems with the NETLMM approach................................4
     3.1. Applicability to different link layers......................5
     3.2. Networks with multiple access technologies..................5
     3.3. The robustness argument for end-to-end signaling............6
     3.4. Mobile Vs Network Control...................................7
     3.5. Network dimensioning........................................7
  4. Non-technical impacts............................................8
  5. Security Considerations..........................................9
  6. Acknowledgements.................................................9
  7. References.......................................................9
  Authors' Addresses.................................................10

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1. Introduction

   [MIPv6] and [MIPv4] were produced by the IETF to address mobility
   management for IPv6 and IPv4, respectively. In the last 6 years, it
   became evident that neither protocol is sufficient for managing
   frequent mobility in a fast and efficient manner. In order to improve
   the performance of Mobile IP handovers, a large effort started in the
   Mobile IP WG to address what was then referred to as Localized
   mobility management (LMM) for IPv4 and IPv6. In order to improve the
   handover performance, two main components were addressed: 1) Reducing
   the time it takes for the mobile node to detect that it has moved to
   a new link, and reducing the resulting address configuration time
   (specifically for IPv6); and 2) minimizing the amount of signaling
   required to re-route packets to the mobile node's new location. As a
   result of this effort the following specifications were produced:
   [LOWLAT], [HMIPv6] and [FMIPv6]. Other supporting protocols were also
   produced by the Seamoby WG: [CT] and [CARD].

   Recently, the IESG has chartered the NETLMM WG to develop a network-
   based approach to mobility management. The NETLMM approach excludes
   the mobile node from any IP mobility decision, which is a distinct
   departure from all of the mobility protocols mentioned above. This
   memo critiques the approach used by the NETLMM WG and highlights some
   of the problems that it can cause.

   This memo begins by analyzing the problem statement that led to the
   establishment of the WG then proceeds to discuss the technical
   impacts of such protocol on the deployments.

2. Problems in the problem statement

   The problem statement used to motivate the NETLMM effort has, in the
   author's opinion, a number of factually incorrect statements. This
   memo addresses the perceived problems with the current LMM approach
   developed in IETF, i.e. the solutions mentioned above. The draft
   lists four problems with the current approach.

   The first perceived problem is that current approaches require
   updates to the host software, which, however small, limit the broad
   deployment of those protocols. If this concern were used as a basis
   for protocol design, we would have to minimize the addition of any
   new software to hosts in order to ensure wide deployment of new
   features. As a result, we would maximize the dependency on new
   features in the network, creating the inevitable, and sad, result of
   "smart networks and dumb hosts", which is diametrically opposed to
   the past and current design philosophy used in IETF. Moreover, it is
   not clear why some software is acceptable in the host (e.g. the
   entire TCP/IP stack, resource reservation, session control, security)
   while other software is not. Finally, what proof exists today that

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   relying on adding software to a host limits the deployment of new
   features? The problem statement does not address these questions.

   The second perceived problem with current approaches is that other
   global mobility management protocols may be used in future; therefore
   relying on Mobile IP extensions may not be appropriate because there
   is an underlying assumption that Mobile IP will be used for global
   mobility. The authors of the problem statement cite Mobike, which is
   not a mobility management protocol, and HIP. Regardless of the merits
   of those protocols cited as candidates for global mobility, the
   argument is fundamentally flawed. The entire premise of the existing
   mobility management protocols (in IPv6) is that they are completely
   decoupled from the global mobility protocol. It is true that both
   local and global protocols use [MIPv6], however, the current LMM
   protocol [HMIPv6] does not require the use of MIPv6 for global
   mobility. The same can be said for MIPv4-based approaches that use a
   local HA.

   The third perceived problem is that existing LMM solutions do not
   support both IPv4 and IPv6. This is simply wrong. The MIP6 WG has
   adopted [DSMIPv6] for this purpose and MIPv4 WG is considering an
   equivalent approach [DSMIPv4].

   The fourth and final perceived problem is that the current LMM
   protocols require complex security mechanisms. One cannot argue with
   this point since complexity, like beauty, is in the eye of the
   beholder. However, it is worth noting that FMIPv6 does not yet have a
   security mechanism defined, and HMIPv6 relies on IPsec, which happens
   to be widely deployed and also used for MIPv6.

3. Problems with the NETLMM approach

   The NETLMM approach is described on a high level in the current
   charter. Simply put, NETLMM expects to place a mobility anchor point
   in the visited network, which acts like a home agent. The mobile node
   will be configured with an address on the anchor point's link and
   keep it for the time it is located in the NETLMM domain. The anchor
   point binds the mobile node's address to its current default router
   (or Access Router, AR). Hence, whenever the mobile node moves, the
   new AR will bind its address to the one allocated to the mobile node.
   Tunneling is done between the anchor point and the AR.  Therefore,
   the AR's address can be seen as a Care-of address for the mobile
   node. On a more detailed level, several minor changes can be made;
   however, the overview above gives the general idea.

   This approach raises a number of problems that were not discussed in
   the process of establishing the WG. Some of these concerns are
   presented in this section.

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3.1. Applicability to different link layers

   The NETLMM WG charter states that the protocol will be link-layer
   agnostic by running over IP. This is not completely accurate. It is
   certainly true that running over IP provides some independence from
   the link layer technology. However, when it comes to mobility
   management, simply running over IP is not sufficient for link-layer
   independence. A mobility management protocol that improves handover
   performance needs to be able to adapt a sequence of events depending
   on the capabilities of the link layer. For instance, Fast handovers
   in IPv4 and IPv6 (FMIP) will run in different modes depending on the
   underlying link layer. Broadly speaking, in the context of mobility
   management, there are two types of link-layers:

   1) Link-layers that allow the network to be aware of the mobile
   node's next AR and anticipating its movement. Examples of such link-
   layers include most cellular networks in existence today (but not

   2) link-layers that do not provide the knowledge of the mobile node's
   next AR to the network. Examples of such link-layers include the
   widely deployed WLAN technologies and some cellular link-layers.

   Where the network is aware of the mobile node's next AR, the network
   may be able to do the signaling on behalf of the mobile in order to
   perform a predictive handover (more problems with network signaling
   are discussed in the following sections). However, if the network is
   not aware of the mobile node's next AR, it will not be able to
   perform a predictive handover, which leaves it with reactive
   handovers as the only option, which would typically result in worse
   performance. Independently of the performance issue, it is important
   to note that NETLMM is not link-layer agnostic when it comes to
   mobility management issues.

3.2. Networks with multiple access technologies

   The NETLMM problem statement document defines local mobility as

     Local Mobility is mobility over a restricted area of the network
     topology. Note that, although the area of network topology over
     which the mobile node moves may be restricted, the actual
     geographic area could be quite large, depending on the mapping
     between the network topology and the wireless coverage area.

   According to this definition, local mobility may take place between
   two ARs connected to two different radio technologies. This poses a
   serious problem for any network-based mobility management scheme. A
   mobile node may wish to move some or all of its traffic to one access
   technology. However, a network-based mobility management scheme
   cannot be aware of the mobile node's preferences and may force one

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   technology for all of the mobile node's ongoing, and possibly future,
   connections. This situation can also cause operators to force a node
   to be connected to a particular technology, which may not be the
   preferred choice for the mobile node. This situation is not addressed
   in the current charter or work done so far in the NETLMM WG. A
   network-based mobility management scheme cannot handle this situation
   in a reliable or deterministic manner. The flaws with a network-based
   approach in this situation are:

   (a) If one accepts that global mobility management is going to be
   Mobile IP based then one accepts the idea that the end node should be
   able to select between links to different administrative domains (or
   network operators). Links to different operators can of course be of
   the same or different technology. If this is a good thing, why do we
   not want to provide the host with the same flexibility when different
   links/technologies are available under the same local domain?

   (b) Multi-homed end nodes will at some point be able to use different
   links for different applications depending on link
   quality/capabilities. It is easy to see that the level of complexity
   increases significantly when taking into account flow movement. The
   proliferation of applications and possibility that the end node is
   enabled with interfaces unknown to any given network-based mobility
   scheme makes this a difficult problem. How would a network based
   mobility management system know which flows to move to which link?

   (c) Since the coverage area of different technologies is likely to
   overlap, the decision to use one technology or the other becomes a
   policy decision. The end nodes will have to deal with making such
   policy decisions between different networks and they should be able
   to make the same decisions between different technologies. The
   network operator should define metrics (like cost, loading etc) but
   it should let the end host decide what to do. This is not a
   philosophical point; there are concrete reasons why the host needs to
   make this policy decision. For instance, the host is most
   knowledgeable about the applications it runs and what radio
   technologies are best suited to those applications.

3.3. The robustness argument for end-to-end signaling

   End to end signaling is important and necessary in order to maintain
   the end to end design philosophy of the Internet. When it comes to
   localized mobility management, the end to end concept remains crucial
   to the robustness of the mobility management mechanism. Handovers are
   uncertain by nature and in some cases the new attachment point may
   change during the handover process. This is due to the volatile
   nature of the radio link at cell borders, which is typically the case
   in most cellular technologies. It is also known that mobile nodes can
   experience ping-pong movement, or cellular thrashing, during
   handovers; i.e. the mobile node may quickly move back and forth
   between two different access points for a short period of time. A

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   network-based mobility management protocol can cause the mobile
   node's traffic to be routed to the wrong AR, i.e. the AR that the
   mobile node was expected to move to, but did not. This can result in
   packet losses. In contrast, if the IP mobility signaling is initiated
   from the mobile node, it would be able to discover that the next AR
   has changed and inform the network of its new choice. When the action
   is taken by the mobile node it can be done in a quicker manner for
   predictive or reactive handovers.

3.4. Mobile Vs Network Control

   One of the unwritten motivations of NETLMM is that some operators and
   vendors "believe" that the network must control the handover. Lets
   explore this belief a bit more. Specifically, what does network
   control mean? Why is it needed? And how does a network-based mobility
   management mechanism allow for more control?

   One can interpret the words "Network control" to mean that the
   network needs to authorize the handover of a mobile node to another
   location. In fact, what is really meant by increasing "Network
   control" is increasing "Operator control". There maybe reasons why
   the operator needs to authorize, or at least be informed of such
   move. The current LMM mechanisms do not eliminate this step. In all
   of the Mobile IP-based solutions, the mobile node sends a message to
   a mobility agent that responds positively or negatively to the mobile
   node. Hence, it is fair to say that current LMM approaches do in fact
   allow for network control of the handover. Mobile IP-based approaches
   have gone further; Fast handovers for IPv4 and IPv6 allow the access
   router/FA to suggest a new link for the mobile node. Hence, a
   "smarter" network can suggest that a mobile node move to another
   link, e.g. to better utilize its radio interface resources.

   Eliminating the message from the mobile node does not increase the
   network control it merely eliminates the ability of the mobile node
   to request to move to a particular location.

3.5. Network dimensioning

   Network dimensioning can be more difficult in the case where a
   network-based approach is adopted. In a large network with millions
   of mobile nodes, the network is expected to be broken down into
   several local mobility domains under the same administrative domain.
   Each local mobility domain would consist of several mobility anchors
   (i.e. MAPs in IPv6). This is done in order to cope with the amount of
   signaling and traffic generated by each mobile node. Therefore, a
   form of load sharing is needed between the mobility anchor points
   within each mobility domain. One of the factors involved in
   dimensioning the network must be the number of users that each anchor
   point can handle. This can be estimated by the amount of bandwidth
   available to each anchor point, the rate of signaling it can handle,
   and the number of tunnels available.

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   When moving between two different mobility domains, it is strongly
   recommended that the handover disruption be minimized in a similar
   manner to intra mobility-domain handovers. This is especially true
   for mobile nodes with ongoing sessions. Hence, it is indeed likely
   that mobile nodes may continue to be attached to an anchor point in a
   different mobility domain for some time after leaving that domain.

   The above situation is more difficult to support when a network-based
   mobility management mechanism is adopted. In particular, the
   following problem arises. An anchor point may be required to setup a
   security association with any access router in the network at any
   time. A network administrator is suddenly forced to consider the
   impacts on memory capacity and the speed of the security association
   establishment at the critical handover time. This situation does not
   arise when the signaling is done end-to-end because in this case only
   one security association is needed, regardless of the mobile node's
   location. Furthermore, the security association does not need to be
   established during the critical handover time.

4. Non-technical impacts

   The endorsement of more than one alternative for the same problem
   needs to be strongly justified. Unfortunately this was not the case
   for the NETLMM work in IETF. Both NETLMM BoFs clearly stated that the
   WG will exclude the mobile node from the IP mobility management
   signaling, which is not a typical requirement related to a problem,
   but one designed around a solution. This premise was challenged in
   both BoFs. Despite lack of clear consensus, the IESG decided to form
   the WG. The problem here is two-fold: How do we decide on new WGs?
   And what is the impact of solving the same problem in two different
   standards? Both questions are not specific to the NETLMM WG, however,
   this WG illustrates the need for a uniform and predictable process.

   Developing more than one solution to solve the same problem in
   different scenarios is certainly possible. However, alternatives need
   to be strongly justified. In this case, the reasons are not accurate
   and in most cases factually incorrect. Furthermore, the downside of
   the NETLMM approach was not even discussed. This is clearly a recipe
   for a bad outcome.

   When justifying alternatives one needs to at least answer the
   following questions to the satisfaction of the community:
    - What is the problem with the current approach?
    - Can this problem be solved by extending the current approach?
    - What is the alternative?
    - What are the pros and cons of such alternative?

   As this document states, the first question was inadequately answered
   and the others were not answered at all.

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5. Security Considerations

   The author was using a complex, host-based, IP layer security
   mechanism called IPsec while writing this draft.

6. Acknowledgements

   A lot of the points made in this document were discussed with,
   inspired by, or produced during discussions with (in alphabetical
   order): Scott Corson, Vince Park, Geroge Tsirtsis. Their input has
   significantly improved the quality of this document.

7. References

   [CARD]  CARD Design team, Liebsch, M., Singh, A., Chaskar H. and D.
           Funato, "Candidate Access Router Discovery", RFC 4066 March

   [CT]    Loughney, J. Ed., Nakhjiri, M., Perkins, C. and R. Koodli,
           "Context Transfer Protocol (CXTP)", RFC 4067 July 2005.

   [DSMIPv4] Tsirtsis, G., Soliman, H., and V. Park, " Dual Stack Mobile
             IPv4 ", draft-tsirtsis-v4v6-mipv4-01/

   [DSMIPv6] H. Soliman et al, " Mobile IPv6 for Dual Stack Hosts and
             Routers (DSMIPv6)", draft-ietf-mip6-nemo-v4traversal-01.

   [HMIPv6] Soliman, H., Castelluccia, C., ElMalki, K., and L. Bellier,
            "Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management (HMIPv6)",
            RFC 4140, August 2005.

   [IPv6] S. Deering and B. Hinden, "Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
          specification", RFC 2460

   [KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [LOWLAT] K. ElMalki, Ed., "Low Latency handovers for Mobile IP"

   [MIP-PB]   Tsirtsis, G., and H. Soliman, "Mobility management for
              Dual stack mobile nodes, A Problem Statement",
              draft-ietf-mip6-dsmip-problem-01.txt, July 2005.

   [MIPv4] C. Perkins, "Mobility Support for IPv4", RFC3344

   [MIPv6] D. Johnson, C. Perkins and J. Arkko, "Mobility Support in
           IPv6", RFC 3775, June 2004.

   [NEMO]  Devarapalli, V., Wakikawa, R., Petrescu, A., and P. Thubert,
           "Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support protocol", RFC 3963,
           January 2005.

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   [SEC]   Arkko, J., Devarapalli, V., and F. Dupont, "Using IPsec to
           Protoect Mobile IPv6 Signaling between Mobile Nodes and Home
           Agents", RFC 3776, June 2004.

   [SNRIO] Larsson, T., Gustafsson, E., and H. Levkowetz, "Use of MIPv6
           in IPv4 and MIPv4 in IPv6 networks", draft-larsson-v6ops-
           mip-scenarios-01.txt, February 2004.

Authors' Addresses

   Hesham Soliman
   Qualcomm-Flarion Technologies

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   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

   This Internet-Draft expires September, 2006.

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