Internet DRAFT - draft-song-dclc-tcpdc



INTERNET-DRAFT                                                M. Ghobadi
Intended Status: Standard Track                       Microsoft Research
Expires: April 30, 2015                                          H. Song
                                                                R. Huang
                                                              Y. Ganjali
                                                   University of Toronto
                                                        October 27, 2014

                     TCP Parameter Dynamic Control


   Congestion control has been extensively studied for many years.
   Today, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used in a wide
   range of networks (LAN, WAN, data center, campus network, enterprise
   network, etc.) as the de facto congestion control mechanism. Despite
   its common usage, TCP operates in these networks with little
   knowledge of the underlying network or traffic characteristics. As a
   result, it is deemed to continuously increase or decrease its
   congestion window size in order to handle changes in the network or
   traffic conditions. Thus, TCP frequently overshoots or undershoots
   the ideal rate making it a "Jack of all trades, master of none"
   congestion control protocol. In light of the emerging popularity of
   centrally controlled networks such as Software-Defined Networks
   (SDNs), we propose a framework that takes advantage of the
   information available at the central controller to improve TCP.
   Specifically, in this document, we propose OpenTCP as a dynamic and
   programmable TCP adaptation framework for centrally controlled
   networks. OpenTCP gathers global information about the status of the
   network and traffic conditions through the centralized controller,
   and uses this information to adapt TCP. OpenTCP periodically sends
   updates to end-hosts which, in turn, update their behaviour using a
   simple kernel module.

   This document describes a framework and message flows for centralized
   congestion control parameter adaptation based on congestion control
   policies and network status measurements, so that each end host in a
   network can make better use of the network resource according to the
   available resources. In the rest of this document we use TCP as a
   standard congestion control mechanism, but the same idea can be
   applied to other congestion control protocols as well. A TCP
   Optimization Element and a TCP Optimization Agent are introduced. The
   message patterns include request response and
   subscription/notification. This mechanism can be used in network

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   service providers' networks, as well as in data center networks.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

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Copyright and License Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2  Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   3  TCP Parameter Control Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     3.1  Guidance Level  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8

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     3.2  Subscription Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.3  Request/Response Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   4  Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     4.1  Explicit RR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       4.1.1  TcpParReq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       4.1.2  TcpParRes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     4.2  Subscription/Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       4.2.1  TcpParSub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       4.2.2  Notification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     4.3  Error Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   5  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   5  Fairness and Stability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   7  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   8  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     8.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


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1  Introduction

             100 +------------------------------------------------
                 |                                   +             +
              80 +-+-------------------------------++-+---------+-+
                 |  +           +   +              +  +         +
                 |   +         +++++++           ++    +       +
              60 +---+---------+------+--------++------+-------+--
                 |    +       +       +      +          +     +
   Utilization   |     +      +        +    +           +     +
   (%)        40 +------+----+---------+----+------------+----+---
                 |      +   ++          +  +              +  +
                 |       +++             ++                ++
              20 +------------------------------------------------
               0 +---------------+-------------------+------------
                              Day 1               Day 2

               Figure 1 Link Utilization Rate during A Day

   The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used in a wide range of
   networks as the congestion control mechanism. Measurements reveal
   that 99.91% of traffic in Microsoft data centers is TCP, 10% of the
   aggregate North America Internet traffic is YouTube over TCP, and
   measurements from 10 major data centers including university,
   enterprise, and cloud data centers show TCP as the dominant
   congestion control protocol. TCP is a mature protocol and has been
   extensively studied over a number of years. Hence, network operators
   trust TCP as their congestion control mechanism to maximize the
   bandwidth utilization of their network while keeping the network

   Despite, and because of, its common usage, TCP operates in these
   networks with little knowledge of the underlying network or traffic
   characteristics. However, limiting TCP to a specific network and
   taking advantage of the local characteristics of that network can
   lead to major performance gains. For instance, DCTCP out-performs TCP
   in data center networks, even though the results might not be
   applicable in the Internet. With this mindset, one can adjust TCP
   (the protocol itself and its parameters) to gain better performance
   in specific networks (e.g. data centers). Moreover, even focusing on
   a particular network, the effect of dynamic congestion control
   adaptation to traffic patterns is not well understood in today's

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   networks. Such adaptation can potentially lead to major improvements,
   as it provides another dimension that today's TCP does not explore. 

   Figure 1 depicts aggregate link utilization of a core link in a back-
   bone service provider in North America[Hotnets]. We can see that the
   link utilization is low for a significant period (below 50% for 6-8
   hours). A pattern is seen on all the links in this network. In fact,
   the presented link has the highest utilization and is considered to
   be the bottleneck in this network. If the network operator aims at
   minimizing flow completion times in this network, it makes sense to
   increase TCP's initial congestion window size (init_cwnd) when the
   network is not highly utilized (we focus on internal traffic in this
   example). Ideally, the exact value of init_cwnd should be a function
   of the network-wide state (here, the number of flow initiations in
   the system) and how aggressively the operator wants the system to
   behave (congestion control policy). The operator can define a policy
   like the following: if link utilization is below 50%, init_cwnd
   should be increased to 20 segments instead of the default value of
   four segments. In other words, given the appropriate mechanisms the
   operator could choose the right value for the initial congestion

   The forwarding capacity of the network is evolving very fast
   nowadays. When the TCP was designed, the routers and switches have
   low capacity, and the network was easy to be congested. So it was
   designed with a very small initial congestion window. But small
   initial congestion window size means more cycles during the slow
   start period. So for Linux 3.0, Google proposed to increase the
   init_cwnd. For example, when 1095 < MSS <= 2190,the original
   init_cwnd = 3, but in Linux 3.0, Google proposes to increase it to
   10. However, that's still a fixed number without considerations of
   the network variations. In some areas of the world, the network
   condition is much better than that of other areas. That init_cwnd
   size should be even bigger to provide better performance for
   applications inside that area (when both sender and receiver are
   inside that area).

   Currently, network operators use various ad-hoc solutions, as
   temporary adjustments of TCP to fit their network and traffic. These
   manual tweaks open the way for misconstruction, make debugging and
   troubleshooting difficult, and can result in substantial operational
   overhead. Moreover, making any changes to the underlying assumptions
   about the network or traffic requires rethinking the impact of
   various parameters and can result in ongoing efforts to manually
   adjust TCP because any proposed change should work under all
   conditions. Having a system that measures the state and dynamics of
   the network and adapts TCP's behaviour accordingly can address these

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   This document addresses the need for a systematic way of adapting TCP
   to network and traffic conditions. We propose OpenTCP as a framework
   for dynamic adaptation of TCP based on network and traffic conditions
   in centrally controlled networks. Figure 2 provides a schematic view
   of how OpenTCP works. OpenTCP collects data on the underlying network
   state (e.g. topology and routing information) as well as statistics
   about network traffic (e.g. link utilization and traffic matrix).
   Then, using this aggregated information and based on congestion
   control policies defined by the network operator, OpenTCP determines
   a specific set of adaptations for TCP. 

   At a high level, congestion control policies define which statistics
   need to be collected, which high level performance metrics the
   operator would like to optimize (e.g. minimize drops, maximize
   utilization, or minimize flow completion times), and what the
   constraints of the system are. OpenTCP periodically sends Congestion
   Update Epistles or CUEs to the end-hosts which, in turn, update their
   behaviour using a simple kernel module that can adapt TCP. 

   Consider the following simple example. Imagine a network where all
   links have very low utilization (say below 50%) at all times. If the
   network operator aims at minimizing flow completion times in this
   network, it makes sense to increase the TCP initial congestion window
   size, as suggested by Dukkipati et al. The exact value of the initial
   congestion window will be a function of the number of flow
   initiations in the system (network state), and how aggressively the
   operator wants the system to behave (congestion control policy). For
   a network where dropping a few packets is not a major problem, the
   operator can define a policy like the following: if all link
   utilizations are below 50%, the initial congestion window size can be
   increased to 20 segments instead of the default value of four. If the
   operator is more conservative, the window size can be set to a
   smaller value (e.g. 5 segments), improving flow completion times with
   smaller risk of causing packet drops. The operator can even leave it
   to OpenTCP to dynamically choose the right value for the initial
   congestion window size.

   It is also possible to change the TCP timeout behaviors according to
   the network status. When the timeout happens during the period that
   relative network link utilization is under 50% (the cwnd size does
   not exceed the peak buffer size, and the rate does not exceed the
   subscription rate), the cwnd can be remained the same, without
   reducing it tremendously, if the sending rate does not exceed the
   subscription rate (upload rate of the sender and download rate of the
   receiver) nor overflow the receiver's receiving window.

2  Conventions Used in This Document


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   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [KEYWORDS].
   This document also uses the following conventions.

   TOE: TCP Optimization Element, which accesses the network statistical
   information from network measurement entities, such as an OAM server,
   NMS, or a LMAP server and etc, and provides the TCP optimization
   service to the TCP Optimization Agent (TOA).

   TOA: TCP Optimization Agent, which is deployed in the end host, and
   adjust the TCP stack behavior according to the guidance from the TOE.
   Note that one TOA can serve multiple applications.

3  TCP Parameter Control Architecture

                     +-------+     /               \
                     |       |    |                 |
                     |  TOE  +----|     Internet    |
                     |       |    |                 /
                     +---+---+     \---------------
                     --  |   --
                   --    |     --
                ---      |       ---
              --         |          --
            --           |            --
     +----------+    +----------+  +----------+
     | +---+    |    | +---+    |  | +---+    |
     | |TOA|    |    | |TOA|    |  | |TOA|    |
     | +---+    |    | +---+    |  | +---+    |
     | End host |    | End host |  | End host |
     +----------+    +----------+  +----------+

                     Figure 2 OpenTCP Architecture

   It is assumed that there is existing method for the TOE to get the
   routing information and network status for each link in a network,
   for example, from a PCE server. Then the TOE knows the possible path
   for each communication, and it also knows about the link utilization
   rate, lost ratio, and the statistics information of the link and the
   network. The TOE contemplates the network utilization rate at
   different time during a day, and sets the TCP optimization parameters
   accordingly. For example, from the midnight to early morning, the
   network utilization is very low, end hosts can use larger init_cwnd,

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   size and the window size degradation behavior can be much slower
   during time-out or receiving the same ACK event.

3.1  Guidance Level

   There are different types of guidance from the TOE according to
   different network levels. 

   The normal type would be the TCP optimization parameter for the whole
   administrative network domain. When source end host and the
   destination end host are inside the same administrative network
   domain, they are suggested to use the parameters provided by the TOE
   to optimize the TCP transport. The domain can be an intra DC network,
   a LAN network or a NSP network.

   Another type is TCP optimization parameter for a particular link, for
   example, TOE provides optimization parameters to end hosts in two
   data centers which share an inter-DC dedicated link. When the link is
   congested, the TOE suggests the end hosts to use smaller init_cwnd
   size and reduce the congestion window sharply during time-out or
   replicated ACKs. This type of service is only available when the
   source end host and the destination end host are deployed at two ends
   of a particular link.

   When either one of the communication endpoints is out of the scope of
   the administrative boundaries, the recommendation TCP optimization
   parameters MUST NOT be used.

3.2  Subscription Mode

   TOA can use subscription mode to communicate with the TOE to get
   updated TCP optimization parameters. This is very useful for long-
   lived traffic, as well as for end hosts which have frequent TCP
   connections. The guidance level can be either the network level or
   the link level.

3.3  Request/Response Mode

   TOA can also use the request response mode to communicate with the
   TOE. With each TCP optimization request, the TOA lists the two
   communication end hosts IP address, and indicate the level of
   guidance. Then TOE gives the response of the current recommendation
   parameters for TCP transport.

4  Messages

   A TOA uses the HTTP protocol with an HTTP POST entity body of JSON

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   Objects, to request the TCP parameter guidance from a TOE server.

4.1  Explicit RR

   Explicit request and response mode is mainly used for the guidance of
   TCP parameters between two endpoints. If the path between two
   endpoints is a dedicated link, it is easier to give the guidance with
   considering the two endpoint properties and the link utilization
   status. When the path between two endpoints is within the
   administrative domain of the TOE, but subject to change (for example,
   the route may be changed through routers), then the TOE should give
   conservative guidance parameters.  

4.1.1  TcpParReq

        object {
           TypedEndpointAddr: source;
           TypedEndpointAddr: destination;

   Typed Endpoint Address: Typed Endpoint Addresses are encoded as
   strings of the format 'AddressType:EndpointAddr', with the ':'
   character as a separator. The type 'TypedEndpointAddr' is used to
   indicate a string of this format.This document defines two values for
   AddressType: 'ipv4' to refer to IPv4 addresses, and 'ipv6' to refer
   to IPv6 addresses. EndpointAddr component of TypedEndPointAddr is
   also encoded as a string. The exact characters and format depend on
   AddressType.  This document defines EndpointAddr when AddressType is
   'ipv4' or 'ipv6'.  IPv4 Endpoint Addresses are encoded as specified
   by the 'IPv4address' rule in Section 3.2.2 of [RFC3986]. IPv6
   Endpoint Addresses are encoded as specified in Section 4 of

   Upon receive this request, TOE should lookup the subscription rate,
   i.e. uplink rate quota of the source and the downlink rate quota of
   the destination, and then examine the current link utilization rate,
   then gives the appropriate TCP parameter guidance.

   The media type for explicit request is "application/opentcp-rr+json".

4.1.2  TcpParRes

        object {
           TcpPar: parameters<0...*>;

        object {
           ParType -> ParValue;

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   ParType: A JSONString defined the TCP parameter type, this document
   defines the "initcwnd", "threshold", "timeOut", and
   "repeatedtimeouts". (It is open for discussion).

   ParValue: A JSONValue defined the value for the relative parameter

   The media type for explicit response is "application/opentcp-

4.2  Subscription/Notification

   This method is mainly used for getting the guidance for the TCP
   parameters in the administrative domain, but can also be used for
   long-lived traffic flows. In the response, it has indications on when
   to change the TCP parameters. 

4.2.1  TcpParSub

        object {
           JSONString: subscription_id;
           JSONValue: request_type;
           [TypedEndpointAddr: source;]
           [TypedEndpointAddr: destination;]
           GuidanceLevel: level;

   subscription_id: a JSONString generated by the TOE to uniquely
   identify a subscription. If it is the first time for this TOA to send
   this particular subscription to the TOE, the subscription_id must be
   "null". After the TOA gets the subscription_id from the TOE, it has
   to insert the id for each following subscription message for the same
   link or network guidance information.

   request_type: this document defines the type "0" for unsubscription,
   and "1" for the first time subscription and the following polls to
   check if there is any update.

   TypedEndpointAddr: the same as defined in previous sections.

   GuidanceLevel: A JSONString which defines the level of guidance. This
   document defines the value of "link" and "AS".

   Destination address is optional. When the source end host sends
   subscription for its TCP parameter guidance on the administrative
   domain, it does not need the destination address. However, when the

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   end host sends subscription for the link, it has to provide the
   destination address.

   The media type for subscription is "application/opentcp-sub+json".

4.2.2  Notification

        object {
           JSONString: subscription_id;
           [ConditionedTcpPar: cparameters<0...*>;]

        object {
           Condition conditions<0...*>;
           TcpPar: parameters<0...*>;

   subscription-id: a JSONString generated by the TOE to uniquely
   identify a subscription.

   Condition: A condition contains three entities separated by
   whitespace: (1) a JSONString indicated the link or network status, or
   the subscriber property, this document defines "link-utilization-
   rate", "network-utilization-rate", "source-uplink-sub-rate", and
   "destination-download-sub-rate". (2) an operator, 'gt' for greater
   than, 'lt' for less than, 'ge' for greater than or equal to, 'le' for
   less than or equal to, or 'eq' for equal to; (3) a target JSONValue.
   The JSONValue is a number indicated to compare with the previous

   The media type for subscription is "application/opentcp-notify+json".

   The TCP parameter guidance will be sent to the IP address/port which
   subscribed earlier. When the template has changed, the TOE will send
   an immediate notification to relative TOAs.

   Note that the guidance delivers the message such as when network
   utilization is between 50% to 80%, then the recommended parameters
   are given. So it means the TOA also has to get the change of the
   relative network status. Network or link status notification was
   assumed to be provided by other protocols, but if needed, this
   document can also be expanded to deliver the relative status. (Open

4.3  Error Message



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5  Security Considerations

   Dynamic control of TCP parameters can be used for attacks and can
   cause serious problems to the network or to the applications.

   If there are no proper mechanisms to monitor the network, it may be
   used to maliciously change the TCP parameters and cause network
   congestion. But in most environments it can be avoided as there are
   rate limitations.

   It can also be used to attack the end hosts. So a mechanism to
   protect the illegal modification is needed.

5  Fairness and Stability

   Fairness and stability are guaranteed as long as the changes in
   parameters are TCP-friendly. In other words, as long as the changes
   do not deviate the equilibrium formula of TCP protocol. It is
   possible that the network operator to defines a different metric for
   fairness such as weighted fairness. For example, the operator might
   want to give search queries a higher priority compared to background
   flows. In that sense, fairness between the two classes of flows is
   not meaningful. However, fairness among one set of flows is
   guaranteed as long as they are all using the same TCP parameters and
   follow TCP's algorithm to increase/decrease their congestion window

   In practical settings, we assume that the network operator has
   expertise in defining the congestion control policies appropriate for
   the network. To achieve pragmatic stability and fairness, there can
   be a monitoring system in place which alerts the operator of churns
   and instabilities in the network. This monitoring component should
   alert the controller whenever there is an oscillation between states.
   For example, if the controller is making adjustments to TCP flows in
   time t1 and immediately in time t1 + T those changes are reverted
   back, it is a good indication of a potential unstable condition. In
   this case, the operator should be notified by the monitoring system
   to adjust either the congestion control policies, the stability
   constraints, or the overall re- sources in the network. One simple
   stability metric is number of times a rule is applied and reverted.
   The monitoring system can measure such stability metrics and alert
   the operator.

   6  Acknowledgement


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   Lingli Deng has provided many valuable comments to this document.

7  IANA Considerations


8  References

8.1  Normative References

              [KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to
              Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March

              [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter,
              "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD
              66, RFC 3986, January 2005.

              [RFC5952]  Kawamura, S. and M. Kawashima, "A
              Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation", RFC
              5952, August 2010.

              [Hotnets] Ghobadi, M., Yeganeh, S. H., and Y. Ganjali,
              "Rethinking End-to-End Congestion Control in Software-
              Defined Networks", Hotnets '12, October 29-30, 2012,
              Seattle, WA, USA.

Authors' Addresses

              Monia Ghobadi

              Haibin Song

              Rachel Huang

              Yashar Ganjali


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