Internet DRAFT - draft-sood-6man-nd-signalling-n-dad-test


6man WG                                                          A. Sood
Internet-Draft                           North Carolina State University
Intended status: Informational                             March 9, 2015
Expires: September 10, 2015

  Test result analysis of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery in a simple Wireless


   IPv6 WG is looking into various Neighbor Discovery (ND) optimization
   techniques.  This document describes several test cases and test
   results on IPv6 ND number of messages, power usages using simple WiFi
   configuration and wireless phones as hosts.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 10, 2015.

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   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-configuration  . . . . . . . . . .  3
   3.  Sleep and Wakeup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     3.1.  Current Mechanisms in Sleep and Wakeup . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.2.  Issues with the current mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   4.  Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   5.  Test Case Scenarios  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   6.  Test Case Results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     6.1.  IPv6 ND Implementation Behavior  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     6.2.  Number of multicast messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   7.  Results Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   9.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   10. Changelog  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   11. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   12. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     12.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     12.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

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1.  Introduction

   This document presents the test result analysis of several IPv6 ND
   test cases in a simple wireless network.  Multiple test cases are
   performed on two different IPv6 ND implementations to show anomalies
   due to different power saving technique implementations on wireless

   IPv6 ND involves link-local discovery and address auto-configuration
   using multicast solicitation and advertisement messages.  It provides
   a number of functionalities using link-local operations and, eases
   the configuration task for the administrator [SLAAC].  However, to
   increase the efficiency of the battery system, the power consumption
   due to the number of multicast messages exchanged in IPv6 ND process
   should be kept at minimum as per

   Several power saving techniques based on the sleep and wakeup
   interval of a device have been proposed.  These techniques optimize
   the power by scheduling the node between cycles of sleep and wakeup
   [SOW].  It is the lack of any standardized technique that the devices
   from various manufacturers function differently and, pose challenges
   to automated management protocols like IPv6 ND [ND] and Stateless
   Address Auto-configuration (SLAAC) [SLAAC].

   In this document, we present the test result analysis of different ND
   test cases using a simple wireless network.The difference in behavior
   comes from the implementation of the power saving techniques.  We
   further show by analysis the difference in the number of ND messages
   exchanged between the devices due to different power saving

   Section 2 describes the IPv6 SLAAC mechanism.  Section 3 describes
   the current mechanism in sleep and wake up and the issues associated
   with it.  Section 4 describes the experimental setup used.  Section 5
   describes the various test case scenarios and their expected
   behavior.  Sections 6 presents the test case results regarding IPv6
   ND implementation behavior and the number of multicast messages
   exchanged in different scenarios.

2.  IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-configuration

   In IPv6 SLAAC, the host generates a link-local address on system
   startup, and global addresses using the IPv6 prefix advertised by the
   routers on the same link.  The host either listens to multicast
   router advertisement (RA) or sends multicast router solicitation (RS)
   messages.  The link-local address and global IPv6 addresses remain

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   tentative unless they are verified to be unique by Duplicate Address
   Detection (DAD) algorithm.  In DAD, a node checks the uniqueness of
   the IPv6 address by sending a neighbor solicitation (NS) message to
   the tentative IPv6 address as the destination address.  The address
   gets assigned to an interface only if no other node responds to the
   NS message.

   A general sequence of messages exchanged between the IPv6 host and
   the router is as shown below.

                    IPv6 Host                   IPv6 Router
                        +                            +
                        |                            |
                        |    Router Advertisement    |
           All Nodes    |<---------------------------+ Router Link
           MC Address   |                            | Local Address
                        |    Router Solicitation     |
           Node Link    +--------------------------->| All Routers
           Local Address|                            | MC Address
                        |    Router Advertisement    |
           All Nodes    |<---------------------------+ Router Link
           MC Address   |                            | Local Address
                        |  Multicast Listener Report |
           Node Link    +--------------------------->| All MLDv2-capable
           Local Address|                            | Routers
                        |             DAD            |
           Unspecified  |                            | Solicited Node
           Address      |             DAD            | MC Address
                        |                            |
                        |                            |
                        +                            +

   Figure 1: Sequence of messages exchanged between IPv6 host and router

3.  Sleep and Wakeup

   The current increase in mobile services require efficient use of the
   battery power.  The battery power usually lasts from few hours to few
   days.  A number of power saving techniques are proposed to make the
   protocols energy efficient and thus increase the battery life [CO-PS]
   [CO-NODE].  These power saving techniques improve the energy
   consumption by optimizing the sleep and wake up pattern of the mobile

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   In this section, we present the current mechanisms in IPv6 for
   handling sleep and wake up and the issues related to it.

3.1.  Current Mechanisms in Sleep and Wakeup

   IPv6 ND [ND] does not provide any recommendations for handling sleep
   and wake up in mobile hosts.  The general mechanism of the neighbor
   discovery and address auto-configuration require the destination host
   in the listening state.  This idea of an "always on" host contrasts
   with the techniques used for power saving where the host has cycles
   of sleep and wake up time.  During the sleep time, few power saving
   techniques keep the host listening to the incoming multicast messages
   while others completely shuts off all communication and goes to
   complete sleep.

   [6LOWPAN-ND]suggest optimizations to ND by avoiding multicast
   messages except during system bootup or when the routers become

3.2.  Issues with the current mechanism

   The non-standardization of the power saving techniques pose
   challenges to the current mechanisms in sleep and wake up for
   automatic IPv6 ND and SLAAC.  These protocols function differently
   with power saving techniques which lead to serious security issues.
   Therefore [EFF-ND] suggest modifications to the legacy IPv6 ND for
   handling energy efficiency in a multicast network domain.

   Issues in legacy IPv6 ND due to the power saving techniques depend on
   the below scenarios:
   o  Sleep and wake up interval
   o  Sleep and wake up pattern
   o  Reachability to the routers on the same link
   o  Address binding while in sleep mode and after wake up
   o  Connectivity to other hosts while in sleep mode and after wake up

   In the subsequent section, we present various experimental results to
   show the deficiencies of the current mechanism for handling sleep and
   wake up.

4.  Experimental Setup

   The experimental setup used is as shown in Figure 2.  A Linux machine
   running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is configured as an IPv6 router.  IPv6 ND
   functionality is provided by the router advertisement daemon (radvd)
   in Linux router.  Following are the minimal router configuration
   related to radvd and interfaces.

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   o  radvd configuration

       interface eth0
         AdvSendAdvert on;
         prefix 2001:db8:5::/64
             AdvOnLink on;
             AdvAutonomous on;

   o  Interface configuration

   The eth0 interface on the IPv6 router is configured as below.

       auto eth0
       iface eth0 inet6 static
         address 2001:db8:5::1
         netmask 64

   IPv6 forwarding is enabled in the sysctl.conf by setting
   net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding to 1.

   The router connects via its eth0 interface to the WAN port of the
   access point (AP).  The configuration of the AP is manufacturer
   specific and should be done to allow IPv6 traffic to pass through it.
   The two IPv6 enabled wireless mobile stations (MS) namely MS A and MS
   B, connects to the AP via 802.11 wireless links; and the IPv6 Linux
   host connects to the AP via its Ethernet interface.

                       |   Router   |
                      | Access Point |
                   |          |             |
               +---+--+    +--+---+   +-----+-----+
               | MS A |    | MS B |   | Linux Host|
               +------+    +------+   +-----------+

                       Figure 2: Experimental Setup

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5.  Test Case Scenarios

   The various test scenarios along with their expected behavior are
   discussed below:

   Messages exchanged between the router and the MS on boot up:
      When a MS boots up, it either solicits the router using multicast
      RS or listens to its multicast RA.  The number of IPv6 addresses
      configured on the interface depends on the specific IPv6
      implementations.  The addresses are either global IPv6 privacy
      addresses, EUI-64 format addresses or both.  The router also sends
      Multicast Listener Report messages to discover the presence of
      multicast listeners on the attached links [MLDv2].

   Address binding when the MS is in sleep state:
      The behavior of the MS in this scenario depends on the specific
      implementation of the power saving technique.  MS either listens
      to the incoming messages in partial sleep state or shuts off all
      communication and goes to complete sleep.

   Address binding when the MS wakes up:
      When the MS wakes up, it checks for the uniqueness of the IPv6
      address configured on its interfaces.  The specific behavior in
      this scenario depends on the power saving technique used.  If the
      MS continuously listens to the incoming multicast messages in
      partial sleep state, it still holds the interface IPv6 address.
      On the other hand, if the MS goes to complete sleep, it may or may
      not hold its configured IPv6 address.

   Communication when the MS wakes up:
      In this case, two scenarios are possible.
      (1)  Unique IPv6 address - An IPv6 host has unique IPv6 address in
           the network.  Therefore, the host receives its intended
      (2)  Duplicate IPv6 address - Two or more IPv6 hosts have same IP
           address in the network.  Communication to these hosts depends
           upon the latest neighbor cache entries at the router.  The
           host corresponding to the latest neighbor cache entry at
           router continues to receive the communication.

   Number of multicast messages sent in the network
      According to [ND], MinRtrAdvInterval is the minimum time allowed
      between sending unsolicited multicast RA from the interface, in
      seconds, and, MaxRtrAdvInterval is the maximum time allowed
      between sending unsolicited multicast RA from the interface, in

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      In this scenario, we have three different types of observation
      based on different values of MinRtrInterval, MaxRtrInterval,
      and AdvDefaultLifetime.

6.  Test Case Results

   In this section, we present the experimental results of
   different IPv6 ND implementation behavior.  Next we present the
   detailed analysis of the number of multicast messages exchanged in
   different scenarios.

6.1.  IPv6 ND Implementation Behavior

   Based on the above test scenarios, below are the observations on the
   two IPv6 ND implementations.

   Messages exchanged between the router and the MS on boot up:
      (1)  The number of messages exchanged between the router and the
           MS are tabulated below:

              |        Type Of Message       | MS A | MS B |
              |      Router Solicitation     |   1  |   1  |
              |     Router Advertisement     |   1  |   1  |
              |     Neighbor Solicitation    |   3  |   2  |
              |    Neighbor Advertisement    |   0  |   0  |
              |   Multicast Listener Report  |   4  |   2  |
              | ---------------------------- | ---- | ---- |
              |   Total Number of messages   |   9  |   6  |

            Table 1: Number of multicast messages exchanged during boot

      (2)  MS A on boot up generates two global IPv6 privacy addresses
           using the prefix advertised by the router.  It also generates
           a link-local IPv6 address.  MS A performs DAD for all the
           three IPv6 addresses.

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      (3)  MS B on boot up generates two global addresses: an EUI-64
           format address and the other as IPv6 privacy address using
           the prefix advertised by the router.  It also generates a
           link-local address.  It performs DAD only for the two global
           IPv6 addresses.
      (4)  The difference in the total number of messages is attributed
           to the difference in MLDv2 and NS messages.  The number of
           MLDv2 messages exchanged depends upon the implementation.
           Also, MS B does not send NS message to check the uniqueness
           of the link local address.

   Address binding when the MS is in sleep state:
      (1)  When MS A goes to sleep, any attempt to assign its global
           IPv6 address to the Linux host fails.  This is because MS A
           keeps listening to the NS message from the Linux host during
           the DAD procedure and responds with NA message.
      (2)  When MS B goes to sleep, any attempt to assign its global
           IPv6 address to the Linux host succeeds.  While asleep, MS B
           shuts off all communication.  Any communication to MS B goes
           to the Linux host configured with MS B's global IPv6 address.

   Address binding when the MS wakes up:
      Both MS A and MS B does not perform DAD on wake up.
      (1)  MS A continuously listens to incoming messages while asleep,
           and thus do not need to perform DAD.
      (2)  MS B too does not check for the uniqueness of its IPv6
           address via DAD in spite of coming out of complete sleep

   Communication when the MS wakes up:
      (1)  MS A always keeps listening to incoming messages, so it's
           IPv6 address cannot be assigned to any other IPv6 host.
      (2)  In this scenario, the Linux host is assigned the IPv6 address
           of MS B which is in sleep state.  All messages destined for
           MS B now goes to the Linux host.  The Linux host continues to
           receive the messages until its entry lasts in the router
           neighbor cache.  Once the router cache is flushed, either by
           manual intervention or by router boot up, the router solicits
           the solicited-node multicast address for link-layer address
           resolution.  Linux host replies before MS B to this RA
           message.  Since MS B entry is latest in the router cache, it
           again becomes the destination for all the messages.

6.2.  Number of multicast messages

   Below are the observations based on the number of multicast messages
   sent in the network.

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   Number of multicast RA messages sent in the network
      The number of RA messages exchanged between the MS and the router
      for a duration of 5, 10, and 15 minutes are tabulated below:

   |     Time    |   Min/Max  |   Min/Max  |   Min/Max   |   Min/Max   |
   |   Duration  |    30/70   |   30/150   |    30/300   |    30/600   |
   |  5 minutes  |      8     |      4     |      4      |      3      |
   |  10 minutes |     15     |      6     |      5      |      3      |
   |  15 minutes |     18     |     13     |      8      |      4      |

                   Table 2: Number of RA messages exchanged

      From the above table, we observe, as the difference between
      MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval increases, the number of
      RA messages sent in the network reduces.

   Total number of multicast messages sent in the network
      The number of multicast messages exchanged between the MS and the
      router for a duration of 5, 10, and 15 minutes are tabulated below:

   |     Time    |   Min/Max  |   Min/Max  |   Min/Max   |   Min/Max   |
   |   Duration  |    30/70   |   30/150   |    30/300   |    30/600   |
   |  5 minutes  |     14     |     11     |      10     |      8      |
   |  10 minutes |     21     |     11     |      12     |      10     |
   |  15 minutes |     24     |     20     |      15     |      9      |

            Table 3: Total number of multicast Messages exchanged

      From the above table, we observe, as the difference between
      MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval increases, the total
      number of messages sent in the network reduces.

   Number of RA messages vs AdvDefaultLifetime
      In this case, the number of RA messages exchanged between the
      MS and the router are observed with respect to AdvDefaultLifetime.
      AdvDefaultLifetime defines the lifetime of the router as a default
      router, and is measured in seconds.

      The number of RA messages is measured with different values of 
      AdvDefaultLifetime, MinRtrInterval and MaxRtrInterval for a 
      duration of 5, 10, and 15 minutes and are tabulated below:

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              | AdvDefaultLifetime | Min/Max | Number of RA |
              |         150        |  30/50  |      13      |
              |         450        |  30/150 |       9      |
              |         900        |  30/300 |      11      |
              |        1800        |  30/600 |       9      |
              |        2700        |  30/900 |       9      |
              |        3600        | 30/1200 |      10      |
              |        4500        | 30/1500 |      10      |
              |        5400        | 30/1800 |       9      |

       Table 4: Number of RA Messages vs AdvDefaultLifetime (5 minutes)

              | AdvDefaultLifetime | Min/Max | Number of RA |
              |         150        |  30/50  |      28      |
              |         450        |  30/150 |      20      |
              |         900        |  30/300 |      23      |
              |        1800        |  30/600 |      21      |
              |        2700        |  30/900 |      19      |
              |        3600        | 30/1200 |      21      |
              |        4500        | 30/1500 |      21      |
              |        5400        | 30/1800 |      24      |

      Table 5: Number of RA Messages vs AdvDefaultLifetime (10 minutes)

              | AdvDefaultLifetime | Min/Max | Number of RA |
              |         150        |  30/50  |      41      |
              |         450        |  30/150 |      33      |
              |         900        |  30/300 |      35      |
              |        1800        |  30/600 |      29      |
              |        2700        |  30/900 |      34      |
              |        3600        | 30/1200 |      33      |
              |        4500        | 30/1500 |      32      |
              |        5400        | 30/1800 |      34      |

      Table 6: Number of RA Messages vs AdvDefaultLifetime (15 minutes)

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      The frequency of messages depends upon the difference between
      MaxRtrAdvInterval and MinRtrAdvInterval.  From the above tables,
      we observe, almost the same number of RA messages are sent by the
      router as for both high and low frequency cases.  Only when the
      frequency is very high (for example MinRtrAdvInterval = 30 seconds
      and MaxRtrAdvInterval = 50 seconds), there is a surge in the
      number of RA messages.

7.  Results Analysis

   From the above test case analysis, we observe that considerable
   number of unsolicited RA messages are generated and those can be
   minimized.  Also, in order to cope with battery power and IPv6 ND
   SLAAC behavior, implementations are coming up with independent
   solutions which can create serious security and reliability issues
   when the traffic of a sleeping host goes to another host configured
   with same IPv6 address.  We also observe that the number of multicast
   messages are different in the two IPv6 ND implementations.  These
   anomalies depends on vendors IPv6 implementation and the power saving
   techniques.  In the next step, we target to test [EFF-ND] enhanced
   mode approach to observe the realiability and multicast message
   exchanges among multiple implementations.

8.  Security Considerations

9.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

10.  Changelog

11.  Acknowledgements

   The author would like to thank Samita Chakrabarti for her valuable
   suggestions and insight on this work.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

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   [RFC2434]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 2434,
              October 1998.

   [EFF-ND]   Chakrabarti, S., Nordmark, E., Thubert, P., and M.
              Wasserman, "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Optimizations for
              Wired and Wireless Networks",
              draft-chakrabarti-nordmark-6man-efficient-nd-06 (work in
              progress), February 2014.

              Shelby, Z., Chakrabarti, S., Nordmark, E., and C. Bormann,
              "ND Optimizations for 6LoWPAN", RFC 6775, November 2012.

   [ND]       Narten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., and H. Soliman,
              "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6", RFC 4861,
              September 2007.

   [SLAAC]    Narten, T., Thomson, S., and T. Jinmei, "IPv6 Stateless
              Address Autoconfiguration", RFC 4862, September 2007.

   [SOW]      Tschofenig, H. and J. Arkko, "Report from the Smart Object
              Workshop", RFC 6574 , April 2012.

12.2.  Informative References

   [IPV6]     Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6), Specification", RFC 2460, December 1998.

              Vyncke, E., Thubert, P., Levy-Abegnoli, E., and A.
              Yourtchenko, "Why Network-Layer Multicast is Not Always
              Efficient At Datalink Layer",
              draft-vyncke-6man-mcast-not-efficient-01 (work in
              progress), February 2014.

   [CO-PS]    Cao, Z., Gomez, C., Kovatsch, M., Tian, H., and X. He,
              "Energy Efficient Implementation of IETF Constrained
              Protocol Suite", draft-ietf-lwig-energy-efficient-01 (work
              in progress), October 2014.

   [CO-NODE]  Bormann, C., Ersue, M., and A. Keranen, "Terminology for
              Constrained-Node Networks", RFC 7228, May 2014.

   [MLDv2]    Vida, R. and L. Costa Eds, "Multicast Listener Discovery
              Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6", RFC 3810, June 2004.

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Author's Address

   Ankur Sood
   North Carolina State University
   Raleigh, NC


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