Internet DRAFT - draft-sparks-genarea-interim-management


Network Working Group                                          R. Sparks
Internet-Draft                                                    Oracle
Intended status: Informational                          October 19, 2015
Expires: April 21, 2016

                       Interim Meeting Management


   This memo discusses requirements for improvements to the datatracker
   related to tracking interim meetings.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 21, 2016.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Description of desired functionality  . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     2.1.  View upcoming meetings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     2.2.  Request interim meetings(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.3.  View pending requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.4.  Edit a pending request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.5.  Cancel a request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.6.  Approve requests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.7.  Manage interim meeting material . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     2.8.  Remind group chairs to submit minutes . . . . . . . . . .   8
   3.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

1.  Introduction

   There are several aspects of tracking interim meetings that need to
   be improved.  Much of the effort in scheduling interims is performed
   manually, and with the increase in the number of virtual interims
   remaining consistent is becoming difficult.  The secretariat
   frequently has to spend time correcting errors in requests (usually
   incorrect or missing information) that could be minimized with better
   tooling.  Managing announcements and maintaining a list of upcoming
   interims are largely manual efforts.  There is currently no calendar
   to subscribe to for upcoming interim meetings, providing one at the
   moment would require manually populating the calendar.  Management of
   interim meeting materials (agendas, slides, and minutes) is decoupled
   from the management of the meeting itself, leading to a current
   situation where chairs can create interim meeting objects in the
   tracker, inadvertently bypassing the current steps designed to ensure
   approval (if needed) and proper announcement of the meetings.

   This project will address these issues through several improvements
   to the datatracker.

2.  Description of desired functionality

2.1.  View upcoming meetings

   The datatracker will provide a view of all upcoming meetings (interim
   or otherwise), replacing the manually maintained page at  The entries on the page will point
   to meeting details (such as the datatracker meeting page for the
   meeting), as opposed to just a copy of the announcement.  The page
   will highlight any upcoming meetings that had been announced but
   subsequently cancelled.  This will be populated by looking at Session

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   objects in the official agenda of future meetings that are in the
   "Scheduled" or "Cancelled" state.  The new view will show the
   upcoming meetings in date order, and will allow filtering the results
   to set of areas and or working groups similar to the week-view at  The datatracker
   will provide the results as an html view and as an ics file, using a
   URL that calendaring clients can subscribe to.

2.2.  Request interim meetings(s)

   A person with a secretariat, AD, IRTF chair, or chair of a Working
   Group or Research Group can request interim meetings.  The
   datatracker will provide a form at /meeting/interim/request that
   collects the following information:

      What group is meeting?

         The secretariat can indicate any group.  ADs can indicate any
         working group.  The IRTF chair can indicate any research group.
         Chairs may only request interim meetings for one of their own
         groups.  The tool will not support the notion of a "joint"
         interim meeting between multiple groups at this time.

      Whether the meeting has a face-to-face component

         If there is a face-to-face component, what city, country, and
         time-zone will the face-to-face meeting occur in?  Meetings
         without a face-to-face component will be modeled with empty
         city and country fields, and a timezone of UTC.  This
         information is modeled in the Meeting object.

      The days and start-times, and durations of the meeting(s)

         Meetings can span multiple days.  The times for each day may be
         different.  Multiple day meetings will be modeled as one
         Meeting object, with multiple TimeSlot, Session, and
         ScheduledSession objects.

         A request may be for a series of meetings.  These will be
         modeled as one Meeting object per meeting in the series, each
         with one TimeSlot, Session, and ScheduledSession object.

         The tool will not support requesting a series of multiple day
         meetings.  For now, the requester will enter a request for each
         multiple-day meeting separately.

         The tool will not support requesting multiple timeslots in any
         given day at this time.

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         The tool will make entering times convenient for the requester.
         It will allow entry in any timezone.  The form will show the
         equivalent timezone in UTC as data is being entered.  The time
         data will be stored in TimeSlot objects reflecting the timezone
         of the associated Meeting object.

         The tool will make entering duration convenient for the
         requester.  It will show the calculated end-time of session as
         the duration is being entered.

      Information for remote participants

         This information will be gathered for each session requested.
         Note that the data may be different for different days).  This
         is typically Webex or other dial-in instructions.  This is a
         free-form text field.  This field must not be empty.  The form
         will provide a hint noting that the field should contain
         something like "Remote participation is not supported" for
         meetings without such support.  For those requests requiring
         approval (that is, the meetings have a face-to-face component),
         the form will encourage providing the remote participation
         information, but will hint that "Remote participation
         information will be obtained at the time of approval" is a
         reasonable value.  (We don't want to force people to make webex
         reservations in advance for a meeting that might not be
         approved).  This information will be stored in a new
         "remote_instructions" CharField(max_length=1024) of each
         associated Session object.  The form should also provide a link
         to information on how to obtain remote participation support.
         (The secretariat will provide the URL for that information -
         the target page will talk about things like webex-

      Session Agendas

         An agenda for each session as a free-form text field.  Each
         non--empty agenda provided will be stored as an agenda Document
         associated with the meeting as a SessionPresentation in the
         associated Session object.

      Additional Information

         Any additional information to be included in the announcement
         and calendar entries (as a free-form text field).  This will be
         stored in the agenda_note field of the Meeting object.

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   If the requesting user is the secretariat, IRTF chair, or an AD, the
   form will ask whether the request is pre-approved (defaulting to
   yes).  Chairs will not be able to indicate pre-approval.

   Once a request is completed, the appropriate Meeting, Schedule,
   TimeSlot and Session objects will be created.

      If no pre-approval is indicated and approval is needed (the
      meeting contains a face-to-face component) the Session objects
      will be in the "Waiting for approval" state.  The tool will send
      email to the secretariat, group chairs, and responsible area
      director or the IRTF chair noting that approval has been
      requested, showing the information entered in the request, and
      providing a link to the approval page for the request.

      If the request is pre-approved or no approval is needed, no email
      is sent.  The Session objects will be in the "Approved - awaiting
      announcement" state.  The processing below for an approved request
      will be immediately performed.

2.3.  View pending requests

   At /meeting/interim/pending, the Secretariat will see all pending
   (i.e. session.state == "Waiting for Approval") interim meeting
   requests.  An AD will see all pending interim requests from working
   groups, with those requests from groups they are responsible for made
   visually distinct.  The IRTF chair will see all pending requests for
   research groups.  A chair will see all pending requests for his or
   her groups.  For anyone with approval capability, each entry will be
   a link to a page showing the request details, and UI to indicate that
   the request is approved or disapproved.

2.4.  Edit a pending request

   A person with the ability to enter a request will have the ability to
   modify the request and leave it in the pending state.

2.5.  Cancel a request

   A person with the ability to enter a request will have the ability to
   cancel the request whenever the request is pending or approved.
   Additional information may be provided when cancelling a request.
   All associated Sessions will be set to the "Cancelled" state.  For
   each session that had been in the "Scheduled" state (that is, an
   announcement scheduling the meeting has already been sent), a message
   will be sent to IETF Announce noting the Cancellation.  The message
   should be similar to this:

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   To: IETF-Announce
   Cc: (WG email list)
   From: IESG Secretary
   Subject: [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] WG Virtual Interim
       Meeting Cancelled (was [DATE])

   The [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] Working Group virtual interim
   meeting for [DATE] from [START TIME] to [END TIME] UTC has
   been cancelled.


2.6.  Approve requests

   The Secretariat will be able to approve or disapprove any pending
   request.  Any AD will be able to approve or disapprove any pending
   request from a working group.  The IRTF chair will be able to approve
   or disapprove any pending request from a research group.

   For each pending request, there will be a page that shows the request
   detail and the UI to indicate that the request is approved or
   disapproved.  The approver will be able to modify the request before
   approving it.  The page will guide the approver to carefully inspect
   the details of the request, particularly the remote participation

   If the request is disapproved, all associated Sessions will be set to
   the "Disapproved" state and processing stops.

   If the request is approved, all associated Sessions will be set to a
   new "Scheduled - Announcement to be sent" state and ScheduledSession
   objects will be created associating the Session objects with the
   appropriate TimeSlot objects.  If the user is not the secretariat,
   the datatracker will send email to the Secretariat noting that an
   announcement needs to be sent.  The message will list the details of
   the meeting, and provide a link to a page that allows editing and
   sending the announcement (/meeting/interim/announce/<meeting_name>)
   The user will see a page noting that the secretariat has been
   notified to send an announcement.  If the user is the secretariat,
   this mail will not be sent, and the user will be redirected
   immediately to the above announcement editing page.

   At /meeting/interim/announce, the secretariat will see all meetings
   with sessions in state "Scheduled - Announcement to be sent".  Each
   entry will link to an editing/sending page as above.  The editing
   sending page will display a composed email message, allow the
   secretariat to edit and then send the message, or to withdraw the

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      For requests that are withdrawn before they are announced, the
      sessions transition to "Disapproved" and processing stops.  The
      secretariat will use this to finish the processing of requests
      that needed no approval (hence went directly into the "Scheduled -
      Announcement to be sent") but have errors that cannot be addressed
      by simple updates to the request.  When meetings with no face-to-
      face component, the message will look like this (adjusted as
      necessary to allow for multi-day or sequences of meetings, and to
      say the right thing for Research Groups vs Working Groups)

   To: IETF-Announce
   Cc: (WG email list)
   From: IESG Secretary
   Subject: [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] WG Virtual Interim
      Meeting: [DATE]

   The [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] Working Group will hold a
   virtual interim meeting on [DATE] from [START TIME] to


   To join the interim meeting:


      When announcing meetings with a face-to-face component, the
      message will look like this (adjusted as necessary as above):

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   To: IETF-Announce
   Cc: WG email list
   From: IESG Secretary
   Subject: [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] WG Interim Meeting: [DATE]

   The [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] Working Group will hold an
   interim meeting on [DATE] from [START TIME] to [END TIME] UTC.

   Meeting Location:


   To join the interim meeting remotely:


      When a meeting is announced its sessions will transition to the
      "Scheduled" state.

2.7.  Manage interim meeting material

   This project will associate an initial agenda with an interim
   meeting.  Updates to the agenda, and management of other meeting
   materials will be done through the normal, existing, meeting
   materials management tool.

2.8.  Remind group chairs to submit minutes

   Ten days after an interim meeting concludes, if minutes are not in
   the available meeting materials for that meeting, the tool will send
   the chairs the following message (adjusted as needed to reflect
   research groups vs working groups)

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   To: WG chairs, WG secretary
   Cc: Shepherding AD
   From: Proceedings
   Subject: Action Required: Minutes from [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)]
     WG Interim Meeting on [DATE]

   Please note that we have not yet received minutes from the
   [WORKING GROUP][(ACRONYM)] Working Group interim meeting held
   on [DATE].  As per the IESG Guidance on Interim Meetings,
   Conference Calls and Jabber Sessions [1], detailed minutes must
   be provided within 10 days of the event.

   At your earliest convenience, please upload meeting minutes, as
   well as any presentations from your sessions by using the Meeting
   Materials Manager found here:
   Alternatively, you are welcome to send them to
   for manual posting.


3.  Security Considerations

   This document discusses requirements for tools to improve managing
   interim meetings.  There are no exceptional security considerations
   introduced by these requirements.

4.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

Author's Address

   Robert Sparks
   7460 Warren Parkway
   Suite 300
   Frisco, Texas  75034


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