Internet DRAFT - draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network


TBD                                                          E. Spinella
Internet-Draft                                                   Syndeno
Intended status: Informational                           27 January 2022
Expires: 31 July 2022

                      Event Streaming Open Network


   This document describes the vision, architecture and network protocol
   for an Event Streaming Open Network over the Internet.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at  Status information for this document may
   be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 31 July 2022.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  An Open Network for Event Streaming over the Internet . . . .   4
     2.1.  Free, Open & Neutral Networks (FONN)  . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.2.  Non-discriminatory and open access  . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.3.  Open participation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.4.  Open Access Infrastructure Resources  . . . . . . . . . .   7
       2.4.1.  Open Access DNS Resource Example  . . . . . . . . . .   9
       2.4.2.  Flow: Event Streaming Internet Resource . . . . . . .   9
   3.  Necessities for an Event Streaming Open Network over the
           Internet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.1.  Necessity 1: Event Streaming Internet Resource Public
           Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.2.  Necessity 2: Establishment of a User Space for Events . .  12
     3.3.  Necessity 3: An Agnostic Subscription Protocol  . . . . .  13
     3.4.  Necessity 4: An Open Cross-sector Payload Format  . . . .  14
   4.  Event Streaming Open Network Architecture . . . . . . . . . .  15
     4.1.  Architecture overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       4.1.1.  Flow Events Broker (FEB)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       4.1.2.  Flow Name Service (FNS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       4.1.3.  Flow Namespace Accessing Agent (FNAA) . . . . . . . .  22
       4.1.4.  Flow Processor (FP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       4.1.5.  Flow Namespace User Agent (FNUA)  . . . . . . . . . .  24
     4.2.  Communications Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       4.2.1.  Unidirectional Subscription . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       4.2.2.  Bidirectional Subscription  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   5.  Event Streaming Open Network Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     5.1.  Protocol definition methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     5.2.  Flow Namespace Accessing Protocol (FNAP)  . . . . . . . .  27
     5.3.  Implementation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
       5.3.1.  Objectives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     5.4.  Existing components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
       5.4.1.  Flow Events Broker (FEB)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29

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       5.4.2.  Flow Name Service (FN)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
       5.4.3.  Components to be developed  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   6.  Proof of Concept  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     6.1.  Minimum functionalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     6.2.  FNAA - Server application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     6.3.  FNUA - Client application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     6.4.  Use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       6.4.1.  Use case 2: Creating a flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
       6.4.2.  Use case 3: Describing a flow . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
       6.4.3.  Use case 4: Subscribing to a remote flow  . . . . . .  38
     6.5.  Results of the PoC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
   7.  Summary & Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   10. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46

1.  Introduction

   Society is rapidly digitalizing and automating the exchanges of value
   that constitute the economy.  Also, considerable time and energy is
   spent to assure that key transactions can be executed with reduced
   human involvement with better, faster, and more accurate results.  In
   this context, Event Streaming can play a key role in how the economic
   system evolves.

   However, most of the application layer integrations executed today
   across organizational boundaries are not in real time.  Also, they
   currently require employing a variety of formats and protocols.  Some
   industries have adopted data formats for exchanging information
   between organizations, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
   However, those integrations are limited to specific use cases and
   represent a small fraction of all demanded organizational

   Thus, there is no consistent and common consensus on a mechanism for
   the exchange of events across organizations.  This results in a
   completely custom landscape for each real-time cross-organization
   integration.  In this scenario, development teams must invest plenty
   of time into understanding and defining a common interface for events

   In this context, we can now introduce how this landscape could change
   with the introductiopn of an Event Streaming Open Network over the
   Internet.  When needing to connect real-time event flows across
   organizations, developers would have a common basis for finding,
   publishing, and subscribing to event streams.  Also, given a set of

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   standard formats to encode and transmit events, developers could use
   the programming language of their choice.  Overall, this set of
   standards would drastically reduce the cost of real-time integration,
   which would also enable experimentation by users.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.  An Open Network for Event Streaming over the Internet

   In this section, we will argue how Internet standards are developed
   and why this could be the case for an Event Streaming Open Network.

   An interesting example of this phenomenon is the case of ISDN
   (Integrated Services Digital Network), a set of communications
   standards for the transmission of voice, video, and data over the
   PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) developed by the ITU-T
   (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) in 1988.  ISDN pretended
   to use the existing public telephone network to transmit digital data
   in a time when the Internet connectivity access was not as broadly
   available as it is today.  The main competitor of this standard was
   the incipient Internet itself, which could be used to transmit the
   same data.

   The Internet alternative needed a protocol to support the same
   services offered by ISDN, which was initially developed by the
   conjoint effort of the academic and private sector.  Consequently, in
   1992 the Mbone (Multicast Bone) was created.  This project was an
   experimental network backbone built over the Internet for carrying
   multicast IP traffic, which could be used for multimedia content.
   After some important milestones of this project, the SIP (Session
   Initiation Protocol) was defined in 1996 and was published as a
   standard protocol in IETF's [RFC3261].  The reality today is that SIP
   has completely won the standards battle for multimedia transmission
   over the Internet, and ISDN usage has been on continuous decline.

   As for Event Streaming, we see a similar scenario set-up today.
   There are currently several open specifications and implementations
   for Event Streaming, like AMQP (Advanced Messaging Queueing
   Protocol), supported by RabbitMQ.  However, while AMQP can be used
   for several purposes, Kafka Protocol specializes on Event Streaming
   Processing and its specialized features make it more convenient than
   RabbitMQ (i.e. ordering).

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   In the case of an Event Streaming Open Network over the Internet, if
   we guide ourselves by the history of the most widely adopted
   protocols on the Internet, the governance should be similar to that
   of the WWW or Email.  Both the WWW and Email have open specifications
   as well as open-source implementations.  We can mention the Apache
   Web Server as an open-source implementation of the HTTP protocol;
   Postfix for SMTP; and Bind for DNS.  Nevertheless, the governance for
   these protocols' specifications relies on the IETF.

   In order to define the characteristics of an Event Streaming Open
   Network, we will focus on the definition of shared and openly
   accessible infrastructure.  First, we will review the principles of
   Free, Open & Neutral Networks and why they should be followed for an
   Event Streaming Open Network.  Then, we will show how DNS complies
   with the criteria to be considered an infrastructure resource.
   Finally, we will demonstrate how this is also true for Event

2.1.  Free, Open & Neutral Networks (FONN)

   The main principles of a Free, Open & Neutral Network are:

   *  It is open because it is universally open to the participation of
      everybody without any kind of exclusion nor discrimination, and
      because it is always described how it works and its components,
      enabling everyone to improve it.

   *  It is free because everybody can use it for whatever purpose and
      enjoy it independently of his network participation degree.

   *  it is neutral because the network is independent of the contents,
      it does not influence them and they can freely circulate; the
      users can access and produce contents independently to their
      financial capacity or their social condition.  The new contents
      produced are orientated to stimulate new ones, or for the network
      administration itself, or simply in exercise of the freedom of
      adding new contents, but not to replace or to to block other ones.

   *  It is also neutral with regard to the technology, the network can
      be built with whatever technology chosen by the participants with
      the only limitations resulting of the technology itself.

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2.2.  Non-discriminatory and open access

   Services such as DNS, the World Wide Web and Email do not
   discriminate and are open-accessible.  Basically, people and
   organizations can access these networks as long as they can register
   an Internet Domain and host the required server components.
   Nowadays, there are alternatives to avoid having to register a domain
   name to have a web page or an email, such as Cloud WordPress Hosting
   or Gmail.  However, we will focus on the network participants that
   provide services to end-users.

   In the case of, we can highlight how this principle has
   been adopted in the fact that everybody can take part in the project
   without discrimination.  Moreover, an emphasis is made in easing the
   participation of the disadvantaged collectives, with less resources
   or less opportunities to access information technologies,
   telecommunications, and the Internet.

   An Event Streaming Open Network should provide resources in a similar
   way than the most widely adopted Internet Services.  Thus,
   individuals and organizations must be able to register Flow address
   spaces for which the existing DNS infrastructure could be leveraged.
   Moreover, the specification of the protocols that implement the
   Metadata and Payload formats must also be openly accessible.

2.3.  Open participation

   Internet Services like DNS, WWW and Email provide individuals and
   organizations with different ways of participation.  First, anybody
   can obtain the protocols' specification and build a custom
   implementation, which would result in a new product compatible with
   the protocols.  Secondly, anybody can register a domain name and set
   up servers using compatible products.  Thirdly, anybody can join and
   participate in the IETF, the institution that governs the
   specifications for these protocols.

   As for, not only anybody can extend the network with new
   nodes but also can also participate in existing projects of network
   extension.  Also, the participants can add services on top of the
   network such as VoIP, FTP servers, broadcast radios, etc.

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   Regarding active participation on an Event Streaming Open Network, we
   can highlight the possibility for individuals and organizations to
   expand the services provided by the open network.  This extensibility
   could be made possible by different uses of the event payloads and
   will vary significantly depending on the sector.  Since we have
   already proved how Flow is an infrastructure resource, innovation
   would play its part and its results would be materialized in services

   We can conclude that the same kind of openness of DNS, WWW and Email
   is necessary for an Event Streaming Open Network.  Anybody should be
   able to obtain the specifications to build an implementation of the
   service.  Also, since it should leverage the DNS infrastructure,
   anybody would be able to register Flow address spaces.  Lastly, the
   specification could be governed by an institution such as the IETF,
   due the dependency of Flow with other Internet Services governed by
   this institution.

2.4.  Open Access Infrastructure Resources

   The literature about Commons Infrastructure (Frischmann, 2007)
   defines a set of criteria to evaluate if a resource can be considered
   an infrastructure resource.  This analysis is relevant since it can
   provide some arguments to prove the need of an infrastructure of
   commons for Event Streaming, which could then be materialized in an
   Open Network for Event Streaming.  The demand-side criteria for
   evaluating if a given resource can be considered as an infrastructure
   resource are:

   1.  The resource can be consumed nonrivalrously.

   2.  Social demand for the resource is driven primarily by downstream
       productive activity that requires the resource as an input.

   3.  The resource is used as an input into a wide range of goods and
       services, including private goods, public goods and/or non-market

   First, a nonrival good describes the "shareable" nature of a given
   good.  Infrastructures are shareable in the sense that the resources
   can be accessed and used by multiple users at the same time.
   However, infrastructure resources vary in their capacity to
   accommodate multiple users, and this variance in the capacity
   differentiates nonrival resources from partially rival resources.  A
   nonrival resource represents those resources with infinite capacity,
   while a partially rival resource has finite but renewable capacity.
   As an example, Broadcast Television is a nonrival resource since
   additional users do not affect the capacity of the resource.  On the

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   other hand, natural oil resources are completely rival since its
   availability is limited and it is not renewable.  In the middle, we
   have partially rival resources like a highway, which may be
   congested.  This last characteristic is also true for the Internet
   since it supports additional users without degrading the service to
   existing users to a certain extent.

   Secondly, infrastructure resources consumption is primarily driven by
   downstream activities that require this resource as an input.  This
   means that the broad audience consumes infrastructure resources
   indirectly.  For instance, highway infrastructure is used to
   transport every kind of physical good which people and organizations
   purchase.  This facilitates the generation of positive externalities
   for society through the downstream production of public goods and
   non-market goods.  These positive externalities might be suppressed
   under a regime where resource availability is driven solely based on
   individuals' willingness to pay.

   Regarding willingness to pay, it is relevant to analyze this factor
   more exhaustively.  Frischmann states that if infrastructure access
   is allocated based on individuals' willingness to pay the potential
   positive externalities of that infrastructure might be stifled.
   Thus, infrastructure resources behave differently than end-user
   products: if the former are made available solely based on the end-
   user demands and willingness to pay, those needed infrastructure
   resources might never be made available.  As an example, we can
   mention that if airports were built based on individuals' willingness
   to pay for them, they might not even be built.  However, individuals
   are willing to pay for the airport's downstream activities, such as
   purchasing a flight or consuming air-transported goods.  Then, a
   whole set of positive externalities are generated by the existence of
   an airport in a city.

   In the third place, infrastructure resources are used as input for a
   wide range of outputs.  This criterion emphasizes both the variance
   of the downstream outputs and their nature.  Thus, the infrastructure
   resources possess a high level of genericness which enable productive
   activities that produce different goods with high variance.  If we
   consider how an airport complies with this criterion, we can mention
   that not only airports serve individuals that need to travel by air
   but are also used to transport many kinds of physical goods.  These
   goods then enable other activities throughout the downstream value
   chain.  Then, the output variance of the activities that take airport
   infrastructure as input is significantly high.

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2.4.1.  Open Access DNS Resource Example

   Now, we will provide as an example how DNS complies with these
   criteria and why it can be considered an infrastructure resource. 1.
   DNS infrastructure is a partially rival resource because individuals
   and organizations can register domains in the Domain Name addressing
   space.  It is partially rival because not every actor can acquire the
   same domain name.  However, the access to registering domain names is
   open and non-discriminatory.  Moreover, DNS is also prone to
   congestion, which emphasizes its partially rival nature. 2.  DNS
   infrastructure demand is driven principally by downstream products
   and services.  An average Internet user is not paying directly for
   this infrastructure, but all the Internet services the user consumes
   pay for DNS infrastructure.  This is true for all the Internet
   services due to the ubiquitous nature of DNS infrastructure. 3.  All
   Internet services take as input DNS infrastructure and produce a
   broad variety of outputs, which then generate positive externalities
   to society as a whole by means of private goods, public goods and/or
   non-market goods.

   We can conclude that DNS complies with Frischmann criteria for being
   considered as an infrastructure resource.  The resource is
   represented both by the domain name that can be and by the querying
   capacity of DNS servers.

2.4.2.  Flow: Event Streaming Internet Resource

   In this section, we will describe an Event Streaming Internet
   Resources.  For this, we will consider the previously described
   guidelines for FONN as well as the characteristics of DNS as a
   resource.  This Event Streaming Internet Resource shall be refered to
   as "flow" from now onwards.

   To begin with, we need to define what elements could be considered as
   infrastructure resources in an Event Streaming Open Network.  First,
   the resource must be capable of delivering streams of events to
   consumers.  Secondly, it must also permit producers to write events
   to the stream.  Thirdly, each stream must be identifiable (i.e., URI)
   and able to be located (i.e., URL).  From now on, we will use "Flow"
   to refer to the infrastructure resource of an Event Streaming Open
   Network.  The first Frischmann criterion requires the resource to be
   consumed nonrivalrously.  Complete nonrivalrously for any Internet
   Service cannot be achieved due to the possibility of congestion and
   potential unavailability of different elements of the network.  The
   same would be true for a Flow resource.  Moreover, the public naming
   addressing space for Flows would be limited to the same level as that
   of domain names.

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   We will continue now with the third criterion.  To illustrate the
   potential of Flow being used as inputs for downstream activities, we
   will refer to Urquhart's vision for Event Streaming.  He lists two
   areas in which significant changes can happen:

   1.  The use of time-critical data for customer experience and
       efficiency.  This is driven because today's consumers are
       increasingly expecting great experiences, and organizations are
       almost always motivated to improve the efficiency of their

   2.  The emergence of new businesses and business models.  Businesses
       and institutions will quickly discover use cases where data
       processed in a timely manner will change the economics of a
       process or transaction.  They may even experiment with new
       processes, made possible by this timely data flow.  Thus, flow
       resources will also enable innovation.  These innovations are
       responsible for generating positive externalities.

   Then, we have demonstrated why Flow resources can be considered as
   infrastructure resources using Frischmann's Demand-side Theory of
   Infrastructure.  These resources can be managed in an open manner to
   maximize positive externalities, which basically means maintaining
   its open access, not discriminating, and eliminating the need to
   obtain licenses to use the resources.  Consequently, managing
   infrastructure resources in this manner eliminates the need to rely
   on either market actors or governments.

   Lastly, the adoption of an Event Streaming Open Network implies
   taking Flow resources as inputs for productive activities.  These
   inputs would then be used downstream to generate private goods,
   public goods and/or non-market goods.  Additionally, we can assure
   that most of the consumers of Flow would not directly consume Flow
   resources.  They would consume the outputs of downstream activities
   that use Flow as input.  Again, the consumers may not be willing to
   pay for Flow resources directly.

   We can conclude this section mentioning that an Event Streaming Open
   Network would enable one infrastructure resource called Flow.  The
   access to this resource can be managed in an openly manner:
   maintaining open access, not discriminating users or different uses
   of the resource, and eliminating the need to obtain approval or a
   license to use the resource.

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3.  Necessities for an Event Streaming Open Network over the Internet

   In this section, we will describe the main needs for the broad
   adoption of Event Streaming.  The focus will be made on detecting and
   describing the missing capabilities that could not only enable but
   also accelerate the event data integration among different
   organizations.  The different necessities detailed in this section
   will serve as input for an architecture design.

3.1.  Necessity 1: Event Streaming Internet Resource Public Registry

   A public registry of an organization's available event streams does
   not exist.  We will argue in this section why this is the core
   component that an Event Streaming Open Network can provide.

   Nowadays, when an organization needs to publish an event stream or
   event flow, they usually follow some form of the following steps:

   1.  Develop and deploy a producer application that writes events to a

   2.  Create all necessary networking permissions for external public
       access to the queue.

   3.  Inform the remote user the access information (i.e., Hostname/IP,
       protocol, and port) together with the required client details and
       technology for accessing the stream (i.e., Apache Kafka Protocol,
       RabbitMQ API, etc.).

   4.  Create credentials for consumer authentication and authorization
       access to the queue. 5.Develop and deploy a consumer application
       that reads the queue.

   Now, we can compare this process to a simple email interaction: 1.
   Sender opens a graphical Mail User Agent application and sends an
   email to an email address formatted as user@domain. 2.  The message
   is sent to an SMTP server that routes it to the destination SMTP
   servers for the given domain.  Once received, the message is put into
   the user mailbox. 3.  When the recipient checks its mailbox by IMAP
   or POP3, the new email is transferred to the Mail User Agent.

   In these two scenarios, we can see that the information needed to be
   exchanged offline by the actors is completely different in size and

   First, in the case of email, there is a shared naming space given by
   the Domain Name Service (DNS).  The email format has been
   standardized by the IETF in [RFC5321], section 2.3.11.  Thus, there

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   is a common naming space that is used for referencing mailboxes in
   the format user@domain.  Thus, the offline details communicated by
   the peers is only the recipient email address.  There is no analogous
   standard nor an open alternative for Event Streaming.

   Therefore, in the case of Event Streaming, users need to perform
   plenty of offline communication to agree not only on the technology
   to use but also on the queue to use.  For instance, two organizations
   may be currently using Apache Kafka and need to share an event stream
   among themselves.  The organization having the source of the stream
   should provide the following details to the consumer organization: *
   Bootstrap servers: Fully Qualified Domain Name list of the Apache
   Kafka brokers to start the connection to the Apache Kafka Brokers.
   Example: tcp://,
   tcp:// * Topic or Queue name: name of the
   topic resource in the Apache Kafka Cluster * Authentication
   information: User and password, TLS Certificate, etc.

   In the case these organizations were not both using Apache Kafka, the
   use case cannot be simply solved without incurring in development or
   complex configurations as well as adopting proprietary components.

   We can conclude that an Event Streaming Open Network should provide a
   global accessible URI for streams in a similar fashion than email, to
   reduce offline developers' interactions.  This means being able to
   name event streams in a common naming space like DNS, as well as
   providing a mechanism for users to discover the location and
   connections requirements.

3.2.  Necessity 2: Establishment of a User Space for Events

   Another need for broad adoption is due to the inexistence of a common
   and agreed user convention.  In the general literature, we cannot
   find reference to the types of users that would consume or produce
   events to and from an event stream.

   In this sense, it is also appropriate to consider the email use case.
   Basically, an email user only needs to know the email address, the
   password, the URL of a web mail client or the details of IMAP/POP3
   server connection.  Once the user has this information, it's possible
   to access an email space or mailbox where the user can navigate the
   emails in it.  Also, IMAP provides the possibility for the user to
   create folders and optionally share them with other users.

   There is no analogous service currently available for Event Streaming
   analogous to the email case.  This means that the user concept in
   Event Streaming is limited to authentication and authorization.

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   Thus, the user does not have access to a "streambox".  The result is
   the impossibility for a person or an application to possess a home
   directory containing all the streams owned by the user.

   As a conclusion for this section, we can mention that it is necessary
   to embrace a user space resource for Event Streaming.  This resource
   should not only solve the users' motivations and requirements but
   also reduce the offline verbal communications and custom development
   dependencies.  In the next sections, we will refer to this component
   as the Event User Space Service.

3.3.  Necessity 3: An Agnostic Subscription Protocol

   A third need for wide adoption is an agnostic protocol to manage
   subscriptions to event streams.  For this need to be solved, it would
   be necessary first to count with an Event User Space Service.  Then,
   in case a user has created a stream and wants to enable public
   subscriptions by other users, there is no general protocol to inform
   other parties of this subscription intention nor its confirmation.

   The result is the inability for the users to seamlessly subscribe to
   an event stream.  They either must employ protocols like MQTT or, in
   the need of employing other application protocols like Apache Kafka,
   hardcode the subscription details in the different software
   implementations.  This means that there is no general subscription
   protocol for Event Streaming that is agnostic of the application
   protocol employed.  This protocol implements both the Metadata
   Payload Format and Payload Format.

   A good example to illustrate the difference between a control
   protocol that implements a Metadata Payload Format from a payload
   protocol that implements a Payload Format is how SIP (Session
   Initiation Protocol) works with RTP (Real Time Protocol) to provide
   VoIP capabilities.  The former is a control protocol that initiates
   and maintains a session or call while the latter is the one
   responsible for carrying the payloads, which in the case of VoIP it
   would be coded audio.

   Consequently, a similar definition of protocols could potentially
   mitigate this limitation for Event Streaming.  If a protocol can be
   used to establish and maintain the subscriptions relationships while
   another different protocol is used for the events payload, all the
   current application protocols implementations could be supported.

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   Additionally, by counting also with an Event Streaming Public
   Registry, it would be possible to provide URI for streams in a
   similar way as email works with the "mailto" URI.  For instance, in
   web pages one can find that email addresses are linked to mailto URIs
   which, when clicked, open the default email user application (i.e.,
   Microsoft Outlook) to send an email to the referenced email address.

   If a user counts with a user space or streambox, then a user
   application like an email client could provide access to it.  Then,
   if the user clicks on a link of a stream URI (i.e.
   "stream:myeventflow"), the streambox application would open and
   subscribe to the given stream.

   Currently, the Metadata Payload Format as well as the Payload Format
   are both provided by the queue or log application protocol.  In the
   case of Apache Kafka, both formats are implemented within the Apache
   Kafka Protocol.  This introduces a barrier for interoperability among
   different technologies, meaning that flows of event data cannot be
   seamlessly connected, without relying on custom development or
   proprietary software licensing.

   We can conclude that there is an actual need for an open
   specification of an Event Subscription Service for event streams,
   which implements what Urquhart calls Metadata Payload Format.  This
   specification could be materialized in a network protocol that
   introduces an abstraction for the event queue or log technologies
   implemented by different organizations.

3.4.  Necessity 4: An Open Cross-sector Payload Format

   Currently, the different implementations of Event Streaming combine
   both the Payload Format with the Metadata Format.  This means that
   the same protocol utilized for payload transport is used for
   subscription management.

   When a producer intends to publish events to a queue or, using Apache
   Kafka terminology, when a producer intends to write records to a
   topic, first it needs to initiate a connection to at least one of the
   Apache Kafka Brokers.  In that initial exchange of TCP packages, the
   producer is authenticated, authorized, and informed with topic
   details.  This set of transactions would belong to a protocol that
   implements a Metadata Payload Format.  Afterwards, when the Producer
   starts writing the events to the topic, it encapsulates the event
   payload in a Kafka Protocol message.  This latter behavior makes use
   of a Payload Format.  Thus, we can observe how both theoretical
   formats are coupled in a single protocol.  Similar behavior of a
   coupled Metadata and Payload Format in one single protocol happens
   also in AMQP, MQTT and RabbitMQ.

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   As for the consumer, the behavior is the same with the difference
   that the initial intention is to subscribe to a queue or, in Apache
   Kafka terminology, to consume records of a topic.  Then, a set of TCP
   packages encapsulating the Apache Kafka protocol authenticates,
   authorizes, and informs the Consumer with topic details for
   consumption.  Afterwards, the consumer can start polling for new
   records in the different partitions of the topic.  It is worth
   mentioning that the consumer needs to implement more queue management
   logic than the Producer, especially when multiple replicas of a
   consumer type are deployed.

   If we focus on the Payload Format, there is the need for an
   implementation-agnostic payload format suitable for Event Streaming.
   In this sense, CloudEvents project of the CNCF proposes a
   specification and a set of libraries for this purpose.  The goal is
   to use CloudEvents specification as a Payload Format regardless of
   the Payload Protocol being used.  For instance, we could transmit
   events in the CloudEvents format using the Kafka or AMQP Protocol.

   The general structure of the CloudEvents Payload Format includes a
   standardized methodology to include event data in an event message.
   For instance, instead of defining a customized JSON structure for
   sending the events of temperature changes measured by a device, a
   CloudEvent object could be used.  Temperature could be included as an
   attribute in the CloudEvent object.

   We can then conclude that while there is no current protocol
   candidate that implements the Metadata Format, CloudEvents is a good
   candidate for the Payload Format needed in an Event Streaming Open
   Network.  In this way, the different CloudEvents libraries made
   available in several programming could be leveraged.

4.  Event Streaming Open Network Architecture

   In this section, we will describe the overall architectural proposal
   for an Event Streaming Open Network.  This description will include
   the different actors in play, the software components required, as
   well as the network protocols that should be specificized.

4.1.  Architecture overview

   In Figure 1 we illustrate a high-level overview of an architecture
   proposal for the Open Network.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 1: Figure 1

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   We can identify different Network Participant (NP) in Figure 1
   represented by different colors.  The different NPs act as equals
   when consuming or producing events as part of the Flows they own.
   All of NPs implement the Event Streaming Open Network Protocol, which
   Is described in the next chapter.

   In the diagram, an initial flow starts on the orange NP to which a
   user in the blue NP is subscribed.  After processing the events
   received in the first flow, the results are published to a new flow
   in NP blue, to which the orange NP is subscribed as well.  Now, the
   green participant is subscribed to the same flow, enabling downstream
   activities across the rest of the network participants.

   It is possible to observe how the high-level architecture allows
   sharing the streaming of events across different network participants
   and their users.  Also, there is also the need for security, in order
   to allow or deny the access to write to and read from flows.

   Regarding security, the architecture considers the integration with
   an Identity & Access Management service, which could implement
   popular protocols such as OAuth, SAML or SASL.  However, the network
   should also enable anonymous access in the same way FTP does.  This
   means that a given NP could publicly publish flow and allow any party
   to subscribe to it.

   For example, nowadays the Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to
   synchronize the day and time on servers.  There are many NTP servers
   available that allow anonymous access, meaning that the service is
   openly available.  The same must be considered for the Event
   Streaming Open Network.

   Additionally, the NP must be able to expand the capacity to support
   any number of flows, as well as extending the network with new
   services.  Not only NP must be able to include any given set of data
   within events but also, they must be able to build applications and
   services on top of the network by employing the architecture

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 2: Figure 2

   Now, we provide a brief description of all the components that appear
   in the diagram of Figure 2.  In the next sections further details of
   the components are provided.

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   *  Flow Events Broker (FEB): a high-available and fault-tolerant
      service that provide queues to be consumed by network services, by
      users, and their applications.  An example of an Event Queue
      Broker can be Apache Kafka, AWS SQS or Google Cloud PubSub.  The
      payload format implemented by these tools are what in 3.1.4 we
      called Event Streaming Payload Format.

   *  Flow Name Service (FNS): a DNS-based registry that acts as an
      authoritative server for a set of domain names, which are used to
      represent flow addresses in a flow namespace.  These domains
      contain all the necessary information to resolve flow names into
      flow network locations.  This component refers to what in 3.1.1 we
      named Event Streaming Registry.

   *  Flow Namespace User Agent (FNUA): an application similar to User
      Mail Agents like Microsoft Outlook or Gmail.  This application
      provides access to flow namespaces to users of the network.  The
      definition of this component implies the specification of a
      dedicated protocol.  We will refer to this protocol as FNAP (Flow
      Namespace Accessing Protocol).

   *  Flow Namespace Accessing Agent (FNAA): the server-side of the Flow
      Namespace User Agent.  This component is the one that must provide
      convenient integration methods for GUI.  This component refers to
      what in 3.1.2 we named Event User Space Service.  This component
      must implement the same protocol selected for the Flow Namespace
      User Agent: FNAP (Flow Namespace Accessing Protocol).

   *  Flow Processor (FP): a flow processing instance used to set up
      subscriptions that connect local or remote flows on demand.  This
      component implements the processing part of what in 3.1.3 we
      called Event Subscription Service.  This component will be created
      and managed by a FNAA instance, and the communication is held
      through an Inter-process Communications (IPC) interface.  Also,
      this service must implement an Event Payload Format, for which we
      will mainly consider CNCF's CloudEvents and Protobuf.

   *  Flow Namespace Accessing Protocol (FNAP): the protocol implemented
      in the Flow Namespace Accessing Agent as well as in the Flow
      Namespace User Agent.  The former will act both as a server and a
      client while the latter only as a client.  This protocol is
      described in the next chapter.

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4.1.1.  Flow Events Broker (FEB)

   The FEB implementation that we will mostly consider is Apache Kafka.
   This open-source project is quickly becoming a commodity platform,
   and major cloud providers are building utilities for it.  However, as
   a design decision, it should be possible to use the same protocols to
   support other applications, such as RabbitMQ, Apache Pulsar or the
   cloud-based options like AWS SQS or Azure Events Hub.

   Apache Kafka is the ecosystem leader in the Event Streaming space,
   considering mainly adoption.  There is a growing set of tools and
   vendors supporting its installation, operation, and consumption.
   This fact makes Apache Kafka much more appealing to enterprise
   developers.  However, the broker should provide a common set of
   functionalities which can be seen in the diagram of Figure 3.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 3: Figure 3

   The selection of the Events Broker will impact on the implementation
   of the Flow Namespace Accessing Agent.  This last component will be
   responsible for knowing how to set up and manage flows on top of
   different Events Brokers.

4.1.2.  Flow Name Service (FNS)

   FNS is a core component for the overall proposed architecture.  This
   component provides all needed functionalities for obtaining Flow
   connection details based on a Flow URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
   Thus, it is required to define a URI format for Flow resources and to
   specify mechanisms for resource location resolution.

   In this section, we will focus on describing both the URI for Flow as
   well as the DNS mechanism for obtaining Flow network location
   details.  Leveraging DNS infrastructure

   As mentioned previously, this component must maximize its leverage on
   the existing Internet DNS infrastructure.  The reason for this
   requirement is to avoid defining new protocols and services that
   prevent broad adoption.  Currently, DNS is the de facto name
   resolution protocol for the Internet, and there exist libraries for
   its usage on every programming language.

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   Whereas DNS is mainly used to resolve FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain
   Names) into IP addresses, there are many other functionalities
   provided by the global DNS infrastructure.  Theoretically, DNS is an
   open network of a distributed database.  Individuals and
   organizations that want to participate in the network need to
   register a domain name and set up Authoritative DNS servers for

   It is not in the scope of this work to detail the different available
   usages of DNS functionalities, but we can mention that it provides
   special Resource Records (i.e., types of information for a FQDN) that
   are solely used by special protocols.  For instance, the MX Resource
   Records are used by SMTP servers to exchange email messages.

   For the Flow Open Network, it will be required to define a URI format
   for flows as well as the mechanism to resolve an URI into all the
   needed information to connect to a flow.  In the case of email, a URI
   is the email address while the connection details will be the SMTP
   server responsible for receiving emails for that account.  For
   instance, an email URI could be while its connection
   details could be smtp://  The way in which the
   connection details are obtained is by resolving the MX DNS Resource
   Records of, which in this example is  Flow URI

   As we mentioned previously, the first needed element is a URI
   definition for flow resources.  These resources identification must
   capture the following details: * Domain, a registered domain in which
   create flow resources references.  For example, * Flow
   Namespace, a subdomain which is solely used by users to host flow
   names.  This subdomain must be delegated to the Flow Name Server
   component and desirable should not be used for any other purpose
   other than flow. * Flow Name, a name for each flow that must be
   unique within its domain.  The combination of flow name and flow
   domain results in an FQDN.  For instance, we could have a flow named
   arrivals of the domain  Thus, the FQDN of the flow
   would be  Also, the name can contain dots
   so that the following FQDN could be also used:

   Thus, the general syntax of a flow URI would be:


   This URI has the advantage that is similar to "mailto" URI and could
   be implemented in HTML to refer to flow resources.  Some examples:

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   *  flow://

   *  flow://

   *  flow://

   *  flow://

   The flow URI must unequivocally identify a flow resource and provide,
   by means of DNS resolution mechanisms, all the information required
   to use the flow.  Among these parameters, at least the following
   should be resolvable:

   *  Event Queue Broker protocol utilized by the flow.  For instance,
      if Apache Kafka is used, the protocol would be "kafka"; In case
      RabbitMQ is used by the flow, "amqp".  Also, it must be informed
      if the protocol is protected by TLS.

   *  Event Queue Broker FQDN or list of FQDNs that resolve to the IP
      address of one or a set of the Event Queue Brokers.  For instance,,

   *  Event Queue Broker Port used by the Event Queue Brokers.  For
      instance, in the case of Kafka: 9092, 9093.

   *  Event Queue Broker Transport Security Layer can be implemented.
      Thus, it is needed to know if the connection uses TLS before
      establishing it.

   *  Queue Name hosted in the Event Queue Broker, which must be equal
      to that of the corresponding flow name.

   The general syntax of the Flow URI would be as follows:


   *  Flow Namespace FQDN: myNameSpace.domain.tld

   *  Flow Name: flowName.flowCategory

   *  Flow FQDN: flowName.flowCategory.myNameSpace.domain.tld

   The following are examples of this URI Syntax:


   *  Flow Namespace FQDN:

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   *  Flow Name: notifications.calendar

   *  Flow FQDN:


   *  Flow Namespace FQDN:

   *  Flow Name: created.invoice

   *  Flow FQDN:  Flow name resolution

   In Figure 4, we can see how a Flow FQDN can be resolved by means of
   the Flow Name Service.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 4: Figure 4

   In order to illustrate the Flow Name resolution procedure by the FNAA
   (Flow Namespace Accessing Agent), we can consider the following flow


   First, the FNAA will perform a query to the DNS resolvers.  These
   will perform a recursive DNS query to obtain the authoritative name
   servers for the Flow Namespace:  Thus, the
   authoritative name servers for will reply with one or
   more NS Resource Record containing the FQDN for the authoritative
   name servers of

   Secondly, once these name servers are obtained, the FNUA will perform
   a PTR query on the Flow FQDN adding a service discovery prefix.  The
   response of the PTR query will return another FQDN compliant with SRV
   DNS Resource Records [RFC2782] and DNS Service Discovery [RFC6763].

   In this case, the query for PTR records would be as follows: ~~~ ;;
   ~~~ The response would be in the following form: ~~~ ;; ANSWER
   SECTION: 21600 IN PTR ~~~ Using the
   FQDN returned by this query, an additional query asking for SRV
   records is made: ~~~ ;; QUESTION SECTION:
   ;  IN SRV

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   30 65432 875 IN TXT
   "tls" 875 IN
   SRV 30 30 9092 875 IN
   TXT "broker-type=kafka tls" ~~~ First, the response informs the
   network location of the FNAA server, in this case a connection should
   be opened to TCP port 65432 of the IP resulting of resolving ~~~ ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;  IN A

   ;; ANSWER SECTION:  21600 IN A ~~~
   Secondly, this response offers other relevant information, like the
   TCP port where the queue service is located (9092).  It also includes
   a TXT Resource Record that establishes the protocol of the Event
   Queue Broker, defined in the variable "broker-type=kafka".

   Now, using the returned FQDN for the queue,, the
   resolver can perform an additional query: ~~~ ;; QUESTION SECTION:
   ;  IN A

   ;; ANSWER SECTION:  21600 IN A ~~~

4.1.3.  Flow Namespace Accessing Agent (FNAA)

   The Flow Namespace Accessing Agent is the core component of a Network
   Participant.  This server application implements the Flow Namespace
   Accessing Protocol that allows client connections.

   In the diagram of Figure 5 we can see the different methods that the
   FNAA must support.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 5: Figure 5

   The clients connecting to a FNAA server can be remote FNAA servers as
   well as FNUA.  The rationale is that users of a NP connect to the
   FNAA by means of a FNUA.  On the other hand, when a user triggers a
   new subscription creation, the FNAA of his NP must connect as client
   to a remote FNAA server.

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4.1.4.  Flow Processor (FP)

   Whenever a new subscription creation is triggered and all remote flow
   connection details are obtained, the FNAA needs to set up a Processor
   for it.  The communications of the FNAA to and from the FP is by
   means of an IPC interface.  This means that there can be different
   implementations of Processors, one of which will be the Subscription

   In the diagram of Figure 6, we can see the initial interface methods
   that should be implemented in a Flow Processor.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 6: Figure 6

   Depending on the use of the processor, different data structures
   should be added to the different methods.  In the case of a
   Subscription Processor, the minimum information will be the remote
   and local Flow connection details.  Moreover, the interface also
   should include methods to update the Processor configuration and to
   destroy it, once a subscription is revoked.  Finally, due to the
   nature of the stream communication, there could also be methods
   available to pause and to resume a Processor.

   There can be different types of Processors, which we can see in
   Figure 7.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 7: Figure 7

   In Figure 7, we can see that there are different types of Flow
   Processors: * Bridge Processor: Consumes events from a Flow located
   in an Event Broker (i.e., Apache Kafka) and transcribes them to a
   single Flow (local or remote). * Collector Processor: Consumes events
   from N Flows located in an Event Broker and transcribes the aggregate
   to a single Flow (local or remote). * Distributor Processor: Consumes
   events from a single Flow and transcribes or broadcast to N Flows
   (local or remote). * Signal Processor: Consumes events from N Flows
   and produces new events to N Flows (local or remote)

   To implement the previously described Subscription Processor, we can
   utilize some form of the Bridge Processor.  Although we are initially
   considering the basic use case of subscription, it must be possible
   for the network to extend the processor types supported.  In any

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   case, the different FNAA servers involved must be aware the supported
   processor types, with the goal of informing the users the
   capabilities available in the FNAA server.  For instance, the fact
   that a FNAA supports the Bridge Processor should enable the
   subscription commands in the FNAA, for users to create subscriptions
   using the Bridge Processor.

   In summary, the IPC interface should support all the possible
   processors that the network may need although we are initially
   considering the subscription use case.

4.1.5.  Flow Namespace User Agent (FNUA)

   The FNUA is an application analogous to email clients such as
   Microsoft Office or Gmail.  These applications implement either
   different network protocols to access mailboxes by means of IMAP and/
   or POP3.  In the case of FNUA, the protocol implemented is the FNAP
   (Flow Namespace Accessing Protocol).

   The FNUA is an application that acts as a client for the FNAA server.
   Only users that possess accounts in a Network Participant should be
   able to login to FNAA to manage Flow Namespaces.  The FNUA could be
   any kind of user application: web application, desktop application,
   mobile application or even a cli tool.

   In the Diagram of Figure 8 we can see the actions that the user can
   request to the FNUA.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 8: Figure 8

   The main goal of the FNUA is to provide the user with access to Flow
   Namespaces and the flows hosted in them.  A user may have many Flow
   Namespace and many Flows in each of them.  By means of the FNUA, the
   user can manage the Flow Namespaces and the Flows in them.  Also, the
   FNUA will provide the capabilities required to subscribe to external
   Flows, whether local to the FNAA, local to the NP or remote (in a
   different NP FNAA server).

4.2.  Communications Examples

   In this section, two usage examples of Network Participants
   communications are provided.  The first one, we call unidirectional,
   since one NP subscribes to a remote Flow of a different NP.  The
   second one, we call it bidirectional, since now these NP have mutual

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4.2.1.  Unidirectional Subscription

   In the diagram of Figure 9, we can see an integration between two NP.
   In this case, there is a FlowA hosted in the Orange NP to which the
   FlowB in the Blue NP is subscribed.  Both FlowA and FlowB count with
   a queue hosted in the Flow Events Broker, which could be an Apache
   Kafka instance for example.  However, it must be possible to employ
   any Flow Events Broker of the NP's choice.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                             Figure 9: Figure 9

   The steps followed to set up a subscription to a remote flow are: 1.
   A user of the Blue NP creates a new subscription to remote FlowA by
   means of the Flow Namespace User Agent (FNUA). 2.  The FNUA connects
   to the Flow Namespace Accessing Agent (FNAA) of the Blue NP to inform
   the user request. 3.  The FNAA in the Blue NP discovers the remote
   FNAA to which it must connect to obtain the flow connection
   parameters.  First, it needs to authenticate and, if allowed, the
   connection parameters will be returned. 4.  Once the FNAA in the Blue
   NP has all the necessary information, it will set up a new Processor
   that connects the flow in the Orange NP to a flow in the Blue NP. 5.
   Once the subscription is brought up, every time a Producer in the
   Orange NP writes an event to FlowA, the Flow Processor will receive
   it, since it is subscribed to it.  Then, the Flow Processor will
   write that event to FlowB in the Blue NP. 6.  From now on, every
   Consumer connected to FlowB will receive the events published on

   In case the user owner of FlowA in the Orange NP wishes to revoke the
   access, it must be able to do so by means of security credentials
   revoking against the Identity & Access Manager of the Orange NP.

4.2.2.  Bidirectional Subscription

   In Figure 10 we can see an example of all the components needed to
   set up a flow integration between two different NP.  In this case,
   there are two flows being connected: * FlowA of the Orange NP with
   FlowB of the Blue NP * FlowC of the Blue NP with FlowD of the Orange

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                            Figure 10: Figure 10

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   Each Flow has its corresponding Queue hosted in the NP Flow Events
   Broker.  Also, there is one Flow Processor for each connection,
   meaning that these components are in charge of reading new events on
   source flows to write them to the destination flows as soon as

   Also, we can see that in order to connect FlowB to FlowA, a
   connection from the Blue NP's FNAA has been initiated against the
   Orange NP's FNAA.  This connection uses the FNAP to interchange the
   flow connection details.  Analogously, the FNAA connection to set up
   the integration of FlowC with FlowD has been initiated by the Orange
   NP's FNAA.

   After the flow connection details are obtained, the different Flow
   Processors are set up to consume and produce events from and to the
   corresponding Queue in the different NPs.

   Once the two processors are initialized, all the events produced to
   FlowA in the Orange NP will be forwarded to FlowB in the Blue NP; and
   all the events produced to FlowC in the Blue NP will be forwarder to
   FlowD in the Orange NP.

5.  Event Streaming Open Network Protocol

   The protocol to be used in an Event Streaming Open Network is a key
   component of the overall architecture and design.  This chapter is
   dedicated to thoroughly describe this protocol.

5.1.  Protocol definition methodology

   It is now necessary to specify the protocol needed for the Flow
   Namespace Accessing Agent or FNAA, which we have named the Flow
   Namespace Accessing Protocol or FNAP.  In the diagram of Figure 11 we
   can see how an FNAA client connects with a FNAA server by means of
   the FNAP.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                            Figure 11: Figure 11

   In order to define a finite state machine for the protocol and the
   different stimuli that cause a change of state, the model presented
   by M.Wild (Wild, 2013) in her paper "Guided Merging of Sequence
   Diagrams" will be employed.  This model is beneficial since it
   provides an integrated method both for client and server maintaining
   the stimuli relationship that trigger a change of state in each

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   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                            Figure 12: Figure 12

   In Figure 12 we have the method proposed by Wild for SMTP, in which
   there are boxes representing states and arrows representing
   transitions.  Each transition has a label composed of the originating
   stimulus that triggers the transition and a subsequent stimulus
   effect triggered by the transition itself.  For instance, when a
   client connects to an SMTP Server, the client goes from "idle" state
   to "conPend" state.  The label of this transition includes "uCon" as
   the stimulus triggering the transition, which triggers the effect
   "sCon".  Then, on the diagram for the server we can see that the
   "sCon" triggers the transition from "waiting" state to "accepting"
   state in the server.

   This method will be used to define the states and transitions for the
   Flow Namespace Accessing Protocol both for client and server.

5.2.  Flow Namespace Accessing Protocol (FNAP)

   Using the model proposed by Wild described previously, we define the
   finite-state machine for the FNAA Server, which we can see in
   Figure 13.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                            Figure 13: Figure 13

   The model in right side of Figure 13 shows that the FNAA server
   starts in a "waiting" state, which basically means that the server
   has successfully set up the networking requirements to accept client
   connections.  Then, when a client connects, a transition is made to
   "accepting" state, in which internally the authentication procedure
   is made.  If the authentication is successful, a transition is made
   to "ready" state, meaning that the client can now execute commands on
   the FNAA server.

   For each command that the client executes, a transition is made to
   "cmdRecvd" state.  Then, a response is returned to the client,
   transitioning again to "waiting" state.  When the client executes the
   "Quit" command, a transition is made to the "waiting" state and the
   server must free all used networking resources for the now closed

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   On the left side of Figure 13, we also have the client state machine
   with its corresponding transitions.  The client triggers a connection
   to the server and once established, an authentication is needed.
   Once the authentication is correctly done, the client can start
   requesting commands to the server.  For each command executed by the
   client, a transition is made to "cmdPend" state, until a response is
   returned by the server.

   Eventually, a "Quit" command will be executed by the client and the
   connection will be closed.

5.3.  Implementation

   In this section, we provide an approach for the overall
   implementation of the proposed Event Streaming Open Network.
   Considering the components defined previously for the architecture,
   we will define which existing tools can be leveraged and those that
   require development.

5.3.1.  Objectives

   The objective of this implementation is to provide specifications for
   an initial implementation of the overall architecture for the Event
   Streaming Open Network.  Whenever it is possible, existing tools
   should be leveraged.  For those components that need development, a
   thorough specification is to be provided.  Implementation overview

   In Figure 14, we have a diagram of the overall implementation
   proposal.  The components that have the Kubernetes Deployment icon
   are the ones to be managed by the FNAA server instance.  Then, we
   have a Kafka Cluster that provides a Topic instance for each flow.
   Finally, the DNS Infrastructure is leveraged.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                            Figure 14: Figure 14

5.4.  Existing components

   In this section, we describe the existing software components that
   can be leveraged for implementation.

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5.4.1.  Flow Events Broker (FEB)

   Since there are currently many implementations for this component, it
   is necessary to develop the needed integrations of other components
   of the architecture to the main market leaders.  Thus, we will
   consider the following Flow Events Broker for the implementation:
   Apache Kafka, AWS SQS and Google Compute PubSub.

   In summary, this component does not need to be developed from
   scratch.  However, the FNAA will need to be able to communicate with
   the different Flow Events Broker, meaning that it must implement
   their APIs as a client.

5.4.2.  Flow Name Service (FN)

   This component can be completely implemented by leveraging on the ISC
   Bind9 software component, which is the de facto leader for DNS
   servers.  A given NP will need to deploy a Bind9 Nameserver and
   enable both DNSSEC and DNS Dynamic Update.

   The impact of adopting Bind9 for the implementation means that the
   FNAA component needs to be able to use a remote DNS Server to manage
   the Flow URI registration, deregistration and execute recursive DNS

5.4.3.  Components to be developed

   In this section, we describe a set of tools that require development.
   These components, especially the FNAA, are the core components of
   every Network Participant.  Moreover, these are the components that
   implement the network protocol FNAP.

   Since these are the core components of the network, they are the
   natural candidates for validation.  In the next chapter, we will show
   the feasibility of the core network components in the form of a Proof
   of Concept.  Flow Namespace Accessing Agent (FNAA)

   The Flow Namespace Accessing Agent is a server component that
   triggers the creation of child processes that implement the different
   Flow Processors.  This means that the instance running the FNAA will
   bring up new processes for each processor.  One way of implementing
   this functionality can be a parent process that creates new child
   processes for each processor.  However, this would imply the need of
   creating and managing different threads in a single FNAA instance.

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   The problem with the approach of a parent process and child processes
   for the FNAA is on the infrastructure level.  The more processor a
   FNAA needs to manage, the more compute resources the FNAA would need.
   In the current cloud infrastructure context, this is problem because
   it means that additional compute resources should be assigned to the
   FNAA, depending on the quantity of processors and the required
   resources for each of them.  In summary, this approach would be
   vertically scalable but not horizontally scalable.

   Then, to avoid the scalability issue, the approach we propose is by
   implementing a Cloud Native application.  By leveraging on
   Kubernetes, it is possible to trigger the creation of Deployments,
   which are composed of Pods.  Each Pod can contain a given quantity of
   containers, which are processes running in a GNU/Linux Operating
   System.  In this way, we can dedicate a Pod to run the FNAA server
   and different Pods to run the Processors.  This approach provides a
   convenient process isolation and enables both horizontal and vertical

   Moreover, the way in which the FNAA would bring up and manage
   Processor instances would be though an integration with the
   underlaying Kubernetes instance, by means of the Kubernetes API.  The
   result is a Cloud Native application that leverages the power and
   flexibility of Kubernetes to manage the Processor instances.

   On the other hand, the programming language for the FNAA must also be
   defined.  For this, we consider that it must be possible to implement
   the FNAA and the Flow Processors in different programming languages.
   For the FNAP it is recommended to employ Golang, since Kubernetes CLI
   tool is implemented in this language and there are several libraries
   available for integration.  As for the Flow Processors, it must be
   possible to use any programming language as long as the IPC interface
   is correctly implemented.

   Regarding the IPC interface for the communications between the FNAA
   and the Flow Processors, the recommendation is to employ gRPC
   together with Protobuf.  The rationale for choosing this this
   technology is the fact that gRPC enables binary communications, which
   are the desired type of communication for systems integration.  Then,
   both the FNAA and the Flow Processors must share this Protobuf
   interface definition and implement it accordingly through gRPC.

   Finally, the FNAA must implement the protocol we have named FNAP,
   which provides the main set of functionalities for the Event
   Streaming Open Network.  The implementation of FNAP must be stateful,
   in the sense that it is connection-based.  Additionally, the
   implementation must be text-based, with the goal that humans can
   interact with FNAA servers in the same way that it is possible for

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   SMTP servers.  The transport protocol must be TCP with no special
   definition for a port number, since the port should be able to be
   discovered by means of DNS SRV Resource Records.

   Regarding security for the FNAA servers, TLS must be supported.  This
   means that any client can start a TLS handshake with the FNAA servers
   before issuing any command.

   In conclusion, the implementation of the FNAA over Kubernetes
   provides the needed flexibility and set of capabilities required for
   this component.  It is recommended to implement the FNAA in Golang
   and enable the implementation of Flow Processors in any programming
   language as long as the Protobuf interface is correctly implemented.
   Finally, the FNAA must implement the protocol FNAP in a connection-
   based and text-based manner.  Flow Namespace User Agent (FNUA)

   The Flow Namespace User Agent (FNUA) can have different
   implementations as long as they comply with the protocol FNAP.

   We propose the initial availability of a CLI tool that acts as a Flow
   Namespace User Agent.  This CLI tool must provide a client
   implementation of all the functionalities available in the FNAA
   server.  Among the functionalities to be implemented as a must, we
   can mention: * Discover the FNAA server for a given Flow URI. *
   Connect to the FNAA server to manage Flow Namespaces and Flows, as
   exemplified in Figure 8.

   Additionally, the FNUA should be able to discover the Authoritative
   FNAA server for a given Flow Namespace.  This discovery shall be
   performed by leveraging on the DNS-SD specification.  Refer to Annex
   D to review the discovery process.

   Regarding the implementation of the CLI tool, it is recommended to
   employ Golang together with Cobra, a library specialized to create
   CLI tools.  In Figure 15 we have a diagram that shows the different
   functionalities that the CLI tool should implement.

   (Artwork only available as svg: No external link available, see
   draft-spinella-event-streaming-open-network-02.html for artwork.)

                            Figure 15: Figure 15

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6.  Proof of Concept

   In this section, we will focus on providing a minimum implementation
   of the main Event Streaming Open Network component: the Flow
   Namespace Accessing Agent.  This implementation should serve as a
   Proof of Concept of the overall Event Streaming Open Network

   As described in the previous section, the Flow Namespace Accessing
   Agent (FNAA) is the main and core required component for the Open
   Network.  All Network Participants must deploy an FNAA server
   instance in order to be part of the network.  The FNAA actually
   implements a server-like application for the Flow Namespace Accessing
   Protocol (FNAP).  Then, the first objective of this Proof of Concept
   is to show an initial implementation of the FNAA server component.

   On the other hand, the FNAA is accessed by means of a Flow Namespace
   User Agent (FUA).  This component acts as a client application that
   connects to a FNAA.  Also, this component can take different forms:
   it could be a web-based application, a desktop application or even a
   command line tool.  For the purposes of this Proof of Concept, we
   will implement a CLI tool that acts as a client application for the
   FNAA.  Thus, the second objective of this PoC is to provide an
   initial implementation of the FNUA client component.

   In the following sections, we will first describe the minimum
   functionalities considered for validating the overall proposal for
   the Event Streaming Open Network.  This minimum set of requirements
   for both the FNAA and the FNUA will compose the Proof of Concept.

   Afterwards, we will describe the technology chosen for the initial
   implementation of both the FNAA and the FNUA.  Then, a description of
   how these tools work in isolation will be provided.  Subsequently, we
   will review different use cases to prove how the network could be
   used by network participants and its users.

   Lastly, we will provide a conclusion for this Proof of Concept, where
   we mentioning if and how the minimum established requirements have
   been met or not.

6.1.  Minimum functionalities

   Network Participants system administrators must be able to run a
   Server Application that acts as FNAA.

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   Users using a Client Application actiong as a FNUA must be able to:
   1.  Access the flow account and operate its flows. 2.  Create a new
   flow. 3.  Describe an existing flow. 4.  Subscribe to an external

6.2.  FNAA - Server application

   The FNAA server application must implement FNAP as described in
   Section 6.  Basically, the FNAA will open a TCP port on all the IP
   addresses of the host to listen for new FNUA client connections.

   The chosen language for the development of the FNAA is GoLang.  The
   reason for choosing GoLang is because Kubernetes is written in this
   language and there is a robust set of libraries available for
   integration.  Although there is no integration built with Kubernetes
   for this Proof of Concept, the usage of GoLang will enable a seamless
   evolution of the FNAA application.  In future versions of the FNAA
   codebase, new functionalities leveraging Kubernetes will be easier to
   implement than if using a different programming language.

   When the FNAA server application is initialized, it provides debug
   log messages describing all client interactions.  In order to start
   the server application, a Network Participant system administrator
   can download the binary and execute it in a terminal:

   ignatius ~ 0$./fnaad
   server.go:146: Listen on [::]:61000
   server.go:148: Accept a connection request.

   Now that the 61000 TCP port is open, we can test the behaviour by
   means of a raw TCP using telnet command in a different terminal: ~~~
   ignatius ~ 1$telnet localhost 61000 Trying Connected to
   localhost.  Escape character is '^]'. 220 FNAA ~~~ We
   can now see that the server has provided the first message in the
   connection: a welcome message indicating its FQDN

   On the other hand, the server application starts providing debug
   information for the new connection established:

   ignatius ~ 0$./fnaad
   server.go:146: Listen on [::]:61000
   server.go:148: Accept a connection request.
   server.go:154: Handle incoming messages.
   server.go:148: Accept a connection request.

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6.3.  FNUA - Client application

   In order to test the FNAA server application, a CLI-based FNUA
   application has been developed.  The chosen language for this CLI
   tool is also GoLang.  The reason for choosing GoLang for the FNUA is
   because of its functionalities for building CLI tools, leveraging on
   the Cobra library.  Thus, the FNUA for the PoC is an executable file
   that complies with the diagram in Figure 14.

   One of the requirements for the flow CLI tool is a configuration file
   that defines the different FNAA servers together with the credentials
   to use.  An example of this configuration file follows:

   ignatius ~/ 0$cat .flow.yml
       name: fnaa-unix
       username: test
       password: test
       name: fnaa-emiliano
       username: test
       password: test

       agent: fnaa-unix
       agent: fnaa-emiliano

   In this file, we can see that there are two FNAA instances described
   with FQDN and  Then, there are two
   namespaces: one called hosted on fnaa-unix and second
   namespace hosted on fnaa-emiliano.  This
   configuration enables the FNUA to interact with two different FNAA,
   each of which is hosting different Flow Namespaces.

   Once the configuration file has been saved, the flow CLI tool can now
   be used.  In the following sections, we will show how to use the
   minimum functionalities required for the Open Network using this CLI

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6.4.  Use cases

   ### Use case 1: Authenticating a user After the connection is
   established, the first command that the client must execute is the
   authentication command.  As previously defined in Chapter 5, every
   FNAA client must first authenticate in order to execute commands.
   Thus, the authentication challenge must be supported both by the FNAA
   as well as the FNUA.

   It is worth mentioning that the chosen authentication mechanism for
   this PoC is SASL Plain.  This command can be extended furtherly with
   other mechanisms in later versions.  However, this simple
   authentication mechanism is sufficient to demonstrate the
   authentication step in the FNAP.

   The SASL Plain Authentication implies sending the username and the
   password encoded in Base64.  The way to obtain the Base64 if we
   consider a user test with password test, is as follows:

   ignatius ~ 0$echo -en "\0test\0test" | base64

   Now, we can use this Base64 string to authenticate with the FNAA.
   First, we need to launch the FNAA server instance:

   ignatius~/ $./fnaad --config ./
   main.go:41: Using config file: ./
   main.go:57:     Using config file: ./
   server.go:103: Listen on [::]:61000
   server.go:105: Accept a connection request.

   Then, we can connect to the TCP port in which the FNAA is listening:

   ignatius ~ 1$telnet localhost 61000
   Connected to localhost.
   Escape character is '^]'.
   220 FNAA
   220 OK
   220 Authenticated

   Once the client is authenticated, it can start executing FNAP
   commands to manage the Flow Namespace of the authenticated user.  For
   simplicity purposes, in this Proof of Concept, we will be using a
   single user.

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   In the case of the CLI tool, there is no need to perform an
   authentication step, since every command the user executes will be
   preceded by an authentication in the server.

6.4.1.  Use case 2: Creating a flow

   Once the authentication is successful, the client can now create a
   new Flow.  The way to do this using the CLI tool would be:

ignatius ~/ 0$./fnua create flow
Resolving SRV for using server
Executing query IN 33 using server
Executing successful: [    604800  IN      SRV     0 0 61000]
Resolving A for using server
Executing query IN 1 using server
Executing successful: [    604800  IN      A]
Resolved A to for using server
C: Connecting to
C: Got a response: 220 FNAA
C: Wrote (20 bytes written)
C: Got a response: 220 OK
C: Authentication string sent: AHRlc3QAdGVzdA==
C: Wrote (18 bytes written)
C: Got a response: 220 Authenticated
C: Sending command CREATE FLOW
C: Wrote (31 bytes written)
C: Server sent OK for command CREATE FLOW
C: Sending command QUIT
C: Wrote (6 bytes written)

   The client has discovered the FNAA server for Flow Namespace by means of SRV DNS records.  Thus, it obtained both the
   FQDN of the FNAA together with the TCP port where it is listening, in
   this case 61000.  Once the resolution process ends, the FNUA connects
   to the FNAA.  First, the FNUA authenticates with the FNAA and then it
   executes the create flow command.

   If we were to simulate the same behavior using a raw TCP connection,
   the following steps would be executed: ~~~ ignatius ~ 1$telnet
   localhost 61000 Trying Connected to localhost.  Escape
   character is '^]'. 220 FNAA AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 220 OK
   AHRlc3QAdGVzdA== 220 Authenticated CREATE FLOW 220
   OK ~~~

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   Now, the client has created a new flow called
   located in the namespace.  The FNAA in background has
   created a Kafka Topic as well as the necessary DNS entries for name

6.4.2.  Use case 3: Describing a flow

   Once a flow has been created, we can obtain information of if by
   executing the following command using the CLI tool:

ignatius ~/ 1$./fnua describe flow
Resolving SRV for using server
Executing query IN 33 using server
Executing successful: [    604800  IN      SRV     0 0 61000]
Nameserver to be used:
Resolving A for using server
Executing query IN 1 using server
Executing successful: [    604800  IN      A]
Resolved A to for using server
C: Connecting to
C: Got a response: 220 FNAA
C: Wrote (20 bytes written)
C: Got a response: 220 OK
C: Authentication string sent: AHRlc3QAdGVzdA==
C: Wrote (18 bytes written)
C: Got a response: 220 Authenticated
C: Sending command DESCRIBE FLOW
C: Wrote (33 bytes written)
C: Server sent OK for command DESCRIBE FLOW
Flow description:
Flow described successfully
C: Sending command QUIT
C: Wrote (6 bytes written)

   In the output of the describe command we can see all the necessary
   information to connect to the Flow called (i) the
   type of Event Broker is Kafka, (ii) the Kafka topic has the same name
   of the flow and (iii) the Kafka Bootstrap server with port is
   provided.  If we were to obtain this information using a manual
   connection, the steps would be:

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   ignatius ~ 1$telnet localhost 61000
   Connected to localhost.
   Escape character is '^]'.
   220 FNAA
   220 OK
   220 Authenticated
   220 DATA
   220 OK

   Now, we can use this information to connect to the Kafka topic and
   start producing or consuming events.

6.4.3.  Use case 4: Subscribing to a remote flow

   In this section, we will show how a subscription can be set up.  When
   a user commands the FNAA to create a new subscription to a remote
   Flow, the local FNAA server first needs to discover the remote FNAA
   server.  Once the server is discovered by means of DNS resolution,
   the local FNAA contacts the remote FNAA, authenticates the user and
   then executes a subscription command.

   Thus, the initial communication between the FNUA and the FNAA, in
   which the user indicates to subscribe to a remote flow, would be as
   follows: ~~~ ignatius ~ 1$telnet localhost 61000 Trying
   Connected to localhost.  Escape character is '^]'. 220
   FNAA AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 220 OK AHRlc3QAdGVzdA== 220 Authenticated
   DATA 220 OK ~~~

   Once the user is authenticated, a SUBSCRIBE command is executed.
   This command indicates first the remote flow to subscribe to.  Then,
   it also specifies with LOCAL the flow where the remote events will be
   written.  In this example, the remote flow to subscribe to is, and the local flow is  Basically, a new flow has been created,, where all the events of flow will be written.

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   The server answers back with a new Flow URI, in this case  This Flow URI indicates a copy of the
   original flow created for this subscription.
   Thus, the remote FNAA has full control over this subscription, being
   able to revoke it by simply deleting this flow or applying Quality of
   Service rules.

   The remote FNAA has set up a Bridge Processor to transcribe messages
   in topic to the new topic  Another alternative to a Bridge
   Processor would be a Distributor Processor, which could be optimized
   for a Flow with high demand.  Moreover, instead of creating a single
   Bridge Processor per subscription, a Distributor Processor could be
   used, in order to have a single consumer of the source flow and write
   the events to several subscription flows.

   The user could use the FNUA CLI tool to execute this command in the
   following manner:

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ignatius ~ 0$./fnua --config=./flow.yml subscribe --nameserver -d --agent fnaa-emiliano
Initializing initConfig
    Using config file: ./flow.yml
Subscribe to flow
Agent selected: fnaa-emiliano
Resolving FNAA FQDN
Starting FQDN resolution with
Resolving SRV for using server
Executing query IN 33 using server
FNAA FQDN Resolved to port 51000
Resolving A for using server
Resolved A to for using server
C: Connecting to
C: Got a response: 220 FNAA
Connected to FNAA
Authenticating with PLAIN mechanism
C: Wrote (20 bytes written)
C: Got a response: 220 OK
C: Authentication string sent: AHRlc3QAdGVzdA==
C: Wrote (18 bytes written)
C: Got a response: 220 Authenticated
Executing command SUBSCRIBE LOCAL
C: Sending command SUBSCRIBE LOCAL
C: Wrote (67 bytes written)
C: Server sent OK for command SUBSCRIBE LOCAL
Flow subscription created successfully
Server responded: SUBSCRIBED TO
C: Sending command QUIT
C: Wrote (6 bytes written)
Connection closed

   This interaction of the FNUA with the FNAA of the Flow Namespace (fnaa-emiliano) has trigger an interaction with the FNAA
   of Flow Namespace (fnaa-unix).  This means that before fnaa-
   emiliano was able to respond to the FNUA, a new connection was opened
   to the remote FNAA and the SUBSCRIBE command was executed.

   The log of fnaa-emiliano when the SUBCRIBE command was issued looks
   as follows:

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server.go:111: Handle incoming messages.
server.go:105: Accept a connection request.
server.go:253: User authenticated
server.go:401: Flow is REMOTE
client.go:280: **#Resolving SRV for using server
server.go:417: FNAA FQDN Resolved to port 61000
client.go:42: C: Connecting to
client.go:69: C: Got a response: 220 FNAA
server.go:435: Connected to FNAA
server.go:436: Authenticating with PLAIN mechanism
client.go:126: C: Sending command AUTHENTICATE PLAIN
client.go:133: C: Wrote (20 bytes written)
client.go:144: C: Got a response: 220 OK
client.go:154: C: Authentication string sent: AHRlc3QAdGVzdA==
client.go:159: C: Wrote (18 bytes written)
client.go:170: C: Got a response: 220 Authenticated
server.go:444: Authenticated
client.go:82: C: Sending command SUBSCRIBE
client.go:88: C: Wrote (30 bytes written)
client.go:112: C: Server sent OK for command SUBSCRIBE
server.go:456: Flow subscribed successfully
server.go:457: Server responded:
server.go:459: Quitting

   We can see how fnaa-emiliano had to trigger a client subroutine to
   contact the remote fnaa-unix.  Once the server FQDN, IP and Port is
   discovered by means of DNS, a new connection is established and the
   SUBSCRIBE command is issued.  Here we can see the log of fnaa-unix:

server.go:111: Handle incoming messages.
server.go:105: Accept a connection request.
server.go:253: User authenticated
server.go:139: Received command: subscribe
server.go:348: [SUBSCRIBE]
server.go:367: Creating flow endpoint
server.go:368: Creating new topic in Apache Kafka instance kafka_local
server.go:369: Creating Flow Processor
server.go:370: Adding DNS Records for
server.go:372: Flow enabled
server.go:139: Received command: quit

   Thus, we were able to set up a new subscription in fnaa-emiliano that
   trigger a background interaction with fnaa-unix.

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6.5.  Results of the PoC

   We can confirm the feasibility of the overall Event Streaming Open
   Network architecture.  The test of the proposed protocol FNAP and its
   implementation, both in the FNAA and FNUA (CLI application), show
   that the architecture can be employed for the purpose of distributed
   subscription management among Network Participants.

   The minimum functionalities defined both for the Network Participants
   and the Users were met.  Network Participants can run this type of
   service by means of a server application, the FNAA server.  Also, the
   CLI-tool resulted in a convenient low-level method to interact with a
   FNAA server.

   In further implementations, the server application should be
   optimized as well as secured, for instance with a TLS handshake.
   Also, the CLI-tool could be enhanced by a web-based application with
   a friendly user interface.

   Nevertheless, the challenge for a stable implementation of both
   components is the possibility of supporting different Event Brokers
   and their evolution.  Not only Apache Kafka should be supported but
   also the main Public Cloud providers events solutions, such as AWS
   SQS or Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Since the Event Brokers are continuously
   evolving, the implementation of the FNAA component should keep up
   both with the API and new functionalities of these vendors.

   Regarding the protocol design, it would be needed to enhance the
   serialization of the exchanged data.  In this sense, it could be
   convenient to define a packet header for the overall interaction
   between the FNAA both with remote FNAA as well as with FNUA.

   Regarding the subscription use case, it would be necessary to
   establish a convenient format for the server response.  Currently,
   the server is returning a key/value structure with the details of the
   Flow.  This structure may not be the most adequate, since it may
   differ depending on the Event Broker used.

   Also, the security aspect needs further analysis and design since its
   fragility could lead to great economical damage for organizations.
   Thus, it would be recommended to review the different security
   controls needed for this solution as part of an Information Security
   Management System.

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   Finally, the implementation should leverage the Cloud Native
   functionalities provided by the Kubernetes API.  For example, the
   FNAA should trigger the deployment of Flow Processors on demand, in
   order to provide isolated computing resources for each subscription.
   Also, a Kubernetes resource could be developed to use the kubectl CLI
   tool for management, instead of a custom CLI tool.

7.  Summary & Conclusions

   In this chapter we will provide a summary of everything that has been
   described in this document as well as some conclusions about it.

   We have identified a use case for which there is currently no
   adequate solution provided by existing tools.  This use case is based
   on the cross-organization integration of real-time event streams.
   Nowadays, organizations intending to integrate these kind of data
   streams struggle with offline communication to achieve a common
   interface for integration.  In this context, we proposed an Open
   Network for Event Streaming as a possible solution for this

   For this Open Network, we have followed the main necessities from the
   technical perspective.  While there already exist many components
   that can be leveraged, some components require analysis, design, and
   implementation.  Then, we referred to the Commons Infrastructure
   literature in order to show how Event Streaming can be considered an
   Infrastructure Resource that can enable downstream productive
   activities.  Finally, we established the main guidelines that an Open
   Network should follow, basing these definitions on Free, Open &
   Neutral Networks.

   Using the previous definitions, we have designed an architecture for
   the Event Streaming Open Network, establishing the components that
   the different Network Participants should implement in order to
   participate in the network.  After providing a thorough description
   of all the components, we showed some use cases of integration among
   different Network Participants.

   Once the architecture was defined, we proposed an implementation
   approach which describes the existing components that can be
   leveraged as well as those that need to be developed from scratch.
   The outcome was that a server-side application called FNAA had to be
   developed.  This application implements the protocol FNAP and can be
   accessed by a client application, which we named FNUA.

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   Finally, we proved the feasibility of the proposed architecture by
   providing an implementation of the minimum functionalities required,
   in the form of a Proof of Concept.  The results of this PoC were
   encouraging since it was possible to implement the initial
   functionalities for the FNAA and FNUA components.

   As conclusion, we can mention that there is great potential for an
   Open Network for Event Streaming among organizations.  In the same
   way the email infrastructure acts as an open network for electronic
   communications among people, this kind of network would enable
   developers to integrate real-time event streams while minimizing
   offline agreement of interfaces and technologies.

   However, there are many difficulties that could be furtherly worked
   on.  First, a robust implementation for the Event Streaming Open
   Network main components must be provided, mainly for the FNAA and
   FNUA.  In order to achieve an acceptable level of quality and
   stability, the development of a community around the project is

   Secondly, we found that the proposed architecture is a convenient
   starting point.  However, it can suffer modifications based on the
   learning process during the implementation.  For example, while
   designing the architecture, we avoided the need of a database for the
   FNAA component, leveraging on the DNS infrastructure.  While this can
   be sufficient for the minimum functionalities described, it will most
   probably be necessary for the FNAA to persist data in a database of
   its own.  In this sense, we believe that leveraging the Kubernetes
   resources model could be a convenient alternative.

   Thirdly, during the PoC execution, we identified some difficulties
   implementing the security functionalities of authentication and
   authorization.  Although we were able to implement an authentication
   mechanism, the reality indicates that integration with well-
   established protocols is needed (i.e., OAuth, GSSAPI, etc.).

   Finally, there is also the need to leverage on the Cloud Native
   architecture, basically Kubernetes, to provide hyper-scalability and
   enable Network Participants to agnostically choose the underlaying
   infrastructure.  The selection of Golang for the PoC implementation
   showed to be convenient, given the vast number of available libraries
   for integration of third-party components and services.

   Notwithstanding the difficulties, we firmly believe that cross-
   organization real-time event integration can provide great benefits
   for society.  It would enhance the efficiency of business processes
   throughout organizations.  Also, it would provide broad visibility to
   the final users, enabling experimentation and entrepreneurship.  New

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   business models for existing productive activities could be
   developed, as well as enabling innovation, which in turn would
   conform the positive externalities of the Event Streaming Open

8.  Security Considerations

   TODO Security

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

10.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2782]  Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
              specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2782, February 2000,

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
              Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3261, June 2002,

   [RFC5321]  Klensin, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 5321,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5321, October 2008,

   [RFC6763]  Cheshire, S. and M. Krochmal, "DNS-Based Service
              Discovery", RFC 6763, DOI 10.17487/RFC6763, February 2013,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.


   SPINELLA E. (2022) [Online] Event Streaming Open Network Master's

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   URQUHART J. (2021) Flow Architectures

   FRISCHMANN B. (2007) [Online] Infrastructure Commons in Economic
   Perspective <>

   WIDL M. (2013), Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams

   NAVARRO L. (2018) [Online] Network Infrastructures: The commons model
   for local participation, governance and sustainability

   BRINO A. (2019) Towards an Event Streaming Service for ATLAS data

   GUTTRIDGE, Gartner (2021) "Modern Data Strategies for the Real-time
   Enterprise" Big Data Quarterly 2021

Author's Address

   Emiliano Spinella


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