Internet DRAFT - draft-sridharan-virtualization-nvgre-ext


Network Working Group                                      M. Sridharan
Internet Draft                                                  Y. Wang
Intended Category: Informational                                P. Garg
Expires: December 2015                               P. Balasubramanian
                                                              June 2015

          NVGRE-EXT: Network Virtualization using Generic Routing
                         Encapsulation Extensions

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet Community. It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind; instead it relies on a
   proposed standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

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Internet-Draft                NVGRE-EXT                       June 2015

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 23, 2015.


   This document describes the usage of "Network Virtualization using
   Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE)" Extensions (NVGRE-EXT). The
   focus of this document is on specifying the control plane operations
   done using NVGRE packets.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
      1.1. Terminology...............................................2
   2. Conventions used in this document..............................2
   3. NVGRE Extensions...............................................3
      3.1. NVGRE-EXT frame format....................................3
      3.2. REDIRECT message format...................................3
      3.3. UNREACHABLE message format................................5
   4. Security Considerations........................................7
   5. IANA Considerations............................................7
   6. References.....................................................7
      6.1. Normative References......................................7
      6.2. Informative References....................................7

1. Introduction

   The NVGRE specification defines the data channel to provide network
   virtualization using general routing encapsulation. This document
   defines the control messages that are used between two network
   virtualization edges (NVEs) to accomplish tasks such as redirecting
   traffic to a new NVE when a virtual machine (VM) moves to that NVE
   and handling of missing policy at the NVEs.

1.1. Terminology

   Please refer to [3][4][5] for more formal definition of terminology.

2. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

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   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

3. NVGRE Extensions

   This section describes NVGRE Extensions. NVGRE extensions are used
   for control messages between two NVEs to accomplish tasks such as
   redirection of traffic to a new NVE when a VM moves to that NVE.

   The reserved VSID 0xFFFFFF is used to exchange control messages
   between two NVEs using the NVGRE packet format.

   The following sections detail the packet format for NVGRE-EXT
   messages and describe the processing done by an NVE on reception of
   these messages.

3.1. NVGRE-EXT frame format

   NVGRE header format as specified in [3] is used for communication
   between NVEs. NVGRE-EXT uses the reserved VSID 0xFFFFFF to send
   control messages.

3.2. REDIRECT message format

   Let us consider a setup with 3 NVEs: sender NVE, receiver NVE and
   target NVE. The sender NVE is running a VM, which we will call the
   sender VM. The receiver NVE is running a VM, which we will call the
   receiver VM. The target NVE (or new NVE) is the NVE to which the
   receiver VM would move as a result of a VM move operation such as
   live migration.

   Initially, the sender VM is sending packets to the receiver VM. The
   sender NVE encapsulates these packets in NVGRE and sends them to the
   receiver NVE. The receiver NVE decapsulates the packet and sends
   these to the receiver VM.

   At some point, the receiver VM is moved from the receiver NVE to the
   target NVE. However, as the policy update may take time to reflect
   this movement to the other NVE, the sender NVE may continue to send
   the packets, from the sender VM to the receiver VM, to the receiver
   NVE. This can cause a connectivity interruption between the sender
   and receiver VMs until the policy is refreshed at the sender NVE.

   The REDIRECT message is used by the receiver NVE to redirect traffic
   for the receiver VM to the target NVE.

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   This message is sent by the receiver NVE when it receives an NVGRE
   frame for a VM that is moved to a new NVE.

   The inner Ethernet and IP frame for this message is shown in Figure

   Inner Ethernet Header:
   |                     Sender NVE MAC Address                    |
   |  Destination NVE MAC Address  |   Source  NVE MAC Address     |
   |                      Receiver NVE MAC Address                 |
   |       Ethertype 0x0800        |

   Inner IP Header:
   |                                                               |
   |                      IPv4 or IPv6 Header                      |
   |             Protocol = ICMP (1 for IPv4, 58 for IPv6)         |
   |                                                               |
   | Type = (5 for | Code = (1 for |                               |
   | IPv4, 137 for | IPv4, 0 for   |      Header Checksum          |
   | IPv6)         | IPv6          |                               |
   |             Target Address = Target NVE Provider Address      |
   | Data = As much of the original NVGRE packet that triggered    |
   | this message.                                                 |

                     Figure 1 REDIRECT Message Format

   The outer/delivery headers include the outer Ethernet header and the
   outer IP header:

   o Ethernet header: The Ethernet header is populated with the source
   and destination NVE MAC addresses.

   o IP header: The IP header is filled with source and destination NVE
   provider address respectively. The protocol field is set to ICMPv4
   or ICMPv6 depending upon the IP protocol in use at NVE.

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   o ICMP header: The type field in the ICMP header MUST be set to 5
   for IPv4 and 137 for IPv6. The code field in ICMP header MUST be set
   to 1 for IPv4 and 0 for IPv6.

   o Target Address: The target address is set to provider address of
   the target NVE where the VM has moved.

   o Data: The data is filled with as much of the original NVGRE frame
   as possible that caused this redirect message. This data MUST
   include the outer NVGRE frame, the inner Ethernet and IP header.
   This data is used by the sender NVE to identify the receiver VM that
   has moved to the target NVE and send further messages for that
   receiver VM to the target NVE.

3.3. UNREACHABLE message format

   Let us consider a setup with 2 NVEs: sender NVE and receiver NVE.
   The sender NVE is running a VM, which we will call sender VM. The
   receiver NVE is running a VM, which we will call receiver VM.

   Initially, the sender VM is sending packets to the receiver VM. The
   sender NVE encapsulates these packets in NVGRE and sends them to the
   receiver NVE. The receiver NVE decapsulates the packet and sends
   these to the receiver VM.

   At some point, a packet is sent by the sender NVE that does not
   match NVGRE policy on the receiver NVE. This can cause a
   connectivity interruption between the sender and receiver VMs until
   the NVGRE policy is refreshed at the sender NVE.

   The UNREACHABLE message is used by the receiver NVE to inform the
   sender NVE that it needs a policy refresh. This message is sent by
   the receiver NVE when it receives an NVGRE frame for which it has no
   isolation policy.

   The inner Ethernet and IP frame for this message is shown in Figure

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   Inner Ethernet Header:
   |                     Sender NVE MAC Address                    |
   |  Destination NVE MAC Address  |   Source  NVE MAC Address     |
   |                      Receiver NVE MAC Address                 |
   |       Ethertype 0x0800        |

   Inner IP Header:
   |                                                               |
   |                      IPv4 or IPv6 Header                      |
   |             Protocol = ICMP (1 for IPv4, 58 for IPv6)         |
   |                                                               |
   | Type = (3 for | Code = (10    |                               |
   | IPv4, 1 for   | for IPv4, 1   |      Header Checksum          |
   | IPv6)         | for IPv6      |                               |
   | Data = As much of the original NVGRE packet that triggered    |
   | this message.                                                 |

                             UNREACHABLE Message Format

   The outer/delivery headers include the outer Ethernet header and the
   outer IP header:

   o Ethernet header: The Ethernet header is populated with the source
   and destination NVE MAC addresses.

   o IP header: The IP header is filled with source and destination NVE
   provider address respectively. The protocol field is set to ICMPv4
   or ICMPv6 depending upon the IP protocol in use at the NVE.

   o ICMP header: The type field in the ICMP header MUST be set to 3
   for IPv4 and 1 for IPv6. The code field in ICMP header MUST be set
   to 10 for IPv4 and 1 for IPv6.

   o Data: The data is filled with as much of the original NVGRE frame
   as possible that caused this unreachable message. This data MUST
   include the outer NVGRE frame, the inner Ethernet and IP header.
   This data is used by the sender NVE to identify the receiver VM that

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   resulted in missing policy and refresh its NVGRE policy for the
   receiver VM.

4. Security Considerations

   This proposal allows a faster NVGRE policy update using a REDIRECT
   message or an UNREACHABLE message. It can allow a compromised NVE to
   redirect traffic for one or more VMs. Mitigations of such attacks
   are possible with authentication/encryption using IPsec or any other
   IP based mechanism or using control plane for validation of the
   updated information. The control plane for NVGRE policy distribution
   is expected to be secured by using any of the existing security
   protocols and can be used to disable or override such traffic
   redirection decisions.

5. IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

6. References

6.1. Normative References

   [1]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
         Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [2]   Ethertypes,

   [3]   [NVGRE]  Sridharan, M., "NVGRE: Network Virtualization using
         Generic Routing Encapsulation", draft-sridharan-
         virtualization-nvgre-02, Feb 2013

6.2. Informative References

   [4]   M. Lasserre et al, "Framework for DC Network Virtualization",
         draft-ietf-nov3-framework (work in progress), February 2013.

   [5]   T. Narten et al, "Problem Statement: Overlays for Network
         Virtualization", draft-narten-nov3-overlay-problem-statement
         (work in progress), February 2013.

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Authors' Addresses

   Murari Sridharan
   Microsoft Corporation
   1 Microsoft Way
   Redmond, WA 98052

   Yu-Shun Wang
   Microsoft Corporation
   1 Microsoft Way
   Redmond, WA 98052

   Pankaj Garg
   Microsoft Corporation
   1 Microsoft Way
   Redmond, WA 98052

   Praveen Balasubramanian
   Microsoft Corporation
   1 Microsoft Way
   Redmond, WA 98052

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