Internet DRAFT - draft-srinivasan-fr-over-mpls-with-frf-16


Network Working Group                             Eswaran Srinivasan, Ed.
Internet Draft                                           Juniper Networks
Expiration Date: May 31, 2013                          Luis Tomotaki, Ed.
                                                        November 30, 2012

            Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Frame Relay over
              Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Networks with
               Multilink Frame Relay UNI/NNI (FRF.16) Endpoints


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    A Frame Relay pseudowire (PW) with Multilink Frame Relay UNI/NNI
    (FRF.16) is a mechanism that can be used for transporting the Frame
    Relay Protocol Data Units (PDUs) got after reassembling the FRF.16
    fragments over a MPLS packet switched network (PSN).  The goal of
    this document is to describe the encapsulation that is required for

1. Introduction

    A Frame Relay pseudowire (PW) with Multilink Frame Relay UNI/NNI
    (FRF.16) allows the Frame Relay Protocol Data Units (PDUs) got after
    reassembling the FRF.16 fragments to be carried over a MPLS network
    to a remote Provider Edge (PE) device.

    The remote PE can interface with a Customer Edge (CE) device running
    a FRF.16 service or a non-multilink Frame Relay service.  Hence,
    this approach allows interconnecting two heterogeneous type CE

    In a nutshell, providing this support on a PE will include the
    following operations:

    i)   Reassembling the FRF.16 fragments received on the member links
         into Frame Relay PDUs on the local PE end.

    ii)  Encapsulating the Frame Relay specific control information
         from the multilink fragments into the PW packet.

    iii) Transmitting the PW packets across the MPLS network to the
         peer PE.

    iv)  Extracting the Frame Relay specific control information from
         the PW packet on the remote PE end.

    v)   Fragmenting the Frame Relay PDUs into FRF.16 fragments on the
         remote PE end.

    vi)  Forwarding the Frame Relay packets to the CE device associated
         with the PW on the remote PE end.

    The figure below (Figure 1) describes the reference model to support
    Frame Relay PW with FRF.16 services.

                      |<--- Pseudowire (PW) -->|
                      |                        |
           FRF.16     |  |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|  |  FRF.16 or Frame Relay
           Service    V  V                  V  V  Service
              |     +----+                  +----+     |
    +----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +----+
    |    |----------|............PW1.............|----------|    |
    | CE1|    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |CE2 |
    |    |----------|............PW2.............|----------|    |
    +----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +----+
         ^    |     +----+                  +----+     |    ^
         |      Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2     |
         |                                                  |
         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
    Customer                                                Customer
    Edge 1 (CE1)                                            Edge 2 (CE2)

        Figure 1: Frame Relay PW with FRF.16 Service Reference Model

2. Specification of Requirements

    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
    document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

3. Applicability Statement

    Frame Relay PW with FRF.16 service is not intended to emulate the
    traditional Frame Relay service perfectly.  However, it can be used
    for the applications that need Frame Relay transport service.

    The following are the notable differences between the traditional
    Frame Relay service and the protocol described in this document.

    - The PE device connected to one of the two CE endpoints MUST support
      FRF.16 services.  The other PE device MUST support FRF.16 or
      non-multilink Frame Relay services.  All the implementations MUST
      support this.

    - The frame ordering can be preserved using the OPTIONAL sequence
      number field in the control word.  However, the implementations
      are not required to support this feature.

    - The Quality Of Service (QOS) model for traditional Frame Relay
      can be emulated.  But, this is outside the scope of this document.

    - The Frame Relay FECN, BECN, DE and C/R bits transparent to the
      MPLS network and they won't reflect the status of the MPLS network.

    - Support for the Frame Relay Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) and
      Switched Permanent Virtual Circuit (SPVC) is outside the scope of
      this document.

    - The Frame Relay Local Management Interface (LMI) protocol will be
      terminated locally on the PE devices connected to the Frame Relay
      attachment circuits.

    - The Frame Relay Link Integrity Protocol (LIP) protocol will be
      terminated on each of the FRF.16 member links.

4. MPLS Pseudowire Type

    There are two modes defined by [RFC4446] to map the Frame Relay
    specific bits in the pseudowire control word.  The legacy mapping
    mode is identified by the pseudowire type 0x0001 and is referred
    as Frame Relay DLCI (Martini Mode).  The new mapping mode is
    identified by the pseudowire type 0x0019 and is referred as
    Frame Relay DLCI.

    An implementation MUST support both these mapping modes while
    signaling the pseudowire type to the remote PE.

5. General Encapsulation Method

    In general, the encapsulation method followed for carrying the
    Frame Relay PDUs over the MPLS network will be exactly same as
    the one described in [RFC4619].

    Each Frame Relay VC will be mapped to a separate pseudowire and
    the implementations MUST support the "one-to-one" mapping mode
    described in [RFC4619].  However, the implementations MUST NOT
    support "port mode" mapping mode described in [RFC4619].

6. Encapsulation of Frame Relay Frames

6.1. Encapsulation of Frame Relay Frames for Frame Relay Service

    The encapsulation method used by a PE device running the Frame Relay
    service is identical to the one described in [RFC4619].

6.2. Encapsulation of Frame Relay Frames for FRF.16 Service

    The encapsulation method used by a PE device running the FRF.16
    service is similar to the one described in [RFC4619].  The following
    are the prominent differences for this protocol.

    - The PE device running the FRF.16 service will be reassembling the
      FRF.16 fragments into complete Frame Relay PDUs.

    - The PE device will generate the Frame Relay protocol specific
      fields in the control word as below.

        i)   The PE MUST perform the bitwise logical OR of the
             Command/Response (C/R) bits in the fragments associated with
             a Frame Relay PDU and copy the result as the C bit in the
             control word.

        ii)  The PE MUST perform the bitwise logical OR of the Discard
             Eligible (DE) bits in the fragments associated with a Frame
             Relay PDU and copy the result as the D bit in the control
             word.  If the D bit is not already set, the PE MAY set this
             bit based on the ingress frame policing.

        iii) The PE MUST perform the bitwise logical OR of the Forward
             Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN) bits in the fragments
             associated with a Frame Relay PDU and copy the result as the
             F bit in the control word.  If the F bit is not already set,
             the PE MAY set this bit to reflect the congestion detected
             by the PE.

        iv)  The PE MUST perform the bitwise logical OR of the Backward
             Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN) bits in the fragments
             associated with a Frame Relay PDU and copy the result as the
             B bit in the control word.  If the B bit is not already set,
             the PE MAY set this bit to reflect the congestion detected
             by the PE.

7. Decapsulation of Frame Relay Frames

7.1. Decapsulation of Frame Relay Frames for Frame Relay Service

    The decapsulation method used by a PE device running the Frame Relay
    service is identical to the one described in [RFC4619].

7.2. Decapsulation of Frame Relay Frames for FRF.16 Service

    The decapsulation method used by a PE device running the FRF.16
    service is similar to the one described in [RFC4619].  The following
    are the prominent differences for this protocol.

    - The PE device will process the Frame Relay protocol specific
      fields in the control word as below.

        i)   The PE MUST copy the C bit in the control word as the C/R bit
             in the Frame Relay header of all the FRF.16 fragments
             associated with this PDU.

        ii)  The PE MUST copy the D bit in the control word as the DE bit
             in the Frame Relay header of all the FRF.16 fragments
             associated with this PDU.

        iii) The PE MUST copy the F bit in the control word as the FECN
             bit in the Frame Relay header of all the FRF.16 fragments
             associated with this PDU.

             If the F bit is set to 0, the FECN bit may be set to 1,
             depending on the congestion state of the PE device in the
             forward direction.  Changing the state of this bit by a PE
             is OPTIONAL.

        iv)  The PE MUST copy the B bit in the control word as the BECN
             bit in the Frame Relay header of all the FRF.16 fragments
             associated with this PDU.

             If the B bit is set to 0, the BECN bit may be set to 1,
             depending on the congestion state of the PE device in the
             backward direction.  Changing the state of this bit by a PE
             is OPTIONAL.

    - The PE device running the FRF.16 service will be fragmenting the
      Frame Relay PDUs into FRF.16 fragments.

8. Fault Management

    A PE device MUST provide the following fault management handling

   - If a PE detects a service affecting failure on the CE end for a
     Frame Relay DLCI, it MUST communicate to the remote PE with the
     Frame Relay PVC status.

   - When a PE receives a Frame Relay PVC failure status message from
     the remote PE, it SHOULD communicate to the CE with the Frame Relay
     PVC status.

     A PE SHOULD send a Frame Relay LMI PVC status message to the CE
     to indicate the Frame Relay DLCI failure.  A PE SHOULD select
     the best matching FRF.16 member link to send the Frame Relay PVC
     status message.

9. Security Considerations

    PWE3 provides no means of protecting the contents or delivery of the
    PW packets on behalf of the native service.  PWE3 may, however,
    leverage security mechanisms provided by the MPLS Tunnel Layer.  A
    more detailed discussion of PW security is given in [RFC3985,
    RFC4447, RFC3916].

10. Normative References

    [RFC4619] Martini, L., Kawa, C., and Malis, A., "Encapsulation
              Methods for Transport of Frame Relay over Multiprotocol
              Label Switching (MPLS) Networks", RFC 4619, September 2006.

    [RFC4446] Martini, L., "IANA Allocations for Pseudowire Edge to Edge
              Emulation (PWE3)", BCP 116, RFC 4446, April 2006.

    [FRF16.1] FRF.16.1, Multilink Frame Relay UNI/NNI Implementation
              Agreement, Frame Relay Forum, May 2002.

11. Informative References

    [RFC3985] Bryant, S. and P. Pate, "Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge
              (PWE3) Architecture", RFC 3985, March 2005.

    [RFC4448] Martini, L., Rosen, E., El-Aawar, N., and G. Heron,
              "Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet over MPLS
              Networks", RFC 4448, April 2006.

    [RFC4717] Martini, L., Jayakumar, J., Bocci, M., El-Aawar, N.,
              Brayley, J., and Koleyni, G., "Encapsulation Methods for
              Transport of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) over MPLS
              Networks", RFC 4717, December 2006.

12. Contributors

Authors's Addresses

    Eswaran Srinivasan
    Juniper Networks
    1194 N. Mathilda Ave
    Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA


    Luis Tomotaki
    400 International Parkway
    Richardson, TX 75081, USA


Contributing Author Information

    Richard Li
    Juniper Networks
    1194 N. Mathilda Ave
    Sunnyvale, CA 94089


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