Internet DRAFT - draft-sriram-route-leak-detection-mitigation


IDR and SIDR                                                   K. Sriram
Internet-Draft                                             D. Montgomery
Intended status: Informational                                   US NIST
Expires: April 30, 2015                                 October 27, 2014

        Methods for Detection and Mitigation of BGP Route Leaks


   In [I-D.ietf-sriram-route-leak-problem-definition], the authors have
   provided a definition of the route leak problem, and also enumerated
   several types of route leaks.  In this document, we first examine
   which of those route-leak types are detected and mitigated by the
   existing BGPSEC protocol [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol-09].  Where
   the current BGPSEC protocol doesn't offer a solution, this document
   suggests an enhancement that would extend the route-leak detection
   and mitigation capability of BGPSEC.  The solution can be implemented
   in BGP without necessarily tying it to BGPSEC.  Incorporating the
   solution in BGPSEC is one way of implementing it in a secure way.  We
   do not claim to have provided a solution for all possible types of
   route leaks, but the solution covers several, especially considering
   some significant route-leak attacks or occurrences that have been
   observed in recent years.  The document also includes a stopgap
   method for detection and mitigation of route leaks for the phase when
   BGPSEC (path validation) is not yet deployed but only origin
   validation is deployed.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 30, 2015.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
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   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Mechanisms for Detection and Mitigation of Route Leaks  . . .   3
     2.1.  Route Leak Protection (RLP) Field Encoding by Sending
           Router  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.2.  Recommended Actions at a Receiving Router . . . . . . . .   7
     2.3.  Detection and Mitigation of Type 5 (Lateral ISP to ISP)
           Route Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   3.  Stopgap Solution when Only Origin Validation is Deployed  . .   8
   4.  Design Rationale and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  Downside of 'Up (Towards Provider AS)' Indication in the
           RLP Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.2.  Possibility of Abuse of '01' (i.e. 'Do not Propagate Up')
           Indication in the RLP Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

1.  Introduction

   In [I-D.ietf-sriram-route-leak-problem-definition], the authors have
   provided a definition of the route leak problem, and also enumerated
   several types of route leaks.  In this document, we first examine
   which of those route-leak types are detected and mitigated by the
   existing BGPSEC protocol [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol].  The BGPSEC
   protocol provides cryptographic protection for some aspects of BGP
   update messages.  It offers mechanisms to protect against mis-

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   originations and hijacks of IP prefixes as well as man-in-the-middle
   (MITM) AS path modifications.  Route leaks (see [I-D.ietf-sriram-
   route-leak-problem-definition] and references cited at the back) are
   another type of vulnerability in the global BGP routing system
   against which BGPSEC so far offers only partial protection.

   For the types of route leaks enumerated in [I-D.ietf-sriram-route-
   leak-problem-definition], where the current BGPSEC protocol doesn't
   offer a solution, this document suggests an enhancement that would
   extend the detection and mitigation capability of BGPSEC.  The
   solution can be implemented in BGP without necessarily tying it to
   BGPSEC.  Incorporating the solution in BGPSEC is one way of
   implementing it in a secure way.  We do not claim to provide a
   solution for all possible types of route leaks, but the solution
   covers several relevant types, especially considering some
   significant route-leak occurrences that have been observed frequently
   in recent years.  The document also includes a stopgap method for
   detection and mitigation of route leaks for the phase when BGPSEC
   (path validation) is not yet deployed but only origin validation is

2.  Mechanisms for Detection and Mitigation of Route Leaks

   Referring to the five types of route leaks discussed in [I-D.ietf-
   sriram-route-leak-problem-definition], Table 1 summarizes the route-
   leak detection capability offered by ROA-based origin validation (OV)
   and BGPSEC path validation (PV) for different types of route leaks.
   (Note: Route filtering is not considered here in this table.  Please
   see Section 3.)

   A detailed explanation of the contents of Table 1 is as follows.  It
   is readily observed that Type 1 and Type 5 route leaks are not
   detected by origin validation or even by BGPSEC path validation.  It
   is also easy to observe that route leaks of Types 2 and 3 can be
   readily detected by the BGPSEC protocol (which checks for origin-AS
   validation and AS path signature verification).  Type 2 route leak
   involves changing a prefix to a subprefix (i.e. more specific); such
   a modified update will fail BGPSEC validation checks.  In the case of
   Type 3 route leak, there would be no existing ROAs to validate a re-
   originated prefix or subprefix, and hence the update will be
   considered Invalid.  If BGPSEC is deployed, then in the case of a
   Type 3 route leak, the update will be Invalid due to Invalid path
   signatures as well as Invalid origin AS.

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   | Type of Route Leak              | Detection Coverage and Comments |
   | Type 1: U-Turn with Full Prefix | BGPSEC in its current form      |
   |                                 | [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol] |
   |                                 | does not detect Type 1.         |
   | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
   | Type 2: U-Turn with More        | ROA maxLength may offer         |
   | Specific Prefix                 | detection in some cases when    |
   |                                 | only origin validation is used; |
   |                                 | BGPSEC detects Type 2.          |
   | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
   | Type 3: Prefix Hijack with Data | Origin validation by itself     |
   | Path to Legitimate Origin       | detects and also BGPSEC detects |
   |                                 | Type 3.                         |
   | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
   | Type 4: Leak of Internal        | For internal prefixes never     |
   | Prefixes and Accidental         | meant to be seen (i.e. routed)  |
   | Deaggregation                   | on the Internet, origin         |
   |                                 | validation helps detect their   |
   |                                 | leak; they might either have no |
   |                                 | covering ROA or have a ROA-AS0  |
   |                                 | to always filter them. In the   |
   |                                 | case of accidental              |
   |                                 | deaggregation, ROA maxLength    |
   |                                 | may offer detection. BGPSEC     |
   |                                 | path validation does not catch  |
   |                                 | Type 4.                         |
   | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
   | Type 5: Lateral ISP to ISP Leak | BGPSEC in its current form      |
   |                                 | [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol] |
   |                                 | does not detect Type 5.         |

     Table 1: Examination of Route-Leak Detection Capability of Origin
             Validation and Current BGPSEC AS-path Validation

   In the case of Type 4 leaks involving internal prefixes that are not
   meant to be routed in the Internet, they are likely to be detected by
   origin validation.  That is because such prefixes might either have
   no covering ROA or have a ROA-AS0 to always filter them.  In the case
   of Type 4 leaks that are due to accidental deaggregation, they may be
   detected due to violation of ROA maxLength.  BGPSEC path validation
   does not catch Type 4.  However, route leaks of Type 4 are least
   problematic due to the following reasons.  In the case of accidental
   deaggregation, the offending AS is itself the legitimate destination
   of the leaked more-specific prefixes.  Hence, in most cases of this
   type, the data traffic is neither misrouted not denied service.

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   Also, leaked announcements of Type 4 are short-lived and typically
   withdrawn quickly following the announcements.  Further, the
   MaxPrefix limit may kick in in some receiving routers and that helps
   limit the propagation of sometimes large number of leaked routes of
   Type 4.

   From the above, it is evident that in our proposed solution method,
   we need to focus primarily on Type 1 and Type 5 route leaks.  In
   Section 2.1 and Section 2.2, we describe a simple addition to BGPSEC
   that facilitates cryptographically-enabled detection of route leaks
   of Type 1.  Then in Section 2.3, we will explain how the same method
   as described in Section 2.1 can be utilized between ISPs to detect
   and mitigate lateral (ISP to ISP) route leaks (i.e.  Type 5).

2.1.  Route Leak Protection (RLP) Field Encoding by Sending Router

   The key principle is that, in the event of a route leak, a receiving
   router in a provider AS (e.g. referring to Figure 1, ISP2 (AS3)
   router) should be able to detect from the prefix-update that its
   customer AS (e.g.  AS1 in Figure 1) SHOULD NOT have forwarded the
   update (towards the provider AS).  This means that at least one of
   the ASes in the AS path of the update has indicated that it sent the
   update to its customer or peer AS, but forbade any subsequent 'Up'
   forwarding (i.e. from a customer AS to its provider AS).  For this
   purpose, a Route Leak Protection (RLP) field to be set by a sending
   router is proposed to be used for each AS hop.

                                      /\              /\
                                       \ route-leak(P)/
                                        \ propagated /
                                         \          /
              +------------+    peer    +------------+
        ______| ISP1 (AS2) |----------->|  ISP2 (AS3)|---------->
       /       ------------+  prefix(P) +------------+ route-leak(P)
      | prefix |          \   update      /\        \  propagated
       \  (P)  /           \              /          \
        -------   prefix(P) \            /            \
                     update  \          /              \
                              \        /route-leak(P)  \/
                              \/      /
                           | customer(AS1) |

        Figure 1: Illustration of the basic notion of a route leak.

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   For the purpose of route leak detection and mitigation proposed in
   this document, the RLP field value SHOULD be set to one of two values
   as follows:

   o  00: This is the default value (i.e. "nothing specified"),

   o  01: This is the 'Do not Propagate Up' indication; sender
      indicating that the prefix-update SHOULD NOT be forwarded 'Up'
      towards a provider AS.

   There are two different scenarios when a sending AS SHOULD set the
   '01' indication in a prefix-update: (1) when sending the prefix-
   update to a customer AS, and (2) to let a peer AS know not to forward
   the prefix-update 'Up' towards a provide AS.  In essence, in both
   scenarios, the intent of '01' indication is that any receiving AS
   along the subsequent AS path SHOULD NOT forward the prefix-update
   'Up' towards its (receiving AS's) provider AS.

   One may argue for an RLP field value (e.g. '10') to be used to
   specify 'Up' (i.e. towards provider AS) directionality.  But in the
   interest of keeping the methodology simple, the choice of two RLP
   field values as defined above (00 - default, and 01 - 'Do not
   Propagate Up') is all that is needed.  This two-state specification
   in the RLP field can be shown to work for detection and mitigation of
   route leaks of Type 1 (and also Type 5; see Section 2.3), which are
   the focus here.  (Please see Section 4 for further discussion about
   the downside using 'Up' indication.)

   In general, the proposed RLP encoding can be carried in BGP-4
   [RFC4271] updates in any possible way, e.g., in a transitive
   community attribute.  We consider BGPSEC as an example, where the RLP
   encoding can be accommodated in the existing Flags field and thereby
   secured using the existing BGPSEC path signatures.  The Flags field
   is part of the Secure_Path Segment in BPGSEC updates
   [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol].  It is one octet long, and one Flags
   field is available for each AS hop, and currently only the first bit
   is used in BGPSEC.  So there are 7 bits that are currently unused in
   the Flags field.  Two (or more if needed) of these bits can be
   designated for the RLP field.  Since the BGPSEC protocol
   specification requires a sending AS to include the Flags field in the
   data that are signed over, the RLP field for each hop (assuming it
   would be part of the Flags field) will be protected under the sending
   AS's signature.

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2.2.  Recommended Actions at a Receiving Router

   We provide here an example set of receiver actions that work to
   detect and mitigate route leaks of Type 1 (in particular).  This
   example algorithm serves as a proof of concept.  However, other
   receiver algorithms or procedures can be designed (based on the same
   sender specification as in Section 2.1) and may perform with greater
   efficacy, and are by no means excluded.

   A recommended receiver algorithm for detecting a route leak is as

   A receiving BGPSEC router SHOULD mark an update as a Route-Leak if
   ALL of the following conditions hold true:

   1.  The update is received from a customer AS.

   2.  It is Valid in accordance with the BGPSEC protocol.

   3.  The update has the RLP field set to '01' (i.e.  'Do not Propagate
       Up') indication for one or more hops (excluding the most recent)
       in the AS path.

   The reason for stating "excluding the most recent" in the above
   algorithm is as follows.  The provider AS already knows that most
   recent hop in the update is from its customer AS to itself, and hence
   it does not need to rely on the RLP field value set by the customer
   for detection of route leaks.  (See further discussion in
   Section 4.1.)

   After applying the above detection algorithm, a receiving router may
   use any policy-based algorithm of its own choosing to mitigate any
   detected route leaks.  An example receiver algorithm for mitigating a
   route leak is as follows:

   o  If an update from a customer AS is marked as a Route-Leak, then
      the receiving router SHOULD prefer a Valid signed update from a
      peer or an upstream provider over the customer's update.

   The basic principle here is that the presence of '01' value in the
   RLP field corresponding to one or more AS hops in the AS path of an
   update coming from a customer AS informs a receiving router in a
   provider AS that a route leak is likely occurring.  The provider AS
   then overrides the "prefer customer route" policy, and instead
   prefers a route learned from a peer or another upstream provider over
   the customer's route.

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   A receiving router expects the RLP field value for any hop in the AS
   path to be either 00 or 01.  However, if a different value (say, 10
   or 11) is found in the RLP field, then an error condition will get
   flagged, and any further action is TBD.

2.3.  Detection and Mitigation of Type 5 (Lateral ISP to ISP) Route

   The sender and receiver actions described in Section 2.1 and
   Section 2.2 clearly help detect and mitigate Type 1 route leaks.
   With a slightly modified interpretation of the RLP encoding on the
   receiver side, they can be extended to detect lateral ISP-to-ISP
   route leaks (Type 5) also.  A sending ISP router would set RLP field
   value to '01' indication towards another ISP peer, following the same
   sender principles as described in Section 2.1.

   A recommended receiver algorithm for an ISP to detect a route leak of
   Type 5 is as follows:

   A receiving BGPSEC router SHOULD mark an update as a Route-Leak if
   ALL of the following conditions hold true:

   1.  The update is received from a lateral ISP peer or a customer AS.

   2.  It is Valid in accordance with the BGPSEC protocol.

   3.  The update has the RLP field set to '01' indication for one or
       more hops (excluding the most recent) in the AS path.

   In the above algorithm, the receiving AS interprets the '01'
   indication slightly strongly (i.e. stronger than in Section 2.2) to
   mean "the update SHOULD NOT have been propagated laterally to a peer
   ISP like me either".  This is strictly the case between settlement-
   free large ISP peers.

   The receiver algorithm for mitigation is up to the discretion of the
   ISP.  It may simply prefer another unmarked (i.e. not route-leak)
   update from a different peer or an upstream ISP over a marked update.

3.  Stopgap Solution when Only Origin Validation is Deployed

   During a phase when BGPSEC has not yet been deployed but only origin
   validation has been deployed, it would be good have a stopgap
   solution for route leaks.  The stopgap solution can be in the form of
   construction of a prefix filter list from ROAs.  A suggested
   procedure for constructing such a list comprises of the following

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   o  ISP makes a list of all the ASes (Cust_AS_List) that are in its
      customer cone (ISP's own AS is also included in the list).  (Some
      of the ASes in Cust_AS_List may be multi-homed to another ISP and
      that is OK.)

   o  ISP downloads from the RPKI repositories a complete list
      (Cust_ROA_List) of valid ROAs that contain any of the ASes in

   o  ISP creates a list of all the prefixes (Cust_Prfx_List) that are
      contained in any of the ROAs in Cust_ROA_List.

   o  Cust_Prfx_List is the allowed list of prefixes that is permitted
      by the ISP's AS, and will be forwarded by the ISP to upstream
      ISPs, customers, and peers.

   o  Any prefix not in Cust_Prfx_List but announced by any of the ISP's
      customers is marked as a potential route leak.  Then the ISP's
      router SHOULD prefer an Valid (i.e. valid according to origin
      validation) and 'not marked' update from a peer or an upstream
      provider over the customer's marked update for that prefix.

   Special considerations with regard to the above procedure may be
   needed for DDoS mitigation service providers.  They typically
   originate or announce a DDoS victim's prefix to their own ISP on a
   short notice during a DDoS emergency.  Some provisions would need to
   be made for such cases, and they can be determined with the help of
   inputs from DDoS mitigation service providers.

4.  Design Rationale and Discussion

   In this section, we will try to provide design justifications for the
   methodology specified in Section 2, and also answer some anticipated

4.1.  Downside of 'Up (Towards Provider AS)' Indication in the RLP Field

   As we have shown in Section 2, route leak detection and mitigation
   can be performed without the use of 'Up' (i.e. from customer AS to
   provider AS) indication in the RLP field.  The detection and
   mitigation action should primarily occur at a provider AS's router
   just as soon as a leaked update is received from a customer AS.  At
   that point, a provider AS can be fooled if it merely looks to see if
   an offending customer AS has set an 'Up' indication in the RLP field.
   This is so since a customer AS intent on leaking a route can
   deliberately set "Not Specified (00)" indication in order to misguide
   its provider AS.  So it seems better that a provider AS figures out
   that the update is moving in the 'Up' direction based only on its own

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   (configuration-based) knowledge that the update is coming from one of
   its customer ASes.  An 'Up' indication (if it were allowed) can be
   also potentially misused.  For example, an AS in the middle can
   determine that a '01' (i.e.  'Do not Propagate Up') value already
   exists on one of the preceding AS hops in a received update's AS
   path.  Then, said AS in the middle can deliberately set its own RLP
   field to signal 'Up', in which case the update may be erroneously
   marked as a route leak by a subsequent AS if it concludes that there
   was a valley in the AS path of the update.  So there appears to be
   some possibility of misuse of 'Up' indication, and hence we proposed
   not including it in the RLP specification in Section 2.  However,
   other proposals, if any, that aim to beneficially use an 'Up'
   indication in the RLP field would be worth discussing.

4.2.  Possibility of Abuse of '01' (i.e.  'Do not Propagate Up')
      Indication in the RLP Field

   In reality, there appears to be no gain or incentive for an AS to
   falsely set its own RLP field to '01' (i.e.  'Do not Propagate Up')
   indication in an update that it originates or forwards.  The purpose
   of a deliberate route leak by an AS is to attract traffic towards
   itself, but if the AS were to falsely set its own RLP field to '01'
   value, it would be effectively repelling traffic away from itself for
   the prefix in question (see receiver algorithms in Section 2.2 and
   Section 2.3).

5.  Summary

   It should be emphasized once again that the proposed route-leak
   detection method using the RLP encoding is not intended to cover all
   forms of route leaks.  However, we feel that the solution covers
   several important types of route leaks, especially considering some
   significant route-leak attacks or occurrences that have been
   frequently observed in recent years.  The solution can be implemented
   in BGP without necessarily tying it to BGPSEC.  Carrying the proposed
   RLP encoding in a transitive community attribute in BGP is another
   way, but in order to prevent abuse, the community attribute would
   require cryptographic protection.  Incorporating the RLP encoding in
   the BGPSEC Flags field is one way of implementing it securely using
   an already existing protection mechanism provided in BGPSEC path

6.  Security Considerations

   The proposed Route Leak Protection (RLP) field requires cryptographic
   protection.  Since it is proposed that the RLP field be included in
   the Flags field in the Secure_Path Segment in BPGSEC updates, the
   cryptographic security mechanisms in BGPSEC are expected to also

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   apply to the RLP field.  The reader is therefore directed to the
   security considerations provided in [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol].

7.  IANA Considerations

   No updates to the registries are suggested by this document.

8.  Acknowledgements

   The authors wish to thank Danny McPherson and Eric Osterweil for
   discussions related to this work.  Also, thanks are due to Jared
   Mauch, Jeff Haas, Warren Kumari, Jakob Heitz, Geoff Huston, Randy
   Bush, Ruediger Volk, Andrei Robachevsky, Chris Morrow, and Sandy
   Murphy for comments, suggestions, critique at the IETF-90 in the
   hall-ways and/or during the GROW WG meeting and/or on the GROW
   mailing list.  The authors are also thankful to Padma Krishnaswami,
   Oliver Borchert, and Okhee Kim for their comments and review.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

              Lepinski, M., "BGPSEC Protocol Specification", draft-ietf-
              sidr-bgpsec-protocol-09 (work in progress), July 2014.

   [RFC4271]  Rekhter, Y., Li, T., and S. Hares, "A Border Gateway
              Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271, January 2006.

9.2.  Informative References

              Cowie, J., "China's 18 Minute Mystery", Dyn Research/
              Renesys Blog, November 2010,

              Cowie, J., "The New Threat: Targeted Internet Traffic
              Misdirection", Dyn Research/Renesys Blog, November 2013,

   [Hiran]    Hiran, R., Carlsson, N., and P. Gill, "Characterizing
              Large-scale Routing Anomalies: A Case Study of the China
              Telecom Incident", PAM 2013, March 2013,

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              Huston, G., "Leaking Routes", March 2012,

              Huston, G., "What's so special about 512?", September
              2014, <>.

              Pilosov, A. and T. Kapela, "Stealing the Internet: An
              Internet-Scale Man in the Middle Attack", DEFCON-16 Las
              Vegas, NV, USA, August 2008,

   [Khare]    Khare, V., Ju, Q., and B. Zhang, "Concurrent Prefix
              Hijacks: Occurrence and Impacts", IMC 2012, Boston, MA,
              November 2012, <

   [LRL]      Khare, V., Ju, Q., and B. Zhang, "Large Route Leaks",
              Project web page, 2012,

              Labovitz, C., "Additional Discussion of the April China
              BGP Hijack Inciden", Arbor Networks IT Security Blog,
              November 2010,

   [Madory]   Madory, D., "Why Far-Flung Parts of the Internet Broke
              Today", Dyn Research/Renesys Blog, September 2014,

   [Mauch]    Mauch, J., "BGP Routing Leak Detection System", Project
              web page, 2014,

              Mauch, J., "Detecting Routing Leaks by Counting", NANOG-41
              Albuquerque, NM, USA, October 2007,

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   [Paseka]   Paseka, T., "Why Google Went Offline Today and a Bit about
              How the Internet Works", CloudFare Blog, November 2012,

   [Toonk]    Toonk, A., "What Caused Today's Internet Hiccup", August
              2014, <

              Zmijewski, E., "Indonesia Hijacks the World", Dyn
              Research/Renesys Blog, April 2014,

Authors' Addresses

   Kotikalapudi Sriram


   Doug Montgomery


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