Internet DRAFT - draft-sriram-sipping-poc-lip


SIPPING Working Group 
Document: draft-sriram-sipping-poc-lip-02.txt        <S.Sriram> 
Internet-Draft                                        Motorola 
Expires: February 17, 2006                         August 17, 2005

Lawful Intercept procedure via the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for 
the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Push to talk over Cellular (PoC)


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   This document describes the Lawful Intercept Procedure using Session 
   Initiation Protocol (SIP) used by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), for 
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   Push to talk over Cellular (PoC) along with their applicability, which 
   is limited to the OMA PoC application.
Table of Contents

   1          Overall Applicability ...............................    2 
   2          Conventions .........................................    2
   3          Overview ............................................    3
   4          Definitions .........................................    4   
   5          Lawful Interception Operation in PoC ................    4
   5.1        Procedure at the PoC User to perform Legal 
               Interception .......................................    4
   5.2        Procedures at the PoC Server performing the Lawful 
               Intercept function .................................    5
   5.2.1      PoC Control Plane Procedure .........................    5
   5.2.2      PoC User Plane Procedure ............................    6
   5.3        Procedure at the PoC User to stop Legal 
               Interception .......................................    7
   5.4        Procedure at the PoC Server to stop Legal 
               Interception .......................................    7
   6          Lawful Intercept Request Protocol Syntax ............    7
   6.1        Header Fields .......................................    8
   6.1.1      Mode-of-Tapping ......................................   8
   6.1.2      Direction ...........................................    9
   6.1.3      PoC-User-to-be-Tapped ...............................    9
   7          Illustrative Examples ...............................    9
   8          IANA considerations .................................   10
   8.1        The "application/lir" mime type .....................   10
   9          Formal Syntax .......................................   10
   10         Security Considerations .............................   11
   11         References ..........................................   12
   12         Copyright Statement .................................   13
   13         Disclaimer of Validity ..............................   13
   14         Acknowledgment ......................................   13
   15         Author's Address ....................................   13
1 Overall Applicability

   The SIP extensions specified in this document make certain assumptions 
   regarding network topology, and the availability of transitive trust. 
   These assumptions are generally NOT APPLICABLE in the Internet as a 
   whole.  The mechanisms specified here were designed to satisfy the 
   requirements specified by the Open Mobile Alliance for Push-to-talk 
   over cellular for which either no general-purpose solution was found, 
   where insufficient operational experience was available to understand 
   if a general solution is needed, or where a more general solution 
   is not yet mature. For more details about the assumptions made about 
   these extensions, consult the Applicability subsection for each 

2 Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 

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   document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119 [2].

3 Overview

   The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) ( is 
   specifying the Push-to-talk Over Cellular (PoC) service where SIP is 
   the protocol used to establish half duplex media sessions across 
   different participants. Push to talk over Cellular (PoC) is intended 
   to provide rapid communications for business and consumer customers of 
   mobile networks. PoC will allow user voice and data communications 
   shared with a single recipient, (1-to-1) or between groups of 
   recipients as in a group chat session, (1-to-many).  This document 
   describes the procedure for Lawful Interception of the PoC via SIP 

   The PoC Server implements the application level network functionality 
   for the PoC service and shall provide centralized PoC Session 
   handling, media distribution and Talk Burst Control functionality. The 
   PoC Service uses a half duplex type of communication and only one PoC 
   User in a PoC Session can send media at the time. The PoC User does 
   not send a continuous stream of RTP Media packets instead the media is 
   sent in bursts, in this document referred to as a Talk Burst. A PoC 
   Server located between the PoC Users communicating with each other 
   acts as an arbitrator and controls the sending of Talk Burst using a 
   Talk Burst Control Protocol (TBCP). PoC Users are located on mobile 
   devices hence the quality of the transmission may vary depending on 
   access network and distance to the base station.

   All RTP Media packets, RTCP packets and TBCP messages (RTCP APP or 
   other negotiated TBCP) flow through the PoC Server performing the 
   Participating PoC function (if inserted in the transport path) and are 
   terminated in the PoC Server performing the Controlling PoC Function.

   The transport path between the PoC User and the PoC Server performing 
   the Controlling PoC Function is established on a per PoC Session 
   When the PoC Session is established, the PoC Server performing the 
   Participating PoC Function normally includes itself into the transport 
   path to relay the RTP Media packets, RTCP packets and TBCP messages 
   between the PoC User and the PoC Server performing the Controlling PoC 
   Function and act as a translator according to [RFC3550].

   Considering a case where a PoC Server performing the Participating PoC 
   Function has inserted itself in the transport path. When the transport 
   path includes the Participating PoC Function, the PoC Server 
   (performing the Participating PoC Function) forwards RTP Media 
   packets, RTCP packets and TBCP messages between the PoC User and the 
   PoC Server (performing the Controlling PoC Function). This is done 
   when the PoC server is used to support lawful intercept procedures. 

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   This document proposes the approach to perform the the Lawful 
   Intercept procedure via SIP signaling for OMA PoC. The PoC server 
   processes the Lawful Intercept request information generated in the 
   SIP request received from the PoC user and performs the Lawful 
   Intercept procedure.
4 Definitions

   The following OMA PoC related definitions are relevant to this 
   PoC Address: A PoC Address identifies a PoC User. The PoC Address can 
   be used by one PoC User to request communication with other PoC Users.

   PoC User: A PoC User is a user of the PoC service.
   PoC Client: A PoC Client is a PoC functional entity that resides on 
   the PoC User Equipment that supports the PoC service.

   Talk Burst: A Talk Burst is the flow of media from a PoC User while 
   that has the permission to send media.
   The following definitions are relevant to this document
   FBI Agent:  The FBI Agent is a PoC Client/User who has special access 
   to tap any other PoC user supported by the PoC server.

   Mode-of-Tapping: The tapping shall be done in split or combined mode. 
   In Split mode, the FBI agent SHALL be able to listen to either SEND or 
   RECEIVE media stream of the PoC user who is tapped. The "Direction" in 
   this context specifies SEND stream or RECEIVE stream. In combined 
   mode, the FBI agent SHALL be able to listen to both the SEND and 
   RECEIVE media streams of the PoC user who is tapped.
5 Lawful Interception Operation in PoC

   The Lawful Interception request information contains a series of 
   information lines.  Each line contains some part of the operation 
   information and follows text based encoding rules and procedures that 
   could be carried in the SIP signaling message.

5.1 Procedure at the PoC User to perform Legal Interception:

   The FBI Agent, who has the special privileges to listen to any PoC 
   User, is himself a PoC User. The FBI Agent (PoC User) 

   1. SHALL Set the Request-URI of the SIP INVITE request to the 
      Conference-factory-URI for the PoC service in the Home PoC Network.
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   2. SHALL add the Lawful Intercept Message body which carries the 
      information regarding 

       a. PoC User to be tapped. 
       b. The mode in which the tapping should be done.(Split or 
          Combined mode) 
       c. The direction in which the tapping should be done.(Only in 
          case of split mode.(send or receive))
           i. If "direction=send", the FBI agent (PoC User) requests for 
              tapping only the media streams sent out by the PoC User who
              is to be tapped. 
           ii.If "direction=receive", the FBI agent (PoC User) requests 
              for tapping only the media streams that is received the PoC 
              User who is to be tapped. 
   3. SHALL generate an initial SIP INVITE request according to the rules 
      and procedures of [RFC3261] and the general procedure as in section with the media stream direction as "sendonly" in the 
      session description parameter

   FBI Agent (PoC User) SHALLL be challenged and authenticated by the 
   PoC Server for authorization credentials and the same shall be 
   sent by the FBI Agent (PoC User) in the second INVITE request 
   towards the PoC Server. 

   If the authentication was successful and if the PoC server was able
   to successfully extract the Lawful Intercept message and process it
   successfully, then the FBI Agent (PoC User) SHALL receive a 200 OK 
   from the PoC Server with the media description parameters of the 
   PoC Server. The FBI Agent (PoC User) SHALL send an ACK for 200 OK and 
   listen on the RTP port for media streams sent by the PoC server.
5.2 Procedures at the PoC Server performing the Lawful Intercept 
5.2.1 PoC Control Plane Procedure
   1. Upon receiving an initial SIP INVITE request the PoC Server SHALL
        - if it is the Terminating PoC Service Point. 
	- if the SIP URI in the Request-URI of the SIP INVITE request 
          corresponds to the Conference-factory-URI of the PoC service in 
          the network served by the PoC Server.
       If both the checks are valid, then the PoC Server SHALL check if 
       the SIP message contains the Lawful Intercept Message body. 
       If this message body is present,the PoC server SHALL challenge the 
       authenticity of the FBI agent by sending a 407 SIP response 
       message with the realm, nonce, qop, opaque and algorithm to the 
       FBI Agent (PoC User).

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   2. Upon receiving the second INVITE from the FBI Agent (PoC User), the 
      PoC server shall authenticate all the credentials to confirm that 
      the PoC user(FBI Agent) has all the privileges to use the Lawful 
      Intercept Message body. 

   3. If the credentials supplied by the FBI Agent (PoC User) are valid, 
      then the PoC server SHALL read the Lawful Intercept Message body 
      and get the details of 
       a. PoC User to be tapped. 
       b. The mode in which the tapping should be done.(Split or 
          Combined mode explained below) 
       c. The direction in which the tapping should be done.(Only in 
          case of split mode.(send or receive))
   4. The PoC server shall check if it is the terminating PoC Service 
      Point for the PoC User URI mentioned in the Lawful Intercept 
      Message body. If so, then the PoC Server SHALL send a 200 OK for 
      the INVITE with the SDP answer according to the rules and 
      procedures of [RFC 3264] and [RFC 3267].

   5. The PoC server SHALL interact with the PoC User Plane and 
      instruct the Controlling PoC Function to start the legal intercept
      procedure by providing the following information: 
      a. FBI Agent's (PoC User's) SDP profile 
      b. The PoC User identification to be tapped. 
      c. The mode of tapping to be followed.
5.2.2 PoC User Plane Procedure
   The Controlling PoC Function performing the Lawful Intercept function: 
   1. SHALL receive the identification of the PoC User to be tapped;(RTP 
      port and IP address).
   2. SHALL receive the identification of the FBI agent(s)(PoC User(s));
      (RTP port and IP address).
   3. SHALL receive the mode in which the tapping is to be done on the 
      PoC User;(Combined or Split mode).
   4. SHALL perform the tapping functionality via two modes of operation 
      as listed:

      a. In Combined mode, The Controlling PoC Function takes on 
         additional responsibility:
         - To transmit the RTCP SR and RTP packets sent by the PoC User 
           that is tapped to the FBI agent (PoC User).
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         - To transmit the RTP SR and RTP packets sent by all other PoC 
           Users in the same group call to the FBI agent (PoC User).
       b. In Split mode, The Controlling PoC Function takes on additional 

         - To transmit the RTCP SR and RTP packets sent by the PoC User 
           that is tapped to the FBI agent (PoC User) if the direction 
           requested for the tap creation is onl for 'send' media 
         - To transmit the RTP SR and RTP packets sent by all other PoC 
           Users in the same group call to the FBI agent (PoC User) if 
           the direction requested for the tap creation is only for 
           'receive' media streams. 

   Note: As the FBI Agent(s) (PoC User(s)) are invisible to all other PoC 
   users in the active group call, the controlling PoC function should 
   not inform the RTCP SR compound packet sent by the FBI Agent(s) (PoC 
   User(s)) to any of the PoC Users in the PoC Session.

   When the FBI agent (PoC User) wants to release the tap, the same SHALL 
   be informed via the Control Plane and the Controlling PoC Function 
   shall stop sending the multicast RTP packets to the FBI Agent(s) RTP 
   port and shall release the reserved resources.

5.3 Procedure at the PoC User to stop Legal Interception:
   This procedure is same as the one mentioned in the section 6.1.6 in 
   the PoC Control Plane document [Reference 3].
5.4 Procedure at the PoC Server to stop Legal Interception:
   This procedure is same as the one mentioned in the section 
   in the PoC Control Plane document [Reference 3].
6  Lawful Intercept Request Protocol Syntax 
   The media type follows the conventions of the SIP (RFC 3261 [1]) for 
   Lawful intercept request header information formatting. The Lawful 
   intercept request header information contains a series of information 
   headers with each of the information header lines terminated by a 

   Lawful-intercept request-info  =  *info-header 
   info-header = "header-name" HCOLON header-value *(COMMA header value) 

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   The basic set of information header fields are defined in this 
   document. However the information elements can be extended adhering to 
   the generic framework of header format defined above.

   The header field formats strictly adhere to the conventions defined 
   for SIP in section 7.3.1 of RFC 3261.  Each header field consists of a 
   field name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. 

   field-name: field-value 
   The header names and the header values are case sensitive.
6.1 Header Fields 
   This section lists the full set of header fields along with notes on 
   syntax, meaning, and usage. The ABNF [8] definitions for the headers 
   follow the notations on the basis of section 25 of SIP(RFC 3261[1]).   

   The conditions for the presence of the header fields in the lawful 
   intercept request information are summarized in Table 1.  
   The following codes are used in the table. 

   c: Conditional; requirements on the header field depend on  other 
      fields in the information. 
   m: The header field is mandatory. 
   o: The header field is optional. 
   Header Field                    presence 
   Mode-of-Tapping                  m 
   Direction                        c 
   PoC-User-to-be-Tapped            m 

      Table 1: Presence of headers
   There is a specific requirement for the order in which the information 
   headers should be present in the charging information. It is required 
   that the Mode-of-Tapping header field be present as the first header 
   field. The other header fields following this first header field shall 
   be present in any order.
6.1.1 Mode-of-Tapping
   The Mode-of-Tapping header field defines the mode in which the tapping 
   shall be done. There are two modes of tapping defined in this 
   document: split mode, combined mode.

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   This header field MUST be present one and only once per Lawful 
   intercept information. 
   Mode-of-Tapping = " Mode-of-Tapping" HCOLON Modes-of-Tapping 
   Modes-of-Tapping = "split" | "combined" 

   Example: Mode-of-Tapping: split
6.1.2 Direction

   The Direction header field defines the direction in which the split 
   mode of tapping is done. This header field shall be present only if 
   the 'Mode-of-Tapping' is 'split' mode. This field can take two 
        - 'send' indicating the SEND stream of the PoC user to be tapped, 
        - 'receive'indicating the RECEIVE stream of the PoC user to be 

   This header field MUST be present one and only once per billing 
   Direction = "Direction" HCOLON Directions 
   Directions = "send" | "receive" 
   Example: Direction: send
6.1.3 PoC-User-to-be-Tapped

   The PoC-User-to-be-Tapped field defines the SIP/TEL URI of the PoC 
   user who is to be tapped.
   This header field MUST be present one and only once per billing 
   PoC-User-to-be-Tapped = "PoC-User-to-be-Tapped" HCOLON SIP-URI or TEL-
   SIP-URI = "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]
   Example: PoC-User-to-be-Tapped:
7 Illustrative Examples

   The Lawful Intercept request information is sent in the INVITE method 
   by the FBI Agent who wants to tap a PoC User listed in his request 
   INVITE SIP/2.0 
   P-Preferred-Identity: "FBI_Agent" <sip: FBI_Agent> 
   Accept-Contact:*;+g.poc.talkburst; require;explicit 

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   User-Agent: PoC-User/OMA1.0 Acme-Talk5000/v1.01 
   Authorization: Digest username="", 
   realm="", nonce="",
   uri="", response="" 
   Privacy: Id 
   Contact: <sip: FBI_Agent @conference-factoryURInet > 
   Supported: Timer 
   Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac 
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=unique-boundary-1
   Content-Length: 407

   Content-Type: application/SDP
   o=ezimmerer 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
   c=IN IP4 
   m=audio 3456 RTP/AVP 97 
   a=Rtpmap:97 AMR 
   m=application 2000 udp TBCP 
   a=fmtp:TBCP queuing=1; tb_priority=2; timestamp=1
   Content-Type: application/lir
   Mode-of-Tapping: split
   Direction: send

8 IANA considerations 
8.1 The "application/lir" mime type 
   This draft registers the "application/lir" MIME media type. 
   The Lawful intercept request (lir) information is text-based. It 
   follows the recommendations of RFC 2045[10] for the usage of text-
   based data for MIME. 

   This media type is defined by the following information: 
   Media type name: application 
   Media subtype name: lir 
   Required Parameters: None 
   Encoding scheme: ASCII 
   Security considerations: See section 10 

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9 Formal Syntax 
   The following syntax specification uses the augmented Backus-Naur Form 
   (BNF) as described in RFC-2234 [3]. 

   The grammar for this mime-type is mostly derived out of the SIP 
   specification (RFC 3261[1]).  The following definitions are derived 
   from the SIP specification (RFC 3261[1]) token DIGIT HCOLON 

   Lawful-Intercept-Request-Info = *(Information-Header) 
   Information-Header  =   (Advice-State  /  Mode-of-Tapping / 
                           Direction /  PoC-User-to-be-Tapped)

   Mode-of-Tapping =  " Mode-of-Tapping" HCOLON Modes-of-Tapping Modes-
   of- Tapping = "split" | "combined" 
   Direction = "Direction" HCOLON Directions Directions = "send" | 
   PoC-User-to-be-Tapped = "PoC-User-to-be-Tapped" HCOLON SIP-URI or TEL-
   URI SIP-URI = "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport  
                        uri-parameters [ headers ]

10 Security Considerations 
   The Lawful Intercept request message body contains sensitive 
   information that requires the use of encryption. Lawful Intercept 
   request information should not be trusted until it is ensured that it 
   is received through reliable sources.

   As a reference, security mechanisms provided in SIP [1] (section 
   26.1.3) can be used as this is appropriate for both the SIP message 
   and the encapsulated Lawful intercept request information. Encryption 
   of the Lawful intercept request information is also considered a good 
   solution. Some form of cryptographic hashing on the Lawful intercept 
   request information may be used to ensure there is no tampering of the 
   message en-route.  MD5 (RFC 1321[14]) is a good choice.

   However, OMA PoC standards does not mandate any security mechanisms, a 
   cryptographic hash of the Lawful intercept request information along 

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   with a shared key SHOULD be carried as a part of the Lawful intercept 
   request information. PoC Server SHALL authenticate the FBI Agent (PoC 
   User) credentials and SHALL process the Lawful Intercept Message body
   only after confirming that the PoC User has the rights to intercept 
   the call of another PoC User.

11 References  
   1  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston, A., 
      Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M. and E. Schooler, "SIP: 
      Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261, June 2002.

   2  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
      Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997 
   3  OMA PoC Control Plane
      Candidate Version 1.0 û 17 March 2005, Open Mobile Alliance
   4  PoC User Plane Version
      Candidate Version 1.0 û 17 March 2005, Open Mobile Alliance
   5  Push to talk over Cellular (PoC) - Architecture
      Candidate Version 1.0 û 17 March 2005, Open Mobile Alliance
   6  J. Galvin, Security Multiparts for MIME:
      Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted, RFC:1847, October 1995
   7  B. Ramsdell, Editor,
      S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification, RFC:2633, June 1999
   8  Crocker, D. and Overell, P.(Editors), "Augmented BNF for Syntax 
      Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, Internet Mail Consortium and 
      Demon Internet Ltd., November 1997 

   9  Freed, N., Klensin, J. and J. Postel, "Multipart Internet Mail 
      Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures", BCP 13, 
      RFC 2048, November 1996. 

   10 Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipart Internet Mail 
      Extensions(MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", 
      RFC 2045, November 1996. 

   11 Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipart Internet Mail Extensions 
      (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, November 1996.
   12 Troost, R., Dorner, S. and K. Moore, "Communicating Presentation 
      Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header 
      Field", RFC 2183, August 1997.
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   13 W. Marshall, Ed., F. Andreasen, Ed Private Session Initiation 
      Protocol (SIP) Proxy-to-Proxy Extensions for Supporting the 
      PacketCable Distributed Call Signaling Architecture, RFC 3603,
      October 2003
   14 IAB, IETF Policy on Wiretapping, RFC 2804,May 2000

12 Copyright Statement

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions 
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors 
   retain all their rights.

13 Disclaimer of Validity
   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 

14 Acknowledgment
   I would like to thank my Manager Mr S Hariprasad for constant support 
   and encouragement for proposing a draft on Lawful intercept procedure 
   in OMA PoC via SIP signaling.

15 Author's Addresses 
   4-D9-170, Motorola 
   No.66/1, Plot No. 5, Bagmane Techpark
   CV Raman Nagar Post
   Bangalore - 560 093
   DID phone: 91-80-26014170
   Mobile: 91-9886704956
   Fax: 91-80-25343100

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