Internet DRAFT - draft-ssh-ext-auth-info


Internet-Draft                                                  D. Bider
Intended status: Standards Track                         Bitvise Limited
Expires: September 18, 2018                               March 18, 2018

       Extended authentication information in Secure Shell (SSH)


  This memo defines a way for SSH server applications to send additional
  information to clients as part of authentication failure. A mechanism
  to relay such information can reduce the need for end user support in
  situations where a client would successfully authenticate, but cannot
  log in for a policy reason, such as password age or public key size.


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1.  Overview and Rationale

  Secure Shell (SSH) is a common protocol for secure communication on
  the Internet. In [RFC4252], SSH defines a standard failure message,
  SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, for use with "password", "publickey", and
  other authentication methods.

  The SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE message was designed under the assumption
  that the server never needs to inform the client about exact reasons
  behind an authentication failure. In practice, there are situations
  where revealing such information is beneficial, and is not a risk. In
  these situations, not revealing the cause of failure deprives client
  software and end users of information needed to appropriately respond.

  This memo describes a mechanism which leverages [SSH-EXT-INFO] for
  client software to signal that it is willing to receive extra
  information as part of the SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE message. A format
  for the additional information is described, as well as definitions
  for a number of common status codes.

1.1.  Requirements Terminology

  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
  document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2.  Indicating Support

  Extended information cannot be sent to clients that do not indicate
  support: widely used clients disconnect on unexpected data. Therefore,
  SSH clients and servers that support this extension SHALL implement
  [SSH-EXT-INFO]. When sending SSH_MSG_EXT_INFO to a server that signals
  support for that message, a client MAY include this extension:

    string extension-name  = "ext-auth-info"
    string extension-value = (empty)

  The client MUST send an empty extension value. A server that does not
  expect an extension value MUST ignore it, regardless of the value.
  Future specifications MAY define new meanings for this value.

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3.  Extended Format of SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE

  When sending SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE to a client that signals support
  for this mechanism as per Section 2, the server MAY send the message
  in original format, as specified in [RFC4252]:

      byte          SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE
      name-list     authentications that can continue
      boolean       partial success

  If the server decides additional information is safe to send, the
  server MAY extend the format of SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE as follows:

      byte          SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE
      name-list     authentications that can continue
      boolean       partial success
      uint32        N = number of ext-auth-info pairs
      the following two fields repeated N times:
          string    ext-auth-info pair name
          string    ext-auth-info pair value (binary)

  An ext-auth-info pair name follows the format of an algorithm or
  method name as specified in [RFC4251], Section 6.

  The remainder of this section describes initially defined
  ext-auth-info pairs.

3.1.  "keyboard-interactive" Submethods

  The name and value for this ext-auth-info pair are encoded as follows:
      string    name  = "kbdi-submethods"
      name-list value = available submethods for "keyboard-interactive"
  Note that a name-list is a special case of a string. The value of this
  ext-auth-info pair is therefore a name-list, not a string containing
  an encoded name-list.
  A server MAY send this ext-auth-info pair regardless of whether the
  authentication method "keyboard-interactive" is included in the field
  "authentications that can continue" in SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE.
  A client MAY use information in this ext-auth-info pair to indicate a
  submethod preference during "keyboard-interactive" authentication, or
  to make a choice between "keyboard-interactive" and other available
  authentication methods.

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3.2.  Authentication Status

  The name and value for this ext-auth-info pair are encoded as follows:
      string name  = "auth-status"
      string value = binary encoding of the following 3 or more fields:
          string    authentication status name
          string    message (in UTF-8 encoding without BOM)
          string    language tag (as per [RFC5646])
          <optional status-specific data>

  If the server sends this ext-auth-info pair, it MUST send all three
  fields that are part of value (and perhaps optional status-specific
  data). It is not permissible to send e.g. only the authentication
  status name, but no message or language tag.

  After the language tag, clients MUST tolerate optional data. If a
  client does not understand the optional data, it MUST ignore it.

  An authentication status name follows the format of an algorithm or
  method name as specified in [RFC4251], Section 6.

3.2.1.  Authentication Status Names

  The following authentication status names are defined:

    MAY be sent in response to any authentication request. The request
    could not be processed due to an internal server error. It is
    appropriate to contact the server administrator.

    MAY be sent in response to any authentication request. The request
    could not be processed due to a transient server-side conflict. The
    issue may be resolved if the request is tried again, or the
    connection is re-attempted.

    MAY be sent in response to any authentication request. Credentials
    were valid, but the account is disabled.

    MAY be sent in response to any authentication request. Credentials
    were valid, but the account is restricted in a non-absolute manner
    (e.g. logon hours) that prevents login.

    MAY be sent in response to public key authentication. The public key
    sent by the client is known to the server, but does not meet the
    server's key size criteria.

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    MAY be sent in response to public key authentication. The public key
    sent by the client is known to the server, but the key or signature
    uses an algorithm not supported or accepted by the server.

    MAY be sent in response to password authentication. The password
    was correct, but is expired and must change, AND cannot be changed
    in the current session. If the password can be changed, the server

    MAY be sent in response to password authentication. The password
    was correct, is not expired, but must change, AND cannot be changed
    in the current session. If the password can be changed, the server

    MAY be sent in response to a password change request. Password
    change cannot be performed regardless of the new password requested.

    MAY be sent in response to a GSSAPI authentication request that
    enumerates no supported mechanisms.

    MAY be sent in response to a GSSAPI authentication request when
    the server cannot verify that the GSSAPI identity is the same as
    that named in the SSH authentication request.

3.2.2.  Authentication conditions WITHOUT status names

  Authentication status names are intentionally NOT defined for the
  following conditions:

  - Password change request: Password ill-formed
  - Password change request: Password does not meet policy requirements

  In these cases, the server SHOULD instead send (potentially another)
  SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWORD_CHANGEREQ with an appropriate message.

4.  IANA Considerations

4.1.  Additions to existing tables

  IANA is requested to insert the following entries into the table
  Extension Names (added in [SSH-EXT-INFO]) under Secure Shell (SSH)
  Protocol Parameters [RFC4250]:

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    Extension Name           Reference          Note
    ext-auth-info            [this document]    Section 2

4.2.  New table: Extended Authentication Information Pair Names

  Under Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Parameters, IANA is requested to
  create a new table, Extended Authentication Information Pair Names,
  with initial content:

    Pair Name                Reference          Note
    kbdi-submethods          [this document]    Section 3.1
    auth-status              [this document]    Section 3.2

4.3.  New table: Authentication Status Names

  Under Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Parameters, IANA is requested to
  create a new table, Authentication Status Names, with initial content:

    Extension Name           Reference          Note
    internal-error           [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    transient-error          [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    account-disabled         [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    account-restriction      [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    pk-size-restriction      [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    pk-alg-restriction       [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    password-expired         [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    password-must-change     [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    password-cannot-change   [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    gss-no-mechanism         [this document]    Section 3.2.1
    gss-identity             [this document]    Section 3.2.1

5.  Security Considerations

  Servers MUST NOT send extended authentication information if this
  would reveal sensitive information to an untrusted client.

  For example, the status "account-disabled" is meant to be sent to a
  user who would successfully authenticate, and the only reason they
  cannot log in is because their account is disabled. Extended
  information with this status SHOULD NOT be sent to a user who is
  trying to log into a disabled account with an incorrect password.

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6.  References

6.1.  Normative References

  [RFC2119]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

  [RFC4251]   Ylonen, T. and Lonvick, C., Ed., "The Secure Shell (SSH)
              Protocol Architecture", RFC 4251, January 2006.

  [RFC4252]   Ylonen, T. and Lonvick, C., Ed., "The Secure Shell (SSH)
              Authentication Protocol", RFC 4252, January 2006.

  [RFC5646]   Phillips, A., Ed. and Davis, M., Ed., "Tags for
              Identifying Languages", RFC 5646, September 2009.

              Bider, D., "Extension Negotiation in Secure Shell (SSH)",
              draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info-15.txt, September 2017,

6.2.  Informative References

  [RFC4250]   Lehtinen, S. and Lonvick, C., Ed., "The Secure Shell (SSH)
              Protocol Assigned Numbers", RFC 4250, January 2006.

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Author's Address

  Denis Bider
  Bitvise Limited
  4105 Lombardy Ct
  Colleyville, TX  76034
  United States of America

  Phone: +1 817 313 8515

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