Internet DRAFT - draft-stein-great
Network Working Group Y(J) Stein
Internet-Draft RAD Data Communications
Expires: April 2, 2006 Sept 29, 2005
Great Real-Time Problem Statement
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VoIP is commonly perceived to be a low quality, but low cost,
alternative to standard telephony. This poor perception is often
well deserved, being fueled by implementations designed without
regard to characteristics of IP networks. This problem statement
attempts to catalog the shortcomings of current implementations, in
order to explore the IETF community's interest in working to improve
this situation.
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1. Introduction
Consider the placing of a phone call over the PSTN. The end-user
terminal is extremely simplistic and inexpensive, the scaleability of
the PSTN being based on 'dumb' terminals at end-points, with all the
intelligence concentrated in the core. From the moment the user
requests service by off-hooking, an imperceptible amount of time
passes before the network indicates that is ready to receive
signaling by delivering audible dial-tone. Since the service
availability is 'five nines' (i.e. 99.999 percent) the user will
probably not remember an event where dial-tone was not heard
immediately after off-hooking. The user then enters the required
part of a hierarchical destination address, and will then receive
feedback as to the usage status of the destination terminal, in the
form of ringback or busy tone, usually within seconds. Assuming that
the destination terminal is not in use and the called party is
present and decides to accept the call, a session is established an
imperceptible time after off-hooking of the destination terminal.
For the duration of the conversation the voice is guaranteed to be
'toll quality' defined to be at least 4 on a Mean Opinion Scale (MOS)
scale from 1 to 5. This quality is admittedly imperfect, due to the
audio spectrum being truncated at 4 kHz (thus making differentiation
of various unvoiced fricatives impossible, and distorting music) but
preserves speaker identity and does not impede understandability for
native speakers of the language spoken. There will, in general, be
no unusual noises or audible artifacts (unless due to sources
radiating close to the end-user terminals), and no gaps or
discontinuities in the received information. Furthermore, the one-
way propagation delay is usually close to the physically minimum
possible (i.e. the time taken for light to travel between the two
points) and no perceivable echo is introduced due to the telephone
electronics. With extremely high probability the session will only
be terminated when either the originator or called party decide to
Now, for comparison, let us consider a typical VoIP call over the
public Internet. The end-user terminal may either be a personal
computer (PC) or IP-phone, the former being a multifunctional
computational device and the latter smaller and less computationally
able, but relatively expensive terminal. Assuming a PC as terminal,
the user initiates a call by typing an identifier if IP address, or
by choosing the desired destination from a list. Thereafter follows
a rather prolonged period during which the user has no call progress
feedback; the duration is usually longer for peer-to-peer systems,
but is often considerable even for systems with centralized
registries. Afterwards a simulation of ringback or busy-tone is
commonly played, and assuming the destination terminal is powered and
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the called party is willing to take the call, a bi-directional
session is setup.
Once the session commences the voice quality will usually not be as
good as that experienced in the PSTN (see Section 3 for a
discussion). In fact, the quality may be variable ranging from
telephone-like to incomprehensible. Depending on network
characteristics there will often be gaps when the sound completely
disappears, or becomes metallic, or sounds like Martians are
speaking. At times artifacts such as beeps may be heard. When using
the public Internet the round-tip delay will often be so high (over
one half second) that free conversation is impossible, and the
parties to the conversation may repeatedly speak at the same time, or
may purposely leave long pauses (for the other to interrupt or to
aver that the connection is still operational), or say 'over' as in
push-to-talk systems. The session may also terminate unexpectedly,
and then may or may not be restored by reconnecting.
The sum total of the user's perception of the audio quality, delay,
reliability and other factors is sometimes called the 'user
experience'. Why would anyone use a VoIP systems if the user
experience is significantly inferior to that of the standard
telephone system? The situation is analagous to that of cellular
phones, which also have noticeably lower audio quality and may
unexpectedly disconnect, but the mediocre user experience is
tolerated due to a new feature, namely mobility. Here some
enthusiasts have suggested that the attraction of VoIP is due to the
additional functionality that is, or will be, available (e.g. instant
messaging, video). However, in most cases it is probably either the
economics (free calls) or the ready accessibility for people already
seated at a PC (along with presence indications) that induces most
people to tolerate the poor quality. In fact, many times the latter
type of user will start a conversation on VoIP in order to ask
whether they can call over the PSTN. The feeling of most users is
that the quality is good enough for casual, hobby type conversations
(reminding some of us of our ham radio origins), and thus such users
are willing to use it to speak with remote acquaintances, mothers-in-
law, etc. They might not, however, choose to use VoIP to call their
bank branch, an important client, or their boss.
Of course, much of what was said above is specific to the present
state of the public Internet, while well engineered, highly
overprovisioned, networks suffer much less from these troubles.
However, this does not mean that the public Internet is inherently
unsuitable for quality transport of voice traffic, nor that it is
imperative to make major changes in order for it to become suitable
(although such changes may help). Many of the above problems can be
amended, although not completely solved, by taking the
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characteristics of the Internet into account at all stages of the
VoIP implementation. We call such an implementation and its
components, 'PSN-aware'.
The above discussion focused on VoIP, but similar statements could be
made concerning other forms of real-time traffic transported over the
Internet, such as videoconferencing. On the other hand not all real-
time traffic is as problematic. For example, streaming audio that
can be delivered after a certain delay may be able to exploit
retransmission mechanisms, and thus be immunized to many of the above
hindrances. The essential ingredients are real-time constraints and
delay insensitivity, characteristics present in interactive real-time
2. Characteristics of PSNs
The design philosophy of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
presumes that routing is expensive but bandwidth plentiful, while
that of Packet Switched Networks (PSNs), such as the Internet,
presupposes bandwidth to be dear while routing affordable. The
former tenets lead to a circuit switched network that naturally
supports reliable and high quality interactive audio sessions, while
the resource sharing required by the latter postulates makes
providing such services a challenge.
The very fact that PSN users share bandwidth means that no user
traffic receives treatment identical to that of a PSTN circuit. The
major sources of performance degradation for real-time delay-
sensitive PSN traffic can be identified as follows:
* packet creation time
* network propagation delay
* packet delay variation
* packet loss and mis-ordering
* congestion events
* lack of inherent timing transport
* bandwidth conservation algorithms
* emulation mechanisms
Unlike PSTN traffic, PSN traffic is sent in packets. The first byte
of data placed in the packet experiences latency corresponding to the
time required to fill the packet at the source. Although the last
byte placed in the packet experiences only minimal delay, it is the
last to be played out, and thus all data experiences latency equal to
the packet creation time (PCT). In VoIP systems this may be less
than 1 millisecond (for example When using the G.728 LD-CELP
encoder), it is typically tens of milliseconds (for example 10
millisecond for G.729, 60 millisecond for a two-frame superpacket of
G.723.1). PCT is a frame-size related latency introduced by the
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source, but additional delay is usually added at the destination.
Most speech decoders require 'lookahead', and (as will be discussed
below) jitter buffer based systems require storing of packets. These
additional delays may greatly increase the overall one-way delay.
While TDM switches typically add 1/8000 of a second latency per
switch, Queuing delay in IP routers may be orders of magnitude
This aforementioned latency is not constant from packet to packet,
and successive packets do not even necessarily follow the same route.
For these reasons packets injected into the PSN at a constant rate
exit it at stochastic intervals. As we wish to play out audio at a
constant rate, this packet delay variation (PDV) must be compensated.
There are two ways this may be accomplished. In jitter buffer based
systems Incoming packets are not directly played out, but rather
placed in a 'jitter buffer' and later played out at a constant rate.
The jitter buffer is usually configured to be able to absorb the
maximum expected PDV, and thus introduces a significant amount of
delay. In 'shock absorber' based systems packets are played out as
they arrive, and when a packet is not yet available, a signal
processing algorithm is employed to extrapolate based on previous
packets, until such time as a packet arrives. These systems
introduce only minimal additional latency, but require considerably
more computational power.
IP networks are intrinsically best-effort, and thus there is no
guarantee that a packet injected into the PSN is actually received.
In fact, all PSNs introduce some percentage of packet loss (PL), due
to packets rejected due to detectable errors, packets dropped due to
congested resources, and packets dropped due to policy decisions.
Packet loss due to random errors will be independently distributed,
but other types may cause bursts of lost packets. In addition, when
parallel paths exist, packets may be received out-of-order, and must
be either reordered (may be possible in jitter buffer based systems)
or treated as lost. When a packet has not been received a decision
must be made as to what to play out. One possibility is silence, but
this will lead to reduced perceived audio quality. Depending on the
expected percentage of packet loss, packet loss concealment (PLC)
mechanisms may need to be employed.
Another consequence of the bandwidth sharing of PSNs is the
possibility of congestion events, statistically infrequent peaks of
activity during which there is insufficient bandwidth or processing
power to transport all packets. For non-real-time traffic there are
self-regulating rate control mechanisms, but for real-time traffic it
is not clear that such mechanisms can be useful.
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The PSTN is based on TDM networks that inherently transport timing
information in the physical layer along with the data. PSNs do not
include such a physical layer clock, and when such a clock is
required, an appropriate mechanism must be supplied. This mechanism
may rely on a clock source external to the PSN (e.g. GPS
satellites), or may involve clock recovery over the PSN itself (e.g.
By bandwidth conservation algorithms we mean all source codings
employed for reduction of data rate to closer to the Shannon rate.
These range from lossless data compression, through speech encoding,
fax image encoding, to video encoding. Except for lossless
compression, all such mechanisms introduce some quality reduction,
and all (including lossless compression) reduce robustness to errors
and packet loss.
The final source of degradation is emulation mechanisms internal to
gateways that enable access to the PSN. These mechanisms may try to
simulate behavior of a PSTN system, to terminate or relay PSTN-
specific signaling, or to optimize operation of interactive real-time
traffic over the PSN. These mechanisms are typically required to
detect various characteristics of the incoming real-time signals, and
need to do so rapidly, with high probability of detection, and with
low false alarm rate. When such a mechanism fails, the gateway may
enter a state from which it may take time to exit, creating a severe
anomaly in user perceived performance.
3. Bandwidth and Audio Quality Problems
Even assuming a perfect PSN, i.e. one with no packet loss (PL) nor
packet mis-ordering and only minimal packet delay variation (PDV),
the perceived voice quality of VoIP calls is highly dependent on
bandwidth reduction mechanisms. First, in order to minimize
bandwidth consumption speech encoding algorithms are employed that
reduce the MOS to somewhere between 3.5 and 3.8. Second, voice
activity detection (VAD) is typically employed to mute (or replace
with locally generated 'comfort noise') one direction of the
conversation; this VAD is never perfect and may clip the start of
voice spurts. Due to the speech compressions not passing various
tones (e.g. DTMF), are passed using special relay functions; false
alarms in such detection produce annoying beeps known as 'talk-offs'.
When the present generation of speech encoders was developed, the
only design criteria were compression ratio, speech quality (MOS),
and to a certain degree delay (although G.723.1 was supposedly
designed with VoIP in mind, its round-trip combined delay of 75
milliseconds is not conducive to use over the public Internet). At
about the same time speech encoders were developed for satellite
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applications that were built to be robust to individual bit errors;
but no encoders were built to be robust to loss of entire packets.
Indeed, even the common event of the loss of a single packet may
cause a disruption to the decoded audio that may last for a long
time. Later the iLBC speech coder (described in RFC 3952) was
designed to eliminate this problem (and today other encoder
techniques are known that are inherently insensitive to missing
data). When the packet loss problem was better understood, PLC
mechanisms were added to speech encoders used over PSNs, but these
PLCs helped mainly for loss of isolated packets. Typical PL patterns
of IP networks (e.g. loss bursts) were not taken into account.
As the development of speech encoding algorithms has in general
proceeded without detailed knowledge of PSN characteristics, required
functionality, such as PLC, has been added on a posteriori. Higher
efficiency and performance may be gained by a priori design of PSN-
aware speech and other audio (and later video) encoders and PSN-aware
PLC mechanisms.
In addition, when the end-user terminals are no longer POTS phones,
one may ask why we are still limiting ourselves to 4 kHz bandwidth.
Wideband telephony (8 kHz bandwidth) speech is noticeably superior,
and may go far to convincing users that VoIP quality may actually
exceed that of the PSTN. Design of standardized PSN-aware wideband
encoders is a worthwhile task waiting to be tackled.
Most speech encoders used today take in a constant number of bytes of
uncompressed audio, and produce a constant number of compressed
bytes. Some speech coders are called adaptive multirate, in that
they may be configured to produce a specified number of compressed
bytes. Truly variable rate compression techniques vary in output
rate according to the character of the input sounds. While the use
of constant rate transport infrastructures dictates constant rate
encoders, PSN packets may vary in size from packet to packet, and
thus variable rate encoders may be used. It is an open question as
to how to match these encoder parameters to PSN characteristics.
4. Delay and Delay Variation Problems
Standard PSTN practice places tight constraints on the tolerable end-
to-end and round-trip delays. Although the more modern approach is
to consider the effect of delay along with other degradations, one-
way transmission times of up to 150 milliseconds are considered
universally acceptable, assuming adequate echo control is provided.
Echo cancellation is required when the delay exceeds about 20
The one-way delay in PSNs is greater than that of the PSTN, due at
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very least to PCT and lookahead, and often to queuing delays and
jitter buffer latency. Indeed, network propagation times alone may
be in the 100 millisecond range, and thus incompatible with the
minimum delay introduced by G.723.1. Thus a sensible approach would
be to start with a specification of the network delay, and to derive
allowable buffering and processing budgets. This would probably
require smaller frame sizes and minimization of lookahead, and
innovative designs would be needed to keep bit rates reasonable.
More attention should be drawn to the perfection of shock absorber
based systems. These may need to be more fully integrated into the
encoder, perhaps more specifically into the PLC mechanism.
5. Congestion Problems
When congestion is detected, either by explicit notification or via
detection of packet loss, even real-time systems should heed the
network's warning of imminent trouble. In addition to PLC on any
missing packet, in the other direction rate cutback needs to be
attempted, e.g. by lowering VAD thresholds, via adaptation of the
rate of adaptive multirate encoders or the average output rate
parameter of variable rate encoders, and in extreme cases by
deliberate dropping of packets that are likely to be more effectively
concealed by the PLC. Although all these activities reduce the
user's perception of voice quality, they do so less drastically than
complete loss of all audio.
Adaptive multirate encoders can generally change rate on a packet by
packet basis in 'hitless' fashion, but it is unknown how to do this
when changing encoder. There has not been sufficient study of how to
identify packets that may less harmful to discard.
6. Emulation Problems
The lack of precise clock synchronization between source and
destination (play out) clocks is usually considered unimportant for
voice. This is because even a missed or extra speech sample every
few minutes is undetectable to the ear. The situation is different
when the system is used to transport non-speech data, such as fax and
data modem transfer without appropriate relays. In such cases it is
necessary to match the destination clock to that of the source in
order to eliminate sample slips.
Accurate (line or acoustic) echo cancellation is essential for high
ratings of user experience. At present echo cancellation is
typically performed where its computational cost is minimized, i.e.
close to the place where the echo is generated, rather than where it
would be heard . It would be useful to be able to employ an echo
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cancellation server anywhere in the network, but there are problems
that need to be solved before this can be accomplished. For example,
the relative timing of the signals flowing in opposite directions
needs to be determined (including clock synchronization), and the
fact that neither signal may be echo-free.
Real-time monitoring of voice quality has been previously considered.
Such measures may be based on acoustic models or on measurement of
network degradations and use of previously determined calibrations.
Timely feedback of such end-to-end information quality may be useful
in improving the audio quality, but the precise mechanisms need to be
worked out.
Another problem that may be addressed concern multi-user
conferencing. Many present-day systems choose a single dominant
speaker, squelching others desiring to talk. This introduces various
perceived quality degradations, in addition to giving a bad
impression to the user wanting to 'break in'. Complete summing of
audio from all users is problematic for several reasons. It requires
decompression and recompression of user audio, and rescaling to avoid
excessive signal levels. Advances would be welcome here.
Reduction of the connection setup delay, and the related delays for
entering/exiting fax-relay and modem-relay modes is an important
signalling problem to be solved.
Integration of real-time delay-sensitive traffic along a time line
with other applications may be interesting. The most important
application here is lip syncing, but syncing text for Karaoke,
whiteboard motions to spoken words, etc. may need to be addressed.
7. Security Considerations
Although not directly related to the real-time character of the
traffic authentication, encryption , and methods for lawful
interception (CALEA) need to be integrated in a standard way into
VoIP systems.
8. IANA Considerations
This Internet Draft does not propose a protocol, nor a change to any
existing protocol, and thus no IANA considerations are raised.
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Author's Address
Yaakov (J) Stein
RAD Data Communications
24 Raoul Wallenberg St., Bldg C
Tel Aviv 69719
Phone: +972 3 645-5389
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