Internet DRAFT - draft-stein-ldp-auto


L2VPN Working Group                                          Y(J). Stein
Internet-Draft                                   RAD Data Communications
Expires: January 11, 2006                                      S. Delord
                                                          France Telecom
                                                           July 10, 2005

                LDP-based Autodiscovery for L2 Services

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   Current L2VPN implementations that use LDP for label binding require
   another protocol to dynamically detect which PEs belong to a given
   VPN.  We herein propose a simple extension to LDP consisting of a
   message with which a PE announces its desire to join an existing VPN.
   The technique is equally applicable to HVPLS, multisegment VPLS and
   VPWS, and may be especially attractive for access networks employing

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1.  Introduction

   VPLS networks based on LDP signaling, as described in [VPLS-LDP],
   transparently interconnect N physically separated LANs belonging to a
   single customer.  VPLS provides this multipoint to multipoint service
   based on a full mesh of Ethernet PWs [ETHERNET-PW].  We shall call
   each multipoint to multipoint network a VPLS instance or simply a

   In the following we assume a service provider network, consisting of
   PE (provider edge) and P (provider) LSRs.  The PEs must be VPLS-
   capable, i.e. they must be able to perform all the functionality
   described in [VPLS-LDP], including setting up of Ethernet PWs,
   encapsulating and properly forwarding incoming Ethernet frames, and
   802.1D learning.  The PE LSRs are connected to CE (customer edge)
   devices in the customer network, which may be Ethernet switches or IP
   routers.  The connection between PE and CE is called the attachment
   circuit (AC).

   Before offering VPLS services the service provider must provision a
   full mesh MPLS tunnels connecting all PEs; this being accomplished by
   manual configuration, BGP, RSVP-TE or LDP.  Each VPLS instance
   defines a subset of the PEs, namely those connected to CEs that
   require the VPLS service.  We shall call this subset of PEs the Vset.
   The VPLS service is implemented by means of Ethernet PWs inside the
   MPLS tunnels that we have assumed to connect every pair of PEs in the
   Vset.  These PWs may be set up manually, or by using the LDP
   extensions defined in the PWE control protocol [PWE-CONTROL].

   When a PE, not originally in the Vset wants to join the VPN, new
   Ethernet PWs must be set up between it and all the PEs already in the
   Vset.  The act of joining a VPLS instance conceptually consists of
   two parts, namely discovering the Vset, and thereafter setting up
   (e.g. by using the PWE control protocol) PWs to all PEs in the Vset.
   Assuming an efficient mechanism for Vset discovery, the entire VPLS
   instance may be built iteratively by growing the Vset, starting with
   a single PE being told that it is in the Vset for the new VPLS

   Vset discovery may be explicit or implicit.  With explicit Vset
   discovery, PEn determines that PE1 through PE(n-1) are in the Vset,
   and joins by setting up n-1 Ethernet PWs.  With implicit Vset
   discovery PEn announces to all VPLS-capable PEs that it wishes to
   join the particular VPLS instance, and PEs already in the Vset
   initiate the PW setup.  We adopt here the implicit method as it
   minimizes the amount of messaging traffic, and is conceptually more
   compatible with MPLS downstream label distribution procedures.
   Rather than trying to directly locate participating PEs (e.g. by

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   requiring all PEs to periodically advertise the list of VPNs they
   handle), it makes sense for the PE desiring to join the VPN to
   advertise this fact to all the other PEs, permitting them to respond
   when they belong to the VPN.  This method minimizes overhead and
   shortens the time it takes until all PEs know of the new VPN member.

   The discovery of the Vset of an extant VPLS instance is not the only
   autodiscovery problem involved in provisioning networks capable of
   providing VPLS services.  The VPLS-capable PEs must a priori know
   each other in order to set up the initial set of MPLS tunnels, and
   the PE must recognize CEs in order to set up the attachment circuits.
   However, we contend that the Vset discovery problem is of a different
   nature than the others.  The number of PEs in a network is relatively
   limited and static, and in most cases autodiscovery protocols already
   exist for this problem.  Provisioning of new attachment circuits is
   also relatively rare, and will often require management intervention.
   On the other hand the adding of a LAN to an existing VPN is expected
   to be much more prevalent.  Since a large number of PEs may be
   involved in any particular VPN, manual configuration of the VPLS is
   logistically difficult and error-prone.  Scalability requires an
   autodiscovery protocol for this task, and several such mechanisms
   exist, for example in BGP [BGP-AUTO] and extensions to RADIUS

   The autodiscovery protocol described here is limited to the problem
   of discovering the Vset.  We always assume that attachment circuits
   are in place, and that there is some method to inform the PE that a
   given CE needs to join a given VPLS, and for the PE to authenticate
   this request.  For the simplest case we further assume that MPLS
   tunnels capable of supporting Ethernet PWs have been preprovisioned
   between every two PEs in the provider network, and that LDP sessions
   are already running between every pair of PEs.  For more complex
   cases, e.g.  HVPLS and multisegment VPLS, we assume that the
   existence of MPLS tunnels and LDP sessions between the end PEs and
   the stitching nodes.

   As we deal solely with Vset discovery, the actual setting up of PWs
   is beyond our scope.  This setting up of Ethernet PWs trivially
   follows for the simple case, but the PW placement problem may be
   complex for other cases.  For example, for HVPLS with MPLS-based
   spoke PWs, the MTUs that aggregate Ethernet traffic from several
   customers originate the request for Vset discovery, but as they are
   directly aware of only one PE, the discovery messaging must be
   forwarded by that PE to the others with which it is fully

   Another case of interest is multisegment VPLS, which we define as a
   VPN whose Vset consists of PEs in multiple independently managed

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   domains, and thus requires multisegment PWs [MSPWs].  Here there will
   be S-PEs that straddle the various domains, and our autodiscovery
   mechanism will need to traverse these S-PEs as the PEs in distinct
   domains are not linked by LDP sessions.  Note that since our
   mechanism is limited to Vset discovery, it is sufficient for our
   purposes for a PE to know of a single S-PE enabling access to each
   foreign domain, and this S-PE will not necessarily be that which is
   eventually traversed by the PW.

   The present document proposes a simple Vset autodiscovery mechanism
   that requires only the extension of the LDP protocol that has been
   assumed to already be running between the PEs.  The method proposed
   is distributed and does not require a central server holding VPLS
   member information.  Rather than querying all VPLS-capable PEs to
   determine whether they belong to the Vset, each PE desiring to join a
   VPLS instance announces this by a new JOIN TLV, and receiving PEs
   that belong to the Vset respond by setting up the required PWs.  In
   Section 2 we discuss why this method is most suitable for access
   networks; in Section 3 we motivate the use of human readable VPN
   identifiers; in Section 4 we detail the required extensions to LDP;
   Section 5 extends the discussion to more complex cases; and in
   Section 6 we briefly cover the security considerations.

2.  Access Networks

   The autodiscovery method described herein may be particularly
   suitable for access networks.  Core networks will typically be
   running BGP-4, and thus have at their disposal the autodiscovery
   mechanisms described in [VPLS-BGP].  In addition the core network may
   already be providing L3VPN services, and thus already utilizing BGP-
   based autodiscovery mechanisms.

   However, in the case of access networks, such a protocol will
   frequently not be available to the service provider or not be
   completely suitable, and this for at least two reasons.

   First, the processing power of access network forwarding devices may
   be quite limited as compared to backbone routers.  This is due to the
   fact that the total number of devices is significantly greater in the
   access/metro segment than in the core network.  Typically DSLAMs
   represent several thousand devices, and so need to be as simple as
   possible to keep the global network complexity (and cost) low.

   Second, the topology of an access network may also be much simpler
   than the topology of a backbone network.  For example, it is quite
   common to have a DSLAM with only a single physical attachment, (or
   perhaps a dual physical attachment for redundancy) to the metro/
   backbone area.  Such DSLAMs may not even run an IGP and employ only

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   static routes in order to avoid CPU overload.

   Despite these constraints, advanced services, such as interconnecting
   two endpoints located on the same or different access networks (e.g.
   two DSLAMs that do not belong to the same geographical area) are
   still required by the service provider.  Solutions such as [MSPWs]
   allow the total number of PWs to grow without impacting the control
   plane, by limiting the number of targeted LDP sessions between the
   U-PEs to only a few S-PEs.  However such solutions at present still
   require BGP or RADIUS for the auto-discovery process, in addition to
   LDP for setting up of the PWs.

   Our proposal extends LDP with new TLVs thus enabling auto-discovery
   in the access network without requiring burdening down the access
   network forwarding devices with additional protocols.  The TLVs reuse
   the endpoint identifiers defined in [PWE-CONTROL].  This same LDP-
   based autodiscovery method may be used in the core network, but
   alternatively the core network may employ [BGP-AUTO].

3.  Importance of unique and meaningful VPN identifiers

   According to [VPLS-LDP] each VPLS instance must be assigned a
   globally unique identifier, a VPNID.  This identifier is often
   numeric, for example, a 7-byte VPN Identifier per RFC 2685 [VPN-ID].

   A useful format for the VPN identifier used for the purpose of
   autodiscovery is a human readable name in URL-like format.  This
   suggestion has been made in this context before, and is realized in
   the VPN identifier record used in RADIUS discovery [RADIUS].  Such an
   identifier minimizes the chance of accidental overlap with other
   VPNIDs, and eliminates the need for maintaining a network-wide
   directory of VPNIDs.

   On the other hand, for the purpose of setting up the Ethernet PWs
   comprising the VPLS, an AGI is required.  According to [PWE-CONTROL],
   the AGI may be of arbitrary format, and
      "The details of how to construct the AGI and AII fields
      identifying the pseudowire endpoints are outside the scope of this
      specification.  Different pseudowire application, and different
      provisioning models, will require different sorts of AGI and AII
      fields.  The specification of each such application and/or model
      must include the rules for constructing the AGI and AII fields."

   When possible the AGI should be simply be the URL-like VPNID herein
   described.  When this is not possible, for example, when a RFC 2685
   VPN-ID is needed, a mechanism must be provided to translate the URL
   to the requisite format.

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4.  LDP extensions

   In the standard model, a full mesh of LDP sessions is already running
   between all PEs that may wish to join the VPN.  In the multisegment
   case, we assume LDP sessions between the U-PE and related S-PEs.  It
   is over these LDP sessions regulating the MPLS transport tunnels that
   the new TLVs are advertised.

   When a PE needs to add a CE to a VPN, it first consults a table to
   determine whether it is already participating in this VPLS instance
   for some other CE.  If it does, then all that needs to be done is to
   connect the new CE to the existing bridge function and Ethernet PWs.
   If it does not, the joining PE must first allocate a bridge function
   to perform the 802.1 functionality and to add the VPNID to the table
   of VPNs in which it participates.  Next, it sends an LDP message
   containing a VPN JOIN TLV to all the PEs with which it maintains LDP
   sessions.  This TLV has the following format.

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |U|F|      JOIN Type            |            Length             |
       |   AGI Type    |    Length     |          AGI Value
                              AGI  Value (contd.)                      |
       |                     Optional VPN Parameters                   |

   U  (1 bit) The unknown bit MUST be cleared.  If the VPN join format
      is not understood, the sending PE must be informed that its
      attempt to join has been ignored.  In this case an alternative
      mechanism must be employed to determine whether the remote PE
      participates in the VPN.
   F  (1 bit) The forwarding bit is not used, and MUST be cleared.
   Type (14 bits) This field MUST be set to whatever value is assigned
      by IANA for this purpose.
   Length (16 bits) This field specifies the total length of the VPLS
      identifier in bytes.
   AGI TLV Attachment Group Identifier TLV per [PWE-CONTROL].
   Optional VPN Parameters These optional TLVs may have to be specified
      for proper or optimal operation of the service.

   When a PE needs to join a VPLS instance, it sends the JOIN TLV to all
   VPLS-capable PEs to which it is connected.  The JOIN TLV is similar

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   to a label REQUEST, but the corresponding label mapping is contingent
   on the receiving PE belonging to the VPLS.  However, the JOIN TLV
   does not specify a FEC, rather it specifies a VPNID.

   When a PE receives a JOIN message it checks the VPNIDs of all the
   VPLS instances to which it belongs.  If it finds a match it adds the
   joining PE to the VPN-PE table, allocates a PW label, and distributes
   this label to the sending PE via the LDP-based PW signaling protocol.
   The label distribution message used MUST be of the Generalized PW ID
   FEC Element (FEC type 129), with AGI set equal to the VPNID specified
   in the JOIN message, and SAII and TAII set to zero.  AIIs are not
   needed for VPLS since packets received at the PE with the label
   mapped to the VPLS instance, since the Ethernet frame is sent to a
   bridging function that decides to which CE the frame needs to be

   Once the PE that had sent the JOIN message receives the mapping
   message with an AGI matching the VPNID, it adds the remote PE to its
   VPN-PE table, allocates and sends back a PW label using the
   Generalized PW ID FEC Element.  This process is repeated for all PEs
   in the VPN.

   When a PE needs to leave a VPLS instance, it sends the LEAVE TLV to
   all PEs to which it is connected that participate in the given VPN.
   The format of the TLV is identical to the JOIN format, except for the
   TYPE value, and not having any optional parameters.  LEAVE messages
   are similar to label RELEASE, but specifies a VPNID instead of a FEC.

   When a PE receives a LEAVE message it checks the VPNIDs of all the
   VPLS instances to which it belongs.  If it finds a match, it frees
   the corresponding PW label and sends a label WITHDRAWAL message.

5.  Other Cases

   The previous section dealt with signaling required for autodiscovery
   and setting up of PWs for the simple VPLS case.  In this section we
   will extend this treatment to other cases, namely HVPLS [VPLS-LDP],
   multisegment VPLS based on multisegment PWs [MSPWs], and VPWS.

   In the HVPLS case the MTU originates the JOIN and LEAVE messages, but
   it can send these only to the PE to which it is connected.  The PE,
   upon receiving a JOIN request, performs any authentication that is
   required, and then notes the MTU's VPN participation in a VPN-MTU
   table.  It then forwards the JOIN request to all the PEs with which
   it maintains LDP sessions.  A PE receiving such a request checks its
   VPN-MTU tables for membership, and if finding that its participation
   is required adds the originating PE to its VPN-PE table, and send a
   label mapping message back.  Note that it does not need to inform

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   attached MTUs of the new association, as this will be automatically
   learned by the bridging function.  If BGP is running between the PEs,
   then [BGP-AUTO] could also be used.

   When the originating PE receives a label mapping with AGI indicating
   that it is in response to the previously sent JOIN, it adds the
   remote PE to its VPN-PE table, and returns a label mapping message
   with the same AGI to set up the other direction.

   For the multisegment case the S-PE is required to forward JOIN
   messages between the two segments (in both directions).  The
   assumption here is that LDP sessions are already running between the
   U-PEs and their related S-PEs.  Although there may be many S-PEs
   between a pair of domains, it is sufficient for a single S-PE to be
   designated as the point of contact between each pair of domains for
   the purpose of autodiscovery.  When a PE in one domain wants to join
   a VPLS that extends over multiple domains, it sends JOIN messages
   with a globally unique VPNID to all VPLS-capable PEs in its domain,
   and to all S-PEs.  The S-PEs forward the JOIN messages in their
   respective domains.  A receiving PE in the same domain as the
   originating PE sends its label mapping back to the originating PE.  A
   PE in a different domain sends its label mapping to an S-PE, using
   whatever mechanism is selected by the PWE3 WG for multisegment PW
   setup.  If BGP is running between the PEs, then [BGP-AUTO] could also
   be used.

   Although the scalability problem is less for VPWS, it may be
   necessary to use the mechanism described herein in order to set up a
   large number of point to point PWs.  We shall deal solely with the
   single segment case, although a similar method is applicable VPWS
   based on MS-PWs.

   When the PW can be uniquely identified by a 32-bit identifier, it is
   sufficient to use the PWid FEC Element; the problem arises when we
   wish to use a meaningful VPNID.  In this case either side can send a
   JOIN message containing the VPNID as AGI and an AII indication as an
   optional parameter to all relevant PEs.  The PE receiving the JOIN
   which itself wishes to be part of that PW returns a generalized PW ID
   label mapping with the VPNID as AGI, SAII as locally identified, and
   TAII as received in the JOIN message.

6.  Security Considerations

   Security mechanisms are important for all automatic admission
   mechanisms, and for VPNs the issues of security are paramount.  The
   responsibility for admission into a VPN rests with the service
   provider, as this security is an integral part of the "private
   service" being offered.

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   In order to provide a pseudo-private service, the provider MUST check
   the authorization of any request to join a VPN, and MUST ensure that
   the packets are only delivered to the proper remote CE.

   By using manual provisioning of the CE-PE portion of the VPN the
   first component of the joining can be made relatively safe.
   Mechanization of the PE to PE connection component eliminates errors,
   and thus mitigates security problems of the second type.

   It is recommended that LDP authentication methods be utilized to
   deter unauthorized parties joining a VPLS instance.

7.  IANA Considerations

   In order to implement the LDP extensions defined here, we will need
   two new LDP types, one for the VPN JOIN and one for the VPN LEAVE

8.  References

8.1  Normative References
   [ETHERNET-PW] "Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet Frames
      Over IP/MPLS Networks", September 2004,
      draft-ietf-pwe3-ethernet-encap-08.txt (Work In Progress)
   [LDP] Andersson, et al., "LDP Specification", RFC 3036
   [MPLS] RFC 3032 "MPLS Label Stack Encoding"
   [PWE-CONTROL] "Pseudowire Setup and Maintenance using LDP", March
      2005, draft-ietf-pwe3-control-protocol-16.txt (Work In Progress)
   [VPLS-LDP] "Virtual Private LAN Services over MPLS", Month 200x,
      draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-ldp-0n.txt (Work In Progress)
   [VPNID] RFC 2685 "Virtual Private Networks Identifier", September

8.2  Informative References
   [BGP-AUTO] "Using BGP as an Auto-Discovery Mechanism for Network-
      based VPNs", draft-ietf-l3vpn-bgpvpn-auto-05.txt (Work In
   [MSPWs] "Pseudo Wire Switching",
      draft-martini-pwe3-pw-switching-03.txt (Work In Progress)
   [RADIUS-AUTO] "Radius/L2TP Based VPLS",
      draft-ietf-l2vpn-l2tp-radius-00.txt (Work In Progress)
   [VPLS-BGP] "Virtual Private LAN Service", Month 200x,
      draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-bgp-0n.txt (Work In Progress)

9.  Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank Yuri Gittik and Philippe Niger for
   interesting discussions and valuable contributions to the work herein

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Authors' Addresses

   Yaakov (J) Stein
   RAD Data Communications
   24 Raoul Wallenberg St., Bldg C
   Tel Aviv  69719

   Phone: +972 3 645-5389

   Simon Delord
   France Telecom
   2 av. Pierre Marzin
   Lannion  22300


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   Internet Society.

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