Internet DRAFT - draft-stephan-cdni-usecases-metadata


Network Working Group                                         E. Stephan
Internet-Draft                                               G. Bertrand
Intended status: Standards Track                                F. Fieau
Expires: April 26, 2012                                         R. Pages
                                                   France Telecom Orange
                                                        October 24, 2011

                   metadata for CDNs Interconnection


   There are use cases where the delivery of contents by a CDN on the
   behalf of another requires the exchange of extra information between
   these CDNs.  This memo proposes a RESTful framework for the exchange
   of content distribution metadata between an upstream and a downstream
   CDN.  Then it applies this framework to the use cases selected by te
   CDNi WG [I-D.ietf-cdni-use-cases] to identify relevant operations,
   objects and information elements of the CDNi metadata interface and
   to verify that the RESTful approach suits for these operations.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 26, 2012.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the

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   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.1.  Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Content Distribution Metadata Framework  . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     2.1.  Introduction to Content Distribution Metadata  . . . . . .  6
       2.1.1.  HTTP Adaptive Streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       2.1.2.  IPTV CoD content distribution metadata . . . . . . . .  7
       2.1.3.  SNIA CDMI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     2.2.  Framework for exchanging CDmD  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.2.1.  RESTful design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.2.2.  Push of CDmD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
       2.2.3.  Datamodeling Language  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
       2.2.4.  On-the-fly vs Batch CDmD Exchange  . . . . . . . . . .  9
       2.2.5.  Objects Extension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       2.2.6.  Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       2.2.7.  Main Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     2.3.  Bootstrapping of the CDmD interface  . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     2.4.  Comparison of CDNi CDmD and SNIA/CDMI  . . . . . . . . . . 16
   3.  Metadata exchanged for CDNi use cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     3.1.  Example of Initialization of the CDmD exchange . . . . . . 17
     3.2.  Footprint Extension Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       3.2.1.  Geographic Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       3.2.2.  Inter-Affiliates Interconnection . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       3.2.3.  On-Net Delivery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
       3.2.4.  Nomadic Users  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     3.3.  Offload Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       3.3.1.  Overload Handling and Dimensioning . . . . . . . . . . 24
       3.3.2.  Resiliency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     3.4.  CDN Capability Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       3.4.1.  Device and Network Technology Extension  . . . . . . . 30
       3.4.2.  Technology and Vendor Interoperability . . . . . . . . 33
       3.4.3.  Dynamic QoE and QoS improvement  . . . . . . . . . . . 35
   4.  Discussions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     4.1.  JSON reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     4.2.  Network and infrastructure Metadata  . . . . . . . . . . . 37
   5.  Inputs for the next version  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     5.1.  Requirement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
   6.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
   7.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
   8.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
   9.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     9.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     9.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
   Appendix A.  GPX XML Schema fields exensibility  . . . . . . . . . 40
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

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1.  Introduction

   There are use cases where the delivery of contents by a CDN on the
   behalf of another requires the exchange of extra information between
   these CDNs.  This memo proposes a RESTful framework for the exchange
   of content distribution metadata between an upstream and a downstream
   CDN.  Then it applies this framework to the use cases selected by te
   CDNi WG [I-D.ietf-cdni-use-cases] to identify relevant operations,
   objects and information elements of the CDNi metadata interface and
   to verify that the RESTful approach suits for these operations.

   This document does not study all the metadata to be exchanged on the
   CDNi interface.  It focuses on the specification of the exchange of
   content distribution metadata between an upstream CDN and a
   downstream CDN when the upstream CDN decides to distribute contents
   through this downstream CDN.

   This draft compliments the works done by Ben in
   [I-D.jenkins-cdni-metadata] and Kevin in [].

1.1.  Terminology

   The document reuses terminology defined by CDNi WG documents
   [I-D.ietf-cdni-problem-statement] and [I-D.ietf-cdni-requirements].

   The call flows of this document uses the following abbreviations for
   the interfaces (Control, Metadata, Request Routing, Logging) of the
   CDNi solution:

      - Metadata interface: Mi

      - Request Routing interface: RRi

      - Content Acquisition interface: CAi

      - Control interface: CTi

   Content distribution metadata:

   Information communicated by the upstream CDN to the downstream CDN
   that must be enforced by the downstream CDN to distribute contents on
   the behalf of the upstream CDN.  The document uses the abbreviations

   Push or Pull of metadata:

   The upstream CDN associates the delegation of the distribution of
   contents with metadata to provide the downstream CDN with the

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   information needed to distribute the content according to the rules
   determined by the upstream CDN.

      - A metadata is pushed on the CDNi Mi when the operation is
      initiated by the upstream CDN.

      - A metadata is pulled on the CDNi Mi when the operation is
      initiated by the downstream CDN.


   The delay between the request of a service and the delivery of the
   service (e.g. the delay between the selection of a VoD by an eyeball
   and the display of the first picture of this VoD).

   information element (IE):

   Piece of information of the information model.


   IE which can be individually operated through the metadata interface:
   created, read, modified and deleted.

   Main objects:

   IE which are addressable and can be individually created or deleted.

   Ancillary objects:

   Addressable IE which can be downloaded or modified individually.


   IE that can not be individually addressed.

   Sparse and dense mode:

   The intensity of usage of a CDN interconnection may differ

      - A CDN interconnection is said 'sparse' when dCDN rarely
      distribute contents on the behalf of uCDN.

      - A CDN interconnection is said 'dense' when dCDN intensively
      distribute contents on the behalf of uCDN.

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2.  Content Distribution Metadata Framework

   This section presents existing metadata related to the distribution
   of contents then it defines the framework for exchanging metadata on
   the CDNi Mi interface.

2.1.  Introduction to Content Distribution Metadata

   Metadata is defined literally as 'data about data'.  Practically it
   represents structured data about resources that help operating these
   resources.  They may be stored in a file which captures the
   characteristics of a resource or dynamically generated like the
   sitemap of a WEB site.  Metadata are designed according to the
   operational requirements of a domain.  MPEG21, MPEG 7, TVAnyTime,
   DublinCore and Atom are notorious examples for the content domain.

   Following are metadata directly tied to the content distribution

2.1.1.  HTTP Adaptive Streaming

   HTTP adaptive streaming services distribute content in segments.  The
   segments provide boundaries for performing rate adaptation.  The
   segments are described as URL in manifest files.

   There are several HTTP adaptive streaming:

      - HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) [I-D.pantos-http-live-streaming] uses
      a hierarchy of m3u8 playlists pointing to individual segment files
      or other m3u8 playlists;

      - Smooth Streaming [IIS-Smooth-Streaming] uses a set of XML files
      to describe the media source;

      - HTTP Dynamic Streaming [Flash-Media-Manifest] uses the flash
      media manifest file XML format;

      - Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP [MPEG-DASH]
      [ETSI-3GP-DASH-R10] also supports an XML manifest format;

   These manifest files contain metadata about the organization of the
   content being delivered.  This may include the location of the
   content as well as the order in which it is likely to be retrieved.

   CDNs uses the CDNi metadata interface to exchange information on HAS
   streams to prepare their delivery.  This encompasses the exchange of
   information about the delivery and the update of the manifest file.

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2.1.2.  IPTV CoD content distribution metadata

   IPTV services distributes the technical information of the
   distribution of a content in metadata.  They provide the terminal
   with the technical information for accessing to the content.

   [DVB-IP-TV] specification includes the specification of the metadata
   for scheduling and for the controlling the regionalization of the
   distribution of a content.

   Part 'A' of the specification of TV-Anytime metadata [TVA-CD-mD]
   specifies XML objects describing the parameters of a content
   distribution.  'ProgramLocationType' describes the content and where
   it must be distributed.  'ScheduleEventType' describes when the
   content must be distributed.  These metadata are used in OIPF
   specifications.  Before receiving a content an Open IPTV Terminal
   (OITF) receives technical information from the OIPF IPTV platform.
   The information is sent at the format of TV-Anytime XSD.

   [I-D.thompson-cdni-atis-scenarios] presents the CoD service specified
   by ATIS [ATIS-0800042] .  The metadata (namely Media Resource
   Metadata) are specified in a XML schema.

2.1.3.  SNIA CDMI

   CDMI [SNIA-CDMI-1.0] defines the functional interface that
   applications will use to create, retrieve, update and delete data

2.2.  Framework for exchanging CDmD

   This section presents the framework.

2.2.1.  RESTful design

   In a CDNi interconnection dCDN provides the content distribution
   service to uCDN.  Contents and Content Distribution metadata are
   going from uCDN to dCDN.

   The framework is based on a RESTful model:

      - dCDN is the server and uCDN is the client;

      - The default protocol of CDNi Metadata interface is HTTP
      [RFC2616] over a secure transport layer like TLS 1.1 [RFC4346].

      - uCDN uses the HTTP requests PUT, POST, GET, HEAD and DELETE
      methods to manage all the live cycle of the metadata;

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      - CDNi metadata interface does not define new methods than those
      of HTTP;

      - The CDmD uploaded by uCDN are not accessible to other CDNs which
      interconnect with dCDN too.

2.2.2.  Push of CDmD

   CDmD operations occurs at various states of the distribution of a

      - CDNi interconnection bootstrapping;

      - Set up of a the delivery of a content or a group of content;

      - Modification of the CDmD of a content or of a group of content;

      - Reception of a request routing from an eyeball (before, during
      or after its redirection by uCDN to dCDN);

      - Purge of a content;

   Section 3 of the draft checks that the push mode covers the
   situations presented in the use cases selected by the WG CDNi.  It
   allows uCDN to synchronize the CDmD operations with the CSP queries.


   Pull mode might be used too but it does not cover any situations and
   comes at the expense of an increase of the time-to-service (see
   [I-D.stiemerling-cdni-routing-cons]) and of the burstiness of the
   signalling on the CDNi interfaces.  Furthemore when uCDN has to
   reflect content distribution demands of its CSP it does not provide
   uCDN with a simple mechanism to send CDmD to dCDN.  Consequently the
   usage of pull mode requires some push mode too and increases the
   metadata interface complexity.

2.2.3.  Datamodeling Language

   Existing content distribution metadata are generally specified in XML
   schema.  As they correspond to information describing one content
   sent to an eyeball they do not correspond exactly to the one that
   should be exchanged by 2 CDNs:

      - Content acquisition between 2 CDNs differs from content
      delivery, especially direct delivery.  A content may consists in a
      single file from the acquisition perspective (e.g. zipped) while
      being delivered to the end-user in small files, e.g.  VOD HAS

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      - Scalability: CD mD are send mostly individually to eyeball
      terminals.  An efficient CDNi metadata interface requires the
      grouping of the exchange of metadata between the 2 CDNs;

   The data modeling is based on XML schema.  Several languages are
   canditate for exchanging information.

      - XML: Intensively used; XML come along with W3C XML Schema for
      specifying interfaces and XPATH to transform and selectively
      extract data out of XML document ;

      - IETF YANG/NETCONF, RFC 6020; human readable, XML and RELAX HG

      - OASIS Relax Ng;

      - JSON: Intensively used; human readable; Nothing equivalent to
      XSD schema and XPATH;

2.2.4.  On-the-fly vs Batch CDmD Exchange

   CDmD exchange (same applies for Content acquisition and purge) is
   said to be Batch when the preparation or the endding of the
   distribution of a content over the CDN interconnection is not timely
   correlated with the delivery of the content to the eyeball.

   CDmD exchange is said to be on-the-fly when it is triggered by the
   arrival of a request routing query from an eyeball on the RRi of uCDN
   or dCDN.

   Information elements:

   On-the-fly actions are very demanding in terms of processing and
   signaling.  A CDN may not support them or all of them. the capability
   object reflects the capability of a given CDN to support them:

      - CDmD Exchange mode: the mode supported, either batch or on-the-

      - Content acquisition mode: the mode supported, either batch or

      - CDmD deletion mode: the mode supported, either batch or on-the-

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      -CDmD purge mode: the mode supported, either batch or on-the-fly;


   The list of flags above is not be exaustive.  Overspecifying the
   capabilities (i.e. splitting the description of one capability in 2
   flags) will not arm the CDNi performance.  As an example CDmD
   Exchange mode can be split in 'CDmD' reception mode' (able to receive
   on the fly or not) and 'CDmD sending mode' (may send on the fly or

   uCDN must exchange similar information to the dCDN must inform of its
   capabilities to.

2.2.5.  Objects Extension

   CDNs interoperate to distribute content services that may require
   specific metadata.  Consequently each main object is extensible and
   includes per

   design a field 'extension' for this purpose.  GPX XML schema uses
   this approach (See Annex A).  The extension field can be used to
   carry opaque information as requested by [].


   In GPX schema each field is extensible.  Will all the objects of the
   CDNi Mi datamodel be extensible?

2.2.6.  Operations

   This section presents Mi operations triggered by uCDN (with effect in
   the dCDN).  Creation of Object

   uCDN uses the HTTP method PUT to create metadata in main objects in

   on success dCDN returns 201 'Created'.

   When dCDN detects a format error it returns an HTTP error 400 'Bad

   When dCDN does not support the metadata object received it returns
   the HTTP error 403 'Forbidden'.

   When dCDN received a PUT method for the creation of a object that is

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   not supported it shall return the method 405 'Method Not Allowed'.

   When dCDN receives an object that uCDN is not authorize to create it
   returns the HTTP error 401 'Unauthorized'.  Update of an object

   uCDN uses the method POST to update an addressable object in dCDN.

   on success dCDN returns 200 'OK'.

   [edit] add error cases  Consultation of an Object

   uCDN requests the value of an object using a HTTP GET method.

   When the object exists and is addressable dCDN returns the value of

   when the object does not exist uCDN returns 410 'Gone'  Deletion of an Object

   uCDN uses the HTTP method DELETE to remove the CD metadata from the
   dCDN. dCDN removes the object and returns HTTP '201' OK.

   The deletion of CDmD metadata is performed by content or by set of
   contents.  As an example, individual deletion happens when a CoD
   content is removed from a catalogue, and a set of deletion happens
   when a CoD is stored in fragments corresponding to chapters.

   Check of deletion:

   uCDN checks the deletion with a HTTP GET asking for the object that
   have be deleted. dCDN should return 410 'Gone'.


   The purge of the content is not in the scope of the MI interface.
   Nevertheless the deletetion of the CDmD of a content is coupled with
   the purge of the content.

2.2.7.  Main Objects

   The metadata interface is designed to operate main objects.  It
   provides operations to fully (create, delete..) manage main objects,
   to modify objects but it does not support atomic management of scalar

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   parameters.  As an example the WG may decide that the 'start of
   delivery' of a content metadata can not be modified atomically, i.e.
   without modifying the content object.  It is up to the CDNi WG to
   determine the level of each information elements.  Nevertheless for
   the sake of interoperability the number of operations has to be

   The data model is made of objects connected by the operations needed
   by the interconnection.  A main object is an item that can be created
   and deleted independently of the others.  As an example, geographic
   areas are complex objects that are managed individually.

   The study made in section 3 identifies the following object
   organisation.  It does not specify a datamodel.  It gathers the
   information elements identified in section 3 to ease the reading and
   the specification of the call flow and of the operations:

   Main object 'content' :

      - A group of pieces of content.

      - Operations:

         - uCDN creates a content;

         - uCDN adds a piece of content in a content;

         - uCDN deletes a piece of content from a content;

         - uCDN updates the parameters

      - IEs:

         - content activation;

         - content deactivation;

         - expiration times;

         - cache invalidation and removal intervals;

         - source URL

         - backup source URL;

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         - auto_purge_delay;

         - minimal_storage_duration: duration of the storage of a

         - immediat_acquisition: flag requesting that dCDN must start
         the acquisition triggered on reception of the content metadata;

         - 'extension'

   Main object 'region' :

      - standard administrative names of geographic area like country,
      region,... like defined ISO 3166-2.

      - Operations:

         - uCDN gets the name of regions predefined by dCDN.

         - uCDN creates a logical region made of a subset of names
         predefined by uCDN;

         - uCDN gets, modifies, deletes a logical region.

         - uCDN gets the regions where dCDN supports on net delivery;

         - uCDN gets the network prefixes of a region where dCDN
         supports on net delivery;

      - IEs

         - Names of geographic areas like countries, part of country,
         district, city...

         - on_net flag: indicates the support or not of on-net delivery
         : 'full', 'partial' or 'none';

         - on_net_geoIP;

         - Capacity:peak (unit, value), sustainable: (unit, value);
         duration (start, end);

         - 'extension'

   Object 'Geoloc':

      - Detailed network information on a region.  Lookup information
      resolving the localisation of a host based on its network address.

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      CDNs embed geoIP database and are usually able to resolve geoIP
      localisation without exchanging Geolocalisation information.
      Nevertheless several use cases require the exchange of the
      addresses of the eyeball networks that a CDN covers.

      - Operations:

         uCDN gets the Geoloc of a region.

      - IEs

         - IP prefixes


   Main object 'dCDNcaps'

      - Operations:

         uCDN gets dCDN capablities.

      - IEs

         - URL_format;

         - token_format

         - regions: details of dCDN footprints.  A set of names of
         geographic area like country, region,..

         - capacity

         - interconnection capability,

            - CDmD_exchange_mode: 'batch', 'on-the-fly' or 'both';

            - CDmD_deletion_mode: 'batch', 'on-the-fly' or 'both';

            - CDmD purge mode: 'batch', 'on-the-fly' or 'both';

            - Content acquisition mode: 'batch', 'on-the-fly or 'both'';

            - 'extension'

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   Main object 'uCDNcaps'

      - Operations:

         uCDN creates and sets an uCDNcaps object on dCDN Mi interface.

      - IEs

         - on_dCDN_failure_FQDN: FQDN of the uCDN RRi which handles the
         redirection on failure of the redirection by dCDN.

         backupCDN: FQDN of a content acquisition backup;

         - bursty_ interconnection: a flag saying that the
         interconnection is very bursty;


2.3.  Bootstrapping of the CDmD interface

   This section makes the asumption that uCDN and dCDN have an technical
   agreement which defines the usage of dCDN resources by uCDN and
   exchanged bootstrapping information like RRi and CAi server
   addressesof whole CDNi bootstrapping on the control interface or

   The initialization of the Metadata interface includes the steps below

   1.  dCDN grants uCDN with the right to connect, upload and download
       CDmD on its metadata interface;

   2.  dCDN initiates its capabilities objects according to the
       technical agreement it has with uCDN;

   3.  uCDN connects to dCDN CDmD server;

   4.  uCDN gets dCDN capabilities;

   5.  uCDN setups high level CDmD in dCDN;

   6.  Setup of objects needed during the duration of the
       interconnection (e.g. a group of content that may be modified but
       unlikely deleted);

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   The boundary between the information needed by the control interface
   and the Mi interface is not clear.  Some IEs may be needed on both
   (e.g. the RRi server of a region).

2.4.  Comparison of CDNi CDmD and SNIA/CDMI

   Follwing is a list of points above which are already specified by the
   the CDMI interface [SNIA-CDMI-1.0]:

      - Both are client/server and RESTful;

      - Both requires metadata extensibility (section 16.2);

      - CDMi reuses HTTP 1.1 primitives and error codes to implement the

      - Secure Transport;

      - both must balance between XML and JSON;

      - Same operations:

         - discovery of capabilities;

         - creation

         - deletion;

         - read;

   Most of the aspects of the CDNi Mi are included in CDMI.  A deeper
   insight is needed to determine if CDNi Mi can be specified as a
   subset of CDMI where uCDN uses the Data Storage Interface and dCDN
   acts in the role of providing a Data Storage Interface.

3.  Metadata exchanged for CDNi use cases

   [I-D.ietf-cdni-use-cases] presents realistic situations between 2
   CDNs where the downstream CDN ingests and delivers contents on the
   behalf of the upstream CDN.  This section studies the exchange of
   metadata for these situations.  Each subsection presents the exchange
   of content distribution metadata for one use case.

   Only one example of call flow is shown per use case.  DNS steps are
   not represented to simplify the call flows.  They are discussed in

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3.1.  Example of Initialization of the CDmD exchange

   This section makes the asumption that uCDN and dCDN have an technical
   agreement which defines the usage of dCDN resources by uCDN.  It
   gathers CDmD exchanges used by several call flows.

   The initialization of the Metadata interface is as follow :

   1.  dCDN grants uCDN with the right to connect, upload and download
       CDmD on its metadata interface;

   2.  dCDN initiates its capabilities objects according to the
       technical agreement it has with uCDN;

   3.  uCDN connects to dCDN CDmD server;

   4.  uCDN gets dCDN capabilities;

   5.  uCDN setups high level CDmD in dCDN;

   6.  optionally, uCDN setups objects it is likely to need during the
       duration of the interconnection (e.g. a group of content that may
       be modified but unlikely deleted);

   Following is an example of call flow for the initialization of the
   metadata interface.

         dCDN                                               uCDN
          |                                                   |
          |                                                   |
          |                 HTTP GET dCDNcaps                 |
          |  200 OK, {regions {France, Italie, Spain...}...}  |
          |                                                   |
          |                                                   |
          |    HTTP PUT region/BigCities {Paris, Rennes}      |
          |                       200 OK                      |

   Figure 1, Initialization of the Mi interface

   1.  uCDN requests the details of the footprint where it is allowed to
       distribute contents;

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   2.  dCDN returns the list of the countries;

   3.  uCDN creates a logical region named 'BigCities'.  It initialize
       this region with 2 towns 'Paris' and 'Rennes' which are not
       geographically close;

   4.  dCDN accepts the creation;

3.2.  Footprint Extension Use Cases

   At first approach the CD metadata required to setup a footprint
   extension are intuitive.  The uCDN simply indicates the geographic
   area to dCDN.  Nevertheless there is a need of CDmD for controlling
   explicitly the delivery because dCDN is not aware of the constraints
   that apply to the contents.

3.2.1.  Geographic Extension

   in this use case uCDN interconnects with dCDN to extend its footprint
   to 2 countries covered by dCDN.  Once the footprint extension setup
   achieved the RRi function of uCDN will be able to redirect the
   requests coming from the prefixes of these 2 coutries to dCDN RRi


   the initialization of the Mi has be done previously as per the call
   flow of section 2.4: uCDN got the list of the countries of the
   footprint. dCDN initialized the main objects Italie and Spain.

   Information elements:

   Geographic capabilities are high level Geographic information like
   the name of well known areas, country, region, district, city...


      - Get the list of regions;

      - Create a content;

      - Initialize the contents to be distributed in a region;

      - Create a region;

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        dCDN                                               uCDN
         |                                                   |
         |                                                   |
         |    HTTP PUT content/Series {Lost53, DocHouse78}   |
         |                  201 Created                      |
         |                                                   |
         |    HTTP POST content/Series/region Italie         |
         |                    200 OK                         |
         |                                                   |
         |   HTTP POST content/Series/region Spain           |
         |                    200 OK                         |

   Figure 2, Geographic Extension

   The initialization of the Mi is done according to the first call flow

   1.  uCdn create the content 'Series' and initializes it with the
       pieces of contents 'Lost53' and 'DocHouse78'

   2.  dCDN accepts the creation;

   3.  uCDN adds this content in the region 'Italie' predefined by dCDN.

   4.  dCDN accepts the adding;

   5.  uCDN adds this content in the region 'Spain' predefined by dCDN.

   6.  dCDN accepts the adding;


   uCDN might create a logical region 'South' initialized with 'Italy'
   and 'Spain' before step 1.  This avoids steps 3 and 4.

   Grouping CDmD may lead to complex processing and signaling when dCDN
   rejects the delivery of a subset of the contents.

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3.2.2.  Inter-Affiliates Interconnection

   This use case covers the interconnection of CDNs managed by
   subsidiaries of a large group.  For instance, it includes the
   interconnection of Orange France's and TP's CDNs, which are both part
   of the Orange group.  The trust relationship among the interconnected
   CDNs is strong in this use case.  Therefore, the CDNs can exchange
   internal dimensioning information like the number of caches, or
   detailed routing information, CDN detailed capabilities or
   performance information.

   Information elements:

   capacity { number of caches, sustainable sessions per second;
   sustainable delivery throughput...);

         dCDN                                                 uCDN
          |                                                   |
          |                                                   |
          |         HTTP GET /capacity/region/Italy           |
          |          200 OK, { cacheNumbers 300... }          |
          |                                                   |
   Figure 3, Inter-Affiliates Interconnection

   1. uCDN requests the number of caches available on a region.

   2. dCDN returns the information


   Step1 gets directly the IE 'capacity' .  In fact requesting the
   dCDNcaps at a whole may be enough to implement.  This look like a
   XPATH request.  Do we need a flag to present the level of granularity
   of the GET request ?

   Such metadata exchanges enable tied interworking between the 2 CDNs.

   At some extend, this kind of information may quickly overlap with
   monitoring information.

   The object capacity must include a field 'extension' to permit

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3.2.3.  On-Net Delivery

   In this use case uCDN wants to deliver content to eyeballs directly
   connected to dCDN networks.

   Information elements:

      - on-net flag: indicate if a region include has an on-net

      - on-net geoIP: the prefixes of network the dCDN eyeballs;


      - Get on_net regions;

      - get on_net region prefixes;

         dCDN                                                uCDN
           |        HTTP GET dCDNcaps/regions/on_net           |
           |                   200 OK, {France...}             |
           |                                                   |
           |       HTTP GET dCDNcaps/France/on_net/geoIP       |
           |          200 OK, {, ...}             |
           |                                                   |
   Figure 4, On-Net Delivery

   1-2. uCDN downloads the regions to which the dCDN can deliver on-net.
   This information enables the uCDN to know which areas are served.

   3-4. uCDN gets the prefixes.  Then it adapts its CDN selection
   policies to guarantee that the content will always be delivered on
   net, with the best performance (i.e. uCDN redirects to dCDN only the
   content requests coming from eyeball located on dCDN networks) .

3.2.4.  Nomadic Users

   This use case considers that the initialisation of the Mi has been
   done before as per section 3.1.


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   For optimization reasons uCDN and dCDN did not provision the
   distribution of the content by dCDN.  Consequently the CDmD of the
   content and the content are exchanged on-the-fly between the 2 CDNs
   and the content is purged at the end of the delivery.

   information element:

   o  synchonous purge: a flag which indicate that the purge must be
      done at the end of the delivery after a reasonable (from cache
      algo point of view) delay

   o  a timer of a a reasonable delay;

   o  on the fly acquisition: flag indicating that dCDN supports or not
      on the fly content acquisition;


      - Push of per content metadata in dCDN;

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 End-User               dCDN                                   uCDN
 terminal                                                  Mi   RRi CAi

      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |                  | HTTP GET ucdn/series/Lost65      |   |   |
   (1)|-------------------------------------------------------->|   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |                  |  POST content/Lost65/region      |   |   |
      |                  | { BigCities, purge_delay= 300s } |   |   |
      |                  |<---------------------------------|(2)|   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |               (3)|--------------------------------->|   |   |
      |                  |             200 OK               |   |   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |                  |      HTTP GET content/Lost65     |   |   |
      |               (4)|----------------------------------------->|
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |                  302 redirect to dCDN               |   |   |
      |<----------------------------------------------------|(5)|   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |                  |   200 OK, Lost65 data            |   |   |
      |                  |<-----------------------------------------|(6)
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      | HTTP GET Lost65  |                                  |   |   |
   (7)|----------------->|                                  |   |   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |200 OK,Lost65 data|                                  |   |   |
      |<-----------------|(8)                               |   |   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |     ....(9) end of delivery ......                  |   |   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |
      |               DELETE CDmD (10)                      |   |   |
      |         deletion of the content (11)                |   |   |
      |                  |                                  |   |   |

   Figure 5, On the fly CDmD exchange for Nomadic use case

   1.   A end-user requests a content that uCDN is in charge of.

   2.   The request arrives on the request routing function of uCDN; The
        request routing logic of uCDN determines that the end-user is
        located on the footpring of dCDN; dCDN pushes the CDmD of this
        content toward dCDN.  CDmD includes information describing the
        constraint attached to the nomadic case (limited to one user,

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   3.   dCDN accepts the delivery.

   4.   dCDN starts the acquisition of the content.

   5.   UCDN redirects the request to dCDN.

   6.   CDN stores the (first part) of the content

   7.   The end-user request is received by dCDN.

   8.   dCDN starts the distribution of the content to the end-user.

   9.   The delivery achieved;

   10.  dCDN deletes of the CDmD

   11.  dCDN delete the content


   In this use case only the user considered in (5) must be served by
   dCDN. this does not means that dCDN must check the identity of the
   user in (7) because if any identity verification must be performed it
   should be checked by uCDN in (5) before the redirection.

   Most of the use cases require an Mi operation to explicitly delete
   the metadata attached to a content;

3.3.  Offload Use Cases

   This section gives examples of call flow for the offload use cases.

3.3.1.  Overload Handling and Dimensioning

   The initialization of the Mi has been done in section 3.1.

   The CDN interconnection is setup to cover unexpected peak of traffic
   in uCDN.

   Information element:

      - Content object;

      - Capacity:peak (unit, value), sustainable: (unit, value);
      duration (start, end);

      - bursty interconnection flag: a flag to clearly distinguish very
      bursty interconnection from more stable ones.

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           dCDN                                                    uCDN
             |           HTTP GET /capacity/region/Italie           |
             |        200 OK, { Italie, peak_capacity 30Gps }       |
             |                                                      |
             |           HTTP PUT /capacity/region/Italie           |
             |         { capacity 5Gps, start 20h, end 22h }        |
             |                       201 created                    |
             |                                                      |
       provisioning                                                 |
             |                                                      |
             |             POST content/Lost65/region Italie        |
             |                       201 created                    |
             |                                                      |
             |           (6) dCDN processes content requests        |
             |           delegated by uCDN during the time          |
             |           frame specified in the overload mD         |
             |                                                      |

   Figure 6, Overload handling, planned traffic peak

   1. uCDN downloads dCDN overload traffic handling capabilities (may be
   downloaded during bootstrapping).  This information enables the uCDN
   to know how much traffic it can delegate to the dCDN.

   2. uCDN creates capacity request mD.  This enables the dCDN to know
   how much traffic and the period of traffic the uCDN will delegate to
   the dCDN and (e.g., for planned traffic peaks, or planned offload for
   maintenance operations).

   3. dCDN acknowledges that it understands and agrees to the overload
   mD.  Then it provisions the ressources.

   4. uCDN creates geographic content delivery restrictions CDmD pushing
   the CSP related policies to dCDN.  This enables the dCDN to know to
   which areas it must or must not deliver every piece of content.

   5. dCDN acknowledges that it understands and accpepts the CDmD.

   Notes: if the dCDN cannot or does not want to fulfill the capacity
   request, it will response with an HTTP error message such as a 403
   forbidden.  This use case covers the failure of delivery resources.
   It assumes that the uCDN is still able to redirect requests to the

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   dCDN, but not to serve all the requests by itself.


   This use case highlights the information elements of a regular CDNi
   interconnection (even if peak and sustainable value are extremely
   different in an Offload situation).

3.3.2.  Resiliency  Failure of Content Delivery Resources

   uCDN interconnects with dCDN1 and dCDN2 to guarantee service
   continuity when dCDN1 can not handle the delivery.

   The call flow below presents the situation where dCDN1 encounters an
   overload problem or a failure before beginning the delivery and
   cannot serve the content to the UE.


   dCDN1 and dCDN2 have similar footprint. uCDN already pushed the CDmD
   of the content named Lost65 both on dCDN1 and dCDN2. n normal
   situation dCDN1 distributes the content 'Lost65' and already made the
   acquisition of the content Lost65.

   Information elements:

      on_dCDN_failure_FQDN: FQDN of the uCDN RRi which handles the
      redirection on failure of the redirection function of dCDN.

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End-User              dCDN1          dCDN2                      uCDN
                                                             RRi  CAi
   |                    |              |                      |    |
   |        HTTP GET content/Lost65    |                      |    |
   |--------------------------------------------------------->|(1) |
   |                    |              |                      |    |
   |        HTTP 302, redirect dCDN1   |                      |    |
   |<---------------------------------------------------------|(2) |
   |                    |              |                      |    |
   |    HTTP GET Lost65 |              |                      |    |
   |------------------->|(3)           |                      |    |
   |                    |              |                      |    |
   |                   (4)             |                      |    |
   |     Failure or overload detection |                      |    |
   |                    |              |                      |    |
   | HTTP 302 redirect  |              |                      |    |
   |   |              |                      |    |
   |<-------------------|(5)           |                      |    |
   |                    |              |                      |    |
   |           HTTP GET                  |    |
(6)|--------------------------------------------------------->|    |
   |                                   |                      |    |
   |                HTTP 302, redirect dCDN2                  |    |
   |<---------------------------------------------------------|(7) |
   |        HTTP GET Lost65            |                      |    |
(8)|---------------------------------->|                      |    |
   |                                   |    HTTP GET Lost65   |    |
   |                                (9)|-------------------------->|
   |                                   |                      |    |
   |                                   |  HTTP 200 OK, Lost65 |    |
   |                                   |<--------------------------|(10)
   |            HTTP 200 OK, Lost65    |                      |    |
   |<----------------------------------|(11)                  |    |
   |                                   |                      |    |
   Figure 7, Failure of Content Delivery Resources

   1.  A end-user requests a content that uCDN is in charge of;

   2. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN1;

   3.  The end-user request is received by dCDN1;

   4. dCDN detects a failure or a lack of ressource on its delivery;

   5. dCDN1 redirects the EU request to a dedicaced FQDN RRi of uCDN
   which handles the failure of delivery;

   6.  The end-user request is received by uCDN on this special FQDN

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   (Editor notes: solution already presented in another draft: include
   the reference);

   7. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN2;

   8.  The end-user request is received by dCDN2;

   9. dCDN2 starts the acquisition of the content;

   10. dCDN2 stores the content;

   11. dCDN2 sends the content to the EU;


   Direct redirection between dCDN1 and dCDN2 may reduce the redirection
   duration. it requires the exchange of more CDmD and hides the failure
   of the delivery to uCDN.

   In this use case the detection of the failure happens before the
   selection of the delivery node.  In case of failure during the
   delivery, dCDN should send a message to uCDN on the control
   interface.  Failure of Content Acquisition


   uCDN interconnects with dCDN1 and dCDN2 for the delivery of the
   content 'Lost65'.

   dCDN2 already made its acquisition and keep a copy.

   uCDN setups dCDN2 as a backup solution for the acquisition of

   Information element :

      - backupCDN: FQDN of a content acquisition backup says that the
      upstream CDN provides (or not) a backup for the acquisition of the
      content it is requesting the distribution.

      - storage_duration: duration of the storage of a content.Flag of
      the content object to request that the dCDN keep a copy of the
      content during a period of time after acquisition (or after the
      last delivery);

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      - immediat_acquisition: flag requesting that dCDN must start the
      acquisition triggered on reception of the content metadata;


 End-User              dCDN1          dCDN2                  uCDN Origin
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |                    |  HTTP PUT uCDNcaps/backupCDN dCDN2  |    |
    |                    |<------------------------------------|(1) |
    |                    |            200 OK                   |    |
    |                 (2)|------------------------------------>|    |
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |                HTTP GET content/Lost65                   |    |
    |--------------------------------------------------------->|(3) |
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |                 HTTP 302, redirect dCDN1                 |    |
    |<---------------------------------------------------------|(4) |
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |  HTTP GET Lost65   |              |                      |    |
 (5)|------------------->|              |                      |    |
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |                    |      HTTP GET  Lost65               |    |
    |                 (6)|----------------------------------------->|
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |            Failure X (7)          |                      |    |
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    | 302 redirect dCDN2 |              |                      |    |
    |<-------------------|(8)           |                      |    |
    |                    |              |                      |    |
    |     HTTP GET content/Lost65       |                      |    |
    |---------------------------------->|(9)                   |    |
    |             200 OK, C1            |                      |    |
    |<----------------------------------|(10)                  |    |
   Figure 8, Failure of Content Acquisition

   1.uCDN setups the backup CDN.

   2. dCDN1 accepts.

   3.  End-user requests the content Lost65.

   4. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN1.

   5.  The end-user request is received by dCDN1

   6. dCDN1 starts the acquisition of the content.

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   7.  The acquisition fails

   8. dCDN1 redirects the UE to dCDN2 because uCDN provided a backup.

   9.  The end-user request is received by dCDN2.

   10. dCDN2 deliver the content to the UE.


   The failure of content acquisition may be solved without redirection,
   simply with the selection of a backup acquisition server.

3.4.  CDN Capability Use Cases

3.4.1.  Device and Network Technology Extension


   uCDN only streams content using HTTP smooth streaming protocol. dCDN
   supports other protocols like MPEG-DASH.  An End-user requests a
   MPEG-DASH content that is managed by uCDN.  The uCDN and the dCDN
   have exchanged their capabilities prior the UE content request. uCDN
   has pushed content related metadata before the EU request.

   Information elements:

      - delivery methods supported (HTTP smooth streaming, MPEG-

      - networks type supported (fiber, xDSL, WiFi, 3G, LTE,...);

   The figure below presents the typical CD mD call flow:

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       dCDN                                             uCDN
        Mi                                               Mi
        |                                                 |
        |    HTTP GET dCDNcaps/technology/delivery        |
        |                                                 |
        |    HTTP 200 OK, { method { DASH, HSS, ...}      |
        |                                                 |
        |    HTTP GET dCDNcaps/technology/networks        |
        |                                                 |
        |     HTTP 200 OK, { networks { xDSL, LTE, ...}   |
        |                                                 |
        |    HTTP PUT content/lost65 { techno DASH }      |
        |                                                 |
        |                 HTTP 201 CREATED                |
        |                                                 |
   Figure 9,Device and Network Technology Extension

   1. uCDN downloads dCDN delivery technology capabilities.

   2. uCDN downloads dCDN network type capabilities.

   3. uCDN pushes the CDmD of this content toward dCDN.  CDmD includes
   information describing the constraint attached to the CDN capability
   use case.

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End-User                     dCDN                             uCDN Origin
    |                          |                             |    |
    |               HTTP GET  content/lost65                 |    |
 (1)|------------------------------------------------------->|    |
    |                          |                             |    |
    |                HTTP 302 redirect dCDN                  |    |
    |<-------------------------------------------------------|(2) |
    |                          |                             |    |
    | HTTP GET content/lost65  |                             |    |
    |------------------------->|(3)                          |    |
    |                          |                             |    |
    |                          |  HTTP GET content/lost65    |    |
    |                       (4)|--------------------------------->|
    |                          |                             |    |
    |                          |  HTTP 200 OK content/lost65 |    |
    |                          |<---------------------------------|(5)
    |                          |                             |    |
    |  200 OK content/lost65   |                             |    |
    |<-------------------------|(6)                          |    |
    |                          |                             |    |
    |                          |                             |    |
   Figure 10,Device and Network Technology Extension

   call flow:

   1.  A end-user requests a content that uCDN is in charge of.

   2. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN.

   3.  The User Equipment request is received by dCDN.

   4. dCDN starts the acquisition of the content.

   5.  CDN stores the content

   6.  The delivery achieved

   Discussion :

   Synchronous vs asynchronous : The exchange of the capabilities
   between the CDN may be done before receiving a content request or
   when receiving a content request.  This case adds delay to the
   handling of the content request.  The content related metadata may be
   provisioned before the request.

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3.4.2.  Technology and Vendor Interoperability

   In a CDN interconnection, CDN may need to exchange their
   configuration : CDN parameters, functions configuration.  Such
   information can be provided at service bootstrapping, but can also be
   provided on fly using the metadata interface.

   information elements:

   Description of a CDN:

      origin server

         orgin servers list (server name, IP)

         ingestion interface: IP addresse of the ingestion interface of
         origin server

      routing server

         list: routing server name lists

         routing interface ip: provides the routing interface IP of the
         routing server name


         format: hash algorithm used

         parameters: parameters URL used to calculate token (domain,
         keys, values)

         key: used to calculate token


         format: format of the URL

         parameters: name of the parameters

         function: name of the function (represented by parameter).
         Such function should be understood by the uCDN.

   Call flow:

   In this use case, we assume that uCDN wants to get the URL and token

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   format in order to be able to check URL and token and adapt them if
   necessary when redirecting end-users to dCDN.

      End-User                  uCDN                      dCDN
       |                           |                           |
       |                           |   GET dCDNcaps/UrlConf    |
       |                        (1)|-------------------------->|
       |                           |   200 OK, { UrlConf ...}  |
       |                        (2)|<--------------------------|
       |                           |   GET dCDNcaps/tokenConf  |
       |                        (3)|-------------------------->|
       |                           |  200 OK, { tokenConf ...} |
       |                        (4)|<--------------------------|
       |                           |                           |
       | GET content/Lost65tokenURL|                           |
    (5)|-------------------------->|                           |
       |                           |                           |
       |                        (6) url+token adaptation       |
       |   302 redirect            |                           |
    (7)|<--------------------------|                           |
       |                           |                           |
       |     GET content           |                           |
       |                           |                           |
       |     200 OK content        |                           |
       |                           |                           |

   Figure 11, Technology and Vendor Interoperability

   Call flow:

   1. uCDN requests the dCDN URL configuration metadata;

   2. dCDN answers with its URL configuration metadata;

   3 . uCDN requests the dCDN token configuration metadata;

   4. dCDN answers with the token configuration metadata (e.g.  CDN
   model hash algorithm = MD5, ciphering key = a1f4d0eab4df...)

   5.  A end-user requests a content that uCDN is in charge of.

   6.  According to information received, the uCDN adapts its policies :
   redirection, ingestion

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   7. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN.

   8.  End-user requests the dCDN to deliver content

   9. dCDN accepts the delivery.


   Security considerations:

   Most of this information can be restricted to specific CDNi members
   and subject to access control rights.  Thus members SHALL be
   authentified before accessing those data.  Requested CDN (uCDN or
   dCDN) MAY refuse access to information by issuing a 401unauthorized

3.4.3.  Dynamic QoE and QoS improvement

   In this use case, the uCDN will check if the delivery QoE of the dCDN
   is compliant with QoE of the CDNi SLA.  If not compliant, then the
   uCDN will redirect next requests to other dCDNs.


   uCDN indicates the SLA that dCDN must ensure high level QoE (no
   sessions failures, or glitches at client side).

   information elements:

      - Policy: Policy provides CDN policy to ensure QoE (typically can
      tell which specific function can be ensured by the CDN)

      - QoE: Key Performance indicator assessing the QoE (could be
      computed for instance on% gliches, % sessions failures, % access
      to service delay, etc.).

   call flow:

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       End-User                     dCDN1                     uCDN
           |                         |                         |
           |                  GET content                      |
           |                         |                         |
           |             302 Redirect to dCDN                  |
           |                         |                         |
           |     GET  content        |                         |
           |------------------------>|(3)                      |
           |                         |                         |
           |      Delivery           |                         |
           |<------------------------|(4)                      |
           |                         |                         |
           |                         |                         |
           |                         |   GET QoE Indicator     |
           |                      (5)|<------------------------|
           |                         |                         |
           |                         | 201 OK , QoE_level 1/5  |
           |                      (6)|------------------------>|
           |                         |                         |
           |                         |              redirection rules (7)
           |                         |                    modification
           |                         |                         |
      next End-User             another dCDN (dCDN2)           |
           |                         |                         |
           | content request         |                         |
           |                         |                         |
           |                         |                         |
           |------------------------>|(10)                     |
           |      Delivery           |                         |
           |<------------------------|(11)                     |
           |                         |                         |
           |                         |                         |

   Figure 12, QoE and QoS improvement

   1.  A end-user requests a content that uCDN is in charge of.

   2. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN1.

   3.  End-user requests dCDN1 to deliver content

   4. dCDN1 accepts the delivery.

   5. uCDN requests the QoE indicator from dCDN1 for ongoing delivery

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   6. dCDN1 sends the QoE level indicator.

   9. uCDN adapts its redirection rules.

   10.  Another end-user requests a content that uCDN is in charge of.

   11. uCDN redirects the request to dCDN2 with the initial QoE.

   12.  End-user requests the dCDN2 to deliver content

   13. dCDN2 accepts the delivery.


   Retrieving QoE information may need some adaptation in the player at
   client side.

   Statistics data imply logs data processing at CDN side.  Statistics
   are carried over a the monitoring interface, and therefore are not
   metadata.  There computing takes time and may delay the detection of
   the decrease of QoE.

4.  Discussions

   This section gather points to present during the meeting or to
   discuss on the ML.

4.1.  JSON reference

   What is the reference of the JSON language ? is it only [RFC4627] ?

   Is there a JSON framework for specifying things like XML Schema ?

4.2.  Network and infrastructure Metadata

   2 CDNs may desire to exchange information on the location, the
   routing, the reachability, the availability and the load of their
   ressources.  These metadata are not content distribution metadata.

5.  Inputs for the next version

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5.1.  Requirement

   Add the link toward individual entries of the requirement draft at
   the format [Req #].

   Identify and specify new requirements for

6.  IANA Considerations

   None by now.

7.  Security Considerations

   This section needs more works:

   Content distribution Metadata, include information that may ease DoS
   towards CSP or CDN infrastructures.

   Privacy: Content distribution Metadata may carry information on the
   location of the terminal

8.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Yannick Le Louedec for its reviews
   and comments.

   Part of this work is funded by the EU FP7 Ocean project.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

              Niven-Jenkins, B., Faucheur, F., and N. Bitar, "Content
              Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) Problem
              Statement", draft-ietf-cdni-problem-statement-00 (work in
              progress), September 2011.

              Leung, K. and Y. Lee, "Content Distribution Network
              Interconnection (CDNI) Requirements",
              draft-ietf-cdni-requirements-01 (work in progress),
              October 2011.

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              Bertrand, G., Emile, S., Watson, G., Burbridge, T.,
              Eardley, P., and K. Ma, "Use Cases for Content Delivery
              Network Interconnection", draft-ietf-cdni-use-cases-00
              (work in progress), September 2011.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2616]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
              Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
              Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [RFC4346]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1", RFC 4346, April 2006.

9.2.  Informative References

              ATIS, "ATIS IPTV Content on Demand Service", 2010, <ATIS
              IPTV Content on Demand Service>.

              Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), "Transport of MPEG-2 TS
              Based DVB Services over IP Based Networks", 2003, <http://

              ETSI, "Progressive Download and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming
              over HTTP", 2010,

              Davie, B. and L. Peterson, "Framework for CDN
              Interconnection", draft-davie-cdni-framework-00 (work in
              progress), July 2011.

              Niven-Jenkins, B., Ferguson, D., and G. Watson, "CDN
              Interconnect Metadata", draft-jenkins-cdni-metadata-00
              (work in progress), September 2011.

              Ma, K., "Content Distribution Network Interconnection
              (CDNI) Metadata Interface", draft-ma-cdni-metadata-00
              (work in progress), October 2011.

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              Pantos, R., "HTTP Live Streaming",
              draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-07 (work in progress),
              September 2011.

              Peterson, L. and J. Hartman, "A Simple Approach to CDN
              Interconnection", draft-peterson-cdni-strawman-01 (work in
              progress), May 2011.

              Stiemerling, M., "Considerations on Request Routing for
              CDNI", draft-stiemerling-cdni-routing-cons-00 (work in
              progress), July 2011.

              Thompson, B. and A. Kobayashi, "ATIS Internet Sourced
              Content Initiative and Relevance to CDNI",
              draft-thompson-cdni-atis-scenarios-00 (work in progress),
              March 2011.

   [RFC4627]  Crockford, D., "The application/json Media Type for
              JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)", RFC 4627, July 2006.

              ATIS, "Cloud Data Management Interface", 2010,

              Mtv-anytime, "Metadata Specification Version 1.3", 2003,

Appendix A.  GPX XML Schema fields exensibility

   Following is an example of extension in XML.  GPX 1.1 (See is a popular datamodel for
   geolocalization information exchange.  GPX includes GPS localization
   (way point) and navigation information (routes and tracks).  Each
   object includes an 'extensions' element.

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   localization information elements

   <xsd:complexType name="gpxType">
   <xsd:element name="metadata" type="metadataType"/>
   <xsd:element name="wpt" type="wptType"/>
   <xsd:element name="rte" type="rteType"/>
   <xsd:element name="trk" type="trkType"/>
   <xsd:element name="extensions" type="extensionsType" />

   Metadata information elements

   <xsd:complexType name="metadataType">
   <-- elements must appear in this order -->
   <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="desc" type="xsd:string""/>
   <xsd:element name="author" type="personType"/>
   <xsd:element name="copyright" type="copyrightType"/>
   <xsd:element name="link" type="linkType"/>
   <xsd:element name="time" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
   <xsd:element name="keywords" type="xsd:string"/>
   <xsd:element name="bounds" type="boundsType"/>
   <xsd:element name="extensions" type="extensionsType"/>
   Figure #, GPX XML Schema Extension field

Authors' Addresses

   Stephan Emile
   France Telecom Orange
   2 avenue Pierre Marzin
   Lannion  F-22307


Stephan, et al.          Expires April 26, 2012                [Page 41]
Internet-Draft     CDNi content distribution metadata       October 2011

   Bertrand Gilles
   France Telecom Orange
   38-40 rue du General Leclerc
   Issy Les Moulineaux  F-92794


   Fieau Frederic
   France Telecom Orange
   2 avenue Pierre Marzin
   Lannion  F-22307


   Pages Remi
   France Telecom Orange
   38-40 rue du General Leclerc
   Issy Les Moulineaux  F-92794


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